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The storages are containers that LogicalDOC uses to save the files of your documents, these containers are not human readable and are handled exclusively by the system.

You can define more storages by using the button Add Storage. In order to change a specific storage, just double click on the corresponding row to enter the editing mode. Only one storage will be the one used by default for writings (right click on the storage and then select Make default storage).


In the same LogicalDOC installation you may configure different storage types

Storage Type Description Configuration
Local Folder Works in the local file system

Path: full path of a directory in the local file system

encryption: true =  documents are encrypted, false = documents are stored in clear form

SMB network share Uses a remote share that supports the SMB protocol(version 1, 2 or 3)

Path: full path of a network share

username, password: the credentials to use to connect the remote folder

domain: the Microsoft domain, in general you do not need to put this information

encryption: true =  documents are encrypted, false = documents are stored in clear form

Amazon S3 Works with an S3 bucket

Path: path inside the bucket used as root of the repository

bucket: name of the bucket to use

accesKey, secretKey: the credentials to use to connect the remote service

encryption: true =  documents are encrypted, false = documents are stored in clear form

Amazon S3(IAM role) Works with an S3 bucket using an IAM role

Path: path inside the bucket used as root of the repository

bucket: name of the bucket to use

role: name of the IAM role to use

region: the region where is implemented the bucket. See here the list of all the admitted regions

encryption: true = documents are encrypted, false = documents are stored in clear form

Microsoft Azure

Works with an Azure blob container.

Note: disable "Secure transfer required"

Path: path inside the container used as root of the repository

container: name of the container to use

accountName, accountKey: the credentials to use to connect the remote service

encryption: true =  documents are encrypted, false = documents are stored in clear form


Make sure that you have no storages nested inside each other or you can experience loss of information.


The encryption option enforces the security of your contents in case of intrusion in the server but this will reduce the performances of the system at the time to serve the files. So limit the use of this option when it is really necessary.


A set of folders store resources used by LogicalDOC:

  • exportdir: where the export archives are created
  • importdir: where the import archives must be placed
  • logdir: stores the log files
  • plugindir: where the plugins save their settings
  • userdir: contains resources associated to user profiles