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Working with Documents

You can work on documents by accessing the Documents area. Click on a folder in the browser, and at the right side, a grid will show you all of the documents that it contains.

The documents grid allows the selection of multiple elements while a contextual menu will show all of the allowed operations on the selection.

If you click on a single document, a set of panels will appear below, showing you all of the metadata.

The first 100 records are shown by default. However, this can be changed by using the Display button of the toolbar. For each record, a set of icons will show the status of the document, indicating if it is already indexed, checked out, signed, etc.

The following are the most important status icons:

Document indexed and full-text searchable
Document is immutable and cannot be altered
Document locked. Only the administrator or the owner can unlock it
Document checked-out. Only the owner can perform a check-in uploading a new revision
Document signed. By clicking on the icon you download the singed copy
Document protected by password
Document is bookmarked
Document contains a stamp. By clicking on the icon you download the stamped copy