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Kofax Bridge

Kofax Express is an easy-to-use, batch-oriented document scan application for Windows capable of high-speed scanning with real-time Zonal OCR and indexing. You can find more informations here:

The Kofax Bridge is an integration tool provided by LogicalDOC that processes the output of Kofax Express and imports your scans as well as the extracted fields into the central repository. The combination of Kofax Express and Kofax Bridge adds to LogicalDOC good Zonal OCR capabilities.

Install and Configure Kofax Express

After the installation of the Kofax Express application, you have to create one or more scan Jobs configured in a way that could be correctly processed by Kofax Bridge.

>>Please read this guide that explains how to setup a simple Job to process invoices<<

Install and Configure Kofax Bridge

Get the installation file from the download website. To install LogicalDOC Kofax Bridge unpack the zip archive then open a terminal window and execute the command from command line:

$ java -jar logicaldoc-kofax-installer.jar

During the setup you will be required to put the connection parameters to your LogicalDOC installation.

On Windows, after the installation you will have a new Windows service and in the status bar a new icon will appear.

In order to configure the import batches, please right click on the LogicalDOC Kofax icon and choose Settings. A console will appear and will alow you to configure the different batches to monitor.

For each  batch you have to specify:

  • The local path where Kofax Express exports the output of this batch
  • A taget folder in LogicalDOC that will receive your scans
  • The template that defines the the same fields extracted by Kofax Express

It is important to note that each batch is associated to a template and that the names of the attributes of this template must match the fields configured in Kofax Express, in this way the extracted informations will be stored in the documents' extended attributes.

At this point the Bridge is completely configured and running, so you can work with the Kofax Express application and from time to time the Kofax Bridge will import in LogicalDOC your scans with the metadata extracted and stored as extended attributes.