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Extracting fields using the OCR

LogicalDOC allows the extraction of fields from your scans using barcodes or OCR zones. The prerequisite is that the document must be assigned to a template that define a list of extended attributes.

Extract the fields with the Zonal OCR

In the Capture tab open the OCR Template drop-down list and select one of the OCR templates available for the document's template and save.

Now you an click on the Process button to start the elaboration, at the end just open the Ext. Properties tab to see how the fields were extracted.

Extract the fields with the Barcodes

In the Capture tab open the Barcode Template drop-down list and select one of the barcode templates available for the document's template and save.

Now you an click on the Process button to start the elaboration, at the end just open the Ext. Properties tab to see how the fields were extracted.