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General Informations

Here you can find all the system informations: product version, installation ID, statistics, sessions and system log.


Here you can find all the statistics regarding the Hard Disk usage by, for example, documents, imports and exports, database folders. The number of indexed, not indexed or trashed documents inside the system. The number of folder empty or not and those trashed inside the system.


Here you can visualize the list of all users that are currently working or have been recently worked into the system. After the authentication, when a user enter into the system, the application assigns to the working session a unique identifier. In this way the user can always be tracked. This panel lists all the user identifiers, the session status (opened, closed or expired), the username, the session creation time, the last session restoration time. Finally, for security and administration reasons, you can kill other opened sessions right clicking on the session item and then selecting the Kill context menu item.


Runlevel is a mode of operation in the LogicalDOC system. Conventionally five runlevels exist: Default, Bulkload, Devel, Demo and updated.

A runlevel defines the state of the LogicalDOC application after boot. For each runlevel you can specify which aspects are enabled, normally LogicalDOC stays in the Default runlevel. You can change the current runlevel between a list of allowed choices, after a runlevel change the restart is required.


In this panel you can see the system's log to monitor the application behavior. From here you can also download the logs and send them to the support team for the required investigations.

The log for the Support Team

When a problem occurs and you engage the support team, most of the time we will have to inspect your logs, so just click on the Download the logs button and send us the downloaded .zip package.