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Searching your documents

The LogicalDOC's search engine is the heart of the system. It allows quick access to the information when you need it. The fastest way to search for documents is to use the full-text search. At the top of the screen is the quick search box . You must enter a search expression and then click on the icon with the magnifying glass.

The visualization is now switched to the Search screen where a list of hits is shown . Each element can be expanded to show a snippet of text evaluated for its relevance to the given search expression.

When you select a document, its details are loaded in the panel below. In general, you can operate in the same way that you do in the folders browser.

By default, the search returns the first 40 hits. If the system detects a possible greater number of results, you will be informed with a message in the status bar. If you want to include more hits, simply type the desired number in the Display field of the tool bar.

Security checks

The documents that you receive as the result of a search are only those which are also accessible by your account.