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Configuring DocuSign API access

1. Visit the DocuSign administration

To allow LogicalDOC to have access to your DocuSign account you have to prepare an integration key first, so enter your DocuSign administration an click on the API and Keys link in the INTEGRATIONS menu.

Report Parameter

This will lead you to your account informations:

Report Parameter

2. Add the LogicalDOC APP

Click on the button ADD APP / INTEGRATION KEY

Report Parameter

Use LogicalDOC as App Name.

Report Parameter


Make sure to choose the Authorization Code Grant authentication method-

Add a secret key and save it somewhere, you will need it later.

Callback URL


In the Additional Settings add the callback URL that DocuSign will use to communicate with LogicalDOC, here you have to use the first part of the URL you normally use to access LogicalDOC but append docusign-callback. If you access LogicalDOC with https://your_logicaldoc_hostname then the callback URL must be https://your_logicaldoc_hostname/docusign-callback

3. Go back to LogicalDOC, and enter the informations

Open the menu Tools > DocuSign > Authorize  and paste the informations from your DocuSign account.

Report Parameter

Then press on Authorize and you’re done.