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LogicalDOC normally uses the HTTP or HTTPS protocols but it also implements additional protocols you might want to control in the Protocols section.

Additional protocols implemented by LogicalDOC

Protocol Description Configuration
WebService Used for programmatically interacting with LogicalDOC from a 3rd party application. See more here.

Enabled: enables or disables this protocol

CMIS Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) is an open standard that allows different content management systems to inter-operate over the Internet.

Enabled: enables or disables this protocol

Change Log: if enabled, the client can obtain the last events happened since a given date

Max items: maximum number of elements returned when the client asks for the change log

WebDAV Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning is a long-standing protocol that enables a webserver to act as a fileserver and support collaborative authoring of content on the web.

Enabled: enables or disables this protocol

Depth: maximum depth of preventive introspection

FTP The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used for the transfer of computer files between a client and server on a computer network.

Enabled: enables or disables this protocol

Port: the working port

Encryption(FTPS): if you want the FTPS encrypted protocol instead of the standard FTP

Key Store: the path where it is located the Java Key Store that contains your certificate

Key Store alias: alias of the certificate to use

Key Store password: password to access the Key Store

External Call

The External Call allows the user to invoke an external 3rd party application from the documen't context menu.

If you enable the External Call, a new menu item will appear when the user selects a document in the interface.

  • Name: the menu item name
  • Base URL: the URL that the browser will be redirected to. LogicalDOC will always append the ID of the selected document additional as parameter
  • Suffix: an optional suffix string to be appended at the end of the URL
  • Target window: name of the browser's window(default is _blank which creates a new window)
  • Parameter User: appends the ID of the current user as parameter in the URL
  • Parameter Title: appends the title of the selected document as parameter in the URL