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Configuring ShareFile API access

1. Visit the ShareFile administration

To allow LogicalDOC to have access to your ShareFile account you have to prepare an API Key first, so enter your DocuSign API console at administration an click on the Get an API key link.

That will lead you to the API Key Generator:

ShareFile key gen

2. Generate the API Key

Fill the Application Name field with whatever name, i.e. logicaldoc

In the Redirect URL field put the an url in the format  where is the domain that ShareFile will use to contact your LogicalDOC installation.

ShareFile key gen

Click on Generate API Key and you will see your new key in the list below, each key defines a Client Id and a Client Secret, you will then use those codes in LogicalDOC.

ShareFile api key


HTTPS is manadatory

ShareFiles must communicate with LogicalDOC through the HTTPS protocol, this is a design choice of ShareFile adopted to maximize the security. As a result it is mandatory to make LogicalDOC accessible over the Internet through HTTPS with a valid certificate.

3. Go back to LogicalDOC, and enter the informations

Open the menu Tools > ShareFile > Authorize  and paste the informations from the key you just created.

Report Parameter

Then press on Authorize and follow complete authentication in ShareFile.

Callback URL

Make sure that the Callback URL you configured in the API key, matches the Server URL you see in Administration > Settings > Parameters > server.url