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All of the documents evolve according to a defined life cycle. There are different ways that this can be done. One option is to use a workflow.

A workflow is a process in which a chain of users is defined to review, approve or reject a document. Workflows are traditionally used to validate documents (make them go to an "Approved" state), but they can also be used to have the document reviewed without a life cycle state change.

Your workflows can be created in the Workflow designer integrated in the LogicalDOC application. Users who are involved in workflows are alerted by email. They can have a synthetic view of all of the tasks that they have to do on documents in their dashboard. The documents for review are listed there.

The administrator creates workflow templates based on his organizational business process. Any system user may be involved in a workflow on one or more documents. 

The workflow consists of Tasks and Transitions that a collection of documents must pass through before the workflow can be considered complete.

  • Task: can be defined as a stage in a document’s life- cycle, such as 'billed', or 'draft'. Each workflow has a single start task, which is the initial task (displayed in green).
  • Transition: defines how documents move between tasks in the workflow. Transitions are actions that move a document to the next task.

Properly configure the SMTP connection

The workflow engine notifies the required persons when tasks must to be worked on , so it is important to correctly configure the connection to your SMTP server.