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Alerts on folder's events

Alerts are emails automatically sent to users when an event occurs in a folder. Users can follow the activities inside a folder.

Subscribing to alerts

You can subscribe to a folder or all the sub-tree by right clicking on the folder and then selecting the Subscribe menu item.

In the following dialog box you can choose to be notified about any event or just a selection of them.

Here you can select the events you are interested in and confirm the subscription.

Managing your subscriptions

To manage your subscriptions click the menu Account > Subscriptions

You can see the list of items you are following, so to unsubscribe one of them right-click on it and choose Delete.

Subscribing other users

If you have the Subscription permission in the current folder, you can enter the Subscriptions tab in the folder's details panel and subscribe users and groups.

Use the Add Group or Add User control to add the desired users, when you add a new subscription it will be configured to receive alerts of a default set of events but you can change this setting by right clicking on the item and choosing the menu Edit.

RSS updates

You can also follow a folder by registering it's RSS feed, just right click on the foilder and then coose the RSS feed menu item.

For security reasons you will be asked to provide your credentials.