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Configuring Google Drive API access in LogicalDOC


Visit the Google API console, and create a new project

To allow LogicalDOC to access your Google Drive account, enter into your Google API Console and then create a new project called LogicalDOC.

Google API new project


Enable the Google Drive API

Make sure to enable the Google Drive API by clicking on ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES and choosing the right service

Add Google Drive API

Then enable it.

Enable Google Drive API

So that it becomes an active service:

Google Drive API enabled


Set up the consent screen

You have to enter in OAuth consent screen at this point.

Google Drive API consent screen

You may also customize your consent screen:

Google Drive API consent screen


Set up API access credentials (OAuth)

Open the menu Credentials then click on CREATE CREDENTIALS

Google Drive API credentials

Here choose OAuth client ID:

Google Drive API OAuth

And opt of Web appliction:

Google Drive API OAuth webapp

In Authorized redirect URI put the URL of your LogicalDOC followed by the /gdrive/oauth2callback suffix, you can put several URLs here if you reach LogicalDOC in different ways.

No need to put anything in Authorized JavaScript origins.

Google Drive API callbacks

You will then be shown your client ID and secret.

Google Drive API client id

Google Drive API credentials lis


Go back to LogicalDOC and enter the credentials

Open the menu Tools > Google Drive > Authorize  and paste the client ID and secret.

Then press on Authorize and you’re done.