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A comparator is a component able to compare the contents of two files of same format or different versions of the same document. In the Associations section you can choose what comparator to use for a specific format. The drop down list only shows the comparators currently registerred for that given format. Once you have completed your changes click on Save to confirm.

Configure the Comparators

The section Comparators shows the list of all the installed comparators and some of them may require some configuration parameters. To configure a comparator just expand it's row and open the configuration table. To change a specific parameter just double click in the value cell, apply your modifications and confirm by pressing Enter. At the end you can save all the configurations by pressing the Save button in the toolbar.

In the same LogicalDOC installation you may configure different comparators

Comparator Description Configuration
BasicComparator Simple plain text comparation without formatting  
WorkshareComparator Uses the Work Share comparator to provide professional comparation capabilities and good formatting

deltavw: path to the DeltaVw.exe file

See also: Compare documents and versions