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Zoho Docs

Zoho Docs is a free online application that allows you to create and edit documents on the web without the need of any word processing software. Zoho Docs integration appears in LogicalDOC as an entry in the Tools menu. From the submenu, you can choose to edit text documents, calculation sheets, and presentations, or import and export documents between LogicalDOC and Zoho.

The first time you want to use Zoho from within LogicalDOC, you have to properly configure the Zoho API in your Zoho account, please read the guide Configuring Zoho API


First thing you have to do if want to start working with Zoho is to authorize LogicalDOC in Tools > Zoho > Authorize

In the form put your credentials and click Authorize.

Edit a Document

Select the document you wish to edit, and choose Edit document (Tools > Zoho > Edit document). A new popup window appears.

You have to click in the provided link to open the Zoho editor in another tab, once you have finished your editing, just come here again and click Checkin to confirm your modifications. While you are editing a file in Zoho, the document is locked.

Import from Zoho

Click on Import from Zoho (Tools > Zoho > Import from Zoho). Using the browser select the files folders you wish to import, then click Select.

Export to Zoho

Select the documents you wish to export. Click on Export to Zoho  (Tools > Zoho > Export to Zoho).