All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- AbiWordParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Text extractor for AbiWord documents.
- AbiWordParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.AbiWordParser
- AboutDialog - Class in
This is the about dialog.
- AboutDialog() - Constructor for class
Public constructor
- absolute(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- AbstractAnnotationsWindow - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note
A superclass for those windows that display annotations
- AbstractAttributeSet - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
A base class for attribute sets and templates
- AbstractAttributeSet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AbstractAttributeSet
- AbstractAuthenticator - Class in
A place to put common methods of the authenticators
- AbstractAuthenticator() - Constructor for class
- AbstractConnection - Class in
A connection line between two nodes
- AbstractDataServlet - Class in
An abstract implementation for data servlets.
- AbstractDocument - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
The Document is the central entity of LogicalDOC.
- AbstractDocumentProcessor - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.task
A base implementation for those tasks that process documents
- AbstractEmailDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.dialogs
A generic dialog box for sending emails
- AbstractExportContext - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.context
For more informations, please visit
- AbstractFormatConverter - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
Abstract format converter.
- AbstractJob - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.job
This represents a unit of work to be scheduled in Quartz
- AbstractParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Abstract implementation of a Parser
- AbstractParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.AbstractParser
- AbstractRemoteService - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Main class for the GWT remote service implementations
- AbstractRestClient<T> - Class in
Parent for all RESTful clients
- AbstractService - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice
Basepoint for creating webservices implementations
- AbstractService() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.AbstractService
- AbstractShape - Class in
- AbstractStore - Class in
Common methods for all the Store implementations.
- AbstractTestCase - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.junit
Abstract test case that of database and context initialization.
- AbstractTestCase() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.junit.AbstractTestCase
- AbstractThumbnailBuilder - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail
Main starting point for all thumbnail builders
- AbstractWebdavServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.web
A base for building a WebDAV servlet
- AbstractWebdavServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.AbstractWebdavServlet
- AccessControlEntry - Class in
Represents all the permissions granted to a group against a business object
- AccessControlEntry() - Constructor for class
- AccessControlEntry(long) - Constructor for class
- AccessControlEntry(AccessControlEntry) - Constructor for class
- AccessControlListDS - Class in
Data source to handle rights on an object.
- AccessControlListDS(long, String) - Constructor for class
- AccessControlUtil - Class in
Some utility methods for the access control
- AccessDeniedException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
Thrown in case of invalid session
- AccessDeniedException() - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.AccessDeniedException
- AccessDeniedException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.AccessDeniedException
- ACCOUNT - Static variable in class
- ACCOUNT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- ACCOUNT_SIGNATURE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- AccountDisabledException - Exception Class in
Raised when the account exists but it is disabled
- AccountDisabledException() - Constructor for exception class
- AccountDisabledException(Authenticator) - Constructor for exception class
- AccountExpiredException - Exception Class in
Raised when the account is expired
- AccountExpiredException(Date) - Constructor for exception class
- AccountInactiveException - Exception Class in
Raised when the account is interpreted as inactive because it was not interacting since a lot of days
- AccountInactiveException() - Constructor for exception class
- AccountInactiveException(int) - Constructor for exception class
- AccountInactiveException(Authenticator) - Constructor for exception class
- AccountMenu - Class in
Collects various actions for the user's account
- AccountMenu() - Constructor for class
- AccountNotFoundException - Exception Class in
Raised when the specified user was not found
- AccountNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception class
- AccountNotFoundException(Authenticator) - Constructor for exception class
- AccountNotFoundException(Authenticator, String) - Constructor for exception class
- AccountTypeNotAllowedException - Exception Class in
Raised when truing to enter with an account of a unknown type
- AccountTypeNotAllowedException() - Constructor for exception class
- AccountTypeNotAllowedException(Authenticator) - Constructor for exception class
- AclDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible retrieving the Access Control List for documents, folders, menus and templates
- AclDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- ACTION_ARCHIVE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- ACTION_DELETE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- ACTION_UNPUBLISH - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- ACTIVABLE_FEATURES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- add(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.Clipboard
- add(E) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LimitedQueue
- ADD - Enum constant in enum class
- addAccessControlEntry(AccessControlEntry) - Method in interface
Adds a new entry, replacing a previous one with the same groupId.
- addAccessControlEntry(AccessControlEntry) - Method in class
- addAccessControlEntry(AccessControlEntry) - Method in class
- addAce(GUIAccessControlEntry) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
- addAce(GUIAccessControlEntry) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- addAce(GUIAccessControlEntry) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- addAttachment(int, EMailAttachment) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- addAttachment(EMailAttachment) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- addAttendee(GUIAttendee) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- addAttendee(GUIGroup) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- addAttribute(GUIAttribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- addAttribute(WSAttribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeSet
- addAttribute(WSAttribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- addAttribute(WSAttribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- addAttribute(WSAttribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTemplate
- addAttributeOption(long, String, WSAttributeOption) - Method in interface
Add a new option for the given attribute
- addAttributeOption(long, String, WSAttributeOption) - Method in class
- addAttributeOption(String, long, String, WSAttributeOption) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- addAttributeOption(String, long, String, WSAttributeOption) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Add a new option for the given attribute
- addAttributeOption(String, long, String, WSAttributeOption) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
- AddAttributeOptionDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
This popup window is used to define a new attribute's option.
- AddAttributeOptionDialog(long, String, ListGrid) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AddAttributeOptionDialog
- addAttributes(ListGridRecord[]) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplatePropertiesPanel
- addAttributeValue(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
Appends a new value for a given multiple attribute.
- addBatch() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.NamedParameterStatement
Adds the current set of parameters as a batch entry.
- addBookmark(Resource, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
- addBookmark(Resource, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- addBookmarks(List<Long>, int) - Method in interface
Adds new bookmarks
- addBookmarks(List<Long>, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- addBookmarks(List<Long>, int, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- addCache(String, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.CacheConfigurator
- addCalendar(String, Calendar, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- addCanvas(Canvas) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
Adds a new canvas
- addCanvases(Collection<Canvas>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
Adds a collection of canvases
- addCellClickHandler(CellClickHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderBrowser
- addChangeOnDiagramHandler(ChangeOnDiagramHandler) - Method in class
- addChild(Stub) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.Stub
- addChild(StubTypeTree) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.StubTypeTree
- addComment(String, String, CommentVO) - Method in class
- addCommentForm(String, String, String) - Method in class
- addCondition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSearchForm
- addCondition() - Method in class
- addConnection(Connection) - Method in class
- addContextParam(String, String, String, WebConfigurator.INIT_PARAM) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adding a contextparam to the web.xml
- addCookie(Cookie) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- addDashlet(GUIDashlet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- addDateHeader(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- addDays(Date, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Adds a given amount of days to a date(you can add negative values to go back in time)
- addDecoration(Widget, Connection) - Method in class
Add a widget as a decoration on a connection
- addDeleteClickHandler(ClickHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.AnnotationContextMenu
- addDocument(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- addDocumentChangeListener(DocumentChangeListener) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.DocumentSelector
- addDocuments(boolean, String, boolean, GUIDocument) - Method in interface
- addDocuments(boolean, String, boolean, GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- addDocuments(boolean, String, boolean, GUIDocument, AsyncCallback<List<GUIDocument>>) - Method in interface
- addDocuments(long, List<Long>) - Method in interface
Adds a set of documents(their current versions) to the given archive
- addDocuments(long, List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- addDocuments(String, long, boolean, String, boolean, Long) - Method in interface
Adds new documents previously uploaded
- addDocuments(String, long, boolean, String, boolean, Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- addDocuments(String, long, boolean, String, boolean, Long, AsyncCallback<List<GUIDocument>>) - Method in interface
- addDocumentTags(long, List<String>) - Method in class
- addDocumentTags(long, List<String>) - Method in class
- addDocumentTags(long, List<String>) - Method in interface
Adds tags to a document
- addDocumentTags(String, long, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapTagClient
- addDocumentTags(String, long, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapTagService
- addDocumentTags(String, long, List<String>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.TagService
Adds tags to a document
- AddDocumentUsingForm - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.form
This popup window is used to create a new document based on a selected form.
- AddDocumentUsingForm() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.form.AddDocumentUsingForm
- ADDED_TO_CALEVENT - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- addEntry(File, String, InputStream) - Static method in class
- addEntry(String, String, String) - Method in class
- addError(ValidationError) - Method in exception class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationException
- addEvent(GUIEvent) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.MessagesWindow
- addField(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- addField(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- addFilter(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a new filter to the deployment descriptor.
- addFilterInitParam(String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
- addFilterInitParam(String, String, String, String, WebConfigurator.INIT_PARAM) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a init parameter to the filter
- addFilterMapping(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a new filter mapping to the deployment descriptor.
- addFolder(long, long) - Method in interface
Adds a a folder(the current version of the contained documents at any level)
- addFolder(long, long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- addFolder(WebdavCacheFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache.WebdavCache
- addFolderChangeListener(FolderChangeListener) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.FolderSelector
- addFolderTags(long, List<String>) - Method in class
- addFolderTags(long, List<String>) - Method in class
- addFolderTags(long, List<String>) - Method in interface
Adds tags to a folder
- addFolderTags(String, long, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapTagClient
- addFolderTags(String, long, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapTagService
- addFolderTags(String, long, List<String>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.TagService
Adds tags to a folder
- addGroup(Group) - Method in class
- addGroup(GUIGroup) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- addHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- addHit(Document, InputStream) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Adds a new hit to the index
- addHit(Document, InputStream) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- addHit(Document, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Adds a new Hit into the index
- addHit(Document, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- addHtmlAppender(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
- addInitParam(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a init parameter to the servlet
- addInitParam(String, String, String, String, WebConfigurator.INIT_PARAM) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a init parameter to the servlet
- addIntHeader(String, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- addIOHandler(IOHandler) - Method in interface
- addIOHandler(IOHandler) - Method in class
- ADDITIONAL_FORMATS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- addJob(JobDetail, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- addJob(JobDetail, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- addLanguage(Locale, Language) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.LanguageManager
- addListener(EventListener) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EventCollector
- addListener(SessionListener) - Method in class
- addListener(SystemLoadListener) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.system.SystemLoadMonitor
- addListener(NotifyingThread.ThreadCompleteListener) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.NotifyingThread
- addListener(SystemEventListener) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
Adds an Listener to a particular Event given from
- addListener(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a new listener to the deployment descriptor.
- addListenerInitParam(String, String, String, WebConfigurator.INIT_PARAM) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a init parameter to the listener
- addLockManager(LockManager) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- addLockToken(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.session.DavSessionImpl
- addLogger(String, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
- addMember(DavResource, InputContext) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
Adds a new member to this resource.
- addMember(DavResource, InputContext) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionHistoryResourceImpl
- addMember(DavResource, InputContext) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionResourceImpl
- addMethodStub(WebMethodStubSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebServiceStubSet
- addMilliseconds(Date, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Adds a given amount of milliseconds to a date(you can add negative values to go back in time)
- addMinutes(Date, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Adds a given amount of minutes to a date(you can add negative values to go back in time)
- addMonths(Date, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Adds a given amount of months to a date(you can add negative values to go back in time)
- addMovablePoint(Point) - Method in class
- addNameCondition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSearchForm
Add the old-style condition on the folder's name
- addNewFunctionHandler(NewFunctionHandler) - Method in class
- addNote(long, String) - Method in interface
Adds a new document note on the given document
- addNote(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- addNote(long, String) - Method in class
- addNote(long, String) - Method in interface
Adds a new note for the given document
- addNote(long, String) - Method in class
- addNote(long, String, AsyncCallback<Long>) - Method in interface
- addNote(Document, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Creates a new note for the whole document
- addNote(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- addNote(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Adds a new note for the given document
- addNote(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- addNote(String, String, String) - Method in interface
Adds a new note on the workflow instance
- addNote(String, String, String, AsyncCallback<Long>) - Method in interface
- addObserver(DocumentObserver) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- addObserver(FolderObserver) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderController
- addObserver(ReadingRequestObserver) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.ReadingRequestController
- addObserver(UserObserver) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.UserController
- addObserver(SessionObserver) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- addObserver(ClipboardObserver) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.Clipboard
- addObserver(ChatObserver) - Method in class
- addObserver(SearchObserver) - Method in class
- addPointOnConnection(Connection, int, int) - Method in class
Add an segment on a path by adding a point on the connection
- addPropertyBeanRefList(String, String, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextConfigurator
- addQuotaAlertRecipient(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- addQuotaAlertRecipient(String) - Method in class
- addQuotaAlertRecipient(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- addQuotaAlertRecipient(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- addRecipient(Recipient) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- addReference(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.session.DavSessionImpl
- addReminder(GUIReminder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- addReportRecipient(GUIUser) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- addRequetStub(Stub) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebMethodStubSet
- addSeconds(Date, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Adds a given amount of seconds to a date(you can add negative values to go back in time)
- addServlet(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a new servlet mapping to the deployment descriptor.
- addServlet(String, String, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a new servlet to the deployment descriptor.
- addServletMapping(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a new servlet mapping to the deployment descriptor.
- addTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- addTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- addTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- addTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- addTag(String) - Method in interface
Adds a new tag in the list of available tags
- addTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.TagServiceImpl
- addTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- addTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- addTag(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- addTaskListener(TaskListener) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
- AddTemplateAttributeDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
- AddTemplateAttributeDialog(TemplatePropertiesPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AddTemplateAttributeDialog
- addTextAppender(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
- addTieLinkHandler(TieLinkHandler) - Method in class
- addTrigger(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextConfigurator
Enlists a new trigger in the scheduler
- addType(TypeDefinition) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
Adds a type to collection with inheriting base type properties
- addUnconfirmedReadings(List<GUIReadingRequest>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.ReadingRequestController
- addUntieLinkHandler(UntieLinkHandler) - Method in class
- addUser(String, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
Adds a user to the repository
- addUserToGroup(long, long) - Method in interface
Adds a user to a group
- addUserToGroup(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- addUserToGroup(long, long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- addVersionControl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.VersionControlledResourceImpl
Adds version control to this resource.
- addWidget(Widget, int, int) - Method in class
Add a widget on the diagram
- addWidgetAtMousePoint(Widget) - Method in class
- addWorkspace(DavResource) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DeltaVResourceImpl
- addYears(Date, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Adds a given amount of years to a date(you can add negative values to go back in time)
- ADMIN_SESSIONS - Static variable in class
- ADMIN_SESSIONS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- AdminAuthenticationProvider - Class in
This Authentication provider extends the standard
but in addition it is able to checks if the provided password matches the context property 'adminpswd' in cases when the database is not available or the max concurrent sessions number is reached. - AdminAuthenticationProvider() - Constructor for class
- ADMINISTRATION - Static variable in class
- ADMINISTRATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- AdminMenu - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration
The left menu in the administration area
- AdminPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration
Represents a panel to be shown in the right part of the administration screen.
- AdminScreen - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration
Represents the Administration Screen
- afterCheckin(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentInitializer
- afterCheckin(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentListener
Called after a document is checked in
- afterCheckin(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentValidator
- afterLast() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DefaultSchedulerFactory
- afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskTrigger
- afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class
- afterSave() - Method in class
Invoked after the data was saved on the server.
- afterSaveHistory(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentInitializer
- afterSaveHistory(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentListener
Called after an event has been stored
- afterSaveHistory(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentValidator
- afterStore(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentInitializer
- afterStore(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentListener
Called after a document is stored in the database
- afterStore(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentValidator
- afterStore(Folder, FolderHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderInitializer
- afterStore(Folder, FolderHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderListener
Called after a folder is stored in the database
- afterStore(Folder, FolderHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderValidator
- afterStore(User, UserHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface
Called after a user is stored in the database
- ALIAS_CREATED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- ALIASES - Static variable in class
- ALIASES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- AliasesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel shows the aliases of a folder
- AliasesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This panel shows the aliases of a folder
- AliasesPanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.AliasesPanel
- AliasesPanel(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.AliasesPanel
- all() - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- all() - Static method in enum class
- ALL_MESSAGES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- ALL_SUBSCRIPTIONS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- ALL_TASKS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- allowSynchronized() - Method in class
- allowSynchronized() - Method in class
- alterProperties(List) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionHistoryResourceImpl
- alterProperties(List) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionResourceImpl
- alterProperties(List<? extends PropEntry>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- alterProperties(DavPropertySet, DavPropertyNameSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- alterProperties(DavPropertySet, DavPropertyNameSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionHistoryResourceImpl
- alterProperties(DavPropertySet, DavPropertyNameSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionResourceImpl
- AndroidPlugin - Class in
Entry-point for the Android Mobile plug-in
- AndroidPlugin() - Constructor for class
- AnnotationContextMenu - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note
The context menu used to edit an annotation
- AnnotationContextMenu(DrawItem, GUIDocumentNote) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.AnnotationContextMenu
- ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- AnnotationsWindow - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note
A Window to display annotations in a document
- AnnotationsWindow(GUIDocument, String, NoteChangeListener, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.AnnotationsWindow
- ANONYMOUS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- AnonymousLoginFilter - Class in
- AnonymousLoginFilter() - Constructor for class
- ANTIVIRUS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- AntivirusPanel - Class in
This panel shows the Antivirus settings
- AntivirusPanel() - Constructor for class
- ApiCallsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols
Displays the API Calls with search form
- ApiCallsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols.ApiCallsPanel
- ApiCallsReport - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports
This panel is used to show the API calls.
- ApiCallsReport() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.ApiCallsReport
- ApiKey - Class in
A secret key to use when connecting to the Webservices API
- ApiKey() - Constructor for class
- ApiKey(long, String) - Constructor for class
- ApiKeyAuthenticator - Class in
This authenticator uses the API Key
- ApiKeyAuthenticator() - Constructor for class
- ApiKeyBlockedException - Exception Class in
Raised when the remote client is in the black list
- ApiKeyBlockedException() - Constructor for exception class
- ApiKeyDAO - Interface in
DAO for
handling. - ApiKeys - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account
This panel shows the list of the user's API Keys.
- ApiKeys() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.ApiKeys
- APIKEYS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- ApiKeysDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for templates data.
- ApiKeysDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- ApiKeysDS - Class in
Data Source to handle API Keys grid lists.
- ApiKeysDS() - Constructor for class
- ApiOriginFilter - Class in demo.jaxrs.openapi.server
This is a simple optional CORS filter used for this demo to make the resources accessible from other origins.
- ApiOriginFilter() - Constructor for class demo.jaxrs.openapi.server.ApiOriginFilter
- appendAttribute(GUIAttribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- appendAttribute(GUIAttribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- appendBarcodeZone(GUIBarcodeZone) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeTemplate
- appendContent(CallContext, String, ContentStream, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
Appends content into existing file
- appendContentStream(String, Holder<String>, Holder<String>, ContentStream, boolean, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- appendDocuments(String, List<Long>) - Method in interface
Appends to the workflow of the given taskId the documents with the given doc ids
- appendDocuments(String, List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- appendFile(String, String) - Static method in class
- appendMessage(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.chatgpt.ThreadWindow
- appendZone(GUIZone) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- ApplicationListener - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.listener
Listener that initializes relevant system stuffs during application startup and session life cycle.
- ApplicationListener() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.listener.ApplicationListener
- ApplicationRestarting - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
This is the window that must be showed to the user during the restart
- applyAllToTemplates(long, String) - Method in interface
Forces all the settings of an attribute to all those templates that use it
- applyAllToTemplates(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.AttributeSetServiceImpl
- applyAllToTemplates(long, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- applyGridLayout(long) - Method in interface
Replicates the folder's grid layout to all the subtree
- applyGridLayout(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- applyGridLayout(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- applyGridToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Propagates the grid layout of a node to the whole sub-tree
- applyGridToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- applyInitializationToTemplates(long, String) - Method in interface
Forces the initialization of an attribute to all those templates that use it
- applyInitializationToTemplates(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.AttributeSetServiceImpl
- applyInitializationToTemplates(long, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- applyMetadata(long) - Method in interface
Applies all extended attributes to a sub-tree
- applyMetadata(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- applyMetadata(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- applyMetadataToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Propagates the template metadata to the whole subree
- applyMetadataToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- applyOCR(long) - Method in interface
Applies all OCR settings to a sub-tree
- applyOCR(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- applyOCR(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- applyOCRToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Propagates the OCR settings to the whole subree
- applyOCRToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- applyParentFolderSecurity(long) - Method in interface
Applies all security settings from the folder to the document
- applyParentFolderSecurity(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- applyParentFolderSecurity(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- applyParentFolderSecurity(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Replaces the document's security policies with those from the parent folder
- applyParentFolderSecurity(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- applySecurityToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Propagates the security policies of a node to the whole sub-tree
- applySecurityToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- applyStamp(List<Long>, GUIStamp) - Method in interface
Applies a stamp to the given document
- applyStamp(List<Long>, GUIStamp, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- applyStore(long) - Method in interface
Applies the store setting to a sub-tree
- applyStore(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- applyStore(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- applyStoreToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Propagates the store setting to the whole subree
- applyStoreToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- applyTags(long) - Method in interface
Applies all tags to a sub-tree
- applyTags(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- applyTags(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- applyTagsToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Propagates the tags to the whole subree
- applyTagsToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- applyTemplate(long, long, boolean) - Method in interface
Applies a template to a folder
- applyTemplate(long, long, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- applyTemplate(long, long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- applyTemplate(long, String, boolean, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Applies a folder template
- ApplyTemplateDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This is the form used to apply a folder template
- ApplyTemplateDialog() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.ApplyTemplateDialog
- applyTriggersToTree(long) - Method in interface
Applies the triggers on a root folder to all the subtree
- applyTriggersToTree(long) - Method in interface
Applies the triggers on a root folder to all the subtree
- applyTriggersToTree(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- applyTriggersToTree(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- applyValidationToTemplates(long, String) - Method in interface
Forces the validation of an attribute to all those templates that use it
- applyValidationToTemplates(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.AttributeSetServiceImpl
- applyValidationToTemplates(long, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- archive(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Archives a document
- archive(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- ARCHIVE - Enum constant in enum class
- ARCHIVED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- ARCHIVED_DOCS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- ArchivedDocsDS - Class in
Datasource to handle achived documents grid lists.
- ArchivedDocsDS(Long, Integer) - Constructor for class
- ArchivedDocsReport - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports
This panel shows a list of archived documents
- ArchivedDocsReport() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.ArchivedDocsReport
- ArchiveDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives
This panel collects all archives details
- ArchiveDetailsPanel(ExportArchivesList, long, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ArchiveDetailsPanel
- ArchiveDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives
This is the form used to create a new Archive
- ArchiveDialog(ExportArchivesList) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ArchiveDialog
- archiveDocuments(List<Long>, String) - Method in interface
Archives a set of documents
- archiveDocuments(List<Long>, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- archiveDocuments(List<Long>, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- archiveDocuments(Set<Long>, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Archives all the documents in a folder's tree
- archiveDocuments(Set<Long>, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- archiveFolder(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Archives all the documents in a folder's tree
- archiveFolder(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- archiveFolder(long, String) - Method in interface
Archives the documents in a folder
- archiveFolder(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- archiveFolder(long, String, AsyncCallback<Long>) - Method in interface
- ArchivesDS - Class in
Datasource to handle impex archives grid lists.
- ArchivesDS(int, Integer, Integer, Long) - Constructor for class
- ArchiveStatusListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives
A field to display the archive status, it must be bound to a boolean column named status
- ArchiveStatusListGridField() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ArchiveStatusListGridField
- ARCHIVING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- arrayToString(Object[], String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.StringUtil
- ARTIFICIAL_INTELLIGENCE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- ask(String) - Method in interface
Sends a question to ChatGPT in the current thread
- ask(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- ask(String, String, BooleanCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
- ask(String, String, Integer, BooleanCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
Show a dialog to confirm a operation
- askForDocumentPassword(String, String, Integer, ValueCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
- askForPassword(Long, DocumentProtectionManager.DocumentProtectionHandler) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocumentProtectionManager
Controls the document and asks the user for a password(if needed).
- askForString(String, String, String, ValueCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
- askForStringMandatory(String, String, String, ValueCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
- askForValue(String, String, String, ValueCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
- askForValue(String, String, String, FormItem, ValueCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
- askForValue(String, String, String, FormItem, Integer, ValueCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
Shows a dialog asking for a value to complete an operation.
- askForValue(String, String, String, FormItem, Integer, ValueCallback, ClickHandler) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
Shows a dialog asking for a value to complete an operation.
- askForValue(String, String, String, Integer, ValueCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
Show a dialog asking for a value to complete a operation
- askForValues(String, String, List<FormItem>, Integer, ValueCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
Show a dialog asking for a set of values to complete an operation.
- askForValues(String, String, List<FormItem>, Integer, ValueCallback, ClickHandler) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
Show a dialog asking for a set of values to complete an operation.
- askReadingConfirmation(List<Long>, List<Long>, List<Long>, boolean, String) - Method in interface
Asks some users to confirm the reading of a set of documents
- askReadingConfirmation(List<Long>, List<Long>, List<Long>, boolean, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- ASPECT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- ASPECT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceCall
- aspectEnabled(String) - Method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
- AspectsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for aspects data.
- AspectsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- AspectsDS - Class in
Datasource to show the aspects and their status in the different runlevels.
- AspectsDS() - Constructor for class
- asWidget() - Method in class
- attribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- attribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- Attribute - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
This class defines the value of an attribute associated to an extensible object.
- Attribute() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- Attribute(Attribute) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- AttributeInitializerComposer - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
A visual editor for initialization routines
- AttributeInitializerComposer(FormItem, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeInitializerComposer
- AttributeOption - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
Represents an option for a multi-choice attribute
- AttributeOption() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
- AttributeOption(long, String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
- AttributeOption(long, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
- AttributeOptionDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
DAO for
handling. - AttributeOptionsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet retrieves the options for extended attributes
- AttributeOptionsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- AttributeOptionsDS - Class in
Data source to handle the options for the extended attributes.
- AttributeOptionsDS(long, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
- AttributesDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for attribute sets data.
- AttributesDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- AttributesDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all the attributes available for the documents declared in the attribute sets
- AttributesDS(boolean) - Constructor for class
- AttributesDS(Long) - Constructor for class
- AttributesDS(Long, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
- AttributesDS(String) - Constructor for class
- AttributesDS(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
- AttributeSet - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
Represents a set of attributes
- AttributeSet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeSet
- AttributeSetDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
This class is a DAO-service for attribute sets.
- AttributeSetDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
This panel collects all attribute set details
- AttributeSetDetailsPanel(AttributeSetsPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeSetDetailsPanel
- AttributeSetPropertiesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
This panel shows the properties of an attribute set.
- AttributeSetPropertiesPanel(GUIAttributeSet, ChangedHandler, AttributeSetDetailsPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeSetPropertiesPanel
- AttributeSetsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for attribute sets data.
- AttributeSetsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- AttributeSetsDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all templates.
- AttributeSetsDS(boolean, Integer) - Constructor for class
- AttributeSetService - Interface in
The client side stub for the AttributeSet Service.
- AttributeSetService.Instance - Class in
- AttributeSetServiceAsync - Interface in
- AttributeSetServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Implementation of the AttributeSetService
- AttributeSetServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.AttributeSetServiceImpl
- AttributeSetsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
Panel showing the list of attribute sets
- AttributeSetsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeSetsPanel
- AttributeTypeFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
A formatter used to format a grid cell that contains an attribute's type @see
- AttributeTypeFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeTypeFormatter
- AttributeValidatorComposer - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
A visual editor for validation routines
- AttributeValidatorComposer(FormItem, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeValidatorComposer
- audioHTML(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Generates HTML code for reproducing audio files
- AUDIT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- AUDITING - Static variable in class
- AUDITING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- AuditingPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings
Shows the quota details.
- AuditingPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.AuditingPanel
- AuditService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Audit Service.
- AuditService.Instance - Class in
- AuditServiceAsync - Interface in
- AUTH_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- AUTH_USERID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- AUTH_USERNAME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- authenticate(String, String) - Method in class
- authenticate(String, String) - Method in class
- authenticate(String, String) - Method in interface
Authenticates the user using the given credentials, if successful, the corresponding user is returned.
- authenticate(String, String) - Method in class
- authenticate(String, String, String) - Method in class
- authenticate(String, String, String) - Method in interface
Authenticates the user using the given credentials, if successful, the corresponding user is returned.
- authenticate(String, String, String, Client) - Method in class
- authenticate(String, String, String, Client) - Method in class
- authenticate(String, String, String, Client) - Method in class
- authenticate(String, String, String, Client) - Method in interface
Authenticates the user using the given credentials, if successful, the corresponding user is returned.
- authenticate(String, String, String, Client) - Method in class
- authenticate(HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- authenticate(Authentication) - Method in class
- authenticate(Authentication) - Method in class
- AuthenticationChain - Class in
This authentication component implements a chain of possible authentication sources that will be invoked sequentially.
- AuthenticationChain() - Constructor for class
- AuthenticationException - Exception Class in
A generic exception during the authentication process
- AuthenticationException() - Constructor for exception class
- AuthenticationException(Authenticator) - Constructor for exception class
- AuthenticationException(Authenticator, String) - Constructor for exception class
- AuthenticationException(Authenticator, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
- AuthenticationException(String) - Constructor for exception class
- AuthenticationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
- Authenticator - Interface in
Implementations of this interface must provide authentication of a user against a defined source.
- AuthorizationException - Exception Class in
A generic exception for handling unauthorized accesses
- AuthorizationException() - Constructor for exception class
- AuthorizationException(String) - Constructor for exception class
- AuthorizationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
- AuthorizationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
- authorize(GUIDocuSignSettings) - Method in interface
Saves the settings into the database and returns the authorization URL the user must be redirected to.
- authorize(GUIDocuSignSettings, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- authorize(String, String) - Method in interface
Saves the settings into the database and returns the authorization URL the user must be redirected to.
- authorize(String, String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- AuthService - Interface in
Auth Web Service definition interface for Rest Services
- AuthService - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap
Auth Web Service definition interface
- AUTO_FOLDING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- AUTO_NAMING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- AutoDeleteInputStream - Class in
Wrapper around a standard InputStream that deletes the file after closing.
- AutoDeleteInputStream(File) - Constructor for class
- AutoDeleteInputStream(InputStream, File) - Constructor for class
- AutoDeleteZipInputStream - Class in
Same as ZipInputStream but deletes the file after closing.
- AutoDeleteZipInputStream(ZipInputStream, File) - Constructor for class
- AUTOFOLDING_SCHEME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- Automation - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Represents the automation scripting engine
- Automation() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
- Automation(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
- Automation(String, Locale, long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
- AUTOMATION - Enum constant in enum class
- AUTOMATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- AUTOMATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- AutomationCompletionProvider - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation
Provides autocompletion hints for the automation script
- AutomationCompletionProvider() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.AutomationCompletionProvider
- AutomationDateTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Utility class to handle dates from inside the Automation
- AutomationDateTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
- AutomationDateTool(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
- AutomationDateTool(Locale) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
- AutomationDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This is the form used to execute an automation routine.
- AutomationDialog(List<Long>, List<Long>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.AutomationDialog
- AutomationDictionary - Annotation Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Marks a class to be added to the automation dictionary
- AutomationEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation
Editor for automation scripts
- AutomationEditor(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.AutomationEditor
- AutomationEditor(String, String, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.AutomationEditor
- AutomationException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Error happening during automation execution
- AutomationException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationException
- AutomationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationException
- AutomationItemEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation
This dialog is used to edit a form item that contains an automation script
- AutomationItemEditor(FormItem, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.AutomationItemEditor
- AutomationNumberTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Extension of the standard NumberTool that allows the locale specification as string.
- AutomationNumberTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationNumberTool
- AutomationRoutineAclDS - Class in
Datasource to handle the ACL of an automation routine.
- AutomationRoutineAclDS(long) - Constructor for class
- AutomationRoutineDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
This panel collects details about an automation routine
- AutomationRoutineDetailsPanel(AutomationRoutinesPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineDetailsPanel
- AutomationRoutineDetailsTab - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
Superclass for all tab panels in the automation routine details area
- AutomationRoutineParametersPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
Shows routine's input parameters that are collected from a Template
- AutomationRoutineParametersPanel(GUIAutomationRoutine, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineParametersPanel
- AutomationRoutineProperties - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
Shows routine's standard properties
- AutomationRoutineProperties(GUIAutomationRoutine, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineProperties
- AutomationRoutinesDS - Class in
Data source to retrieve all forms.
- AutomationRoutinesDS(boolean) - Constructor for class
- AutomationRoutineSecurity - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
This window shows the security policies of the automation routine.
- AutomationRoutineSecurity(GUIAutomationRoutine, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineSecurity
- AutomationRoutinesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
Panel showing the details of an import folder
- AutomationRoutinesPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutinesPanel
- AutomationService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Automation Service.
- AutomationService.Instance - Class in
- AutomationServiceAsync - Interface in
- AutomationSettingsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
This panel shows the Automation settings.
- AutomationSettingsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationSettingsPanel
- AutomationTriggerDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
This panel collects details about an automation trigger
- AutomationTriggerDetailsPanel(AutomationTriggersPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggerDetailsPanel
- AutomationTriggerDetailsTab - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
Superclass for all tab panels in the import folders details area
- AutomationTriggerDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This is the form used for editing an Automation Trigger.
- AutomationTriggerDialog(GUIAutomationTrigger, FolderAutomationPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.AutomationTriggerDialog
- AutomationTriggerProperties - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
Shows trigger's standard properties
- AutomationTriggerProperties(GUIAutomationTrigger, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggerProperties
- AutomationTriggersDS - Class in
Datasource to handle automation triggers.
- AutomationTriggersDS(Long, String) - Constructor for class
- AutomationTriggersPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
Panel showing the details of an import folder
- AutomationTriggersPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggersPanel
- AUTONAMING_SCHEME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- available() - Method in class
- available() - Method in class
- available() - Method in class
- Avatar - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
Displays an Avatar
- Avatar(long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.Avatar
- Avatar(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.Avatar
- AvatarCellFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.UserListGridField.AvatarCellFormatter
- AvatarCellFormatter(int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.UserListGridField.AvatarCellFormatter
- avatarImg(Long, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- avatarImg(String, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- AvatarServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
This servlet provides the user's avatar image, if it is not already available a default one will be generated and saved in the user's profile
- AvatarServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.AvatarServlet
Constructor of the object.
- avatarUrl(long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- avatarUrl(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- avatarUrl(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- avatarWithText(Long, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- avatarWithText(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- AwesomeFactory - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
Factory of objects that make use of font awesome
- BACKUP - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- BARCODED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- BarcodeQueuePanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode
Shows the queue of documents to be processed by the Barcode task.
- BarcodeQueuePanel(int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeQueuePanel
- BARCODES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- BARCODES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- BarcodeService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Barcode Engine Service.
- BarcodeService.Instance - Class in
- BarcodeServiceAsync - Interface in
- BarcodesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode
Panel showing the barcode processing infos.
- BarcodesPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodesPanel
- BarcodeTemplatesDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all barcode templates.
- BarcodeTemplatesDS(boolean, Long) - Constructor for class
The constructor
- BarcodeTemplateSettings - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode
This popup window is used to upload / edit a barcode template
- BarcodeTemplateSettings(BarcodeTemplatesPanel, GUIBarcodeTemplate) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeTemplateSettings
- BarcodeTemplatesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode
Shows the barcodes patterns configuration.
- BarcodeTemplatesPanel(GUITemplate) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeTemplatesPanel
- BarcodeZoneCanvas - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode
A canvas that contains a note to be displayed in a page of a document
- BarcodeZoneCanvas(GUIZone, BarcodeTemplatesPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeZoneCanvas
- Base64Coder - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
A base64 encoder
- Base64Coder - Class in com.logicaldoc.util
A Base64 encoder/decoder.
- BaseHttpClientResponseHandler<T> - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.http
An extension of the standard HttpClientReponseHandler with utility methods
- BaseHttpClientResponseHandler() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.http.BaseHttpClientResponseHandler
- BaseURL - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.util
- BasicAuthenticationFilter - Class in
Processes a HTTP request's BASIC authorization headers, putting the result into the
. - BasicAuthenticationFilter(AuthenticationManager) - Constructor for class
Creates an instance which will authenticate against the supplied
and which will ignore failed authentication attempts, allowing the request to proceed down the filter chain. - BasicAuthenticationFilter(AuthenticationManager, AuthenticationEntryPoint) - Constructor for class
Creates an instance which will authenticate against the supplied
and use the suppliedAuthenticationEntryPoint
to handle authentication failures. - BEANS_AVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.event.SystemEventStatus
- beforeCheckin(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentInitializer
- beforeCheckin(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentListener
Called before a document is checked in
- beforeCheckin(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentValidator
- beforeFirst() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- beforeStore(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentInitializer
- beforeStore(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentListener
Called before a document is stored in the database
- beforeStore(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentValidator
- beforeStore(Folder, FolderHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderInitializer
- beforeStore(Folder, FolderHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderListener
Called before a folder is stored in the database
- beforeStore(Folder, FolderHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderValidator
- beforeStore(User, UserHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface
Called before a user is stored in the database
- beginEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- beginEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderController
- bindServletSession(String, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
- bindServletSession(String, HttpSession) - Static method in class
- BLANK_PLACEHOLDER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- Bookmark - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
A bookmark over a document
- Bookmark() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
- BookmarkDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.document
DAO service for bookmarks
- BookmarkDashlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet
Portlet specialized in showing the bookmarks
- BookmarkDashlet(GUIDashlet) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.BookmarkDashlet
- BookmarkDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
- BookmarkDialog(GUIBookmark) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.BookmarkDialog
- bookmarkDocument(long) - Method in interface
- bookmarkDocument(long) - Method in class
- bookmarkDocument(long) - Method in class
- bookmarkDocument(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.BookmarkService
- bookmarkDocument(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapBookmarkClient
- bookmarkDocument(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapBookmarkService
- bookmarkFolder(long) - Method in interface
- bookmarkFolder(long) - Method in class
- bookmarkFolder(long) - Method in class
- bookmarkFolder(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.BookmarkService
- bookmarkFolder(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapBookmarkClient
- bookmarkFolder(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapBookmarkService
- BOOKMARKS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- BookmarksDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for document bookmarks data.
- BookmarksDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- BookmarksDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve the bookmarks of the current user.
- BookmarksDS() - Constructor for class
- BookmarkService - Interface in
Bookmark Web Service definition interface for REST Marco Meschieri - LogicalDOC
- BookmarkService - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap
Bookmark Web Service definition interface Marco Meschieri - LogicalDOC
- BookmarksPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel shows the current user's bookmarks
- BookmarksPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.BookmarksPanel
- BRANDING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- BRANDING_FULL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- BRANDING_LOGO - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- BRANDING_STANDARD - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- BrandingPackageUploader - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant
This popup window is used to upload a new branding package
- BrandingPackageUploader(TenantBrandingPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.BrandingPackageUploader
- BrandingPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system
Shows the branding details.
- BrandingPanel(long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.BrandingPanel
- BRUTEFORCE_ATTACK_PREVENTION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- BRUTEFORCE_ATTACK_PREVENTION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- BruteForcePanel - Class in
This panel shows the settings for the brute force attack countermeasures.
- BruteForcePanel() - Constructor for class
- build() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.Builder
- buildClient(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Create a client identified using a concatenation of Basic authentication credentials and remote IP.
- buildDetails(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
- buildThumbnail(String, Document, String, File, File, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.EpubThumbnailBuilder
- buildThumbnail(String, Document, String, File, File, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ImageThumbnailBuilder
- buildThumbnail(String, Document, String, File, File, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.Mp3ThumbnailBuilder
- buildThumbnail(String, Document, String, File, File, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.PdfThumbnailBuilder
- buildThumbnail(String, Document, String, File, File, int, int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailBuilder
Produce the thumbnail
- buildThumbnail(String, Document, String, File, File, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.VideoThumbnailBuilder
- buildToolsMenu(GUIFolder, GUIDocument) - Method in class
- BULK_CHECKOUT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- BULK_UPDATE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- BULKLOAD - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
- bulkUpdate(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- bulkUpdate(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Executes a bulk update as specified by the given HQL expression
- bulkUpdate(List<Long>, GUIDocument, boolean) - Method in interface
Applies to a selection of documents all the given data
- bulkUpdate(List<Long>, GUIDocument, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- bulkUpdate(List<Long>, GUIDocument, boolean, AsyncCallback<List<GUIDocument>>) - Method in interface
- BULKUPDATE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateDialog
- BytesServletInputStream - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.servlet
- BytesServletInputStream(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.BytesServletInputStream
- Cache<K,
V> - Interface in com.logicaldoc.util.cache -
A generic cache
- CacheConfigurator - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.cache
Configurator for the cache.xml file
- CacheConfigurator() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.CacheConfigurator
- CacheConfigurator(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.CacheConfigurator
- CacheControlFilter - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.filter
A filter that depending on the request compiles the Cache-Control header.
- CacheControlFilter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.filter.CacheControlFilter
- CacheException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.util.cache
An error happened in the cache
- CacheException() - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.CacheException
- CacheException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.CacheException
- CacheException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.CacheException
- CacheException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.CacheException
- calculateNewVersion(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
Calculate the new version name in the format X.Y.
- calculateNextVersion(String, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Calculates what will be the next version specification.
- CALENDAR - Enum constant in enum class
- CALENDAR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- CALENDAR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- CALENDAR_REPORT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- CalendarEventDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar
This is the form used for editing a calendar event.
- CalendarEventDialog(GUICalendarEvent, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar.CalendarEventDialog
- CalendarEventsDS - Class in
Data source to retrieve calendar events.
- CalendarEventsDS(Long) - Constructor for class
- CalendarReport - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports
This panel is used to show a report of a selection of events.
- CalendarReport() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.CalendarReport
- CalendarService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Calendar Service.
- CalendarService.Instance - Class in
- CalendarServiceAsync - Interface in
- canAuthenticateUser(String) - Method in class
- canAuthenticateUser(String) - Method in class
- canAuthenticateUser(String) - Method in interface
Checks if this authenticator can authenticate a user
- cancelCheckOut(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
- cancelCheckOut(String, String, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- cancelEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- cancelEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderController
- canExport(ExportContext, boolean) - Method in class
- canExport(ExportContext, boolean) - Method in interface
- canExport(ExportContext, DavResource) - Method in class
- canExport(ExportContext, DavResource) - Method in interface
- canExport(PropertyExportContext, boolean) - Method in class
- canImport(ImportContext, boolean) - Method in class
- canImport(ImportContext, boolean) - Method in interface
- canImport(ImportContext, DavResource) - Method in class
- canImport(ImportContext, DavResource) - Method in interface
- CAPTURE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- CatchAllParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Parser that tries to convert the document into PDF and then tries to parse it
- CatchAllParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.CatchAllParser
- CertificateDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate
This is the form used to display and generate the user's certificate
- CertificateDialog() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate.CertificateDialog
- CertificateUploader - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate
This popup window is used to upload user's certificate resources to the server.
- CertificateUploader(String, FormItem) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate.CertificateUploader
- CertificateUploadFormItemIcon - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate
An icon to be used to trigger the certificate upload popup
- CertificateUploadFormItemIcon(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate.CertificateUploadFormItemIcon
The constructor.
- changeAdminPassword(String, String) - Method in interface
Changes the password of the administrator of the given tenant
- changeAdminPassword(String, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- changed(GUIUser) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.UserController
- CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- changeIndexingStatus(Document, int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Utility method used to declare that: the document must be taken into consideration by the indexer (status =
. the document must be taken into consideration by the indexer for the metadata only(status =AbstractDocument.INDEX_TO_INDEX_METADATA
. the document must not be taken into consideration by the indexer (status =AbstractDocument.INDEX_SKIP
). - changeIndexingStatus(Document, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- changePageSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- changePassword(long, String, String) - Method in interface
Changes the password of a user
- changePassword(long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.LoginServiceImpl
- changePassword(long, String, String, AsyncCallback<GUIValue>) - Method in interface
- changePassword(Long, long, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes the password of a user
- changePassword(Long, long, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- changePassword(Long, long, String, String, boolean, AsyncCallback<GUIValue>) - Method in interface
- changePassword(String, long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSecurityClient
- changePassword(String, long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSecurityService
- changePassword(String, long, String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SecurityService
changes the password of a user.
0 if all is ok, 1 if the password is incorrect, 2 if the new password cannot be notified, otherwise a positive number grater than 2 - ChangePassword - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account
This is the form used to change the password of the current user, for example when the password expired.
- ChangePassword - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client
This is the form used to change the password of the current user, for example when the password expired.
- ChangePassword() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.ChangePassword
- ChangePassword(GUIUser, LoginPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.ChangePassword
- changeSessionId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- changeSessionTenant(long) - Method in interface
Change session tenant
- changeSessionTenant(long, AsyncCallback<GUITenant>) - Method in interface
- changeStatus(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes the status of a user
- changeStatus(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes an account enabled/disabled status
- changeStatus(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes a importFolder enabled/disabled status
- changeStatus(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes a report enabled/disabled status
- changeStatus(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes a policy enabled/disabled status
- changeStatus(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes a stamp enabled/disabled status
- changeStatus(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes a syndication enabled/disabled status
- changeStatus(long, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- changeStatus(long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- changeStatus(long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- changeStatus(long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- changeStatus(long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- changeStatus(long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- changeStatus(long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- changeStatus(long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- changeTwoFactorsAuthentication(long, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Changed the two factors authentication for a user
- changeTwoFactorsAuthentication(long, String, String, String, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- ChannelsDS - Class in
Datasource to show cluster channels.
- ChannelsDS() - Constructor for class
- ChannelsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system
Displays a list of cluster channels.
- ChannelsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.ChannelsPanel
- CharsetsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for listings the available charsets.
- CharsetsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- CharsetsDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve the installed languages.
- CharsetsDS() - Constructor for class
- CharsetUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.charset
Some utility methods related to charset
- ChartDrawingSupplier - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.stat
This picks the body color for any section of a pie chart
- ChartDrawingSupplier() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.stat.ChartDrawingSupplier
- CHAT - Static variable in class
- CHAT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- CHAT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- CHAT_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- ChatController - Class in
Implements the Observer pattern to distribute events on the chat
- CHATGPT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- CHATGPT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- ChatGPTService - Interface in
The client side stub for the ChatGPT AI.
- ChatGPTService.Instance - Class in
- ChatGPTServiceAsync - Interface in
- ChatGPTTray - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.chatgpt
A tray to interact with the ChatGPT AI
- ChatGPTTray() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.chatgpt.ChatGPTTray
- ChatMessagesDS - Class in
Datasource to handle user history grid lists.
- ChatMessagesDS() - Constructor for class
- ChatMessagesPanel - Class in
Displays the messages in the chat.
- ChatMessagesPanel() - Constructor for class
- ChatObserver - Interface in
Definition of a generic observer on chat's events.
- ChatPanel - Class in
This panel shows the Chat.
- ChatPanel() - Constructor for class
- ChatService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Chat Service.
- ChatService.Instance - Class in
- ChatServiceAsync - Interface in
- check() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Launch the check on the Index
- check() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- check() - Method in interface
Checks the indexer
- check() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchEngineServiceImpl
- check(AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class
- checkDownloadStatus() - Method in interface
Checks the status of the current download process
- checkDownloadStatus(AsyncCallback<List<Integer>>) - Method in interface
- CHECKED_OUT_DOCS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- checkedIn(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- CHECKEDIN - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- CHECKEDIN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.Entry
- checkedOut(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- CHECKEDOUT - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- checkEvenOneMenu(HttpServletRequest, long...) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
Checks if at least one of the given menus is accessible by the user in the current session
- checkExists(JobKey) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- checkExists(TriggerKey) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- checkin() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.VersionControlledResourceImpl
on the underlying repository node. - checkin(long, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.WebserviceClient
- checkin(long, File, String, boolean, AbstractDocument, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Checks in the given document
- checkin(long, File, String, boolean, AbstractDocument, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- checkin(long, InputStream, String, boolean, AbstractDocument, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Checks in the given document
- checkin(long, InputStream, String, boolean, AbstractDocument, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- checkin(long, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Performs the check-in of a Google Drives's document into the LogicalDOC repository
- checkin(long, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Performs the check-in of a Zoho's document into the LogicalDOC repository
- checkin(long, String, boolean, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
- checkin(long, String, boolean, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
- checkin(long, String, Boolean, File) - Method in class
- checkin(GUIDocument, boolean) - Method in interface
Checks-in a new document version
- checkin(GUIDocument, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- checkin(GUIDocument, boolean, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
- checkin(String, long, String, String, boolean, WSDocument, InputStream) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- checkin(String, long, String, String, boolean, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- checkin(String, long, String, String, boolean, DataHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- checkin(String, long, String, String, boolean, DataHandler) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Checks in an existing document with the given identifier to create a new version.
- checkin(String, long, String, String, boolean, DataHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- checkin(String, String, String, String, Attachment) - Method in interface
Check-in an existing document Performs a check-in (commit) operation of new content over an existing document.
- checkin(String, String, String, String, Attachment) - Method in class
- checkIn(String, Holder<String>, Boolean, Properties, ContentStream, String, List<String>, Acl, Acl, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- checkIn(Holder<String>, Boolean, ContentStream, Properties, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
- CHECKIN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateDialog
- checkinContent(long, String) - Method in interface
Checks-in a new document's text content
- checkinContent(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- checkinContent(long, String, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
- checkinDocument(String, long, String, String, boolean, WSDocument, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- checkinDocument(String, long, String, String, boolean, WSDocument, InputStream) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- checkinDocument(String, long, String, String, boolean, WSDocument, DataHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- checkinDocument(String, long, String, String, boolean, WSDocument, DataHandler) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Checks in an existing document with the given identifier to create a new version.
- checkinDocument(String, long, String, String, boolean, WSDocument, DataHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- CheckinDocumentMultipartRequest() - Constructor for class
- checkLoginThrottle(String, String, String) - Static method in class
Performs anti brute force attack checks
- checkMenu(HttpServletRequest, long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
- checkout() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.VersionControlledResourceImpl
on the underlying repository node - checkout(long) - Method in class
- checkout(long) - Method in interface
Executed the checkout
- checkout(long) - Method in class
- checkout(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.WebserviceClient
- checkout(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Checks out the given document
- checkout(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- checkout(Resource, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
- checkout(Resource, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- checkout(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- checkout(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Checks out an existing document with the given identifier.
- checkout(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- checkout(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Checks out the document
- checkout(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- checkout(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- checkOut(String, Holder<String>, ExtensionsData, Holder<Boolean>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- checkOut(Holder<String>, Holder<Boolean>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
- checkPatch() - Method in interface
Check if the current installation has patches available
- checkPatch(AsyncCallback<List<GUIPatch>>) - Method in interface
- checkPermission(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
- checkPermissionsAndRun(List<Long>, String[], Runnable) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.SecurityUtil
Checks if the user has all the specified permissions on the selected documents and runs the task
- checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class
- checkUpdate() - Method in interface
Check if the current installation has an update package available
- checkUpdate(AsyncCallback<List<GUIParameter>>) - Method in interface
- claimTask(String, long) - Method in interface
The given user take the ownership of the task.
- claimTask(String, long, AsyncCallback<GUIWorkflow>) - Method in interface
- ClasspathFreemarkerWebServiceDisplayEngine - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.freemarker
- ClassTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Utility functions for manipulating classes and resources and for other programming language aspects
- ClassTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.ClassTool
- clean() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.TempFolderCleaner
- cleanExpiredTransactions() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Cleans all references to expired transactions.
- cleanExpiredTransactions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- cleanFileName(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.FileNameCleaner
- cleanLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.EventPanel
- cleanOldCalls(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.HibernateWebserviceCallDAO
- cleanOldCalls(int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceCallDAO
This method deletes all the chat entries oldest than the given days from now.
- cleanOldDevices(int) - Method in interface
This method deletes all the devices lastly used before the given days since now.
- cleanOldDevices(int) - Method in class
- cleanOldHistories(int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentHistoryDAO
This method deletes all the document history entries older than the given days from now.
- cleanOldHistories(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO
- cleanOldHistories(int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderHistoryDAO
This method deletes all the user history entries oldest than the given days from now.
- cleanOldHistories(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderHistoryDAO
- cleanOldHistories(int) - Method in class
- cleanOldHistories(int) - Method in interface
This method deletes all the user history entries oldest than the given days from now.
- cleanOldHistories(long, int) - Method in class
- cleanOldHistories(long, int) - Method in interface
This method deletes all the histories maintaining the most recent ones.
- cleanOldSessions(int) - Method in class
- cleanOldSessions(int) - Method in interface
This method deletes all the session entries oldest than the given days since now.
- cleanPath(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.FileNameCleaner
- cleanUnexistingUniqueTags() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Cleans the ld_uniquetag table removing no more used tags, this method is optimized and uses a couple of prepared statements, in case of error it switches to
- cleanUnexistingUniqueTags() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- cleanUnexistingUniqueTagsOneByOne() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Cleans the ld_uniquetag table removing no more used tags programmatically one by one.
- cleanUnexistingUniqueTagsOneByOne() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- cleanUploadedFileFolder() - Method in interface
Cleans the uploaded files folder
- cleanUploadedFileFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- cleanUploadedFileFolder(AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- cleanUploads(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.UploadServlet
Removes all the uploaded files from session and file system.
- cleanUploads(HttpSession) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.UploadServlet
Removes all the uploaded files from session and file system.
- clear() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- clear() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.Clipboard
- clear() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.util.cache.Cache
- clear() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.EhCache
- clear() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- clearCanvases() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
Removes all the canvases from visualization
- clearDiagram() - Method in class
Clear the diagram (connections and widgets)
- clearFailures(String, String) - Static method in class
Clears the failures for the given username and or password
- clearPassword() - Method in class
- clearPrompt() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
- clearPropertyValue(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextConfigurator
- clearQuotaAlertRecipients() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- clearTags() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- clearTags() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- clearTags() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- clearUsers() - Method in class
- Client - Class in
A remote client connected to LogicalDOC
- Client() - Constructor for class
- Client(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
- Client(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class
- CLIENTS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- Clipboard - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard
This represent a clipboard of documents the user is wotking on
- ClipboardObserver - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard
Listener on clipboard events
- ClipboardWindow - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard
Shows the clipboard content
- ClipboardWindow() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.ClipboardWindow
- clone(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateTemplateDAO
- clone(long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.TemplateDAO
Creates a clone of an existing template
- clone(long, String) - Method in interface
Makes a clone of an existing template
- clone(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.TemplateServiceImpl
- clone(long, String, AsyncCallback<GUITemplate>) - Method in interface
- clone(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Instantiate a new document that is a clone of the given one.
- cloneImage(BufferedImage) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Clones an image.
- cloneWorkTimes(long, List<Long>, List<Long>) - Method in interface
Clones a work time to a set of other users
- cloneWorkTimes(long, List<Long>, List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- cloneWorkTimes(long, List<Long>, List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- close() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.NamedParameterStatement
Closes the statement.
- close() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Closes all indexing operations, shuts down the engine.
- close() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- close() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.ConnectionPool
- close() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.PDFImageExtractor
Closes the PDF and releases resources used
- close() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- close() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.DropSpotPopup
Triggers the load of the last uploaded files
- close() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
Closes this context
- close() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileReader
Close the input CSV file.
- close() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileWriter
Close the output CSV file.
- close() - Method in class
- close() - Method in class
- close() - Method in class
- close() - Method in class
- close() - Method in class
- close(Closeable) - Static method in class
Close the given resource.
- close(ClassicHttpResponse) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpUtil
- CLOUD_STORE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- CLUSTERING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- CLUSTERING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- ClusteringPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system
The Clustering console.
- ClusteringPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.ClusteringPanel
- ClusterService - Interface in
The client side stub for the ClusterService Service.
- ClusterService.Instance - Class in
- ClusterServiceAsync - Interface in
- CMIS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- CmisPlugin - Class in com.logicaldoc.cmis
This class provides initializations needed by Cmis-Plugin
- CmisPlugin() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.cmis.CmisPlugin
- CmisServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.cmis
Extension of a Cmis servlet compliant with AtomPub
- CmisServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.cmis.CmisServlet
- CODE - Static variable in exception class
- CODE - Static variable in exception class
- CODE - Static variable in exception class
- CODE - Static variable in exception class
- CODE - Static variable in exception class
- CODE - Static variable in exception class
- CollectionTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Utility methods to handle collections
- CollectionTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.CollectionTool
- collectionToString(Collection<?>, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.StringUtil
- CollectionUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.util
Some utility methods to handle collections.
- ColoredCellFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.ColoredListGridField.ColoredCellFormatter
- ColoredListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
A field to display a text colored where the color is specified in another field(by default called 'display')
- ColoredListGridField(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.ColoredListGridField
- ColoredListGridField(String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.ColoredListGridField
- ColoredListGridField(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.ColoredListGridField
- ColoredListGridField(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.ColoredListGridField
- ColoredListGridField(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.ColoredListGridField
- ColoredListGridField.ColoredCellFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
- - package
- com.logicaldoc.cmis - package com.logicaldoc.cmis
- com.logicaldoc.core - package com.logicaldoc.core
Core plug-in that contains the most important domain objects
- com.logicaldoc.core.automation - package com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Automation subsystem that allows you to program your own logic inside the platform.
The automation engine can be accessed through the classAutomation
Please note the special annotationAutomationDictionary
that is used to automatically put in the Dictionary whatever bean you need. - com.logicaldoc.core.automation.directives - package com.logicaldoc.core.automation.directives
- com.logicaldoc.core.communication - package com.logicaldoc.core.communication
Classes that model emails and messages and the machinery to work with them.
- com.logicaldoc.core.communication.oauth - package com.logicaldoc.core.communication.oauth
- - package
- com.logicaldoc.core.conversion - package com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
Machinery for converting documents to different formats.
- com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet - package com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet
- com.logicaldoc.core.dbinit - package com.logicaldoc.core.dbinit
- com.logicaldoc.core.document - package com.logicaldoc.core.document
- com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail - package com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail
Machinery for building thumbnails of the first page of the documents.
- com.logicaldoc.core.folder - package com.logicaldoc.core.folder
Contains the definitions of
as well as other related objects - com.logicaldoc.core.generic - package com.logicaldoc.core.generic
Contains the definitions of
that is a persistent object used as a general way to store informations in the database - com.logicaldoc.core.history - package com.logicaldoc.core.history
- com.logicaldoc.core.i18n - package com.logicaldoc.core.i18n
- com.logicaldoc.core.imaging - package com.logicaldoc.core.imaging
Utility classes to manipulate images
- com.logicaldoc.core.job - package com.logicaldoc.core.job
API to define jobs you can schedule to run at a given date or on a given cron expression
- com.logicaldoc.core.lock - package com.logicaldoc.core.lock
- com.logicaldoc.core.metadata - package com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
Package that collects the template and attribute sets definitions.
Many objects of the LogicalDOC platform are extensible and can store your custom metadata, they are all those that extends theExtensibleObject
. - com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.initialization - package com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.initialization
Package that contains classes used to initialize extensible objects metadata,
. - com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation - package com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation
Package that contains classes used to validate extensible objects metadata,
. - com.logicaldoc.core.parser - package com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Machinery for parsing different file formats.
- com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine - package com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
The core of the search engine.
- com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.analyzer - package com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.analyzer
- com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder - package com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder
- com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved - package com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved
Classes related to saved searches
- - package
Container of the security-related interfaces and classes
- - package
APIKey is another way to authenticate when using an API like Webservices
- - package
The pluggable authentication mechanism.
- - package
- - package
Package for the Menu, a menu represent a graphical element of the user interface
- - package
- - package
Definition of the User object and ancillary objects
- com.logicaldoc.core.sequence - package com.logicaldoc.core.sequence
- com.logicaldoc.core.stats - package com.logicaldoc.core.stats
- - package
The store sub-system responsible for persisting the binaries of the documents.
- com.logicaldoc.core.system - package com.logicaldoc.core.system
- com.logicaldoc.core.task - package com.logicaldoc.core.task
API to define the basics for the scheduled tasks that are long-running operations you can schedule in several ways
- com.logicaldoc.core.threading - package com.logicaldoc.core.threading
Some utility objects for threads and executions
- com.logicaldoc.core.ticket - package com.logicaldoc.core.ticket
- com.logicaldoc.core.transfer - package com.logicaldoc.core.transfer
- com.logicaldoc.core.util - package com.logicaldoc.core.util
- com.logicaldoc.dropbox - package com.logicaldoc.dropbox
- com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
- com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation
- com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
- com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers
- - package
- com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.dialogs - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.dialogs
- com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
- com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters
- com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n
- com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log
- com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview
- - package
- com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
- com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.validators - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.validators
- com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets
- com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.chatgpt - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.chatgpt
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard
- - package
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.reading - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.reading
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.form - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.form
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.reading - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.reading
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.split - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.split
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.stamp - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.stamp
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy
- - package
- - package
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.converters - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.converters
- - package
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication
- - package
- - package
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.tag - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.tag
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.onlyoffice - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.onlyoffice
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels
- - package
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom
- - package
- - package
- - package
- - package
- - package
- - package
- - package
- - package
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.comparators - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.comparators
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.messages - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.messages
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.sharefile - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.sharefile
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.subscription - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.subscription
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.plugin - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.plugin
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.stats - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.stats
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.usage - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.usage
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.textcontent - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.textcontent
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.webcontent - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.webcontent
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer
- com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho
- com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client - package com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client
- - package
- com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client - package com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client
- - package
- com.logicaldoc.i18n - package com.logicaldoc.i18n
- com.logicaldoc.ios - package com.logicaldoc.ios
- com.logicaldoc.util - package com.logicaldoc.util
Library that contains classes used among the whole application for simple and recurrent tasks.
- com.logicaldoc.util.cache - package com.logicaldoc.util.cache
- com.logicaldoc.util.charset - package com.logicaldoc.util.charset
Utility classes to work with charsets
- com.logicaldoc.util.config - package com.logicaldoc.util.config
Utility classes to handle configuration files (webapp descriptor, loggers, context properties ...)
- com.logicaldoc.util.crypt - package com.logicaldoc.util.crypt
Utility classes to crypt/decrypt contents
- com.logicaldoc.util.csv - package com.logicaldoc.util.csv
Utility classes to read and write CSV files
- com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit - package com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit
Database initialization utility
- com.logicaldoc.util.event - package com.logicaldoc.util.event
- com.logicaldoc.util.exception - package com.logicaldoc.util.exception
- com.logicaldoc.util.exec - package com.logicaldoc.util.exec
Utility classes to handle I/O operations and compression/uncompression tasks
- com.logicaldoc.util.html - package com.logicaldoc.util.html
Utility classes to handle HTML contents
- com.logicaldoc.util.http - package com.logicaldoc.util.http
Utility classes for HTML handling
- - package
Utility classes to execute external commands
- com.logicaldoc.util.junit - package com.logicaldoc.util.junit
- com.logicaldoc.util.log4j - package com.logicaldoc.util.log4j
- com.logicaldoc.util.plugin - package com.logicaldoc.util.plugin
Base classes to build the LogicalDOC's plugin system
- - package
Utility classes to manage certificates and general security-related tasks
- com.logicaldoc.util.servlet - package com.logicaldoc.util.servlet
- com.logicaldoc.util.spring - package com.logicaldoc.util.spring
- com.logicaldoc.util.sql - package com.logicaldoc.util.sql
Utility classes for SQL
- com.logicaldoc.util.time - package com.logicaldoc.util.time
Utility classes time calculations
- com.logicaldoc.web - package com.logicaldoc.web
- - package
- com.logicaldoc.web.filter - package com.logicaldoc.web.filter
- com.logicaldoc.web.filter.xss - package com.logicaldoc.web.filter.xss
Filter and other resources to avoid Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks.
- com.logicaldoc.web.firewall - package com.logicaldoc.web.firewall
- com.logicaldoc.web.listener - package com.logicaldoc.web.listener
- com.logicaldoc.web.service - package com.logicaldoc.web.service
GWT services implementations.
- com.logicaldoc.web.stat - package com.logicaldoc.web.stat
- com.logicaldoc.web.util - package com.logicaldoc.web.util
- com.logicaldoc.web.websockets - package com.logicaldoc.web.websockets
- com.logicaldoc.webdav - package com.logicaldoc.webdav
- com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache - package com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache
- com.logicaldoc.webdav.context - package com.logicaldoc.webdav.context
- com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception - package com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception
- - package
- - package
- com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource - package com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource
- com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model - package com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model
- com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service - package com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service
- com.logicaldoc.webdav.session - package com.logicaldoc.webdav.session
- com.logicaldoc.webdav.version - package com.logicaldoc.webdav.version
- com.logicaldoc.webdav.web - package com.logicaldoc.webdav.web
- com.logicaldoc.webservice - package com.logicaldoc.webservice
- com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc
- com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model
- com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service
- com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.util - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.util
- com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.freemarker - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.freemarker
- com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.simple - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.simple
- - package
- com.logicaldoc.webservice.model - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
- - package
- - package
- - package
- com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap
- com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client
- com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint
- com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient - package com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient
- com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc - package com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc
- - package
- - package
- - package
- comment - Variable in class
- comment - Variable in class
- COMMENT - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- CommentListVO - Class in
User: Niraj Singh Date: 06/05/14
- CommentListVO() - Constructor for class
- CommentService - Class in
Adds new comments on a document.
- CommentService() - Constructor for class
- CommentVO - Class in
- CommentVO() - Constructor for class
- Common - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
The Common entry point
- Common() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Common
- COMPARATORS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- ComparatorsDS - Class in
DataSource to retrieve all the comparators.
- ComparatorsDS(String) - Constructor for class
- ComparatorsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.comparators
This panel shows the comparators settings.
- ComparatorsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.comparators.ComparatorsPanel
- ComparatorsPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.comparators.ComparatorsPanel
- COMPARED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- compareTo(Tag) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Tag
- compareTo(TagCloud) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TagCloud
- compareTo(Version) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- compareTo(Folder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- compareTo(Generic) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- compareTo(History) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- compareTo(Language) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.Language
- compareTo(Attribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- compareTo(AttributeOption) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
- compareTo(Hit) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hit
- compareTo(SavedSearch) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
- compareTo(SearchOptions) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- compareTo(Menu) - Method in class
- compareTo(Session) - Method in class
- compareTo(PasswordHistory) - Method in class
- compareTo(Store) - Method in class
- compareTo(GUIAttribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- compareTo(GUIEvent) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEvent
- compareTo(GUIReminder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReminder
- compareTo(GUIScheme) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- compareTo(GUIWorkingTime) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkingTime
- compareTo(MetadataDiff.DiffRecord) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.MetadataDiff.DiffRecord
- compareTo(SoftwareVersion) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.SoftwareVersion
- compareTo(WSSearchOptions) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- COMPARISON - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- ComparisonWindow - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
Show differences between two versions at file content level
- ComparisonWindow(GUIVersion, GUIVersion) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.ComparisonWindow
- compile(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.RegexTool
Compiles a regular expression into a java
object. - completed(NotifyingThread) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.threading.NotifyingThread.ThreadCompleteListener
- completed(NotifyingThread) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.LongRunningOperationCompleteListener
- CompressedArchiveConverter - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
A base class for those converters that operate on compressed archives
- CompressedArchiveConverter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.CompressedArchiveConverter
- computeDigest(File) - Static method in class
This method calculates the digest of a file using the algorithm SHA-1.
- computeDigest(InputStream) - Static method in class
- computeDigest(String) - Static method in class
This method calculates the digest of a string using the algorithm SHA-1.
- computeHeightPixels(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
Converts a height dimension (0..1) into the actual image height in pixels
- computeLeftPixel(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
Converts a left coordinate (0..1) into the actual image left pixel
- computePath(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Dynamically computes the path for the specified folder.
- computePath(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- computePath(Folder) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Dynamically computes the path for the specified folder.
- computePath(Folder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- computePathExtended(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Dynamically computes the path extended for the specified folder.
- computePathExtended(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- computePathExtended(long) - Method in class
- computePathExtended(long) - Method in interface
Dynamically computes the path extended for the specified menu.
- computePathExtended(Folder) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Dynamically computes the path extended for the specified folder.
- computePathExtended(Folder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- computeStats(long) - Method in interface
Counts the docs and subfolders of a given parent
- computeStats(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- computeStats(long, AsyncCallback<List<Long>>) - Method in interface
- computeTopPixel(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
Converts a top coordinate (0..1) into the actual image top pixel
- computeTotalSize(Long, Long, boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Obtains the total size of the repository, that is the sum of sizes of all documents and their versions
- computeTotalSize(Long, Long, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- computeTreeSize(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Counts the number of documents inside a given folder's tree (direct and indirect children)
- computeTreeSize(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- computeWidthPixels(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
Converts a width dimension (0..1) into the actual image width in pixels
- ConditionalBasicAuthenticationFilter - Class in
An filter for the basic authentication that is enabled or not depending on a boolean configuration parameter.
- ConditionalBasicAuthenticationFilter(AuthenticationManager) - Constructor for class
- ConditionalBasicAuthenticationFilter(AuthenticationManager, AuthenticationEntryPoint) - Constructor for class
- confirmPatch(String) - Method in interface
Confirms a patch
- confirmPatch(String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- confirmReading(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.ReadingRequestController
- confirmReadings(List<Long>, String) - Method in interface
Confirms the read completion of a given file version
- confirmReadings(List<Long>, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- confirmUpdate() - Method in interface
Confirms the last update
- confirmUpdate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- confirmUpdate(AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- confirmUpdate(String) - Method in interface
Confirms an update package
- confirmUpdate(String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- connectionColor - Static variable in class
- ConnectionPool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.util
A configurable connection pool that wraps different technologies, you decide the implementation through the implementation setting: hikari or dbcp
- ConnectionPool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.util.ConnectionPool
- connectWebsockets() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
Install the receiver to get messages from the server (Server Push)
- Constants - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
- Contact - Class in
A generic contact represented by a set of personal informations.
- Contact() - Constructor for class
- Contact(Contact) - Constructor for class
- ContactDAO - Interface in
Instances of this class is a DAO-service for Contact business entities.
- ContactDetails - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts
This is the form used to edit contact's details.
- ContactDetails(GUIContact, Contacts) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactDetails
- contactingServer() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
- Contacts - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts
This panel shows the list of the user's contacts.
- CONTACTS - Static variable in class
- CONTACTS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- ContactsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for contacts data.
- ContactsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- ContactsDS - Class in
Data Source to handle user's contacts grid lists.
- ContactsDS() - Constructor for class
- ContactService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Contact Service.
- ContactService.Instance - Class in
- ContactServiceAsync - Interface in
- ContactServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Implementation of the ContactService
- ContactServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.ContactServiceImpl
- ContactsImportPreview - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts
This panel shows the list of the user's contacts.
- ContactsImportPreview(ContactsImportSettings) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportPreview
- ContactsImportSettings - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts
This popup window is used to upload a new contacts file to the server.
- ContactsImportSettings() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportSettings
- ContactsUploader - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts
This popup window is used to upload a new contacts file to the server.
- ContactsUploader() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsUploader
- contains(K) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.util.cache.Cache
- contains(K) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.EhCache
- containsBean(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
Says if a bean is or not available
- containsCache(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.CacheConfigurator
- containsContext(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
- containsHeader(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- content - Variable in class
- content - Variable in class
- CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- ContentDashlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet
Dashlet specialized in showing an HTML content.
- ContentDashlet(GUIDashlet) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.ContentDashlet
- Context - Class in com.logicaldoc.util
Utility class collecting static methods related to spring's context.
- CONTEXT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
- CONTEXT_UPLOAD - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateDialog
- ContextConfigurator - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.config
Configurator class for spring's application context setup.
- ContextConfigurator() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextConfigurator
- ContextConfigurator(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextConfigurator
- contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.listener.ApplicationListener
- contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.listener.ContextListener
- contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.listener.ApplicationListener
- contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.listener.ContextListener
- ContextListener - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.listener
Listener that initializes and destroys the Spring Context
- ContextListener() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.listener.ContextListener
- ContextMenu - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid
This context menu is used for grids containing document records.
- ContextMenu - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This context menu is used for trees containing folders
- ContextMenu(GUIFolder, DocumentsGrid, GUIAccessControlEntry) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.ContextMenu
- ContextMenu(FolderNavigator, GUIAccessControlEntry) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.ContextMenu
- contextPath() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- ContextProperties - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.config
A configuration utility used to retrieve and alter context properties
- ContextProperties() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- ContextProperties(int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- ContextProperties(File) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- ContextProperties(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
Creates new XMLBean from an input stream; XMLBean is read-only!!!
- ContextProperties(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- ContextProperties(URL) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- ContextTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Utility methods to access the Application context from inside the Automation
- ContextTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.ContextTool
- ConversionDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This popup window is used to convert a document in different formats
- ConversionDialog(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.ConversionDialog
- ConversionFormatsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for conversion formats data.
- ConversionFormatsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- ConversionFormatsDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve the possible conversion formats for a specific file.
- ConversionFormatsDS(String) - Constructor for class
- convert(long, String, String) - Method in interface
Converts a document in a given format
- convert(long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- convert(long, String, String, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
- convert(Document, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Convert a document in another format and saves the result in another file in the same folder
- convert(Document, String, String, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
Converts a document into another format and saves the resulting file in the same folder
- convert(File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.AbstractFormatConverter
Template method that invokes
AbstractFormatConverter.convert(String, Document, File, File)
- convert(File, File) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverter
Performs the conversion
- convert(File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.NoConversionConverter
- convert(File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.NotAvailableConverter
- convert(String, Document, File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.AbstractFormatConverter
If the converter is enabled it invokes the
AbstractFormatConverter.internalConvert(String, Document, File, File)
- convert(String, Document, File, File) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverter
Performs the conversion
- convert(String, Document, File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.NotAvailableConverter
- convertDate(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.DateBean
Converts a string containing a date between the given formats.
- convertDateToString(Date) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.AbstractService
- convertDateToString(Date) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUtil
- CONVERTED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- convertFile(File, String, File, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
Converts a file into a different format
- convertImageToBinary(BufferedImage) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
A simple method to convert an image to binary or B/W image.
- convertImageToGrayscale(BufferedImage) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
A simple method to convert an image to gray scale.
- convertPDF(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Converts a document in PDF format and saves it as ancillary resource of the document with suffix
. - ConvertPdf - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
This servlet simply download the document if it is a PDF.
- ConvertPdf() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.ConvertPdf
Constructor of the object.
- convertStringToDate(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.AbstractService
- convertStringToDate(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUtil
- convertToFile(Document, String, File, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
Converts a document and writes the content of the conversion into a file.
- convertToMap(List<GUIParameter>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- convertToPdf(Document, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
Shortcut for convertToPdf(document, null, transaction)
- convertToPdf(Document, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
Creates the pdf for the specified document and file version (suffix PDF_CONVERSION_SUFFIX).
- convertToStub(JavaLanguageVariable, StubTypeTreeRepository) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service.Variable2Stub
- COOKIE_DENSITY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
- COOKIE_DEVICE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
- COOKIE_DOCSLIST_MODE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
- COOKIE_DOCSLIST_PREV_W - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
- COOKIE_DOCSMENU_W - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
- COOKIE_HITSLIST_MODE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
- COOKIE_HITSLIST_PREV_W - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
- COOKIE_JSESSIONID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
- COOKIE_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
- COOKIE_READINGS_PREV_W - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
- COOKIE_SAVELOGIN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
- COOKIE_SID - Static variable in class
- COOKIE_SID - Static variable in class
- COOKIE_SID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
- COOKIE_USER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
- COOKIE_VERSION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
- CookiesManager - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
Here we handle the store of informations in the broeserk
- copy(long, long, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface
Copies a document into another folder
- copy(long, long, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
- copy(long, long, int, String) - Method in class
- copy(long, long, int, String) - Method in interface
Copies an existing folder with the given identifier.
- copy(Document, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Copies a document into a target folder
- copy(Document, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Copies a document into a target folder
- copy(Folder, Folder, String, boolean, String, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Copies a folder into another folder
- copy(Folder, Folder, String, boolean, String, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- copy(Folder, String, boolean, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Copies a folder into another folder
- copy(Resource, Resource, String, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
Copying of a resource within logicalDOC.
- copy(Resource, Resource, String, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- copy(File, File, long) - Static method in class
Copies the input file into the output at the given offset
- copy(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.ClassTool
Makes a copy(clone) of a given object instance.
- copy(String, long, long, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- copy(String, long, long, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Copies a document into another folder.
- copy(String, long, long, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- copy(String, long, long, int, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- copy(String, long, long, int, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- copy(String, long, long, int, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Copies an existing folder with the given identifier.
- copy(DavResource, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- COPY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.Clipboard
- copyAnnotations(long, String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNoteDAO
Copies all the notes not associated to a specific page from a given file version to another
- copyAnnotations(long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentNoteDAO
- copyAttributes(AbstractDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Copies in the current instance the attributes of the passed values object, but NOT the ID
- CopyCellClickHandler - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
A click handler useful to give users the option to look and copy into the clipboard the content of a grid cell
- CopyCellClickHandler() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.CopyCellClickHandler
- COPYED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class
Quickest way to copy a file in Java, makes use of NIO buffer.
- copyFolders(List<Long>, long, boolean, String, GUIFolder) - Method in interface
Copies a folder under a target folder
- copyFolders(List<Long>, long, boolean, String, GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- copyFolders(List<Long>, long, boolean, String, GUIFolder, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- copyResource(Document, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Copies a resource in a file in the same folder of the original document
- copyResource(String, File) - Static method in class
Writes the specified classpath resource into a file
- copyResource(String, File) - Static method in class
Copy a resource from the classpath into a file
- copyText(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Copies a text into the client's clipboard
- CopyTextFormItemIcon - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
An icon to be used to copy into the clipboard the value of a form item
- CopyTextFormItemIcon() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.CopyTextFormItemIcon
The constructor, the current item's text will be copied into the clipboard.
- CopyTextFormItemIcon(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.CopyTextFormItemIcon
The constructor.
- CopyTextFormItemIcon(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.CopyTextFormItemIcon
The constructor.
- copyToFolder(Document, Folder, DocumentHistory, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Copy a document to the specified folder.
- copyToFolder(Document, Folder, DocumentHistory, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- CorePlugin - Class in com.logicaldoc.core
Plugin class for the Core plugin
- CorePlugin() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.CorePlugin
- count() - Method in class
- count() - Method in interface
Counts the total number of tenants
- count() - Method in interface
Counts the total number of groups
- count() - Method in class
- count(boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Counts the number of folders
- count(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- count(Long) - Method in class
- count(Long) - Method in interface
Counts the total number of standard users
- count(Long, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Counts the number of documents
- count(Long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- countAssignedTasks(String) - Method in interface
Counts all the tasks assigned to the given user
- countAssignedTasks(String, AsyncCallback<Integer>) - Method in interface
- countByIndexed(int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Counts the number of documents in a given indexation status(@see
- countByIndexed(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- countDocs(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Counts the number of documents inside a given folder
- countDocs(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- countDocs(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateTemplateDAO
- countDocs(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.TemplateDAO
Counts the total number of documents using this template
- countDocsInTree(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Counts the number of documents inside a given folder's tree (direct and indirect children)
- countDocsInTree(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- countDocuments(long) - Method in interface
Counts the documents of a given template
- countDocuments(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.TemplateServiceImpl
- countDocuments(long, AsyncCallback<Long>) - Method in interface
- countDocuments(List<Long>, int) - Method in interface
Counts the documents in a given status contained the specified folder's trees
- countDocuments(List<Long>, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- countDocuments(List<Long>, int, AsyncCallback<Long>) - Method in interface
- countElements() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache.WebdavCache
- countEmails() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.PSTWorker
Cont emails
- countEmlAttachments(File) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
- countEmlAttachments(InputStream) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
- countEntries() - Method in interface
Counts the total number of entries
- countEntries() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchEngineServiceImpl
- countEntries(AsyncCallback<Long>) - Method in interface
- countFolders(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateTemplateDAO
- countGuests(Long) - Method in class
- countGuests(Long) - Method in interface
Counts the total number of guest users
- countLines(File) - Static method in class
- countMsgAttachments(File) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
- countMsgAttachments(InputStream) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
- countOpened() - Method in class
Counts the total number of opened sessions
- countOpened(long) - Method in class
Counts the total number of opened sessions per tenant
- countPages(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Counts the number of pages of a document
- countPages(Document) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Counts the number of pages of a document
- countPages(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- countPages(File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.AbstractParser
- countPages(File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.OpenOfficeParser
- countPages(File, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.parser.Parser
Same as the other
Parser.countPages(InputStream, String)
, but use this when you have a file rather than a stream. - countPages(File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.PDFParser
- countPages(File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.RarParser
The number of pages is the number entries
- countPages(File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.RTFParser
- countPages(File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.SevenZipParser
The number of pages is the number entries
- countPages(File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.TarParser
- countPages(File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ZipParser
The number of pages is the number entries
- countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.AbstractParser
- countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.DOCParser
- countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.EpubParser
- countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.OpenOfficeParser
- countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.parser.Parser
Counts the number of pages of the given binary document.
- countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.PDFParser
- countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.PPTParser
- countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.RarParser
The number of pages is the number entries
- countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.RTFParser
- countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.SevenZipParser
The number of pages is the number entries
- countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.TarParser
The number of pages is the number entries
- countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.XLSParser
- countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ZipParser
- countQueueSize(Class<T>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.EventEndpoint
Returns the number of canched events of the given type
- countSessions(Long, Integer) - Method in class
- countSessions(Long, Integer) - Method in interface
Counts the number of sessions.
- countUnconfirmedReadings() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.ReadingRequestController
- countUserEvents(String, Date) - Method in interface
Counts the number of events that start from now until a given date
- countUserEvents(String, Date, AsyncCallback<Integer>) - Method in interface
- create(Document, User, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
Factory method that creates a Version and replicate all given document's properties.
The new version and fileVersion will be set in both Document and Version
Important: The created Version is not persistent - create(Document, File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Created a new document into the database
- create(Folder, Folder, boolean, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Creates a new folder in the parent Folder
- create(Folder, Folder, boolean, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- create(GUIFolder, boolean) - Method in interface
Creates a new folder
- create(GUIFolder, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- create(GUIFolder, boolean, AsyncCallback<GUIFolder>) - Method in interface
- create(GUIReport) - Method in interface
Creates a new report
- create(GUIReport, AsyncCallback<GUIReport>) - Method in interface
- create(WSDocument, File) - Method in class
- create(WSDocument, DataHandler) - Method in class
- create(WSDocument, Attachment) - Method in interface
Creates a new document
- create(WSDocument, Attachment) - Method in class
Creates a new document using the metadata document object provided as JSON/XML
- create(WSFolder) - Method in class
- create(WSFolder) - Method in class
- create(WSFolder) - Method in interface
- create(File, Document, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Creates a new Document.
- create(File, Document, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- create(InputStream, Document, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Creates a new Document.
- create(InputStream, Document, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- create(String) - Method in interface
Creates a new Google Document
- create(String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- create(String, WSDocument, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- create(String, WSDocument, InputStream) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- create(String, WSDocument, DataHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- create(String, WSDocument, DataHandler) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Create a new document.
- create(String, WSDocument, DataHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- create(String, WSFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- create(String, WSFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- create(String, WSFolder) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Creates a new folder.
- create(String, Properties, String, ContentStream, VersioningState, List<String>, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- create(CallContext, Properties, String, ContentStream, ObjectInfoHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
Create dispatch for AtomPub
- create(TokenStream) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.analyzer.SnowballFilterFactory
- createAlias(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.CreateAliasDialog
Creates an alias in the currently selected folder
- createAlias(long, long) - Method in interface
Creates a new folder alias
- createAlias(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- createAlias(long, long) - Method in class
- createAlias(long, long) - Method in interface
Creates a new folder alias
- createAlias(long, long, AsyncCallback<GUIFolder>) - Method in interface
- createAlias(long, long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Creates a new folder folder alias
- createAlias(long, long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- createAlias(long, long, String) - Method in interface
Creates a new document alias for the given document inside a specified folder
- createAlias(long, long, String) - Method in class
- createAlias(Document, Folder, String, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Create an alias(shortcut) associated to the given doc to the specified folder.
- createAlias(Document, Folder, String, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- createAlias(Document, Folder, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Creates an alias to a document
- createAlias(Document, String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Creates an alias to a document
- createAlias(String, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- createAlias(String, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- createAlias(String, long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Creates a new folder alias
- createAlias(String, long, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- createAlias(String, long, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Creates a new document alias for the given document inside a specified folder
- createAlias(String, long, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- CreateAliasDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This is the form used to copy a folder into another path
- CreateAliasDialog() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.CreateAliasDialog
- createApiKey(String) - Method in interface
Creates a new API Key for the current user
- createApiKey(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- createApiKey(String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- created(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderController
- CREATED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- CREATED - Enum constant in enum class
- createDefaultLayout() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout
Creates an HTML Layout using the default settings.
- CreateDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This is the form used to create a new Folder
- CreateDialog(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.CreateDialog
- createDocument(GUIDocument, String) - Method in interface
Creates a new document with the given text content
- createDocument(GUIDocument, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- createDocument(GUIDocument, String, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
- createDocument(String, Properties, String, ContentStream, VersioningState, List<String>, Acl, Acl, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- createDocument(CallContext, Properties, String, ContentStream) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS createDocument
- createDocumentFromSource(String, String, Properties, String, VersioningState, List<String>, Acl, Acl, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- createDocumentFromSource(CallContext, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
- CreateDocumentMultipartRequest() - Constructor for class
- createDownloadTicket(long, int, String, Integer, Date, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface
Creates a download ticket
- createDownloadTicket(long, int, String, Integer, Date, Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- createDownloadTicket(long, int, String, Integer, Date, Integer, Integer, AsyncCallback<List<String>>) - Method in interface
- createDownloadTicket(long, String, Integer, String, Integer) - Method in interface
Creates a new download ticket
- createDownloadTicket(long, String, Integer, String, Integer) - Method in class
- createDownloadTicket(String, long, String, Integer, String, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- createDownloadTicket(String, long, String, Integer, String, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Creates a new download ticket
- createDownloadTicket(String, long, String, Integer, String, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- createEncodedText(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpBasicAuthenticationHeader
- createEngine(JavaNameDisplayStrategy, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.freemarker.ClasspathFreemarkerWebServiceDisplayEngine
- createEngine(SimpleJavaNameDisplayStrategy) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.freemarker.ClasspathFreemarkerWebServiceDisplayEngine
- createFolder(long, String) - Method in class
- createFolder(long, String) - Method in class
- createFolder(long, String) - Method in interface
- createFolder(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- createFolder(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- createFolder(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Create a new folder.
- createFolder(String, Properties, String, List<String>, Acl, Acl, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- createFolder(CallContext, Properties, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS moveObject
- createMobile(Document, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
Creates the mobile image for the specified document and file version.
- createPath(long, long, int, String, boolean) - Method in class
- createPath(long, long, int, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Creates the menu for the specified path.
- createPath(long, String) - Method in class
- createPath(long, String) - Method in class
- createPath(long, String) - Method in interface
- createPath(Document, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Creates a path, all existing nodes in the specified path will be reused
- createPath(Folder, String, boolean, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Creates the folder for the specified path.
- createPath(Folder, String, boolean, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- createPath(Folder, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Creates a path, all existing nodes in the specified path will be reused
- createPath(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- createPath(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- createPath(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Creates the folder for the specified path.
- createPdf(long, String) - Method in class
- createPdf(long, String) - Method in interface
Creates the PDF conversion of the given document; if the PDF conversion was already created, nothing will happen
- createPdf(long, String) - Method in class
- createPdf(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- createPdf(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Creates the PDF conversion of the given document.
- createPdf(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- createRangeResource(DavResourceLocator, WebdavSession, Pair<String, String>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactory
- createRangeResource(DavResourceLocator, WebdavSession, Pair<String, String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactoryImpl
- createResource(Resource, String, boolean, ImportContext, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
Handle of resource creation by passed parent resource as well as the most import parameters needed for a resource creation.
- createResource(Resource, String, boolean, ImportContext, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- createResource(DavResourceLocator, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactory
- createResource(DavResourceLocator, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactoryImpl
- createResource(DavResourceLocator, WebdavSession, Resource) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactoryImpl
- createResource(DavResourceLocator, DavServletRequest) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactory
- createResource(DavResourceLocator, DavServletRequest) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactoryImpl
- createResource(DavResourceLocator, DavServletRequest, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactory
- createResource(DavResourceLocator, DavServletRequest, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactoryImpl
- createSimple(String) - Method in class
- createSimple(String) - Method in interface
- createSimpleForm(String) - Method in class
- createSimpleForm(String) - Method in interface
- createSimpleJSON(String) - Method in class
- createSimpleJSON(String) - Method in interface
- createSocket(String, int) - Method in class
- createSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class
- createSocket(InetAddress, int) - Method in class
- createSocket(InetAddress, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class
- createSocket(Socket, String, int, boolean) - Method in class
- createTempDirectory(String) - Static method in class
Creates an empty folder in the default temporary-file directory, using the given prefix to generate its name.
- createTempFile(String, String) - Static method in class
Creates an empty file in the default temporary-file directory, using the given prefix and suffix to generate its name.
- createThumbnail(long, String, String) - Method in class
- createThumbnail(long, String, String) - Method in interface
Creates the thumbail of the given document; if the thumbnail was already created, nothing will happen
- createThumbnail(long, String, String) - Method in class
- createThumbnail(String, long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- createThumbnail(String, long, String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Creates the thumbnail of the given document.
- createThumbnail(String, long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- createTicket(Ticket, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Creates a new ticket.
- createTicket(Ticket, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- createTile(Document, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
Creates the tile for the specified document and file version.
- createTumbnail(Document, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
Creates the thumbnail for the specified document
- createTumbnail(Document, String, int, Integer, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
Creates the thumbnail for the specified document and file version using given size and quality.
- createTumbnail(Document, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
Creates the thumbnail for the specified document and file version.
- createUserHistory(User, String, String, String, Client) - Method in class
- createUserHistory(User, String, String, String, Client) - Method in interface
Creates an user history entry
- createVariableFromField(Field) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service.JavaLanguageVariableFactory
Creates a variable from a field which is @XmlElement annotated
- createVariableFromMethodReturn(Method) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service.JavaLanguageVariableFactory
Creates a variable from a method's return which is @WebResult annotated
- createVariablesFromMethodParamaters(Method) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service.JavaLanguageVariableFactory
Creates variables from parameters which are @WebParam annotated
- createViewTicket(long, String, Integer, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface
Creates a new download ticket
- createViewTicket(long, String, Integer, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class
- createViewTicket(String, long, String, Integer, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- createViewTicket(String, long, String, Integer, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Creates a new view ticket
- createViewTicket(String, long, String, Integer, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- createWebMethodStubSet(Method) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service.WebMethodStubSetFactory
- createWebServiceStubSet(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service.WebServiceStubSetFactory
- createWithContent(GUIDocument, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Creates a new empty document
- createWithContent(GUIDocument, String, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- createWithContent(GUIDocument, String, boolean, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
- CREATION - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- CronExpressionComposer - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
A visual editor for cron expressions
- CronExpressionComposer(FormItem, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.CronExpressionComposer
- cropCenterSquare(BufferedImage, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Crops a square at the center of the given image
- cropImage(BufferedImage, ImageZone) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Crops an area from given image
- cropImageToFile(String, ImageZone, File) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Crops an area and stores it in a given .jpg file
- cropVisibleContent(File, File) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Crops an image leaving the smallest square containing something visible
- CryptUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.crypt
- CryptUtil(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
- CryptUtil(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
- CryptUtil.EncryptionException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.util.crypt
- CSVFile - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.csv
CSVFile is a class used to handle Comma-Separated Values files.
- CSVFileReader - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.csv
CSVFileReader is a class derived from CSVFile used to parse an existing CSV file.
- CSVFileReader(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileReader
CSVFileReader constructor just need the name of the existing CSV file that will be read.
- CSVFileReader(String, char) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileReader
CSVFileReader constructor with a given field separator.
- CSVFileReader(String, char, char) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileReader
CSVFileReader constructor with given field separator and text qualifier.
- CSVFileWriter - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.csv
CSVFileWriter is a class derived from CSVFile used to format some fields into a new CSV file.
- CSVFileWriter(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileWriter
CSVFileWriter constructor just need the name of the CSV file that will be written.
- CSVFileWriter(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileWriter
CSVFileWriter constructor just need the name of the CSV file that will be written.
- CSVFileWriter(String, char) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileWriter
CSVFileWriter constructor with a given field separator.
- CSVFileWriter(String, char, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileWriter
CSVFileWriter constructor with a given field separator.
- CSVFileWriter(String, char, char) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileWriter
CSVFileWriter constructor with given field separator and text qualifier.
- CSVFileWriter(String, char, char, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileWriter
CSVFileWriter constructor with given field separator and text qualifier.
- CTX_ATTR_RESOURCE_PATH_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.WebdavServlet
- current() - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
- CURRENT_DATE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
- currentSkin() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- currentTime() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Gets the current time
- Cursor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid
A cursor to browse among pages
- Cursor() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.Cursor
- Cursor(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.Cursor
ID of the message to be used to compose the email
- CUSTOM_ACTIONS - Static variable in class
- CUSTOM_ACTIONS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- CUSTOM_ACTIONS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- CUSTOM_ID - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- CUSTOM_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- CUSTOM_REPORTS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- CustomActionEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui
This dialog is used to edit a Custom Action
- CustomActionEditor(GUIMenu, CustomActionsPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.CustomActionEditor
- CustomActionsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui
Shows the custom actions
- CustomActionsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.CustomActionsPanel
- CUSTOMID - Enum constant in enum class
- CUSTOMID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- CUSTOMID_IMPORT_AND_NEW_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- CUSTOMID_IMPORT_AND_NEW_RELEASE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- CUSTOMID_IMPORT_AND_NEW_SUBVERSION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- CUSTOMID_NOT_IMPORT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- CUSTOMID_SCHEME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- CustomIdPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata
Shows the set of filters associated to the current account
- CustomIdPanel(List<GUIScheme>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.CustomIdPanel
- CUSTOMREPORTS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- CustomReportsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom
Panel showing the list of all custom reports.
- CustomReportsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.CustomReportsPanel
- CustomSerializationPolicyProvider - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.websockets
A custom serializer with simple policy
- CustomSerializationPolicyProvider() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.CustomSerializationPolicyProvider
- CUT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.Clipboard
- DASHBOARD - Static variable in class
- DASHBOARD - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- DASHBOARD_CALENDAR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- DASHBOARD_READINGS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- DASHBOARD_WORKFLOW - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- DASHBOARD_WORKFLOW_ALLWORKFLOWS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- DASHBOARD_WORKFLOW_WORKFLOWSINVOLVEDIN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- DASHBOARD_WORKFLOW_WORKFLOWSYOUSUPERVISE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- DashboardPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages
This is the dashboard container
- Dashlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet
Represents a sub-window of a dashboard
- Dashlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet
A small window inside the dashboard.
- Dashlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- Dashlet(Dashlet) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- DashletContent - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet
This servlet is responsible for rendering dashlet's contents.
- DashletContent() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.DashletContent
- DashletDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet
Instances of this class is a DAO-service for dashlet objects.
- DashletEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui
This dialog is used to edit the content of a dashlet
- DashletEditor(GUIDashlet, DashletsPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.DashletEditor
- DashletsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for dashlets data.
- DashletsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- DashletsDS - Class in
Data Source to handle dashelts grid lists.
- DashletsDS() - Constructor for class
- DashletSelector - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet
This dialog allows the selection of a portlet
- DashletSelector(PortalLayout) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.DashletSelector
- DashletService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Dashlet Service.
- DashletService.Instance - Class in
- DashletServiceAsync - Interface in
- DashletServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
The dashlet service for the operations on the dashlets done through the GUI.
- DashletServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DashletServiceImpl
- DashletsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui
Shows the dashlets.
- DashletsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.DashletsPanel
- DatabasePropertySource - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.spring
Reads the propeties from the database (ld_generic of type 'conf')
- DatabasePropertySource() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.spring.DatabasePropertySource
- DATE - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- DATE_OPT_ARCHIVED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- DATE_OPT_CREATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- DATE_OPT_PUBLISHED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- DATE_OPT_STOPPUBLISHING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- DateBean - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.i18n
This class converts a date into some formats.
- DateBean() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.DateBean
- DateCellFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.DateListGridField.DateCellFormatter
- DateCellFormatter(int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.DateListGridField.DateCellFormatter
- dateFromCompactString(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.DateBean
This method creates the Date object for a compact string in the format yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss or yyyyHHdd.
- DateListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
A filed to display dates in cells that contains a date
- DateListGridField(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.DateListGridField
- DateListGridField(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.DateListGridField
- DateListGridField.DateCellFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
Utility formatter for those cells that contains dates
- DateUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.time
Utility methods to handle dates
- DavResourceFactory - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource
For more informations, please visit
- DavResourceFactoryImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource
For more informations, please visit
- DavResourceFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactoryImpl
- DavResourceFactoryImpl(ResourceConfig) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactoryImpl
- DavResourceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource
For more informations, please visit
- DavResourceImpl(DavResourceLocator, DavResourceFactory, WebdavSession, ResourceConfig) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
Create a new
. - DavResourceImpl(DavResourceLocator, DavResourceFactory, WebdavSession, ResourceConfig, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
Create a new
- DavResourceImpl(DavResourceLocator, DavResourceFactory, WebdavSession, ResourceConfig, Resource) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- DavResourceIOException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception
Same as @link
but its more specifically against logicalDOC as will be checked whether this file physically exists - DavResourceIOException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception.DavResourceIOException
- DavResourceNotFoundException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception
If a Resource could not be logically found, a @link DavResourceIOException will be thrown.
- DavResourceNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception.DavResourceNotFoundException
- DavSessionImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.session
For more informations, please visit
- DavSessionImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.session.DavSessionImpl
- DAY - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.time.TimeDiff.TimeField
- DaysCellFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters
Utility formatter for those cells that contains a days number
- DaysCellFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters.DaysCellFormatter
- DbcpConfig - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.util
Configuration bean for DBCP
- DbcpConfig() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- DBInit - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit
Database initialisation utility
- DBInit() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit.DBInit
- DBInit(List<String>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit.DBInit
A list of sql files to execute
- debug(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.LogTool
Writes in the system log with DEBUG priority
- debug(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.GuiLog
- decide(Authentication, Object, Collection<ConfigAttribute>) - Method in class
- decimalSepator() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- declareCheckPermission(Frontend) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
Declares the javascript function used to check a permission in the current folder
- declareClose(DropSpotPopup) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.DropSpotPopup
Declares the javascript function used to trigger the close of the current popup
- declareDownload() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
Declares the javascript function used to download something
- declareDownloadDocumentResource() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
Declares the javascript function used to download a document's resource
- declareGetCurrentFolderId(Frontend) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
Declares the javascript function used to retrieve the current folder ID
- declareOnReadingCompleted(PreviewPanel) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview.PreviewPanel
Declares the javascript function used to notify when the document has been completely read
- declareReloadTrigger(Frontend) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
Declares the javascript function used to trigger the reload of the current folder
- declareSearchTag(Frontend) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
Declares the javascript function used to trigger the search for a specific tag
- declareShowLostDialog(Login) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.Login
Declares the javascript function used to display the lost password popup
- decode(char[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.
- decode(char[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.
- decode(char[], int, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.
- decode(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.
- decode(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.
- decode(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.html.HTMLColor
Decode HTML-attribute style of color to
- decode(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpBasicAuthenticationHeader
- decodeFromAuthorization(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpBasicAuthenticationHeader
- decodeLines(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a byte array from Base64 format and ignores line separators, tabs and blanks.
- decodeString(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a string from Base64 format.
- decodeString(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a string from Base64 format.
- decrypt(File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
- decrypt(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
- decrypt(String) - Method in class
- deDuplicate(Long, boolean) - Method in interface
Convert duplicates with aliases, just one of the documents is maintained
- deDuplicate(Long, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- deDuplicate(Long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
- DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
- DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY - Static variable in class
- DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout
Default font family: "arial,sans-serif".
- DEFAULT_ID - Static variable in class
- DEFAULT_MAX - Static variable in class
- DEFAULT_MAX - Static variable in class
- DEFAULT_MAX - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.ResponsesDS
- DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class
- DEFAULT_TYPE - Static variable in class
- DEFAULT_WEBCSS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- DefaultAsyncCallback<T> - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
An implemantation of callback that logs the server errors and clears the prompt
- DefaultAsyncCallback() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.DefaultAsyncCallback
- DefaultAuthenticator - Class in
This is the basic authentication mechanism, that searches for the user in the LogicalDOC database.
- DefaultAuthenticator() - Constructor for class
- defaultConnectionColor - Static variable in class
- DefaultHandler - Class in
For more informations, please visit
- DefaultHandler() - Constructor for class
- DefaultHandler(IOManager) - Constructor for class
- DefaultHandler(IOManager, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
- DefaultIOManager - Class in
For more informations, please visit
- DefaultIOManager() - Constructor for class
- DefaultPluginRegistry - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.plugin
Basic implementation of a
- DefaultPluginRegistry() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.DefaultPluginRegistry
- DefaultSchedulerFactory - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.task
Scheduler factory to enable/disable the scheduler depending on the runlevel.
- DefaultSchedulerFactory() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DefaultSchedulerFactory
- defaultString(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.StringTool
Returns either the passed in String, or if the String is null, an empty String ("").
- defaultString(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.StringTool
Returns either the passed in String, or if the String is null, the value of defaultStr.
- defaultString(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.StringUtil
Returns the default string in case the input is empty or null
- DEFAULTWORKSPACEID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- DEFAULTWORKSPACENAME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- DelayedRedrawWindow - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
A window with utility method to force a delayed redraw of the content
- DelayedRedrawWindow() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.DelayedRedrawWindow
- delete() - Method in class
- delete(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- delete(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
This method deletes an entity.
- delete(long) - Method in class
- delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes all resources of a document from the store.
- delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given set
- delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given template
- delete(long) - Method in interface
- delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given account
- delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a form
- delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a specific archive by its identifier
- delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given import folder
- delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes the specified server
- delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a reading request.
- delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given report
- delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given policy
- delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given stamp
- delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given syndication
- delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given template
- delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a specific tenant by its ID
- delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given template
- delete(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.AttributeSetServiceImpl
- delete(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DashletServiceImpl
- delete(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.TemplateServiceImpl
- delete(long) - Method in class
- delete(long) - Method in class
- delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a document
- delete(long) - Method in class
- delete(long) - Method in class
- delete(long) - Method in interface
- delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateMessageTemplateDAO
- delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.HibernateDashletDAO
- delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentLinkDAO
- delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentNoteDAO
- delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateRatingDAO
- delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateVersionDAO
- delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.HibernateGenericDAO
- delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeOptionDAO
- delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeSetDAO
- delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateTemplateDAO
- delete(long, int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
This method deletes an entity and you can give a deletion code
- delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.HibernateSearchDAO
- delete(long, int) - Method in class
- delete(long, int) - Method in class
- delete(long, int) - Method in class
- delete(long, int) - Method in class
- delete(long, int) - Method in class
- delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.HibernateSequenceDAO
- delete(long, int, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
This method deletes the document object and insert a new document history entry.
- delete(long, int, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- delete(long, int, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
This method deletes the folder object and insert a new folder history entry
- delete(long, int, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Shortcut for delete(docId, 1, transaction)
- delete(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- delete(long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Shortcut for delete(id, 1, transaction)
- delete(long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- delete(long, UserHistory) - Method in class
- delete(long, UserHistory) - Method in interface
This method deletes the user object and insert a new user history entry.
- delete(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Delete a document
- delete(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Delete a folder
- delete(long, String) - Method in class
- delete(long, String) - Method in interface
Deletes a specific resource of a document from the store.
- delete(long, String) - Method in interface
Deletes a template
- delete(long, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(File) - Static method in class
Deletes a file doing the best effort
- delete(String) - Method in interface
Deletes a document in Google Drive
- delete(String) - Method in interface
Deletes an existing tag
- delete(String) - Method in interface
Deletes a given workflow
- delete(String) - Method in interface
Deletes a document in Zoho
- delete(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.TagServiceImpl
- delete(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- delete(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- delete(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Deletes an existing document with the given identifier.
- delete(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- delete(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- delete(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Deletes an existing folder.
- delete(String, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.HibernateSequenceDAO
- delete(String, long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.SequenceDAO
Deletes the sequence
- delete(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a selection of contacts
- delete(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a selection of documents
- delete(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes the folders and the subtrees
- delete(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a list of Messages
- delete(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.ContactServiceImpl
- delete(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- delete(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- delete(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.MessageServiceImpl
- delete(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- delete(List<String>) - Method in interface
Deletes a previously saved search
- delete(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchServiceImpl
- delete(List<String>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- DELETE - Enum constant in enum class
- deleteAll(Collection<Document>, int, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Deletes all documents form the database and modifies the custom ids of all documents
- deleteAll(Collection<Document>, int, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- deleteAll(Collection<Document>, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Shortcut for deleteAll(documents, 1, transaction)
- deleteAll(Collection<Document>, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- deleteAll(Collection<Folder>, int, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
For each folder, save the folder delete history entry for each folder and delete the folder
- deleteAll(Collection<Folder>, int, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- deleteAll(Collection<Folder>, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Shortcut for deleteAll(folders, 1, transaction)
- deleteAll(Collection<Folder>, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- deleteAll(Collection<Menu>) - Method in class
- deleteAll(Collection<T>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- deleteAll(Collection<T>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Deletes all entries form the database
- deleteAll(Collection<T>, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- deleteAll(Collection<T>, int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Deletes all entries form the database giving a specific deletion code
- deleteApiKey(long) - Method in interface
Deletes an API Key
- deleteApiKey(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- deleteApiKey(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteAttributeSet(long) - Method in class
- deleteAttributeSet(long) - Method in interface
Deletes an existing attribute set with the given identifier.
- deleteAttributeSet(long) - Method in class
- deleteAttributeSet(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- deleteAttributeSet(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Deletes an existing attribute set with the given identifier.
- deleteAttributeSet(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
- deleteBookmark(long) - Method in interface
- deleteBookmark(long) - Method in class
- deleteBookmark(long) - Method in class
- deleteBookmark(Resource, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
- deleteBookmark(Resource, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- deleteBookmark(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.BookmarkService
- deleteBookmark(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapBookmarkClient
- deleteBookmark(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapBookmarkService
- deleteBookmarks(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a set of bookmarks
- deleteBookmarks(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- deleteBookmarks(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteByDocId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.HibernateTicketDAO
- deleteByDocId(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.TicketDAO
This method deletes all tickets of the specified document.
- deleteBySetIdAndAttribute(long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOptionDAO
This method deletes options.
- deleteBySetIdAndAttribute(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeOptionDAO
- deleteByTicketId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.HibernateTicketDAO
- deleteByTicketId(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.TicketDAO
This method deletes a download ticket.
- deleteCalendar(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- deleteCertificate() - Method in interface
Delete the certificate of the current user
- deleteCertificate(AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteConnection(Connection) - Method in class
- deleteCurrentNodeSessions() - Method in class
- deleteCurrentNodeSessions() - Method in interface
Removes all the sessions that refers to the current node
- deleted(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderController
- deleted(List<GUIDocument>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- DELETED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- DELETED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- DELETED - Enum constant in enum class
- DELETED_CODE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
This is used to mark a deletion that must be shown in the trash bin
- DELETED_CODE_STRONG - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
This is used to mark a deletion that must be physically removed
- DELETED_DOCS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- DELETED_FOLDERS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- DeletedDocsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for deleted documents data retrieval
- DeletedDocsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- DeletedDocsDS - Class in
Datasource to handle deleted documents grid lists.
- DeletedDocsDS(Long, Long, Integer) - Constructor for class
- DeletedDocsReport - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports
This panel shows a list of deleted documents
- DeletedDocsReport() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.DeletedDocsReport
- DeletedFoldersDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for deleted folders data retrieval
- DeletedFoldersDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- DeletedFoldersDS - Class in
Datasource to handle deleted folders grid lists.
- DeletedFoldersDS(Long, Long, Integer) - Constructor for class
- DeletedFoldersReport - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports
This panel shows a list of deleted folders
- DeletedFoldersReport() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.DeletedFoldersReport
- deleteEvent(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Deletes an event.
- deleteEvent(long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteExpired() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.HibernateTicketDAO
- deleteExpired() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.TicketDAO
Deletes all expired tickets
- deleteExpiredMessages(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateSystemMessageDAO
- deleteExpiredMessages(int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessageDAO
Removes all expired messages for the specified type
- deleteExpiredMessages(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateSystemMessageDAO
- deleteExpiredMessages(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessageDAO
Removes all system expired messages for the specified recipient
- deleteFolder(String) - Method in interface
Deletes a folder in impex/in folder
- deleteFolder(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteFromIndex(Document) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Utility method for document removal from index and database update(flag indexed)
- deleteFromIndex(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
Utility method for document removal from index
- deleteFromTrash(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a selection of documents from trash
- deleteFromTrash(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a selection of folders from trash
- deleteFromTrash(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- deleteFromTrash(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- deleteFromTrash(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteFromTrash(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteGroup(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given group
- deleteGroup(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- deleteGroup(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteGroup(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSecurityClient
- deleteGroup(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSecurityService
- deleteGroup(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SecurityService
Deletes an existing group with the given identifier
- deleteHit(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Deletes an hit in the index of the search engine.
- deleteHit(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- deleteHits(Collection<Long>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Removed all passed hits from the index
- deleteHits(Collection<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- deleteIncremental(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given incremental configuration
- deleteIncremental(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteInstance(String) - Method in interface
Deletes a given workflow instance
- deleteInstance(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteInstances(List<String>) - Method in interface
Deletes a given workflow instances
- deleteInstances(List<String>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteJob(JobKey) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- deleteJobs(List<JobKey>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- deleteKeystore(long) - Method in interface
Deletes the actual key store
- deleteKeystore(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteLink(long) - Method in interface
Removes an existing link
- deleteLink(long) - Method in class
- deleteLink(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- deleteLink(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Removes an existing link
- deleteLink(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- deleteLinks(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a selection of links
- deleteLinks(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- deleteLinks(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteMenu(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a menu but only if is not a legacy menu (type not 0)
- deleteMenu(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- deleteMenu(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteNote(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a note
- deleteNote(long) - Method in class
Adds a new note for the given document
- deleteNote(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a new note by note identifier
- deleteNote(long) - Method in class
- deleteNote(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteNote(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- deleteNote(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Adds a new note for the given document
- deleteNote(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- deleteNotes(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a selection of document notes
- deleteNotes(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- deleteNotes(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteObject(CallContext, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS deleteObject
- deleteObjectOrCancelCheckOut(String, String, Boolean, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- deleteObjectOrCancelCheckOut(CallContext, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
- deleteOptions(long, String, List<String>) - Method in interface
Delete a selection of options
- deleteOptions(long, String, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.AttributeSetServiceImpl
- deleteOptions(long, String, List<String>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteOrphaned(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
This method deletes the documents into deleted folders.
- deleteOrphaned(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- deleteOrphaned(long, Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOptionDAO
This method deletes the orphaned options of a given template
- deleteOrphaned(long, Collection<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeOptionDAO
- deletePatch(String) - Method in interface
Deletes a local patch
- deletePatch(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteRating(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a vote
- deleteRating(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- deleteRating(long, AsyncCallback<Integer>) - Method in interface
- deleteResource(Resource, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
Deletion of a resource within logicalDOC.
- deleteResource(Resource, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- deleteRoutines(List<Long>) - Method in interface
- deleteRoutines(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteSequence(long) - Method in interface
Deletes the given sequence
- deleteSequence(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteSubscriptions(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a list of Subscriptions
- deleteSubscriptions(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteTemplate(long) - Method in class
- deleteTemplate(long) - Method in interface
Deletes an existing template with the given identifier
- deleteTemplate(long) - Method in class
- deleteTemplate(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- deleteTemplate(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Deletes an existing template with the given identifier
- deleteTemplate(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
- deleteTemplates(String) - Method in interface
Deletes the templates with the given name
- deleteTemplates(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.MessageServiceImpl
- deleteTemplates(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteTemplates(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a selection of templates
- deleteTemplates(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.MessageServiceImpl
- deleteTemplates(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteTicket(long) - Method in interface
- deleteTicket(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- deleteTicket(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteTree(long, int, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Delete a folder and all its sub-folders that a user can delete.
- deleteTree(long, int, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- deleteTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Shortcut for deleteTree(folderId, 1, transaction)
- deleteTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- deleteTree(Folder, int, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Deletes a folder and all its sub-folders that a user can delete.
- deleteTree(Folder, int, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- deleteTree(String, String, Boolean, UnfileObject, Boolean, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- deleteTree(CallContext, String, Boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS deleteTree
- deleteTrigger(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a workflow trigger
- deleteTrigger(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteTriggers(List<Long>) - Method in interface
- deleteTriggers(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteTrustedDevices(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a set of trusted devices for the current user
- deleteTrustedDevices(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- deleteTrustedDevices(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteUpdate(String) - Method in interface
Deletes a local update package
- deleteUpdate(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteUser(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given user
- deleteUser(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- deleteUser(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- deleteUser(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSecurityClient
- deleteUser(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSecurityService
- deleteUser(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SecurityService
Deletes an existing user with the given identifier
- deleteVersion(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Deletes a specific version.
- deleteVersion(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- deleteVersion(long, String) - Method in class
Adds a new note for the given document
- deleteVersion(long, String) - Method in interface
Deletes a version by document identifier and version ID.
- deleteVersion(long, String) - Method in class
- deleteVersion(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- deleteVersion(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Deletes a version of a document with the given identifiers.
- deleteVersion(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- deleteVersions(long, List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a set of versions from the given archive
- deleteVersions(long, List<Long>, AsyncCallback<GUIArchive>) - Method in interface
- deleteVersions(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a selection of versions
- deleteVersions(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- deleteVersions(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
- deleteWidget(Widget) - Method in class
- DeltaVResourceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource
For more informations, please visit
- DeltaVResourceImpl(DavResourceLocator, DavResourceFactory, WebdavSession, ResourceConfig) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DeltaVResourceImpl
- DeltaVResourceImpl(DavResourceLocator, DavResourceFactory, WebdavSession, ResourceConfig, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DeltaVResourceImpl
- DeltaVResourceImpl(DavResourceLocator, DavResourceFactory, WebdavSession, ResourceConfig, Resource) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DeltaVResourceImpl
- DEMO - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
- demo.jaxrs.openapi.server - package demo.jaxrs.openapi.server
- deploy(GUIWorkflow) - Method in interface
Deploys a given workflow
- deploy(GUIWorkflow, AsyncCallback<GUIWorkflow>) - Method in interface
- DES_ENCRYPTION_SCHEME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
- DES_ENCRYPTION_SCHEME - Static variable in class
- description() - Element in annotation interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.WSDoc
- DESEDE_ENCRYPTION_SCHEME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
- DESEDE_ENCRYPTION_SCHEME - Static variable in class
- deselectAll() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Clear the actual selection
- deselectAll() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- deselectAll() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- deserialize(String) - Static method in class
Deserializes an XML serialization to obtain the object
- deserializeMessage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebSocketListener
- deskew() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageDeskew
Deskews the image
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.ServiceFactory
- destroy() - Method in class
- destroy() - Method in class
- destroy() - Method in interface
Destroy method
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.AutomationEditor
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.AutomationItemEditor
- destroy() - Method in class
- destroy() - Method in class
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.MessagesPanel
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.AliasesPanel
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsListPanel
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- destroy() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.AliasesPanel
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderDetailsPanel
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSecurityPanel
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.VersionsPanel
- destroy() - Method in class
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.StatusBarIcons
- destroy() - Method in class
- destroy() - Method in class
- destroy() - Method in class
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TasksPanel
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowSecurity
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.filter.CacheControlFilter
- destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.filter.xss.XssFilter
- DESTROY_DOCUMENTS - Static variable in class
- DESTROY_DOCUMENTS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- destroyDocument(long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Permanently deletes a document from the system, the document and all the dependent resources will not be recoverable in the future.
- destroyDocument(long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- destroyDocuments(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Permanently deletes a selection of documents, no restore will be possible later
- destroyDocuments(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- destroyDocuments(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- DetailsPreviewPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel shows the full preview of a document
- DetailsPreviewPanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DetailsPreviewPanel
- DetailTab - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels
A generic panel to display details of an object
- detectKey() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Detect KEY specification from the request
- detectLocale() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Detect locale specification from the request
- detectTenant() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Detect tenant specification from the request
- DEVEL - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
- Device - Class in
Represents a device with wich a user connects to the platform
- Device() - Constructor for class
- Device(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new Device inspecting the current request
- DeviceDAO - Interface in
A DAO to handle the devices
- DevicesDataServlet - Class in
This servlet retrieves the trusted devices
- DevicesDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- DevicesDS - Class in
Data Source to show the user's devices.
- DevicesDS() - Constructor for class
- DiagramController - Class in
Controller which manage all the diagram logic
- DiagramController(int, int) - Constructor for class
Initialize the controller diagram.
- DICTIONARY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
- DiffRecord(String, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.MetadataDiff.DiffRecord
- DigestProcessor - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
This task takes care of calculating the documents digest
- DigestProcessor() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DigestProcessor
- DIGITAL_SIGNATURE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_CLIENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- DigitalSignatureDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature
This is the form used to gather informations to dgitally sign more documents
- DigitalSignatureDialog(List<Long>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature.DigitalSignatureDialog
- DigitalSignaturePanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature
This panel shows the digital signatures.
- DigitalSignaturePanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature.DigitalSignaturePanel
- DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class
- disableSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.EditingTabSet
- disableTask(String) - Method in interface
Disables the task
- disableTask(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- disableTask(String, AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
- disableTicket(long) - Method in interface
- disableTicket(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- disableTicket(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- DiscussionsDS - Class in
Datasource to handle the discussions on a document.
- DiscussionsDS(long) - Constructor for class
- display(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.simple.SimpleClassNameDisplayUtils
- displayClassName(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.JavaNameDisplayStrategy
"HelloOrder" -> "Hello Order", Mainly for Class Inheritance display
- displayClassName(Class<?>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.simple.SimpleJavaNameDisplayStrategy
- displayElementName(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.JavaNameDisplayStrategy
- displayElementName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.simple.SimpleJavaNameDisplayStrategy
- displayElementType(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.JavaNameDisplayStrategy
- displayElementType(Class<?>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.simple.SimpleJavaNameDisplayStrategy
- displayFileSize(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Prints the size of a file in human readable form
- displayLink() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- displaySave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.EditingTabSet
- DisplayServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
This servlet is used to serve those requests for displaying details of a document or a folder.
- DisplayServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.DisplayServlet
- displayString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- displayUrl(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Builds the display url of a document(display permalink)
- displayUrl(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Prints the URL to display the folder inside the User Interface
- displayUrl(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Builds the display url of a document(display permalink)
- displayUrl(DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Builds the display url of a document(display permalink)
- displayUrl(Folder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Prints the URL to display the folder inside the User Interface
- displayUrl(FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Prints the URL to display the folder inside the User Interface
- displayURL(Long, Long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- displayWebMethod(WebMethodStubSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.WebMethodDisplayEngine
- displayWebService() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.freemarker.FreemarkerWebServiceDisplayer
- displayWebService(WebServiceStubSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.freemarker.FreemarkerWebServiceDisplayEngine
- displayWebService(WebServiceStubSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.WebServiceDisplayEngine
- dispose() - Method in class
- distributeMessage(WebsocketMessage) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.EventEndpoint
Distributes a message to all the connected clients
- DOC_ARCHIVED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Document's status archived: 3
- DOC_ARCHIVED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- DOC_CHECKED_OUT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Document's status checked out: 1
- DOC_CHECKED_OUT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- DOC_CHECKED_OUT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- DOC_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- DOC_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.web.DisplayServlet
- DOC_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.web.DocumentResourceUpload
- DOC_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.web.ThumbnailServlet
- DOC_LOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Document's status locked: 2
- DOC_LOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- DOC_LOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- DOC_LOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- DOC_REF - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- DOC_UNLOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Document's status unlocked: 0
- DOC_UNLOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- DOC_UNLOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- DOC_UNLOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- DocException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc
- DocException() - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.DocException
- DocException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.DocException
- DocException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.DocException
- DocException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.DocException
- DocException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.DocException
- docId - Variable in class
- docId - Variable in class
- docId - Variable in class
- docId - Variable in class
- DOCParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Parses a MS Word (*.doc, *.dot) file to extract the text contained in the file.
- DOCParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.DOCParser
- DocTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Utility methods to handle documents from within Automation
- DocTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
- document - Variable in class
- Document - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Basic concrete implementation of
- Document() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Document
- Document(Document) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Document
- DOCUMENT_CALENDAR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- DOCUMENT_DESTROYED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
- DocumentAliasesDataServlet - Class in
- DocumentAliasesDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- DocumentAliasesDS - Class in
Datasource retrieve the aliases of a document
- DocumentAliasesDS(long) - Constructor for class
- DocumentCalendarPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel shows the calendar events on a document
- DocumentCalendarPanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentCalendarPanel
- DocumentCapturePanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
Shows document's data capture options.
- DocumentCapturePanel(GUIDocument, ChangedHandler, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentCapturePanel
- DocumentChangeListener - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
Listener invoked on new document seletion.
- DocumentCheckin - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This popup window is used to upload a checked-out document to the server.
- DocumentCheckin(GUIDocument, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentCheckin
- DocumentComparator - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Comparators to sort documents with different options
- DocumentController - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers
Implements the Observer pattern to distribute events on the documents
- DocumentDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.document
This class is a DAO-service for documents.
- DocumentDashlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet
Portlet specialized in listing documents
- DocumentDashlet(GUIDashlet) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.DocumentDashlet
- DocumentDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel collects all documents details
- DocumentDetailsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
- DocumentDetailTab - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
Superclass for all tab panels in the document details area
- documented() - Element in annotation interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.WSDoc
- DocumentEvent - Enum Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Possible events in the document's history
- DocumentExtendedPropertiesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
Shows document's extended properties.
- DocumentExtendedPropertiesPanel(GUIDocument, ChangedHandler, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentExtendedPropertiesPanel
- DocumentFieldsDS - Class in
Fake Datasource to populate a filter builder for parametric searches.
- DocumentFieldsDS(GUITemplate) - Constructor for class
- DocumentGridUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid
Utility methods for documents grids
- DocumentHistory - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Registers an event on folder or document
- DocumentHistory() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentHistory
- DocumentHistory(DocumentHistory) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentHistory
- DocumentHistoryDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.document
DAO for
handling. - DocumentHistoryDashlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet
Dashlet specialized in listing document's history records
- DocumentHistoryDashlet(GUIDashlet) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.DocumentHistoryDashlet
- DocumentHistoryDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for documents history data.
- DocumentHistoryDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- DocumentHistoryDS - Class in
Datasource to handle versions grid lists.
- DocumentHistoryDS(long, Integer) - Constructor for class
- DocumentHistoryDS(Long, Long, String, Integer) - Constructor for class
- DocumentHistoryDS(Long, String, Integer) - Constructor for class
- DocumentHistoryDS(String) - Constructor for class
- DocumentHistoryPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel shows the history of a document
- DocumentHistoryPanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentHistoryPanel
- DocumentInitializer - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
This listener takes care of initializing the metadata of a document.
- DocumentInitializer() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentInitializer
- DocumentLink - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Represents a document link.
- DocumentLink() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentLink
- DocumentLinkDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.document
DAO for
handling. - DocumentListener - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.document
This interface defines hooks called before and after a particular event occurs on the specified document.
- DocumentListenerManager - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
A manager for document listeners.
- DocumentListenerManager() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentListenerManager
- DocumentManager - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.document
A general manager for documents handling issues
- DocumentManagerImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Basic Implementation of
- DocumentManagerImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- DocumentMetadataService - Interface in
Document Metadata Service definition interface for REST.
- DocumentMetadataService - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap
- DocumentNote - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
A note over a document
- DocumentNote() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- DocumentNote(DocumentNote) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- DocumentNoteDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.document
DAO for
handling. - DocumentObserver - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers
Listener on documents events
- DocumentProtectionManager - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
Utility class for handling passwords on documents.
- DocumentProtectionManager.DocumentProtectionHandler - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
- DocumentResourceUpload - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
This servlet is responsible for document resource upload.
- DocumentResourceUpload() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.DocumentResourceUpload
Constructor of the object.
- DOCUMENTS - Static variable in class
- DOCUMENTS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- DOCUMENTS_FOLDERID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- DocumentsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for documents data.
- DocumentsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- DocumentsDS - Class in
Data Source to handle documents grid lists.
- DocumentsDS(int, int) - Constructor for class
- DocumentsDS(DocumentsDSParameters) - Constructor for class
- DocumentsDS(String) - Constructor for class
- DocumentsDS(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class
- DocumentsDSParameters - Class in
A bean to carry those parameters for a document datasource
- DocumentsDSParameters(Long, String, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class
- DocumentSecurityPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel shows the security policies of a document.
- DocumentSecurityPanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentSecurityPanel
- DocumentSelector - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
Allows the selection of a specific document
- DocumentSelector(String, List<FormItemIcon>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.DocumentSelector
- DocumentSelectorDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector
A dialog shoing a mini-browser to select documents
- DocumentSelectorDocumentsListGrid - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector
- DocumentSelectorDocumentsListGrid(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector.DocumentSelectorDocumentsListGrid
- DocumentSelectorDocumentsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector
A documents panel for the selection dialog
- DocumentSelectorDocumentsPanel(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector.DocumentSelectorDocumentsPanel
- DocumentSelectorPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector
A panel with folder browser and document selection
- DocumentSelectorPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector.DocumentSelectorPanel
- DocumentService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Document Service.
- DocumentService - Interface in
- DocumentService - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap
Document Web Service definition interface
- DocumentService.Instance - Class in
- DocumentServiceAsync - Interface in
- DocumentServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
The document service for the operations on the documents done through the GUI.
- DocumentServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- DocumentsGrid - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid
Shows a view on a collecion of documents
- DocumentsListGrid - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid
Grid used to show a documents list in different contexts.
- DocumentsListGrid() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- DocumentsListGrid(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- DocumentsListGrid(List<String>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- DocumentsListPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel shows a selection of documents.
- DocumentsListPanel(GUIFolder, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsListPanel
- DocumentsMenu - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
The left menu
- DocumentsMenu() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsMenu
- DocumentsMenu(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsMenu
- DocumentsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel implements the browser on the documents archive
- DocumentsPreviewPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
Shows a preview panels in the Documents workspace
- DocumentsPreviewPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPreviewPanel
- DocumentsPreviewPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPreviewPanel
- DocumentStandardPropertiesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
Shows document's standard properties and read-only data
- DocumentStandardPropertiesPanel(GUIDocument, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentStandardPropertiesPanel
- DocumentsTileGrid - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid
Grid used to show a documents gallery during navigation or searches.
- DocumentsTileGrid(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- DocumentSubscriptionsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel shows the subscriptions on a document.
- DocumentSubscriptionsPanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentSubscriptionsPanel
- DocumentsUploader - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This popup window is used to upload documents to the server.
- DocumentsUploader() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsUploader
- documentToEMail(Document, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.MailTool
Creates an
object given the document that stores an email message. - DocumentToolbar - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
The toolbar to handle some documents aspects
- DocumentUtil - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
- DocumentValidator - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
This listener takes care of logically validate a document.
- DocumentValidator() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentValidator
- DOCUSIGN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- DOCUSIGN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- DocuSignEnvelopesDS - Class in
Data Source to handle user's contacts grid lists.
- DocuSignEnvelopesDS(Integer) - Constructor for class
- DocuSignNewTabDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign
This is the dialog to create a new DocuSign tab
- DocuSignNewTabDialog(AsyncCallback<GUIDocumentNote>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.DocuSignNewTabDialog
- DocuSignService - Interface in
The client side stub for the DocuSign Service.
- DocuSignService.Instance - Class in
- DocuSignServiceAsync - Interface in
- DocuSignSettings - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign
This popup window is used to handle DocuSign settings.
- DocuSignSettings() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.DocuSignSettings
- DocuSignTabContextMenu - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign
The context menu used to edit an a DocuSign tab
- DocuSignTabContextMenu(DrawItem, GUIDocumentNote) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.DocuSignTabContextMenu
- DocuSignTabsEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign
This popup window is used to define the placehoders of a document where the recipients have to sign
- DocuSignTabsEditor(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.DocuSignTabsEditor
- DocUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.util
Some utility methods for documents.
- DocUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
Some utility methods for the documents
- doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class
- doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class
- doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.filter.CacheControlFilter
- doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.filter.xss.XssFilter
- doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.AvatarServlet
The doGet method of the servlet.
- doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.ConvertPdf
The doGet method of the servlet.
- doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.DisplayServlet
Redirects the request to the proper frontend URL
- doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.DownloadAttachmentServlet
The doGet method of the servlet.
- doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.DownloadServlet
The doGet method of the servlet.
- doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.ExportZip
- doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.LogDownload
- doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.PswRecovery
The doGet method of the servlet.
- doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.stat.StatChartServlet
- doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.ThumbnailServlet
The doGet method of the servlet.
- doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.TicketDownload
The doGet method of the servlet.
- doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceChartServlet
The doGet method of the servlet.
- doPause(long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.time.Pause
- doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.ConvertPdf
- doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.ExportZip
The doPost method of the servlet.
- doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.LogDownload
- doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.PswRecovery
The doPost method of the servlet.
- doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.TicketDownload
The doPost method of the servlet.
- doRun() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.NotifyingThread
Concrete implementations should override this method to implement their own processing.
- doubleBackslashes(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.sql.SqlUtil
Double the backslashes in a string.
- doubleQuotes(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.sql.SqlUtil
Double the quotes in a string.
- doubleQuotesAndBackslashes(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.sql.SqlUtil
- download(long, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocUtil
- download(long, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocUtil
- download(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- download(String, File, int, int) - Static method in class
Downloads an URL into a local file
- DOWNLOAD - Enum constant in enum class
- DOWNLOAD - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- DownloadAttachmentServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
This servlet is responsible for the download of email attachments
- DownloadAttachmentServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.DownloadAttachmentServlet
- downloadAttachmentURL(long, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- downloadContent(String, long, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- downloadDocument(long) - Static method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentUtil
- downloadDocument(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String, long, String, String, User) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
Sends the specified document to the response object; the client will receive it as a download
- downloadDocument(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String, long, String, String, String, User) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
Sends the specified document to the response object; the client will receive it as a download
- downloadDocumentResource(String, String) - Static method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentUtil
Checks the DOWNLOAD permission and forwards the download of the specified document-related resource.
- downloadDocumentText(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, long, User) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
Sends the specified document's indexed text to the response object; the client will receive it as a download
- DOWNLOADED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- downloadFile(String, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.Dropbox
- downloadFile(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, File, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
Sends the specified file to the response object; the client will receive it as a download Sends the specified file to the response object; the client will receive it as a download
- downloadFile(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, File, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceServletUtil
Sends the specified file to the response object; the client will receive it as a download Sends the specified file to the response object; the client will receive it as a download
- DownloadFormItemIcon - Class in
An icon to be used to download a resource of Saml
- DownloadFormItemIcon(String) - Constructor for class
The constructor.
- downloadPatch(String, String, long) - Method in interface
- downloadPatch(String, String, long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- downloadPdfConversion(long, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocUtil
- downloadPdfURL(long, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- downloadPluginResource(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
Downloads a plugin resource
- downloadResourceContent(String, long, String, String, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- DownloadServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
This servlet is responsible for document downloads.
- DownloadServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.DownloadServlet
- downloadTicket(long, boolean, Integer, Date, Integer, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Creates a new download ticket for a document
- downloadTicket(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- downloadTicketURL(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- downloadUpdate(String, String, long) - Method in interface
- downloadUpdate(String, String, long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- downloadUrl(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Builds the download url of a document(download permalink)
- downloadUrl(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Builds the download url of a document(download permalink)
- downloadUrl(DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Builds the download url of a document(download permalink)
- downloadURL(long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- downloadURL(long, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- downloadURL(long, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- downloadURL(long, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- downloadVersionContent(String, long, String, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- draw() - Method in class
- draw() - Method in class
- drawConnection(ConnectionFactory<C>, Shape, Shape) - Method in class
- drawHighlight() - Method in class
- drawHighlight() - Method in class
- drawStraightArrowConnection(Widget, Widget, GUITransition) - Method in class
- drawStraightArrowConnection(Widget, Widget, String) - Method in class
Draw a straight connection with an arrow between two GWT widgets.
- drawStraightConnection(Widget, Widget) - Method in class
Draw a straight connection between two GWT widgets.
- DriveCheckin - Class in
This popup window is used to perform the checkin of a Google Drive document into LogicalDOC.
- DriveCheckin(GUIDocument, DriveEditor) - Constructor for class
- DriveCreate - Class in
This popup window is used to create a new document in Google Drive.
- DriveCreate() - Constructor for class
- DriveEditor - Class in
This popup window is used to show the document in Google Drive.
- DriveEditor(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class
- DriveImport - Class in
This popup window is used to show documents in Google Drive that can be imported into LogicalDOC
- DriveImport() - Constructor for class
- DriveMenuItem - Class in
A menu item for interactig with GDrive
- DriveMenuItem(GUIFolder, GUIDocument) - Constructor for class
- DROP_SPOT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- DROP_SPOT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- Dropbox - Class in com.logicaldoc.dropbox
Our Dropbox facade
- Dropbox(long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.Dropbox
- DROPBOX - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- DROPBOX - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- DropboxAccessTokenWizard - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox
This popup window is used to guide the user in authorize the LogicalDOC application
- DropboxAccessTokenWizard(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxAccessTokenWizard
- DropboxAuthorization - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox
This popup window is used to handle Dropbox API credentials.
- DropboxDataServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.dropbox
This servlet is responsible for retrieving Dropbox entries.
- DropboxDataServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.DropboxDataServlet
- DropboxDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox
This is the form used to select an element in Dropbox
- DropboxDialog(boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxDialog
- DropboxDS - Class in
Datasource to handle folders and sub-folders in Dropbox.
- DropboxDS(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
- DropboxPlugin - Class in com.logicaldoc.dropbox
Entry-point for the Dropbox plug-in
- DropboxPlugin() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.DropboxPlugin
- DropboxService - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox
The client side stub for the Dropbox Service.
- DropboxService.Instance - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox
- DropboxServiceAsync - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox
- DropboxServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.dropbox
Implementation of the DropboxService
- DropboxServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.DropboxServiceImpl
- DropboxTree - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox
TreeGrid showing the folders and files
- DropboxTree(boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxTree
- dropIndex() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Drops the full-text index
- dropIndex() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- DropSpotPopup - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
Displays the DropSpot
- DropSpotPopup() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.DropSpotPopup
- DummyParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Parser that doesn't parse anything
- DummyParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.DummyParser
- DummyScheduler - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.task
- DummyScheduler() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- DuoSetup - Class in
Panel for setting up the YubiKey second factor.
- DuoSetup(GUIUser) - Constructor for class
- DuplicateDocumentExeption - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Used to declare a duplicated insert
- DuplicateDocumentExeption(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DuplicateDocumentExeption
- DuplicateDocumentExeption(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DuplicateDocumentExeption
- DUPLICATES_DISCOVERY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- DuplicatesDS - Class in
Datasource to handle duplicates documents grid lists.
- DuplicatesDS(Long, int) - Constructor for class
- DuplicatesReport - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports
This panel shows a list of duplicates documents in a tabular way.
- DuplicatesReport() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.DuplicatesReport
- EasyHostnameVerifier - Class in
A dummy verifier that accepts all the certificates, unless the environment variable
ldoc.ssl.validate = true
- EasyHostnameVerifier() - Constructor for class
- EasySSLSocketFactory - Class in
An SSL socket factory that will let any certifacte pass, even if it's expired or not singed by a root CA, unless the environment variable
ldoc.ssl.validate = true
- EasySSLSocketFactory() - Constructor for class
- EasyX509TrustManager - Class in
Trust manager that trusts all the certificates unless the environment variable
ldoc.ssl.validate = true
- EasyX509TrustManager() - Constructor for class
- EchoServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
This servlet just prints the content it receives.
- EchoServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.EchoServlet
Constructor of the object.
- EditingTabSet - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
A tabset capable of showing a save widget.
- EditingTabSet(ClickHandler, ClickHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.EditingTabSet
- EDITOR_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- EDITOR_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- EDITOR_LISTBOX - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- EDITOR_LISTBOX - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- EDITOR_TEXTAREA - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- EhCache<K,
V> - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.cache -
A thin adapter for Ehcache support.
- EhCache(Cache) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.EhCache
- EMail - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.communication
A represetnation of an Email message.
- EMail() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- EMAIL - Enum constant in enum class
- EMAIL_IMPORT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- EmailAccountAdvancedProperties - Class in
Shows account's advanced properties and read-only data
- EmailAccountAdvancedProperties(GUIEmailAccount, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class
- EmailAccountAutomationPanel - Class in
Displays the automation routine associated to the Email account
- EmailAccountAutomationPanel(GUIEmailAccount, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class
- EmailAccountDetailsPanel - Class in
This panel collects all account details
- EmailAccountDetailsPanel(EmailAccountsPanel) - Constructor for class
- EmailAccountDetailsTab - Class in
Superclass for all tab panels in the account details area
- EmailAccountFiltersPanel - Class in
Shows the set of filters associated to the curent account
- EmailAccountFiltersPanel(GUIEmailAccount, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class
- EmailAccountsDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all import folders.
- EmailAccountsDS(String) - Constructor for class
- EmailAccountService - Interface in
The client side stub for the EmailAccount Service.
- EmailAccountService.Instance - Class in
- EmailAccountServiceAsync - Interface in
- EmailAccountsPanel - Class in
Panel showing the list of import email accounts
- EmailAccountsPanel() - Constructor for class
- EmailAccountStandardProperties - Class in
Shows account's standard properties and read-only data
- EmailAccountStandardProperties(GUIEmailAccount, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class
- EMailAttachment - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.communication
An attachment of an email message
- EMailAttachment() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailAttachment
- EmailAuthenticatorSetup - Class in
Panel for setting up the YubiKey second factor.
- EmailAuthenticatorSetup() - Constructor for class
- EmailDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This is the form used to send emails and download tickets
- EmailDialog(List<Long>, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.EmailDialog
- EMailSender - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.communication
SMTP E-Mail sender service
- EMailSender() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- EMailSender(long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- EMailSender(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- EmailsValidator - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.validators
Validates a list of emails address tokenized by ';'
- EmailsValidator() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.validators.EmailsValidator
- EmailValidator - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.validators
Validates a single e-mail address
- EmailValidator() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.validators.EmailValidator
- emlContainsAttachments(File) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
- emlContainsAttachments(InputStream) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
- emptyTrash() - Method in interface
Clear the user's trash
- emptyTrash() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- emptyTrash(AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- enable() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
- enableCalendar(boolean) - Method in interface
Enables or disables the connection with Google Calendar
- enableCalendar(boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- enabled(int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- enabled(long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- ENABLED - Enum constant in enum class
- EnabledCellFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters
Formats a cell with special representation in case of disabled record (attribute eenabled=false)
- EnabledCellFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters.EnabledCellFormatter
- EnabledDateListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
A field to display dates but also sensible to the enabled status of the record
- EnabledDateListGridField(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.EnabledDateListGridField
- EnabledDateListGridField(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.EnabledDateListGridField
- EnabledListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
A field to display the enabled/disabled status, it must be bound to a boolean column named eenabled
- EnabledListGridField() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.EnabledListGridField
- enableTask(String) - Method in interface
Enables the task
- enableTask(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- enableTask(String, AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
- enableTicket(long) - Method in interface
- enableTicket(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- enableTicket(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- encode(byte[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Base64Coder
Encodes a byte array into Base64 format.
- encode(byte[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Base64Coder
Encodes a byte array into Base64 format.
- encode(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Base64Coder
Encodes a byte array into Base64 format.
- encode(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Base64Coder
Encodes a byte array into Base64 format.
- encode(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Base64Coder
Encodes a byte array into Base64 format.
- encode(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.UrlUtil
Translates a string into application/x-www-form-urlencoded format using a specific encoding scheme.
- encodeBrandingImage() - Method in interface
Encodes the uploaded branding image
- encodeBrandingImage(AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- encodeImage(File) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Encodes in Base64 the given image file
- encodeLines(byte[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Base64Coder
Encodes a byte array into Base 64 format and breaks the output into lines of 76 characters.
- encodeLines(byte[], int, int, int, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Base64Coder
Encodes a byte array into Base 64 format and breaks the output into lines.
- encodeRedirectUrl(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- encodeRedirectURL(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- encodeRGB(Color) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.html.HTMLColor
- encodeString(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Base64Coder
Encodes a string into Base64 format.
- encodeString(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Base64Coder
Encodes a string into Base64 format.
- encodeUrl(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- encodeURL(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- encodeUTF8(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- Encodings - Class in com.logicaldoc.util
Utility class for working with encodings
- EncodingWebdavRequest - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.web
Our own implementation of the
that corrects the URL encoding bug of Jackrabbit - EncodingWebdavRequest(HttpServletRequest, DavLocatorFactory) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.EncodingWebdavRequest
- encrypt(File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
- encrypt(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
- encrypt(String) - Method in class
- EncryptionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil.EncryptionException
- EncryptionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
- encryptSHA256(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
This method encodes a given string using the SHA-256 algorithm
- endEditing(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.onlyoffice.OnlyOfficeService
Starts the editing of a document with Only Office
- endEditing(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.onlyoffice.OnlyOfficeServiceAsync
- endScroll(ListGrid) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.GridUtil.EndScrollListener
Invoked when the list grid has been fully scrolled
- endTask(String, String) - Method in interface
Ends a task invoking the transition
- endTask(String, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- enforceFilesIntoFolderStore(long) - Method in interface
Enforces that all the files in the given tree are stored in the store configured in the owning folder.
- enforceFilesIntoFolderStore(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- enforceFilesIntoFolderStore(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- enforceFilesIntoFolderStore(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Moves all the files of the documents in the given tree from it's original location to the store defined in the owning folder
- enforceFilesIntoFolderStore(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- enlistSupportedEncodings() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Encodings
- ENTERPRISE_SEARCH - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- ENTITY - Static variable in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
The alias to use to reference the object in the queries
- Entry - Class in com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient
An entry for checkin operations
- Entry(long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.Entry
- EnvelopeDetails - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign
This popup window is used to collect the details of an envelope
- EnvelopeDetails() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.EnvelopeDetails
- Envelopes - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign
This panel shows the list of the user's envelopes.
- Envelopes() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.Envelopes
- EnvironmentDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for retrieving all the environmen variable
- EnvironmentDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- EnvironmentDS - Class in
Datasource get the environment variables
- EnvironmentDS() - Constructor for class
- EnvironmentPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system
This panel shows the list of environment variables
- EnvironmentPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.EnvironmentPanel
- EpubParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
A specialized parser to extract text from .epub(e-books) format
- EpubParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.EpubParser
- EpubThumbnailBuilder - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail
This builder generates the thumbnail for a .epub(e-book) document.
- EpubThumbnailBuilder() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.EpubThumbnailBuilder
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessage
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.AbstractFormatConverter
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentLink
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Rating
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Tag
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TagCloud
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.Language
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AbstractAttributeSet
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Template
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationError
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderSearchOptions
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hit
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.TagSearchOptions
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.Sequence
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.AutomationEditor
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.AutomationItemEditor
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.HtmlItemEditor
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttendee
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEvent
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReminder
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIValue
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVersion
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkingTime
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.dialogs.AbstractEmailDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.ColoredListGridField
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileNameListGridField
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.UserListGridField
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.EventPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.MessagesWindow
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview.MailPreviewPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview.PreviewPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview.PreviewPopup
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview.PreviewTile
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LimitedQueue
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ApplicationRestarting
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.Avatar
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.CronExpressionComposer
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.DocumentSelector
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.EditingTabSet
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ExtendedPropertiesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.FolderSelector
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageCropper
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageDrawingPane
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.IncomingMessage
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.InfoPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.PasswordGenerator
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.UserSearchDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.ApiKeys
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate.CertificateDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate.CertificateUploader
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate.OwnCertificateDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.Contacts
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportPreview
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportSettings
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsUploader
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.LastLogins
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.Profile
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.TrustedDevices
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration.AdminPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration.AdminScreen
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar.CalendarEventDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar.UserCalendarPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.chatgpt.ThreadWindow
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.Clipboard
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.ClipboardWindow
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.BookmarkDashlet
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.ContentDashlet
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.Dashlet
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.DashletSelector
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.DocumentDashlet
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.DocumentHistoryDashlet
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.TagCloudDashlet
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.MessageDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.MessagesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.reading.ReadingRequestsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag.MostUsedTagsPortlet
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag.TagCloud
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag.TagsDashboard
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag.TagsPortlet
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.UserDashboard
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.AliasesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.BookmarkDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.BookmarksPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.ComparisonWindow
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.ConversionDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentCalendarPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentCapturePanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentCheckin
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailTab
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentExtendedPropertiesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentSecurityPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsListPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsMenu
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPreviewPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentStandardPropertiesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentSubscriptionsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsUploader
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentToolbar
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.EmailDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.form.AddDocumentUsingForm
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.form.FillForm
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.ContextMenu
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.Cursor
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.FillRoutineParams
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.NavigatorDocumentsGrid
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.LinksPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.MetadataDiff.DiffRecord
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.AbstractAnnotationsWindow
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.AnnotationContextMenu
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.AnnotationsWindow
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.NotesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.NoteUpdateDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.VersionNotesWindow
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.PublishingPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.RatingDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.reading.ReadingRequestDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.ReplaceVersionFile
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector.DocumentSelectorPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.SendToArchiveDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature.DigitalSignatureDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature.DigitalSignaturePanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature.VisualPositioningDigitalSignatureDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.stamp.FillStamp
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.stamp.StampDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.stamp.VisualPositioningStampDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.StartWorkflowDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.TicketDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.TicketDisplay
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.TrashPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateNotificationPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdatePanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateStandardPropertiesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.VersionsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.DocuSignNewTabDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.DocuSignSettings
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.DocuSignTabContextMenu
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.EnvelopeDetails
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.Envelopes
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxAccessTokenWizard
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxAuthorization
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.AliasesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.AutomationDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.AutomationTriggerDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderBrowser
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderCursor
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderTree
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.ContextMenu
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy.FolderCopyDetailsDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy.FolderCopyDetailsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy.FolderCopyDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy.FolderCopyExtendedPropertiesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy.FolderCopyStandardPropertiesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.CreateDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderAutomationPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderCapturePanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderDetailsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderDetailTab
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderExtendedPropertiesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderImageUploader
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderInterfacePanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderQuotaPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSearchDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSearchForm
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSecurityPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderStandardPropertiesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSubscriptionsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderTile
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.InheritRightsDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.MergeDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ArchiveDetailsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ExportArchivesList
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportArchiveFoldersList
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportArchivesList
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportDetailsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportSettingsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalArchivesList
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalDetailsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalSettingsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.VersionsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderAdvancedProperties
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderAutomationPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderDetailsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderDetailsTab
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderHistoryPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFoldersPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderStandardProperties
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationDetailsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationDetailsTab
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationStandardProperties
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeQueuePanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeTemplateSettings
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeTemplatesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.ZoneEditor
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.CustomIdPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.FolderTemplatesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormCreate
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormDetailsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormImageTile
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.ResponsesGrid
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.ResponsesListPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.ResponsesStatsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.WebFormInvitationDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.WebFormPrefilledEmail
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.WebFormPrefilledLink
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.RetentionPoliciesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.RetentionPolicyDetailsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampDetailsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampDetailsTab
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampParameters
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampProperties
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampSecurity
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampUploader
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.tag.TagsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.tag.TagsPreset
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.tag.TagsSettingsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AddTemplateAttributeDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeInitializerComposer
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeSetDetailsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeSetPropertiesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeSetsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeValidatorComposer
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.Options
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.OptionsUploader
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplateDetailsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplatePropertiesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplateSecurityPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplatesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplateValidationPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRQueuePanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRTemplateSettings
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRTemplatesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZoneEditor
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.DetailTab
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.HistoryPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.MainPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.StatusBarIcons
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.ArchivedDocsReport
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.CalendarReport
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.CustomReportsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportDetailsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportDetailsTab
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportParametersForm
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportStandardProperties
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportUploader
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.DeletedDocsReport
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.DeletedFoldersReport
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.DuplicatesReport
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.LastChangesReport
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.LockedDocsReport
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.SubscriptionsReport
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.TicketsReport
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.AuditingPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineDetailsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineDetailsTab
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineParametersPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineProperties
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineSecurity
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutinesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggerDetailsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggerDetailsTab
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggerProperties
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggersPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.comparators.ComparatorsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.CustomActionEditor
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.CustomActionsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.DashletEditor
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.DashletsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.GUIGridsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.GUILanguagesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.GUISettingsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.messages.MessageTemplateEditor
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.messages.MessageTemplatesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.messages.OutgoingEmailPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.OCRSettingsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols.ApiCallsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols.ProtocolsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols.WebservicesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.QuotaPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.RepositoriesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex.IndexingHistoryPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex.SearchIndexEntriesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex.SearchIndexPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.StoresPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.VIASettingsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.sharefile.ShareFileDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.sharefile.ShareFileSettings
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.sharefile.ShareFileTree
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.subscription.PersonalSubscriptions
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.BrandingPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.ChannelsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.ClusteringPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.LogPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.plugin.PluginsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.plugin.PluginUploader
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.RunLevelPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.ScopedPropertiesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.SessionsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.SystemMenu
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.JobsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TaskDetailPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TaskNotificationPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TaskSchedulingPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TasksPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update.PatchPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update.PatchUploader
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update.UpdatePanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update.UpdateUploader
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.usage.SystemUsageHistoryChart
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.usage.UsagePanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.BrandingPackageUploader
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.ImageUploader
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.KeystoreUploader
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantBrandingPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantDetailsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantKeystorePanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantPropertiesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantQuotaPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantsPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.textcontent.TextContentCreate
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.textcontent.TextContentEditor
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.webcontent.WebcontentCreate
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.webcontent.WebcontentEditor
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.PrimitivesToolstrip
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.TaskEditor
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.TransitionEditor
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDesigner
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDrawingPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowSecurity
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowSettings
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowToolStrip
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowUploader
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.TaskDetailsDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashboard
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashlet
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowHistoriesPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowHistoryDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowNoteEditor
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowTriggersPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho.ZohoAuthorization
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho.ZohoCheckin
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho.ZohoDialog
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho.ZohoEditor
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.ChangePassword
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.LoginPanel
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.PasswordGenerator
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.ResetPassword
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Pair
Test this
for equality with anotherObject
. - equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.SoftwareVersion
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Value
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.stat.ChartDrawingSupplier
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.StubTypeTree
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeOption
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceCall
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- error(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.LogTool
Writes in the system log with ERROR priority
- error(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.GuiLog
- error(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.EventPanel
- error(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.GuiLog
- error(Session, Throwable) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.EventEndpoint
- ERROR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEvent
- escapeHTML(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Converts some HTML specific chars into it's entity
- ESIGNED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- evaluate(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
Evaluate a given expression.
- evaluate(Map<String, Object>, Reader, Writer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
Evaluate a given expression.
- EVENT_CHANGED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- EVENT_CHECKEDIN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- EVENT_CHECKEDOUT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- EVENT_DOWNLOADED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- EVENT_LOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- EventCollector - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.communication
A collector of events that can distribute them to a set of listeners
- EventCollector() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EventCollector
- EventEndpoint - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.websockets
Websockets end-point to distribute events.
- EventEndpoint() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.EventEndpoint
- EventListener - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.communication
A listener for the event emitted by the collector
- EventPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log
Small panel showing the last event message.
- EVENTS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- EventsCalendar - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar
Represents a calendar containing events related to documents.
- EventsCalendar(Long, Date, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar.EventsCalendar
- EventsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for document posts data.
- EventsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- EventsDS - Class in
Data source to show notes in the posts portlet.
- EventsDS(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
- EventSelectorOptions - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
- EventSelectorOptions(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.EventSelectorOptions
- EventsListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
List grid field to display the events related to a specific subscription or other events-related object
- EventsListGridField() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.EventsListGridField
- EventsListGridField(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.EventsListGridField
- EventsListGridField(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.EventsListGridField
- eventTables() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
Retrieves those histories that refer to events stored in the database and used for reports.
- exec(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.SystemTool
Executes a command
- exec(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.SystemTool
Executes a command
- exec(String, String, String[], String[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.JavaLauncher
Launch a java program.
- exec(String, List<String>, File, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.Exec
Execute the command by using the Runtime.exec
- exec(String, List<String>, File, Writer, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.Exec
- exec(String, List<String>, File, StringBuilder, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.Exec
- exec(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.Exec
Execute the command by using the Runtime.getRuntime().exec()
- exec(List<String>, List<String>, File, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.Exec
Executes the command by using the Runtime.getRuntime().exec()
- exec(List<String>, List<String>, String, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.SystemTool
Executes the command
- Exec - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.exec
Utility class used to execute system commands
- Exec() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.Exec
- ExecException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.util.exec
An error happened during command execution
- ExecException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.ExecException
- ExecException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.ExecException
- execGetOutput(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.SystemTool
Executes a command and gets it's output.
- execGetOutput(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.SystemTool
Executes a command and gets it's output
- execGetOutput(String, List<String>, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.Exec
Execute the command by using the Runtime.getRuntime().exec()
- execGetOutput(List<String>, List<String>, File, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.Exec
Executes the command by using the Runtime.getRuntime().exec()
- execGetOutput(List<String>, List<String>, String, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.SystemTool
Executes the command and gets it's output
- execJar(String, String[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.JavaLauncher
Execute a java jar file that contains a manifest.
- execPB(List<String>, File, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.Exec
Executes the command by using the process builder.
- execPB(List<String>, Map<String, String>, File, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.Exec
Executes the command by using the process builder.
- execute() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.NamedParameterStatement
Executes the statement.
- execute() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit.DBInit
Executes all the sql files defined in the constructor
- execute(long, List<GUIAttribute>) - Method in interface
Processes a report
- execute(long, List<GUIAttribute>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- execute(GUIAutomationRoutine, List<Long>, List<Long>) - Method in interface
Executes a routine or a given script
- execute(GUIAutomationRoutine, List<Long>, List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- execute(Runnable, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.ThreadPools
Executes a task in the given pool.
- execute(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ValuesCallback
- executeBatch() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.NamedParameterStatement
Executes all of the batched statements.
- executeQuery() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.NamedParameterStatement
Executes the statement, which must be a query.
- executeSql(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit.DBInit
Execute a SQL statements in the passed string
- executeUpdate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.NamedParameterStatement
Executes the statement, which must be an SQL INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement; or an SQL statement that returns nothing, such as a DDL statement.
- executeWithElevatedRights(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.PrivilegedRunner
- exists() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- exists(long, String) - Method in class
- exists(long, String) - Method in interface
Checks if the passed resource exists in the document's container
- exists(String, long) - Method in class
- existsResource(String) - Static method in class
- expandVisibleRows() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Expands all visible rows
- expandVisibleRows() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- expandVisibleRows() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- export() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- EXPORT - Enum constant in enum class
- EXPORT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- EXPORT_CSV - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- EXPORT_LOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Document's export status unlocked: 0
- EXPORT_LOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- EXPORT_UNLOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Document's export status unlocked: 0
- EXPORT_UNLOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- ExportArchivesList - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives
Panel showing the list of export archives
- ExportArchivesList(int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ExportArchivesList
- ExportArchivesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives
Panel showing export archives control panel.
- ExportArchivesPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ExportArchivesPanel
- exportAsCSV(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.GridUtil
- exportContent(ExportContext, boolean) - Method in class
- exportContent(ExportContext, boolean) - Method in interface
- exportContent(ExportContext, boolean) - Method in interface
- exportContent(ExportContext, boolean) - Method in class
- exportContent(ExportContext, DavResource) - Method in class
- exportContent(ExportContext, DavResource) - Method in interface
- exportContent(ExportContext, DavResource) - Method in interface
- exportContent(ExportContext, DavResource) - Method in class
- exportContent(ExportContext, DavResource, Long, Long) - Method in class
- exportContent(ExportContext, DavResource, Long, Long) - Method in interface
- exportContent(ExportContext, DavResource, Long, Long) - Method in interface
- exportContent(ExportContext, DavResource, Long, Long) - Method in class
- ExportContext - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webdav.context
For more informations, please visit
- ExportContextImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.context
For more informations, please visit
- ExportContextImpl(Resource, OutputContext) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ExportContextImpl
- exportCSV(ListGrid, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.GridUtil
Exports into the CSV format the content of a ListGrid.
- exportDiagram() - Method in class
- exportDocuments(String, List<Long>, List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.DropboxServiceImpl
- exportDocuments(String, List<Long>, List<Long>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxService
Exports documents and folders into Dropbox
- exportDocuments(String, List<Long>, List<Long>) - Method in interface
Exports documents and folders into ShareFille
- exportDocuments(String, List<Long>, List<Long>) - Method in interface
Exports documents and folders into Zoho
- exportDocuments(String, List<Long>, List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxServiceAsync
- exportDocuments(String, List<Long>, List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
- exportDocuments(String, List<Long>, List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
- exportDocuments(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Exports a selection of documents from LogicalDOC into GoogleDocs
- exportDocuments(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<List<String>>) - Method in interface
- EXPORTED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- EXPORTED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- EXPORTPDF - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- exportProperties(PropertyExportContext, boolean) - Method in class
- ExportZip - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
This servlet is responsible of zip export
- ExportZip() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.ExportZip
Constructor of the object.
- ExtendedPropertiesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
A panel for editing extended attributes of an extensible object
- ExtendedPropertiesPanel(GUIExtensibleObject, ChangedHandler, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ExtendedPropertiesPanel
- ExtendedPropertiesPanel(GUIExtensibleObject, ChangedHandler, ChangedHandler, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ExtendedPropertiesPanel
- ExtensibleObject - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
An extensible object is able to store an undeterminate number of attributes.
- ExtensibleObject() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- ExtensionAliasesDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for retrieving all the extension aliases.
- ExtensionAliasesDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- ExtensionAliasesDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.converters
This is the dialog used to quickly associate a converter to formats
- ExtensionAliasesDialog() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.converters.ExtensionAliasesDialog
- ExtensionAliasesDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve the aliases for the input extensions.
- ExtensionAliasesDS() - Constructor for class
- EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- extractAttachments(Document, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.MailTool
Extracts attachments of email files (.eml, .msg) in the current folder
- extractEmail(long, String) - Method in interface
Extracts the email representation from a .eml or .msg file
- extractEmail(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- extractEmail(long, String, AsyncCallback<GUIEmail>) - Method in interface
- extractEntry(File, File) - Method in class
Extracts the first file entry contained in the given TAR archive
- extractEntry(File, String, File) - Method in class
- extractEntry(File, String, File) - Method in class
- extractImage(int, COSName) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.PDFImageExtractor
Extracts the imageKey image from the given page
- extractImages() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.PDFImageExtractor
Extracts all images of the entire document
- extractMessageText(Message) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
Extracts just the body of texts parts in the given email message
- extractOriginalFile(File) - Method in class
Extracts the original file content into the given file
- extractOriginalFileStream() - Method in class
Extracts the original file content as stream
- extractTags(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.TagUtil
Detects words in the passed string and creates a list of tags.
- Feature - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
Stores the enabled features
- FeatureDisabled - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
Simple panel to show the user that a feature is disabled.
- FeatureDisabled() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.FeatureDisabled
- FeatureDisabled(Integer) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.FeatureDisabled
- Features - Class in
Shows some activable features
- Features() - Constructor for class
- FeaturesDS - Class in
Datasource to display features
- FeaturesDS() - Constructor for class
- FeedMessagesDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve the feed messages.
- FeedMessagesDS() - Constructor for class
- fetchNewData(DocumentsDS) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Replace the actual data with a new source
- fetchNewData(DocumentsDS) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- fetchNewData(DocumentsDS) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- FIELD_SENDER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailRule
- FIELD_SUBJECT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailRule
- FILE_CONVERSION - Enum constant in enum class
- FileBodyCounter - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.http
This is a file body that notifies about the progess a given listener
- FileBodyCounter(File, FileBodyCounter.ProgressListener) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.http.FileBodyCounter
- FileBodyCounter(File, ContentType, String, FileBodyCounter.ProgressListener) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.http.FileBodyCounter
- FileBodyCounter.ProgressListener - Interface in com.logicaldoc.util.http
- filedata - Variable in class
- filedata - Variable in class
- filedata - Variable in class
- FileHttpClientResponseHandler - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.http
A HTTP response handler that writes the response into a given file
- FileHttpClientResponseHandler(File) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.http.FileHttpClientResponseHandler
- FileIconCellFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.TypeIconGridField.FileIconCellFormatter
- FileIconCellFormatter(int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.TypeIconGridField.FileIconCellFormatter
- fileIconUrl(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- filename - Variable in class
- filename - Variable in class
- FILENAME - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- FileNameCellFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileNameListGridField.FileNameCellFormatter
- FileNameCellFormatter(int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileNameListGridField.FileNameCellFormatter
- FileNameCleaner - Class in com.logicaldoc.util
Useful for stripping chars not valid for Linux or Windows
- fileNameIcon(String, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- FileNameListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
A field to display a file name with icon
- FileNameListGridField() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileNameListGridField
- FileNameListGridField(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileNameListGridField
- FileNameListGridField(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileNameListGridField
- FileNameListGridField(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileNameListGridField
- FileNameListGridField(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileNameListGridField
- FileNameListGridField.FileNameCellFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
- FileSizeCellFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters
Utility formatter for those cells that contains file sizes
- FileSizeCellFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileSizeListGridField.FileSizeCellFormatter
- FileSizeCellFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters.FileSizeCellFormatter
- FileSizeCellFormatter(boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileSizeListGridField.FileSizeCellFormatter
- FileSizeCellFormatter(boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters.FileSizeCellFormatter
- FileSizeListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
A field to display a file size
- FileSizeListGridField(String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileSizeListGridField
- FileSizeListGridField(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileSizeListGridField
- FileSizeListGridField(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileSizeListGridField
- FileSizeListGridField(String, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileSizeListGridField
- FileSizeListGridField.FileSizeCellFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
- FileUtil - Class in
This class manages I/O operations with files.
- fileVersion - Variable in class
- fileVersion - Variable in class
- FileVersionListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
A field to display a file name with icon
- FileVersionListGridField() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileVersionListGridField
- FileVersionListGridField(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileVersionListGridField
- FileVersionListGridField(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileVersionListGridField
- FillForm - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.form
This popup window is used get the form's fields values
- FillForm(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.form.FillForm
- FillRoutineParams - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid
This popup window is used get the automation routine's parameters values to launch it.
- FillRoutineParams(String, GUIAutomationRoutine, List<Long>, List<Long>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.FillRoutineParams
- FillStamp - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.stamp
This popup window is used get the stamp's fields values
- FillStamp(List<GUIDocument>, GUIStamp, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.stamp.FillStamp
- filter(ContainerRequestContext, ContainerResponseContext) - Method in class demo.jaxrs.openapi.server.ApiOriginFilter
- FilteredAnalyzer - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.analyzer
This analyzer is a wrapper to be used to handle an ordered list of filters.
- FilteredAnalyzer() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.analyzer.FilteredAnalyzer
- find(GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria) - Method in interface
Searches for events
- find(GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria, AsyncCallback<List<GUICalendarEvent>>) - Method in interface
- find(WSSearchOptions) - Method in class
- find(WSSearchOptions) - Method in class
- find(WSSearchOptions) - Method in interface
- find(String, WSSearchOptions) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSearchClient
- find(String, WSSearchOptions) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSearchService
- find(String, WSSearchOptions) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SearchService
Performs a search by the search options.
- find(String, Long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Useful method that allows to find all folders that contains the given name into their text.
- find(String, Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- find(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.RegexTool
Finds the matches into a given content using a given regular expression
- find(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.Dropbox
- findAdminUser(String) - Method in class
- findAdminUser(String) - Method in interface
Retrieve the administrator for the given tenant.
- findAliases(Long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Finds all the aliases
- findAliases(Long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findAliasIds(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Gets the ids of all aliases associated to the document with the given docId
- findAliasIds(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findAll() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- findAll() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeSetDAO
- findAll() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateTemplateDAO
- findAll() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Finds all entities in the database
- findAll(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- findAll(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeSetDAO
- findAll(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateTemplateDAO
- findAll(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Finds all entities in a specific tenant.
- findAll(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.RegexTool
Finds the matches into a given content using a given regular expression
- findAllGroupNames(long) - Method in interface
This method selects all group names
- findAllGroupNames(long) - Method in class
- findAllIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- findAllIds() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Finds all entities ids
- findAllIds(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- findAllIds(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Finds all entities ids in a specific tenant.
- findAllNames() - Method in class
- findAllNames() - Method in interface
Retrieves all the tenant names
- findAllTags(String, Long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Searches for all tags,
- findAllTags(String, Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findArchivedByFolder(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Finds archived documents in a folder (direct childeren only)
- findArchivedByFolder(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findAttributes(long, Long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeSetDAO
Gets the map of attributes defined in the given tenant or set
- findAttributes(long, Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeSetDAO
- findBookmarkedDocs(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.BookmarkDAO
Finds the identifiers of the docs bookmarked by the given user
- findBookmarkedDocs(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateBookmarkDAO
- findByAlternateKey(String, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.HibernateSequenceDAO
- findByAlternateKey(String, long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.SequenceDAO
Finds the sequence by the given alternate key
- findByAlternateKey(String, String, Long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.generic.GenericDAO
Finds a Generic by it's alternate key
- findByAlternateKey(String, String, Long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.HibernateGenericDAO
- findByAttribute(long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOptionDAO
This finds all the options for a given attribute.
- findByAttribute(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeOptionDAO
- findByAttributeAndCategory(long, String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOptionDAO
This finds all the options for a given attribute.
- findByAttributeAndCategory(long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeOptionDAO
- findByAttributeAsMap(long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOptionDAO
This finds all the options for a given attribute and groups them by category.
- findByAttributeAsMap(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeOptionDAO
- findByCustomId(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
This method finds a document by the custom ID.
- findByCustomId(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findByDevice(Device) - Method in interface
Finds the device that corresponds to the given one
- findByDevice(Device) - Method in class
- findByDeviceId(String) - Method in interface
Gets the device by it's alternate key:
- findByDeviceId(String) - Method in class
- findByDocId(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentHistoryDAO
This method selects all histories of a given document.
- findByDocId(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentLinkDAO
This method finds the list of document link in which there is a document with the given ID
- findByDocId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO
- findByDocId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentLinkDAO
- findByDocId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateRatingDAO
- findByDocId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateVersionDAO
- findByDocId(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.RatingDAO
Finds the ratings stored for the given document id
- findByDocId(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.VersionDAO
Finds all versions of the given document
- findByDocId(long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentLinkDAO
This method finds the list of document link, filtered by the given link type, in which there is a document with the given ID
- findByDocId(long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNoteDAO
This method finds the list of document notes regarding a document with the given ID
- findByDocId(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentLinkDAO
- findByDocId(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentNoteDAO
- findByDocIdAndEvent(long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentHistoryDAO
This method selects all histories of a given document.
- findByDocIdAndEvent(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO
- findByDocIdAndType(long, String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNoteDAO
This method finds the list of document notes regarding a document with the given ID and optionally filter on the type
- findByDocIdAndType(long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentNoteDAO
- findByDocIdAndTypes(long, String, Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNoteDAO
This method finds the list of document notes regarding a document with the given ID and optionally filter on a collection of types
- findByDocIdAndTypes(long, String, Collection<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentNoteDAO
- findByDocIdAndUserId(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateRatingDAO
- findByDocIdAndUserId(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.RatingDAO
Finds the rating for the given user id and the given document id
- findByDocIdsAndType(long, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentLinkDAO
Find a document link using its alternate keys
- findByDocIdsAndType(long, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentLinkDAO
- findByFilename(String) - Method in class
- findByFilename(String) - Method in interface
Finds authorized documents for the current user the given filename (like operator is used)
- findByFilename(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSearchClient
- findByFilename(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSearchService
- findByFilename(String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SearchService
Finds authorized documents for the current user the given filename (like operator is used)
- findByFileNameAndParentFolderId(Long, String, Long, Long, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Finds that document that lies under a specific folder (given by the id) an with a given fileName(like operator is used)
- findByFileNameAndParentFolderId(Long, String, Long, Long, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findByFileVersion(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateVersionDAO
- findByFileVersion(long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.VersionDAO
This method finds a the first version with the given fileVersion
- findByFolder(long, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Finds all documents direct children of the given folder.
- findByFolder(long, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findByFolderId(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentHistoryDAO
This method selects all histories of a given folder.
- findByFolderId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO
- findByFolderId(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderHistoryDAO
This method selects all histories of a given folder.
- findByFolderId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderHistoryDAO
- findByFolderIdAndEvent(long, String, Date) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderHistoryDAO
This method selects all histories of a given folder and event occurred after a given date.
- findByFolderIdAndEvent(long, String, Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderHistoryDAO
- findByGroup(long) - Method in class
- findByGroup(long) - Method in interface
Retrieves the users belonging to a given group.
- findByGroupId(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Finds all folders accessible by the passed group
- findByGroupId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findByGroupId(long) - Method in class
- findByGroupId(long) - Method in interface
Finds all menus accessible by the passed group
- findById(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Retrieves a document by it's identifier
- findById(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Finds the folder by it's identifier
- findById(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- findById(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
This method finds an entity by ID
- findById(long) - Method in class
- findById(long, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- findById(long, boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
This method finds an entity by ID
- findByIds(Set<Long>, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Finds all documents whose id is included in the given pool of ids
- findByIds(Set<Long>, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findByIndexed(int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Finds all documents by the indexed state.
- findByIndexed(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findByKey(String) - Method in interface
Finds the ApiKey by the unique key
- findByKey(String) - Method in class
- findByLanguage(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateMessageTemplateDAO
- findByLanguage(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplateDAO
Finds the templates by given language
- findByLikeName(String, long) - Method in interface
This method finds a Group by name.
- findByLikeName(String, long) - Method in class
- findByLikeUsername(String) - Method in class
- findByLikeUsername(String) - Method in interface
This method finds an User by username.
- findByLockUserAndStatus(Long, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Finds all document of0 the specified status and locked by the specified user
- findByLockUserAndStatus(Long, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findByMode(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateSystemMessageDAO
- findByMode(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessageDAO
This method selects all the messages for the specified mode
- findByName(Folder, String, Long, boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Finds all folders by folder text, contained in the parent folder.
- findByName(Folder, String, Long, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findByName(Menu, String, boolean) - Method in class
- findByName(Menu, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Finds all menus by menu text, contained in the parent menu
- findByName(String) - Method in class
- findByName(String) - Method in class
- findByName(String) - Method in interface
Finds all menus by menu text.
- findByName(String) - Method in interface
Finds a tenant by name
- findByName(String) - Method in class
- findByName(String) - Method in interface
This method finds an User by name.
- findByName(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateMessageTemplateDAO
- findByName(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplateDAO
Finds the templates by given name, you may have the same name but for different languages.
- findByName(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.DashletDAO
Finds the dashlet by it's name
- findByName(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.HibernateDashletDAO
- findByName(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeSetDAO
This method finds a attribute set by name
- findByName(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeSetDAO
- findByName(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateTemplateDAO
- findByName(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.TemplateDAO
This method finds a template by name
- findByName(String, long) - Method in interface
Finds the user's ApiKey with a given name
- findByName(String, long) - Method in class
- findByName(String, long) - Method in interface
Finds a group by name.
- findByName(String, long) - Method in class
- findByName(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.HibernateSequenceDAO
- findByName(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.SequenceDAO
Finds all sequences whose name starts with the passed name
- findByName(String, Long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Finds all folders by folder name
- findByName(String, Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findByNameAndLanguage(String, String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateMessageTemplateDAO
- findByNameAndLanguage(String, String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplateDAO
Finds the template by the alternate key.
- findByNameAndParentId(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Finds that folder that lies under a specific parent (given by the id) an with a given name(like operator is used)
- findByNameAndParentId(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findByNameAndParentId(String, long) - Method in class
- findByNameAndParentId(String, long) - Method in interface
Finds that folder that lies under a specific parent (given by the id) an with a given text(like operator is used)
- findByNode(String) - Method in class
- findByNode(String) - Method in interface
Retrieves the session of the given node
- findByObjectQuery(String, Map<String, Object>, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- findByObjectQuery(String, Map<String, Object>, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Finds all entities by the given object query.
- findByParentId(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Finds all children(direct and indirect) by parentId
- findByParentId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findByParentId(long, boolean) - Method in class
- findByParentId(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Finds all children(direct and indirect) by parentId
- findByPath(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Retrieves a document by it's path
- findByPath(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Finds the folder by it's path
- findByPath(String) - Method in class
- findByPath(String) - Method in class
- findByPath(String) - Method in interface
Finds the folder at the specified path
- findByPath(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Finds a document by it's full path
- findByPath(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findByPath(String, Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Retrieves a document by it's path
- findByPath(String, Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Finds the folder by it's path
- findByPath(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- findByPath(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- findByPath(String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Finds the folder at the specified path
- findByPath(String, Date, Collection<String>, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentHistoryDAO
This method finds all histories about a path (you can use expression)
- findByPath(String, Date, Collection<String>, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO
- findByPath(String, Date, Collection<String>, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderHistoryDAO
This method finds all histories about a path (you can use expression)
- findByPath(String, Date, Collection<String>, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderHistoryDAO
- findByPathExtended(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Retrieval of a folder by the extended path
- findByPathExtended(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findByQuery(String, Map<String, Object>, Class<R>, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- findByQuery(String, Map<String, Object>, Class<R>, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Find everything you want from the DB using the ORM query language
- findByQuery(String, Map<String, Object>, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- findByQuery(String, Map<String, Object>, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Find everything you want from the DB using the ORM query language
- findByRecipient(String, int, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateSystemMessageDAO
- findByRecipient(String, int, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessageDAO
This method selects all the messages for the specified recipient and type
- findBySid(String) - Method in class
- findBySid(String) - Method in interface
Retrieves the session of the given SID
- findByTicketId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.HibernateTicketDAO
- findByTicketId(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.TicketDAO
This finds a ticket by its identifier
- findByType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateSystemMessageDAO
- findByType(int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessageDAO
This method selects all the messages for the specified type
- findByType(int, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeSetDAO
This method finds a attribute set by type
- findByType(int, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeSetDAO
- findByType(int, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateTemplateDAO
- findByType(int, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.TemplateDAO
This method finds a template by type
- findByTypeAndLanguage(String, String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateMessageTemplateDAO
- findByTypeAndLanguage(String, String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplateDAO
Finds the templates by the type.
- findByTypeAndSubtype(String, String, Long, Long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.generic.GenericDAO
Finds a Generic by it's alternate key.
- findByTypeAndSubtype(String, String, Long, Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.HibernateGenericDAO
- findByUser(long) - Method in interface
Finds the user's ApiKeys for a given user
- findByUser(long) - Method in class
- findByUser(Long, String) - Method in interface
Finds the contacts of the specified user.
- findByUser(Long, String) - Method in class
- findByUserId(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.BookmarkDAO
Finds all bookmarks for the given user id
- findByUserId(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Finds all documents for an user.
- findByUserId(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentHistoryDAO
This method selects all histories of a given user.
- findByUserId(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNoteDAO
This method finds the list of document notes regarding posted by a specific user
- findByUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateBookmarkDAO
- findByUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findByUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO
- findByUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentNoteDAO
- findByUserId(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Finds authorized folders for a user
- findByUserId(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderHistoryDAO
This method selects all histories of a given user.
- findByUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findByUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderHistoryDAO
- findByUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.HibernateSearchDAO
- findByUserId(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SearchDAO
Gets all the searches of a given user ordered by name asc
- findByUserId(long) - Method in interface
Finds the devices of a specific user
- findByUserId(long) - Method in class
- findByUserId(long) - Method in class
- findByUserId(long) - Method in interface
Finds authorized menus for a user.
- findByUserId(long) - Method in class
- findByUserId(long) - Method in interface
This method selects all histories of a given user.
- findByUserId(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Finds direct children of a folder.
- findByUserId(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findByUserId(long, long, boolean) - Method in class
- findByUserId(long, long, boolean) - Method in interface
Finds direct children of a menu
- findByUserId(long, long, Integer, boolean) - Method in class
- findByUserId(long, Integer) - Method in class
- findByUserId(long, Integer) - Method in interface
Gets all the histories related to a given user ordered by date desc
- findByUserIdAndDocId(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.BookmarkDAO
Finds all bookmarks for the given user id and the given document's identifier
- findByUserIdAndDocId(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateBookmarkDAO
- findByUserIdAndEvent(long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderHistoryDAO
This method selects all histories of a given user and related to the given event.
- findByUserIdAndEvent(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderHistoryDAO
- findByUserIdAndEvent(long, String) - Method in class
- findByUserIdAndEvent(long, String) - Method in interface
This method selects all histories of a given user and a given type.
- findByUserIdAndEvent(long, String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentHistoryDAO
This method selects all histories of a given user and related to the given event.
- findByUserIdAndEvent(long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO
- findByUserIdAndFolderId(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.BookmarkDAO
Finds the bookmark for the given user id and the given folder id
- findByUserIdAndFolderId(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateBookmarkDAO
- findByUserIdAndName(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.HibernateSearchDAO
- findByUserIdAndName(long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SearchDAO
Gets the search using the alternate key
- findByUserIdAndPassword(long, String, int) - Method in class
- findByUserIdAndPassword(long, String, int) - Method in interface
Gets the password used by the user in last max times
- findByUserIdAndTag(long, String, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Finds authorized documents for a user having a specified tag.
- findByUserIdAndTag(long, String, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findByUserIdAndTag(long, String, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Finds authorized folders for a user having a specified tag.
- findByUserIdAndTag(long, String, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findByUsername(String) - Method in class
- findByUsername(String) - Method in interface
This method finds an User by its username.
- findByUsernameAndName(String, String) - Method in class
- findByUsernameAndName(String, String) - Method in interface
This method finds an User by username and name.
- findByUsernameIgnoreCase(String) - Method in class
- findByUsernameIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface
This method finds an User by its username.
- findByVersion(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateVersionDAO
- findByVersion(long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.VersionDAO
This method finds a version by the document's ID an the version code.
- findByWhere(String, String, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- findByWhere(String, String, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Finds all entities by the given expression.
- findByWhere(String, Map<String, Object>, String, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- findByWhere(String, Map<String, Object>, String, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Finds all entities by the given expression.
- findChildren(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Finds direct children of a folder accessible by the given user
- findChildren(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findChildren(long, long) - Method in class
- findChildren(long, long) - Method in interface
Finds direct children of a menu accessible by the given user.
- findChildren(long, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Finds direct children of a folder
- findChildren(long, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findChildren(long, Integer) - Method in class
- findChildren(long, Integer) - Method in interface
Finds direct children of a menu.
- findColumn(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- findDefaultWorkspace(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Retrieves the Default workspace of the given tenant
- findDefaultWorkspace(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findDeleted(long, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Finds all deleted docs of a specific user.
- findDeleted(long, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findDeleted(long, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Finds all deleted folders of a specific user.
- findDeleted(long, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findDeletedDocIds() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Gets the collection of deleted document ids
- findDeletedDocIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findDeletedDocs() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Finds the list of deleted documents.
- findDeletedDocs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findDocIdByFolder(long, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Finds all document ids inside the given folder.
- findDocIdByFolder(long, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findDocIdByTag(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
This method finds all Doc Ids by a tag.
- findDocIdByTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findDocIdByUserIdAndTag(long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Finds authorized documents ids for a user having a specified tag.
- findDocIdByUserIdAndTag(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findDocument(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
This method finds a document by the ID and if it is an alias the referenced document is returned instead.
- findDocument(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findDocumentsByTag(String) - Method in class
- findDocumentsByTag(String) - Method in class
- findDocumentsByTag(String) - Method in interface
Finds authorized documents for the current user having a specified tag
- findDocumentsByTag(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapTagClient
- findDocumentsByTag(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapTagService
- findDocumentsByTag(String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.TagService
Finds authorized documents for the current user having a specified tag
- findDuplicatedDigests(Long, Long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Retrieves the list of duplicated checksums
- findDuplicatedDigests(Long, Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findElement(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
Finds an element using an XPATH expression
- findElement(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
Finds an element using an XPATH expression
- findFolder(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Gets a folder by a given ID if it is an alias, the referenced folder is returned.
- findFolder(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findFolderIdByTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findFolderIdByUserId(long, Long, boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
This method selects only the folder ID from the folders for which a user is authorized.
- findFolderIdByUserId(long, Long, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findFolderIdByUserIdAndPermission(long, Permission, Long, boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Finds all folders ids with a specific permission enabled on the specifies user
- findFolderIdByUserIdAndPermission(long, Permission, Long, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findFolderIdByUserIdInPath(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
This method selects only the folder ID from the folders for which a user is authorized.
- findFolderIdByUserIdInPath(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findFolderIdInPath(long, boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Retrieve all the ids of the folders in a given tree using the path attribute
- findFolderIdInPath(long, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findFolderIdInTree(long, boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Retrieve all the ids of the folders in a given tree
- findFolderIdInTree(long, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findFolders(String) - Method in class
- findFolders(String) - Method in interface
Finds authorized folders for the current user containing the given name (like operator is used)
- findFolders(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSearchClient
- findFolders(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSearchService
- findFolders(String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SearchService
Finds authorized folders for the current user containing the given name (like operator is used)
- findFoldersByTag(String) - Method in class
- findFoldersByTag(String) - Method in class
- findFoldersByTag(String) - Method in interface
Finds authorized folders for the current user having a specified tag.
- findFoldersByTag(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapTagClient
- findFoldersByTag(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapTagService
- findFoldersByTag(String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.TagService
Finds authorized folders for the current user having a specified tag
- findIdByUserId(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
This method selects only the folder ID from the folders for which a user is authorized.
- findIdByUserId(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findIdByUserId(long, long) - Method in class
- findIdByUserId(long, long) - Method in interface
This method selects only the menuId from the menus for which a user is authorized.
- findIdByUserId(long, long, Integer) - Method in class
- findIdsByParentId(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Finds all children(direct and indirect) by parentId
- findIdsByParentId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findIdsByWhere(String, String, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- findIdsByWhere(String, String, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Finds all entities ids by the given expression.
- findIdsByWhere(String, Map<String, Object>, String, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- findIdsByWhere(String, Map<String, Object>, String, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Finds all entities ids by the given expression.
- findJVM() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.JavaLauncher
Find a suitable JVM on the user's system.
- findLastDownloadsByUserId(long, int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Finds the last downloaded documents by the given user
- findLastDownloadsByUserId(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findLastModifiedByUserId(long, int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Finds a max number of documents last modified by an user.
- findLastModifiedByUserId(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findLinkedDocuments(long, String, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
This method enlists documents linked to the given document.
- findLinkedDocuments(long, String, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findMenuIdByUserId(long, boolean) - Method in class
- findMenuIdByUserId(long, boolean) - Method in interface
This method selects only the menuId from the menus for which a user is authorized
- findMenuIdByUserIdAndPermission(long, Permission, boolean) - Method in class
- findMenuIdByUserIdAndPermission(long, Permission, boolean) - Method in interface
Finds all menus ids with a specific permission enabled on the specifies user
- findMessagesToBeSent(int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateSystemMessageDAO
- findMessagesToBeSent(int, int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessageDAO
This method selects all the messages for the specified type that are not been already sent and for which the number of sending trials is less than the maximum number (parameter 'notifier.maxtrials')
- findNameById(long) - Method in class
- findNameById(long) - Method in interface
This method selects only the menu text from a menu
- findNotNotified(Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentHistoryDAO
This method selects all histories not notified yet.
- findNotNotified(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO
- findNotNotified(Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderHistoryDAO
This method selects all histories not notified yet.
- findNotNotified(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderHistoryDAO
- findParents(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Returns a List of folders being a parent of the given folder.
- findParents(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findParents(long) - Method in class
- findParents(long) - Method in interface
Returns a List of menus being a parent of the given menu.
- findPublishedIds(Collection<Long>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Finds all document ids inside the specified folders that are published in the current date.
- findPublishedIds(Collection<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findRoot(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Retrieves the root folder of the given tenant
- findRoot(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findTags(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Retrieves the alphabetically ordered list of all the document's tags
- findTags(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findTags(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Retrieves the alphabetically ordered list of all the folder's tags
- findTags(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findTags(String, Long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Selects all tags and counts the occurrences.
- findTags(String, Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- findTemplateById(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
This method finds a template by ID
- findTemplateByName(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
This method finds a template by name
- findTrustedDevices(long) - Method in interface
Retrieves all the devices trusted by a given user
- findTrustedDevices(long) - Method in class
- findUserSettings(long, String) - Method in class
- findUserSettings(long, String) - Method in interface
Retrieves the settings for a user.
- findVotesByDocId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateRatingDAO
- findVotesByDocId(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.RatingDAO
Returns a rating that contains count and average of vote on the given document
- findWorkspace(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Returns the workspace that contains the given folder
- findWorkspace(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- findWorkspaces(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Retrieves all the workspaces in the system, that are the first-level folders of type
- findWorkspaces(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- finishAuthorization(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.Dropbox
Finishes the authorization process.
- finishAuthorization(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.DropboxServiceImpl
- finishAuthorization(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxService
Ends the authorization code and saves the access token in the database
- finishAuthorization(String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxServiceAsync
- fireEvent(GwtEvent<?>) - Method in class
- FIREWALL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- FIREWALL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- FirewallPanel - Class in
This panel shows the firewall settings.
- FirewallPanel() - Constructor for class
- FirewallPanel(GUIUser, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class
- first() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- fixGuestPermissions(Group) - Method in interface
- fixGuestPermissions(Group) - Method in class
If the user is guest, we remove not admitted permissions
- flush() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.util.cache.Cache
- flush() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.EhCache
- flush() - Method in class
- flushBuffer() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- focus() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.WindowUtils
- Folder - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.folder
This class represents the key concept of security of documents.
- Folder() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- Folder(Folder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- Folder(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- FOLDER_ID - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- FOLDER_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- FOLDER_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderTree
- FOLDER_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.web.DisplayServlet
- FOLDER_INTERFACE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- FOLDER_NAME - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- FOLDER_PAGE_SIZE - Static variable in class
- FOLDER_PATH - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- FOLDER_PATH - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.web.DisplayServlet
- FOLDER_START_RECORD - Static variable in class
- FOLDER_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- FOLDER_TYPE_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
- FolderAliasesDataServlet - Class in
- FolderAliasesDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- FolderAliasesDS - Class in
Datasource retrieve the aliases of a folder
- FolderAliasesDS(long) - Constructor for class
- FolderAutomationPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This panel shows the automation triggers of a folder.
- FolderAutomationPanel(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderAutomationPanel
- FolderBrowser - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser
A folders tree with pagination capabilities
- FolderBrowser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderBrowser
- FolderCapturePanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
Shows folder's OCR options.
- FolderCapturePanel(GUIFolder, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderCapturePanel
- FolderChangeListener - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
Listener invoked on new folder seletion.
- FolderComparator - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.folder
Comparators to sort folders with different options
- FolderController - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers
Implements the Observer pattern to distribute events on the folders
- FolderCopyDetailsDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy
This popup window is used to allow the users to input the data when copying a folder
- FolderCopyDetailsDialog(GUIFolder, long, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy.FolderCopyDetailsDialog
- FolderCopyDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy
This panel collects all folders details needed by a folder's copy operation.
- FolderCopyDetailsPanel(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy.FolderCopyDetailsPanel
- FolderCopyDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy
This is the form used to copy a folder into another path
- FolderCopyDialog() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy.FolderCopyDialog
- FolderCopyExtendedPropertiesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy
Shows folder's optional template metadata
- FolderCopyExtendedPropertiesPanel(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy.FolderCopyExtendedPropertiesPanel
- FolderCopyStandardPropertiesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy
Shows folder's standard properties and read-only data
- FolderCopyStandardPropertiesPanel(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy.FolderCopyStandardPropertiesPanel
- FolderCriterion - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder
- FolderCriterion() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- FolderCursor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser
A cursor to browse among pages in a folders tree.
- FolderCursor() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderCursor
- FolderDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.folder
Instances of this class is a DAO-service for folder objects.
- FolderDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This panel collects all the folder details
- FolderDetailsPanel(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderDetailsPanel
- FolderDetailTab - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
Superclass for all tab panels in the folder details area
- FolderEvent - Enum Class in com.logicaldoc.core.folder
Possible events in the folder's history
- FolderExtendedPropertiesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
Shows folder's optional template metadata
- FolderExtendedPropertiesPanel(GUIFolder, ChangedHandler, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderExtendedPropertiesPanel
- FolderFieldsDS - Class in
Fake Datasource to populate a filter builder for folder searches.
- FolderFieldsDS(GUITemplate) - Constructor for class
- FolderHistory - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.folder
History entry due to an event on a folder.
- FolderHistory() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderHistory
- FolderHistory(FolderHistory) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderHistory
- FolderHistoryDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.folder
DAO for
handling. - FolderHistoryDataServlet - Class in
- FolderHistoryDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- FolderHistoryDS - Class in
Datasource to handle versions grid lists.
- FolderHistoryDS(long, Integer) - Constructor for class
- FolderHistoryPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This panel shows the history of a folder
- FolderHistoryPanel(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderHistoryPanel
- folderId - Variable in class
- FolderImageUploader - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This popup window is used to upload a new folder image to the server.
- FolderImageUploader(GUIFolder, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderImageUploader
- FOLDERING_DAY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- FOLDERING_MONTH - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- FOLDERING_NONE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- FOLDERING_YEAR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- FolderInitializer - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.folder
This listener takes care of initializing the metadata of a folder.
- FolderInitializer() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderInitializer
- FolderInterfacePanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
Shows the folder's user interface settings
- FolderInterfacePanel(GUIFolder, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderInterfacePanel
- FolderListener - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.folder
This interface defines hooks called before and after a particular event occurs on the specified folder.
- FolderListenerManager - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.folder
A manager for folder listeners.
- FolderListenerManager() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderListenerManager
- FolderListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
A field to display a folder name
- FolderListGridField() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FolderListGridField
- FolderListGridField(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FolderListGridField
- FolderListGridField(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FolderListGridField
- FolderListGridField.FolderNameCellFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
- FolderNameCellFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FolderListGridField.FolderNameCellFormatter
- FolderNavigator - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
The panel that shows the workspaces/folders navigation tree
- FolderNavigator() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
- FolderNavigatorPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
Panel that contains both folder tool bar and folder navigator.
- FolderObserver - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers
Listener on folders events
- FolderPagination - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
Saves the pagination settings of a folder
- FolderPagination(long, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderPagination
- FolderQuotaPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
Shows the folder's quotas
- FolderQuotaPanel(GUIFolder, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderQuotaPanel
- FoldersDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for folders data.
- FoldersDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- FoldersDS - Class in
Datasource to handle folders and sub-folders structures.
- FoldersDS(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
- FoldersDS(String, boolean, Long) - Constructor for class
- FolderSearch - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder
Search specialization for Folder searches.
- FolderSearch() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderSearch
- FolderSearch.HitMapper - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder
- FolderSearchDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This is a form used for quick folder selection
- FolderSearchDialog(FolderSelector) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSearchDialog
- FolderSearchForm - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
Shows a folders search form
- FolderSearchOptions - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder
Search options specialization for the folder search.
- FolderSearchOptions() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderSearchOptions
- FolderSecurityPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This panel shows the security policies.
- FolderSecurityPanel(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSecurityPanel
- FolderSelector - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
Allows the selection of a specific folder
- FolderSelector(String, List<FormItemIcon>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.FolderSelector
- FolderService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Folder Service.
- FolderService - Interface in
- FolderService - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap
Folder Web Service definition interface
- FolderService.Instance - Class in
- FolderServiceAsync - Interface in
- FolderServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Implementation of the FolderService
- FolderServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- FoldersForm - Class in
Shows a folders search form
- FolderStandardPropertiesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
Shows folder's standard properties and read-only data
- FolderStandardPropertiesPanel(GUIFolder, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderStandardPropertiesPanel
- FolderSubscriptionOptionListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
List grid field to display the folder option (tree or folder) in case of folder subscriptions
- FolderSubscriptionOptionListGridField() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSubscriptionOptionListGridField
- FolderSubscriptionsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This panel shows the subscriptions on a folder.
- FolderSubscriptionsPanel(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSubscriptionsPanel
- FolderTemplatesDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all templates.
- FolderTemplatesDS() - Constructor for class
- FolderTemplatesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata
Shows the folder templates configuration.
- FolderTemplatesPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.FolderTemplatesPanel
- FolderTile - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
Displays the title for the given folder
- FolderTile(GUIFolder, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderTile
- FolderTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Utility methods to handle folders from within the Automation
- FolderTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
- FolderTree - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
TreeGrid showing the folders
- FolderTree - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser
A folders tree
- FolderTree() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.FolderTree
- FolderTree() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderTree
- FolderTree(FolderCursor) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderTree
- FolderValidator - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.folder
This listener takes care of logically validate a folder.
- FolderValidator() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderValidator
- ForbiddenCodeException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Exception raised when suspicious code has been detected
- ForbiddenCodeException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.ForbiddenCodeException
- ForbiddenCodeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.ForbiddenCodeException
- forGuests() - Static method in enum class
- ForkEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer
This is the form used for the workflow joins and forks.
- ForkEditor(StateWidget) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.ForkEditor
- FORM - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- FORM_EDITED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- FORM_SUBMITTED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- format(int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeTypeFormatter
Converts an attribute's type into the human readable label
- format(Object, ListGridRecord, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.ColoredListGridField.ColoredCellFormatter
- format(Object, ListGridRecord, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.DateListGridField.DateCellFormatter
- format(Object, ListGridRecord, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileNameListGridField.FileNameCellFormatter
- format(Object, ListGridRecord, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileSizeListGridField.FileSizeCellFormatter
- format(Object, ListGridRecord, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FolderListGridField.FolderNameCellFormatter
- format(Object, ListGridRecord, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters.DaysCellFormatter
- format(Object, ListGridRecord, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters.EnabledCellFormatter
- format(Object, ListGridRecord, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters.FileSizeCellFormatter
- format(Object, ListGridRecord, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters.I18NCellFormatter
- format(Object, ListGridRecord, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters.UserCellFormatter
- format(Object, ListGridRecord, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters.UserDateCellFormatter
- format(Object, ListGridRecord, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.IntegerListGridField.LongCellFormatter
- format(Object, ListGridRecord, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.RatingListGridField.RatingCellFormatter
- format(Object, ListGridRecord, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.TypeIconGridField.FileIconCellFormatter
- format(Object, ListGridRecord, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.UserListGridField.AvatarCellFormatter
- format(Object, ListGridRecord, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeTypeFormatter
- format(String, Object, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationNumberTool
Formats a number using the specified format
- format(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.I18NTool
Prints a formatted string
- format(String, String[]) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.I18NTool
Prints a formatted string
- format(String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.I18NTool
Prints a formatted string
- format(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.I18NTool
Prints a formatted string
- format(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.I18NTool
Prints a formatted string
- format(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.I18NTool
Prints a formatted string
- format(Date) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.time.DateUtil
Formats a date using the ISO format
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z
- format(Date, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Formats a date
- format(Date, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Formats a date using a specific format
- format(Date, String, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Formats a date
- format(Date, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Formats a date using a specific format
- FORMAT_CONVERSION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- FORMAT_CONVERTERS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- FORMAT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.DateListGridField.DateCellFormatter
- FORMAT_EML - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- FORMAT_LONG - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.DateListGridField.DateCellFormatter
- FORMAT_MULTIPLE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- FORMAT_SHORT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.DateListGridField.DateCellFormatter
- FormatConverter - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
Implementations of this interface are specialized classes that perform conversion from a source format to a target format.
- FormatConverterManager - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
Manager class used to handle format converters.
- FormatConverterManager() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
- FormatConvertersDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for conversion formats data.
- FormatConvertersDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- FormatConvertersDS - Class in
DataSource to retrieve all the converters.
- FormatConvertersDS(String) - Constructor for class
- FormatConvertersDS(String, String) - Constructor for class
- FormatConvertersPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.converters
This panel shows the format converters settings.
- FormatConvertersPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.converters.FormatConvertersPanel
- formatDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Formats a date using the normal format that also includes the time
- formatDate(Date) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- formatDate(Date, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Formats a date using the normal format that also includes the time
- formatDateLong(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Formats a date using the long format that includes the time and milliseconds
- formatDateLong(Date) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- formatDateLong(Date, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Formats a date using the long format that includes the time and milliseconds
- formatDateShort(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Formats a date using the short format that just includes the date
- formatDateShort(Date) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- formatDateShort(Date, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Formats a date using the short format that just includes the date
- formatDateShortISO(Date) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- formatDouble(Double) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- formatInt(Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- formatISO(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Formats a date using the ISO format:
- formatLong(Long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- formatPercentage(double, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Format number percentage.
- formatSize(double) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Format file size in Bytes, KBytes, MBytes or GBytes.
- formatSizeBytes(double) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Format file size in bytes
- formatSizeCompact(double) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Format file size in Bytes, KB, MB, GB.
- formatSizeKB(double) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Format file size in KB.
- formatSizeKB(Object) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- formatSizeW7(double) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Format file size in Windows 7 Style.
- formatSizeW7(Object) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Format file size in Windows 7 Style.
- formatSQL(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Formats a date using the SQL format:
- formatWithMillis(Date) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.time.DateUtil
Formats a date using the ISO format
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS Z
- FormCreate - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form
This popup window is used to create a new form.
- FormCreate(FormsPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormCreate
- FormDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form
This panel collects details about a form
- FormDetailsPanel(FormsPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormDetailsPanel
- FormImageTile - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form
Displays the header image
- FormImageTile(GUIForm, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormImageTile
- FORMS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- FormsDS - Class in
Data source to retrieve all forms.
- FormsDS() - Constructor for class
- FormService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Form Service.
- FormService.Instance - Class in
- FormServiceAsync - Interface in
- FormsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form
Panel showing the list of forms
- FormsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormsPanel
- forName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.ClassTool
Retrieves the class specification
- FreemarkerWebServiceDisplayEngine - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.freemarker
- FreemarkerWebServiceDisplayer - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.freemarker
- fromBookmark(Bookmark) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSBookmark
- fromDocument(Document, GUIFolder, User) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- fromDocument(GUIDocument) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentGridUtil
- fromDocumentNote(DocumentNote) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- fromFolder(Folder) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- fromFolder(Folder, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- fromFolder(Folder, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- fromGroup(Group) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- fromRating(Rating) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSRating
- fromSearchOptions(SearchOptions) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- fromString(String) - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- fromString(String) - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- fromString(String) - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
- fromString(String) - Static method in enum class
- fromTagCloud(TagCloud) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTagCloud
- fromTenant(Tenant) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- fromUser(User) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- Frontend - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client
The Frontend entry point.
- Frontend() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
- FRONTEND - Static variable in class
- FSStore - Class in
This class is an implementation of the Store interface to persist documents in the filesystem.
- FSStore() - Constructor for class
- FTP - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- FULLTEXT_FIELD_COMMENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- FULLTEXT_FIELD_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- FULLTEXT_FIELD_CUSTOMID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- FULLTEXT_FIELD_FILENAME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- FULLTEXT_FIELD_NOTES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- FULLTEXT_FIELD_TAGS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- FULLTEXT_FIELD_TITLE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- FulltextForm - Class in
Shows a full-text search form
- FulltextForm() - Constructor for class
- FulltextSearch - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
Search specialization for the Full text search.
- FulltextSearch.HitMapper - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
- FulltextSearchOptions - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
Search options specialization for the Full text search.
- FulltextSearchOptions() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- FunctionShape - Class in
Override to remove the change of style tuding selection
- FunctionShape(DiagramController, Widget) - Constructor for class
- GarbageDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for garbage data.
- GarbageDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- GarbageDS - Class in
Datasource to handle the garbage of the current user.
- GarbageDS() - Constructor for class
- GENERAL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- GeneralPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system
The bottom side of the general panel
- GeneralPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.GeneralPanel
- generate(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class
Generates a new password
- generateDefaultAvatar(User) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.UserUtil
Updates the avatar of a user with the default avatar that is the Gravatar or the auto-generated image(in case Gravatar is not available)
- generateGoogleAuthorizationCredentials(String) - Method in interface
Creates new credentials of the given account name.
- generateGoogleAuthorizationCredentials(String, AsyncCallback<List<String>>) - Method in interface
- generateKey(String) - Method in interface
Notifies the server to send a secret key for the user
- generateKey(String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- generateNewCertificate() - Method in interface
Generates a self-signes certificate for the current user.
- generateNewCertificate(AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- generateNewKeystore(GUIKeystore) - Method in interface
Discards the actual key store and generates a new one
- generateNewKeystore(GUIKeystore, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- generatePassword() - Method in interface
Generates a password using the configured policies.
- generatePassword() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- generatePassword(AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- generatePassword(String) - Method in interface
Generates a password using the configured policies.
- generatePassword(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.LoginServiceImpl
- generatePassword(String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- generatePassword2(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface
Generates a password
- generatePassword2(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- generatePassword2(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- generateTransparentSinglePixelPng() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Generates a PNG with a single transparent pixel
- generateYubiKeyCredentials(String) - Method in interface
Saves the YubiKey credentials in the given user.
- generateYubiKeyCredentials(String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- Generic - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.generic
Instances of this class represents generic informations in the database.
- Generic() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- Generic(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- Generic(String, String, Long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- Generic(String, String, Long, long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- GenericDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.generic
Instances of this class is a DAO-service for Generic business entities.
- GenericRuntimeException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.util.exception
Just our own runtime exception
- GenericRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.exception.GenericRuntimeException
- GenericRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.exception.GenericRuntimeException
- GenericRuntimeException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.exception.GenericRuntimeException
- GenericRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.exception.GenericRuntimeException
- GenericsUtils - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.util
Get a variable's java type, or a collection's generic type
For Example,
"String a" => String.class, and "List<Integer> b" => Integer.class - Geolocation - Class in
A class to concentrate the Geolocation operations and at the same time a factory to create beans that carry the geolocation of an IP address.
- GEOLOCATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EventCollector
- get() - Static method in class
Retrieve the singleton instance of the Geolocation
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.ThreadPools
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderController
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.ReadingRequestController
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.UserController
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.EventPanel
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.MessagesWindow
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ApplicationRestarting
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.SessionTimeout
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.Contacts
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration.AdminMenu
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration.AdminScreen
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar.UserCalendarPanel
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.chatgpt.ThreadWindow
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.reading.ReadingRequestsPanel
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.UserDashboard
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.BookmarksPanel
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentToolbar
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.TrashPanel
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxAuthorization
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxService.Instance
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderCursor
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigatorPanel
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.onlyoffice.OnlyOfficeService.Instance
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.MainPanel
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.StatusBarIcons
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Method in interface
Retrieves the settings
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashboard
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
- get() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.SoftwareVersion
- get() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.WebserviceClient
- get(long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- get(long) - Static method in class
- get(long) - Method in interface
Gets a dashlet
- get(long) - Method in interface
Loads a given account from the database
- get(long) - Method in interface
Loads external authentication settings
- get(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DashletServiceImpl
- get(long, AsyncCallback<GUIDashlet>) - Method in interface
- get(long, AsyncCallback<GUIEmailAccount>) - Method in interface
- get(long, AsyncCallback<GUILDAPServer>) - Method in interface
- get(long, String) - Method in interface
Loads a given configuration from the database
- get(long, String, AsyncCallback<GUIScheme>) - Method in interface
- get(AsyncCallback<GUIVIASettings>) - Method in interface
- get(SearchOptions) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Search
- get(Class<R>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
- get(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.I18NTool
Gets the not formatted string
- get(Object) - Method in class
- get(String) - Static method in class
Instantiates a new Geolocation for a given IP
- get(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.Dropbox
- get(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
Gets a cookie
- get(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ApplicationRestarting
- get(String) - Method in interface
Gets a dashlet
- get(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
- get(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.MimeType
- get(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DashletServiceImpl
- get(String, AsyncCallback<GUIDashlet>) - Method in interface
- get(String, Integer) - Method in interface
Loads a given workflow from the database
- get(String, Integer, AsyncCallback<GUIWorkflow>) - Method in interface
- get(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.lock.LockManager
Acquire a lock of a given name and for a given transaction.
- get(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.WebserviceClient
- get(K) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.util.cache.Cache
- get(K) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.EhCache
- getAcceptedIssuers() - Method in class
- getAccessControlEntry(long) - Method in interface
- getAccessControlEntry(long) - Method in class
- getAccessControlEntry(long) - Method in class
- getAccessControlList() - Method in interface
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- getAccessControlList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getAccessControlList(long) - Method in interface
Retrieves the access control list
- getAccessControlList(long) - Method in class
- getAccessControlList(long) - Method in class
- getAccessControlList(long) - Method in interface
Retrieves the access control list
- getAccessControlList(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- getAccessControlList(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- getAccessControlList(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- getAccessControlList(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Retrieves the access control list
- getAccessControlList(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Retrieves the access control list
- getAccessControlList(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
- getAccessControlList(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- getAccessControlList(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- getAccessControlList(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Retrieves the access control list
- getAccessToken() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.oauth.Microsoft365TokenProvider
- getAccessToken() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.communication.oauth.TokenProvider
Retrieves the access token for a given email account
- getAccessToken() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.Dropbox
- getAccount() - Method in class
- getAccount() - Method in class
- getAccount() - Method in class
- getAccount() - Method in class
- getAccount() - Method in class
- getAccountId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- getAccountId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- getAccountName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.Dropbox
- getAce(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
- getAce(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getAce(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- getAcl(String, String, Boolean, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getAcl(CallContext, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
- getACL() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentSecurityPanel
Creates an array of all the ACL
- getACL() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSecurityPanel
Creates the collection of all the ACL
- getACL() - Method in class
Create an array of all rights defined
- getACL() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineSecurity
Creates a list of all the ACL
- getACL() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowSecurity
Creates an array of all the ACL
- getAction() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- getActiveLanguages(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.LanguageManager
- getAdd() - Method in class
- getAdd() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getAddress() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- getAddress() - Method in class
- getAddress() - Method in class
- getAddress() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- getAddress() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- getAddress() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getAddressEmail(Address) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
Extracts the address email
- getAddresses() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- getAddressesBCC() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- getAddressesCC() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- getAddressIndex() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportSettings
- getAddressName(Address) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
Extracts the address name
- getAdminUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getAlertConfirmation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- getAlerts() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getAliases(long) - Method in interface
Gets the aliases of the given document
- getAliases(long) - Method in class
- getAliases(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- getAliases(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Gets the aliases of the given document
- getAliases(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- getAllAttribute(Element) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
Returns a list of all attributes from an element.
- getAllChildren(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
Returns a list of all elements with the given element.
- getAllChildren(String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
Returns a list of all children with the specific name and the specific attribute value
- getAllChildText(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
This method returns the text of all children in the format childname<separator1>childtext<separator2>
- getAllConverters() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
Returns the list of possible converters
- getAllOutputFormats(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
Returns all the possible output formats for the given input format
- getAllowableActions(String, String, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getAllowableActions(CallContext, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS getAllowableActions
- getAllowedPermissions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- getAllowedPermissions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getAllowedPermissions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getAllowedPermissions(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Finds all permissions of a user enabled on the specified document
- getAllowedPermissions(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- getAllowedPermissions(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Finds all permissions of a user enabled on the specified folder
- getAllowedPermissions(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- getAllowedPermissions(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateTemplateDAO
- getAllowedPermissions(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.TemplateDAO
Finds all permissions of a user enabled on the specified template
- getAllowedPermissions(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Gets the allowed permissions on a set of documents in regards of the current user
- getAllowedPermissions(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Gets the allowed permissions on a set of folders in regards of the current user
- getAllowedPermissions(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- getAllowedPermissions(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- getAllowedPermissions(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<GUIAccessControlEntry>) - Method in interface
- getAllowedPermissions(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<GUIAccessControlEntry>) - Method in interface
- getAllRecipientsEmails() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
Retrieves the set of all the recipients of the message, does not matter if they are direct recipient or CC or BCC
- getAllTransactions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.lock.LockManager
Gets all the transaction ids associated to the locks
- getAllTrees() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service.StubTypeTreeRepository
- getAllVersions(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
- getAllVersions(String, String, String, String, Boolean, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getAlpha(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageDeskew
- getAnalyzer() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.Language
- getAnalyzerClass() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.Language
- getAnonymousKey() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- getAnonymousUser() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- getAnswer() - Method in interface
Gets the partial answer to the last question
- getAnswer(AsyncCallback<GUIValue>) - Method in interface
- getApiBaseUrl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- getApiKey() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.Dropbox
- getApiKey() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- getApiSecret() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.Dropbox
- getAppendedDocIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getAppendedDocs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getAppenders() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
This method selects all the appender names
- getAppName() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.WindowUtils
- getArchive() - Method in class
- getArchive() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportDetailsPanel
- getArchive() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getArchivesType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ExportArchivesList
- getAspectRatio() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getAspects() - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
- getAssignmentMessageTemplate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getAsyncContext() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getAttachment(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- getAttachments() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- getAttachments() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- getAttachmentsCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- getAttendee(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getAttendeeGroup(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getAttendees() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getAttendeesGroups() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getAttribute() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
- getAttribute() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationError
- getAttribute() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.ServerValidationError
- getAttribute() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.Options
- getAttribute() - Method in class
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeSet
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTemplate
- getAttribute(Element, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
Returns an element attribute.
- getAttributeAtPosition(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- getAttributeDefinition(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getAttributeDefinitions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getAttributeFieldItem() - Method in class
- getAttributeLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getAttributeLabel(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- getAttributeNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- getAttributeNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- getAttributeNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getAttributeNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- getAttributeNames(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- getAttributeOptions(long, String) - Method in class
- getAttributeOptions(long, String) - Method in interface
Retrieves the options for the given attribute
- getAttributeOptions(long, String) - Method in class
- getAttributeOptions(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- getAttributeOptions(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Retrieves the options for the given attribute
- getAttributeOptions(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
- getAttributeOptionsByCategory(long, String, String) - Method in interface
Retrieves the options for the given attribute inside a given category
- getAttributeOptionsByCategory(long, String, String) - Method in class
- getAttributeOptionsByCategory(String, long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- getAttributeOptionsByCategory(String, long, String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Retrieves the options for the given attribute inside a given category
- getAttributeOptionsByCategory(String, long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
- getAttributes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- getAttributes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- getAttributes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- getAttributes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- getAttributes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- getAttributes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeSet
- getAttributes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getAttributes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getAttributes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTemplate
- getAttributes(long, GUIExtensibleObject) - Method in interface
Retrieves all attributes of the specified template
- getAttributes(long, GUIExtensibleObject) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.TemplateServiceImpl
- getAttributes(long, GUIExtensibleObject, AsyncCallback<List<GUIAttribute>>) - Method in interface
- getAttributeSet() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeSetDetailsPanel
- getAttributeSet(long) - Method in interface
Loads a given set from the database
- getAttributeSet(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.AttributeSetServiceImpl
- getAttributeSet(long, AsyncCallback<GUIAttributeSet>) - Method in interface
- getAttributeSet(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.AttributeSetServiceImpl
- getAttributeSet(String) - Method in class
- getAttributeSet(String) - Method in interface
Gets attribute set's metadata
- getAttributeSet(String) - Method in class
- getAttributeSet(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- getAttributeSet(String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Gets attribute set's metadata
- getAttributeSet(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
- getAttributeSetById(long) - Method in class
- getAttributeSetById(long) - Method in interface
Gets attribute set's metadata
- getAttributeSetById(long) - Method in class
- getAttributeSetById(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- getAttributeSetById(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Gets attribute set's metadata
- getAttributeSetById(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
- getAttributeSets() - Method in interface
Loads all the sets from the database
- getAttributeSets() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.AttributeSetServiceImpl
- getAttributeSets(AsyncCallback<List<GUIAttributeSet>>) - Method in interface
- getAttributesOrderedByPosition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- getAttributesOrderedByPosition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- getAttributeValue(Element, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
Returns the value of an elementattribute.
- getAuditDefaultEvents() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- getAuthBaseUrl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- getAuthenticator() - Method in exception class
- getAuthor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- getAuthor() - Method in class
- getAuthor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- getAuthor() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- getAuthor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- getAuthor() - Method in class
- getAuthorAddress() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- getAuthType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getAutomation() - Method in class
- getAutomation() - Method in class
- getAutomation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
- getAutomation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationTrigger
- getAutomation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getAutomation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getAutomation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getAutomation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- getAutomation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getAutomationAfter() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getAutomationAfter() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getAutomationEnd() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getAutomationEnd() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getAvailableConverters(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
Returns the list of possible converters for a given in and out format
- getAvailableIcons() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.IconSelector
- getAvailableInputFormats() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
Returns all the possible input formats
- getAvatar() - Method in class
- getAvatar(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.UserTool
Generates and retrieves the avatar image for a given user
- getAvatarImage(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.UserUtil
- getAvatarImg(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.UserTool
Generates the HTML img tag for displaying an avatar
- getAvatarImg(String, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.UserTool
Generates the HTML img tag for displaying an avatar
- getAverage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Rating
- getAverage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRating
- getBackgroundColor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getBackups() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- getBanner() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getBannerSrc() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getBarcoded() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getBarcoded() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getBarcoded() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getBarcodeFormat() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getBarcodeLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getBarcodeTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getBarcodeTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getBarcodeTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getBarcodeTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getBarcodeTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getBarcodeTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getBarcodeTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getBaseName(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- getBaseName(String) - Static method in class
Gets the file base name
- getBaseUrl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.WebserviceClient
- getBaseURL(ServletRequest) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.BaseURL
Gets the base URL
- getBaseURL(ServletRequest) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.VirtualHostHelper
Gets the base URL
- getBatch() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getBatch() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- getBatch() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- getBatch() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- getBccs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- getBean(Class<R>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
Retrieves a bean registered in the Spring context using a class name.
- getBean(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.ContextTool
Gets a specific bean instance
- getBean(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
Retrieves a bean registered in the Spring context.
- getBeanIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.ContextTool
Gets the collection of all the identifiers in the context
- getBeanIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
Retrieves the collection of all the bean ids
- getBeansOfType(Class<R>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
Retrieves the list of bean of the same type
- getBigDecimal(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getBigDecimal(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getBody() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- getBody() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessageTemplate
- getBody() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getBodyStream(ClassicHttpResponse) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpUtil
- getBodyString(ClassicHttpResponse) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpUtil
- getBookmarkedIcon(boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocUtil
- getBookmarks() - Method in interface
- getBookmarks() - Method in class
Retrieves all the bookmarks of the current user
- getBookmarks() - Method in class
- getBookmarks(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.BookmarkService
Retrieves all the bookmarks of the current user
- getBookmarks(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapBookmarkClient
- getBookmarks(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapBookmarkService
- getBoolean(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getBoolean(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getBoolean(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- getBooleanValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- getBooleanValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getBottom() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getBranding() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getBranding() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getBrowser() - Method in class
- getBrowserLanguage() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Get browser language
- getBrowserVersion() - Method in class
- getBufferSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- getBugs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getBugs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getBugs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getBuilder(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
Loads the proper builder for the passed file name
- getBuilders() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
- getBuilding() - Method in class
- getBuilding() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getBuilding() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getBundle() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getByClientId(String) - Method in class
Gets the session of the given client
- getByDictionaryValue(String, Object) - Method in class
Gets the session with the specified dictionary value
- getByFilename(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.MimeType
- getById(long) - Method in interface
Retrieves a specific document by its ID
- getById(long) - Method in interface
Retrieves a specific form by its ID
- getById(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- getById(long, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
- getById(long, AsyncCallback<GUIForm>) - Method in interface
- getByte(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getByte(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getBytes(long, String) - Method in class
- getBytes(long, String) - Method in interface
Obtains the document's raw bytes for the specified resource
- getBytes(long, String, long, long) - Method in class
- getBytes(long, String, long, long) - Method in interface
Obtains the document's raw bytes for the specified resource
- getBytesOfStream(InputStream) - Static method in class
- getBytesWritten() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.FileBodyCounter
- getCalendar() - Method in class
- getCalendar() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getCalendar(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- getCalendarNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- getCalendarTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- getCallbackUrl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- getCallContext() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getCandidates() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getCanvases() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
- getCanvasHeight() - Method in class
- getCanvasHeight(Canvas) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
- getCanvasWidth() - Method in class
- getCaseSensitive() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getCaseSensitive() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getCategory() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
- getCategory() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeOption
- getCcs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- getCell() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getCertDN() - Method in class
- getCertDN() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getCertExpire() - Method in class
- getCertExpire() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getCertificate() - Method in class
- getChangedHandler() - Method in class
- getChangedHandler() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderDetailsTab
- getChangedHandler() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationDetailsTab
- getChangedHandler() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampDetailsTab
- getChangedHandler() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.DetailTab
- getChangedHandler() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportDetailsTab
- getChangedHandler() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineDetailsTab
- getChangedHandler() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggerDetailsTab
- getChangelog() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- getCharset() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsUploader
- getCharset(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.charset.CharsetUtil
- getCheckedOutDocs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getChild(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
Returns a child element.
- getChild(String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
This method finds a child by name and attribute.
- getChildByName(Resource, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
Based on the parent resource it will be tried to get a child by a specific name
- getChildByName(Resource, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- getChildren() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.StubTypeTree
- getChildren(String, String, String, String, Boolean, IncludeRelationships, String, Boolean, BigInteger, BigInteger, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getChildren(CallContext, String, String, boolean, boolean, int, int, ObjectInfoHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS getChildren
- getChildResources(Resource) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
On passing a valid
- getChildResources(Resource) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- getChildStubs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.Stub
- getChildText(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
This method returns the text of a child element characterized by elementname and attribute.
- getCity() - Method in class
- getCity() - Method in class
- getCity() - Method in class
- getCity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getCity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getCity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getClient() - Method in class
- getClientId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- getClientId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getClientId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- getClientSecret() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- getClientSecret() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getClientSecret() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- getClientTenant() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- getClientTenant() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getClientTenant() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- getClipboardImage() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Gets an image from Clipboard.
- getCloserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
The archive closer id
- getCloserName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
The archive closer name
- getClosure() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
The archive's closure date
- getCms() - Method in class
- getCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIValue
- getCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getCollection() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- getColor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getColor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getColor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getColor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getColor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getColor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getColor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getColor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- getColor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getColor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITransition
- getColor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getColor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getColor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getColor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getColor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getColor(int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- getColoredIconHtml(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
- getColoredIconHtml(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
- getColoredIconHtmlWithoutI18N(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
- getColoredIconHtmlWithoutI18N(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
- getColorFieldName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.ColoredListGridField
- getColumn() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- getColumnDateValue(ResultSet, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.sql.SqlUtil
Retrieves the date stored in a given column
- getColumnName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- getColumns() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- getColumns() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- getColumns() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getColumnsList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- getCommand() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- getComment() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getComment() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getComment() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getComment() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getComment() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVersion
- getComment() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- getComment() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- getComment() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- getComment() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getComments(String, String) - Method in class
- getCompany() - Method in class
- getCompany() - Method in class
- getCompany() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- getCompany() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- getCompany() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getCompany() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getCompanyIndex() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportSettings
- getComparator(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentComparator
- getComparator(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderComparator
- getComparator(List<DocumentComparator>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentComparator
- getCompletionDiagram(String, Integer, String) - Method in interface
Loads a given workflow to display a completion diagram
- getCompletionDiagram(String, Integer, String, AsyncCallback<GUIWorkflow>) - Method in interface
- getCompletionMessageTemplate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getCompletionPercentage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
The percentage of completion(1-100)
- getCompletionPercentage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- getComplianceClass() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- getComplianceClass() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DeltaVResourceImpl
- getComposition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- getConfig() - Method in class
- getConfig() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
- getConfig() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getConfig(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
Search for the given configuration property.
- getConfig(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- getConfig(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
Search for the given configuration property.
- getConfigAsBoolean(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- getConfigAsInt(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- getConfigAsLong(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- getConfirmation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessage
- getConfirmation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getConfirmed() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- getConnection() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.ConnectionPool
- getConnection() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- getConnection(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.ConnectionPool
- getConnectionInitSqls() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- getConnections() - Method in class
- getConnectionSecurity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- getConnSecurity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- getContainer(long) - Method in class
Finds the container where all document's files are stored
- getContent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- getContent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hit
- getContent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- getContent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getContent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration.AdminScreen
- getContent() - Method in class
- getContent(long) - Method in class
- getContent(long) - Method in interface
Retrieves the file content of a document.
- getContent(long) - Method in class
- getContent(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- getContent(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Gets the content of an existing document with the given identifier
- getContent(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- getContentAsString(long) - Method in interface
Retrieves the document's content as a string
- getContentAsString(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- getContentAsString(long, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- getContentChanges(String, Holder<String>, Boolean, String, Boolean, Boolean, BigInteger, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getContentChanges(Holder<String>, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
- getContentEncoding() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailAttachment
- getContentLanguage() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContext
- getContentLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContextImpl
- getContentLength() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getContentLength() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- getContentLength() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContext
- getContentLength() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContextImpl
- getContentLength() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- getContentLength() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- getContentLengthLong() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getContentSecurityPolicy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- getContentSecurityPolicy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.SecurityConfigurator
- getContentStream(String, String, String, BigInteger, BigInteger, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getContentStream(CallContext, String, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS getContentStream
- getContentType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailAttachment
- getContentType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout
- getContentType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getContentType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- getContext() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- getContext() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.AbstractWebdavServlet
- getContextMenu() - Method in class
- getContextMenu() - Method in class
- getContextPath() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getConverter(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
Loads the proper converter for the passed file names.
- getConverters() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
- getCookies() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getCookiesSameSite() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- getCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Rating
- getCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TagCloud
- getCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hits
- getCount() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Returns the number of indexed documents in all indexes.
- getCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- getCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- getCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRating
- getCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITag
- getCount() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Counts the total number of elements
- getCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- getCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- getCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTagCloud
- getCountry() - Method in class
- getCountry() - Method in class
- getCountry() - Method in class
- getCountry() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getCountry() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getCountry() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getCountryCode() - Method in class
- getCpuLoad() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.system.SystemLoadMonitor
Retrieve the CPU load.
- getCreation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
The object's creation date
- getCreation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
The archive's creation date
- getCreation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getCreation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getCreation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- getCreation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- getCreation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getCreation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getCreation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getCreation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getCreationDate() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- getCreationDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- getCreationFrom() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- getCreationFrom() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getCreationFrom() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getCreationMessageTemplate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getCreationTime() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- getCreationTo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- getCreationTo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getCreationTo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getCreator() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getCreator() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- getCreator() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getCreator() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getCreator() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getCreator() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getCreator() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getCreatorId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getCreatorId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- getCreatorId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getCreatorId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
The archive creator id
- getCreatorId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getCreatorId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getCreatorId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getCreatorName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
The archive creator name
- getCriteria() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderSearchOptions
- getCriteria() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getCron() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationTrigger
- getCronDescription(String, String) - Method in interface
Retrieves the natural language description of a given cron expression
- getCronDescription(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.InfoServiceImpl
- getCronDescription(String, String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- getCronExpression() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- getCronExpression() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- getCronTrigger() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskTrigger
- getCss() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getCss() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getCssClassPrefix() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
- getCurrentDocument() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- getCurrentFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderController
- getCurrentFolderId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
- getCurrentlyExecutingJobs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- getCurrentMessage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.AbstractService
- getCurrentPage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.Cursor
- getCurrentPagination() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderCursor
- getCurrentPath() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
- getCurrentSelection() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- getCurrentSid() - Static method in class
Retrieves the session ID of the current thread execution
- getCurrentValue(String, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.HibernateSequenceDAO
- getCurrentValue(String, long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.SequenceDAO
Gets the current value
- getCustomActions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getCustomid() - Method in class
- getCustomid() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getCustomId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Each document can be identified with a custom identifier
- getCustomId() - Method in exception class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DuplicateDocumentExeption
- getCustomId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getCustomId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getCustomSorting() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- getDashlet(GUIDashlet) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.Dashlet
- getDashlets() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getData() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailAttachment
- getData() - Method in class
- getData() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.LogicalDOCPlugin
- getDatabaseMetadata() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- getDatabaseMetadata() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Retrieves the metadata from the database
- getDatabaseVersion() - Method in class
Retrieves the version of the Geolocation database
- getDataDirectory() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.LogicalDOCPlugin
Returns the data directory for this plugin, that is {conf.plugindir}/{pluginName}.
- getDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
The document's last publication date.
- getDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
- getDate() - Method in exception class
- getDate() - Method in exception class
- getDate() - Method in class
- getDate() - Method in class
- getDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationTrigger
- getDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEvent
- getDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- getDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReminder
- getDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- getDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSRating
- getDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getDate(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getDate(int, Calendar) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getDate(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getDate(String, Calendar) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getDate1() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getDate2() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getDateDisplayFormat(boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- getDateFormat() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
- getDateFormat() - Method in class
- getDateFormat() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getDateFormat() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- getDateFormat() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getDateFormatLong() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Retrieves the default date format with time specification adn milliseconds
- getDateFormatLong() - Method in class
- getDateFormatLong() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getDateFormatLong() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getDateFormatShort() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Retrieves the default date format without time specification
- getDateFormatShort() - Method in class
- getDateFormatShort() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getDateFormatShort() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- getDateFormatShort() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getDateFormatter() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- getDateFormatter() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.ResponsesGrid
- getDateFrom() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- getDateFrom() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getDateFrom() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getDateHeader(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getDateOption() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- getDateScope() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessage
- getDatetimeFormatter() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- getDatetimeFormatter() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.ResponsesGrid
- getDateTo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- getDateTo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getDateTo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getDateValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- getDateValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- getDateValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getDateValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICriterion
- getDateValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- getDayOfWeek() - Method in class
- getDayOfWeek() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSWorkingTime
- getDbDialect() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- getDbDriver() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- getDbEngine() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- getDbms() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- getDbms() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Get the DBMS name currently connected(possible values are: mysql, mariadb, postgresql, hsqldb, oracle, mssql)
- getDbms() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit.DBInit
- getDbPassword() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- getDbType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- getDbUrl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- getDbUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- getDbValidationQuery() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- getDeadline() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getDecimalSeparator() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- getDecodedKey() - Method in class
- getDecodedKey() - Method in class
- getDecodedPassword() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getDecodedPassword() - Method in class
- getDecodedPassword() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getDecoration() - Method in class
- getDefault() - Static method in class
- getDefaultAttributeSet() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getDefaultCipherSuites() - Method in class
- getDefaultDisplayLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.Language
- getDefaultGroups() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getDefaultLocaleForDoc() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
Computes the default suitable language for documents
- getDefaultMaxHistories() - Static method in class
- getDefaultOpenTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- getDefaultWorkspace() - Method in class
- getDefaultWorkspace() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getDefaultWorkspace() - Method in class
- getDefaultWorkspace() - Method in interface
Gets the Default workspace
- getDefaultWorkspace(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- getDefaultWorkspace(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- getDefaultWorkspace(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Gets the Default workspace
- getDelay() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- getDelay() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- getDelaySeconds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- getDelete() - Method in class
- getDelete() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getDeleted() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
This flag is used to mark an object as deleted
- getDeleteUser() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getDeleteUser() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getDeleteUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getDeleteUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getDeleteUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getDelimiter() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- getDepartment() - Method in class
- getDepartment() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getDepartment() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getDependencies() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.PluginDescriptorConfigurator
- getDependsOn() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- getDependsOn() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getDependsOn() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- getDepth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getDepth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.AbstractJob
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AbstractAttributeSet
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationError
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
The archive description
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBookmark
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIGroup
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkingTime
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.ServerValidationError
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.JavaLanguageVariable
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.Stub
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebMethodStubSet
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeSet
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSBookmark
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTemplate
- getDescription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSWorkingTime
- getDescriptor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWebServiceSettings
- getDesigner() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.PrimitivesToolstrip
- getDesigner() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowToolStrip
- getDestinationLocator() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.EncodingWebdavRequest
- getDetail() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEvent
- getDevice() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getDevice() - Method in class
- getDevice() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getDeviceId() - Method in class
- getDiagramCanvas() - Method in class
Get the diagram canvas
- getDiagramController() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- getDiagramController() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDrawingPanel
- getDiagramModel() - Method in class
- getDialect() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextConfigurator
- getDictionary() - Method in class
- getDigest() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
The document's digest
- getDigest() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getDir() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- getDispatcherType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getDisplay() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getDisplayContent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeZone
- getDisplayContent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- getDisplayLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.Language
- getDisplayName() - Method in class
- getDisplayName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getDisplayName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getDisplayName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
- getDisplayName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
Returns the the last segment of the resource path.
- getDisplaySize(long, String) - Static method in class
Renders a file size in a more readable behaviour taking into account the user locale.
- getDisplaySizeKB(long, String) - Static method in class
Renders a file size in a more readable behaviour taking into account the user locale.
- getDisplayString1() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getDisplayUrl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
Composes the displayable importFolder's url.
- getDisplayValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
Gets the value as it should be displayed to the user
- getDisposition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailAttachment
- getDoc1() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSLink
- getDoc2() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSLink
- getDocAttrs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getDocAttrs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getDocId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getDocId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Rating
- getDocId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- getDocId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getDocId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- getDocId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getDocId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getDocId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRating
- getDocId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- getDocId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVersion
- getDocId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- getDocId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getDocId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSRating
- getDocIdAttribute() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.DocumentDashlet
- getDocIdAttribute() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.DocumentHistoryDashlet
- getDocIdAttribute() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.NotesDashlet
- getDocIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- getDocRef() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
If the document is an alias, it is the id of the referenced document
- getDocRef() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getDocRef() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- getDocRef() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- getDocRef() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getDocRefType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getDocRefType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getDocRefType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getDocsCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTemplate
- getDocsGrid() - Method in class
- getDocsGrid() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getDocsGridLayout() - Method in class
- getDocsGridViewState() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- getDocument() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getDocument() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParseParameters
- getDocument() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- getDocument() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.DocumentSelector
- getDocument() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
- getDocument() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailTab
- getDocument() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdatePanel
- getDocument(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getDocument(long) - Method in class
- getDocument(long) - Method in interface
Retrieves a document from the database
- getDocument(long) - Method in class
- getDocument(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.WebserviceClient
- getDocument(Session, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- getDocument(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- getDocument(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Gets the metadata of an existing document with the given identifier
- getDocument(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- getDocument1() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentLink
- getDocument2() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentLink
- getDocumentByCustomId(String) - Method in interface
Gets document metadata of an existing document with the given custom identifier
- getDocumentByCustomId(String) - Method in class
- getDocumentByCustomId(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- getDocumentByCustomId(String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Gets document metadata of an existing document with the given custom identifier
- getDocumentByCustomId(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- getDocumentCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getDocumentDAO() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.HibernateTicketDAO
- getDocumentId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.DocumentSelector
- getDocumentIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- getDocumentLastChanges(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
- getDocumentName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.DocumentSelector
- getDocuments() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getDocuments() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getDocuments() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Retrieves all the documents dispalyed in the grid
- getDocuments() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- getDocuments() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- getDocuments(String, List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- getDocuments(String, List<Long>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Gets document metadata of a collection of existing documents with the given identifiers
- getDocuments(String, List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- getDocuments(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Gets document metadata of a collection of existing documents with the given identifiers
- getDocuments(List<Long>) - Method in class
- getDocumentsGrid() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- getDocumentsGrid() - Method in class
- getDocumentsMenu() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- getDocumentsTotal() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getDocumentTags(long) - Method in class
- getDocumentTags(long) - Method in class
- getDocumentTags(long) - Method in interface
Retrieves all the tags of a document
- getDocumentTags(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapTagClient
- getDocumentTags(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapTagService
- getDocumentTags(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.TagService
Retrieves all the tags of a document.
- getDomain() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getDouble(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getDouble(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getDouble(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- getDouble(String, double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- getDouble1() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getDouble2() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getDoubleValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- getDoubleValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- getDoubleValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getDoubleValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICriterion
- getDoubleValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- getDownload() - Method in class
- getDownload() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getDownloaded() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.Entry
- getDrawingPanel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- getDrawingPanel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDesigner
- getDriverClassName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- getDueDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getDueDateNumber() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getDueDateUnit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getDummyFile() - Method in class
- getDuration() - Method in class
Retrieves the total duration of the session
- getEditingDocId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getEditor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- getEditor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getEditor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- getElapsedTime() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hits
- getElapsedTime() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.NotifyingThread
Gets the elapsed time since the begin of the execution until now o until the end of the thread's execution
- getEmail() - Method in class
- getEmail() - Method in class
- getEmail() - Method in class
- getEmail() - Method in class
- getEmail() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- getEmail() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- getEmail() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getEmail() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getEmail() - Method in class
- getEmail() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getEmail() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getEmail2() - Method in class
- getEmail2() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getEmail2() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getEmailAccount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVIASettings
- getEmailId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- getEmailIndex() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportSettings
- getEmailSignature() - Method in class
- getEmailSignature() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getEmailSignature() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getEmailSignature2() - Method in class
- getEmailSignature2() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getEmailSignature2() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getEmailSignatureStr() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getEnabled() - Method in class
- getEnabled() - Method in class
- getEnabled() - Method in class
- getEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- getEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- getEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- getEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- getEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getEnabledOutputFormats(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
Returns the available output formats for the given input format
- getEncoding() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParseParameters
- getEncoding() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContext
- getEncoding() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContextImpl
- getEnd() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.RegexTool.RegexResult
- getEnd() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getEnd() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- getEnd() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkingTime
- getEndDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getEndDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getEndShape() - Method in class
- getEnforceWorkingTime() - Method in class
- getEnforceWorkingTime() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getEntityId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- getEntityId() - Method in class
- getEntryBytes(File, String) - Method in class
Read the entry inside the file zip resource.
- getEntryContent(File, String) - Method in class
- getEntryStream(File, String) - Method in class
Read the entry inside the file zip resource.
- getError() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.NotifyingThread
- getERROR() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEvent
- getErrors() - Method in exception class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationException
Retrieves the map with the errors descriptions
- getErrors() - Method in exception class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.ServerValidationException
- getErrorText() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVersion
- getEstimatedCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hits
- getEstimatedHits() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIResult
- getEstimatedHits() - Method in class
- getEstimatedHitsNumber() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Search
- getEstimatedHitsNumber() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchResult
- getETag() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- getETag() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- getEvalFormEnabled() - Method in class
- getEvalFormEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getEvaluation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getEvaluation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getEvent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- getEvent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getEvent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getEvent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- getEvent(long) - Method in interface
Gets an event
- getEvent(long, AsyncCallback<GUICalendarEvent>) - Method in interface
- getEvents() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationTrigger
- getEventsArray() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationTrigger
- getEventTypes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.LastChangesReport
Gets the option items to choose events types
- getEventTypes() - Method in class
- getEventTypes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols.ApiCallsPanel
Gets the option items to choose events types
- getExclude() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeZone
- getExcludePatternsMetadata() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- getExcludePatters() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- getExcludes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getExcludes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getExcludes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- getExecTime() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Search
Query execution time in milliseconds
- getExit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.Worker
- getExpire() - Method in class
- getExpire() - Method in class
- getExpire() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- getExpire() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getExpire() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getExpire() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getExpired() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- getExpireFrom() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- getExpireHours() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- getExpireTo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- getExport() - Method in class
- getExport() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getExportContext(OutputContext) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- getExportId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
The last archive in which the document was exported
- getExportId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getExportName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
The last archive name in which the document was exported
- getExportName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getExportStatus() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
The document export status
- getExportStatus() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getExportVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
The last exported version
- getExpression() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- getExpression() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailRule
- getExpression() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getExpression() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getExpressionLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- getExpressionLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getExpressionLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getExprH() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getExprW() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getExprX() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getExprY() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getExtendedAttributes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
Retrieve the names of those columns that refer to extended attributes
- getExtension(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.AbstractFormatConverter
Gets the extension for the given filename, if an alias is found then the value of the alias is returned as well.
- getExtension(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- getExtension(String) - Static method in class
Gets the file extension
- getExtensions() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParserFactory
- getExtensions(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.PluginRegistry
Returns the extensions connected to the specified extension point
- getExternalId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getExternalUrl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getExtractedText(long) - Method in interface
Gets the document's text stored in the full-text index
- getExtractedText(long) - Method in class
- getExtractedText(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- getExtractedText(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Gets the document's text stored in the full-text index
- getExtractedText(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- getExtractTags() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getExtResId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getExtResId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getFactor() - Method in class
- getFactory() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- getFavicon() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getFaviconSrc() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getFeatures() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getFeatures() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getFeatures() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getField() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- getField() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICriterion
- getField() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailRule
- getFieldGenericType(Field) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.util.GenericsUtils
- getFieldName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- getFields() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- getFields() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getFields() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getFieldSeparator() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFile
Get the current field separator.
- getFieldsMap() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- getFile() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getFile() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- getFile() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpUpload
- getFile() - Method in class
- getFile() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.Entry
- getFile(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
- getFile(String, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
This method selects a filepath of an appender.
- getFileExtension() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getFileFilter() - Method in class
- getFilename() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getFileName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailAttachment
- getFileName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
The original file name
- getFileName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getFileName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParseParameters
- getFileName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getFileName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getFileName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getFileName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- getFileName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpUpload
- getFileName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getFileName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getFileName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.Entry
- getFileName(Document, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DocUtil
- getFileNameCharset() - Method in class
- getFilenameOld() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getFileSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
The document's file size expressed in bytes
- getFileSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getFileSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getFileSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getFileType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
- getFileType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSBookmark
- getFileVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
The working file version.
- getFileVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getFileVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getFileVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParseParameters
- getFileVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getFileVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getFileVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- getFileVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getFileVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getFilterIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- getFilterIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getFilterIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getFinished() - Method in class
- getFirewalledRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.firewall.HttpFirewall
- getFirewalledResponse(HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.firewall.HttpFirewall
- getFirstName() - Method in class
- getFirstName() - Method in class
- getFirstName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- getFirstName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- getFirstName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getFirstName() - Method in class
- getFirstName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getFirstNameIndex() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportSettings
- getFloat(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getFloat(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getFloat(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- getFloat(String, float) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- getFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- getFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Retrieve the folder owning this document
- getFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationTrigger
- getFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIIncrementalArchive
- getFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- getFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.FolderSelector
- getFolder() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
- getFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- getFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- getFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy.FolderCopyDetailsPanel
- getFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderDetailsPanel
- getFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderDetailTab
- getFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowTriggersPanel
- getFolder(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache.WebdavCache
- getFolder(long) - Method in class
- getFolder(long) - Method in class
- getFolder(long) - Method in interface
- getFolder(long, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface
Gets the Folder initializing the permissions.
- getFolder(long, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- getFolder(long, boolean, boolean, boolean, AsyncCallback<GUIFolder>) - Method in interface
- getFolder(Session, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- getFolder(Session, long, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- getFolder(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- getFolder(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- getFolder(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Gets an existing folder
- getFolderDao() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.PathCalculator
- getFolderIcon(boolean, int, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocUtil
- getFolderId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- getFolderId() - Method in exception class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TooManyDocumentsException
- getFolderId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- getFolderId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getFolderId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- getFolderId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBookmark
- getFolderId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getFolderId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- getFolderId() - Method in class
- getFolderId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- getFolderId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.FolderSelector
- getFolderId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderCursor
- getFolderId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderPagination
- getFolderId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getFolderId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getFolderID() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- getFolderID() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- getFoldering() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- getFoldering() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getFoldering() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- getFolderLastChanges(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
- getFolderName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- getFolderName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- getFolderName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getFolderName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.FolderSelector
- getFolderPageSizeFromSpec(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentGridUtil
Gets the page size from the layout specification, the format is: |folderPageSize|pageSize|gridLayout
- getFolderParent(String, String, String, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getFolderParent(CallContext, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS getFolderParent
- getFolderPath(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache.WebdavCache
- getFolderSize(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache.WebdavCache
- getFolderSize(File) - Static method in class
Computes the folder size as the sum of all files directly and indirectly contained.
- getFolderTags(long) - Method in class
- getFolderTags(long) - Method in interface
Retrieves all the tags of a folder
- getFolderTags(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapTagClient
- getFolderTags(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapTagService
- getFolderTags(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.TagService
Retrieves all the tags of a folder
- getFolderTree() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderBrowser
- getFoldRef() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getFoldRef() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getFoldRef() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getFont() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getFontSize() - Method in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.FontSize
- getFontSize(String) - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.FontSize
- getFooter() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getFooter() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getFooter() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout
Returns the appropriate HTML footers.
- getForbiddenNames() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getForm() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormDetailsPanel
- getFormat() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- getFormat() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getFormat() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getFormat() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- getFormat() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getFormats() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeZone
- getFormattedBody(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- getFormattedDate() - Method in exception class
- getFormattedDate() - Method in exception class
- getFormattedSubject(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- getFormId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getFormId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getFormId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getFormId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getForum() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getForum() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getForum() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getFps() - Method in class
- getFrequency() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getFrequency() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- getFrequency() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIIncrementalArchive
- getFrom() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- getFrom() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- getFullName() - Method in class
- getFullName() - Method in class
- getFullName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- getFullName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getFullName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getFulltextDefaultFields() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- getFunctionsMap() - Method in class
- getGeolocation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getGeolocation() - Method in class
- getGeolocation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getGeolocationDbVer() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- getGeolocationKey() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- getGrid() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getGrid() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getGrid() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsListPanel
- getGrid() - Method in class
- getGrid() - Method in class
- getGridCursor() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
- getGridCursor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- getGridCursor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- getGridLayout() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- getGridLayout() - Method in class
- getGridLayoutFromSpec(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentGridUtil
Gets the grid layout specification, the format is: |folderPageSize|pageSize|gridLayout or simply gridLayout
- getGroup() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.RegexTool.RegexResult
- getGroup() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.AbstractJob
- getGroup() - Method in class
- getGroup() - Method in class
- getGroup(long) - Method in interface
Loads a given group from the database
- getGroup(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- getGroup(long, AsyncCallback<GUIGroup>) - Method in interface
- getGroup(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSecurityClient
- getGroup(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSecurityService
- getGroup(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SecurityService
Gets group metadata of an existing group with the given identifier
- getGroupClass() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getGroupExcludes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getGroupId() - Method in class
- getGroupId() - Method in class
- getGroupId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getGroupIdentifierAttr() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getGroupIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.GroupSelectorCombo
- getGroupIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getGroupIncludes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getGroupingSeparator() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- getGroupNodes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getGroups() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.JobManager
Retrieves all the job groups
- getGroups() - Method in class
- getGroups() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getGroupsPanel() - Method in class
- getGuests() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getGuiDashlet() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.Dashlet
- getGuiLanguages() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- getHash() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.RequestInfo
- getHead() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getHeader() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout
Returns appropriate HTML headers.
- getHeader(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getHeader(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- getHeader(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.filter.xss.XssRequestWrapper
- getHeaderImage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getHeaderNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getHeaderNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- getHeaders() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- getHeaders() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getHeaders() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- getHeaders(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getHeaders(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- getHeight() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getHeight() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageZone
- getHeight() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getHeight() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- getHeight() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.WindowUtils
- getHeight() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.StickyWindow.WindowStatus
- getHeight() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getHeight() - Method in class
- getHeight(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
Converts a height size in pixels into a virtual height(0..1)
- getHelp() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getHelp() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getHelp() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getHex(byte[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
- getHidden() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getHidden() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- getHidden() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- getHidden() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getHighlightPoint() - Method in class
- getHiliteDocId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- getHistories(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Retrieve the list of events of a document
- getHistoriesGrid() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowHistoriesPanel
- getHistory(Resource) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
- getHistory(Resource) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- getHit(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
- getHit(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- getHits() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Search
- getHits() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIResult
- getHits() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchResult
- getHitsGrid() - Method in class
- getHitsGrid() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getHost() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- getHost() - Method in class
- getHost() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getHost() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getHost() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.RequestInfo
- getHostName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getHostName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getHostName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.RequestInfo
- getHostName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getHourEnd() - Method in class
- getHourEnd() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSWorkingTime
- getHourStart() - Method in class
- getHourStart() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSWorkingTime
- getHref() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.RequestInfo
- getHref() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- getHtml() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- getIcon() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailAttachment
- getIcon() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
The icon for this document, it may be kept from file name extension
- getIcon() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
The icon for the document associated to the subscription
- getIcon() - Method in class
- getIcon() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getIcon() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getIcon() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getIcon() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getIconButtonHTML(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
- getIconButtonHTML(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
- getIconHtml(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
- getIconHtml(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
- getIconHtml(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
- getIconHtml(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
Unique identifier in the data store
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in class
- getId() - Method in interface
The unique identifier
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationTrigger
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBookmark
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIGroup
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIIncrementalArchive
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessageTemplate
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRating
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISequence
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.PluginDescriptorConfigurator
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache.WebdavCacheFolder
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeSet
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSBookmark
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSLink
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTemplate
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.Entry
- getID() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- getID() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- getIdpMetadata() - Method in class
- getIds() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Retrieves the list of all the ids
- getIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- getIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- getIds(Record[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentGridUtil
- getIds(ListGridRecord[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.GridUtil
Collects all the IDs in an array of recods, the field 'id' is used.
- getIds(Collection<Document>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Converts a collection of documents in a collection of identifiers
- getIimport() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getImage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageDeskew
- getImageAspectRatio() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageCropper
- getImageAspectRatio() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageDrawingPane
- getImageAspectRatio() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
- getImageBytes(BufferedImage) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Write an image into an array of bytes
- getImageHeight() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getImageHeight() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageCropper
- getImageHeight() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageDrawingPane
- getImageHeight() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
- getImageKeys(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.PDFImageExtractor
Gets the set of images identifiers inside the given page
- getImages() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- getImageWidth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getImageWidth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageCropper
- getImageWidth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageDrawingPane
- getImageWidth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
- getImmediateIndexing() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsUploader
- getImmutable() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Defines if the document is immutable
- getImmutable() - Method in class
- getImmutable() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getImmutable() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getImmutable() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getImmutableIcon(Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocUtil
- getImport() - Method in class
- getImportCustomId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- getImportFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderDetailsTab
- getImportFolder(long) - Method in interface
Loads a given import folder from the database
- getImportFolder(long, AsyncCallback<GUIImportFolder>) - Method in interface
- getImportTemplate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- getImportZip() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentCheckin
- getImportZip() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsUploader
- getImportZip() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.ReplaceVersionFile
- getInclude() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeZone
- getIncludePatters() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- getIncludePattersMetadata() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- getIncludes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getIncludes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getIncludes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- getIncomingMessage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- getIncomingMessage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.MainPanel
- getIncremental() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalDetailsPanel
- getIndex() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeZone
- getIndex() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- getIndexed() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getIndexed() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getIndexed() - Method in class
- getIndexed() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getIndexedIcon(Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
- getIndexedIconButtonHTML(long, Integer, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
- getIndexer() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.IndexOptimizer
- getInfo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISession
- getInfo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- getInfo() - Method in interface
Loads a search engine that contains all search engine details.
- getInfo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchEngineServiceImpl
- getInfo() - Method in class
- getInfo() - Method in interface
Retrieves the Installation informations
- getInfo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSystemClient
- getInfo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSystemService
- getInfo() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SystemService
Retrieves the Installation informations
- getInfo(AsyncCallback<GUISearchEngine>) - Method in interface
- getInfo(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.InfoServiceImpl
Retrieves the informations but not localization resources like messages and installed languages
- getInfo(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Retrieves the system informations
- getInfo(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.InfoServiceImpl
- getInfo(String, String, boolean, AsyncCallback<GUIInfo>) - Method in interface
- getINFO() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEvent
- getInheritGroupId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIGroup
- getInheritGroupId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- getInitialization() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- getInitialization() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getInitialization() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- getInitials() - Method in class
- getInitialSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- getInputs(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.InputValues
- getInputsAsStrings(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.InputValues
- getInputStream() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getInputStream() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContext
- getInputStream() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContextImpl
- getInputStream() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- getInputStream() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- getInstallationId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getInstallationId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getInstallationId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.LanguageManager
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.Clipboard
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.ClipboardWindow
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.PluginRegistry
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache.WebdavCache
- getInstance(SolrQueryRequest, SolrQueryResponse, UpdateRequestProcessor) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.LanguageProcessorFactory
- getInt(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getInt(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getInt(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- getInt(String, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- getInteger1() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getInteger2() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getInteger3() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getIntegrationKey() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- getInterval() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- getInterval() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- getIntervalSeconds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- getIntHeader(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getIntValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- getIntValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getIntValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- getIOHandlers() - Method in interface
- getIOHandlers() - Method in class
- getIOListener() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.AbstractExportContext
- getIOListener() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContextImpl
- getIOManager() - Method in class
- getIOManager() - Method in interface
- getIOManager() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.ResourceConfig
- getIp() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getIp() - Method in class
- getIp() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getIpBlacklist() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getIpBlackList() - Method in class
- getIpWhitelist() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getIpWhiteList() - Method in class
- getIsNew() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getItemCount() - Method in class
- getItemFilter() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.ResourceConfig
- getItems() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageDrawingPane
Gets all the items but not the background
- getItems() - Method in class
- getJavascriptVariable(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- getJob(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.JobManager
- getJobDetail() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskTrigger
- getJobDetail(JobKey) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- getJobGroupNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- getJobs(String, Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.JobManager
Retrieves the jobs
- getKey() - Method in class
- getKey() - Method in class
- getKey() - Method in class
- getKey() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getKey() - Method in class
- getKey() - Method in class
- getKey() - Method in class
- getKey() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Pair
Gets the key for this pair.
- getKey() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getKeyLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getKeyLabel() - Method in class
- getKeyLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getKeys() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.util.cache.Cache
- getKeys() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.EhCache
- getKeys() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.OrderedProperties
All the keys but alphabetically ordered
- getKeystore() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantKeystorePanel
- getKeytoolPath() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- getLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AbstractAttributeSet
- getLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- getLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
- getLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationError
- getLabel() - Method in class
- getLabel() - Method in class
- getLabel() - Method in class
- getLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- getLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- getLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParameter
- getLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- getLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkingTime
- getLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.ServerValidationError
- getLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- getLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSWorkingTime
- getLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- getLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
The document's language.
- getLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.Language
- getLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- getLanguage() - Method in class
- getLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessageTemplate
- getLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- getLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentCheckin
- getLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.ReplaceVersionFile
- getLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- getLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getLanguage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getLanguage(Locale) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.LanguageManager
Retrieves the Language for the given language Null is returned if the corresponding Language could not be found
- getLanguageForDoc() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getLanguages() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.LanguageManager
- getLanguages() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- getLanguages() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- getLanguages() - Method in class
- getLanguages() - Method in interface
Retrieves the languages enabled in the server.
- getLanguages(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSystemClient
- getLanguages(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSystemService
- getLanguages(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SystemService
Retrieves the languages enabled in the server.
- getLanguagesAsString(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.LanguageManager
- getLastAccessedTime() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- getLastAction() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.Clipboard
- getLastEnabled() - Method in class
- getLastError() - Method in class
- getLastLogin() - Method in class
- getLastLogin() - Method in class
- getLastLogin() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getLastLogin() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getLastLoginFailureReason() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getLastModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
The last time this instance was modified
- getLastModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getLastModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- getLastModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISequence
- getLastModified() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- getLastModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- getLastModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeSet
- getLastModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getLastModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getLastModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- getLastModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTemplate
- getLastModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getLastName() - Method in class
- getLastName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- getLastName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- getLastName() - Method in class
- getLastNameIndex() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportSettings
- getLastNote() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getLastNote() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getLastNote() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getLastNotified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessage
- getLastRenew() - Method in class
- getLastReset() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.Sequence
- getLastResult() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.UserSearchDialog
- getLastResult() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSearchDialog
- getLastResult() - Method in class
- getLastRun() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- getLastUsed() - Method in class
- getLeft() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getLeft() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageZone
- getLeft() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getLeft() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getLeft() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- getLeft() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getLeft() - Method in class
- getLeft(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
Converts a left coordinate in pixels into a virtual left(0..1)
- getLevel() - Method in class
- getLicensee() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getLicensee() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getLicensee() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getLimitedStream(InputStream, long) - Static method in class
Creates a new input stream that represents the first part of the original stream.
- getLineColor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getLineColor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getLineColor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getLineOpacity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getLineOpacity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getLineOpacity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getLineWidth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getLineWidth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getLineWidth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getLink() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITag
- getLinks() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getLinks() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getLinks(long) - Method in interface
Gets all the links of a specific document
- getLinks(long) - Method in class
- getLinks(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- getLinks(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Gets all the links of a specific document
- getLinks(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- getList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ExportArchivesList
- getList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportArchiveFoldersList
- getList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportArchivesList
- getList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalArchivesList
- getList() - Method in class
- getList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFoldersPanel
- getList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationsPanel
- getList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormsPanel
- getList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.RetentionPoliciesPanel
- getList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampsPanel
- getList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeSetsPanel
- getList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplatesPanel
- getList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.CustomReportsPanel
- getList() - Method in class
- getList() - Method in class
- getList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutinesPanel
- getList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggersPanel
- getList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TasksPanel
- getListener() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpUpload
- getListenerManager() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- getListeners() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentListenerManager
The ordered list of listeners
- getListeners() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderListenerManager
The ordered list of listeners
- getListeners() - Method in class
The ordered list of listeners
- getListingPanel() - Method in class
- getLocalAddr() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getLocalBaseURL(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.BaseURL
- getLocale() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- getLocale() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getLocale() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.Language
- getLocale() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParseParameters
- getLocale() - Method in class
- getLocale() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getLocale() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- getLocale() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getLocale() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- getLocaleInRequest() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- getLocaleISO3(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.i18n.I18N
Get the locale corresponding to the ISO 639-2(3 digits)
- getLocales() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.i18n.I18N
- getLocales() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getLocalName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getLocalPort() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getLocation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getLocator() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- getLocatorFactory() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.AbstractWebdavServlet
Returns the
- getLocatorFactory() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.WebdavServlet
- getLock(Type, Scope) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- getLockedButtonHTML(Integer, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
- getLockedDocs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getLockedIcon(Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocUtil
- getLocks() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- getLockTokens() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.session.DavSessionImpl
- getLockUser() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getLockUser() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getLockUser() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- getLockUser() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- getLockUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
The id of the user that locked this document and that currently locks it
- getLockUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getLockUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getLog() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- getLoggers() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
This method selects all the logger names
- getLoginTimeout() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.ConnectionPool
- getLoginUrl(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- getLogo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getLogoHead() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getLogoHeadOem() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getLogoHeadOemSrc() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getLogoHeadSrc() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getLogoMenu() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getLogoMenuSrc() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getLogonAttr() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getLogoOem() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getLogoOemSrc() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getLogoSrc() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getLogs() - Method in class
- getLogsRoot() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
- getLogWriter() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.ConnectionPool
- getLong(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getLong(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getLong(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- getLong(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- getLongValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- getLongValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICriterion
- getMailAddress() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getMailFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getMajor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getManager() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.EhCache
- getManager() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.PluginRegistry
- getMandatory() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
Whether an attribute value is mandatory or not.
- getMandatory() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- getMax() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- getMax() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- getMax() - Method in class
- getMaxAttachments() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVIASettings
- getMaxAttachmentSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVIASettings
- getMaxBackups() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- getMaxCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- getMaxGuests() - Method in class
- getMaxGuests() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getMaxHits() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- getMaxHits() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getMaxHits() - Method in class
- getMaxHits() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getMaxIdle() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- getMaxInactiveInterval() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- getMaxInactivity() - Method in class
- getMaxInactivity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- getMaxInactivity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getMaxInactivity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getMaxLength() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
The maximum duration expressed in seconds
- getMaxLength() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- getMaxOccurrences() - Method in class
- getMaxPacketSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- getMaxRecords() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- getMaxRecords() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeQueuePanel
- getMaxRecords() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRQueuePanel
- getMaxRepoDocs() - Method in class
- getMaxRepoDocs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getMaxRepoSize() - Method in class
- getMaxRepoSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getMaxSequenceSize() - Method in class
- getMaxSessions() - Method in class
- getMaxSessions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getMaxSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getMaxText() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- getMaxTextFileSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- getMaxTotal() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- getMaxUsers() - Method in class
- getMaxUsers() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getMaxVersions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getMaxVersions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getMaxVersions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getMaxViews() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- getMembers() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- getMembers() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionHistoryResourceImpl
- getMembers() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionResourceImpl
- getMenu(long, String) - Method in interface
Retrieves the specified menu
- getMenu(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- getMenu(long, String, AsyncCallback<GUIMenu>) - Method in interface
- getMenuDAO() - Method in class
- getMenus() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getMenus(long, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Retrieves the accessible menus children of a given parent
- getMenus(long, String, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- getMenus(long, String, boolean, AsyncCallback<List<GUIMenu>>) - Method in interface
- getMessage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getMessage() - Method in exception class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationException
- getMessage() - Method in exception class
- getMessage() - Method in exception class
- getMessage() - Method in exception class
- getMessage() - Method in exception class
- getMessage() - Method in class
- getMessage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getMessage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- getMessage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- getMessage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEvent
- getMessage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- getMessage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getMessage(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Gets the Message
- getMessage(long, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.MessageServiceImpl
- getMessage(long, boolean, AsyncCallback<GUIMessage>) - Method in interface
- getMessage(WebsocketMessage) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketsMessageService
The RPC Serialization is designed for function call.
- getMessage(WebsocketMessage, AsyncCallback<WebsocketMessage>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketsMessageServiceAsync
- getMessages() - Method in exception class
- getMessages() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getMessages(Locale) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.i18n.I18N
- getMessagesTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- getMessageText() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- getMetaData() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getMetaData() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- getMethod() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getMethodGenericParameterName(Method, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.util.GenericsUtils
- getMethodGenericParameterTypes(Method, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.util.GenericsUtils
- getMethodGenericReturnType(Method) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.util.GenericsUtils
- getMethodName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebMethodStubSet
- getMethodStubs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebServiceStubSet
- getMicro() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getMimeType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailAttachment
- getMimeType() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContext
- getMimeType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContextImpl
- getMinDigits() - Method in class
- getMinimumDeskewThreshold() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageDeskew
- getMinLength() - Method in class
- getMinLowercaseChars() - Method in class
- getMinNoteSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITransition
- getMinNoteSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getMinor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getMinSpecialChars() - Method in class
- getMinUppercaseChars() - Method in class
- getMinuteEnd() - Method in class
- getMinuteEnd() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSWorkingTime
- getMinuteStart() - Method in class
- getMinuteStart() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSWorkingTime
- getMissfireInstruction(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.JobManager
What policy to use in case of missfire
- getMissfireMax(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.JobManager
Max number of days to look in the past for missfired triggers
- getMobile() - Method in class
- getMobile() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- getMobile() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- getMobileIndex() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportSettings
- getMode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- getMode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- getMode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- getMode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- getMode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- getModificationTime() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContext
- getModificationTime() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContextImpl
- getModificationTime() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- getModifiedOn() - Method in class
- getMonth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISequence
- getMoreHits() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchResult
- getMousePoint() - Method in class
- getMovablePoints() - Method in class
- getMove() - Method in class
- getMove() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getMultiple() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- getMultiple() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.directives.Ifnotnull
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.directives.Ifnull
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.AbstractJob
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AbstractAttributeSet
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- getName() - Method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in enum class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.Sequence
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskTrigger
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
The archive name.
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeZone
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBookmark
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIGroup
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessageTemplate
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParameter
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISequence
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.MetadataDiff.DiffRecord
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in interface
- getName() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeSet
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSParameter
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTemplate
- getName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getName(String) - Static method in class
Gets the file name excluding the path
- getNameDisplayingStrategy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.WebMethodDisplayEngine
- getNameDisplayingStrategy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.WebServiceDisplayEngine
- getNature() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getNature() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getNature() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getNextFillPaint() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.stat.ChartDrawingSupplier
- getNextFireTime() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- getNextFireTime() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- getNextPaint() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.stat.ChartDrawingSupplier
- getNode() - Method in class
- getNode(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
- getNodePath(TreeNode) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderTree
- getNodePermissions() - Method in class
- getNotEmptyCriteria() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderSearchOptions
- getNotes(long) - Method in class
Gets the notes for the given document
- getNotes(long) - Method in interface
Gets the notes for the given document
- getNotes(long) - Method in class
- getNotes(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Lists the notes of a given document
- getNotes(long, String, Collection<String>) - Method in interface
Retrieves the notes of a document
- getNotes(long, String, Collection<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- getNotes(long, String, Collection<String>, AsyncCallback<List<GUIDocumentNote>>) - Method in interface
- getNotes(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- getNotes(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Gets the notes for the given document
- getNotes(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- getNotified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getNotified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getNotifyMessage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getNotifyUsers() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getNotValidatingClient(int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpUtil
- getNotValidatingClient(int, String, Integer, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpUtil
- getNString(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getNString(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getNumberOfPages() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.PDFImageExtractor
Returns the total number of pages in the PDF
- getNumTestsPerEvictionRun() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- getObject() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DefaultSchedulerFactory
- getObject() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskTrigger
- getObject() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ExtendedPropertiesPanel
- getObject(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getObject(int, Class<T>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getObject(int, Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getObject(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getObject(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.session.DavSessionImpl
- getObject(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.session.WebdavSession
Gets an object by passing the appropriated key
- getObject(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getObject(String, String, String, Boolean, IncludeRelationships, String, Boolean, Boolean, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getObject(String, Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getObject(CallContext, String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, ObjectInfoHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS getObject
- getObjectByPath(String, String, String, Boolean, IncludeRelationships, String, Boolean, Boolean, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getObjectByPath(CallContext, String, String, Boolean, IncludeRelationships, String, Boolean, Boolean, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS getObjectByPath
- getObjectId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.Sequence
- getObjectInfo(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getObjectInfo(String, ObjectInfoHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
- getObjectOfLatestVersion(String, String, String, Boolean, String, Boolean, IncludeRelationships, String, Boolean, Boolean, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getObjectParents(String, String, String, Boolean, IncludeRelationships, String, Boolean, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getObjectParents(CallContext, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, ObjectInfoHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS getObjectParents
- getObjectType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskTrigger
- getOcrd() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getOcrd() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getOcrd() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getOcrTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getOcrTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getOcrTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getOcrTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getOcrTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getOcrTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getOcrTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getOnAssignment() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getOnChosen() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITransition
- getOnCompletion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getOnCreation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getOnOverdue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getOnValidation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getOpacity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getOpacity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getOpacity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getOpacity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getOpenSSLPath() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- getOperativeSystem() - Method in class
- getOperator() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- getOperator() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICriterion
- getOperatorsFieldItem() - Method in class
- getOptionResponse(OptionsInfo) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DeltaVResourceImpl
- getOptions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
- getOptions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Search
- getOptions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getOptions() - Method in class
- getOptions() - Method in class
- getOrder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderSearchOptions
- getOrganizationAlias() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- getOrganizationalUnit() - Method in class
- getOrganizationalUnit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getOrganizationalUnit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getOrganizationDN() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- getOrganizationExpire() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- getOrganizer() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getOrganizerId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getOS() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.SystemUtil
- getOutputDocId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- getOutputFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- getOutputFormat() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- getOutputStream() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- getOutputStream() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ExportContext
- getOutputStream() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ExportContextImpl
- getOutputString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- getOwner() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getPage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getPage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- getPage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getPage() - Method in class
- getPage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderPagination
- getPage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getPageAsImage(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.PDFImageExtractor
Renders the specified page as a buffered image
- getPageDrawingPane() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.AbstractAnnotationsWindow
Retrieves the internal panel containing the image
- getPageOption() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getPages() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getPages() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getPages() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getPageSelection() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getPageSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getPageSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.Cursor
- getPageSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderPagination
- getPageSize() - Method in class
- getPageSizeFromSpec(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentGridUtil
Gets the page size from the layout specification, the format is: |folderPageSize|pageSize|gridLayout
- getParameter(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.AbstractFormatConverter
- getParameter(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverter
Gets the value of a parameter
- getParameter(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.NotAvailableConverter
- getParameter(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.RequestInfo
- getParameter(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- getParameter(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getParameter(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.filter.xss.XssRequestWrapper
- getParameter(List<GUIParameter>, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- getParameterMap() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.RequestInfo
- getParameterMap() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getParameterNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.AbstractFormatConverter
- getParameterNames() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverter
Implementations should return the list of the required parameters.
- getParameterNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.GhostscriptConverter
- getParameterNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.ImageConverter
- getParameterNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.NotAvailableConverter
- getParameterNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.XMLConverter
- getParameterNames() - Method in class
- getParameterNames() - Method in interface
Implementations should return the list of the required parameters.
- getParameterNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getParameters() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.AbstractFormatConverter
- getParameters() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverter
Returns the map of parameters
- getParameters() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.NotAvailableConverter
- getParameters() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- getParameters() - Method in class
- getParameters() - Method in interface
Returns the map of parameters
- getParameters() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- getParameterValue(List<GUIParameter>, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- getParameterValueAsBoolean(List<GUIParameter>, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- getParameterValues(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getParameterValues(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.filter.xss.XssRequestWrapper
- getParams(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.UrlUtil
- getParent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- getParent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getParent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.StubTypeTree
- getParent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- getParentId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getParentId() - Method in class
- getParentId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getParentId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getParentId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- getParentId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getParentLogger() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.ConnectionPool
- getParentPathDescr() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- getParentResource(Resource) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
Based on the current resource location it will be turned back the upper resource
- getParentResource(Resource) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- getParentResource(String, long, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
Based on a location path
- getParentResource(String, long, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- getParseContactsParameters() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportSettings
- getParser(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParserFactory
Method containing the lookup logic
- getParsers() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParserFactory
- getParsing() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- getParsingTimeout() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- getPart(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getParts() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getPassword() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- getPassword() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getPassword() - Method in class
- getPassword() - Method in class
- getPassword() - Method in class
- getPassword() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- getPassword() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getPassword() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getPassword() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- getPassword() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getPassword() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- getPassword() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getPassword() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSCredentials
- getPassword() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getPasswordChanged() - Method in class
When the password was modified
- getPasswordChanged() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getPasswordExpired() - Method in class
- getPasswordExpires() - Method in class
If the password expires or not
- getPasswordExpires() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getPasswordmd4() - Method in class
- getPasswordmd4() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getPasswordMinLenght() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getPasswordProtected() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getPasswordProtectedIcon(Boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocUtil
- getPatchNotes(String) - Method in interface
Retrieves more informations from the patch
- getPatchNotes(String, AsyncCallback<List<String>>) - Method in interface
- getPath() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
The path of the document associated to the bookmark.
- getPath() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getPath() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getPath() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getPath() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getPath() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getPath() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.RequestInfo
- getPath() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache.WebdavCacheFolder
- getPath(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderTree
- getPath(long) - Method in class
- getPath(long) - Method in interface
- getPath(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.WebserviceClient
- getPath(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Calculates the full path of a document
- getPath(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Calculates the full path of a folder
- getPath(String) - Static method in class
Gets the path part
- getPath(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- getPath(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- getPath(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Computes the path from the root to the target folder.
- getPathExtended() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getPathExtended() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getPathExtended() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getPathInfo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getPathOld() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getPathString(long) - Method in class
- getPathString(long) - Method in interface
- getPathTranslated() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getPatterns() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeZone
- getPausedTriggerGroups() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- getPayload() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- getPayload() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getPayload() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceCall
- getPdfContent(Document, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
Retrieves the content of the Pdf conversion.
- getPermission() - Method in exception class
- getPermissions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
- getPermissions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- getPermissions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getPhone() - Method in class
- getPhone() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- getPhone() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- getPhone() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getPhoneIndex() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportSettings
- getPlugin(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.PluginRegistry
Retrieve the plugin descriptor
- getPluginClass() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.PluginDescriptorConfigurator
- getPluginHome(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.PluginRegistry
This method retrieves the folder of the given plugin.
- getPluginPath() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.LogicalDOCPlugin
Retrieves the path where the plugin jar archive is stored
- getPluginResource(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.PluginRegistry
This method retrieves a plugin folder resource (file or folder).
- getPlugins() - Method in interface
Retrieves all plug-ins
- getPlugins() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.PluginRegistry
Retrieves the list of registered plugins
- getPlugins() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- getPlugins(AsyncCallback<List<GUIValue>>) - Method in interface
- getPluginsDir() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.PluginRegistry
This method retrieves the plugins root folder.
- getPoints() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITransition
- getPolicy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailRule
- getPolicy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.RetentionPolicyDetailsPanel
- getPolicy(long) - Method in interface
Loads a given policy from the database
- getPolicy(long, AsyncCallback<GUIRetentionPolicy>) - Method in interface
- getPool(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.ThreadPools
Gets a new thread pool and in case it does not exist a new one will be created and then cached.
- getPooledActors() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getPort() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- getPort() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getPort() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- getPort() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getPort() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.RequestInfo
- getPosition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
- getPosition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getPosition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
This is the position of the attribute into the attributes list
- getPosition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
- getPosition() - Method in class
- getPosition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
This is the position of the attribute into the attributes list
- getPosition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getPosition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getPosition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- getPosition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- getPosition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.MetadataDiff.DiffRecord
- getPosition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- getPosition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSBookmark
- getPosition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getPostal() - Method in class
- getPostalcode() - Method in class
- getPostalcode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getPostalCode() - Method in class
- getPostalCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getPostalCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getPreFilledLink(GUIForm, String) - Method in interface
Generates the pre-filled link for the web form
- getPreFilledLink(GUIForm, String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- getPrefix() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIIncrementalArchive
- getPreview() - Method in class
- getPreview() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getPreviewPages() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getPreviewPages() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getPreviewPanel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- getPreviewPanel() - Method in class
- getPreviousFireTime() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- getPreviousFireTime() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- getPrint() - Method in class
- getPrint() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getPrio() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessage
- getPriority() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- getPrivateKey() - Method in class
- getProduct() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getProduct() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getProduct() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getProductName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getProductName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getProductName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getProgress() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
The current processing step
- getProgress() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- getProperties() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
Gets the registry with all the configuration properties for this context
- getProperties() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- getProperties(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
Gets all the properties whose name starts with the given prefix.
- getProperties(String, String, String, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getPropertiesOfLatestVersion(String, String, String, Boolean, String, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getProperty(Object) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContext
- getProperty(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContextImpl
- getProperty(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
Gets the property value replacing all variable references
- getProperty(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
- getProperty(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.LogicalDOCPlugin
- getProperty(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.spring.DatabasePropertySource
Tries to retrieve a property by using a direct JDBC query against the DB
- getProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextConfigurator
- getProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
Gets the property value replacing all variable references
- getProperty(DavPropertyName) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- getPropertyManager() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.ResourceConfig
- getPropertyNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- getPropertyProp(String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextConfigurator
Retrieves the prop value of the specified property, that is one inside the <props> tag:
- getProposals(AceEditor, AceEditorCursorPosition, String, AceCompletionCallback) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.AutomationCompletionProvider
- getProtocol() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- getProtocol() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- getProtocol() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getProtocol() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.RequestInfo
- getProtocol() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getProtocol() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceCall
- getProvider() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getProvider() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getPublished() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getPublished() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getPublished() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getPublisher() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
The username that published this document
- getPublisher() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getPublisher() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getPublisherId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
The user id of the user that published this document
- getPublisherId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getPublisherId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getPwd() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- getPwdDigit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- getPwdEnforceHistory() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- getPwdExpiration() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- getPwdLowerCase() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- getPwdOccurrence() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- getPwdSequence() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- getPwdSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- getPwdSpecial() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- getPwdUpperCase() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- getQualifier() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getQuery() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- getQuery() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- getQueryParam(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.UrlUtil
- getQueryParams(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.UrlUtil
- getQueryString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.RequestInfo
- getQueryString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getQuota() - Method in class
- getQuota() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getQuota() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getQuotaAlertRecipients() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getQuotaAlertRecipients() - Method in class
- getQuotaAlertRecipients() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getQuotaAlertRecipients() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getQuotaAlertRecipientsAsList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getQuotaAlertRecipientsAsList() - Method in class
- getQuotaAlertRecipientsAsString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getQuotaCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getQuotaCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getQuotaDocs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getQuotaDocs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getQuotaSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getQuotaSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getQuotaThreshold() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getQuotaThreshold() - Method in class
- getQuotaThreshold() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getQuotaThreshold() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getRating() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getRating() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getRating() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- getRating() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getRating(long) - Method in interface
Retrieves the rating of the given document
- getRating(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- getRating(long, AsyncCallback<GUIRating>) - Method in interface
- getRatingIcon(Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocUtil
- getRatings(long) - Method in class
Gets all the ratings of the given document
- getRatings(long) - Method in interface
Gets all the ratings of the given document
- getRatings(long) - Method in class
- getRatings(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- getRatings(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Gets all the ratings of the given document
- getRatings(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- getRead() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- getRead() - Method in class
- getRead() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getReader() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getReadingreq() - Method in class
- getReadingreq() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getReadonly() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AbstractAttributeSet
- getReadonly() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- getReadonly() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- getRealm() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getRealPath(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getReason() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getReason() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getReceived() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- getReceivedDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- getRecentDocuments(Integer) - Method in interface
Lists of last modified documents of the current session
- getRecentDocuments(Integer) - Method in class
- getRecentDocuments(String, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- getRecentDocuments(String, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Lists of last modified documents by current user.
- getRecentDocuments(String, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- getRecipient() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getRecipient() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getRecipient() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- getRecipient(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- getRecipientEmail() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getRecipientEmail() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getRecipients() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- getRecipients() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getRecipientsBCC() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- getRecipientsCC() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- getRecords() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.Clipboard
- getRecordVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
- getRecordVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- getReferenceResources(DavPropertyName) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DeltaVResourceImpl
- getRefreshToken() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- getRegEmail() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- getRegName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- getRegOrganization() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- getRegWebsite() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- getRelease() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getRelease() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getRelease() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebServiceStubSet
- getRelease() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getReminded() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReminder
- getReminderMessageTemplate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getReminderNumber() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getReminders() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getReminderUnit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getRemoteAddr() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getRemoteHost() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getRemotePort() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getRemoteUser() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getRename() - Method in class
- getRename() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getRenditions(String, String, String, BigInteger, BigInteger, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getRendRes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeTemplate
- getRepass() - Method in class
- getRepeatInterval() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskTrigger
- getReplicateCustomId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- getReplyTo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- getReplyTo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- getReport() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportDetailsPanel
- getReport() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportDetailsTab
- getReport(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Loads a given report from the database
- getReport(long, boolean, AsyncCallback<GUIReport>) - Method in interface
- getReport(ReportInfo) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DeltaVResourceImpl
- getReportParameters(long) - Method in interface
Loads the attributes defined in the given report
- getReportParameters(long, AsyncCallback<List<GUIAttribute>>) - Method in interface
- getReportRecipients() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
- getReportRecipients() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- getReports() - Method in interface
Loads all the reports
- getReports(AsyncCallback<List<GUIReport>>) - Method in interface
- getRepository() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getRepositoryFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- getRepositoryInfo(String, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getRepositoryInfo(CallContext, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS getRepositoryInfo
- getRepositoryInfos(ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getRequestComment() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- getRequestDispatcher(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getRequestedPerson() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- getRequestedPerson() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- getRequestedSessionId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getRequestInfo() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.WindowUtils
- getRequestorId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- getRequestorLogin() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- getRequestorName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- getRequestStubs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebMethodStubSet
- getRequestURI() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getRequestURL() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getResource() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.AbstractExportContext
- getResource() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ExportContext
- getResource() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContext
- getResource() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContextImpl
- getResource(long, String, String) - Method in interface
Gets the content of a resource associated to the given document.
- getResource(long, String, String) - Method in class
- getResource(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
Returns a Spring-Resource
- getResource(String, long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- getResource(String, long, String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Gets the content of a resource associated to the given document.
- getResource(String, long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- getResource(String, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
On passing a location as well as the current session you gettin back the appropriated resource.
- getResource(String, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- getResourceConfig() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.WebdavServlet
- getResourceFactory() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.AbstractWebdavServlet
Returns the
- getResourceFactory() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.WebdavServlet
- getResourceName(long, String, String) - Method in class
- getResourceName(long, String, String) - Method in interface
Computes the resource name inside the container
- getResourceName(Document, String, String) - Method in class
- getResourceName(Document, String, String) - Method in interface
Computes the resource name inside the container
- getResourcePath() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- getResources(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
- getResponderEmail() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getResponseBody(ClassicHttpResponse) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.BaseHttpClientResponseHandler
- getResponseBody(ClassicHttpResponse, Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.BaseHttpClientResponseHandler
- getResponseStub() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebMethodStubSet
- getRetentionDays() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- getRetrieveAliases() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getRetrieveAliases() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getRightPanel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration.AdminScreen
- getRoot() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
- getRoot() - Method in class
- getRootChild() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
This method returns all direct children of the root element.
- getRootElement() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
Returns the root element.
- getRootFolder() - Method in class
- getRootFolder() - Method in class
- getRootFolder() - Method in interface
Gets the root folder
- getRootFolder(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- getRootFolder(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- getRootFolder(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Gets root metadata
- getRootLevel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
- getRootNode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
- getRotation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getRotation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getRotation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getRotation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getRoutine() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationTrigger
- getRoutine() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineDetailsTab
- getRoutine(long) - Method in interface
Loads a given routine from the database
- getRoutine(long, AsyncCallback<GUIAutomationRoutine>) - Method in interface
- getRoutineId() - Method in class
- getRoutineId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- getRow() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getRow() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- getRules() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getRunLevel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getRunLevel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getRunLevel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getSales() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getSameSiteCookies() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebContextConfigurator
- getSample() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- getSample() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- getSample() - Method in class
- getSampleText() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- getSampleUrl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeZone
- getSampleUrl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- getSavedCredentials() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
Retrieves the credentials
- getSavedDevice() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
Retrieves the device ID saved in the browser
- getSavedHtmlContent() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.HtmlItemEditor
- getScale() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TagCloud
- getScale() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITag
- getScale() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTagCloud
- getScaledInstance(BufferedImage, int, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Convenience method that returns a scaled instance of the provided
. - getScaledInstance(IIOImage, float) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Convenience method that returns a scaled instance of the provided
. - getSchedulerInstanceId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- getSchedulerName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- getScheduling() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
Scheduling policies
- getScheduling() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- getSchedulingLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- getScheme() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- getScheme() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getScore() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hit
- getScore() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getScore() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getSearchCursor() - Method in class
- getSearches(Session) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchServiceImpl
Load all the search options associated to all the searches saved for the current user
- getSearchInSubPath() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getSearchPref() - Method in class
- getSearchPref() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getSearchPref() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getSecondFactor() - Method in class
- getSecondFactor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getSecondFactor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getSecretKey() - Method in class
- getSecretKey() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- getSecurity() - Method in class
- getSecurity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getSecurityObject() - Method in exception class
- getSecurityObject() - Method in exception class
- getSecurityRef() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getSecurityRef() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getSecurityRef() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getSelectableArea(Point) - Method in class
- getSelectedCount() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Counts the total number of selected elements
- getSelectedCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- getSelectedCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- getSelectedDocument() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- getSelectedDocument() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Gets a bean representation of the currently selected item (not all properties are populated)
- getSelectedDocument() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- getSelectedDocument() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- getSelectedDocuments() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Gets a bean representation of the currently selected items (not all properties are populated)
- getSelectedDocuments() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- getSelectedDocuments() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- getSelectedFolderId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderBrowser
- getSelectedFolderId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderTree
- getSelectedFolderId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
- getSelectedFolders() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderTree
Gets all the selected folders
- getSelectedIds() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Retrieves the list of all selected document IDs
- getSelectedIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- getSelectedIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- getSelectedIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderTree
Gets all the IDs of the selected folders
- getSelectedIndex() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Retrieves the index of the currently selected rec
- getSelectedIndex() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- getSelectedIndex() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- getSelectedOcrTemplate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRTemplatesPanel
- getSelectedOcrTemplate() - Method in class
- getSelectedRecord() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderBrowser
- getSelectedRecord() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowTriggersPanel
- getSelectedTask() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getSelectedWorkflow() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowHistoryDialog
- getSelection() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector.DocumentSelectorPanel
- getSelectionAspectRatio() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageCropper
- getSelectionHeight() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageCropper
- getSelectionWidth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageCropper
- getSelectionXCoordinate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageCropper
- getSelectionYCoordinate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageCropper
- getSelfURL(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
Returns the URL of the current context + current view + query
- getSelfURLhost(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
Returns the protocol + the current host + the port (if different than common ports).
- getSender() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- getSenderEmail() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- getSent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- getSentDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- getSeparator() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- getSeparator() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportSettings
- getSerializationPolicy(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.CustomSerializationPolicyProvider
- getSerialversionuid() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVIASettings
- getServer() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Service method to get access from the internal core
- getServer() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- getServer() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- getServerName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getServerPort() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getServerURL(ServletRequest) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.VirtualHostHelper
Gets the server's URL
- getServerURL(ServletRequest, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.BaseURL
Gets the server's URL
- getServerURL(ServletRequest, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.VirtualHostHelper
Gets the server's URL
- getService(CallContext) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.ServiceFactory
- getServletContext() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getServletContext() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- getServletPath() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getServletSession(String) - Method in class
- getServletSession(String) - Static method in class
- getSession() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- getSession() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getSession() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- getSession() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- getSession() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- getSession() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.VersionControlledResourceImpl
- getSession(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getSession(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.SecurityTool
Retrieves a session by it's identifier
- getSession(String, String) - Method in interface
Logs-in a user by an existing session ID (session reuse)
- getSession(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- getSession(String, String, AsyncCallback<GUISession>) - Method in interface
- getSession(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Gets the Session with the identifier returned by
- getSessionContext() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- getSessionFactory() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- getSessionHeartbeat() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getSessionId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getSessionId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getSessionId(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Gets the Session ID specification from the current request following this lookup strategy: Request parameter
Request headerPARAM_SID
Request attributePARAM_SID
Session attributePARAM_SID
Spring SecurityContextHolder Client ID - getSessionInfo() - Method in interface
Retrieves all the settings for the current session
- getSessionInfo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.InfoServiceImpl
- getSessionInfo(AsyncCallback<List<GUIParameter>>) - Method in interface
- getSessions() - Method in class
Returns the list of sessions of the current node ordered by ascending status and creation date.
- getSessions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getSessionUser(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
- getSessionUser(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
- getSet() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getSetId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- getSetId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
- getSetId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getSetId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.Options
- getSetId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- getSetId() - Method in class
- getSettings() - Method in interface
Gets the tag settings
- getSettings() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols.WebservicesPanel
- getSettings() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.TagServiceImpl
- getSettings(AsyncCallback<List<GUIParameter>>) - Method in interface
- getSeverity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEvent
- getShape() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getShape() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getShape() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getShapes() - Method in class
- getShare() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderDetailsPanel
- getShare() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationDetailsPanel
- getShort(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getShort(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getSid() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getSid() - Method in exception class
- getSid() - Method in class
- getSid() - Method in class
- getSid() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISession
- getSid() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- getSid() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- getSid() - Method in interface
- getSid() - Method in class
- getSid() - Method in class
- getSign() - Method in class
- getSign() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getSignature() - Method in interface
Loads the stamp that represents the signature of the customer.
- getSignature(AsyncCallback<GUIStamp>) - Method in interface
- getSignatureAlgorithm() - Method in class
- getSigned() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- getSigned() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Return 1 if the document was signed
- getSigned() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getSigned() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVersion
- getSigned() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getSignedIcon(Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocUtil
- getSignedIconButtonHTML(long, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
- getSigners(String) - Method in interface
Retrieves the list of signers of a given envelope
- getSigners(String, AsyncCallback<Collection<String>>) - Method in interface
- getSignOpacity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- getSignText() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- getSignWidth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- getSignX() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- getSignY() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- getSimpleTrigger() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskTrigger
- getSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailAttachment
- getSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TagsProcessor
- getSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.stats.StatsCollector
- getSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
The the total size of the processing(number of units of work)
- getSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
Archive dimension in bytes, that is the sum of sizes of all document plus the size of all metadata files
- getSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- getSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- getSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getSize() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.util.cache.Cache
- getSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.EhCache
- getSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache.WebdavCacheFolder
- getSize() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- getSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- getSizeMax() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- getSizeMax() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getSizeMax() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getSizeMin() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- getSizeMin() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getSizeMin() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getSizeTotal() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getSkewAngle() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageDeskew
Calculates the skew angle of the image.
- getSkin() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getSortedExtensions(String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.PluginRegistry
Returns the extensions connected to the specified extension point
- getSorting() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- getSortSpec() - Method in class
- getSortSpec(SortSpecifier[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentGridUtil
- getSortSpec(ListGrid) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentGridUtil
Takes the sort specification of a grid.
- getSource() - Method in class
- getSource() - Method in class
The source from which the user has been created
- getSource() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIGroup
- getSource() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getSource() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- getSource() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
The source from which the user has been created
- getSourceFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- getSpinnerIconHtml(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
- getSqlDateValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- getSqlList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit.DBInit
- getStamp() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampDetailsPanel
- getStamp() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampDetailsTab
- getStamp(long) - Method in interface
Loads a given stamp from the database
- getStamp(long, AsyncCallback<GUIStamp>) - Method in interface
- getStamp(String) - Method in interface
Loads a given stamp from the database
- getStamp(String, AsyncCallback<GUIStamp>) - Method in interface
- getStamped() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getStamped() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getStamped() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getStampedIcon(Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocUtil
- getStampedIconButtonHTML(long, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
- getStart() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.RegexTool.RegexResult
- getStart() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getStart() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- getStart() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkingTime
- getStartDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getStartDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getStartDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- getStartDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getStartDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getStartIndex() - Method in class
- getStartPublishing() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getStartPublishing() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getStartPublishing() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getStartRow() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderPagination
- getStartShape() - Method in class
- getStartStateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getStatChartWidth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getState() - Method in class
- getState() - Method in class
- getState() - Method in class
- getState() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getState() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getState() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getStateById(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getStateByName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getStatement() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.NamedParameterStatement
Returns the underlying statement.
- getStates() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getStatistics() - Method in class
- getStatistics() - Method in interface
Retrieves the system statistics
- getStatistics(String) - Method in interface
Retrieves all the statistics parameters.
- getStatistics(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- getStatistics(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSystemClient
- getStatistics(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSystemService
- getStatistics(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SystemService
Retrieves the system statistics
- getStatistics(String, AsyncCallback<List<List<GUIParameter>>>) - Method in interface
- getStatus() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessage
- getStatus() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
The document status
- getStatus() - Method in class
- getStatus() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
The task status.
- getStatus() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
The archive status
- getStatus() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getStatus() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- getStatus() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getStatus() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- getStatus() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- getStatus() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- getStatus() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getStatus() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.Entry
- getStatus(String) - Method in class
- getStemmer() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.Language
- getStopPublishing() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getStopPublishing() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getStopPublishing() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getStopWords() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.Language
- getStopWords(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.StopWords
- getStopWords(Locale) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.StopWords
- getStore() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
Gets the default store to use from this folder in the current node
- getStore() - Method in class
- getStore() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getStore() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getStore() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getStoreDefinitions() - Method in class
- getStoreDefinitions() - Method in interface
Retrieves the stores definitions grouped by type
- getStores() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getStream(long, String) - Method in class
- getStream(long, String) - Method in class
- getStream(long, String) - Method in interface
Obtains the document's content for the specified resource
- getStreet() - Method in class
- getStreet() - Method in class
- getStreet() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getStreet() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getString(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getString(long, String) - Method in class
- getString(long, String) - Method in interface
Obtains the document's content as string for the specified resource
- getString(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getString(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- getString(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- getString1() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getString2() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getString3() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getString4() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getString5() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getString6() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getString7() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getString8() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getStringValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- getStringValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- getStringValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getStringValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICriterion
- getStringValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- getStringValues() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- getStringValues() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getStringValues() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- getStubName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.Stub
- getStubTypeTree(Class<?>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service.StubTypeTreeRepository
- getStubTypeTreeRepository() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebMethodStubSet
- getSubfolderCount() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getSubImage(BufferedImage, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
A replacement for the standard
method. - getSubject() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- getSubject() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- getSubject() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- getSubject() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- getSubject() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- getSubject() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessageTemplate
- getSubscription() - Method in class
- getSubscription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getSubscriptions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getSubtype() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getSubtype() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- getSubType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getSubTypeOfParentStub() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.Stub
- getSuffix() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- getSummary() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hit
- getSummary() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getSummary() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getSupervisors() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getSupport() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getSupport() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getSupport() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getSupportedCipherSuites() - Method in class
- getSupportedGuiLanguages(boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- getSupportedGUILanguages() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getSupportedLanguages() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getSupportedLanguages(boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- getSupportedMethods() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- getSupportedMethods() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.VersionControlledResourceImpl
Return a comma separated string listing the supported method names
- getSupportedMethods() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionResourceImpl
- getSyncTtl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getSyndication() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationDetailsTab
- getSyndication(long) - Method in interface
Loads a given syndication from the database
- getSyndication(long, AsyncCallback<GUISyndication>) - Method in interface
- getSystemId() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContext
- getSystemId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContextImpl
- getSystemStatus() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.event.SystemEventListener
- getTabs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.TaskDetailsDialog
- getTabSet() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- getTag() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Tag
- getTag() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TagCloud
- getTag() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITag
- getTag() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getTag() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTagCloud
- getTagCloud() - Method in interface
Loads the tag cloud from the server
- getTagCloud() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.TagServiceImpl
- getTagCloud() - Method in class
- getTagCloud() - Method in interface
Retrieves all tag clouds in the repository
- getTagCloud(long, int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Gets the tag cloud for the given tenant
- getTagCloud(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- getTagCloud(AsyncCallback<List<GUITag>>) - Method in interface
- getTagCloud(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Gets the tag cloud for the given tenant
- getTagCloud(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- getTagCloud(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapTagClient
- getTagCloud(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapTagService
- getTagCloud(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.TagService
Retrieves all tag clouds in the repository.
- getTags() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
The set of tags for this document.
- getTags() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getTags() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getTags() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getTags() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getTags() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getTags() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getTags() - Method in class
- getTags() - Method in class
- getTags() - Method in interface
Retrieves all the tags in the repository
- getTags(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapTagClient
- getTags(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapTagService
- getTags(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.TagService
Retrieves all the tags in the repository
- getTagsAsWords() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getTagsAsWords() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getTagsHTML(List<String>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Formats a set of tags into an HTML grid
- getTagsPreset() - Method in class
- getTagsPreset() - Method in interface
Retrieves all the tags in the preset (if the input mode is preset).
- getTagsPreset(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapTagClient
- getTagsPreset(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapTagService
- getTagsPreset(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.TagService
Retrieves all the tags in the preset(if the input mode is preset).
- getTagsString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getTagsString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getTagsString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getTagsString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getTarget() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getTarget() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailRule
- getTarget() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getTarget() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- getTargetFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- getTargetFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- getTargetFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getTargetId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
- getTargetId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSBookmark
- getTargetPath() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- getTargetState() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITransition
- getTask() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskTrigger
- getTask() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TaskDetailPanel
- getTaskByName(String, String) - Method in interface
Retrieves a specific task by its name
- getTaskByName(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- getTaskByName(String, String, AsyncCallback<GUITask>) - Method in interface
- getTaskName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- getTaskName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- getTasks() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskManager
Retrieves the collection of all defined tasks: the ones enlisted in the Task extension point.
- getTasks() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getTaskState() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getTelephone() - Method in class
- getTelephone() - Method in class
- getTelephone() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getTelephone() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getTelephone2() - Method in class
- getTelephone2() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getTemplate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- getTemplate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- getTemplate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- getTemplate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- getTemplate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getTemplate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplateDetailsPanel
- getTemplate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplatePropertiesPanel
- getTemplate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplateSecurityPanel
- getTemplate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplateValidationPanel
- getTemplate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getTemplate(long) - Method in interface
Loads a given template from the database
- getTemplate(long) - Method in interface
Gets the template
- getTemplate(long) - Method in interface
Loads a given template from the database
- getTemplate(long) - Method in interface
Loads a given template from the database
- getTemplate(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.MessageServiceImpl
- getTemplate(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.TemplateServiceImpl
- getTemplate(long, AsyncCallback<GUIBarcodeTemplate>) - Method in interface
- getTemplate(long, AsyncCallback<GUIMessageTemplate>) - Method in interface
- getTemplate(long, AsyncCallback<GUIOCRTemplate>) - Method in interface
- getTemplate(long, AsyncCallback<GUITemplate>) - Method in interface
- getTemplate(String) - Method in class
- getTemplate(String) - Method in interface
Gets template's metadata
- getTemplate(String) - Method in class
- getTemplate(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- getTemplate(String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Gets template's metadata
- getTemplate(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
- getTemplateById(long) - Method in class
- getTemplateById(long) - Method in interface
Gets template's metadata
- getTemplateById(long) - Method in class
- getTemplateById(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- getTemplateById(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Gets template's metadata
- getTemplateById(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
- getTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- getTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- getTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- getTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- getTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- getTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- getTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getTemplateIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIIncrementalArchive
- getTemplateLocked() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getTemplateLocked() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getTemplateLocked() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getTemplateName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- getTemplateName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- getTemplateName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- getTemplates() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIIncrementalArchive
- getTenant() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getTenant() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParseParameters
- getTenant() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getTenant() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getTenant() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getTenant() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantDetailsPanel
- getTenant(long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- getTenant(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- getTenantConfig(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- getTenantConfigAsBoolean(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Tag
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.AbstractJob
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- getTenantId() - Method in class
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantKeystorePanel
- getTenantId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.session.DavSessionImpl
- getTenantId() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.session.WebdavSession
The tenant of this session
- getTenantInRequest() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- getTenantName() - Method in class
- getTenantName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- getTenantName(long) - Method in class
- getTenantName(long) - Method in interface
Retrieves the tenant's name
- getTenantName(Document) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DocUtil
- getTenantProperties(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- getTenantProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- getTenantStatistics(long) - Method in class
- getTenantStatistics(long) - Method in interface
Retrieves the statistics of a tenant
- getTenantStatistics(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSystemClient
- getTenantStatistics(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSystemService
- getTenantStatistics(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SystemService
Retrieves the statistics of a tenenat
- getText() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.AutomationEditor
- getText() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getText() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITransition
- getText(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Same as
invalid @link
{@link #DocTool.parse()
- getText(String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
- getText(Element) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
This returns the text between a begining and an ending tag.
- getText1() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getTextDelimiter() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportSettings
- getTextQualifier() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFile
Get the current text qualifier.
- getTgs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getTgs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getTgs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getThreads() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- getThreshold() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeTemplate
- getThumbnail(String, String, List<PathSegment>) - Method in interface
Retrieves the thumbnail image
- getThumbnail(String, String, List<PathSegment>) - Method in class
- getTicketId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- getTile() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getTile() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getTile() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getTime() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIResult
- getTime() - Method in class
- getTime() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchResult
- getTime(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getTime(int, Calendar) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getTime(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getTime(String, Calendar) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- getTimeDifference(long, long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.time.TimeDiff
Calculate the absolute difference between two dates without regard for time offsets
- getTimeDifference(Date, Date) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.time.TimeDiff
Calculate the absolute difference between two Date without regard for time offsets
- getTimeDifference(Date, Date, TimeDiff.TimeField) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.time.TimeDiff
Calculate the absolute difference between two Date without regard for time offsets
- getTimeout() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getTimeout() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- getTimeout() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.WebserviceClient
- getTimestamp(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getTimestamp(int, Calendar) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getTimestamp(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getTimestamp(String, Calendar) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- getTimeZone() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
- getTimeZone() - Method in class
- getTimeZone() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getTimeZone() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getTitle() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- getTitle() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Computes the title that is the file name without the extension
- getTitle() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
- getTitle() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getTitle() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- getTitle() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- getTitle() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getTitle() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout
- getTitle() - Method in class
- getTitle() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSBookmark
- getTokenFilterNames(boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.analyzer.FilteredAnalyzer
Ordered list of token filter names
- getTop() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getTop() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageZone
- getTop() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getTop() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getTop() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getTop() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- getTop() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getTop() - Method in class
- getTop(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
Converts a top coordinate in pixels into a virtual top(0..1)
- getTopOperator() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- getTopOperator() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getTopOperator() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getTos() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- getTotal() - Method in class
- getTotalElements() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderPagination
- getTotalHits() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchResult
- getTotalPages() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.Cursor
- getTotalPages() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderPagination
- getTotalSize() - Method in class
- getTotalSize() - Method in interface
Computes the total size of the documents repository(in bytes)
- getTransaction() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- getTransactionId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getTransactionId() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.TransactionalObject
Gets the unique ID of the transaction
- getTransition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- getTransitions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getTreeSize(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache.WebdavCache
- getTrials() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessage
- getTrigger() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineDetailsPanel
- getTrigger() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggerDetailsPanel
- getTrigger() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggerDetailsTab
- getTrigger(long) - Method in interface
Loads a given trigger from the database
- getTrigger(long, AsyncCallback<GUIAutomationTrigger>) - Method in interface
- getTrigger(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.JobManager
- getTrigger(TriggerKey) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- getTriggerGroupNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- getTriggers(String, Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.JobManager
Retrieves the triggers
- getTriggersOfJob(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.JobManager
- getTriggersOfJob(JobKey) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- getTriggerState(TriggerKey) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- getTrusted() - Method in class
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.directives.Ifnotnull
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.directives.Ifnull
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
The document type, that is the file extension
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentLink
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AbstractAttributeSet
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- getType() - Method in class
- getType() - Method in class
- getType() - Method in class
- getType() - Method in class
- getType() - Method in class
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
The archive type
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIGroup
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIIncrementalArchive
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessageTemplate
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.JavaLanguageVariable
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.Stub
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.StubTypeTree
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSBookmark
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSLink
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- getType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
For internal use
- getTypeChildren(String, String, Boolean, BigInteger, BigInteger, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getTypeDefinition(String, String, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getTypeDefinition(CallContext, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS getTypeDefinition
- getTypeDefinition(CallContext, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
CMIS getTypeDefinition
- getTypeDescendants(String, String, BigInteger, Boolean, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- getTypesChildren(CallContext, String, boolean, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS getTypesChildren
- getTypesChildren(CallContext, String, boolean, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
CMIS getTypesChildren
- getTypesDescendants(CallContext, String, BigInteger, Boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS getTypesDescendants
- getTypesDescendants(CallContext, String, BigInteger, Boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
CMIS getTypesDescendants
- getUnconfimedReadings() - Method in interface
Retrieves all the unconfirmed readings by the current user
- getUnconfimedReadings(AsyncCallback<List<GUIReadingRequest>>) - Method in interface
- getUnconfirmedReadingIds(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.ReadingRequestController
- getUnconfirmedReadings(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.ReadingRequestController
- getUnconfirmedReagings() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getUnique() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- getUnit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReminder
- getUnprotectedDocs() - Method in class
- getUnreadCount(String, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateSystemMessageDAO
- getUnreadCount(String, int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessageDAO
This methods gets the number of unread messages for the specified recipient and type.
- getUnreadMessages() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getUnsynchronizedConnections() - Method in class
- getUpcomingEvents() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getUpdateNotes(String) - Method in interface
Retrieves more informations from the update
- getUpdateNotes(String, AsyncCallback<List<String>>) - Method in interface
- getUpdatePolicy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getUpdatePolicy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- getUploadedContent() - Method in interface
Read the uploaded file and returns it's content
- getUploadedContent(AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- getUploadedFile() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.Upload
- getUploadedFiles() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.MultipleUpload
- getUploads(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.UploadServlet
Retrieves the map containing the files uploaded in the current session
- getUploads(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.UploadServlet
Retrieves the map containing the files uploaded in the current reqeust
- getUri() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceCall
- getUrl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getUrl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- getUrl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- getUrl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getUrl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getUrl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- getUrl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- getUrl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWebServiceSettings
- getUrl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getURL() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpUpload
- getUser() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getUser() - Method in class
- getUser() - Method in class
If this is a user group, then it returns the user
- getUser() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- getUser() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISession
- getUser() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- getUser() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.UserSelector
- getUser() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.UserSelectorCombo
- getUser() - Method in class
- getUser(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.SecurityTool
Retrieves a user object
- getUser(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.UserTool
Retrieves a user object
- getUser(long) - Method in interface
Loads a given user from the database
- getUser(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- getUser(long, AsyncCallback<GUIUser>) - Method in interface
- getUser(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.SecurityTool
Retrieves a user object
- getUser(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.UserTool
Retrieves a user object
- getUser(String) - Method in class
- getUser(String) - Method in interface
Depending on the global setting, it invokes findByUsername or findByUsernameIgnoreCase
- getUser(String) - Method in interface
- getUser(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.LoginServiceImpl
- getUser(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSecurityClient
- getUser(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSecurityService
- getUser(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SecurityService
Gets user metadata of an existing user with the given identifier
- getUser(String, AsyncCallback<GUIUser>) - Method in interface
- getUserAgent() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Detects the user agent(browser's family)
- getUserAgent() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.WindowUtils
- getUserAgent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getUserByUsername(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSecurityClient
- getUserByUsername(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSecurityService
- getUserByUsername(String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SecurityService
Gets user metadata of an existing user with the given username
- getUserClass() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getUserExcludes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getUserGroup() - Method in class
Retrieves this user's group
- getUserGroupName() - Method in class
The name of the group associated to this user, that is '_user_'+id
- getUserGroupName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getUserGroups() - Method in class
- getUserHistoryDAO() - Method in class
- getUserHome(long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.UserUtil
This method retrieves the user folder.
- getUserId() - Method in class
- getUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
- getUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Rating
- getUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- getUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
- getUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- getUserId() - Method in class
- getUserId() - Method in class
- getUserId() - Method in class
- getUserId() - Method in class
- getUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- getUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- getUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRating
- getUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- getUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- getUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- getUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSBookmark
- getUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getUserId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSRating
- getUserIdentifierAttr() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getUserIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.UserSelectorCombo
- getUserIds() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- getUserIncludes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getUserListenerManager() - Method in class
- getUserLogin() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getUserLogin() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getUserLogin() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Rating
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getUsername() - Method in exception class
- getUsername() - Method in exception class
- getUsername() - Method in class
- getUsername() - Method in class
- getUsername() - Method in class
- getUsername() - Method in class
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRating
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVersion
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- getUsername() - Method in class
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSCredentials
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSRating
- getUsername() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getUserNo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getUserNodes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getUserPrincipal() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- getUserRating(long) - Method in interface
Retrieves the vote of the current user on the specified document
- getUserRating(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- getUserRating(long, AsyncCallback<GUIRating>) - Method in interface
- getUserResource(long, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.UserUtil
This method retrieves a user resource (file or folder).
- getUsers() - Method in class
- getUsers() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- getUsersDir() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.UserUtil
This method retrieves the users root folder.
- getUsersPanel() - Method in class
- getUserTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- getUserType() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getUserType() - Method in class
- getValidation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- getValidation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Template
- getValidation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- getValidation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- getValidation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- getValidation() - Method in class
- getValidation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- getValidation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTemplate
- getValidationQuery() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- getValidity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- getValidity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- getValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
Gets the attribute value.
- getValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
- getValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.Sequence
- getValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
Gets the attribute value.
- getValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParameter
- getValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReminder
- getValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISequence
- getValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIValue
- getValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Pair
Gets the value for this pair.
- getValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Value
Gets the value for this Value.
- getValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeOption
- getValue() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSParameter
- getValue(WSAttribute) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
Gets the attribute value.
- getValue(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- getValue(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- getValue(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- getValue(String, List<GUIParameter>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- getValue(String, List<GUIValue>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIValue
- getValueAsBoolean() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParameter
- getValueAttributes(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- getValueFieldItem() - Method in class
- getValueNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- getValues(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- getValues(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
Retrieves the values of a multiple attribute
- getVariableName() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.JavaLanguageVariable
- getVendor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getVendor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getVendor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getVendorAddress() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getVendorAddress() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getVendorAddress() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getVendorCap() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getVendorCap() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getVendorCap() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getVendorCity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getVendorCity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getVendorCity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getVendorCountry() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getVendorCountry() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- getVendorCountry() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
The working version (the most recent version)
- getVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- getVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- getVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.PluginDescriptorConfigurator
- getVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.Entry
- getVersion(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- getVersion(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Gets a specific version
- getVersion(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- getVersionContent(long, String) - Method in class
- getVersionContent(long, String) - Method in interface
Retrieves the file content of a version.
- getVersionContent(long, String) - Method in class
- getVersionContent(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- getVersionContent(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Gets the content of a specific version of a document
- getVersionContent(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- getVersionDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- getVersionDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVersion
- getVersionDate() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- getVersionDate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- getVersionHistory() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.VersionControlledResourceImpl
Returns the
associated with the repository node. - getVersionHistory() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionResourceImpl
- getVersionLabel() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- getVersionLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- getVersions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionHistoryResourceImpl
- getVersions(long) - Method in interface
Gets the version history of an existing document with the given identifier
- getVersions(long) - Method in class
- getVersions(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- getVersions(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Gets the version history of an existing document with the given identifier
- getVersions(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- getVersionsById(long, long) - Method in interface
Retrieves two specific versions by its ID
- getVersionsById(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- getVersionsById(long, long, AsyncCallback<List<GUIVersion>>) - Method in interface
- getView() - Method in class
- getViewAsScrollPanel() - Method in class
- getViews() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- getVisualizationMode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsListPanel
- getVisualizationMode() - Method in class
- getVote() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Rating
- getVote() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRating
- getVote() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSRating
- getWARN() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEvent
- getWebAppName(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.BaseURL
Gets the name od the application
- getWebAppName(ServletRequest) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.VirtualHostHelper
Gets the name of the web application
- getWebCss() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getWebServiceClass() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebServiceStubSet
- getWelcomeMessage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISession
- getWelcomeScreen() - Method in class
- getWelcomeScreen() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getWfInstanceId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowHistoriesPanel
- getWflHistory() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- getWFState() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- getWfTemplateId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowHistoriesPanel
- getWidget() - Method in class
- getWidget(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDrawingPanel
- getWidth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- getWidth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageZone
- getWidth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- getWidth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- getWidth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- getWidth() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.WindowUtils
- getWidth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.StickyWindow.WindowStatus
- getWidth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- getWidth() - Method in class
- getWidth(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
Converts a width size in pixels into a virtual width(0..1)
- getWorkflow() - Method in class
- getWorkflow() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDesigner
- getWorkflow() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.TaskDetailsDialog
- getWorkflow() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getWorkflowDashboard() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashlet
- getWorkflowDesigner() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDrawingPanel
- getWorkflowDetailsByTask(String) - Method in interface
Retrieves all the info of the workflow of the given task
- getWorkflowDetailsByTask(String, AsyncCallback<GUIWorkflow>) - Method in interface
- getWorkflowStatus() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getWorkflowStatus() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getWorkflowStatus() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getWorkflowStatusDisplay() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- getWorkflowStatusDisplay() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- getWorkflowStatusDisplay() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- getWorkflowTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- getWorkingTimes() - Method in class
- getWorkingTimes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- getWorkingTimes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- getWorkspace(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Retrieves, the workspace where the document(or alias) is stored
- getWorkspace(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- getWrappedDataSource() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.ConnectionPool
- getWrite() - Method in class
- getWrite() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- getWriter() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- getYear() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- getYear() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- getYear() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISequence
- getYear() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- getZone() - Method in class
- getZone(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- getZonePanel() - Method in class
- getZones() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- GhostscriptConverter - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
Converter to convert PDF into image
- GhostscriptConverter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.GhostscriptConverter
- GhostUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.util
Utility method for using GhostScript
- GOOGLE_CALENDAR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- GOOGLE_CALENDAR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- GOOGLE_DRIVE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- GoogleApiAuthorization - Class in
This popup window is used to handle Google API credentials.
- GoogleAsyncCallback<T> - Class in
Useful to handle communication with Google service
- GoogleAsyncCallback() - Constructor for class
- GoogleAuthenticatorSetup - Class in
Panel for setting up the Google Authenticator second factor authenticator.
- GoogleAuthenticatorSetup(GUIUser) - Constructor for class
- GOOGLEDRIVE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- GoogleService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Google Service.
- GoogleService.Instance - Class in
- GoogleServiceAsync - Interface in
- grantedPermissions() - Method in class
- grantPermissions(Set<Permission>) - Method in class
- GridUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
- GridUtil() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.GridUtil
- GridUtil.EndScrollListener - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
Listener to inject code at the end of a grid scroll
- Group - Class in
This class represents groups.
- Group() - Constructor for class
- GROUP_ADMIN - Static variable in class
- GROUP_ADMIN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- GROUP_GUEST - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- GROUP_PUBLISHER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- GroupDAO - Interface in
- GroupDetailsPanel - Class in
This panel collects all groups details
- GroupDetailsPanel(GroupsPanel) - Constructor for class
- GROUPID_ADMIN - Static variable in class
- GROUPID_ADMIN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- GROUPID_PUBLISHER - Static variable in class
- groupingSepator() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- GroupPropertiesPanel - Class in
Shows group's standard properties
- GroupPropertiesPanel(GUIGroup, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class
- GroupsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for groups data.
- GroupsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- GroupsDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all groups.
- GroupsDS() - Constructor for class
- GroupSelectorCombo - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
This widget allows for the selection of a set of groups
- GroupSelectorCombo(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.GroupSelectorCombo
- GroupsPanel - Class in
This panel shows the list of users and a detail area.
- GroupsPanel() - Constructor for class
- GroupUsersPanel - Class in
This panel shows the list of users in a group.
- GroupUsersPanel(long) - Constructor for class
- GUI_LANGUAGES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- GUI_SETTINGS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- GUIAccessControlEntry - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Bean to carry the security access settings for a given entity(user or group)
- GUIAccessControlEntry() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- GUIAccessControlEntry(long, String...) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- GUIAccessControlEntry(String...) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- GUIArchive - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
GUI representation of an import/export archive
- GUIArchive() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- GUIAttendee - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
An attendee of a calendar event
- GUIAttendee() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttendee
- GUIAttribute - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
This class defines the value of an attribute associated to an extensible object.
- GUIAttribute() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- GUIAttribute(GUIAttribute) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- GUIAttributeSet - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
- GUIAttributeSet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- GUIAutomationRoutine - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
- GUIAutomationRoutine() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
- GUIAutomationRoutine(long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
- GUIAutomationTrigger - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Defins the rules to automatically trigger a routine.
- GUIAutomationTrigger() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationTrigger
- GUIBarcodeTemplate - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
This user interface bean to model a barcode template
- GUIBarcodeTemplate() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeTemplate
- GUIBarcodeZone - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
This the model for a barcode specification
- GUIBarcodeZone() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeZone
- GUIBookmark - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
A user's bookmark
- GUIBookmark() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBookmark
- GUIBranding - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Branding ninformations
- GUIBranding() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- GUICalendarEvent - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
This class represents an event in a calendar.
- GUICalendarEvent() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
The criteria to search calendar events
- GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria(Date, Date, Date, Date, Integer) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- GUIContact - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
GUI representation of a generic contact
- GUIContact() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- GUIContact(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- GUIContact(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- GUICriterion - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
- GUICriterion() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICriterion
- GUIDashlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Setting for the dashlet visualization.
- GUIDashlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- GUIDashlet(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- GUIDocument - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Representation of a single document handled by the GUI
- GUIDocument() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- GUIDocumentNote - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Representation of a single document handled by the GUI
- GUIDocumentNote() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- GUIDocuSignSettings - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
- GUIDocuSignSettings() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- GUIEmail - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
GUI representation of an e-mail to be sent
- GUIEmail() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- GUIEmailAccount - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Model of an email account.
- GUIEmailAccount() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- GUIEmailRule - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
- GUIEmailRule() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailRule
- GUIEmailSettings - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Email Settings bean as used in the GUI
- GUIEmailSettings() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- GUIEvent - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Simple bean storing GUI events
- GUIEvent() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEvent
- GUIExtensibleObject - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Main class for extensible objects
- GUIExtensibleObject() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- GUIExtensibleObject(long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- GUIFolder - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Represents a folder from the GUI view
- GUIFolder() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- GUIFolder(long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- GUIForm - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Representation of a form
- GUIForm() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- GUIGridsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui
Displays the settings for the documents grids.
- GUIGridsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.GUIGridsPanel
- GUIGroup - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Representation of a users group
- GUIGroup() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIGroup
- GUIGroup(long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIGroup
- GUIHistory - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Representation of a single history handled by the GUI
- GUIHistory() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- GUIImportFolder - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
An Import Folder representation
- GUIImportFolder() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- GUIIncrementalArchive - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
An incremental export archive configuration
- GUIIncrementalArchive() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIIncrementalArchive
- GUIInfo - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
General product informations
- GUIInfo() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- GUIKeystore - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
GUI representation of a Key Store
- GUIKeystore() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- GUILanguagesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui
Displays a list of languages available for the GUI, allowing for enable/disable single languages.
- GUILanguagesPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.GUILanguagesPanel
- GUILDAPServer - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
LDAP Settings bean as used in the GUI
- GUILDAPServer() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- GuiLog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log
Represents a client work session
- GUIMenu - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Represents a Menu from the GUI view
- GUIMenu() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- GUIMessage - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Genaeric message to the user
- GUIMessage() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- GUIMessage(String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- GUIMessageTemplate - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
A template use to compose the outgoing messages
- GUIMessageTemplate() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessageTemplate
- GUIOCRTemplate - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
This models an OCR template
- GUIOCRTemplate() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- GUIParameter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
- GUIParameter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParameter
- GUIParameter(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParameter
- GUIParseContactsParameters - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Parameters to configure how contacts should be parsed
- GUIParseContactsParameters() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- GUIParseContactsParameters(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- GUIPatch - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
GUI representation of a patch.
- GUIPatch() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- GUIRating - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
A document's rating.
- GUIRating() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRating
- GUIReadingRequest - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Representation of a reading request
- GUIReadingRequest() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- GUIReminder - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Represents a reminder of a calendar event
- GUIReminder() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReminder
- GUIReminder(int, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReminder
- GUIReport - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
A Report representation
- GUIReport() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- GUIResult - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Collects the results of a search and store some search statistics
- GUIResult() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIResult
- GUIRetentionPolicy - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Implementation of a retention policy for the GUI
- GUIRetentionPolicy() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- GUISamlSettings - Class in
A bean to store the SAML settings
- GUISamlSettings() - Constructor for class
- GUIScheduling - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Representation of a task scheduling
- GUIScheduling() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- GUIScheduling(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- GUIScheme - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Represents a scheme for custom ID / auto naming / auto folding
- GUIScheme() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- GUISearchEngine - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Representation of a search engine handled by the GUI
- GUISearchEngine() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- GUISearchOptions - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Search options
- GUISearchOptions() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
Creates a new instance of SearchOptions
- GUISecuritySettings - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Security Settings bean as used in the GUI
- GUISecuritySettings() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- GUISequence - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
- GUISequence() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISequence
- GUISession - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Informations about the session created on the server side.
- GUISession() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISession
- GUISettingsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui
This panel shows the Web Service and WebDAV settings, and also the external applications.
- GUISettingsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.GUISettingsPanel
- GUIStamp - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Implementation of a Stamp
- GUIStamp() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- GUIStamp(long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- GUISyndication - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
A Syndication representation
- GUISyndication() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- GUITag - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
A simple tag representation
- GUITag() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITag
- GUITask - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Representation of a task
- GUITask() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- GUITemplate - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
This user interface bean to model a document template
- GUITemplate() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- GUITenant - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
This class represents a Tenant, that is a branch of the organization or an organizational unit or whatever other class of organization.
- GUITenant() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- GUITransition - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Representation of a workflow transition.
- GUITransition() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITransition
- GUITransition(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITransition
- GUITransition(String, GUIWFState) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITransition
- GUITransition(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITransition
- GUIUser - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
User bean as used in the GUI
- GUIUser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- GUIValue - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
General purpose value bean
- GUIValue() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIValue
- GUIValue(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIValue
- GUIVersion - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Represents a document version
- GUIVersion() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVersion
- GUIVIASettings - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Settings of the VIA engine
- GUIVIASettings() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVIASettings
- GUIWebServiceSettings - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Web Service and WebDAV Settings bean as used in the GUI.
- GUIWebServiceSettings() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWebServiceSettings
- GUIWFState - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Workflow State bean as used in the GUI
- GUIWFState() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- GUIWFState(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- GUIWorkflow - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
Workflow bean as used in the GUI
- GUIWorkflow() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- GUIWorkingTime - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
A working time slot to be used in the GUI
- GUIWorkingTime() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkingTime
- GUIWorkingTime(String, Date, Date) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkingTime
- GUIZone - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
This is the model for a Zone used in the OCR Template
- GUIZone() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- GUIZone(String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- handleEntity(HttpEntity) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.FileHttpClientResponseHandler
- handleEntity(HttpEntity) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.StreamHttpClientResponseHandler
- handleEntity(HttpEntity) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.StringHttpClientResponseHandler
- handleErrors(ServerValidationError[]) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentExtendedPropertiesPanel
- handleErrors(ServerValidationError[]) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderExtendedPropertiesPanel
- handleErrors(ServerValidationError[]) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.DetailTab
- handleErrors(ServerValidationException) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.DetailTab
- handleMessage(Message) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceFaultInterceptor
- handleMessage(Message) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceInterceptor
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessage
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.AbstractFormatConverter
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentLink
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Rating
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Tag
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TagCloud
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.Language
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AbstractAttributeSet
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Template
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationError
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderSearchOptions
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hit
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.TagSearchOptions
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.Sequence
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.AutomationEditor
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.AutomationItemEditor
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.HtmlItemEditor
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttendee
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEvent
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReminder
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIValue
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVersion
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkingTime
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.dialogs.AbstractEmailDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.ColoredListGridField
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.FileNameListGridField
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.UserListGridField
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.EventPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.MessagesWindow
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview.MailPreviewPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview.PreviewPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview.PreviewPopup
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview.PreviewTile
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LimitedQueue
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ApplicationRestarting
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.Avatar
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.CronExpressionComposer
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.DocumentSelector
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.EditingTabSet
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ExtendedPropertiesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.FolderSelector
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageCropper
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageDrawingPane
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.IncomingMessage
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.InfoPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.PasswordGenerator
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.UserSearchDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.ApiKeys
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate.CertificateDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate.CertificateUploader
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate.OwnCertificateDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.Contacts
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportPreview
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportSettings
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsUploader
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.LastLogins
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.Profile
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.TrustedDevices
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration.AdminPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration.AdminScreen
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar.CalendarEventDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar.UserCalendarPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.chatgpt.ThreadWindow
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.Clipboard
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.ClipboardWindow
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.BookmarkDashlet
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.ContentDashlet
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.Dashlet
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.DashletSelector
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.DocumentDashlet
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.DocumentHistoryDashlet
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.TagCloudDashlet
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.MessageDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.MessagesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.reading.ReadingRequestsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag.MostUsedTagsPortlet
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag.TagCloud
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag.TagsDashboard
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag.TagsPortlet
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.UserDashboard
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.AliasesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.BookmarkDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.BookmarksPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.ComparisonWindow
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.ConversionDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentCalendarPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentCapturePanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentCheckin
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailTab
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentExtendedPropertiesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentSecurityPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsListPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsMenu
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPreviewPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentStandardPropertiesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentSubscriptionsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsUploader
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentToolbar
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.EmailDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.form.AddDocumentUsingForm
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.form.FillForm
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.ContextMenu
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.Cursor
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.FillRoutineParams
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.NavigatorDocumentsGrid
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.LinksPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.MetadataDiff.DiffRecord
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.AbstractAnnotationsWindow
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.AnnotationContextMenu
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.AnnotationsWindow
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.NotesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.NoteUpdateDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.VersionNotesWindow
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.PublishingPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.RatingDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.reading.ReadingRequestDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.ReplaceVersionFile
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector.DocumentSelectorPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.SendToArchiveDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature.DigitalSignatureDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature.DigitalSignaturePanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature.VisualPositioningDigitalSignatureDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.stamp.FillStamp
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.stamp.StampDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.stamp.VisualPositioningStampDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.StartWorkflowDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.TicketDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.TicketDisplay
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.TrashPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateNotificationPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdatePanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateStandardPropertiesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.VersionsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.DocuSignNewTabDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.DocuSignSettings
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.DocuSignTabContextMenu
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.EnvelopeDetails
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.Envelopes
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxAccessTokenWizard
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxAuthorization
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.AliasesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.AutomationDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.AutomationTriggerDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderBrowser
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderCursor
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderTree
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.ContextMenu
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy.FolderCopyDetailsDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy.FolderCopyDetailsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy.FolderCopyDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy.FolderCopyExtendedPropertiesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy.FolderCopyStandardPropertiesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.CreateDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderAutomationPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderCapturePanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderDetailsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderDetailTab
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderExtendedPropertiesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderImageUploader
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderInterfacePanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderQuotaPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSearchDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSearchForm
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSecurityPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderStandardPropertiesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSubscriptionsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderTile
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.InheritRightsDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.MergeDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ArchiveDetailsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ExportArchivesList
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportArchiveFoldersList
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportArchivesList
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportDetailsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportSettingsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalArchivesList
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalDetailsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalSettingsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.VersionsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderAdvancedProperties
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderAutomationPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderDetailsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderDetailsTab
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderHistoryPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFoldersPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderStandardProperties
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationDetailsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationDetailsTab
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationStandardProperties
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeQueuePanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeTemplateSettings
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeTemplatesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.ZoneEditor
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.CustomIdPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.FolderTemplatesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormCreate
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormDetailsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormImageTile
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.ResponsesGrid
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.ResponsesListPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.ResponsesStatsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.WebFormInvitationDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.WebFormPrefilledEmail
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.WebFormPrefilledLink
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.RetentionPoliciesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.RetentionPolicyDetailsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampDetailsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampDetailsTab
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampParameters
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampProperties
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampSecurity
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampUploader
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.tag.TagsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.tag.TagsPreset
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.tag.TagsSettingsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AddTemplateAttributeDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeInitializerComposer
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeSetDetailsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeSetPropertiesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeSetsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeValidatorComposer
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.Options
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.OptionsUploader
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplateDetailsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplatePropertiesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplateSecurityPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplatesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplateValidationPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRQueuePanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRTemplateSettings
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRTemplatesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZoneEditor
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.DetailTab
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.HistoryPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.MainPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.StatusBarIcons
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.ArchivedDocsReport
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.CalendarReport
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.CustomReportsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportDetailsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportDetailsTab
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportParametersForm
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportStandardProperties
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportUploader
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.DeletedDocsReport
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.DeletedFoldersReport
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.DuplicatesReport
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.LastChangesReport
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.LockedDocsReport
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.SubscriptionsReport
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.TicketsReport
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.AuditingPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineDetailsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineDetailsTab
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineParametersPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineProperties
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineSecurity
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutinesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggerDetailsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggerDetailsTab
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggerProperties
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggersPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.comparators.ComparatorsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.CustomActionEditor
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.CustomActionsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.DashletEditor
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.DashletsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.GUIGridsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.GUILanguagesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.GUISettingsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.messages.MessageTemplateEditor
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.messages.MessageTemplatesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.messages.OutgoingEmailPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.OCRSettingsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols.ApiCallsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols.ProtocolsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols.WebservicesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.QuotaPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.RepositoriesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex.IndexingHistoryPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex.SearchIndexEntriesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex.SearchIndexPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.StoresPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.VIASettingsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.sharefile.ShareFileDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.sharefile.ShareFileSettings
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.sharefile.ShareFileTree
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.subscription.PersonalSubscriptions
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.BrandingPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.ChannelsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.ClusteringPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.LogPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.plugin.PluginsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.plugin.PluginUploader
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.RunLevelPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.ScopedPropertiesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.SessionsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.SystemMenu
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.JobsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TaskDetailPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TaskNotificationPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TaskSchedulingPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TasksPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update.PatchPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update.PatchUploader
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update.UpdatePanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update.UpdateUploader
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.usage.SystemUsageHistoryChart
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.usage.UsagePanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.BrandingPackageUploader
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.ImageUploader
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.KeystoreUploader
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantBrandingPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantDetailsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantKeystorePanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantPropertiesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantQuotaPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantsPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.textcontent.TextContentCreate
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.textcontent.TextContentEditor
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.webcontent.WebcontentCreate
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.webcontent.WebcontentEditor
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.PrimitivesToolstrip
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.TaskEditor
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.TransitionEditor
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDesigner
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDrawingPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowSecurity
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowSettings
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowToolStrip
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowUploader
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.TaskDetailsDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashboard
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashlet
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowHistoriesPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowHistoryDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowNoteEditor
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowTriggersPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho.ZohoAuthorization
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho.ZohoCheckin
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho.ZohoDialog
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho.ZohoEditor
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.ChangePassword
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.LoginPanel
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.PasswordGenerator
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.ResetPassword
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Pair
Generate a hash code for this
. - hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.SoftwareVersion
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Value
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.stat.ChartDrawingSupplier
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.StubTypeTree
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeOption
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- hashCode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceCall
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashMD4(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
Converts a string into a MD4 hash.
- hashNTLM1(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
Converts a string into a MD4 hash suitable for the NTLM v1 authentication
- hasLock(Type, Scope) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- hasMorePages() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderCursor
- hasNext() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hits
- hasPermission(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
- hasPermission(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- hasPermission(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- hasPermission(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- hasPermission(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- hasStream() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.AbstractExportContext
- hasStream() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContextImpl
- hasWriteAccess(Folder, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Checks that the user has write access to the folder and all its sub-items
- hasWriteAccess(Folder, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- hasWriteAccess(Menu, long) - Method in class
- hasWriteAccess(Menu, long) - Method in interface
Checks that the user has access to the menu and all its sub-items
- HEADER_APIKEY - Static variable in class
- HibernateApiKeyDAO - Class in
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateAttributeOptionDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateAttributeOptionDAO() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeOptionDAO
- HibernateAttributeSetDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateAttributeSetDAO() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeSetDAO
- HibernateBookmarkDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateBookmarkDAO() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateBookmarkDAO
- HibernateContactDAO - Class in
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateContactDAO() - Constructor for class
- HibernateDashletDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateDeviceDAO - Class in
An Hibernate based implementation of
- HibernateDocumentDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateDocumentLinkDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateDocumentLinkDAO() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentLinkDAO
- HibernateDocumentNoteDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateDocumentNoteDAO() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentNoteDAO
- HibernateFolderDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.folder
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateFolderDAO() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- HibernateFolderHistoryDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.folder
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateGenericDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.generic
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateGenericDAO() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.HibernateGenericDAO
- HibernateGroupDAO - Class in
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateHistoryDAO<T> - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.history
Parent of all DAOs that handle histories
- HibernateMenuDAO - Class in
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateMenuDAO() - Constructor for class
- HibernateMessageTemplateDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.communication
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateMessageTemplateDAO() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateMessageTemplateDAO
- HibernatePasswordHistoryDAO - Class in
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernatePersistentObjectDAO<T> - Class in com.logicaldoc.core
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateRatingDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateRatingDAO() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateRatingDAO
- HibernateSearchDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateSequenceDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.sequence
Hibernate implementation of
. - HibernateSessionDAO - Class in
- HibernateSystemMessageDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.communication
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateSystemMessageDAO() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateSystemMessageDAO
- HibernateSystemMessageDAO.SystemMessageMapper - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.communication
- HibernateTemplateDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateTemplateDAO() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateTemplateDAO
- HibernateTenantDAO - Class in
- HibernateTicketDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.ticket
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateTicketDAO(DocumentDAO, ContextProperties) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.HibernateTicketDAO
- HibernateUserDAO - Class in
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateUserHistoryDAO - Class in
- HibernateVersionDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Hibernate implementation of
- HibernateVersionDAO() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateVersionDAO
- HibernateWebserviceCallDAO - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice
Hibernate implementation of
- hideKnowbs(DrawItem) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.AbstractAnnotationsWindow
Hides the knobs to edit an item
- hideSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.EditingTabSet
- highlightMovablePoint(Point) - Method in class
- highlightSelectableArea(Point) - Method in class
- History - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.history
Superclass for history entries
- History() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- HISTORY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- HistoryPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels
A geneneric panel for displaying history records
- Hit - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
Search result
- Hit() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hit
- HitField - Enum Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
Models the field names that can be stored in the index
- HitMapper() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderSearch.HitMapper
- HitMapper() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.TagSearch.HitMapper
- HitMapper(Map<Long, Hit>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearch.HitMapper
- Hits - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
Iterator on the collection of hits, plus some statistical informations about the query.
- Hits() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hits
- Hits(QueryResponse) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hits
- HitsListPanel - Class in
This panel shows a list of search results in a tabular way.
- HitsListPanel() - Constructor for class
- HOT_FOLDER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- HOUR - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.time.TimeDiff.TimeField
- HTMLColor - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.html
- HtmlItemEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation
This popup window is used to show the HTML content of an Automation item
- HtmlItemEditor(FormItem, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.HtmlItemEditor
- HTMLPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
- HTMLPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.HTMLPanel
- HTMLParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Text extractor for HyperText Markup Language (HTML).
- HTMLParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.HTMLParser
- HTMLSanitizer - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.html
Removes elements from an HTML document that may lead to security problems
- HttpBasicAuthenticationHeader - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.http
- HttpFirewall - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.firewall
A firewall specialization that allows to be turned off.
- HttpFirewall() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.firewall.HttpFirewall
- HttpUpload - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.http
Utility class to handle uploads.
- HttpUpload() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpUpload
- HttpUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.http
- I18N - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n
Retrieves i18n resources
- I18N - Class in com.logicaldoc.i18n
A class for retrieval of localized messages.
- I18N() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- I18NCellFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters
Utility formatter for those cells that contains internationalized messages (the content is an i18n message key).
- I18NCellFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters.I18NCellFormatter
- I18NTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Utility class to handle translations from inside Automation
- I18NTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.I18NTool
- I18NTool(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.I18NTool
- IconSelector - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.util
Utility class to select an icon based on a file extension
- iconWithFilename(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- ID - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- IdListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
A field to display the ID, it must be bound to a boolean column named id
- IdListGridField() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.IdListGridField
- IdListGridField(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.IdListGridField
- Ifnotnull - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation.directives
- Ifnotnull() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.directives.Ifnotnull
- Ifnull - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation.directives
- Ifnull() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.directives.Ifnull
- IgnoreAsyncCallback<T> - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
An implemantation of callback that ignores both successes and failures
- IgnoreAsyncCallback() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.IgnoreAsyncCallback
- ignoreCaseLogin() - Static method in class
- imageBase64Src(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Manipulates the given Base64 image specification into a Src to be uses in a <img> tag
- ImageConverter - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
Converter to convert image files in PDF
- ImageConverter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.ImageConverter
- ImageCropper - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
Displays an image and allows the seletion of an area.
- ImageCropper(String, int, double) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageCropper
- ImageDeskew - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.imaging
A simple class for calculating the skew degree of an image
- ImageDeskew(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageDeskew
- ImageDrawingPane - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
Displays an image with drawings over it
- ImageDrawingPane(String, ImageLoader.CallBack) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageDrawingPane
- imageHTML(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Generates HTML image code.
- imageHTML(String, Integer, Integer, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- imageHTML(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Generates HTML image code with style.
- ImageLightbox - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
- ImageLightbox(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageLightbox
- imagePrefix() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- ImageThumbnailBuilder - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail
Takes care of images thumbnail builder
- ImageThumbnailBuilder() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ImageThumbnailBuilder
- ImageUploader - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant
This popup window is used to upload new branding images
- ImageUploader(String, TenantBrandingPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.ImageUploader
- imageUrl(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- ImageUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.imaging
Utility methods for handling images
- ImageWithCanvases - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
Displays an image and allows the insertion of canvases inside it
- ImageWithCanvases(String, Integer, List<Canvas>, ImageLoader.CallBack) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
- ImageWithCanvases(String, List<Canvas>, ImageLoader.CallBack) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
- ImageZone - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.imaging
A zone specification inside an image.
- ImageZone() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageZone
- ImageZone(ImageZone) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageZone
- IMMUTABLE - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- IMMUTABLE - Enum constant in enum class
- IMPEX - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- IMPEX - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- ImpexFoldersDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all folders inside the impex/in folder.
- ImpexFoldersDS() - Constructor for class
- ImpexMenu - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex
This panel shows the administration of import/export features.
- ImpexMenu() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.ImpexMenu
- ImpexService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Impex Service.
- ImpexService.Instance - Class in
- ImpexServiceAsync - Interface in
- imporKeystore(GUIKeystore) - Method in interface
- imporKeystore(GUIKeystore, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- IMPORT - Enum constant in enum class
- IMPORT_LOCAL_FOLDERS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- IMPORT_REMOTE_FOLDERS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- ImportArchiveFoldersList - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives
Panel showing the list of archive import folders
- ImportArchiveFoldersList(ImportArchivesPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportArchiveFoldersList
- ImportArchivesList - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives
Panel showing the list of export archives
- ImportArchivesList() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportArchivesList
- ImportArchivesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives
Panel showing export archives control panel
- ImportArchivesPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportArchivesPanel
- importBrandingPackage() - Method in interface
Imports the uploaded branding package
- importBrandingPackage(AsyncCallback<GUIBranding>) - Method in interface
- importCertificate(String, String) - Method in interface
Imports an uploaded certificate
- importCertificate(String, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- importContent(ImportContext, boolean) - Method in class
- importContent(ImportContext, boolean) - Method in interface
- importContent(ImportContext, boolean) - Method in interface
- importContent(ImportContext, boolean) - Method in class
- importContent(ImportContext, DavResource) - Method in class
- importContent(ImportContext, DavResource) - Method in interface
- importContent(ImportContext, DavResource) - Method in interface
- importContent(ImportContext, DavResource) - Method in class
- ImportContext - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webdav.context
For more informations, please visit
- ImportContextImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.context
For more informations, please visit
- ImportContextImpl(Resource, String, InputStream) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContextImpl
- ImportContextImpl(Resource, String, InputContext) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContextImpl
- ImportDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives
This panel collects all documents details
- ImportDetailsPanel(GUIArchive, ImportArchivesList) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportDetailsPanel
- importDiagram(String, DiagramWidgetFactory) - Method in class
- importDocuments(long, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.DropboxServiceImpl
- importDocuments(long, List<String>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxService
- importDocuments(long, List<String>) - Method in interface
- importDocuments(long, List<String>, AsyncCallback<Integer>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxServiceAsync
- importDocuments(long, List<String>, AsyncCallback<Integer>) - Method in interface
- importDocuments(long, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in interface
Exports documents and folders from Zoho into LogicalDOC
- importDocuments(long, List<String>, List<String>, AsyncCallback<Integer>) - Method in interface
- importDocuments(List<String>, long, String) - Method in interface
Imports some Google documents into LogicalDOC
- importDocuments(List<String>, long, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- ImportFolderAdvancedProperties - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders
Shows import folder's advanced properties and read-only data
- ImportFolderAdvancedProperties(GUIImportFolder, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderAdvancedProperties
- ImportFolderAutomationPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders
Displays the automation routine associated to the ImportFolder
- ImportFolderAutomationPanel(GUIImportFolder, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderAutomationPanel
- ImportFolderDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders
This panel collects details about an import folder
- ImportFolderDetailsPanel(ImportFoldersPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderDetailsPanel
- ImportFolderDetailsTab - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders
Superclass for all tab panels in the import folders details area
- ImportFolderHistoryDS - Class in
Datasource to handle the grids of import folder histories.
- ImportFolderHistoryDS(long, Integer) - Constructor for class
- ImportFolderHistoryPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders
Shows import folder's history
- ImportFolderHistoryPanel(GUIImportFolder, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderHistoryPanel
- ImportFoldersDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all import folders.
- ImportFoldersDS() - Constructor for class
- ImportFolderService - Interface in
The client side stub for the ImportFolder Service.
- ImportFolderService.Instance - Class in
- ImportFolderServiceAsync - Interface in
- ImportFoldersPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders
Panel showing the details of an import folder
- ImportFoldersPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFoldersPanel
- ImportFolderStandardProperties - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders
Shows import folder's standard properties and read-only data
- ImportFolderStandardProperties(GUIImportFolder, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderStandardProperties
- importResource(String) - Method in interface
Take the last uploaded file and imports it in the SAML settings
- importResource(String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- importSchema() - Method in interface
Imports a new workflow schema already uploaded
- importSchema(AsyncCallback<GUIWorkflow>) - Method in interface
- ImportSettingsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives
This panel shows the settings form for an import archive.
- ImportSettingsPanel(GUIArchive, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportSettingsPanel
- importUsers(List<String>, long) - Method in interface
Imports a selection of users
- importUsers(List<String>, long, AsyncCallback<List<GUIValue>>) - Method in interface
- IncomingMessage - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
An useful panel to show incoming messages to the user
- IncomingMessage(String, ClickHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.IncomingMessage
- INCREMENTAL_ARCHIVES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- IncrementalArchivesDS - Class in
Datasource to handle imcremental export archives grid lists.
- IncrementalArchivesDS(int) - Constructor for class
- IncrementalArchivesList - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives
Panel showing the list of export archives
- IncrementalArchivesList(int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalArchivesList
- IncrementalDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives
This panel collects all documents details
- IncrementalDetailsPanel(GUIIncrementalArchive, IncrementalArchivesList) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalDetailsPanel
- IncrementalSettingsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives
This panel shows the settings of an incremental import configuration
- IncrementalSettingsPanel(GUIIncrementalArchive, ChangedHandler, FolderChangeListener) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalSettingsPanel
- index(long, String, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Re-indexes an existing document in the full-text index.
- index(long, String, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- INDEX - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- INDEX_INDEXED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Document's indexed status indexed: 1
- INDEX_INDEXED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
The document has already been indexed
- INDEX_INDEXED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- INDEX_LANGUAGES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- INDEX_SKIP - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Document's indexed status skip: 2
- INDEX_SKIP - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- INDEX_SKIP - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- INDEX_TO_INDEX - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Document's indexed status to index: 0
- INDEX_TO_INDEX - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
The document must be indexed, both metadata and content
- INDEX_TO_INDEX - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- INDEX_TO_INDEX_METADATA - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Document's indexed status index just metadata: 3
- INDEX_TO_INDEX_METADATA - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
The document must be indexed, just the metadata
- indexDocuments(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Indexes the given set of documents
- indexDocuments(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- indexDocuments(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- INDEXED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- INDEXED_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- IndexedListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
A filed to display the indexed field do the Document
- IndexedListGridField() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.IndexedListGridField
- IndexedListGridField(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.IndexedListGridField
- IndexerTask - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
This task enlists all non-indexed documents and performs the indexing
- IndexerTask() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.IndexerTask
- IndexException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
An error happened during indexing
- IndexException() - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.IndexException
- IndexException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.IndexException
- IndexException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.IndexException
- IndexException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.IndexException
- IndexingHistoryPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex
Shows indexing history
- IndexingHistoryPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex.IndexingHistoryPanel
- IndexingQueueDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for retrieving the current indexing queue
- IndexingQueueDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- IndexingQueueDS - Class in
Data Source to display the indexing queue
- IndexingQueueDS(Integer) - Constructor for class
- IndexOptimizer - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
This task optimizes all indexes
- IndexOptimizer() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.IndexOptimizer
- indexPage(String, File, List<Class<?>>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.WebserviceDocGen
- info(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.LogTool
Writes in the system log with INFO priority
- info(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.GuiLog
- info(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.EventPanel
- info(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.GuiLog
- INFO - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEvent
- InfoPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
An useful panel to show informations to the user
- InfoPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.InfoPanel
- informCompleted(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.AbstractExportContext
- informCompleted(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ExportContextImpl
- informCompleted(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContextImpl
- InfoService - Interface in
Informations service
- InfoService.Instance - Class in
- InfoServiceAsync - Interface in
- InfoServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Implementation of the InfoService
- InfoServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.InfoServiceImpl
- inheritACL(long, long) - Method in interface
Inherits the ACL of another folder
- inheritACL(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- inheritACL(long, long, AsyncCallback<GUIFolder>) - Method in interface
- inheritACLs(Group, long) - Method in interface
This method replicates all ACLs of the parent group to another group.
- inheritACLs(Group, long) - Method in class
- InheritRightsDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This is the form used to select a folder to inherit the rights from
- InheritRightsDialog(FolderSecurityPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.InheritRightsDialog
- init() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
Initializes the converters map
- init() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dbinit.PluginDbInit
Intitializes the database using 'DbInit' extension point.
- init() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentListenerManager
- init() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
Initializes the builders map
- init() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderListenerManager
- init() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.LanguageManager
- init() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParserFactory
Registers all parsers from extension points
- init() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
To be called on the context startup, this method creates all indexes and unlock the existing ones
- init() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- init() - Method in class
Populate the authenticators chain using the extension point Authentication declared in the core plug-in.
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in class
- init() - Method in interface
Initialization method
- init() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.ConnectionPool
- init() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.WebdavServlet
- init(GUIInfo) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- init(GUIInfo) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- init(GUISession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- init(GUIUser) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- init(GUIUser) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- init(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.PluginRegistry
Initializes all found plugins
- init(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.filter.CacheControlFilter
Initializes the configuration
- init(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.ServiceFactory
- init(Set<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dbinit.PluginDbInit
- init(FilterConfig) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.filter.CacheControlFilter
- init(FilterConfig) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.filter.xss.XssFilter
- init(ServletConfig) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.AbstractWebdavServlet
- INIT_PARAM_AUTHENTICATE_HEADER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.WebdavServlet
- INIT_PARAM_MISSING_AUTH_MAPPING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.WebdavServlet
- INIT_PARAM_RESOURCE_CONFIG - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.WebdavServlet
- INIT_PARAM_RESOURCE_PATH_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.WebdavServlet
- initialize() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
- initialize(SystemMessage) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateSystemMessageDAO
- initialize(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Initializes lazy loaded collections
- initialize(Document) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Initializes lazy loaded collections
- initialize(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- initialize(Version) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateVersionDAO
- initialize(Folder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Initializes lazy loaded collections
- initialize(Folder) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Initializes lazy loaded collections
- initialize(Folder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- initialize(Generic) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.HibernateGenericDAO
- initialize(ExtensibleObject, Template, History) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.initialization.Initializer
Initializes an object instance taking the initialization logic from a given template
- initialize(Template) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateTemplateDAO
- initialize(Template) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.TemplateDAO
- initialize(Session) - Method in class
- initialize(Group) - Method in interface
Initializes the group collections
- initialize(Group) - Method in class
- initialize(User) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.UserTool
Initializes lazy loaded collections
- initialize(User) - Method in class
- initialize(T) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
Doesn't do anything by default
- initialize(T) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Initialises lazy loaded data such as collections
- initializeLogging() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
- initializePlugin(String) - Method in interface
Launches the initialization of a plugin
- initializePlugin(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- initializePlugin(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- Initializer - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.initialization
An Initializer performs the checks on a generic
- Initializer() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.initialization.Initializer
- InMemoryZipImport - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.transfer
This is an import utilities that imports documents stored in a zip archive.
- InMemoryZipImport(Document, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.transfer.InMemoryZipImport
- InputValues - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
Records the inputs of the user for different items
- insert(Group, long) - Method in interface
This method persists a new group object.
- insert(Group, long) - Method in class
- insertNewUniqueTags() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Puts into ld_uniquetag the new unique tags
- insertNewUniqueTags() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- install() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.CmisPlugin
- install() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.CorePlugin
- install() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.DropboxPlugin
- install() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.LogicalDOCPlugin
Concrete implementations of this method must insert first installation logic such as database initialization.
- install() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.WebDAVPlugin
- install() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebservicePlugin
- install() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc.WebserviceDocPlugin
- installCloseWindowAlert() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Declares the javascript function used to ask confirmation on window close
- installPlugin() - Method in interface
Installs the uploaded plugin package
- installPlugin() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- installPlugin(AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- IntegerListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
A filed to display long integers in cells that contains a user reference
- IntegerListGridField(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.IntegerListGridField
- IntegerListGridField(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.IntegerListGridField
- IntegerListGridField.LongCellFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
Utility formatter for those cells that contains longs
- integerValue(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.html.HTMLColor
- INTERFACE_DENSITY - Static variable in class
- INTERFACE_DENSITY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- internalConvert(String, Document, File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.GhostscriptConverter
- internalConvert(String, Document, File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.ImageConverter
- internalConvert(String, Document, File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.MarkdownConverter
- internalConvert(String, Document, File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.P7MConverter
- internalConvert(String, Document, File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.PstConverter
- internalConvert(String, Document, File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.RarConverter
- internalConvert(String, Document, File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.SevenZipConverter
- internalConvert(String, Document, File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.TarConverter
- internalConvert(String, Document, File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.XMLConverter
- internalConvert(String, Document, File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.ZipConverter
- internalParse(InputStream, ParseParameters, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.AbiWordParser
- internalParse(InputStream, ParseParameters, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.CatchAllParser
- internalParse(InputStream, ParseParameters, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.DummyParser
- internalParse(InputStream, ParseParameters, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.EpubParser
- internalParse(InputStream, ParseParameters, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.HTMLParser
- internalParse(InputStream, ParseParameters, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.KOfficeParser
- internalParse(InputStream, ParseParameters, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.MarkdownParser
- internalParse(InputStream, ParseParameters, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.OpenOfficeParser
- internalParse(InputStream, ParseParameters, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.PDFParser
- internalParse(InputStream, ParseParameters, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.PPTParser
- internalParse(InputStream, ParseParameters, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.RarParser
- internalParse(InputStream, ParseParameters, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.RTFParser
- internalParse(InputStream, ParseParameters, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.SevenZipParser
- internalParse(InputStream, ParseParameters, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.TarParser
- internalParse(InputStream, ParseParameters, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.TXTParser
- internalParse(InputStream, ParseParameters, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.XLSParser
- internalParse(InputStream, ParseParameters, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.XMLParser
- internalParse(InputStream, ParseParameters, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ZABWParser
- internalParse(InputStream, ParseParameters, StringBuilder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ZipParser
- internalSearch() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderSearch
- internalSearch() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearch
- internalSearch() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.TagSearch
- interrupt() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
- interrupt(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- interrupt(JobKey) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- invalidate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- invalidCronExpression(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggerProperties
Reacts to an error in the cron expression
- InvalidSessionException - Exception Class in
Raised when a session is not valid
- InvalidSessionException() - Constructor for exception class
- InvalidSessionException(String) - Constructor for exception class
- InvalidSessionServerException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
Thrown in case of invalid session
- InvalidSessionServerException() - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.InvalidSessionServerException
- InvalidSessionServerException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.InvalidSessionServerException
- InvalidSessionServerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.InvalidSessionServerException
- InvalidSessionServerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.InvalidSessionServerException
- invertImageColor(BufferedImage) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Inverts image color.
- invite(GUIForm, GUIEmail, String) - Method in interface
Invites by email a set of recipients to fill out the given form
- invite(GUIForm, GUIEmail, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- invite(List<String>, String) - Method in interface
Invites the users to join the chat
- invite(List<String>, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- IOHandler - Interface in
For more informations, please visit
- IOManager - Interface in
For more informations, please visit
- IOManagerImpl - Class in
For more informations, please visit
- IOManagerImpl() - Constructor for class
- IOSPlugin - Class in com.logicaldoc.ios
Entry-point for the iOS Mobile plug-in
- IOSPlugin() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.ios.IOSPlugin
- IOUtil - Class in
- IPBlockedException - Exception Class in
Raised when the remote client is in the black list
- IPBlockedException() - Constructor for exception class
- isAdd() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isAddChildEnabled() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- isAddChildEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- isAdmin() - Method in class
- isAdmin() - Method in class
Checks if the user is member of the admin group
- isAdmin() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
Checks if the current user belongs to the admin group
- isAfterLast() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- isAlertNewDevice() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- isAlias() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- isAllOption() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.EventSelectorOptions
- isAllowClientId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- isAllowedForUpload(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Checks if the passed filename can be uploaded or not on the basis of what configured in 'upload.disallow'
- isAllowSidInRequest() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- isAnonymous() - Method in class
- isAnonymous() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- isArchive() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isAsyncStarted() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- isAsyncSupported() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- isAudioFile(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- isAuthEncrypted() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- isAuthnRequestSigned() - Method in class
- isAuthorized() - Method in interface
Checks if the current user is authorized to interact with DocuSign
- isAuthorized() - Method in interface
Checks if the current user is authorized to interact with ShreFile
- isAuthorized(AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
- isAuthorized(AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
- isAutomation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isAutoStartup() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DefaultSchedulerFactory
- isAvailable() - Method in class
Check if the tenant is enabled and not expired
- isAvailable() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- isAverageCpuOverLoaded() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.system.SystemLoadMonitor
Check if the 'average' CPU load is over the limit defined in 'system.cpuload.max' config parameter.
- isBarcoded() - Method in class
- isBeforeFirst() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- isBlack(BufferedImage, int, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Whether the pixel is black.
- isBlack(BufferedImage, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Whether the pixel is black.
- isBookmarked() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- isBulkload() - Method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
- isBulkUpdate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- isCalendar() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isCaseSensitive() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- isCheckedOut() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- isCheckedOut() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- isChrome() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.WindowUtils
- isClassArrayOrCollection(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.util.MyClassUtils
- isCollectEmails() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- isCollection() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- isCommercial() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- isCommitted() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- isCommunity() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- isCompleted() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.AbstractExportContext
- isCompleted() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContextImpl
- isConcurrent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DigestProcessor
- isConcurrent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TagsProcessor
- isConcurrent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.PathCalculator
- isConcurrent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.IndexerTask
- isConcurrent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.IndexOptimizer
- isConcurrent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.stats.StatsCollector
- isConcurrent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.AbstractDocumentProcessor
- isConcurrent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
Concrete implementations must override this method declaring if the task supports multiple instances running concurrently.
- isConfirmation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- isConnected() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.DropboxServiceImpl
- isConnected() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxService
Checks if the user has connected the LogicalDOC application to his Dropbox account
- isConnected() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit.DBInit
This method returns the state of the connection to the database.
- isConnected(AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxServiceAsync
- isConnection() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- isCookiesSecure() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- isCreate() - Method in class
- isCurrentDocument(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- isCustomid() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isCustomid() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- isCustomid() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- isDatabaseConnected() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- isDefault() - Method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
- isDefault() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- isDefaultTenant() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- isDefaultWorkspace() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- isDelete() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isDelete() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- isDelete() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- isDelete() - Method in class
- isDeleteEnabled() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- isDeleteEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- isDeleteFromMailbox() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- isDelImport() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- isDemo() - Method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
- isDemo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- isDevel() - Method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
- isDevel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- isDICOMFile(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- isDifferent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.MetadataDiff.DiffRecord
- isDirEmpty(Path) - Static method in class
- isDisplayAvatar() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.UserListGridField
- isDocBookmarkedByUser(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.BookmarkDAO
Checks if the document is bookmarked by a user
- isDocBookmarkedByUser(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateBookmarkDAO
- isDownload() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isDownload() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- isDownload() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- isDownload(long) - Method in interface
Tests if a document is downloadable.
- isDownload(long) - Method in class
- isDownload(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- isDownload(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Tests if a document is downloadable
- isDownload(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- isDownloadAllowed(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
- isDownloadAllowed(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- isDownloadEnabled() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- isDownloadEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- isDownloadllowed(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
- isDownloadllowed(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- isEdit() - Method in class
- isEditAfterSubmit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- isEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- isEmail() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isEmailFile(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- isEmpty() - Method in class
- isEmpty() - Method in class
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service.StubTypeTreeRepository
- isEmpty(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.ClassTool
Checks if a given string is null or empty
- isEnableAnonymousLogin() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- isEnabled() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EventCollector
- isEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.AbstractFormatConverter
- isEnabled() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverter
Checks if the converter is enabled or not
- isEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.NotAvailableConverter
- isEnabled() - Method in class
- isEnabled() - Method in class
- isEnabled() - Method in interface
A provider can be in a disabled state
- isEnabled() - Method in class
- isEnabled() - Method in class
- isEnabled() - Method in interface
Tests if the store is enabled
- isEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- isEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- isEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- isEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- isEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- isEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- isEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVIASettings
- isEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWebServiceSettings
- isEnabled() - Method in class
- isEnabled(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- isEnd() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- isEnforceWorkingTime() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- isEvalFormEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- isEvaluateAtCheckin() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- isEvaluateAtUpdate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- isExpired() - Method in class
Checks if the user is expired now
- isExport() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isExtendedAttribute() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- isFinished() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.BytesServletInputStream
- isFirst() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- isFirstTime() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
- isFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.EventSelectorOptions
- isFolder() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- isFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- isFolderPagination() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- isForbidden(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- isForceSsl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- isFork() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- isFulltext() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- isFulltext() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- isGeolocationCache() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- isGeolocationEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- isGranted(long, String) - Method in interface
Tests if the current user has a specific permission on a document
- isGranted(long, String) - Method in class
- isGranted(long, String) - Method in class
- isGranted(long, String) - Method in interface
Tests if the current user has a specific permission on a folder
- isGranted(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Checks if the document is accessible with the given password
- isGranted(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- isGranted(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- isGranted(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Tests if the current user has a specific permission on a document
- isGranted(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- isGranted(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- isGranted(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Tests if the current user has a specific permission on a folder
- isGuest() - Method in class
Check if this group is the guest or is the user's group of a guest user
- isHasMore() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIResult
- isHasMore() - Method in class
- isHidden() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- isHistoricyze() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- isHtml() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- isiCalendar() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- isIgnoreLoginCase() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- isImageFile(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- isImmutable() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isImport() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isImportEmpty() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- isImportfolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.EventSelectorOptions
- isInactive(String) - Method in class
- isInactive(String) - Method in interface
Checks if a user is inactive, that is a user without interactions in the last X days after it has last enabled.
- isIndeterminate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DigestProcessor
- isIndeterminate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TagsProcessor
- isIndeterminate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.PathCalculator
- isIndeterminate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.IndexerTask
- isIndeterminate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.IndexOptimizer
- isIndeterminate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.stats.StatsCollector
- isIndeterminate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.AbstractDocumentProcessor
- isIndeterminate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
Concrete implementations must override this method declaring if the task is indeterminate.
- isIndeterminate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- isInheritanceInvolved() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebMethodStubSet
- isInheritRights() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- isInitial() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- isInPath(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Checks if a folder with the given folderId is parent of the folder with the given targetId
- isInPath(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- isInsideFolder(File, File) - Static method in class
Checks if file is in side folder at any level.
- isInstalled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- isInStandbyMode() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- isInterrupted() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
- isInterruptRequested() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
- isInWorkingTime() - Method in class
Checks if the user falls in his working time
- isJoin() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- isJulianDate(Date) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.time.JulianCalendarUtil
Checks if a date is before the institution of the gregorian calendar on Oct 4th 1582.
- isKeepLocalMemberships() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- isKeepLocalMemberships() - Method in class
- isLast() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- isLatestVersion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- isLocal() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- isLocationInfo() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout
- isLockable(Type, Scope) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
Checks if a resource can be locked
- isLocked() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Check if at least one index is locked
- isLocked() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- isLocked() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- isLocked() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- isLocked() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- isLoggedIn() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISession
- isLoggerReserved(String) - Static method in class
Checks if a logger is 'reserved' that means you cannot delete it and alter with restrictions
- isLogoOemCustomized() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- isLogoutRequestSigned() - Method in class
- isLogoutResponseSigned() - Method in class
- isMac() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.PrivilegedRunner
- isMac() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.SystemUtil
- isMaintainSelectionAspectRatio() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageCropper
- isMandatory() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- isMediaFile(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- isMemberOf(String) - Method in class
- isMemberOf(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- isMenuOpened() - Method in class
- isMenuWriteable(long, long) - Method in class
- isMenuWriteable(long, long) - Method in interface
Returns if a menu is writeable for a user
- isModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- isMoreHitsPresent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Search
- isMouseNearConnection(Point) - Method in class
- isMouseNearSelectableArea(Point) - Method in class
- isMove() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isMove() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- isMove() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- isMoveAllowed(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
- isMoveAllowed(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- isMoveAllowed(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
- isMoveAllowed(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- isMovedOrResized() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- isMoveEnabled() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- isMoveEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- isMultiOccurs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.JavaLanguageVariable
- isMultiOccurs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.Stub
- isMultiple() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- isMySQL() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- isMySQL() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
- isNew() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- isNotify() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- isNotify() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttendee
- isNotify() - Method in class
- isNotifyCredentials() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- isNotifyEvent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- isNotifyResponses() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- isNotifyUser() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.transfer.ZipImport
- isNull(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.ClassTool
Checks if a given instance is null
- isOcr() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.EventSelectorOptions
- isOcrd() - Method in class
- isOfficeFile(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- isOfficeFileType(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- isOnDocumentsTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.MainPanel
- isOnSearchTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.MainPanel
- isOpen() - Method in class
- isOpen(String) - Method in class
Checks if a session is valid or not.
- isOracle() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- isOracle() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
- isOver() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.NotifyingThread
Checks if the thread has finished
- isParsingTimeoutRetain() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- isPassword() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isPasswordExpired() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- isPasswordExpired(String) - Method in class
- isPasswordExpired(String) - Method in interface
Is password expired.
- isPasswordExpires() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- isPasswordProtected() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- isPasswordProtected() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- isPdfConversion() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- isPermissionAllowed(Permission, long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
This method checks if the given permission is enabled for a document and an user.
- isPermissionAllowed(Permission, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- isPermissionAllowed(Permission, long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
This method checks if the given permission is allowed for a folder and an user.
- isPermissionAllowed(Permission, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- isPermissionAllowed(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isPresentationFile(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- isPreventDuplications() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- isPreview() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isPreview() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- isPreviewAllowed(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
- isPreviewAllowed(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- isPreviewAllowed(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
- isPreviewAllowed(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- isPrint() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isPrintAllowed(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
- isPrintAllowed(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- isPrintAllowed(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
- isPrintAllowed(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- isPublishing() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- isRaiseError() - Method in class
- isRead() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isRead() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- isRead() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- isRead(long) - Method in interface
Tests if a document is readable.
- isRead(long) - Method in class
- isRead(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- isRead(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Tests if a document is readable.
- isRead(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- isReadable(long) - Method in class
- isReadable(long) - Method in interface
Tests if a folder is readable.
- isReadable(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- isReadable(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- isReadable(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Tests if a template is readable.
- isReadable(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
- isReadable(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- isReadable(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Tests if a folder is readable.
- isReadAllowed(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
- isReadAllowed(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- isReadAllowed(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
- isReadAllowed(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- isReadEnable(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateTemplateDAO
- isReadEnable(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.TemplateDAO
This method is looking up for read rights for a template and an user
- isReadEnable(long, long) - Method in class
- isReadEnable(long, long) - Method in interface
This method is looking up for read rights for a menu and an user
- isReadingConfirmRequired(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.ReadingRequestController
- isReadingreq() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isReadonly() - Method in class
- isReadonly() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- isReadonly() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- isReadonly() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- isReadonly() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- isReadOnly() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- isReady() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.BytesServletInputStream
- isRecordHistory() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- isRename() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isRename() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- isRename() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- isRenameEnabled() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- isRenameEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- isRequestedSessionIdValid() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- isRequired() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttendee
- isRequired() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.JavaLanguageVariable
- isRequired() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.Stub
- isRequiresNote() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITransition
- isRequiresNote() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- isRestart() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- isRestartRequired() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.PluginRegistry
- isRestartRequired() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.listener.ApplicationListener
- isRetrieveAliases() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- isRunning() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
Check if the task is currently running
- isSaveChangeEvent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- isSaveLogin() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- isSaveLogin() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
- isSearchInSubPath() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- isSearchInSubPath() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- isSecretKeyRequired(String, String) - Method in interface
Check if a secret key must be provided by the user
- isSecretKeyRequired(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.LoginServiceImpl
- isSecretKeyRequired(String, String, AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
- isSection() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- isSection() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- isSecure() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.RequestInfo
- isSecure() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- isSecureAuth() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- isSecurity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isSendActivityReport() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
- isSendActivityReport() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- isSendAsTicket() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- isSendCopy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- isSendResponses() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- isServerPushEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- isShowFolderSelector() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- isShowGrid() - Method in class
- isShowInGUI() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- isShowInLogin() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- isShowKnobs() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- isShowThumbnail() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- isShutdown() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- isSign() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isSigned() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- isSigned() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- isSignVisual() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- isSimple() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- isSingleLogOut() - Method in class
- isSingleSignOn() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISession
- isSingleton() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskTrigger
- isSkip() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- isSkipFirstRow() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- isSkipFirstRow() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportSettings
- isSkipOnError() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- isSolaris() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.SystemUtil
- isSpreadsheetFile(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- isSquareShape() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- isSsl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- isStarted() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- isStartState() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- isStore() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isSubscription() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isSynchronized() - Method in class
- isSynchronized() - Method in class
- isSystemDashlet() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- isSystemDashlet(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- isTask() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- isTestOnBorrow() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- isTestWhileIdle() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- isTextFile(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- isTicketExpired() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- isTicketViewExpired() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- isToIndex() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- isTrustedDevice(String) - Method in interface
Check if the saved device ID is trusted for the current user
- isTrustedDevice(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- isTrustedDevice(String, AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
- isTrustedDevice(String, HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface
Checks if the current request's device is trusted by the user
- isTrustedDevice(String, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
- isUnique() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- isUnix() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.PrivilegedRunner
- isUnix() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.SystemUtil
- isUnprotected(long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocumentProtectionManager
- isUpdating() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- isUseDummyFile() - Method in class
- isUser() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.EventSelectorOptions
- isUserAsFrom() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- isUserGroup() - Method in class
- isUserInRole(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- isValidateSession() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.AbstractService
- isValidEmail(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- isVisualSignatureEnabled() - Method in interface
- isVisualSignatureEnabled(AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
- isWantAssertionsEncrypted() - Method in class
- isWantNameIdEncrypted() - Method in class
- isWebContentFile(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- isWebEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- isWebservice() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.EventSelectorOptions
- isWindows() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.WindowUtils
- isWindows() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.Exec
Checks if you are running on Windows
- isWindows() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.PrivilegedRunner
- isWindows() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.SystemUtil
- isWorkflow() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isWorkflow() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.EventSelectorOptions
- isWorkspace() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- isWorkspace() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- isWorkspace() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- isWorkspace() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- isWrapperFor(Class<?>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.ConnectionPool
- isWritable(long) - Method in class
- isWritable(long) - Method in interface
Tests if a folder is writable
- isWritable(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- isWritable(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- isWritable(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Tests if a template is writable
- isWritable(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
- isWritable(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- isWritable(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Tests if a folder is writable
- isWrite() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- isWrite() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
- isWrite() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- isWrite() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- isWrite() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- isWrite() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- isWrite() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- isWrite(long) - Method in interface
Tests if a document is writable
- isWrite(long) - Method in class
- isWrite(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- isWrite(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Tests if a document is writable
- isWrite(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- isWriteAllowed(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
This method is looking up for writing rights for a document and an user.
- isWriteAllowed(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- isWriteAllowed(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
This method is looking up for writing rights for a folder and an user.
- isWriteAllowed(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- isWriteEnable(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateTemplateDAO
- isWriteEnable(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.TemplateDAO
Returns if a template is writable for a user
- isWriteEnable(long, long) - Method in class
- isWriteEnable(long, long) - Method in interface
This method is looking up for writing rights for a menu and an user
- isWriteEnabled() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- isWriteEnabled() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- isZip() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateDialog
- isZipCompression() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- isZonal() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeTemplate
- ITEM_ICON_SIZE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- ItemFactory - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
Collection of useful factory methods for form items.
- itemNameForAttribute(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- JarUtil - Class in
This class is for handling with jar-files.
- JarUtil() - Constructor for class
- JavaLanguageVariable - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model
Imagine a Java Language Variable = a Field in a Java Class, or a Parameter in a Java Method
- JavaLanguageVariable() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.JavaLanguageVariable
- JavaLanguageVariableFactory - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service
- JavaLauncher - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.exec
JavaLauncher Provides an easy way to launch java applications.
- JavaLauncher() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.JavaLauncher
- JavaNameDisplayStrategy - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc
To display a java-style name? for example, orderId => Order ID
- jdbcUpdate(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- jdbcUpdate(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Executes the given SQL update statement
- jdbcUpdate(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- jdbcUpdate(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Issue a single SQL update operation (such as an insert, update or delete statement) via a prepared statement, binding the given arguments
- JobManager - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.job
Facade on Quartz scheduler
- JobManager() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.job.JobManager
- JobsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet retrieves Job-related data
- JobsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- JobsDS - Class in
Datasource to handle jobs grid lists.
- JobsDS() - Constructor for class
- JobsDS(Integer, String) - Constructor for class
- JobsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task
Displays a list of scheduled jobs.
- JobsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.JobsPanel
- JulianCalendarUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.time
Utility methods to handle dates in the Julian epoch.
- key() - Element in annotation interface com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDictionary
- KEY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- KEY_ENTER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- KEY_REPO_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.ServiceFactory
- keys() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.OrderedProperties
- KEYS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
- KEYSTORE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- KeystorePanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings
Handles the settings of the Virtual Agent.
- KeystorePanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.KeystorePanel
- KeystoreUploader - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant
This popup window is used to upload a new workflow schema to the server.
- KeystoreUploader(TenantKeystorePanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.KeystoreUploader
- kill(String) - Method in class
Kills an existing session
- kill(String) - Method in interface
Kill the session with the given sid
- kill(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- kill(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- killIndexerThreads() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.IndexerTask
Stops all the Indexer threads
- killWorkflows(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashboard
Kills the given workflows
- KOFAX - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- KOfficeParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Text extractor for KOffice 1.6 documents.
- KOfficeParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.KOfficeParser
- label(LabelInfo) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.VersionControlledResourceImpl
Modify the labels present with the versions of this resource.
- label(LabelInfo) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionResourceImpl
- lang - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.analyzer.FilteredAnalyzer
- language - Variable in class
- Language - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.i18n
Instances of this class represent a language supported by the LogicalDOC DMS
- Language(Locale) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.Language
- LANGUAGE - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- LANGUAGE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- LanguageManager - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.i18n
A manager for all supported languages.
- LanguageProcessor - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
Processor that takes care to store the language field of an incoming hit into a thread local variable.
- LanguageProcessor(UpdateRequestProcessor) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.LanguageProcessor
- LanguageProcessorFactory - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
Basic factory needed to instantiate the LanguageProcessor
- LanguageProcessorFactory() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.LanguageProcessorFactory
- LanguagesDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for users data.
- LanguagesDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- LanguagesDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve the installed languages.
- LanguagesDS(boolean) - Constructor for class
- LARGE - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.FontSize
- larger() - Method in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.FontSize
- LARGER - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.FontSize
- last() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- LAST_CHANGES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- LastChangesReport - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports
This panel is used to show the last changes events.
- LastChangesReport() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.LastChangesReport
- LastLogins - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account
This panel shows the list of the user's last succesful logins.
- LastLogins() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.LastLogins
- LD - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
This class contains useful methods for objects visualization.
- LDAccessDecisionManager - Class in
Our customization of an
- LDAccessDecisionManager(List<AccessDecisionVoter<? extends Object>>) - Constructor for class
- LDAP - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- LDAPBrowser - Class in
This panel is used to perform user searches in the LDAP repositories
- LDAPBrowser(GUILDAPServer) - Constructor for class
- LDAPServerDetailsPanel - Class in
This panel shows the LDAP and Active Directory settings.
- LDAPServerDetailsPanel(LDAPServersPanel, GUILDAPServer) - Constructor for class
- LDAPServersDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all LDAP servers.
- LDAPServersDS() - Constructor for class
- LDAPServersPanel - Class in
Panel showing the LDAP servers
- LDAPServersPanel() - Constructor for class
- LDAPService - Interface in
The client side stub for the LdapService.
- LDAPService.Instance - Class in
- LDAPServiceAsync - Interface in
- LDAuthenticationDetails - Class in
Our customization of an
used to extract a third authentication parameter for the 2FA. - LDAuthenticationDetails(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class
- LDAuthenticationDetailsSource - Class in
Our customization of an
used to extract a third authentication parameter for the 2FA. - LDAuthenticationDetailsSource() - Constructor for class
- LDAuthenticationFailureHandler - Class in
This handler gets the j_failureurl request parameter and use it's value to redirect the user after a successful login.
- LDAuthenticationFailureHandler() - Constructor for class
- LDAuthenticationProvider - Class in
This Authentication provider users the
to authenticate the users. - LDAuthenticationProvider() - Constructor for class
- LDAuthenticationSuccessHandler - Class in
This handler gets the j_successurl request parameter and use it's value to redirect the user after a successful login.
- LDAuthenticationSuccessHandler() - Constructor for class
- LDAuthenticationToken - Class in
A LogicalDOC aware authentication token
- LDAuthenticationToken() - Constructor for class
- LDAuthenticationToken(Object, Object, Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority>) - Constructor for class
- LDAuthenticationToken(String) - Constructor for class
Constructor for the anonymous login
- LDCmisService - Class in com.logicaldoc.cmis
LogicalDOC implementation of the CMIS service
- LDCmisService(CallContext, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- LDHtmlLayout - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.log4j
Outputs events as rows in an HTML table on an HTML page.
- LDHtmlLayout.Builder - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.log4j
- LDHtmlLayout.FontSize - Enum Class in com.logicaldoc.util.log4j
Possible font sizes
- LDRepository - Class in com.logicaldoc.cmis
LogicalDOC implementation of a CMIS Repository
- LDRepository(Folder, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
- LDRpcRequestBuilder - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
Our own Request Builder that specifies a timeout (param gui.rpc.timeout)
- LDRpcRequestBuilder() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.LDRpcRequestBuilder
- LDSecurityContextRepository - Class in
This repository avoid the use of sessions and simply use the current request to store and retrieve the session ID.
- LDSecurityContextRepository() - Constructor for class
- left() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.WindowUtils
- LICENSE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- licenseUrl() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- LimitedInputStream - Class in
This is a decorator that limits a given input stream to a maximum size
- LimitedInputStream(InputStream, long) - Constructor for class
- LimitedQueue<E> - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
A limited queue
- LimitedQueue(int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LimitedQueue
- link(long, long, String) - Method in interface
Creates a new link between two documents.
- link(long, long, String) - Method in class
- link(Document, Document, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Links two documents
- link(String, long, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- link(String, long, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Creates a new link between two documents.
- link(String, long, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- linkDocuments(List<Long>, List<Long>) - Method in interface
Links a set of documents
- linkDocuments(List<Long>, List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- linkDocuments(List<Long>, List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- LinksDataServlet - Class in
Produces the XML used to display the links of a document in the GUI.
- LinksDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- LinksDS - Class in
Datasource to handle documents grid lists.
- LinksDS(long) - Constructor for class
- LinksPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel shows the links of a document
- LinksPanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.LinksPanel
- list() - Method in interface
Lists all the workflows on the database
- list(long) - Method in class
- list(long) - Method in interface
Lists the documents in a folder
- list(long) - Method in class
- list(long, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class
- list(long, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class
- list(long, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface
- list(AsyncCallback<List<GUIWorkflow>>) - Method in interface
- list(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.Dropbox
- list(String, long, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- list(String, long, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- list(String, long, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Lists all direct folders of a parent folder.
Attention: readable sub-folders only are returned. - list(String, long, String, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- list(String, long, String, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Gets the documents in a specific folder
- list(String, long, String, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- listAttributeNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeSet
- listAttributeNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- listAttributeNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- listAttributeNames() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTemplate
- listAttributeSets() - Method in class
- listAttributeSets() - Method in interface
Gets metadata of all existing attribute sets.
- listAttributeSets() - Method in class
- listAttributeSets(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- listAttributeSets(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Gets metadata of all existing attribute sets.
- listAttributeSets(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
- listChildren(long) - Method in class
- listChildren(long) - Method in class
- listChildren(long) - Method in interface
- listChildren(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- listChildren(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- listChildren(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Lists all direct folders of a parent folder.
Attention: readable only sub-folders are returned. - listDocuments(long, String) - Method in class
- listDocuments(long, String) - Method in interface
Lists the documents in a folder
- listDocuments(long, String) - Method in class
- listDocuments(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- listDocuments(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Gets the documents in a specific folder
- listDocuments(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- listEntries(File) - Method in class
- listEntries(File) - Method in class
- listEntries(File) - Method in class
- listEntries(File) - Method in class
- listFilesInTree(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.Dropbox
- listGroups(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSecurityClient
- listGroups(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSecurityService
- listGroups(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SecurityService
Gets group metadata of all existing groups.
- listPaginated(long, String, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class
- listPaginated(long, String, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface
Gets the documents in a specific folder
- listPaginated(long, String, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class
Gets the documents in a specific folder
- listResources(long, String) - Method in class
- listResources(long, String) - Method in interface
Lists all resources in the document's container
- listTemplates() - Method in class
- listTemplates() - Method in interface
Gets metadata of all existing templates.
- listTemplates() - Method in class
- listTemplates(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- listTemplates(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Gets metadata of all existing templates.
- listTemplates(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
- listUsers(String, long) - Method in interface
Search for users in the LDAP repository
- listUsers(String, long, AsyncCallback<List<GUIUser>>) - Method in interface
- listUsers(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSecurityClient
- listUsers(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSecurityService
- listUsers(String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SecurityService
Gets metadata of all existing users
- listWorkspaces() - Method in class
- listWorkspaces() - Method in interface
Retrieves the list of all workspaces.
- listWorkspaces(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- listWorkspaces(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- listWorkspaces(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Retrieves the list of all workspaces.
- listZipEntries(File) - Method in class
- load() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
Loads scheduling configurations from persistent store
- load() - Method in interface
Load all Custom Identifiers rules
- load(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeSetDAO
Retrieves all the attribute sets in a tenant
- load(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeSetDAO
- load(long) - Method in interface
Loads a contact from the database
- load(long) - Method in interface
Loads a given archive
- load(long) - Method in interface
Loads a given tenant
- load(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.ContactServiceImpl
- load(long, AsyncCallback<GUIArchive>) - Method in interface
- load(long, AsyncCallback<GUIContact>) - Method in interface
- load(long, AsyncCallback<GUITenant>) - Method in interface
- load(AsyncCallback<List<GUIScheme>>) - Method in interface
- load(String) - Method in interface
Loads a saved search
- load(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchServiceImpl
- load(String, AsyncCallback<GUISearchOptions>) - Method in interface
- loadAuditingSettings() - Method in interface
Load the auditing settings
- loadAuditingSettings() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SettingServiceImpl
- loadAuditingSettings(AsyncCallback<List<GUIParameter>>) - Method in interface
- loadBlockedEntities() - Method in interface
Retrieves the list of actually blocked usernames and IPs detected as Brute Force Attack
- loadBlockedEntities() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- loadBlockedEntities(AsyncCallback<List<GUISequence>>) - Method in interface
- loadContext(HttpRequestResponseHolder) - Method in class
- loadConverterParameters(String) - Method in interface
Loads the parameters of a specified converter
- loadConverterParameters(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SettingServiceImpl
- loadConverterParameters(String, AsyncCallback<List<GUIParameter>>) - Method in interface
- loadDashlets() - Method in interface
Loads all the dashlet definitions
- loadDashlets() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DashletServiceImpl
- loadDashlets(AsyncCallback<List<GUIDashlet>>) - Method in interface
- loadEmailSettings() - Method in interface
Loads email settings (SMTP connection)
- loadEmailSettings() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SettingServiceImpl
- loadEmailSettings(AsyncCallback<GUIEmailSettings>) - Method in interface
- loadGridLayout(GUIFolder) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Loads the layout of the grid(columns, ordering ...)
- loadGridLayout(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- loadGridLayout(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- loadGridLayout(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- loadGUISettings() - Method in interface
Load the GUI settings
- loadGUISettings() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SettingServiceImpl
- loadGUISettings(AsyncCallback<List<GUIParameter>>) - Method in interface
- loadIncremental(long) - Method in interface
Loads an incremental configuration
- loadIncremental(long, AsyncCallback<GUIIncrementalArchive>) - Method in interface
- loadKeystore(long) - Method in interface
Gets the keystore's metadata of the given tenant
- loadKeystore(long, AsyncCallback<GUIKeystore>) - Method in interface
- loadParameters() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.AbstractFormatConverter
- loadParameters() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverter
Reads it's own parameters and stores them in the parameters map
- loadParameters() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.NotAvailableConverter
- loadPatch() - Method in interface
Loads a new patch
- loadPatch(AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- loadProtocolSettings() - Method in interface
Loads web services, webDav and other protocol settings
- loadProtocolSettings() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SettingServiceImpl
- loadProtocolSettings(AsyncCallback<List<GUIParameter>>) - Method in interface
- loadSession(Session, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
Used internally by login procedures, instantiates a new GUISession by a given authenticated user
- loadSettings() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.DropboxServiceImpl
- loadSettings() - Method in interface
Loads security settings
- loadSettings() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxService
Save the settings used by the Dropbox module
- loadSettings() - Method in interface
Save the settings used by the Google Drive module
- loadSettings() - Method in interface
- loadSettings() - Method in interface
Loads the ChatGPT settings
- loadSettings() - Method in interface
Retrieves the DocuSign settings from the server.
- loadSettings() - Method in interface
Loads the OCR settings
- loadSettings() - Method in interface
Loads the complete settings set
- loadSettings() - Method in interface
Retrieve the settings saved for connecting to FileShare
- loadSettings() - Method in interface
Save the settings used by the Zoho module
- loadSettings() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- loadSettings() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SettingServiceImpl
- loadSettings(AsyncCallback<GUIDocuSignSettings>) - Method in interface
- loadSettings(AsyncCallback<GUISecuritySettings>) - Method in interface
- loadSettings(AsyncCallback<GUISamlSettings>) - Method in interface
- loadSettings(AsyncCallback<List<GUIParameter>>) - Method in interface
- loadSettings(AsyncCallback<List<GUIParameter>>) - Method in interface
- loadSettings(AsyncCallback<List<GUIValue>>) - Method in interface
- loadSettings(AsyncCallback<List<String>>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxServiceAsync
- loadSettings(AsyncCallback<List<String>>) - Method in interface
- loadSettings(AsyncCallback<List<String>>) - Method in interface
- loadSettings(AsyncCallback<List<String>>) - Method in interface
- loadSettingsByNames(List<String>) - Method in interface
Loads a set of settings values
- loadSettingsByNames(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SettingServiceImpl
- loadSettingsByNames(List<String>, AsyncCallback<List<GUIParameter>>) - Method in interface
- loadTasks(String) - Method in interface
Retrieves all tasks.
- loadTasks(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- loadTasks(String, AsyncCallback<List<GUITask>>) - Method in interface
- loadTemplates() - Method in interface
Loads the folders templates
- loadTemplates() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- loadTemplates(AsyncCallback<List<GUIValue>>) - Method in interface
- loadTemplates(String, String) - Method in interface
Loads the templates configured for a given language and type
- loadTemplates(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.MessageServiceImpl
- loadTemplates(String, String, AsyncCallback<List<GUIMessageTemplate>>) - Method in interface
- loadTenant(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantsPanel
- loadUpdate() - Method in interface
Loads a new update package
- loadUpdate(AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- loadWebserviceStats(Long) - Method in interface
Loads the usage stats of the webservice
- loadWebserviceStats(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SettingServiceImpl
- loadWebserviceStats(Long, AsyncCallback<List<GUIParameter>>) - Method in interface
- LOCALE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
- LOCALE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- LocaleUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.util
Utility methods for Locale handling
- LOCALLY_MODIFIED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.Entry
- lock(long) - Method in interface
Locks an existing document with the given identifier.
- lock(long) - Method in class
- lock(long, int, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Locks the given document
- lock(long, int, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- lock(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Locks a document
- lock(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- lock(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Locks an existing document with the given identifier.
- lock(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- lock(List<Long>, String) - Method in interface
Locks a set of documents
- lock(List<Long>, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- lock(List<Long>, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- lock(LockInfo) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- locked(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- LOCKED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- LOCKED_DOCS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- LOCKED_DOCS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- LockedDocsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for locked documents data retrieval
- LockedDocsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- LockedDocsDS - Class in
Datasource to handle locked documents grid lists.
- LockedDocsDS(Long, Integer) - Constructor for class
- LockedDocsReport - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports
This panel shows a list of locked documents
- LockedDocsReport() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.LockedDocsReport
- LockManager - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.lock
Central class to manage locks
- LockManager() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.lock.LockManager
- Log(String, String) - Constructor for class
- LogAppendersDS - Class in
Data source retrieve informations about the log files
- LogAppendersDS() - Constructor for class
- LogConfigurator - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.config
Utility class for manipulating log4j.xml file
- LogConfigurator() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
- LogDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for retrieving informations about the logs as the list of appenders.
- LogDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- LogDownload - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
This servlet grant access to log files
- LogDownload() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.LogDownload
- logError(String) - Method in class
- loggedIn(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.UserController
- loggedOut(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.UserController
- LoggersDS - Class in
Data source retrieve informations about the appenders
- LoggersDS() - Constructor for class
- LogicalDOCPlugin - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.plugin
This is the base class for LogicalDOC plugins.
- LogicalDOCPlugin() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.LogicalDOCPlugin
- login() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.Dropbox
- login(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- login(String, String) - Method in interface
- login(String, String) - Method in class
- login(String, String) - Method in class
- login(String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.AuthService
Starts a new session.
- login(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapAuthClient
- login(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapAuthService
- Login - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client
The Login entry point
- Login() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.Login
- LOGIN - Enum constant in enum class
- LOGIN_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class
- loginApiKey(String) - Method in interface
- loginApiKey(String) - Method in class
- loginApiKey(String) - Method in class
- loginApiKey(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.AuthService
Starts a new session.
- loginApiKey(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapAuthClient
- loginApiKey(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapAuthService
- LOGINFAIL_APIKEY - Static variable in class
- LOGINFAIL_IP - Static variable in class
- LOGINFAIL_USERNAME - Static variable in class
- logInfo(String) - Method in class
- loginForm(String, String) - Method in interface
- loginForm(String, String) - Method in class
- loginForm(String, String) - Method in class
- LoginPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client
The panel showing the login form
- LoginPanel(GUIInfo) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.LoginPanel
- loginPostJSON(WSCredentials) - Method in interface
- loginPostJSON(WSCredentials) - Method in class
- loginPostJSON(WSCredentials) - Method in class
- LoginService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Login Service.
- LoginService.Instance - Class in
- LoginServiceAsync - Interface in
- LoginServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Implementation of the
- LoginServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.LoginServiceImpl
- LoginThrottle - Class in
Utility methods to prevent brute force attacks
- logout() - Method in interface
Logs out the current user
- logout() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- logout() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- logout() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- logout(AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- logout(String) - Method in interface
- logout(String) - Method in class
- logout(String) - Method in class
- logout(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.AuthService
Closes a session.
- logout(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapAuthClient
- logout(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapAuthService
- LOGOUT - Enum constant in enum class
- LogPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system
Main log panel
- LogPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.LogPanel
- LOGS - Static variable in class
- LOGS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- LogTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Simple utility class to give access to the system's log from within the Automation
- LogTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.LogTool
- logWarn(String) - Method in class
- LongCellFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.IntegerListGridField.LongCellFormatter
- LongRunningOperationCompleteListener - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.util
A listener of
designed to handle the completion of a long running operation. - LongRunningOperationCompleteListener(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.util.LongRunningOperationCompleteListener
Creates a new listener with just one user to notify
- LongRunningOperationCompleteListener(Set<String>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.util.LongRunningOperationCompleteListener
Creates a new listener
- MailPreviewPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview
Renders the preview of a mail
- MailPreviewPanel(GUIEmail, GUIDocument, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview.MailPreviewPanel
- MailTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Utility functions to handle emails and send messages from within the Automation
- MailTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.MailTool
- MailUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.communication
Utility methods for handling emails
- MailUtil() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.JavaLauncher
Demo - Launch a java program.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.WebserviceDocGen
- MainMenu - Class in
Main program menu
- MAINMENU - Static variable in class
- MainPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels
This is the main panel that collects all other GUI panels
- makeDraggable(Canvas) - Method in class
OUR personalization to allow dragging into SmartGWT
- makeGlobal(List<String>) - Method in interface
Shares a list of configuration parameters
- makeGlobal(List<String>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- makeImmutable(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Marks the document, with the given docId, as immutable.
- makeImmutable(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Marks the document, with the given docId, as immutable and save the given document history
- makeImmutable(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- makeImmutable(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- makeImmutable(List<Long>, String) - Method in interface
Makes immutable a set of documents
- makeImmutable(List<Long>, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- makeImmutable(List<Long>, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- makeLocal(List<String>) - Method in interface
Unshares a list of configuration parameters
- makeLocal(List<String>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- makeWorkingDir(File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SetupServiceImpl
- mapRow(ResultSet, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateSystemMessageDAO.SystemMessageMapper
- mapRow(ResultSet, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderSearch.HitMapper
- mapRow(ResultSet, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearch.HitMapper
- mapRow(ResultSet, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.TagSearch.HitMapper
- mark(int) - Method in class
- mark(int) - Method in class
- mark(int) - Method in class
- markCheckedIn(GUIDocument) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocUtil
- markCheckedOut(GUIDocument) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocUtil
- MarkdownConverter - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
Converter to convert Markdown files to PDF or HTML
- MarkdownConverter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.MarkdownConverter
- MarkdownParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Text extractor for the Markdown language.
- MarkdownParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.MarkdownParser
- markHistoriesAsRead(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentHistoryDAO
Marks all the histories of a specific event as read by the specified user.
- markHistoriesAsRead(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO
- markHistoryAsRead(String) - Method in interface
Marks as read the histories related to the current user and the given event.
- markHistoryAsRead(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- markHistoryAsRead(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- markIndexable(List<Long>, int) - Method in interface
Marks a set of documents as indexable
- markIndexable(List<Long>, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- markIndexable(List<Long>, int, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- markLocked(GUIDocument) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocUtil
- markSupported() - Method in class
- markSupported() - Method in class
- markUnindexable(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Marks a set of documents as unindexable
- markUnindexable(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- markUnindexable(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- markUnlocked(GUIDocument) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocUtil
- markUnprocessable(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Marks a set of documents as not processable
- markUnprocessable(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Marks a set of documents as not processable
- markUnprocessable(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- markUnprocessable(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- match(String...) - Static method in enum class
- matches(String, String[], String[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.StringUtil
Check if a given string matches the
and not theexcludes
- matches(String, String, String) - Static method in class
Check if a given filename matches the
and not theexcludes
- matches(String, Collection<String>, Collection<String>) - Static method in class
Check if a given filename matches the
and not theexcludes
- matchesCurrentTime() - Method in class
Checks if this working time matches the current time
- MAX_FIELD_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.util.TagUtil
- MEDIUM - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.FontSize
- Menu - Class in
This class represents the key concept of security.
- Menu - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
Stores the accessible menus
- Menu() - Constructor for class
- MenuDAO - Interface in
Instances of this class is a DAO-service for menu objects.
- MenusDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for menus data.
- MenusDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- MenusDS - Class in
Datasource to handle menus.
- MenusDS() - Constructor for class
- MenuSecurityPanel - Class in
This panel shows the security policies of a menu.
- MenuSecurityPanel(GUIMenu, boolean) - Constructor for class
- MenusPanel - Class in
This panel shows the list of menus visible by the current user allowing for security management.
- MenusPanel() - Constructor for class
- MenuTray - Class in
An element to put in the tray of the main menu
- merge(Folder, Folder, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Merges the contents of two folders
- merge(Folder, Folder, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- merge(Folder, Folder, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Merges a folder into another folder
- merge(File, File, File) - Static method in class
- merge(String, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- merge(String, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- merge(String, long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Merges the contents of folder into a target
- merge(Collection<Document>, long, String, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Merges a set of documents into a single PDF file
- merge(Collection<Document>, long, String, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- merge(Collection<Document>, long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Merges a set of documents into a single PDF file
- merge(List<File>, File) - Static method in class
- merge(List<Long>, long) - Method in interface
Merges some folders to a target folder
- merge(List<Long>, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- merge(List<Long>, long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- merge(List<Long>, long, String) - Method in interface
Merges a set of documents into a single PDF
- merge(List<Long>, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- merge(List<Long>, long, String, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
- merge(MergeInfo) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.VersionControlledResourceImpl
MERGE feature is not (yet) supported.
- MergeDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This is the form used to copy some folders into another target folder
- MergeDialog() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.MergeDialog
- mergeFields(List<ListGridField>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
Merges the given list of fields with the legacy ones.
- mergePdf(List<File>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.MergeUtil
Merges different PDFs into a single PDF-
- MergeUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.util
An utility to merge files
- message(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- message(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.i18n.I18N
- message(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- message(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.i18n.I18N
- message(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- message(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- message(String, List<String>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- message(String, Locale) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.i18n.I18N
- message(String, Locale, Object[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.i18n.I18N
- message(String, Locale, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.i18n.I18N
- message(String, Locale, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.i18n.I18N
- message(String, Locale, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.i18n.I18N
- Message - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.communication
This is the parent class for email and system message.
- Message() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- MESSAGE_RECEIVED - Enum constant in enum class
- MessageDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages
This is the form used to send messages to other users
- MessageDialog() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.MessageDialog
- MessageLabel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
Simple label showing a warning message.
- MessageLabel(GUIMessage) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.MessageLabel
- MessageLabel(GUIMessage, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.MessageLabel
- MessagePriorityListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages
A field to display the priority of a message, based on field named pririty
- MessagePriorityListGridField() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.MessagePriorityListGridField
- MESSAGES - Static variable in class
- MESSAGES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- MESSAGES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- MESSAGES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- MessagesDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for messages data.
- MessagesDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- MessagesDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve the system messages for the current user.
- MessagesDS() - Constructor for class
- MessageService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Message Service.
- MessageService.Instance - Class in
- MessageServiceAsync - Interface in
- MessageServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Implementation of the MessageService
- MessageServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.MessageServiceImpl
- MessagesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages
This panel shows the list of system messages and allows the selection.
- MessagesPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.MessagesPanel
- MessagesWindow - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log
Shows the messages list
- MessagesWindow() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.MessagesWindow
- MessageTemplate - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.communication
A template for messaging purposes.
- MessageTemplate() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- MessageTemplate(MessageTemplate) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- MessageTemplateDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.communication
This is a DAO service for MessageTemplate.
- MessageTemplateEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.messages
This dialog is used to edit the message template
- MessageTemplateEditor(ListGrid, ListGridRecord) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.messages.MessageTemplateEditor
- MessageTemplatesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.messages
Shows the patterns for generated messages.
- MessageTemplatesPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.messages.MessageTemplatesPanel
- messageToMail(File, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
Builds an EMail from a .eml file.
- messageToMail(InputStream, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
Builds an EMail from a stream
- messageToMail(Message, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
Builds an EMail from a Message.
- messageWithDefault(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- METADATA - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- MetadataDiff - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
Show differences between two versions at metadata level
- MetadataDiff(GUIVersion, GUIVersion) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.MetadataDiff
- MetadataDiff.DiffRecord - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
- MetadataMenu - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata
This panel shows the administration document metadata and workflow menu
- MetadataMenu() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.MetadataMenu
- Microsoft365TokenProvider - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.communication.oauth
A TokenProvider used to access the Exchange Online (Microsoft 365)
- Microsoft365TokenProvider(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.oauth.Microsoft365TokenProvider
- MILLISECOND - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.time.TimeDiff.TimeField
- MimeType - Class in com.logicaldoc.util
Utility class for MIME Type detection using the classpath / RESOURCE
- MIN_DISTANCE_TO_SEGMENT - Static variable in class
If the distance between the mouse and segment is under this number in pixels, then, the mouse is considered over the segment
- MinLengthValidator - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.validators
A velidator that enforce a minimum length
- MinLengthValidator(int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.validators.MinLengthValidator
- MINUTE - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.time.TimeDiff.TimeField
- MISSFIRE_IGNORE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.JobManager
- MISSFIRE_RUNNOW - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.JobManager
- MOBILE_APPS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- MOBILE_GUI - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- MobileLoginPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client
The panel showing the login form in the mobile web interface
- MobileLoginPanel(GUIInfo) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.MobileLoginPanel
- MockServletRequest - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.servlet
A servlet created for tests
- MockServletRequest() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- MockServletRequest(HttpSession) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- MockServletRequest(HttpSession, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- MockServletResponse - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.servlet
A servlet created for tests
- MockServletResponse(File) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- MockServletSession - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.servlet
A servlet session useful for doing tests, you can easily setup the map of attributes
- MockServletSession() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- MockStore - Class in
This is basically a
but with a flag that if active makes the store method to return an exception - MockStore() - Constructor for class
- MODE_CRON - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskTrigger
- MODE_EMAIL_BCC - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- MODE_EMAIL_CC - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- MODE_EMAIL_REPLYTO - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- MODE_EMAIL_TO - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- MODE_EXPORT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- MODE_GALLERY - Static variable in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
- MODE_IMPORT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- MODE_LIST - Static variable in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
- MODE_SIMPLE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskTrigger
- modified(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- modified(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderController
- MostUsedTagsPortlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag
Portlet specialized in listing history records
- MostUsedTagsPortlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag.MostUsedTagsPortlet
- move(long, long) - Method in interface
Moves an existing document with the given identifier
- move(long, long) - Method in class
- move(long, long) - Method in class
- move(long, long) - Method in interface
Moves an existing folder with the given identifier.
- move(Document, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Moves a document into a target folder
- move(Folder, Folder, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Moves a folder into another folder
- move(Folder, Folder, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- move(Folder, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Moves a folder into a target folder
- move(Resource, Resource, String, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
Moves a resource named target to the folder dictionary destination
- move(Resource, Resource, String, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- move(String, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- move(String, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- move(String, long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Moves an existing document with the given identifier.
- move(String, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- move(String, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- move(String, long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Moves an existing folder with the given identifier.
- move(List<Long>, long) - Method in interface
Moves some folders under a target folder
- move(List<Long>, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- move(List<Long>, long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- move(DavResource) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- MOVE - Enum constant in enum class
- moved(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- moved(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderController
- MOVED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- MOVED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- MoveDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This is the form used to move a folder into another path
- MoveDialog() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.MoveDialog
- moveObject(String, Holder<String>, String, String, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- moveObject(CallContext, Holder<String>, String, ObjectInfoHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS moveObject
- moveQuitely(File, File) - Static method in class
- moveResourcesToStore(long, int) - Method in class
- moveResourcesToStore(long, int) - Method in class
- moveResourcesToStore(long, int) - Method in interface
Moves all the resources of a document from it's original location to a different store
- moveTo(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
Moves the currently selected folder to the new parent folder
- moveToFolder(Document, Folder, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Moves a document to the specified folder.
- moveToFolder(Document, Folder, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- Mp3ThumbnailBuilder - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail
Takes care of mp3 thumbnail builder
- Mp3ThumbnailBuilder() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.Mp3ThumbnailBuilder
- msgContainsAttachments(File) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
- msgContainsAttachments(InputStream) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
- msgToMail(File, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
Builds an EMail from a .msg file.
- msgToMail(InputStream, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
Builds an EMail from a .msg file
- MULTI_STORE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- MULTI_TENANT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- MULTI_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- MultipleUpload - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
A widget to upload multiple files to the platform
- MultipleUpload(IButton) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.MultipleUpload
- MultipleUpload(IButton, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.MultipleUpload
- mustRecordFailure() - Method in exception class
- mustRecordFailure() - Method in exception class
- mustRecordFailure() - Method in exception class
- MyClassUtils - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.util
- NAME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DigestProcessor
- NAME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TagsProcessor
- NAME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.PathCalculator
- NAME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.IndexerTask
- NAME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.IndexOptimizer
- NAME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.stats.StatsCollector
- NamedParameterStatement - Class in com.logicaldoc.core
This class wraps around a
and allows the programmer to set parameters by name instead of by index. - NamedParameterStatement(Connection, String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.NamedParameterStatement
Creates a NamedParameterStatement.
- NamedParameterStatement(Connection, String, Map<String, Object>, Integer) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.NamedParameterStatement
Creates a NamedParameterStatement.
- NamedThreadFactory - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.threading
This thread factory acts like
but gives a name prefix to the new thread. - NamedThreadFactory(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.NamedThreadFactory
- NAMESPACE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
- NATURE_DOC - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Document's nature regular document: 0
- NATURE_FORM - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- NavigatorDocumentsGrid - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid
Grid of documents displayed in the Navigator
- NavigatorDocumentsGrid(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.NavigatorDocumentsGrid
- NEW_NOTE - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- new2AFMethodSelector(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newAliasTypeSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newAnnotationShapeSelector(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- NEWAPIKEY - Enum constant in enum class
- newArchiveSelector(int, Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newAttributeSetSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newAttributesSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newAttributesSelector(boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newAttributesSelector(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newAttributesSelector(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newAutomationRoutineSelector(String, Long, ChangedHandler, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newBarcodeFormatsComboBoxItem(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newBarcodeFormatsComboBoxItem(String[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newBarcodeGenerationFormatSelector(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newBarcodeTemplateSelector(boolean, Long, Long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a select list with the barcode templates
- newBooleanSelector(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newBooleanSelector(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newBooleanSelectorForAttribute(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Simple boolean selector for Extended Attribute
- newBrandImg(String, GUIInfo) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newBuilder() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout
- newCalendarEventStatusSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newCharsetSelector(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newCheckbox(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newCheckbox(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newColoredIconButton(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
Creates a ToolStripButton using font-awesome icon useful for small icons (16x16)
- newColorPickerItem(String, boolean, ChangedHandler) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newColorPickerItem(String, String, String, boolean, ChangedHandler) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newComboBoxItem(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newComparatorSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newComparatorSelector(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newConversionFormatItem(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newCronExpressionItem(String, String, String, ChangedHandler) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newDashletSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newDashletTypeSelector(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newDateItem(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new DateItem.
- newDateItem(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new DateItem.
- newDateItemForAttribute(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new DateItem for the Extended AttributesDS.
- newDateOperator(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newDensitySelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newDoctypeSelector(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.onlyoffice.OnlyOfficeCreate
- newDocument() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- newDocumentSelectorForAttribute(String, String, List<FormItemIcon>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newDocuSignTabType(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newDueTimeSelector(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newEffectSelector(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newEmailComboSelector(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newEmailFields(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newEmailFolderingSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newEmailFromSelector(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newEmailItem(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newEmailProtocolSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newEmailSelector(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newEvent(History) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EventCollector
Notifies all the listeners in another thread
- newEvent(History) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EventListener
Called when a new event arrives
- newEvent(History) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.EventEndpoint
- newEventSelector(String, String, ChangedHandler, EventSelectorOptions) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newEventsSelector(String, String, ChangedHandler, EventSelectorOptions) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newFloatItem(String, String, Float) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new FloatItem.
- newFloatItemForAttribute(String, String, Float) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new FloatItem for the Extended AttributesDS.
- newFolderSecurityOption(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newFolderSelectorForAttribute(String, String, List<FormItemIcon>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newFolderTemplateSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newFormatConverterSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newFormatConverterSelector(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newFormSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newFrequencySelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newGroupSelector(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newHeaderIcon(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newIconButton(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
Creates a ToolStripButton using font-awesome icon useful for small icons (16x16)
- newIconButton(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
Creates a ToolStripButton using font-awesome icon useful for small icons (16x16)
- newImg(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newImgIcon(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newImportCustomIds() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newImportFolderProviderOption(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newInstance(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.ClassTool
Creates a new instance of a class whose constructor does not have parameters
- newIntegerItem(String, String, Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new IntegerItem.
- newIntegerItemForAttribute(String, String, Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new IntegerItem for the Extended AttributesDS.
- newItemIcon(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newJobGroupSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newLanguageSelector(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newLinkItem(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newLinkItem(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newLinkLabel(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newLogAppenderSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newLoggerSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newLogLevelSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newLongItem(String, String, Long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new IntegerItem
- newMessage(long, Date, String, String) - Method in class
- newMiniDateRangeItem(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newMultiComboBoxItem(String, String, DataSource, Object[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newMultipleSelector(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newMultipleUsersSelector(String, String, boolean, long[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newOCRStatusSelector(Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newOCRTemplateSelector(boolean, Long, Long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a select list with the OCR templates
- newOptions(int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Search
- newPasswordItem() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newPasswordItem(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newPasswordItem(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newPasswordItemPreventAutocomplete(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newPasswordItemPreventAutocomplete(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newPrioritySelector(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newRadioGroup(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newRadioGroup(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newRecipientTypeSelector(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newRetentionAction(int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newRetentionDateOption(int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newRichTextItemForAutomation(String, String, String, ChangedHandler) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newRichTextItemForEmail(String, String, String, ChangedHandler) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new RichTextItem suitable for emails.
- newRichTextItemForNote(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new RichTextItem suitable for notes.
- newRowSpacer() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newRunlevelSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newSafePasswordItem(String, String, String, FormItem, ChangedHandler) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Provides a control that does not display the password input directly, it uses a second item to store the password in an hidden attribute of the form.
- newSearch(SearchOptions) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.SearchTool
Factory method for searches.
- newSelectItem(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newSelectItem(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newSession(String, Client) - Method in class
Creates a new session by authenticating through an API Key and stores it in the pool of opened sessions
- newSession(String, String, Client) - Method in class
Creates a new session by authenticating the given user and stores it in the pool of opened sessions
- newSession(String, String, String, Client) - Method in class
Creates a new session by authenticating the given user and stores it in the pool of opened sessions
- newSession(String, String, String, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Creates a new session by authenticating the given user and stores it in the pool of opened sessions
- newSession(String, String, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Creates a new session by authenticating the given user and stores it in the pool of opened sessions
- newSession(String, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Creates a new session by authenticating through an API Key and stores it in the pool of opened sessions
- newSimpleTextItem(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new TextItem that validates a simple text
- newSimpleTextItem(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new TextItem that validates a simple text
- newSimpleTextItemPreventAutocomplete(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newSizeOperator(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newSkinSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newSliderItem(String, String, Double, double, double) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new SliderItem
- newSmtpProtocolSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newSpinnerItem(String, Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newSpinnerItem(String, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new SpinnerItem(with a range validator)
- newSpinnerItem(String, Long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newSpinnerItem(String, String, Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newSpinnerItem(String, String, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new SpinnerItem(with a range validator)
- newSpinnerItem(String, String, Long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newSplitSeparatorHandlingSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newSplittingPolicySelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newStampSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newStaticTextItem(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new StaticTextItem
- newStaticTextItem(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new StaticTextItem
- newStore(int) - Method in class
Instantiate a new store and fully configures it.+
- newStore(int) - Method in interface
Instantiate a new store and fully configures it.
- newStoreSelector(String, Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newStoreTypeSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newStringItemForAttribute(GUIAttribute) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new TextItem for an extended attribute
- newSubscriptionTypeSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newTagInputMode(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newTagsComboBoxItem(String, String, TagsDS, List<String>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newTagsMultiplePickList(String, String, TagsDS, Object[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newTemplateSelector(boolean, Long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newTenantSelector() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newTenantSelector(boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newTextAreaItem(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new TextAreaItem
- newTextAreaItem(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new TextAreaItem
- newTextAreaItemForAutomation(String, String, ChangedHandler, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newTextAreaItemForAutomation(String, String, String, ChangedHandler, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newTextAreaItemForHTML(String, String, String, ChangedHandler) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newTextAreaItemForNote(String, String, String, ChangedHandler, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new TextAreaItem suitable for notes.
- newTextItem(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new TextItem.
- newTextItem(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new TextItem.
- newTextItemForAutomation(String, String, String, ChangedHandler) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newTextItemPreventAutocomplete(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newThread(Runnable) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.NamedThreadFactory
- newTimeItem(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newTimeItemPicklist(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newTimeZoneSelector(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newToggleItem(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newToggleItem(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newToolStripButton(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
Creates a ToolStripButton using font-awesome icon
- newToolStripButton(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
Creates a ToolStripButton using font-awesome icon
- newToolStripToolStripMenuButton(String, String, String, String, Menu) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.AwesomeFactory
Creates a ToolStripButton using font-awesome icon
- newUserSelector(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newUserSelector(String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newUserSelectorForAttribute(String, String, String, List<FormItemIcon>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newUserTypeSelector(String, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newValidateIntegerItem(String, String, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Creates a new IntegerItem with a range validator
- newWelcomeScreenSelector(Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newWorkflowCombo(Long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newWorkflowSelector(Long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newWorkflowSelector(Long, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newWorkflowSelectorForAdministration(Long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newWorkspaceSelector(Long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- newYesNoRadioItem(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Simple yes/no radio button.
- newYesNoSelectItem(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
- next() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hits
- next() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- next() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderCursor
Moves to the next page and updates the client(not the server)
- next(String, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.HibernateSequenceDAO
- next(String, long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.SequenceDAO
Returns the next value of the sequence
- next(String, long, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.HibernateSequenceDAO
- next(String, long, long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.SequenceDAO
Returns the next value of the sequence by incrementing by the given increment
- NO_BODY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
- NO_SUBJECT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
- NoConversionConverter - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
A converter that simply copies the source to the destination
- NoConversionConverter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.NoConversionConverter
- normalize(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.UrlUtil
- normalizeTags(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.TagUtil
Normalizes the passed string extracting all tags and producing anither string containing all tags separated by a comma.
- NotAvailableConverter - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
A converter that always convert into a static PDF that says 'not available'
- NotAvailableConverter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.NotAvailableConverter
- NoteChangeListener - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
Listener invoked when the note has been changed/saved
- NOTES - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- NOTES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- NotesDashlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet
Portlet specialized in listing the most recent comments of the current user.
- NotesDashlet(GUIDashlet) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.NotesDashlet
- NotesDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for document posts data.
- NotesDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- NotesDS - Class in
Data source to retrieve notes put by users.
- NotesDS(Long, Long, String, Integer) - Constructor for class
- NotesDS(String) - Constructor for class
- NotesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note
This panel shows the notes on a document
- NotesPanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.NotesPanel
- NoteUpdateDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note
This is the form used to edit note or annotation
- NoteUpdateDialog(long, long, String, String, NoteChangeListener) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.NoteUpdateDialog
- NOTIFICATIONS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- NotifyingThread - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.threading
A Thread that notifies it's listeners about the end of the elaboration and also measures the execution time.
- NotifyingThread() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.NotifyingThread
- NotifyingThread(Runnable, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.NotifyingThread
- NotifyingThread(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.NotifyingThread
- NotifyingThread(ThreadGroup, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.NotifyingThread
- NotifyingThread.ThreadCompleteListener - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.threading
Interface to be implemented by the listeners
- notifyReport() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
- notityReadingRequest(long) - Method in interface
Notifies again a reading request.
- notityReadingRequest(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- OAuthException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
Exception used to inform the GUI about unhauthorized errors when using OAuth external tools
- OAuthException() - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.OAuthException
- OAuthException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.OAuthException
- OCR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- OCR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- OCRHistoryDS - Class in
Datasource to handle the grids of OCR histories.
- OCRHistoryDS(Integer) - Constructor for class
- OCRHistoryPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings
Shows import folder's history
- OCRHistoryPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.OCRHistoryPanel
- OCRService - Interface in
The client side stub for the OCR Service
- OCRService.Instance - Class in
- OCRServiceAsync - Interface in
- OCRSettingsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings
This panel shows the OCR settings.
- OCRSettingsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.OCRSettingsPanel
- OCRTemplatesDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all OCR templates.
- OCRTemplatesDS(boolean, Long) - Constructor for class
The constructor
- OFFICE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- OFFICE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- onAdd(GUIDocument) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.ClipboardObserver
- onAdd(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.StatusBarIcons
- onAddState(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDesigner
- onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
Processes a newly incoming event on appropriated events that registered itself on it
- onApply() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.stamp.StampDialog
- onApply() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.stamp.VisualPositioningStampDialog
- onArchive(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
- onAuthenticate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxAuthorization
- onAuthenticate() - Method in class
- onAuthenticate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho.ZohoAuthorization
- onAuthenticationFailure(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, AuthenticationException) - Method in class
- onAuthenticationSuccess(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Authentication) - Method in class
- onAuthorize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.DocuSignSettings
- onAuthorize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.sharefile.ShareFileSettings
- onBinaryMessage(byte[], Session) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.EventEndpoint
- onCellDoubleClick(CellDoubleClickEvent) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.CopyCellClickHandler
- onChanged() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.NoteChangeListener
- onChanged(GUIDocument) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.DocumentChangeListener
- onChanged(GUIFolder) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.FolderChangeListener
- onChanged(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalDetailsPanel
- onChanged(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.RetentionPolicyDetailsPanel
- onChanged(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.ArchivedDocsReport
- onChanged(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.DeletedDocsReport
- onChanged(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.DeletedFoldersReport
- onChanged(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.DuplicatesReport
- onChanged(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.SubscriptionsReport
- onChanged(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggersPanel
- onCheckin(GUIDocument, DriveEditor) - Method in class
- onCheckin(GUIDocument, ZohoEditor) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho.ZohoCheckin
- onClose(Session) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.EventEndpoint
- onConfirmImportBundle() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportArchivesPanel
- onConfirmReading(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.ReadingRequestObserver
Invoked when the reading of a document has been confirmed
- onConfirmReading(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.reading.ReadingRequestsPanel
- onConfirmReading(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.StatusBarIcons
- onConvert() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.ConversionDialog
- onCopyParentFolderSecurity() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentSecurityPanel
- onCreate() - Method in class
- onCreate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormCreate
- onCreate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.textcontent.TextContentCreate
- onCreate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.webcontent.WebcontentCreate
- onDeletedWorkflow(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashlet
- onDocumentBeginEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentObserver
Invoked after the document's properties are being edited
- onDocumentBeginEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- onDocumentBeginEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
- onDocumentBeginEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- onDocumentBeginEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- onDocumentBeginEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- onDocumentBeginEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentBeginEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentBeginEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentCancelEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentObserver
Invoked after the document's properties are being edited
- onDocumentCancelEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- onDocumentCancelEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
- onDocumentCancelEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- onDocumentCancelEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- onDocumentCancelEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- onDocumentCancelEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentCancelEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentCancelEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentCheckedIn(GUIDocument) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentObserver
Invoked after the document's checkin
- onDocumentCheckedIn(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- onDocumentCheckedIn(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
- onDocumentCheckedIn(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- onDocumentCheckedIn(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- onDocumentCheckedIn(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- onDocumentCheckedIn(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentCheckedIn(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentCheckedIn(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentCheckedOut(GUIDocument) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentObserver
Invoked after the document's checkout
- onDocumentCheckedOut(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- onDocumentCheckedOut(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
- onDocumentCheckedOut(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- onDocumentCheckedOut(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- onDocumentCheckedOut(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- onDocumentCheckedOut(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentCheckedOut(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentCheckedOut(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentLocked(GUIDocument) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentObserver
Invoked after the document is locked
- onDocumentLocked(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- onDocumentLocked(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
- onDocumentLocked(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- onDocumentLocked(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- onDocumentLocked(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- onDocumentLocked(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentLocked(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentLocked(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentModified(GUIDocument) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentObserver
Invoked after the document's properties has been changed
- onDocumentModified(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- onDocumentModified(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
- onDocumentModified(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- onDocumentModified(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- onDocumentModified(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- onDocumentModified(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentModified(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentModified(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentMoved(GUIDocument) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentObserver
Invoked after the document has been stored
- onDocumentMoved(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- onDocumentMoved(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
- onDocumentMoved(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- onDocumentMoved(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- onDocumentMoved(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- onDocumentMoved(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentMoved(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentMoved(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentsDeleted(List<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentObserver
Invoked after the document has been deleted
- onDocumentsDeleted(List<GUIDocument>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- onDocumentsDeleted(List<GUIDocument>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
- onDocumentsDeleted(List<GUIDocument>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- onDocumentsDeleted(List<GUIDocument>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- onDocumentsDeleted(List<GUIDocument>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- onDocumentsDeleted(List<GUIDocument>) - Method in class
- onDocumentsDeleted(List<GUIDocument>) - Method in class
- onDocumentsDeleted(List<GUIDocument>) - Method in class
- onDocumentSelected(GUIDocument) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentObserver
Invoked when a document is selected
- onDocumentSelected(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- onDocumentSelected(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
- onDocumentSelected(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- onDocumentSelected(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- onDocumentSelected(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- onDocumentSelected(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentSelected(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentSelected(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentStored(GUIDocument) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentObserver
Invoked after the document has been stored
- onDocumentStored(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- onDocumentStored(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
- onDocumentStored(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- onDocumentStored(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- onDocumentStored(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- onDocumentStored(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentStored(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentStored(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentUnlocked(GUIDocument) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentObserver
Invoked after the document is unlocked
- onDocumentUnlocked(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- onDocumentUnlocked(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
- onDocumentUnlocked(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- onDocumentUnlocked(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- onDocumentUnlocked(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- onDocumentUnlocked(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentUnlocked(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDocumentUnlocked(GUIDocument) - Method in class
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.AutomationEditor
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.dialogs.AbstractEmailDialog
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration.AdminScreen
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar.UserCalendarPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class
- onDraw() - Method in class
- onDraw() - Method in class
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.MessagesPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.reading.ReadingRequestsPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag.TagsDashboard
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.UserDashboard
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.BookmarksPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.EmailDialog
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.TrashPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ExportArchivesList
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ExportArchivesPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportArchiveFoldersList
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportArchivesList
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportArchivesPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalArchivesList
- onDraw() - Method in class
- onDraw() - Method in class
- onDraw() - Method in class
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderAutomationPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFoldersPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationsPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeQueuePanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodesPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeTemplatesPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.CustomIdPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormsPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.RetentionPoliciesPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampsPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.tag.TagsPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.tag.TagsSettingsPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AddTemplateAttributeDialog
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeSetsPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplatesPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRQueuePanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRTemplatesPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.MainPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.CalendarReport
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.CustomReportsPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.LastChangesReport
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.ArchivedDocsReport
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.DeletedDocsReport
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.DeletedFoldersReport
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.DuplicatesReport
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.LockedDocsReport
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.SubscriptionsReport
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.TicketsReport
- onDraw() - Method in class
- onDraw() - Method in class
- onDraw() - Method in class
- onDraw() - Method in class
- onDraw() - Method in class
- onDraw() - Method in class
- onDraw() - Method in class
- onDraw() - Method in class
- onDraw() - Method in class
- onDraw() - Method in class
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutinesPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggersPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.CustomActionsPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.DashletsPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.GUIGridsPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.GUILanguagesPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.messages.MessageTemplatesPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols.ApiCallsPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.RepositoriesPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex.SearchIndexPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.StoresPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.ChannelsPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.EnvironmentPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.GeneralPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.LogPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.plugin.PluginsPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.RunLevelPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.ScopedPropertiesPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.SessionsPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.stats.StatsPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.JobsPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TaskDetailPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TaskNotificationPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TasksPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update.PatchPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update.UpdateAndPatchPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update.UpdatePanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.usage.UsagePanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantsPanel
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashboard
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashlet
- onDraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowHistoriesPanel
- onEdit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRZoneCanvas
- onError(WebSocket) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebSocketListener
- onErrors(ServerValidationError[]) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ExtendedPropertiesPanel
- onExecute() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportParametersForm
- onExecute(GUIAutomationRoutine, List<Long>, List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.FillRoutineParams
- onFailure(Throwable) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.DefaultAsyncCallback
- onFailure(Throwable) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.IgnoreAsyncCallback
- onFailure(Throwable) - Method in class
- onFlushDirty(Object, Serializable, Object[], Object[], String[], Type[]) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistenceObjectInterceptor
- onFolderBeginEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderObserver
Invoked after the folder's properties are being edited
- onFolderBeginEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- onFolderBeginEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentToolbar
- onFolderBeginEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderCursor
- onFolderBeginEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderDetailsPanel
- onFolderBeginEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
- onFolderBeginEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderBeginEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderBeginEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderCancelEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderObserver
Invoked after the folder's properties are being edited
- onFolderCancelEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- onFolderCancelEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentToolbar
- onFolderCancelEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderCursor
- onFolderCancelEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderDetailsPanel
- onFolderCancelEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
- onFolderCancelEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderCancelEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderCancelEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderChanged(GUIFolder) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderObserver
Invoked after the folder has been saved
- onFolderChanged(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- onFolderChanged(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentToolbar
- onFolderChanged(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderCursor
- onFolderChanged(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderDetailsPanel
- onFolderChanged(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
- onFolderChanged(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderChanged(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderChanged(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderCreated(GUIFolder) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderObserver
Invoked after the folder has been created
- onFolderCreated(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- onFolderCreated(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentToolbar
- onFolderCreated(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderCursor
- onFolderCreated(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderDetailsPanel
- onFolderCreated(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
- onFolderCreated(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderCreated(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderCreated(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderDeleted(GUIFolder) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderObserver
Invoked after the folder has been deleted
- onFolderDeleted(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- onFolderDeleted(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentToolbar
- onFolderDeleted(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderCursor
- onFolderDeleted(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderDetailsPanel
- onFolderDeleted(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
- onFolderDeleted(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderDeleted(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderDeleted(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderMoved(GUIFolder) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderObserver
Invoked after the folder has been moved
- onFolderMoved(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- onFolderMoved(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentToolbar
- onFolderMoved(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderCursor
- onFolderMoved(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderDetailsPanel
- onFolderMoved(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
- onFolderMoved(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderMoved(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderMoved(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderSelected(GUIFolder) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderObserver
Invoked when the user selects a new folder.
- onFolderSelected(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- onFolderSelected(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentToolbar
- onFolderSelected(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderCursor
- onFolderSelected(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderDetailsPanel
- onFolderSelected(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
- onFolderSelected(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderSelected(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onFolderSelected(GUIFolder) - Method in class
- onGetLink() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.WebFormPrefilledLink
- onInvalidSession() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- OnlineUsersDataServlet - Class in
This servlet retrieves the users currently logged in
- OnlineUsersDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- OnlineUsersDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve a list of currently logged users.
- OnlineUsersDS() - Constructor for class
- OnlineUsersPanel - Class in
Displays the online users
- OnlineUsersPanel() - Constructor for class
- ONLYOFFICE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- ONLYOFFICE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- OnlyOfficeCreate - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.onlyoffice
This popup window is used to create a new document using OnlyOffice plugin.
- OnlyOfficeCreate() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.onlyoffice.OnlyOfficeCreate
- OnlyOfficeEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.onlyoffice
This popup window is used to open the document in OnlyOffice editor.
- OnlyOfficeEditor(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.onlyoffice.OnlyOfficeEditor
- OnlyOfficeService - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.onlyoffice
The client side stub for the OnlyOffice Service.
- OnlyOfficeService.Instance - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.onlyoffice
- OnlyOfficeServiceAsync - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.onlyoffice
- onMessage(long, Date, String, String) - Method in class
- onMessage(long, Date, String, String) - Method in interface
- onMessage(String, Session) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.EventEndpoint
- onMessage(WebSocket, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebSocketListener
- onModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderDetailsPanel
- onModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportDetailsPanel
- onModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalDetailsPanel
- onModified() - Method in class
- onModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderDetailsPanel
- onModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationDetailsPanel
- onModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormDetailsPanel
- onModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.RetentionPolicyDetailsPanel
- onModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampDetailsPanel
- onModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeSetDetailsPanel
- onModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplateDetailsPanel
- onModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportDetailsPanel
- onModified() - Method in class
- onModified() - Method in class
- onModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineDetailsPanel
- onModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggerDetailsPanel
- onModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TaskDetailPanel
- onModified() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantDetailsPanel
- onModuleLoad() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Common
- onModuleLoad() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
- onModuleLoad() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.Login
- onModuleLoad() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.Setup
- onNewNote() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.TaskDetailsDialog
- onNewReadingRequests(List<GUIReadingRequest>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.ReadingRequestObserver
Notifies the arrival of new reading requests
- onNewReadingRequests(List<GUIReadingRequest>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.reading.ReadingRequestsPanel
- onNewReadingRequests(List<GUIReadingRequest>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.StatusBarIcons
- onOpen(Session) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.EventEndpoint
- onOptionsChanged(GUISearchOptions) - Method in class
- onOptionsChanged(GUISearchOptions) - Method in class
- onOptionsChanged(GUISearchOptions) - Method in interface
Invoked when the options changed
- onOptionsChanged(GUISearchOptions) - Method in class
- onOverload(int, int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.system.SystemLoadListener
Invoked when the average whole system's CPU usage is higher than the threshold specified in the global parameter'system.cpuload.max'
- onPasswordChanged() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.LoginPanel
Invoked when the user successfully changed his expired password
- onReadingCompleted() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview.PreviewPanel
- onRemove(GUIDocument) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.ClipboardObserver
- onRemove(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.StatusBarIcons
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentSecurityPanel
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.form.AddDocumentUsingForm
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.form.FillForm
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.ReplaceVersionFile
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.stamp.FillStamp
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.TicketDialog
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderDetailsPanel
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportDetailsPanel
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalDetailsPanel
- onSave() - Method in class
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderDetailsPanel
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationDetailsPanel
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeTemplateSettings
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.ZoneEditor
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormDetailsPanel
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.RetentionPolicyDetailsPanel
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampDetailsPanel
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRTemplateSettings
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZoneEditor
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportDetailsPanel
- onSave() - Method in class
- onSave() - Method in class
- onSave() - Method in class
- onSave() - Method in class
- onSave() - Method in class
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineDetailsPanel
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggerDetailsPanel
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TaskDetailPanel
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantDetailsPanel
- onSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowSecurity
- onSave(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSecurityPanel
- onSave(GUIReport) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportUploader
- onSave(Object, Serializable, Object[], String[], Type[]) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistenceObjectInterceptor
- onSearchArrived() - Method in class
- onSearchArrived() - Method in class
- onSearchArrived() - Method in interface
Invoked when a new result is returned by the server
- onSearchArrived() - Method in class
- onSelect(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.UserSearchDialog
- onSelect(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSearchDialog
- onSelectedDocumentHit(long) - Method in class
- onSelectedFolderHit(long) - Method in class
- onSelectedTask(GUITask) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TasksPanel
Shows the task details
- onSessionClosed(Object) - Method in interface
- onSessionClosed(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.UploadServlet
- onSessionCreated(Session) - Method in interface
- onSessionCreated(Session) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.UploadServlet
- onShutdown() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.listener.ApplicationListener
- onSign() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature.VisualPositioningDigitalSignatureDialog
- onStart(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.StartWorkflowDialog
- onSubmit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate.CertificateUploader
- onSubmit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate.OwnCertificateDialog
- onSubmit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsUploader
- onSubmit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentCheckin
- onSubmit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsUploader
- onSubmit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.EnvelopeDetails
- onSubmit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxAccessTokenWizard
- onSubmit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.WebFormPrefilledEmail
- onSubmit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampUploader
- onSubmit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.OptionsUploader
- onSubmit() - Method in class
- onSubmit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.plugin.PluginUploader
- onSubmit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update.PatchUploader
- onSubmit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update.UpdateUploader
- onSubmit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.KeystoreUploader
- onSubmit() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowUploader
- onSubmit(List<Long>, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.SendToArchiveDialog
- onSuccess(T) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.DefaultAsyncCallback
- onSuccess(T) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.IgnoreAsyncCallback
- onTabSeleted(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.PanelObserver
Invoked after the panel ahs been selected
- onTabSeleted(String) - Method in class
Invoked when a tab of the main panel is selected
- onUnderload(int, int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.system.SystemLoadListener
Invoked when the average whole system's CPU usage is higher than the threshold specified in the global parameter'system.cpuload.max'
- onUnprotected(GUIDocument) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocumentProtectionManager.DocumentProtectionHandler
- onUpload() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.BrandingPackageUploader
- onUpload() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.ImageUploader
- onUserChanged(GUIUser) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.UserObserver
Invoked when some changes on the user happens
- onUserChanged(GUIUser) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate.CertificateDialog
- onUserChanged(GUIUser) - Method in class
- onUserChanged(GUIUser) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.MessagesPanel
- onUserChanged(GUIUser) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.StatusBarIcons
- onUserChanged(GUIUser) - Method in class
- onUserLoggedIn(GUIUser) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.SessionObserver
- onUserLoggedIn(GUIUser) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.MainPanel
- onUserLogin(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.UserObserver
- onUserLogin(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate.CertificateDialog
- onUserLogin(String) - Method in class
- onUserLogin(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.MessagesPanel
- onUserLogin(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.StatusBarIcons
- onUserLogin(String) - Method in class
- onUserLogout(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.UserObserver
- onUserLogout(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate.CertificateDialog
- onUserLogout(String) - Method in class
- onUserLogout(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.MessagesPanel
- onUserLogout(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.StatusBarIcons
- onUserLogout(String) - Method in class
- open(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.chatgpt.ThreadWindow
- openBulkCheckout(List<Long>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- openContentEditor() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormDetailsPanel
Call to directly open the HTML edior of the forms's content
- openDropSpot() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.DropSpotPopup
- openEditWithOffice(long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- openFolder(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
Opens the branch to show the specified folder, it cycles the path creating minimal tree nodes
- openFolder(long, Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
Opens the tree to show the specified folder
- openFoldersSection() - Method in class
- openFulltextSection() - Method in class
- openInFolder(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- openInFolder(long, Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- OpenOfficeParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Text extractor for OpenOffice/OpenDocument documents.
- OpenOfficeParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.OpenOfficeParser
- openParametricSection() - Method in class
- openScan() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- openTagsSection() - Method in class
- openUrl(Session, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.WebsocketTool
Send to the Interface the command to open an URL
- openUrl(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.WindowUtils
- openUrl(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.WindowUtils
- openUrl(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.WindowUtils
- openUrlInNewTab(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.WindowUtils
- OPERATION_ADD - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.StoresPanel
- OPERATION_CUMPUTESIZE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.StoresPanel
- OPERATION_NONE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.StoresPanel
- OPERATOR_BEGINSWITH - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- OPERATOR_CONTAINS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- OPERATOR_ENDSWITH - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- OPERATOR_EQUALS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- OPERATOR_GREATER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- OPERATOR_IN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- OPERATOR_INORSUBFOLDERS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- OPERATOR_LESSER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- OPERATOR_NOTCONTAINS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- OPERATOR_NOTEQUAL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- OPERATOR_NOTNULL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- OPERATOR_NULL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- optimize() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Launch the index optimization that physically deletes the removed entries.
- optimize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- Options - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
This panel shows the list of the attribute options
- Options(long, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.Options
- OptionsUploader - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
This popup window is used to upload a new options file to the server.
- OptionsUploader(Options) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.OptionsUploader
- OrderedProperties - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.config
This is an extension of Java Properties that stores the properties alphabetically
- OrderedProperties() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.OrderedProperties
- orderedSearches() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- - package
- originalItemName(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.ItemFactory
Filter the name from problematic chars
- OUTGOING_EMAIL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- OutgoingEmailPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.messages
This panel shows the Email settings.
- OutgoingEmailPanel(GUIEmailSettings) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.messages.OutgoingEmailPanel
- OutsideWorkingTimeException - Exception Class in
Raised when the user is trying to enter outside the working time
- OutsideWorkingTimeException() - Constructor for exception class
- OutsideWorkingTimeException(Authenticator) - Constructor for exception class
- OwnCertificateDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate
This is the dialog for uploading a new certificate file and related private key
- OwnCertificateDialog() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate.OwnCertificateDialog
- P7M - Class in
Use this class to read data from a .p7m file that a signed file
- P7M(byte[]) - Constructor for class
- P7M(File) - Constructor for class
- P7M(InputStream) - Constructor for class
- P7MConverter - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
Converter to convert image files in PDF
- P7MConverter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.P7MConverter
- padLeft(String, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- PAGE_OPT_ALL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- PAGE_OPT_FIRST - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- PAGE_OPT_LAST - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- PAGE_OPT_SEL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- Pair<K,
V> - Class in com.logicaldoc.util -
A convenience class to represent name-value pairs.
- Pair() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.Pair
Creates a new pair
- Pair(K, V) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.Pair
Creates a new pair
- PanelObserver - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
A listener on relevant events on the main panel.
- PARAM_APPEND - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator.INIT_PARAM
- PARAM_DEVICE - Static variable in class
- PARAM_OVERWRITE - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator.INIT_PARAM
- PARAM_SID - Static variable in class
- PARAM_SID - Static variable in class
- PARAM_STOP - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator.INIT_PARAM
- ParameterConditionRow - Class in
This class represents a Criterion Row for the Parametric Search.
- ParameterConditionRow(GUITemplate, boolean, KeyPressHandler) - Constructor for class
- PARAMETERS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
- PARAMETERS - Static variable in class
- PARAMETERS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- PARAMETERS_NAMES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
- ParametersPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings
This panel shows the Parameters settings.
- ParametersPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.ParametersPanel
- PARAMETRIC_SEARCHES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- ParametricForm - Class in
Shows a parametric search form
- PARENT_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderTree
- parse(Document, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Extracts the texts from a document, using the same analyzer used for the full-text processing.
- parse(File, String, String, Locale, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.AbstractParser
- parse(File, String, String, Locale, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.parser.Parser
Same as
Parser.parse(InputStream, String, String, Locale, String)
, use this when you have a file rather than a stream. - parse(File, String, String, Locale, String, Document, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.AbstractParser
- parse(File, String, String, Locale, String, Document, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.parser.Parser
Same as
Parser.parse(InputStream, ParseParameters)
, but use this when you have a file rather than a stream. - parse(File, String, String, Locale, String, Document, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.TXTParser
- parse(File, String, String, Locale, String, Document, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ZABWParser
- parse(InputStream, ParseParameters) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.AbstractParser
- parse(InputStream, ParseParameters) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.DOCParser
- parse(InputStream, ParseParameters) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.parser.Parser
Extracts content for the text content of the given binary document.
- parse(InputStream, String, String, Locale, long, Document, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParserFactory
Gets the proper parser and parse the given content
- parse(InputStream, String, String, Locale, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.AbstractParser
- parse(InputStream, String, String, Locale, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.parser.Parser
Extracts content for the text content of the given binary document.
- parse(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.time.DateUtil
Formats a date using one of the ISO formats.
- parse(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Parses a string and to retrieve a date
- parseContacts(boolean, GUIParseContactsParameters) - Method in interface
Reads the contacts that are about to be imported from CSV file
- parseContacts(boolean, GUIParseContactsParameters) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.ContactServiceImpl
- parseContacts(boolean, GUIParseContactsParameters, AsyncCallback<List<GUIContact>>) - Method in interface
- parseContent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailAttachment
Parse the attachment extracting the text using the parser configured for this specific filename
- parseContent(Long, Locale, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailAttachment
Parse the attachment extracting the text using the parser configured for this specific filename
- parseDocument(Document, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Retrieves the document's content as a string
- parseDocument(Document, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- parseOptions(long, String) - Method in interface
Reads the contacts that are about to be imported from CSV
- parseOptions(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.AttributeSetServiceImpl
- parseOptions(long, String, AsyncCallback<List<GUIValue>>) - Method in interface
- ParseParameters - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Some parameters to parse documents
- ParseParameters(Document, String, String, String, Locale, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParseParameters
- Parser - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
A Parser is capable of parsing a content in order to extract the texts and other metadata within it.
- parseRecipients(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- parseRecipientsBCC(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- parseRecipientsCC(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- parseReplyTo(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- ParserFactory - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
This is a factory, returning a parser instance for the given file.
- ParsersDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for parsers data.
- ParsersDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- ParsersDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all the parsers.
- ParsingException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
When an error happens during the parsing
- ParsingException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParsingException
- ParsingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParsingException
- ParsingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParsingException
- ParsingTimeoutException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
A parsing error due to timeout
- ParsingTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParsingTimeoutException
- ParsingTimeoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParsingTimeoutException
- ParsingTimeoutException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParsingTimeoutException
- partition(List<T>, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.CollectionUtil
Divide a list to segments of n size
- PASSWORD - Enum constant in enum class
- PASSWORD_PROTECTED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- PASSWORD_UNPROTECTED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- PasswordAlreadyUsedException - Exception Class in
Raised when you try to change password that was already used
- PasswordAlreadyUsedException(Date) - Constructor for exception class
- PASSWORDCHANGED - Enum constant in enum class
- PasswordCriteria - Class in
A bean to carry the pasword criteria
- PasswordCriteria() - Constructor for class
- PasswordCriteria(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
- PasswordExpiredException - Exception Class in
Raised when the password has expired
- PasswordExpiredException() - Constructor for exception class
- PasswordExpiredException(Authenticator) - Constructor for exception class
- PasswordGenerator - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
An utility to generate passwords
- PasswordGenerator - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client
An utility to generate passwords
- PasswordGenerator - Class in
A password generator utility
- PasswordGenerator() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.PasswordGenerator
- PasswordGenerator(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.PasswordGenerator
- PasswordGenerator(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.PasswordGenerator
- PasswordHistory - Class in
This class represent an old password of a user
- PasswordHistory() - Constructor for class
- PasswordHistoryDAO - Interface in
This class is a DAO-service for PasswordHistory-objects.
- PasswordTrial - Class in
An utility to allow an administrator to check if a password would pass the quality rules.
- PasswordTrial() - Constructor for class
- PasswordTrial(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class
- PasswordValidator - Class in
An utility class to validate the passwords
- PasswordValidator(PasswordCriteria, Properties) - Constructor for class
- PasswordWeakException - Exception Class in
Raised when you try to change a password that is too weak
- PasswordWeakException() - Constructor for exception class
- PasswordWeakException(List<String>) - Constructor for exception class
- paste(List<Long>, long, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface
Pastes documents into the target folder
- paste(List<Long>, long, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- paste(List<Long>, long, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- pasteAsAlias(List<Long>, long, String) - Method in interface
- pasteAsAlias(List<Long>, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- pasteAsAlias(List<Long>, long, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- pasteImage(BufferedImage, BufferedImage, float, int, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Prints the contents of imageIn on container the given opaque value
- PATCHES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- PatchPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update
Patches check panel
- PatchPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update.PatchPanel
- PatchUploader - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update
This popup window is used to upload a new patch package to the server.
- PatchUploader(PatchPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update.PatchUploader
- PathCalculator - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.folder
This task calculate the path attributes of the folders(only those folders without path will be processed.
- PathCalculator() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.PathCalculator
- Pause - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.time
A simple class to pause the current thread
- pauseAll() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- pauseJob(JobKey) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- pauseRefresh() - Method in class
- pauseTrigger(TriggerKey) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- pauseTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- PDF - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- PDF_CONVERSION_SUFFIX - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
- PDFImageExtractor - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.util
This utility class allows the extraction of raster images from a PDF document
- PDFImageExtractor(File) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.util.PDFImageExtractor
Creates a new PDF reader for the given PDF file
- PDFParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Text extractor for Portable Document Format (PDF).
- PDFParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.PDFParser
- PdfThumbnailBuilder - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail
This builder generates the thumbnail for a Pdf document.
- PdfThumbnailBuilder() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.PdfThumbnailBuilder
- PermaLinkDisplay - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
Displays the permalinks of a document
- PermaLinkDisplay(long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.PermaLinkDisplay
- Permission - Enum Class in
Models a permission, that is the ability to do something
READ: permission to read WRITE: permission to modify ADD: permission to add child elements SECURITY: permission to change security rules IMMUTABILE: permission to mark a document as immutable DELETE: permission to delete RENAME: permission to rename IMPORT: permission to import EXPORT: permission to export DOWNLOAD: permission to download SIGN: permission to digitally sign ARCHIVE: permission to archive WORKFLOW: permission to handle workflow CALENDAR: permission to handle calendar events SUBSCRIPTION: permission to handle events subscription PRINT: permission to print PASSWORD: permission to put a password MOVE: permission to move EMAIL: permission to send emails AUTOMATION: permission to handle the automation STORE: permission to handle the store READINGREQ: permission to send reading requests PREVIEW: permission to preview a document CUSTOMID: permission to edit the Custom ID - PERMISSION - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- PERMISSION - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- PERMISSION_ADD - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_ARCHIVE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_AUTOMATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_CALENDAR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_CUSTOMID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_DELETE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_DOWNLOAD - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_EMAIL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_EXPORT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_IMMUTABLE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_IMPORT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_MOVE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_PREVIEW - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_PRINT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_READ - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_READINGREQ - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_RENAME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_SECURITY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_SIGN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_STORE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_SUBSCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_WORKFLOW - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PERMISSION_WRITE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- PermissionException - Exception Class in
Raised when a permission is not allowed
- PermissionException() - Constructor for exception class
- PermissionException(String) - Constructor for exception class
- PermissionException(String, String, Permission) - Constructor for exception class
- PermissionException(String, String, Permission, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
- PermissionException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception class
- PermissionException(String, String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
- PermissionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
- PermissionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
- PermissionVO - Class in
- PermissionVO() - Constructor for class
- PersistenceException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.core
Raised when a problem happens in the data layer.
- PersistenceException() - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistenceException
- PersistenceException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistenceException
- PersistenceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistenceException
- PersistenceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistenceException
- PersistenceObjectInterceptor - Class in com.logicaldoc.core
Takes care about updating the last modified date of a persistence object
- PersistenceObjectInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistenceObjectInterceptor
- PersistentObject - Class in com.logicaldoc.core
This abstract class defines the minimum requirements of persistent objects.
- PersistentObject() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
- PersistentObjectDAO<T> - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core
Interface for DAOs that operate on persistent objects
- PersonalSubscriptions - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.subscription
This panel shows the list of the user's subscriptions.
- PersonalSubscriptions() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.subscription.PersonalSubscriptions
- pickUser(String) - Method in class
- pickUser(String) - Method in interface
This method does not authenticate the user but just retrieves his details
- pickUser(String) - Method in class
- ping() - Method in interface
Ping to maintain open he session
- ping() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.InfoServiceImpl
- ping(AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
- PluginDbInit - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.dbinit
Database initialization manager
- PluginDbInit() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.dbinit.PluginDbInit
- PluginDescriptorConfigurator - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.config
Utility class to parse a plugin descriptor
- PluginDescriptorConfigurator(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.PluginDescriptorConfigurator
- PluginDescriptorConfigurator(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.PluginDescriptorConfigurator
- PluginDescriptorConfigurator(URL) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.PluginDescriptorConfigurator
- PluginException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.util.plugin
An exception generated within the plugin life cycle
- PluginException() - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.PluginException
- PluginException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.PluginException
- PluginException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.PluginException
- PluginException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.PluginException
- PluginRegistry - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.plugin
Central point where plugins are loaded and handled.
- PluginRegistry() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.PluginRegistry
- PluginsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.plugin
Displays a list of plugins available for the application.
- PluginsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.plugin.PluginsPanel
- PluginUploader - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.plugin
This popup window is used to upload a new plugin to install.
- PluginUploader(PluginsPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.plugin.PluginUploader
- POLICY_ALLPAGES - Static variable in interface
- POLICY_BARCODE - Static variable in interface
- POLICY_BLANKPAGE - Static variable in interface
- POLICY_CONTAINS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailRule
- POLICY_NOT_CONTAINS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailRule
- POLICY_SELECTION - Static variable in interface
- POLICY_TEXT - Static variable in interface
- POLICY_TYPE_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
- PositionalBarcodesGrid - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode
This grids displays the positional barcode definitions of a positional barcode template
- PositionalBarcodesGrid(GUIBarcodeTemplate) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.PositionalBarcodesGrid
- post(String) - Method in interface
Posts a message to the chat
- post(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.spring.PropertiesPlaceHolder
- PPTParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Parser for Office 2003 presentations
- PPTParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.PPTParser
- prepareClickHandlers(RefreshableListGrid, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.BookmarkDashlet
- prepareClickHandlers(RefreshableListGrid, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.DocumentDashlet
- prepareGUI() - Method in class
- prepareGUI() - Method in class
- prepareGUI() - Method in class
- prepareQuery() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.IndexerTask
Prepares the query to search the documents to be indexed
- PREVIEW - Enum constant in enum class
- PREVIEW - Static variable in class
- PREVIEW - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- PREVIEW - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- PreviewPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview
This panel is used to show the document preview.
- PreviewPanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview.PreviewPanel
- PreviewPopup - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview
This popup window is used to show the document preview.
- PreviewPopup(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview.PreviewPopup
Constructor to display a single document
- PreviewPopup(List<GUIDocument>, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview.PreviewPopup
Constructor to display a gallery of documents
- PreviewTile - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview
Displays a clickable title for previewing the document
- PreviewTile(long, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview.PreviewTile
- previous() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- PrimitivesToolstrip - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer
Toolbar with the primitives of the Workflow.
- PrimitivesToolstrip(WorkflowDesigner) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.PrimitivesToolstrip
- print(ListGrid) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.GridUtil
Prints a grid
- print(File, File, Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.GhostUtil
Prints a PDF file into a Jpeg image using 150dpi resolution
- print(File, File, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.GhostUtil
Prints a PDF file into a Jpeg image using 150dpi resolution
- print(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.LogTool
Prints in the system output
- PRINT - Enum constant in enum class
- printDuration(long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.time.TimeDiff
Prints the duration in the format HH:MM:ss.SSS
- printDuration(Date, Date) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.time.TimeDiff
- printEmails() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.PSTWorker
Prints the emails of the .pst file
- printEnvironment() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.SystemUtil
- printFileSize(long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.StringUtil
Formats a file size in human readable form (KB, MB, GB, TB)
- printFileSize(long, Locale) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.StringUtil
Formats a file size in human readable form (KB, MB, GB, TB)
- printFirstPage(File, String, File) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Prints the first page of the given file into the output as .jpg image
- printJavaEnvironment() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.SystemUtil
- printListing() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.PSTWorker
Prints the listing of the .pst file
- printPreview() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- printScreenShot(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.PrintUtil
- printScreenShot(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.PrintUtil
- printScreenShot(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.PrintUtil
Uses Javascript to take a screenshot of a canvas and prints it
- printStackTrace() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.SystemUtil
- printSystemEnvironment() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.SystemUtil
- PrintUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
Some printing utility methods
- PRIO_INFO - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- PRIO_LOW - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- PRIO_WARN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- PrivilegedRunner - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.exec
This class is responsible for allowing the java program to launch a command with administrator permissions.
- PrivilegedRunner() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.PrivilegedRunner
- process(long) - Method in interface
Processes the given document
- process(long) - Method in interface
Processes the given document
- process(long, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
- process(long, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
- process(FolderHistory, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.transfer.ZipExport
Exports the specified folder content
- process(File, Folder, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.transfer.InMemoryZipImport
- process(File, Folder, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.transfer.ZipImport
- process(Long[], boolean, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.transfer.ZipExport
Exports a selection of documents
- process(Long[], OutputStream, boolean, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.transfer.ZipExport
Exports a selection of documents
- process(String, Folder, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.transfer.ZipImport
- processAdd(AddUpdateCommand) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.LanguageProcessor
- processEvent() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.event.SystemEventListener
- processImage() - Method in interface
Processes an uploaded image for being used as form header
- processImage(AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- PRODUCT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
- PRODUCT_EVALUATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- Profile - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account
This is the form used to change file data of the current user.
- Profile(GUIUser) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.Profile
- PROFILE_SECURITY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- PROFILE_TWO_FACTORS_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- progressChanged(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskListener
Invoked when the progress changes
- promoteVersion(long, String) - Method in interface
If you promote a prior version, what it does is make it the default version again.
- promoteVersion(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- promoteVersion(long, String) - Method in interface
Promotes an old version to the current default one.
- promoteVersion(long, String) - Method in class
- promoteVersion(long, String, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
- promoteVersion(long, String, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Promotes an old version to the current default one.
- promoteVersion(long, String, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- promoteVersion(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- promoteVersion(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Promotes an old version to the current default one.
- promoteVersion(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- prompt(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
- PROP_CUSTOMID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
- PROP_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
- PROP_EXT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
- PROP_FILEVERSION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
- PROP_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
- PROP_RATING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
- PROP_TAGS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
- PROP_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
- PROP_TYPE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
- PROP_VERSION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
- PROP_WORKFLOW_STATUS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
- PropertiesDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all system properties.
- PropertiesDS() - Constructor for class
- PropertiesPlaceHolder - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.spring
Extends the standard property placeholder to retrieve properties from the database.
- PropertiesPlaceHolder() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.spring.PropertiesPlaceHolder
- PROTOCOL_SMTP - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- PROTOCOL_SMTP - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- PROTOCOL_SMTP_MICROSOFT365 - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- PROTOCOL_SMTP_MICROSOFT365 - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- PROTOCOLS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- ProtocolsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols
This panel shows the Web Service, WebDAV and other protocols.
- ProtocolsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols.ProtocolsPanel
- PROVIDER_FILE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- PROVIDER_FTP - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- PROVIDER_FTPS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- PROVIDER_IMAP - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- PROVIDER_POP3 - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- PROVIDER_SFTP - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- PROVIDER_SMB - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- PROVIDER_SMB2 - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- PROVIDER_SMB3 - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- PstConverter - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
Converts a PST file in it's listing
- PstConverter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.PstConverter
- PSTWorker - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.communication
An utility class to work with .pst files.
- PSTWorker(File) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.PSTWorker
- PSW_RECOVERY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- PswRecovery - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
This class allows the user to recover a password.
- PswRecovery() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.PswRecovery
Constructor of the object.
- PublishingPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
Shows document's publishing options.
- PublishingPanel(GUIDocument, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.PublishingPanel
- purge() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Removes from the index those entries without a coutnerpart in the database
- purge() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- purge() - Method in interface
Launches the purge
- purge() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchEngineServiceImpl
- purge(AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- put(K, V) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.util.cache.Cache
- put(K, V) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.EhCache
- putAttributeAfter(String, GUIAttribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- putObject(String, Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.session.DavSessionImpl
- putObject(String, Object) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.session.WebdavSession
Puts an object to the session map
- putValue(String, Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- QRFormItemIcon - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
An icon to be used display a QR Code
- QRFormItemIcon() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.QRFormItemIcon
The constructor, the current item's text will be user for the QR Code
- QRFormItemIcon(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.QRFormItemIcon
The constructor.
- QRFormItemIcon(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.QRFormItemIcon
The constructor.
- qrImg(String, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- QRLightbox - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
A light box to show a barcode.
- QRLightbox(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.QRLightbox
- qrURL(String, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- query(String, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
- query(String, int, int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Executes a low-level query in the fulltext index
Attention: The hits will be populated with just the fields stored in the index - query(String, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- query(String, int, int) - Method in interface
Executes a low-level query in the fulltext index
- query(String, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchEngineServiceImpl
- query(String, int, int, AsyncCallback<GUIResult>) - Method in interface
- query(String, String, Boolean, Boolean, IncludeRelationships, String, BigInteger, BigInteger, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- query(String, Map<String, Object>, RowMapper<P>, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- query(String, Map<String, Object>, RowMapper<P>, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, mapping each row to a Java object via a RowMapper.
- query(String, RowMapper<P>, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- query(String, RowMapper<P>, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, mapping each row to a Java object via a RowMapper.
- queryForDouble(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- queryForDouble(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Execute a query that results in a double value, given static SQL.
- queryForDouble(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- queryForDouble(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Execute a query that results in a double value, given static SQL.
- queryForInt(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- queryForInt(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Execute a query that results in an int value, given static SQL.
- queryForInt(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- queryForInt(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Execute a query that results in an int value, given static SQL.
- queryForList(String, Class<R>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- queryForList(String, Class<R>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result list.
- queryForList(String, Class<R>, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- queryForList(String, Class<R>, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Execute a query for a result list, given static SQL.
- queryForList(String, Map<String, Object>, Class<R>, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- queryForList(String, Map<String, Object>, Class<R>, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result list.
- queryForLong(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- queryForLong(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Execute a query that results in an long value, given static SQL.
- queryForLong(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- queryForLong(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Execute a query that results in an long value, given static SQL.
- queryForObject(String, Class<R>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- queryForObject(String, Class<R>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Execute a query that results in a Object value, given static SQL.
- queryForObject(String, Map<String, Object>, Class<R>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- queryForObject(String, Map<String, Object>, Class<R>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Execute a query that results in a Object value, given static SQL.
- queryForResultSet(String, Map<String, Object>, Integer, ResultSetWalker) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- queryForResultSet(String, Map<String, Object>, Integer, ResultSetWalker) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, you can give your own worker to iterate the
. - queryForString(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- queryForString(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Execute a query that results in an string value, given static SQL.
- QuickSearchTray - Class in
A tray to interact with the Search
- QuickSearchTray() - Constructor for class
- QUOTA - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- QUOTA_OVERTHRESHOLD - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- QuotaPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings
Shows the quota details.
- QuotaPanel(long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.QuotaPanel
- QUOTAS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- quote(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.RegexTool
Returns a literal pattern
for the specifiedString
. - quoteReplacement(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.RegexTool
Returns a literal replacement
for the specifiedString
- RangeResourceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource
- RangeResourceImpl(DavResourceLocator, DavResourceFactory, WebdavSession, ResourceConfig, Resource, Pair<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.RangeResourceImpl
- RarConverter - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
Converts a Rar file in it's listing
- RarConverter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.RarConverter
- RarParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Class for parsing rar files.
- RarParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.RarParser
- RarUtil - Class in
This class is for reading RAR files
- RarUtil() - Constructor for class
- rateDocument(long, int) - Method in class
Puts a new rating on the given document
- rateDocument(long, int) - Method in interface
Puts a new rating on the given document
- rateDocument(long, int) - Method in class
- rateDocument(String, long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- rateDocument(String, long, int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Puts a new rating on the given document
- rateDocument(String, long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- Rating - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
A rating over a document
- Rating() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Rating
- RATING - Static variable in class
- RATING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- RATING_NEW - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- RatingCellFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.RatingListGridField.RatingCellFormatter
- RatingDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.document
DAO service for ratings
- RatingDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
- RatingDialog(int, GUIRating) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.RatingDialog
- RatingListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
A filed to display long integers in cells that contains a user reference
- RatingListGridField() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.RatingListGridField
- RatingListGridField.RatingCellFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
Utility formatter for those cells that contains longs
- RatingsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for ratings data.
- RatingsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- RatingsDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve ratings.
- RatingsDS(Long) - Constructor for class
- read() - Method in class
- read() - Method in class
- read() - Method in class
Reads a p7m file from a file.
- read() - Method in class
- read() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.BytesServletInputStream
- read(byte[]) - Method in class
- read(byte[]) - Method in class
- read(byte[]) - Method in class
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
- read(File) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- read(InputStream) - Method in class
Reads a p7m file from a stream.
- read(InputStream, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class
Reads some bytes from an input stream and stores them into the buffer array
. - READ - Enum constant in enum class
- readAsBytes(String) - Static method in class
- readAsString(long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Gets the content of a resource and reads it as a string
- readAsString(String) - Static method in class
- readFields() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileReader
Split the next line of the input CSV file into fields.
- readFile(File) - Static method in class
- readFile(String) - Static method in class
- readFully(InputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class
Attempts to read enough bytes from the stream to fill the given byte array, with the same behavior as
. - readFully(InputStream, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class
Attempts to read
bytes from the stream into the given array starting atoff
, with the same behavior asDataInput.readFully(byte[], int, int)
. - readImage() - Method in interface
Read the uploaded image and converts it into Base64
- readImage() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- readImage(AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- READING_CONFIRMATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- READING_CONFIRMED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- READING_REQUESTRED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- READINGREQ - Enum constant in enum class
- ReadingRequestController - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers
Implements the Observer pattern to distribute events on the reading requests
- ReadingRequestDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.reading
This popup window is used to allow the user to place a reading request
- ReadingRequestDialog(List<Long>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.reading.ReadingRequestDialog
- ReadingRequestObserver - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers
Listener on documents events
- READINGREQUESTS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- ReadingRequestsDS - Class in
Datasource to display the reading requests
- ReadingRequestsDS(boolean, Integer) - Constructor for class
- ReadingRequestsDS(String) - Constructor for class
- ReadingRequestService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Reading Service.
- ReadingRequestService.Instance - Class in
- ReadingRequestServiceAsync - Interface in
- ReadingRequestsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.reading
This panel shows the reading requests received or sent by the current user
- ReadingRequestsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.reading.ReadingRequestsPanel
- ReadingRequetPreviewPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.reading
Shows a preview panels in the Reading Requests dashboard
- ReadingRequetPreviewPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.reading.ReadingRequetPreviewPanel
- readMime(InputStream) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
Constructs a MimeMessage from a stream
- readOptions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
- readStream(InputStream) - Static method in class
- reassignTask(String, long) - Method in interface
The task is assigned to another user
- reassignTask(String, long, AsyncCallback<GUIWorkflow>) - Method in interface
- Recipient - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.communication
A generic recipient of a message or email
- Recipient() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- Recipient(Recipient) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- Recipient(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- recordFailure(String, String, Client, AuthenticationException) - Static method in class
Saves the login failure in the database
- redirect(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- redirectToLoginUrl(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Redirects to the configured login page (the url specified in the j_loginurl javascript variable
- redirectToRoot() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- redirectToRoot(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- redirectToSuccessUrl(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Redirects to the configured page after a successful login (the url specified in the j_successurl javascript variable
- redraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview.PreviewPanel
- redraw() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDrawingPanel
- redraw(GUIWorkflow) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDesigner
- REFERESH_RATE - Static variable in class
Timer refresh duration, in milliseconds.
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate.CertificateDialog
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.Contacts
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.LastLogins
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar.UserCalendarPanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.TagCloudDashlet
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.reading.ReadingRequestsPanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag.TagCloud
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.BookmarksPanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentCalendarPanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.NotesPanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.TrashPanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.Envelopes
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ExportArchivesList
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalArchivesList
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFoldersPanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationsPanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormsPanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.RetentionPoliciesPanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampsPanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.Options
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.CustomReportsPanel
- refresh() - Method in class
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutinesPanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggersPanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.VIASettingsPanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantBrandingPanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantKeystorePanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantPropertiesPanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantQuotaPanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDesigner
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowHistoriesPanel
- refresh() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
Reloads the Spring application context.
- refresh(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalArchivesList
- refresh(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.ResponsesListPanel
- refresh(int, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ExportArchivesList
- refresh(DataSource) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.RefreshableListGrid
- refresh(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- refresh(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentCapturePanel
- refresh(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderCapturePanel
- refresh(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsMenu
- refresh(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashboard
Refreshes all the dashlets related to the given workflow instance
- refresh(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashlet
- RefreshableListGrid - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
ListGrid that makes it easy to refresh
- RefreshableListGrid() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.RefreshableListGrid
- RefreshableListGrid(JavaScriptObject) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.RefreshableListGrid
- RefreshableListGrid(DataSource) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.RefreshableListGrid
- refreshFieldForm() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeSetPropertiesPanel
- refreshGrid() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.DashletsPanel
- refreshLock(LockInfo, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- refreshProductEvaluationButton() - Method in class
- RegexResult(int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.RegexTool.RegexResult
- RegexTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Various Regex-based APIs to make it easy to manipulate regular expressions from Automation.
- RegexTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.RegexTool
- RegexTool.RegexResult - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Result of a Regex search.
- registerCellContextClickHandler(CellContextClickHandler) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Defines the handler of the context menu.
- registerCellContextClickHandler(CellContextClickHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- registerCellContextClickHandler(CellContextClickHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- registerDataArrivedHandler(DataArrivedHandler) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
- registerDataArrivedHandler(DataArrivedHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- registerDataArrivedHandler(DataArrivedHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- registerDoubleClickHandler(DoubleClickHandler) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Defines the handler for double clicks.
- registerDoubleClickHandler(DoubleClickHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- registerDoubleClickHandler(DoubleClickHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- registerDragController(DragController) - Method in class
Register a drag controller to control the refresh rate
- registerMaxChangedHandler(ChangedHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderCursor
- registerPageChangedHandler(ChangedHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.Cursor
- registerPageChangedHandler(ChangedHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderCursor
- registerPageSizeChangedHandler(ChangedHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.Cursor
- registerSelectionChangedHandler(SelectionChangedHandler) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Defines the handler for double clicks.
- registerSelectionChangedHandler(SelectionChangedHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- registerSelectionChangedHandler(SelectionChangedHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- Registration - Class in
This is the form used to change registration data.
- Registration(List<String>) - Constructor for class
- reindex(long, String) - Method in interface
Re-indexes(or indexes from scratch) a document
- reindex(long, String) - Method in class
- reindex(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- reindex(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Re-indexes(or indexes from scratch) a document
- reindex(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
- relative(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- release - Variable in class
- release - Variable in class
- release(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.lock.LockManager
Releases a previously acquired lock.
- reload() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskTrigger
- reload() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.WindowUtils
- reload() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
Reloads the children of the current node and also re-select the current folder
- reload() - Method in class
- reloadChildren() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderTree
Reloads the children of the current node
- reloadManager() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.EhCache
- remoteAddress - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.CmisServlet
- remove() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hits
- remove(Object) - Method in class
- remove(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.Clipboard
- remove(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Removes a set of entries from the index
- remove(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchEngineServiceImpl
- remove(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- remove(K) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.util.cache.Cache
- remove(K) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.EhCache
- removeAce(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
- removeAce(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- removeAce(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- removeAllCookies() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
Removes all the informations stored in the browser
- removeAttendee(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- removeAttendeeGroup(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- removeAttribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- removeAttribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- removeAttribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- removeAttribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- removeAttribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- removeAttribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- removeBarcodeZone(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeTemplate
- removeBlockedEntities(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Removes blocked entries detected as Brute Force Attack
- removeBlockedEntities(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- removeBlockedEntities(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- removeCache(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.CacheConfigurator
- removeChild(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
Removes an element.
- removeChildren(Layout) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- removeCondition(ParameterConditionRow) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSearchForm
- removeCondition(ParameterConditionRow) - Method in class
- removeConnection(Connection) - Method in class
- REMOVED_FROM_CALEVENT - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- removeDashlet(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- removeDecoration() - Method in class
- removeDecoration(Connection) - Method in class
Remove a decoration from the diagram
- removeDocument(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- removeDocument(String, long) - Method in interface
Detaches a document from a workflow
- removeDocument(String, long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- removeForbiddenPermissionsForGuests(Securable) - Static method in class
- removeFromGroup(long, List<Long>) - Method in interface
Removes users from a group
- removeFromGroup(long, List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- removeFromGroup(long, List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- removeGroup(long) - Method in class
- removeGroup(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- removeGroupMemberships(String) - Method in class
Removes the user from All groups except it's user's own group.
- removeHeader(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- removeListener(EventListener) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EventCollector
- removeListener(SessionListener) - Method in class
- removeListener(SystemLoadListener) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.system.SystemLoadMonitor
- removeListener(NotifyingThread.ThreadCompleteListener) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.NotifyingThread
- removeListener(SystemEventListener) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
Removes a particular Listener from the list
- removeLockToken(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.session.DavSessionImpl
- removeLogger(String) - Method in interface
The logger to remove
- removeLogger(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
Removes a logger
- removeLogger(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- removeLogger(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- removeMember(DavResource) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- removeMember(DavResource) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionHistoryResourceImpl
- removeMember(DavResource) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionResourceImpl
- removeNonUtf8Chars(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.StringUtil
- removeObserver(DocumentObserver) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- removeObserver(FolderObserver) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderController
- removeObserver(ReadingRequestObserver) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.ReadingRequestController
- removeObserver(UserObserver) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.UserController
- removeObserver(SessionObserver) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- removeObserver(ChatObserver) - Method in class
- removeObserver(SearchObserver) - Method in class
- removeProperty(DavPropertyName) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- removeProperty(DavPropertyName) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionHistoryResourceImpl
- removeProperty(DavPropertyName) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionResourceImpl
- removeQuotaAlertRecipient(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- removeQuotaAlertRecipient(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- removeReference(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.session.DavSessionImpl
- removeSelectedDocuments() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Removed the selected documents from visualization
- removeSelectedDocuments() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- removeSelectedDocuments() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- removeSid() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
Removes the cookies that store the session ID
- removeSid(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Removes the Sid from the http request
- removeStore(int) - Method in interface
Tries to delete a store and fails in case at least one folder is using it and also if the store is marked as the default write one
- removeStore(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SettingServiceImpl
- removeStore(int, AsyncCallback<List<String>>) - Method in interface
- removeTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- removeTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- removeTag(String) - Method in interface
Removes an available from the list of available tags
- removeTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.TagServiceImpl
- removeTag(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- removeTaskListener(TaskListener) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
- removeTenantProperties(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
Removes all the properties of a specific tenant
- removeValue(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- removeZone(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- rename(long, String) - Method in interface
Renames the given document
- rename(long, String) - Method in interface
Renames the given folder
- rename(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- rename(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- rename(long, String) - Method in interface
Renames the title of an existing document with the given identifier.
- rename(long, String) - Method in class
- rename(long, String) - Method in class
- rename(long, String) - Method in interface
Renames an existing folder.
- rename(long, String, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
- rename(long, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- rename(long, String, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Rename an existing document filename.
- rename(long, String, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- rename(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- rename(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- rename(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Renames the title of an existing document with the given identifier.
- rename(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- rename(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- rename(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Renames an existing folder.
- rename(String, String) - Method in interface
Rename an existing tag to another label
- rename(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.TagServiceImpl
- rename(String, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- RENAME - Enum constant in enum class
- RENAMED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- RENAMED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- render(InternalContextAdapter, Writer, Node) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.directives.Ifnotnull
- render(InternalContextAdapter, Writer, Node) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.directives.Ifnull
- renew() - Method in class
Renews the current session
- renew(String) - Method in class
Renews an opened session
- renew(String) - Method in class
Renews a session
- renew(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.AuthService
Renews a session
- renew(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapAuthClient
- renew(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapAuthService
- reorder(List<Long>) - Method in interface
- reorder(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Reorder the policies
- reorder(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- reorder(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- reorderAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- reorderTokenFilters(List<String>) - Method in interface
Reorders the token filters.
- reorderTokenFilters(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchEngineServiceImpl
- reorderTokenFilters(List<String>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- replaceAlias(long) - Method in interface
Replaces an alias with a copy of the original file
- replaceAlias(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- replaceAlias(long, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
- replaceAlias(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Replaces an alias with a copy of the original file
- replaceAlias(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- replaceFile(long, String, File, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Replaces the file of a given version
- replaceFile(long, String, File, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- replaceFile(long, String, InputStream, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Replaces the file of a given version
- replaceFile(long, String, InputStream, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- replaceFile(long, String, String) - Method in interface
Replaces the file associated to a given version
- replaceFile(long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- replaceFile(long, String, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- replaceFile(Integer, String, String, Attachment) - Method in interface
Replace the file of a version.
- replaceFile(Integer, String, String, Attachment) - Method in class
Replace the file of a version Replaces the file associated to a given version.
- replaceFile(String, long, String, String, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- replaceFile(String, long, String, String, DataHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- replaceFile(String, long, String, String, DataHandler) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Replaces the file associated to a given version.
- replaceFile(String, long, String, String, DataHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- ReplaceFileMultipartRequest() - Constructor for class
- replaceInFile(String, String, String) - Static method in class
- ReplaceVersionFile - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This popup window is used to upload a new version's file.
- ReplaceVersionFile(GUIDocument, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.ReplaceVersionFile
- replicateTenantSettings(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
Replicates the settings of the default tenant to a new tenant
- ReplicateUserSettings - Class in
This is the form used to replicate some user settings to the selected users.
- ReplicateUserSettings(List<Long>, UsersPanel) - Constructor for class
- replicateUsersSettings(long, List<Long>, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface
Replicates the settings of a given user to a selection of other users
- replicateUsersSettings(long, List<Long>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- replicateUsersSettings(long, List<Long>, boolean, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- REPO_ENCRYPTION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- ReportDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom
This panel collects details about a Report
- ReportDetailsPanel(CustomReportsPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportDetailsPanel
- ReportDetailsTab - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom
Superclass for all tab panels in the Report details area
- ReportParametersForm - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom
This popup window is used to fill the report parameters
- ReportParametersForm(GUIReport, CustomReportsPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportParametersForm
- REPORTS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- ReportsDS - Class in
Data source to retrieve all custom reports.
- ReportsDS() - Constructor for class
- ReportService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Report Service.
- ReportService.Instance - Class in
- ReportServiceAsync - Interface in
- ReportsMenu - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports
This panel shows the reports menu
- ReportsMenu() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.ReportsMenu
- ReportStandardProperties - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom
Shows report's standard properties and read-only data
- ReportStandardProperties(GUIReport, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportStandardProperties
- ReportUploader - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom
Uploads and creates a new Report
- ReportUploader(CustomReportsPanel, GUIReport) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportUploader
- repositionAttributes(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- REPOSITORIES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- RepositoriesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings
This panel shows the Folders settings.
- RepositoriesPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.RepositoriesPanel
- RequestInfo - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
Collects various informations about the current request.
- RequestInfo() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.RequestInfo
- required() - Element in annotation interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.WSDoc
- requiresLocation() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout
- rescheduleAll() - Method in interface
Reschedule all documents for processing
- rescheduleAll() - Method in interface
Reschedule all documents for processing
- rescheduleAll(boolean) - Method in interface
Reschedule all entries for indexing
- rescheduleAll(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchEngineServiceImpl
- rescheduleAll(boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- rescheduleAll(AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- rescheduleAll(AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- rescheduleJob(TriggerKey, Trigger) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- reset() - Method in class
- reset() - Method in class
- reset() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPreviewPanel
- reset() - Method in class
- reset() - Method in class
- reset() - Method in class
- reset() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- reset(String, long, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.HibernateSequenceDAO
- reset(String, long, long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.SequenceDAO
Initializes the sequence value
- resetAvatar(long) - Method in interface
Resets the avatar to the default one
- resetAvatar(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- resetAvatar(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- resetBuffer() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- resetCache(long) - Method in interface
Cleans the cache
- resetCache(long) - Method in interface
Cleans the cache
- resetCache(long) - Method in interface
Cleans the cache
- resetCache(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- resetCache(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- resetCache(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- resetCounter(long) - Method in interface
Reset the import counter
- resetCounter(long) - Method in interface
Reset the import counter
- resetCounter(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- resetCounter(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- resetPassword(String, String, String) - Method in interface
Reset the password for the given email.
- resetPassword(String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.LoginServiceImpl
- resetPassword(String, String, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- ResetPassword - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client
Reset the password in case it was lost or forgotten
- ResetPassword(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.ResetPassword
- resetSequence(long, long) - Method in interface
Reset the numbering of a given sequence
- resetSequence(long, long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- resetTriggerFromErrorState(TriggerKey) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- resize(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageCropper
- resize(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
- resolveDataPath(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.LogicalDOCPlugin
Resolves a relative path inside the plugin data folder
- Resource - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model
Main-Class that contains all information about one particular resource within logicalDOC.
- RESOURCE_DELETED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- ResourceConfig - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource
For more informations, please visit
- ResourceConfig() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.ResourceConfig
- ResourceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model
Implementation of a generic WebDAV resource
- ResourceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- ResourceService - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service
All CRUD as well as versioning functionalities against logicalDOC will be handled through this service pattern.
- ResourceServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service
Base implementation of a
- ResourceServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- ResourceUtil - Class in
Utiliry class for classpath resources IO issues
- ResponsesDS - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form
Data Source to handle the responses of a form.
- ResponsesDS(GUIForm, Integer) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.ResponsesDS
- ResponsesGrid - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form
Grid used to show athe responses of a given form.
- ResponsesGrid(GUIForm) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.ResponsesGrid
- ResponsesListPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form
This panel shows a list of responses.
- ResponsesListPanel(GUIForm) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.ResponsesListPanel
- ResponsesStatsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form
This panel shows a list of responses.
- ResponsesStatsPanel(GUIForm) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.ResponsesStatsPanel
- REST - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceCall
- restart() - Method in interface
Restarts the application
- restart() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- restart(AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- RESTART - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- restartRequired() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.listener.ApplicationListener
- RestAuthClient - Class in
Auth Web Service client (RESTful).
- RestAuthClient(String) - Constructor for class
- RestAuthService - Class in
- RestAuthService() - Constructor for class
- RestAuthSwagger - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc
- RestAuthSwagger() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc.RestAuthSwagger
- RestBookmarkClient - Class in
- RestBookmarkClient(String, String) - Constructor for class
- RestBookmarkClient(String, String, int) - Constructor for class
- RestBookmarkService - Class in
- RestBookmarkService() - Constructor for class
- RestBookmarkSwagger - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc
- RestBookmarkSwagger() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc.RestBookmarkSwagger
- RestDocumentClient - Class in
- RestDocumentClient(String, String) - Constructor for class
- RestDocumentClient(String, String, int) - Constructor for class
- RestDocumentMetadataClient - Class in
- RestDocumentMetadataClient(String, String) - Constructor for class
- RestDocumentMetadataClient(String, String, int) - Constructor for class
- RestDocumentMetadataService - Class in
- RestDocumentMetadataService() - Constructor for class
- RestDocumentMetadataService.SetAttributeOptionsMultipartRequest - Class in
- RestDocumentMetadataSwagger - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc
- RestDocumentMetadataSwagger() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc.RestDocumentMetadataSwagger
- RestDocumentService - Class in
- RestDocumentService() - Constructor for class
- RestDocumentService.CheckinDocumentMultipartRequest - Class in
- RestDocumentService.CreateDocumentMultipartRequest - Class in
- RestDocumentService.ReplaceFileMultipartRequest - Class in
- RestDocumentService.UploadDocumentMultipartRequest - Class in
- RestDocumentService.UploadResourceMultipartRequest - Class in
- RestDocumentSwagger - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc
- RestDocumentSwagger() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc.RestDocumentSwagger
- RestFolderClient - Class in
- RestFolderClient(String, String) - Constructor for class
- RestFolderClient(String, String, int) - Constructor for class
- RestFolderService - Class in
- RestFolderService() - Constructor for class
- RestFolderSwagger - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc
- RestFolderSwagger() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc.RestFolderSwagger
- restore(long, boolean) - Method in class
- restore(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Restores a previously deleted menu
- restore(long, long) - Method in interface
Restores a deleted document
- restore(long, long) - Method in class
- restore(long, long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Restores a previously deleted document
- restore(long, long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- restore(long, long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Restores a previously deleted folder
- restore(long, long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- restore(String, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- restore(String, long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Restores a deleted document
- restore(String, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- restore(List<Long>, long) - Method in interface
Restores a given document
- restore(List<Long>, long) - Method in interface
Restores a given folder
- restore(List<Long>, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- restore(List<Long>, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- restore(List<Long>, long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- restore(List<Long>, long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- RESTORED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- RESTORED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- RestoreDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This is the form used to restore a selection of documents or folders.
- RestoreDialog(List<Long>, List<Long>, ClickHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.RestoreDialog
- RestSearchClient - Class in
- RestSearchClient(String, String) - Constructor for class
- RestSearchClient(String, String, int) - Constructor for class
- RestSearchService - Class in
- RestSearchService() - Constructor for class
- RestSearchSwagger - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc
- RestSearchSwagger() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc.RestSearchSwagger
- RestSystemService - Class in
- RestSystemService() - Constructor for class
- RestSystemSwagger - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc
- RestSystemSwagger() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc.RestSystemSwagger
- RestTagClient - Class in
- RestTagClient(String, String) - Constructor for class
- RestTagClient(String, String, int) - Constructor for class
- RestTagService - Class in
- RestTagService() - Constructor for class
- RestTagSwagger - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc
- RestTagSwagger() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc.RestTagSwagger
- ResultSetWalker - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core
A walker that operates over a
bound to the current JDBC connection - resumeAll() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- resumeJob(JobKey) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- resumeTrigger(TriggerKey) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- resumeTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- RETENTION_POLICIES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- RETENTION_POLICIES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- RetentionPoliciesDS - Class in
Data source to retrieve all retention policies.
- RetentionPoliciesDS() - Constructor for class
- RetentionPoliciesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata
Panel showing the list of retention policies
- RetentionPoliciesPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.RetentionPoliciesPanel
- RetentionPoliciesService - Interface in
The client side stub for the RetentionPolicies Service.
- RetentionPoliciesService.Instance - Class in
- RetentionPoliciesServiceAsync - Interface in
- RetentionPolicyDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata
This panel collects details about a retention policy
- RetentionPolicyDetailsPanel(RetentionPoliciesPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.RetentionPolicyDetailsPanel
- ROOT - Static variable in class
- ROOTID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- rotate(BufferedImage, double, int, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Rotates image.
- rotate90SX(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.PDFImageExtractor
- rotateImage(BufferedImage, double) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Rotates an image.
- RTFParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
A parser for the Rich Text Format
- RTFParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.RTFParser
- run() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
- run() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.NotifyingThread
- run() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.StreamEater
- run() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.StreamGobbler
- run() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.Worker
- RunLevel - Enum Class in com.logicaldoc.core
Represents an operative status of the whole application.
- RUNLEVEL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- RunLevelPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system
This panel handles the settings related to the Runlevel
- RunLevelPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.RunLevelPanel
- RunningListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
A field to display the running status, it must be bound to a boolean column named running
- RunningListGridField() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.RunningListGridField
- runRefresh() - Method in class
- SAMK - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- SAML - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- SamlPanel - Class in
This panel shows the Saml settings
- SamlPanel() - Constructor for class
- SamlService - Interface in
Service for Saml administration
- SamlService.Instance - Class in
- SamlServiceAsync - Interface in
- SamlUploader - Class in
This popup window is used to upload SAML resources to the server.
- SamlUploader(String, FormItem) - Constructor for class
- sanitize(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.html.HTMLSanitizer
- sanitizeSimpleText(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.html.HTMLSanitizer
- save() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
Saves the task configuration
- save() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
Saves scheduling configurations in the persistent store
- save() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.UserDashboard
Persistently saves the portal layout
- save() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols.WebservicesPanel
- save(GUIArchive) - Method in interface
Saves/Updates a given archive
- save(GUIArchive, AsyncCallback<GUIArchive>) - Method in interface
- save(GUIAttributeSet) - Method in interface
Creates or updates a set
- save(GUIAttributeSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.AttributeSetServiceImpl
- save(GUIAttributeSet, AsyncCallback<GUIAttributeSet>) - Method in interface
- save(GUIBarcodeTemplate) - Method in interface
Creates or updates a template
- save(GUIBarcodeTemplate, AsyncCallback<GUIBarcodeTemplate>) - Method in interface
- save(GUIContact) - Method in interface
Saves a contact in the database
- save(GUIContact) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.ContactServiceImpl
- save(GUIContact, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- save(GUIDashlet) - Method in interface
Saves a dashlet
- save(GUIDashlet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DashletServiceImpl
- save(GUIDashlet, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- save(GUIDocument) - Method in interface
Saves the document in the DB
- save(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- save(GUIDocument, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
- save(GUIEmailAccount) - Method in interface
Creates or updates an account
- save(GUIEmailAccount, AsyncCallback<GUIEmailAccount>) - Method in interface
- save(GUIFolder) - Method in interface
Saves the folder in the DB
- save(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- save(GUIFolder, AsyncCallback<GUIFolder>) - Method in interface
- save(GUIForm) - Method in interface
Saves / Creates a form
- save(GUIForm, AsyncCallback<GUIForm>) - Method in interface
- save(GUIImportFolder) - Method in interface
Creates or updates an import folder
- save(GUIImportFolder, AsyncCallback<GUIImportFolder>) - Method in interface
- save(GUILDAPServer) - Method in interface
Saves external authentication settings
- save(GUILDAPServer, AsyncCallback<GUILDAPServer>) - Method in interface
- save(GUIMessage, List<Long>) - Method in interface
- save(GUIMessage, List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.MessageServiceImpl
- save(GUIMessage, List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- save(GUIOCRTemplate) - Method in interface
Creates or updates a template
- save(GUIOCRTemplate, AsyncCallback<GUIOCRTemplate>) - Method in interface
- save(GUIReport) - Method in interface
Updates a report
- save(GUIReport, AsyncCallback<GUIReport>) - Method in interface
- save(GUIRetentionPolicy) - Method in interface
Creates or updates a retention policy
- save(GUIRetentionPolicy, AsyncCallback<GUIRetentionPolicy>) - Method in interface
- save(GUIScheme) - Method in interface
Creates or updates a configuration
- save(GUIScheme, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- save(GUISearchEngine) - Method in interface
Saves search engine settings
- save(GUISearchEngine) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchEngineServiceImpl
- save(GUISearchEngine, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- save(GUISearchOptions) - Method in interface
Saves the search options in the user's working dir
- save(GUISearchOptions) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchServiceImpl
- save(GUISearchOptions, AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
- save(GUIStamp) - Method in interface
Creates or updates a stamp
- save(GUIStamp, AsyncCallback<GUIStamp>) - Method in interface
- save(GUISyndication) - Method in interface
Creates or updates a syndication
- save(GUISyndication, AsyncCallback<GUISyndication>) - Method in interface
- save(GUITemplate) - Method in interface
Creates or updates a template
- save(GUITemplate) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.TemplateServiceImpl
- save(GUITemplate, AsyncCallback<GUITemplate>) - Method in interface
- save(GUITenant) - Method in interface
Saves/Updates a given tenant
- save(GUITenant, AsyncCallback<GUITenant>) - Method in interface
- save(GUIVIASettings) - Method in interface
Saves the settings
- save(GUIVIASettings, AsyncCallback<GUIVIASettings>) - Method in interface
- save(GUIWorkflow) - Method in interface
Creates or updates a workflow
- save(GUIWorkflow, AsyncCallback<GUIWorkflow>) - Method in interface
- save(String, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
- save(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
Saves the cookie
- saveACL(GUIDocument) - Method in interface
Applies all security settings to document
- saveACL(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- saveACL(GUIDocument, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveACL(GUIFolder, boolean) - Method in interface
Applies all security settings to folder
- saveACL(GUIFolder, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- saveACL(GUIFolder, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveACL(GUIMenu) - Method in interface
Applies all security settings to menu
- saveACL(GUIMenu) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- saveACL(GUIMenu, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveACL(GUIWorkflow) - Method in interface
Saves just the ACL of a workflow
- saveACL(GUIWorkflow, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveAssociations(ListGridRecord...) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.comparators.ComparatorsPanel
- saveAvatar(long) - Method in interface
Saves an uploaded image as the user's avatar
- saveAvatar(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- saveAvatar(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveAvatar(User, File) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.UserUtil
Updates the avatar of a user with a given .png image
- saveBookmark(WSBookmark) - Method in interface
- saveBookmark(WSBookmark) - Method in class
- saveBookmark(WSBookmark) - Method in class
- saveBookmark(String, WSBookmark) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.BookmarkService
- saveBookmark(String, WSBookmark) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapBookmarkClient
- saveBookmark(String, WSBookmark) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapBookmarkService
- saveCall(WebserviceCall, Message) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceInterceptor
- saveContext(SecurityContext, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class
- SAVED_SEARCHES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- saveDashlets(List<GUIDashlet>) - Method in interface
Saves the dashlet definitions
- saveDashlets(List<GUIDashlet>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DashletServiceImpl
- saveDashlets(List<GUIDashlet>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveDevice(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
- SaveDialog - Class in
This is the form used to save and update the current search
- SaveDialog() - Constructor for class
- saveDocumentHistory(Document, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Saves a document's history
- saveDocumentHistory(Document, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- SavedSearch - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved
A search saved in the database
- SavedSearch() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
- SavedSearch(SavedSearch) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
- SavedSearchesDS - Class in
Datasource to handle versions grid lists.
- SavedSearchesDS() - Constructor for class
- SavedSearchesPanel - Class in
This panel shows the saved searches of the user
- saveEmailAttachment(long, String, String) - Method in interface
Extracts an email attachment and saves it in the same folder of the document
- saveEmailAttachment(long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- saveEmailAttachment(long, String, String, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
- saveEmailSettings(GUIEmailSettings) - Method in interface
Saves email settings (SMTP connection)
- saveEmailSettings(GUIEmailSettings) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SettingServiceImpl
- saveEmailSettings(GUIEmailSettings, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveEvent(GUICalendarEvent) - Method in interface
Saves an event into the calendar
- saveEvent(GUICalendarEvent, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveExtensionAliases(String, String) - Method in interface
Persists new aliases for the given extension
- saveExtensionAliases(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SettingServiceImpl
- saveExtensionAliases(String, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveFirewallSettings(List<GUIParameter>) - Method in interface
Saves settings related to the firewall
- saveFirewallSettings(List<GUIParameter>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SettingServiceImpl
- saveFirewallSettings(List<GUIParameter>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveFolderHistory(Folder, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Utility method that logs into the DB the transaction that involved the passed folder.
- saveFolderHistory(Folder, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
Utility method that logs into the DB the transaction that involved the passed folder.
- saveGroup(GUIGroup) - Method in interface
Creates or updates a group
- saveGroup(GUIGroup) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- saveGroup(GUIGroup, AsyncCallback<GUIGroup>) - Method in interface
- saveImage(long) - Method in interface
Saves the stamp's image already uploaded
- saveImage(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveImage(String, File) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Saves an image into a given file in an image format
- saveIncremental(GUIIncrementalArchive) - Method in interface
Saves the passed incremental configuration
- saveIncremental(GUIIncrementalArchive, AsyncCallback<GUIIncrementalArchive>) - Method in interface
- saveInput(String, Object) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.InputValues
- saveInterfaceSettings(GUIUser) - Method in interface
Saves the interface settings only
- saveInterfaceSettings(GUIUser) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- saveInterfaceSettings(GUIUser, AsyncCallback<GUIUser>) - Method in interface
- saveKeystore(GUIKeystore) - Method in interface
- saveKeystore(GUIKeystore, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveLogger(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Saves a logger
- saveLogger(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- saveLogger(String, String, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveLogin(boolean, boolean, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
Saves the login informations
- saveMenu(GUIMenu, String) - Method in interface
Saves a menu
- saveMenu(GUIMenu, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- saveMenu(GUIMenu, String, AsyncCallback<GUIMenu>) - Method in interface
- saveMenus(List<GUIMenu>, String) - Method in interface
Saves a set of menus
- saveMenus(List<GUIMenu>, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- saveMenus(List<GUIMenu>, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveModel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDesigner
Saves the current diagram into the object model.
- saveNote(long, WSNote) - Method in interface
Adds a new note for the given document
- saveNote(long, WSNote) - Method in class
- saveNote(String, long, WSNote) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- saveNote(String, long, WSNote) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Adds a new note for the given document
- saveNote(String, long, WSNote) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- saveNotes(long, String, List<GUIDocumentNote>, Collection<String>) - Method in interface
Saves a set of notes
- saveNotes(long, String, List<GUIDocumentNote>, Collection<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- saveNotes(long, String, List<GUIDocumentNote>, Collection<String>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveOptions(long, String, List<GUIValue>) - Method in interface
Saves the list of all possible options
- saveOptions(long, String, List<GUIValue>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.AttributeSetServiceImpl
- saveOptions(long, String, List<GUIValue>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveOptions(SearchOptions) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
- saveProfile(GUIUser) - Method in interface
Saves the profile data only
- saveProfile(GUIUser) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- saveProfile(GUIUser, AsyncCallback<GUIUser>) - Method in interface
- saveRating(GUIRating) - Method in interface
Save a rating vote on a document
- saveRating(GUIRating) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- saveRating(GUIRating, AsyncCallback<Integer>) - Method in interface
- saveRegistration(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface
Saves the registration settings
- saveRegistration(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SettingServiceImpl
- saveRegistration(String, String, String, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveRelease(GUIInfo) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
Stores the release information in the browser
- saveRoutine(GUIAutomationRoutine) - Method in interface
Creates or updates a routine
- saveRoutine(GUIAutomationRoutine, AsyncCallback<GUIAutomationRoutine>) - Method in interface
- saveSettings(GUISecuritySettings) - Method in interface
Saves security settings
- saveSettings(GUISecuritySettings) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- saveSettings(GUISecuritySettings, AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
- saveSettings(GUISamlSettings) - Method in interface
- saveSettings(GUISamlSettings, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveSettings(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.DropboxServiceImpl
- saveSettings(String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxService
Save the settings used by the Dropbox API
- saveSettings(String, String) - Method in interface
Save the settings used by the Google API
- saveSettings(String, String) - Method in interface
Save the settings used by the Zoho module
- saveSettings(String, String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- saveSettings(String, String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- saveSettings(String, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxServiceAsync
- saveSettings(List<GUIParameter>) - Method in interface
Saves settings
- saveSettings(List<GUIParameter>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SettingServiceImpl
- saveSettings(List<GUIParameter>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveSettings(List<GUIValue>) - Method in interface
Saves the ChatGPT settings
- saveSettings(List<GUIValue>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveSid(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class
Saves the session identifier in the request and session attribute
and CookieCOOKIE_SID
- saveStoreSettings(List<GUIParameter>) - Method in interface
Saves settings related to the store
- saveStoreSettings(List<GUIParameter>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SettingServiceImpl
- saveStoreSettings(List<GUIParameter>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveTask(GUITask, String) - Method in interface
Saves the task
- saveTask(GUITask, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- saveTask(GUITask, String, AsyncCallback<GUITask>) - Method in interface
- saveTemplates(List<GUIMessageTemplate>) - Method in interface
Saves the given templates
- saveTemplates(List<GUIMessageTemplate>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.MessageServiceImpl
- saveTemplates(List<GUIMessageTemplate>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveTemplates(List<GUIValue>) - Method in interface
Saves the passed folder templates
- saveTemplates(List<GUIValue>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- saveTemplates(List<GUIValue>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveTokenFilterSettings(String, List<GUIParameter>) - Method in interface
Saves the settings of the specified token filter
- saveTokenFilterSettings(String, List<GUIParameter>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchEngineServiceImpl
- saveTokenFilterSettings(String, List<GUIParameter>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveTrigger(GUIAutomationTrigger) - Method in interface
Creates or updates a trigger
- saveTrigger(GUIAutomationTrigger, AsyncCallback<GUIAutomationTrigger>) - Method in interface
- saveTrigger(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface
Save a new workflow trigger on the given folder with the given workflowId and templateId
- saveTrigger(String, String, String, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveUser(GUIUser, GUIInfo) - Method in interface
Creates or updates a user
- saveUser(GUIUser, GUIInfo) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- saveUser(GUIUser, GUIInfo, AsyncCallback<GUIUser>) - Method in interface
- saveUserDashlets(List<GUIDashlet>) - Method in interface
Saves the user's dashlet configuration
- saveUserDashlets(List<GUIDashlet>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DashletServiceImpl
- saveUserDashlets(List<GUIDashlet>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- saveWork() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
Concrete implementations must insert here the code needed to save the elaboration state in a persistent store
- SCAN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- SCAN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- SCANNER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- schedule(AbstractJob, Map<String, Object>, Object...) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.JobManager
Schedules a new Job
- schedule(AbstractJob, Map<String, Object>, Map<Object, Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.JobManager
Schedules a new Job
- schedule(Runnable, String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.ThreadPools
Schedule the execution of a task in a thread pool.
- schedule(Thread, String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.ThreadPools
Schedule the execution of a task in a thread pool.
- scheduleJob(JobDetail, Set<? extends Trigger>, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- scheduleJob(JobDetail, Trigger) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- scheduleJob(Trigger) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- scheduleJobs(Map<JobDetail, Set<? extends Trigger>>, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- scheduleNow(AbstractJob, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.JobManager
Immediately runs a Job
- SchemeService - Interface in
The client side stub for the SchemeService Service.
- SchemeService.Instance - Class in
- SchemeServiceAsync - Interface in
- ScopedPropertiesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system
This panel shows the list of configuration parameters.
- ScopedPropertiesPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.ScopedPropertiesPanel
- scrollDownGrid(ListGrid, GridUtil.EndScrollListener) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.GridUtil
Scrolls the grid all down
- scrollGrid(ListGrid, GridUtil.EndScrollListener) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.GridUtil
Scrolls the grid trying to display all the rec and fetch all the data
- search() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Search
Perform the search
- search() - Method in class
- search(long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.SearchTool
Executes a search directly in the full-text index
- search(long, String, Set<String>, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.SearchTool
Executes a search directly in the full-text index
- search(SearchOptions) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.SearchTool
Instantiates a new
- search(GUISearchOptions) - Method in interface
Performs a search against the database
- search(GUISearchOptions) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchServiceImpl
- search(GUISearchOptions, AsyncCallback<GUIResult>) - Method in interface
- search(Long, Date, Date, int, String, List<String>, Long) - Method in interface
- search(Long, Date, Date, int, String, List<String>, Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- search(Long, Date, Date, int, String, List<String>, Long, AsyncCallback<List<GUIHistory>>) - Method in interface
- search(String) - Method in interface
Search in documents into Google Drive
- search(String, AsyncCallback<List<GUIDocument>>) - Method in interface
- search(String, Set<String>, String, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Search for hits.
Attention: The hits will be populated with just the fields stored in the index - search(String, Set<String>, String, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- Search - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
This class executes a search against the full-text indexes
- Search - Class in
Collector for all searches
- SEARCH - Enum constant in enum class
- SEARCH - Static variable in class
- SEARCH - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- SEARCH_AND_INDEXING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- searchApiCalls(Long, Date, Date, String, String, String, int) - Method in interface
- searchApiCalls(Long, Date, Date, String, String, String, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- searchApiCalls(Long, Date, Date, String, String, String, int, AsyncCallback<List<GUIHistory>>) - Method in interface
- SearchBox - Class in
This panel shows the quick search controls
- SearchBox() - Constructor for class
- SearchDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved
This class is a DAO-service for persistent
objects. - SearchEngine - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
Model of a search engine with search and I/O capabilities.
- SearchEngineService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Search Engine Service.
- SearchEngineService.Instance - Class in
- SearchEngineServiceAsync - Interface in
- SearchEngineServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Implementation of the SearchEngineService
- SearchEngineServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchEngineServiceImpl
- SearchException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
An error happened during search
- SearchException() - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchException
- SearchException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchException
- SearchException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchException
- SearchException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchException
- SearchHistoryPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex
Shows search history
- SearchHistoryPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex.SearchHistoryPanel
- SearchHitsGrid - Class in
Grid of documents displayed in the search workspace
- SearchHitsGrid() - Constructor for class
- SearchIndexCheckStatus - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex
This is the form used to show the index check.
- SearchIndexCheckStatus(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex.SearchIndexCheckStatus
- SearchIndexEntriesGrid - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex
Grid of entries in the fulltext index
- SearchIndexEntriesGrid() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex.SearchIndexEntriesGrid
- SearchIndexEntriesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex
This panel shows a list of entries stored in the fulltext index
- SearchIndexEntriesPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex.SearchIndexEntriesPanel
- SearchIndexPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex
Panel showing the search and indexing infos.
- SearchIndexPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex.SearchIndexPanel
- searchList() - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
HitField list suitable for searches
- SearchMenu - Class in
The left menu in the search area
- SearchObserver - Interface in
Listener on search events
- SearchOptions - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
Search options
- SearchPanel - Class in
This panel is used to show the user a list of search results
- SearchPreviewPanel - Class in
Shows a preview panels in the Search workspace
- SearchPreviewPanel() - Constructor for class
- SearchService - Interface in
Service responsible of Searches
- SearchService - Interface in
- SearchService - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap
Search Web Service definition interface
- SearchService.Instance - Class in
- SearchServiceAsync - Interface in
- SearchServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Implementation of the SearchService
- SearchServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchServiceImpl
- searchTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
- searchTag(String, boolean) - Static method in class
Launches the search for one tag
- SearchTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Utility methods to do searches from within Automation
- SearchTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.SearchTool
- SearchToolbar - Class in
The toolbar uses in the search panel
- SearchToolbar(HitsListPanel) - Constructor for class
- searchUsers(String, String) - Method in interface
Searches for users
- searchUsers(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- searchUsers(String, String, AsyncCallback<List<GUIUser>>) - Method in interface
- SECOND - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.time.TimeDiff.TimeField
- Securable - Interface in
An object that implements this interface, supports an Access Control List to define security policies.
- SecurableExtensibleObject - Class in
A extensible object that also defines security policies
- SecurableExtensibleObject() - Constructor for class
- SecurablePersistentObject - Class in
A persistent object that also defines security policies
- SecurablePersistentObject() - Constructor for class
- SECURITY - Enum constant in enum class
- SECURITY - Static variable in class
- SECURITY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- SECURITY_NONE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- SECURITY_NONE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- SECURITY_SSL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- SECURITY_SSL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- SECURITY_STARTTLS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- SECURITY_STARTTLS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- SECURITY_TLS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- SECURITY_TLS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- securityCheck() - Method in interface
Performs simple security check to enforce that only the admin can go through the setup
- securityCheck() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SetupServiceImpl
- securityCheck(AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- SecurityConfigurator - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.config
Configurator class for spring's context-security setup.
- SecurityConfigurator() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.SecurityConfigurator
- SecurityConfigurator(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.SecurityConfigurator
- SecurityMenu - Class in
This panel shows the administration security menu
- SecurityMenu() - Constructor for class
- SecurityService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Security Service.
- SecurityService - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap
Security Web Service definition interface
- SecurityService.Instance - Class in
- SecurityServiceAsync - Interface in
- SecurityServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Implementation of the SecurityService
- SecurityServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- SecuritySettingsPanel - Class in
This panel shows general security parameters.
- SecuritySettingsPanel(GUISecuritySettings) - Constructor for class
- SecurityTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Utility methods to handle some security related operations from within the Automation
- SecurityTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.SecurityTool
- SecurityUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
Some utility methods related to recurrent security operations
- selectCalendarTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.MainPanel
- selectDashboardTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.MainPanel
- selectDefaultTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
- selectDocument(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Selects the specified document
- selectDocument(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- selectDocument(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- selectDocument(long, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
Shows the document details of a selected document.
- selectDocumentsTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.MainPanel
- selected(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- selected(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderController
- selectFolder(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderTree
Select the specified folder
- selectFolder(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
Select the specified folder
- selectIcon(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.IconSelector
Returns the icon by parsing the provided file extension
- selectMessagesTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.MainPanel
- selectReadingsTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.MainPanel
- selectSearchTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.MainPanel
- selectUserTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.MainPanel
- selectWorkflowTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.MainPanel
- send(EMail) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
This method sends an email using the smtp-protocol.
- send(EMail, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
Sends an email by using a given template
- sendAsEmail(GUIEmail, String) - Method in interface
Sends a document as email(attachment or download ticket)
- sendAsEmail(GUIEmail, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- sendAsEmail(GUIEmail, String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- sendAsync(EMail) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
Same as send(EMail) but executes in another thread
- sendAsync(EMail, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
Same as send(EMail, String, Map) but executes in another thread
- sendDocument(Document, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.MailTool
Sends a document by email to a recipient
- sendDocument(Document, String, Collection<String>, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.MailTool
Sends a document by email to a selection of recipients
- sendDocuments(Collection<Document>, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.MailTool
Sends some documents to a recipient
- sendDocuments(Collection<Document>, String, Collection<String>, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.MailTool
Sends some documents to a selection of recipients
- sendEmail(String, List<Long>, String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- sendEmail(String, List<Long>, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Sends a set of documents as mail attachments
- sendEmail(String, List<Long>, String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- sendEmail(List<Long>, String, String, String) - Method in interface
Sends a set of documents as mail attachments
- sendEmail(List<Long>, String, String, String) - Method in class
- sendEnvelope(GUIDocuSignSettings) - Method in interface
Creates the envelope and sends it to DocuSign
- sendEnvelope(GUIDocuSignSettings, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- sendError(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- sendError(int, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- sendError(HttpServletResponse, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
- sendMessage(long, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.MailTool
Sends a simple email to a recipient
- sendMessage(long, String, Collection<String>, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.MailTool
Sends a simple email to a selection of recipients
- sendRedirect(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- sendSystemMessage(String, String, String, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.MailTool
Sends a system message to a user
- SendToArchiveDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This popup window is used to send documents or folders to an archive.
- SendToArchiveDialog(List<Long>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.SendToArchiveDialog
- SENT - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- SEPARATOR_CURRENTSEG - Static variable in interface
- SEPARATOR_NEXTSEG - Static variable in interface
- SEPARATOR_SKIP - Static variable in interface
- Sequence - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.sequence
A sequence in the database
- Sequence() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.Sequence
- SequenceDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.sequence
Utility DAO that can manage sequences persisted in the DB
- SequencesDataServlet - Class in
This servlet lists the sequences
- SequencesDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- SequencesDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all sequences.
- SequencesDS(String) - Constructor for class
- serialize(Serializable, String) - Static method in class
Serializes an object into XML string
- serializeMessage(WebsocketMessage) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebSocketListener
Here there is the trick, the Async Service that is usual return by the deferred binding is also an instance of a SerializationStreamFactory.
- SERVER_URL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
- serverError(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.GuiLog
Logs a server error and shows a warning to the user
- serverError(Throwable) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.GuiLog
- ServerException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
Thrown in case of error on the server
- ServerException() - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.ServerException
- ServerException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.ServerException
- ServerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.ServerException
- ServerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.ServerException
- ServerValidationError - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
A generic validation error
- ServerValidationError() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.ServerValidationError
- ServerValidationError(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.ServerValidationError
- ServerValidationException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
Exception used to inform the GUI about errors during the validation
- ServerValidationException() - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.ServerValidationException
- ServerValidationException(ServerValidationError[]) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.ServerValidationException
- ServerValidationException(String, ServerValidationError[]) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.ServerValidationException
- service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.CmisServlet
- service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.AbstractWebdavServlet
Service the given request
- service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.WebdavServlet
- service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceServlet
- ServiceFactory - Class in com.logicaldoc.cmis
CMIS Service factory
- ServiceFactory() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.cmis.ServiceFactory
- ServletUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.util
Some helper utilities to download/upload a document and its resources.
- Session - Class in
A single user session with it's unique identifier and the reference to the user
- Session - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
Represents a client work session
- Session() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- Session.Log - Class in
- sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.listener.ApplicationListener
- SessionDAO - Interface in
DAO for
handling. - sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.listener.ApplicationListener
Frees temporary upload folders.
- SessionFilter - Class in
This filter looks for a sid parameter in the request or X-API-KEY header and auto-authenticate the user.
- SessionFilter() - Constructor for class
- SessionListener - Interface in
Events about sessions
- SessionManager - Class in
Repository of all current user sessions.
- SessionManager() - Constructor for class
- SessionObserver - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
A listener on relevant session events
- SESSIONS - Static variable in class
- SESSIONS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- SESSIONS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- SessionsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for sessions data.
- SessionsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- SessionsDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve a list of sessions.
- SessionsDS() - Constructor for class
- SessionsDS(Integer) - Constructor for class
- SessionsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system
Displays a list of user sessions, allowing the kill operation.
- SessionsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.SessionsPanel
- SessionTimeout - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
This is the panel shown when the session timeout occurs.
- setAccessControlList(long, List<WSAccessControlEntry>) - Method in interface
Sets the Access Control List
- setAccessControlList(long, List<WSAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class
- setAccessControlList(long, List<WSAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class
- setAccessControlList(long, List<WSAccessControlEntry>) - Method in interface
Sets the Access Control List
- setAccessControlList(String, long, List<WSAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- setAccessControlList(String, long, List<WSAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- setAccessControlList(String, long, List<WSAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- setAccessControlList(String, long, List<WSAccessControlEntry>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Sets the Access Control List
- setAccessControlList(String, long, List<WSAccessControlEntry>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Sets the Access Control List
- setAccessControlList(String, long, List<WSAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
- setAccessControlList(String, long, List<WSAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- setAccessControlList(String, long, List<WSAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- setAccessControlList(String, long, List<WSAccessControlEntry>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Sets the Access Control List
- setAccessControlList(List<GUIAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
- setAccessControlList(List<GUIAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setAccessControlList(List<GUIAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setAccessControlList(List<GUIAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- setAccessControlList(List<GUIAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setAccessControlList(List<GUIAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- setAccessControlList(List<GUIAccessControlEntry>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setAccessControlList(Set<AccessControlEntry>) - Method in interface
- setAccessControlList(Set<AccessControlEntry>) - Method in class
- setAccessControlList(Set<AccessControlEntry>) - Method in class
- setAccessToken(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.Dropbox
- setAccount(GUIEmailAccount) - Method in class
- setAccountId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- setAccountId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- setAction(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- setAdd(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setAdd(int) - Method in class
- setAdd(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setAddChildEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setAddChildEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setAddress(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- setAddress(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- setAddress(String) - Method in class
- setAddress(String) - Method in class
- setAddress(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- setAddress(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- SetAdminPassword - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant
This is the form used to change the password of the tenant's administrator.
- SetAdminPassword(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.SetAdminPassword
- setAdminUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setAlertConfirmation(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- setAlertNewDevice(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setAlerts(List<GUIMessage>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setAliases(String, String) - Method in interface
Sets the parser aliases for the given extension.
- setAliases(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchEngineServiceImpl
- setAliases(String, String[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParserFactory
Adds new aliases for the specified extension.
- setAliases(String, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- setAlignLeft(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.InfoPanel
- setAllLevel(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.transfer.ZipExport
If allLevel set true all children of a specified folder will be export.
- setAllOption(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.EventSelectorOptions
- setAllowClientId(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setAllowedPermissions(GUIAccessControlEntry) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setAllowedPermissions(GUIAccessControlEntry) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setAllowSidInRequest(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setAllowSynchronized(boolean) - Method in class
- setAllowSynchronized(boolean) - Method in class
- setAnalyzer(Analyzer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.Language
- setAnalyzerClass(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.Language
- setAnonymous(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setAnonymousKey(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setAnonymousUser(GUIUser) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setApiBaseUrl(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- setApiKey(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.Dropbox
- setApiKey(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- setApiSecret(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.Dropbox
- setAppendedDocIds(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setAppendedDocs(List<GUIDocument>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DefaultSchedulerFactory
- setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
- setArchive(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setArchive(int) - Method in class
- setArchive(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setArchive(GUIArchive) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportDetailsPanel
- setArea(double, double, double, double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageZone
- setAspect(String, boolean) - Method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
- setAssignmentMessageTemplate(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setAttachments(List<GUIDocument>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- setAttachments(Map<Integer, EMailAttachment>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- setAttachmentsCount(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- setAttendees(List<GUIAttendee>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setAttendeesGroups(List<GUIGroup>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setAttribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
- setAttribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationError
- setAttribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.ServerValidationError
- setAttribute(String) - Method in class
- setAttribute(String) - Method in class
- setAttribute(String, Attribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
Puts a new attribute, if the attribute already exists his position and label are left untouched
- setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- setAttributeDefinitions(List<GUIAttribute>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setAttributeOptions(long, String, List<WSAttributeOption>) - Method in class
- setAttributeOptions(long, String, List<WSAttributeOption>) - Method in interface
Saves the options for the given attribute
- setAttributeOptions(long, String, List<WSAttributeOption>) - Method in class
- setAttributeOptions(String, long, String, List<WSAttributeOption>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- setAttributeOptions(String, long, String, List<WSAttributeOption>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Saves the options for the given attribute
- setAttributeOptions(String, long, String, List<WSAttributeOption>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
- SetAttributeOptionsMultipartRequest() - Constructor for class
- setAttributeOptionsPOST(long, String, List<WSAttributeOption>) - Method in class
- setAttributeOptionsPOST(Long, String, List<WSAttributeOption>) - Method in interface
Saves the options for the given attribute with a POST method.
- setAttributeOptionsPOST(Long, String, List<WSAttributeOption>) - Method in class
- setAttributes(List<GUIAttribute>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- setAttributes(List<GUIAttribute>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- setAttributes(List<GUIAttribute>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- setAttributes(List<WSAttribute>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeSet
- setAttributes(List<WSAttribute>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setAttributes(List<WSAttribute>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setAttributes(List<WSAttribute>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTemplate
- setAttributes(Map<String, Attribute>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- setAttributes(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- setAttributeSet(GUIAttributeSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeSetDetailsPanel
- setAttributeValue(Element, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
This method set the value of an elementattribute.
- setAuthBaseUrl(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- setAuthEncrypted(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- setAuthenticationDetailsSource(AuthenticationDetailsSource<HttpServletRequest, ?>) - Method in class
- setAuthnRequestSigned(boolean) - Method in class
- setAuthor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- setAuthor(String) - Method in class
- setAuthor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- setAuthor(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setAuthor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setAuthor(String) - Method in class
- setAuthorAddress(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- setAutomation(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setAutomation(int) - Method in class
- setAutomation(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setAutomation(String) - Method in class
- setAutomation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
- setAutomation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationTrigger
- setAutomation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setAutomation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setAutomation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setAutomation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- setAutomationAfter(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setAutomationAfter(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setAutomationEnd(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setAutomationEnd(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setAvatar(String) - Method in class
- setAverage(Float) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Rating
- setAverage(Float) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRating
- setBackgroundColor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setBannerSrc(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setBarcoded(boolean) - Method in class
- setBarcoded(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setBarcoded(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setBarcoded(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setBarcodeFormat(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setBarcodeLabel(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setBarcodeTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setBarcodeTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setBarcodeTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setBarcodeTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setBarcodeTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setBarcodeTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setBarcodeTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setBatch(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- setBatch(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- setBatch(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- setBatch(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setBccs(List<GUIContact>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- setBeanName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskTrigger
- setBody(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- setBody(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessageTemplate
- setBody(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- setBookmarked(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setBooleanValue(Boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setBooleanValue(Boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setBottom(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setBranding(GUIBranding) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setBranding(GUIBranding) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setBrowser(String) - Method in class
- setBrowserVersion(String) - Method in class
- setBufferSize(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- setBugs(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setBugs(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setBugs(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setBuilding(String) - Method in class
- setBuilding(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setBuilding(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setBulkUpdate(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setBundle(List<GUIValue>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setCacheDir(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.CacheConfigurator
- setCalendar(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setCalendar(int) - Method in class
- setCalendar(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setCallbackUrl(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- setCandidates(List<GUIValue>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setCanDrag(boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Makes the grid support the drag
- setCanDrag(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- setCanDrag(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- setCanExpandRows() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Enable the records expansion
- setCanExpandRows() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- setCanExpandRows() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- setCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- setCaseSensitive(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setCaseSensitive(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setCategory(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
- setCategory(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeOption
- setCcs(List<GUIContact>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- setCell(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setCertDN(String) - Method in class
- setCertDN(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setCertExpire(Date) - Method in class
- setCertExpire(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setCertificate(String) - Method in class
- setChangelog(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- setCharset(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateDialog
- setCheckedOut(boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setCheckedOut(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setCheckedOutDocs(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setCity(String) - Method in class
- setCity(String) - Method in class
- setCity(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setCity(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setCity(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setClickHandler(ClickHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.IncomingMessage
- setClient(Client) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
This setter sets the ip, device and other informations that can be captured by the given client
- setClientId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- setClientId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setClientId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- setClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- setClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setClientSecret(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- setClientTenant(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- setClientTenant(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setClientTenant(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- setClosed() - Method in class
- setCloserId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- setCloserName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- setClosure(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- setCode(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIValue
- setCode(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- setCollectEmails(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setColor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setColor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setColor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setColor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setColor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setColor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setColor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setColor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setColor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITransition
- setColor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setColor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setColor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setColor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setColor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setColorFieldName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.ColoredListGridField
- setColumn(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- setColumns(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setColumns(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- setColumns(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- setCommand(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- setComment(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setComment(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setComment(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setComment(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setComment(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVersion
- setComment(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- setComment(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setComment(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setComment(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setCompany(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- setCompany(String) - Method in class
- setCompany(String) - Method in class
- setCompany(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- setCompany(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setCompany(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setComparator(String) - Method in class
- setCompletionMessageTemplate(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setCompletionPercentage(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- setComposition(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- setConfig(ContextProperties) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- setConfig(ContextProperties) - Method in class
- setConfig(ContextProperties) - Method in class
- setConfig(ContextProperties) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.HibernateTicketDAO
- setConfig(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setConfig(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- setConfig(List<GUIValue>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setConfirmation(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- setConfirmation(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessage
- setConfirmation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setConfirmed(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- setConnection(Connection) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- setConnectionInitSqls(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- setConnectionSecurity(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- setConnSecurity(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- setContacts(List<GUIContact>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportPreview
- setContent(Canvas) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration.AdminScreen
- setContent(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- setContent(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hit
- setContent(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- setContent(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setContent(String) - Method in class
- setContentDisposition(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
Sets the correct Content-Disposition header into the response
- setContentDisposition(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceServletUtil
Sets the correct Content-Disposition header into the response
- setContentEncoding(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailAttachment
- setContentLanguage(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ExportContext
- setContentLanguage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ExportContextImpl
- setContentLength(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- setContentLength(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- setContentLength(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ExportContext
- setContentLength(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ExportContextImpl
- setContentLength(Long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setContentLength(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setContentLengthLong(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- setContentSecurityPolicy(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setContentSecurityPolicy(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.SecurityConfigurator
- setContentStream(String, Holder<String>, Boolean, Holder<String>, ContentStream, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- setContentType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailAttachment
- setContentType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- setContentType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- setContentType(String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ExportContext
- setContentType(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ExportContextImpl
- setContextPath(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- setController(DiagramController) - Method in class
- setCookiesSameSite(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setCookiesSecure(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setCount(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- setCount(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TagCloud
- setCount(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITag
- setCount(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTagCloud
- setCount(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Rating
- setCount(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRating
- setCountry(String) - Method in class
- setCountry(String) - Method in class
- setCountry(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setCountry(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setCountry(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setCreate(boolean) - Method in class
- setCreation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setCreation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setCreation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setCreation(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
- setCreation(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- setCreation(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setCreation(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setCreation(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- setCreation(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- setCreation(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setCreationDate(Date) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setCreationDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setCreationFrom(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setCreationFrom(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- setCreationFrom(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setCreationMessageTemplate(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setCreationTime(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ExportContext
- setCreationTime(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ExportContextImpl
- setCreationTo(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setCreationTo(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- setCreationTo(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setCreator(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setCreator(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- setCreator(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setCreator(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setCreator(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setCreator(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setCreator(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setCreatorId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setCreatorId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- setCreatorId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- setCreatorId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setCreatorId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setCreatorId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setCreatorId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setCreatorName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- setCredentialsCharset(String) - Method in class
- setCriteria(List<FolderCriterion>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderSearchOptions
- setCriteria(List<GUICriterion>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setCron(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationTrigger
- setCronExpression(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- setCronExpression(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- setCss(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setCss(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setCurrentDocument(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- setCurrentMessage(Message) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.AbstractService
- setCurrentPage(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.Cursor
- setCurrentSelection(List<GUIDocument>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- setCurrentWorkflow(GUIWorkflow) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowToolStrip
- setCustomActions(List<GUIMenu>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setCustomid(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setCustomid(int) - Method in class
- setCustomid(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setCustomId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setCustomId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setCustomId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setCustomSorting(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- setDashlets(List<GUIDashlet>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setData(byte[]) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailAttachment
- setDatabaseConnected(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setDate(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setDate(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
- setDate(Date) - Method in class
- setDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationTrigger
- setDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEvent
- setDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- setDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReminder
- setDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- setDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSRating
- setDate1(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- setDate2(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- setDateFormat(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
- setDateFormat(String) - Method in class
- setDateFormat(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setDateFormat(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setDateFormatLong(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Sets the default long format(date with time)
- setDateFormatLong(String) - Method in class
- setDateFormatLong(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setDateFormatLong(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setDateFormatShort(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Sets the default short format(date without time)
- setDateFormatShort(String) - Method in class
- setDateFormatShort(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setDateFormatShort(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setDateFrom(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setDateFrom(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- setDateFrom(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setDateHeader(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- setDateOption(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- setDatePattern(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.Builder
- setDateScope(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessage
- setDateTo(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setDateTo(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- setDateTo(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setDateValue(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- setDateValue(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setDateValue(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- setDateValue(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setDateValue(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICriterion
- setDayOfWeek(int) - Method in class
- setDayOfWeek(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSWorkingTime
- setDbcpConfig(DbcpConfig) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.ConnectionPool
- setDbDialect(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- setDbDriver(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- setDbEngine(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- setDbms(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit.DBInit
- setDbPassword(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- setDbType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- setDbUrl(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- setDbUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- setDbValidationQuery(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- setDeadline(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setDecimalSeparator(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- setDecodedKey(String) - Method in class
Sets the key and encode it
- setDecodedKey(String) - Method in class
Sets the key and encode it
- setDecodedPassword(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Sets the password and encode it
- setDecodedPassword(String) - Method in class
Sets the password and encode it
- setDecodedPassword(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setDecoration(DecorationShape) - Method in class
- setDefaultAttributeSet(GUIAttributeSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setDefaultGroups(List<GUIGroup>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setDefaultOpenTab(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- setDefaultWorkspace(Long) - Method in class
- setDefaultWorkspace(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setDelay(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- setDelay(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- setDelaySeconds(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- setDelete(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setDelete(boolean) - Method in class
- setDelete(int) - Method in class
- setDelete(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setDeleted(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
- setDeleteEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setDeleteEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setDeleteFromMailbox(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setDeleteText(String) - Static method in class
- setDeleteUser(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setDeleteUser(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setDeleteUserId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setDeleteUserId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setDeleteUserId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setDelimiter(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- setDelImport(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setDepartment(String) - Method in class
- setDepartment(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setDepartment(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setDependsOn(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setDependsOn(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setDependsOn(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- setDepth(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setDepth(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.AbstractJob
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AbstractAttributeSet
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationError
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- setDescription(String) - Method in class
- setDescription(String) - Method in class
- setDescription(String) - Method in class
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBookmark
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIGroup
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkingTime
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.ServerValidationError
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.JavaLanguageVariable
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.Stub
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebMethodStubSet
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeSet
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSBookmark
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTemplate
- setDescription(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSWorkingTime
- setDescriptor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWebServiceSettings
- setDetail(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEvent
- setDevice(Device) - Method in class
- setDevice(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setDevice(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setDeviceId(String) - Method in class
- setDiagramController(DiagramController) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- setDigest(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setDigest(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setDir(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.AutomationEditor
- setDisplay(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setDisplayAvatar(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.UserListGridField
- setDisplayName(String) - Method in class
- setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
- setDisposition(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailAttachment
- setDoc1(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSLink
- setDoc2(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSLink
- setDocAttrs(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setDocAttrs(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setDocId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setDocId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Rating
- setDocId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- setDocId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- setDocId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setDocId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setDocId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRating
- setDocId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- setDocId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVersion
- setDocId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setDocId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSRating
- setDocId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setDocId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- setDocIds(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- setDocRef(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setDocRef(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setDocRef(Long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setDocRef(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setDocRef(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setDocRefType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setDocRefType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setDocRefType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setDocsCount(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTemplate
- setDocsGrid(String) - Method in class
- setDocsGrid(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setDocument(AbstractDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setDocument(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParseParameters
- setDocument(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- setDocument(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.DocumentSelector
- setDocument(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
- setDocument(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPreviewPanel
- setDocument(Long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.DocumentSelector
- setDocument1(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentLink
- setDocument2(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentLink
- setDocumentCount(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setDocumentDao(DocumentDAO) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- setDocumentDao(DocumentDAO) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.AbstractDocumentProcessor
- setDocumentDAO(DocumentDAO) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.HibernateTicketDAO
- setDocumentDAO(DocumentDAO) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- setDocumentIds(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- setDocumentManager(DocumentManager) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- setDocuments(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setDocuments(List<GUIDocument>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setDocuments(List<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Forces the records in the grid
- setDocuments(List<GUIDocument>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- setDocuments(List<GUIDocument>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- setDocumentsTotal(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setDocumentTags(long, List<String>) - Method in class
- setDocumentTags(long, List<String>) - Method in class
- setDocumentTags(long, List<String>) - Method in interface
Sets the tags of a document
- setDocumentTags(String, long, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapTagClient
- setDocumentTags(String, long, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapTagService
- setDocumentTags(String, long, List<String>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.TagService
Sets the tags of a document
- setDomain(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setDouble1(Double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- setDouble2(Double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- setDoubleValue(Double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setDoubleValue(Double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- setDoubleValue(Double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setDoubleValue(Double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICriterion
- setDoubleValue(Double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- setDownload(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setDownload(int) - Method in class
- setDownload(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setDownloaded(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.Entry
- setDownloadEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setDownloadEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setDriver(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit.DBInit
- setDriverClassName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- setDueDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setDueDateNumber(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setDueDateUnit(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setDummyFile(File) - Method in class
- setEdit(boolean) - Method in class
- setEditAfterSubmit(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setEditingDocId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setEditor(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setEditor(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setEditor(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- setEmail(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setEmail(int) - Method in class
- setEmail(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- setEmail(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setEmail(String) - Method in class
- setEmail(String) - Method in class
- setEmail(String) - Method in class
- setEmail(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- setEmail(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setEmail(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setEmail(String) - Method in class
- setEmail(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setEmail2(String) - Method in class
- setEmail2(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setEmail2(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setEmailAccount(GUIEmailAccount) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVIASettings
- setEmailId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- setEmailSignature(String) - Method in class
- setEmailSignature(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setEmailSignature(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setEmailSignature2(String) - Method in class
- setEmailSignature2(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setEmailSignature2(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setEnableAnonymousLogin(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.AbstractFormatConverter
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverter
Enables or disables the converter
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.NotAvailableConverter
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVIASettings
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWebServiceSettings
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
- setEnabled(int) - Method in class
- setEnabled(int) - Method in class
- setEnabled(int) - Method in class
- setEnabled(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- setEnabled(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setEnabled(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setEnabled(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- setEnabled(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- setEnabled(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setEnabled(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- setEnabled(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setEnableParam(String) - Method in class
- setEncoding(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParseParameters
- setEnd(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setEnd(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkingTime
- setEndDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- setEndDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setEndDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setEnforceWorkingTime(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setEnforceWorkingTime(int) - Method in class
- setEnforceWorkingTime(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setEntityId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setEntityId(String) - Method in class
- setErrorOnStore(boolean) - Method in class
- setErrorText(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVersion
- setErrPrefix(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.Exec
- setEstimatedHits(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIResult
- setEstimatedHitsNumber(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchResult
- setEstimatedResults(long) - Method in class
- setETag(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ExportContext
- setETag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ExportContextImpl
- setETag(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setETag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setEvalFormEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setEvalFormEnabled(int) - Method in class
- setEvalFormEnabled(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setEvaluateAtCheckin(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- setEvaluateAtUpdate(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- setEvaluation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setEvaluation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setEvent(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- setEvent(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setEvent(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setEvent(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- setEvents(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationTrigger
- setExclude(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeZone
- setExcludePatterns(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- setExcludePatternsMetadata(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- setExcludes(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setExcludes(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setExcludes(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- setExpire(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setExpire(Date) - Method in class
- setExpire(Date) - Method in class
- setExpire(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- setExpire(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setExpire(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setExpired(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- setExpireFrom(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- setExpireHours(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- setExpireTo(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- setExport(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setExport(int) - Method in class
- setExport(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setExportId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setExportId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setExportName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setExportName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setExportStatus(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setExportStatus(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setExportVersion(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setExpression(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- setExpression(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailRule
- setExpression(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setExpression(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setExpressionLanguage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- setExpressionLanguage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setExpressionLanguage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setExprH(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setExprW(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setExprX(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setExprY(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setExtendedAttribute(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- setExternalId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setExternalUrl(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setExtractTags(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setExtResId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setExtResId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setFavicon(GUIInfo) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.WindowUtils
- setFaviconSrc(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setFeatures(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setFeatures(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setFeatures(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setField(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailRule
- setField(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- setField(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICriterion
- setFieldName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- setFields(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setFields(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setFields(Set<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- setFieldSeparator(char) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFile
Set the current field separator.
- setFile(File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpUpload
- setFile(File) - Method in class
- setFile(File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.Entry
- setFile(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setFile(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- setFileFilter(String) - Method in class
- setFilename(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setFileName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailAttachment
- setFileName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setFileName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setFileName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParseParameters
- setFileName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setFileName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setFileName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setFileName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- setFileName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpUpload
- setFileName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setFileName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setFileName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.Entry
- setFileNameCharset(String) - Method in class
- setFilenameOld(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setFileSize(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setFileSize(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setFileSize(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setFileSize(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setFileType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
- setFileType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSBookmark
- setFileTypes(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.MultipleUpload
- setFileTypes(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.Upload
- setFileVersion(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setFileVersion(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setFileVersion(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setFileVersion(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParseParameters
- setFileVersion(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setFileVersion(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setFileVersion(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- setFileVersion(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setFileVersion(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setFilterIds(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setFilterIds(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setFilterIds(Set<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- setFinished(Date) - Method in class
- setFirstName(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- setFirstName(String) - Method in class
- setFirstName(String) - Method in class
- setFirstName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- setFirstName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setFirstName(String) - Method in class
- setFirstName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setFolder(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.EventSelectorOptions
- setFolder(boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setFolder(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setFolder(Folder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setFolder(Folder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setFolder(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationTrigger
- setFolder(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setFolder(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIIncrementalArchive
- setFolder(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- setFolder(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.FolderSelector
- setFolder(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderDetailsPanel
- setFolder(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setFolder(Long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.FolderSelector
- setFolder(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- setFolderDAO(FolderDAO) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- setFolderId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- setFolderId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setFolderId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderPagination
- setFolderId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- setFolderId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setFolderId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- setFolderId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBookmark
- setFolderId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- setFolderId(Long) - Method in class
- setFolderId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- setFolderId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setFolderId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setFolderID(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setFolderID(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setFoldering(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- setFoldering(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setFoldering(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- setFolderName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- setFolderName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- setFolderName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setFolderPagination(long, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface
Sets the pagination informations for the visualization of the folders tree
- setFolderPagination(long, Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
- setFolderPagination(long, Integer, Integer, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- setFolderPath(Folder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache.WebdavCache
- setFolderTags(long, List<String>) - Method in class
- setFolderTags(long, List<String>) - Method in class
- setFolderTags(long, List<String>) - Method in interface
Sets the tags of a folder
- setFolderTags(String, long, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapTagClient
- setFolderTags(String, long, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapTagService
- setFolderTags(String, long, List<String>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.TagService
Sets the tags of a folder
- setFoldRef(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setFoldRef(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setFoldRef(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setFont(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setFooter(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setFooter(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setForceSsl(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setForm(GUIForm) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormDetailsPanel
- setFormat(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setFormat(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- setFormat(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setFormat(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- setFormat(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setFormats(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeZone
- setFormId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setFormId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setFormId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setFormId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setForum(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setForum(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setForum(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setFrameSize(int, int) - Method in class
- setFrequency(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setFrequency(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIIncrementalArchive
- setFrequency(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- setFrom(Recipient) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- setFrom(GUIContact) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- setGenericDAO(GenericDAO) - Method in class
- setGeolocation(Geolocation) - Method in class
- setGeolocation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setGeolocation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setGeolocationCache(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setGeolocationDbVer(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setGeolocationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setGeolocationKey(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setGrid(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setGrid(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setGridCursor(Cursor) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Defines the cursor widget this grid will have to interact to
- setGridCursor(Cursor) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- setGridCursor(Cursor) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- setGroup(GUIGroup) - Method in class
- setGroup(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.AbstractJob
- setGroup(String) - Method in class
- setGroupClass(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setGroupExcludes(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setGroupId(long) - Method in class
- setGroupId(long) - Method in class
- setGroupId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setGroupIdentifierAttr(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setGroupIds(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setGroupIncludes(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setGroupingSeparator(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- setGroupNodes(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setGroups(List<GUIGroup>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setGroups(Set<Group>) - Method in class
- setGuests(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setGuiLanguages(List<GUIValue>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- setGUILanguageStatus(String, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes the activation status of a language
- setGUILanguageStatus(String, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- setGUILanguageStatus(String, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- setHasMore(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIResult
- setHasMore(boolean) - Method in class
- setHead(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- setHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- setHeaderImage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- setHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- setHeight(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setHeight(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setHeight(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- setHeight(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setHeight(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.StickyWindow.WindowStatus
- setHeight(Double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageZone
- setHelp(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setHelp(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setHelp(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setHidden(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setHidden(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setHidden(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setHidden(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- setHidden(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setHighlightPoint(Point) - Method in class
- setHikariConfig(HikariConfig) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.ConnectionPool
- setHiliteDocId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- setHistoricyze(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- setHistoryDao(DocumentHistoryDAO) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
- setHits(List<GUIDocument>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIResult
- setHits(List<WSDocument>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchResult
- setHitsGrid(String) - Method in class
- setHitsGrid(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setHost(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- setHost(String) - Method in class
- setHost(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setHost(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setHostName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setHostName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setHostName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setHourEnd(int) - Method in class
- setHourEnd(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSWorkingTime
- setHourStart(int) - Method in class
- setHourStart(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSWorkingTime
- setHtml(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- setiCalendar(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setIcon(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailAttachment
- setIcon(String) - Method in class
- setIcon(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setIcon(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setIcon(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setId(int) - Method in class
- setId(int) - Method in interface
Sets the unique identifier
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationTrigger
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBookmark
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIGroup
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIIncrementalArchive
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRating
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISequence
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache.WebdavCacheFolder
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeSet
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSBookmark
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSLink
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTemplate
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.Entry
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessageTemplate
- setId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- setId(String) - Method in class
- setId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- setId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setID(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setID(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setIdpMetadata(String) - Method in class
- setIgnoreLoginCase(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setIimport(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setImageHeight(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setImages(Set<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- setImageWidth(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setImmediateIndexing(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateDialog
- setImmutable(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setImmutable(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setImmutable(int) - Method in class
- setImmutable(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setImmutable(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setImmutable(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setImplementation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.ConnectionPool
- setImport(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setImport(int) - Method in class
- setImportCustomId(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- setImportEmpty(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setImportfolder(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.EventSelectorOptions
- setImportTemplate(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- setInclude(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeZone
- setIncludePatterns(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- setIncludePatternsMetadata(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- setIncludes(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setIncludes(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setIncludes(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- setIncremental(GUIIncrementalArchive) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalDetailsPanel
- setIndeterminate(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- setIndex(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeZone
- setIndex(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- setIndexed(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setIndexed(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setIndexed(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setIndexed(Integer) - Method in class
- setInfo(GUIInfo) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISession
- setInfo(GUIInfo) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- setInheritGroupId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIGroup
- setInheritGroupId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- setInheritRights(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setInitial(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setInitialization(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setInitialization(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setInitialization(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- setInitialSize(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- setInputFile(File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContextImpl
- setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setInstallationId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setInstallationId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setInstallationId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setInstalled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- setInt(String, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.NamedParameterStatement
Sets a parameter.
- setInteger1(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- setInteger2(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- setInteger3(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- setIntegrationKey(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- setInterval(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- setInterval(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- setIntervalSeconds(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- setIntHeader(String, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- setIntValue(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setIntValue(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setIntValue(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- setIOHandler(List<IOHandler>) - Method in interface
- setIOHandler(List<IOHandler>) - Method in class
- setIOManager(IOManager) - Method in class
- setIOManager(IOManager) - Method in interface
- setIOManager(IOManager) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.ResourceConfig
- setIp(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setIp(String) - Method in class
- setIp(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setIpBlacklist(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setIpBlackList(String) - Method in class
- setIpWhitelist(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setIpWhiteList(String) - Method in class
- setIsNew(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setItemCount(int) - Method in class
- setItems(List<CommentVO>) - Method in class
- setJobDetail(JobDetail) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskTrigger
- setJobFactory(JobFactory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- setKeepLocalMemberships(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setKeepLocalMemberships(boolean) - Method in class
- setKey(String) - Method in class
- setKey(String) - Method in class
- setKey(String) - Method in class
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setKey(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setKey(K) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Pair
- setKeyLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setKeyLabel(String) - Method in class
- setKeyLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setKeytoolPath(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- setLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AbstractAttributeSet
- setLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
- setLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationError
- setLabel(String) - Method in class
- setLabel(String) - Method in class
- setLabel(String) - Method in class
- setLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- setLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParameter
- setLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- setLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkingTime
- setLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.ServerValidationError
- setLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.MetadataDiff.DiffRecord
- setLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- setLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSWorkingTime
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessageTemplate
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setLanguageForDoc(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setLanguages(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- setLanguages(List<GUIValue>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- setLanguageStatus(String, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes the activation status of a language
- setLanguageStatus(String, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchEngineServiceImpl
- setLanguageStatus(String, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- setLastAction(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.Clipboard
- setLastEnabled(Date) - Method in class
- setLastLogin(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setLastLogin(Date) - Method in class
- setLastLogin(Date) - Method in class
- setLastLogin(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setLastLoginFailureReason(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setLastModified(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeSet
- setLastModified(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setLastModified(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setLastModified(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- setLastModified(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTemplate
- setLastModified(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setLastModified(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
- setLastModified(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setLastModified(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- setLastModified(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISequence
- setLastModified(Date) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setLastModified(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setLastName(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- setLastName(String) - Method in class
- setLastName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- setLastName(String) - Method in class
- setLastNote(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setLastNote(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setLastNote(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setLastNotified(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessage
- setLastRenew(Date) - Method in class
- setLastReset(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.Sequence
- setLastRun(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- setLastUsed(Date) - Method in class
- setLatestVersion(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setLeft(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setLeft(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setLeft(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- setLeft(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setLeft(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setLeft(Double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageZone
- setLicensee(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setLicensee(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setLicensee(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setLineColor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setLineColor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setLineColor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setLineOpacity(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setLineOpacity(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setLineOpacity(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setLineWidth(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setLineWidth(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setLineWidth(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setLink(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITag
- setLinks(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setLinks(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setListener(FileBodyCounter.ProgressListener) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpUpload
- setLocal(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- setLocale(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setLocale(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
- setLocale(Locale) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- setLocale(Locale) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setLocale(Locale) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParseParameters
- setLocale(Locale) - Method in class
- setLocale(Locale) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- setLocation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setLocked(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- setLocked(boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setLocked(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setLockedDocs(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setLockUser(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setLockUser(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setLockUser(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setLockUser(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setLockUserId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setLockUserId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setLockUserId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setLog(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- setLoggedIn(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISession
- setLogger(String, boolean, String, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
Adds or modifies a logger
- setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.ConnectionPool
- setLogoHeadOemSrc(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setLogoHeadSrc(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setLogoMenuSrc(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setLogonAttr(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setLogoOemSrc(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setLogoSrc(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setLogoutRequestSigned(boolean) - Method in class
- setLogoutResponseSigned(boolean) - Method in class
- setLogsRoot(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
Sets a common path for all file appenders.
- setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.ConnectionPool
- setLong(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.NamedParameterStatement
Sets a parameter.
- setLongValue(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- setLongValue(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICriterion
- setMailAddress(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setMailFolder(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setMaintainSelectionAspectRatio(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageCropper
- setMandatory(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setMandatory(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setMandatory(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- setMax(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- setMax(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- setMax(Integer) - Method in class
- setMaxAttachments(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVIASettings
- setMaxAttachmentSize(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVIASettings
- setMaxBackups(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- setMaxCount(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- setMaxGuests(Integer) - Method in class
- setMaxGuests(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setMaxHits(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- setMaxHits(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setMaxHits(int) - Method in class
- setMaxHits(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setMaxIdle(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- setMaxInactiveInterval(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletSession
- setMaxInactivity(Integer) - Method in class
- setMaxInactivity(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setMaxInactivity(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setMaxInactivity(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setMaxLength(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- setMaxLength(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- setMaxOccurrences(int) - Method in class
- setMaxPacketSize(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- setMaxRecords(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeQueuePanel
- setMaxRecords(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRQueuePanel
- setMaxRecords(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- setMaxRepoDocs(Long) - Method in class
- setMaxRepoDocs(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setMaxRepoSize(Long) - Method in class
- setMaxRepoSize(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setMaxSequenceSize(int) - Method in class
- setMaxSessions(Integer) - Method in class
- setMaxSessions(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setMaxSize(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setMaxText(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- setMaxTextFileSize(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- setMaxTotal(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- setMaxUploads(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.MultipleUpload
- setMaxUsers(Integer) - Method in class
- setMaxUsers(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setMaxVersions(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setMaxVersions(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setMaxVersions(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setMaxViews(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- setMenuDAO(MenuDAO) - Method in class
- setMenus(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setMessage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setMessage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setMessage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- setMessage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- setMessage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEvent
- setMessage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- setMessage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.IncomingMessage
- setMessage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.InfoPanel
- setMessage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.Cursor
- setMessage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setMessages(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setMessageText(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- setMethod(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- setMethodName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebMethodStubSet
- setMimeType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailAttachment
- setMinDigits(int) - Method in class
- setMinimumDeskewThreshold(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageDeskew
- setMinLength(int) - Method in class
- setMinLowercaseChars(int) - Method in class
- setMinNoteSize(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITransition
- setMinNoteSize(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setMinSpecialChars(int) - Method in class
- setMinUppercaseChars(int) - Method in class
- setMinuteEnd(int) - Method in class
- setMinuteEnd(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSWorkingTime
- setMinuteStart(int) - Method in class
- setMinuteStart(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSWorkingTime
- setMobile(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- setMobile(String) - Method in class
- setMobile(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- setMode(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- setMode(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- setMode(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- setMode(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- setMode(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- setModificationTime(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ExportContext
- setModificationTime(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ExportContextImpl
- setModified(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setModifiedOn(String) - Method in class
- setMonth(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISequence
- setMoreHits(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchResult
- setMoreHitsPresent(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Search
- setMove(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setMove(int) - Method in class
- setMove(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setMovedOrResized(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setMultiOccurs(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.JavaLanguageVariable
- setMultiOccurs(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.Stub
- setMultiple(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setMultiple(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setMultiple(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.AbstractJob
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AbstractAttributeSet
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- setName(String) - Method in class
- setName(String) - Method in class
- setName(String) - Method in class
- setName(String) - Method in class
- setName(String) - Method in class
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.Sequence
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBookmark
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIGroup
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessageTemplate
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParameter
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISequence
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.MetadataDiff.DiffRecord
- setName(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setName(String) - Method in class
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeSet
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSParameter
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTemplate
- setName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setNameDisplayingStrategy(JavaNameDisplayStrategy) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.WebMethodDisplayEngine
- setNameDisplayingStrategy(JavaNameDisplayStrategy) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.WebServiceDisplayEngine
- setNature(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setNature(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setNature(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setNextFireTime(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- setNode(String) - Method in class
- setNoteDao(DocumentNoteDAO) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- setNotified(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setNotified(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setNotify(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- setNotify(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttendee
- setNotifyCredentials(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setNotifyEvent(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setNotifyMessage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setNotifyResponses(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setNotifyUser(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.transfer.ZipImport
- setNotifyUsers(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setNumTestsPerEvictionRun(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- setObject(String, Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.NamedParameterStatement
Sets a parameter.
- setObjectId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.Sequence
- setOcr(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.EventSelectorOptions
- setOcrd(boolean) - Method in class
- setOcrd(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setOcrd(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setOcrd(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setOcrTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setOcrTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setOcrTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setOcrTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setOcrTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setOcrTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setOcrTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setOnAssignment(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setOnChosen(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITransition
- setOnCompletion(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setOnCreation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setOnOverdue(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setOnValidation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setOpacity(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setOpacity(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setOpacity(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setOpacity(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setOpenSSLPath(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- setOperativeSystem(String) - Method in class
- setOperator(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- setOperator(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICriterion
- setOptions(SearchOptions) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Search
- setOptions(GUISearchOptions) - Method in class
- setOptions(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
- setOptions(List<WSAttributeOption>) - Method in class
- setOptions(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setOrder(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderSearchOptions
- setOrganizationAlias(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- setOrganizationalUnit(String) - Method in class
- setOrganizationalUnit(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setOrganizationalUnit(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setOrganizationDN(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- setOrganizationExpire(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- setOrganizer(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setOrganizerId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setOutPrefix(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.Exec
- setOutputDocId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- setOutputFolder(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- setOutputFormat(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- setOwner(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setPage(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setPage(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- setPage(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setPage(int) - Method in class
- setPage(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderPagination
- setPage(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setPageOption(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setPages(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setPages(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setPages(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setPageSelection(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setPageSize(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setPageSize(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.Cursor
- setPageSize(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderPagination
- setPageSize(int) - Method in class
- setPageSizeAndTotalRecords(int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderCursor
- setParameter(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- setParameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.NamedParameterStatement
- setParameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- setParameters(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- setParent(StubTypeTree) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.StubTypeTree
- setParent(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setParent(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setParent(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- setParentId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setParentId(long) - Method in class
- setParentId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setParentId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- setParentId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setParentId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setParentPathDescr(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- setParsing(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- setParsingTimeout(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- setParsingTimeoutRetain(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- setPassword(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setPassword(int) - Method in class
- setPassword(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setPassword(long, String) - Method in interface
Puts a password protection to the document
- setPassword(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- setPassword(long, String) - Method in interface
Puts a password protection to the document
- setPassword(long, String) - Method in class
- setPassword(long, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- setPassword(long, String, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Protects the document with a password.
- setPassword(long, String, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- setPassword(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- setPassword(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setPassword(String) - Method in class
- setPassword(String) - Method in class
- setPassword(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- setPassword(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setPassword(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setPassword(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- setPassword(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setPassword(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- setPassword(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit.DBInit
- setPassword(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSCredentials
- setPassword(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
Sets the password and encode it
- setPassword(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- setPassword(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Puts a password protection to the document
- setPassword(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- SetPassword - Class in
This is the form used to change the password of a user from the administration interface.
- SetPassword(long) - Constructor for class
- setPasswordChanged(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setPasswordChanged(Date) - Method in class
- setPasswordExpired(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setPasswordExpired(int) - Method in class
- setPasswordExpires(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setPasswordExpires(int) - Method in class
- setPasswordExpires(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setPasswordHistoryDAO(PasswordHistoryDAO) - Method in class
- setPasswordmd4(String) - Method in class
- setPasswordmd4(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setPasswordMinLenght(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setPasswordProtected(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setPasswordProtected(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setPath(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setPath(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setPath(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setPath(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setPath(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache.WebdavCacheFolder
- setPath(List<GUIFolder>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setPathExtended(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setPathExtended(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setPathExtended(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setPathInfo(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- setPathOld(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setPatterns(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeZone
- setPayload(InputStream) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- setPayload(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- setPayload(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceCall
- setPdfConversion(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- setPermissions(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
- setPermissions(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- setPermissions(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setPhone(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- setPhone(String) - Method in class
- setPhone(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- setPhone(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setPoints(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITransition
- setPolicy(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailRule
- setPolicy(GUIRetentionPolicy) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.RetentionPolicyDetailsPanel
- setPooledActors(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setPort(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- setPort(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setPort(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- setPort(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setPosition(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
- setPosition(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setPosition(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setPosition(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
- setPosition(int) - Method in class
- setPosition(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setPosition(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setPosition(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setPosition(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- setPosition(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- setPosition(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- setPosition(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSBookmark
- setPosition(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setPostalcode(String) - Method in class
- setPostalcode(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setPostalCode(String) - Method in class
- setPostalCode(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setPostalCode(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setPrefix(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIIncrementalArchive
- setPreventDuplications(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setPreview(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setPreview(int) - Method in class
- setPreview(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setPreviewPages(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setPreviewPages(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setPreviousFireTime(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- setPreviousFireTime(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- setPrint(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setPrint(int) - Method in class
- setPrint(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setPrio(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessage
- setPriority(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- setPrivateKey(String) - Method in class
- setProduct(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.stats.StatsCollector
- setProduct(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setProduct(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setProduct(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setProductName(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.stats.StatsCollector
- setProductName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setProductName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setProductName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setProgress(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- setProperty(Object, Object) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ExportContext
- setProperty(Object, Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ExportContextImpl
- setProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
- setProperty(String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextConfigurator
- setProperty(DavProperty<?>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- setProperty(DavProperty<?>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionHistoryResourceImpl
- setProperty(DavProperty<?>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionResourceImpl
- setPropValue(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextConfigurator
Sets the prop value of the specified property, that is one inside the <props> tag:
- setProtocol(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- setProtocol(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- setProtocol(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setProtocol(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceCall
- setProvider(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setProvider(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setPublished(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setPublished(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setPublished(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setPublisher(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setPublisher(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setPublisher(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setPublisherId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setPublisherId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setPublisherId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setPwd(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- setPwdDigit(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setPwdEnforceHistory(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setPwdExpiration(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setPwdLowerCase(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setPwdOccurrence(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setPwdSequence(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setPwdSize(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setPwdSpecial(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setPwdUpperCase(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setQualifier(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- setQuery(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- setQuery(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- setQuota(long) - Method in class
- setQuota(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setQuota(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setQuotaAlertRecipients(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setQuotaAlertRecipients(String) - Method in class
- setQuotaAlertRecipients(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setQuotaAlertRecipients(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setQuotaCount(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setQuotaCount(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setQuotaDocs(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setQuotaDocs(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setQuotaSize(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setQuotaSize(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setQuotaThreshold(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setQuotaThreshold(Integer) - Method in class
- setQuotaThreshold(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setQuotaThreshold(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setRating(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setRating(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- setRating(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setRating(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setRead(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setRead(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setRead(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- setRead(int) - Method in class
- setRead(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setReadingreq(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setReadingreq(int) - Method in class
- setReadingreq(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setReadListener(ReadListener) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.BytesServletInputStream
- setReadonly(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setReadonly(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- setReadonly(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- setReadonly(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- setReadonly(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AbstractAttributeSet
- setReadonly(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setReadonly(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- setRealm(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setReason(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setReason(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setReceived(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- setReceivedDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- setRecipient(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setRecipient(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setRecipient(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- setRecipientEmail(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setRecipientEmail(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setRecipients(List<GUIUser>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setRecipients(Set<Recipient>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- setRecipientsBCC(Set<Recipient>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- setRecipientsCC(Set<Recipient>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- setRecordHistory(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setRecordVersion(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
- setRecordVersion(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- setRefreshToken(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- setRegEmail(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- setRegName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- setRegOrganization(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- setRegWebsite(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- setRelease(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setRelease(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setRelease(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebServiceStubSet
- setRelease(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setRememberMeServices(RememberMeServices) - Method in class
- setReminded(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReminder
- setReminderMessageTemplate(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setReminderNumber(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setReminders(List<GUIReminder>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setReminderUnit(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setRename(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setRename(int) - Method in class
- setRename(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setRenameEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setRenameEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setRendRes(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeTemplate
- setRepass(String) - Method in class
- setReplicateCustomId(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- setReplyTo(List<GUIContact>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- setReplyTo(Set<Recipient>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- setReport(GUIReport) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.ReportDetailsPanel
- setReportRecipients(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
- setReportRecipients(List<GUIUser>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- setRepositoryFolder(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- setRequestComment(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- setRequestedPerson(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setRequestedPerson(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setRequestorId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- setRequestorLogin(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- setRequestorName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- setRequestURI(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- setRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttendee
- setRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.JavaLanguageVariable
- setRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.Stub
- setRequiresNote(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITransition
- setRequiresNote(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setResourceService(ResourceService) - Method in class
- setResponderEmail(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setResponseStub(Stub) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebMethodStubSet
- setRestart(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- setRestartRequired() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.PluginRegistry
- setRetentionDays(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- setRetrieveAliases(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- setRetrieveAliases(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setRetrieveAliases(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setRootLevel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
- setRotation(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setRotation(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setRotation(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setRotation(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setRoutine(GUIAutomationRoutine) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationTrigger
- setRoutine(GUIAutomationRoutine) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineDetailsPanel
- setRoutineId(Long) - Method in class
- setRoutineId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- setRow(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- setRules(List<GUIEmailRule>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setRunLevel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setRunLevel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setRunLevel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setSales(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setSameSiteCookies(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebContextConfigurator
- setSample(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- setSample(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- setSampleText(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- setSaveChangeEvent(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- setSavedHtmlContent(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.HtmlItemEditor
Saves the actual item content in a global Javascript variable that can be accessed by the HTML editor
- setSaveLogin(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISecuritySettings
- setScale(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TagCloud
- setScale(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITag
- setScale(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTagCloud
- setScheduling(GUIScheduling) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- setSchedulingLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- setScheme(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- setScore(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hit
- setScore(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setScore(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setSearchInSubPath(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- setSearchInSubPath(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setSearchInSubPath(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setSearchPref(String) - Method in class
- setSearchPref(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setSearchPref(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setSecondFactor(String) - Method in class
- setSecondFactor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setSecondFactor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setSecretKey(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- setSecureAuth(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- setSecurity(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setSecurity(int) - Method in class
- setSecurity(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setSecurityRef(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setSecurityRef(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setSecurityRef(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setSelectedOcrTemplate(GUIOCRTemplate) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeTemplatesPanel
- setSelectedOcrTemplate(GUIOCRTemplate) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRTemplatesPanel
- setSelectedOcrTemplate(GUIOCRTemplate) - Method in class
- setSelectedTask(GUIWFState) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setSelectionAspectRatio(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageCropper
- setSendActivityReport(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
- setSendActivityReport(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- setSendAsTicket(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- setSendCopy(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setSender(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- setSenderEmail(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- setSendResponses(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setSent(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- setSentDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- setSeparator(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- setSequenceDAO(SequenceDAO) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceInterceptor
- setServer(GUILDAPServer) - Method in class
- setServer(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- setSession(Session) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
This setter sets the sessionId, userId, username and other informations that can be captured by the given session
- setSession(GUISession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- setSession(WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setSession(WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setSession(HttpSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- setSessionFactory(SessionFactory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- setSessionHeartbeat(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setSessionId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setSessionId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setSessions(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setSet(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setSetId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
- setSetId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setSetId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setSetId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- setSetId(String) - Method in class
- setSettings(ContextProperties) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceInterceptor
- setSeverity(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEvent
- setShape(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setShape(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setShape(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setShare(GUIImportFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFolderDetailsPanel
- setShowFolderSelector(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- setShowInGUI(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- setShowInLogin(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- setShowKnobs(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setShowThumbnail(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- setSid(String) - Method in class
- setSid(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISession
- setSid(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- setSID(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.stats.StatsCollector
- setSign(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setSign(int) - Method in class
- setSign(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setSignatureAlgorithm(String) - Method in class
- setSigned(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- setSigned(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- setSigned(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setSigned(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setSigned(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVersion
- setSigned(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setSignOpacity(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- setSignText(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- setSignVisual(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- setSignWidth(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- setSignX(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- setSignY(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- setSimple(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- setSingleLogOut(boolean) - Method in class
- setSingleSignOn(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISession
- setSize(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setSize(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailAttachment
- setSize(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
- setSize(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- setSize(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setSize(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- setSize(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- setSize(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setSize(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache.WebdavCacheFolder
- setSize(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setSize(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setSizeMax(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- setSizeMax(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setSizeMax(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setSizeMin(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
- setSizeMin(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setSizeMin(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setSizeTotal(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setSkin(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setSkip(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- setSkipFirstRow(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParseContactsParameters
- setSkipOnError(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- setSorting(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- setSortSpec(String) - Method in class
- setSource(int) - Method in class
- setSource(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setSource(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setSource(String) - Method in class
- setSource(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIGroup
- setSource(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- setSourceFolder(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- setSsl(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setStamp(GUIStamp) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampDetailsPanel
- setStamped(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setStamped(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setStamped(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setStart(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setStart(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkingTime
- setStartDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- setStartDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setStartDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setStartDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- setStartDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setStartDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setStartIndex(int) - Method in class
- setStartPublishing(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setStartPublishing(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setStartPublishing(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setStartStateId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setStatChartWidth(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setState(String) - Method in class
- setState(String) - Method in class
- setState(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setState(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setState(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setStates(List<GUIWFState>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setStatus(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessage
- setStatus(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setStatus(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- setStatus(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setStatus(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setStatus(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- setStatus(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- setStatus(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- setStatus(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setStatus(int, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
- setStatus(long, int) - Method in interface
Change the status of the given Archive
- setStatus(long, int, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- setStatus(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- setStopPublishing(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setStopPublishing(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setStopPublishing(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setStopWords(Set<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.Language
- setStore(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setStore(int) - Method in class
- setStore(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setStore(Store) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
- setStore(Store) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- setStore(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
Gets the default store to use from this folder in the current node
- setStore(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setStore(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setStores(Map<String, Integer>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setStraight() - Method in class
- setStraightenText(String) - Static method in class
- setStreet(String) - Method in class
- setStreet(String) - Method in class
- setStreet(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setStreet(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setString(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.NamedParameterStatement
Sets a parameter.
- setString1(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- setString2(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- setString3(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- setString4(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- setString5(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- setString6(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- setString7(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- setString8(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- setStringValue(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setStringValue(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- setStringValue(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setStringValue(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICriterion
- setStringValue(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- setStringValues(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setStringValues(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setStringValues(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- setStubName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.Stub
- setSubfolderCount(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setSubject(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- setSubject(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- setSubject(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocuSignSettings
- setSubject(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- setSubject(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- setSubject(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessageTemplate
- setSubscription(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setSubscription(int) - Method in class
- setSubscription(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setSubscriptions(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setSubtype(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- setSubtype(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- setSubType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setSubTypeOfParentStub(Class<?>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.Stub
- setSuffix(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- setSummary(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hit
- setSummary(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setSummary(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setSupervisors(List<GUIUser>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setSupport(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setSupport(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setSupport(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setSupportedGUILanguages(List<GUIValue>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setSupportedLanguages(List<GUIValue>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setSynchronized(boolean) - Method in class
- setSynchronized(boolean) - Method in class
- setSynchronized(boolean) - Method in class
- setSyncTtl(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setSyndication(GUISyndication) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationDetailsPanel
- setSystemId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.context.ImportContextImpl
- setTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Tag
- setTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TagCloud
- setTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITag
- setTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTagCloud
- setTags(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setTags(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setTags(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setTags(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setTags(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setTags(Set<Tag>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setTags(Set<Tag>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setTagsFromWords(Set<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setTagsFromWords(Set<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setTagsString(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setTagsString(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setTarget(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setTarget(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailRule
- setTarget(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setTarget(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- setTargetFolder(Folder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- setTargetFolder(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- setTargetFolder(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setTargetId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
- setTargetId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSBookmark
- setTargetPath(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- setTargetState(GUIWFState) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITransition
- setTask(Task) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskTrigger
- setTask(GUITask) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TaskDetailPanel
- setTaskName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheduling
- setTasks(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setTaskState(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setTelephone(String) - Method in class
- setTelephone(String) - Method in class
- setTelephone(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setTelephone(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setTelephone2(String) - Method in class
- setTelephone2(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setTemplate(Template) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- setTemplate(GUITemplate) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- setTemplate(GUITemplate) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplateDetailsPanel
- setTemplate(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- setTemplate(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setTemplate(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setTemplate(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- setTemplateDao(TemplateDAO) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
- setTemplateId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- setTemplateId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- setTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- setTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- setTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- setTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- setTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setTemplateLocked(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setTemplateLocked(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setTemplateLocked(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setTemplateName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- setTemplateName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
- setTemplateName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- setTemplates(List<GUITemplate>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIIncrementalArchive
- setTenant(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- setTenant(GUITenant) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setTenant(GUITenant) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setTenant(GUITenant) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantDetailsPanel
- setTenant(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setTenant(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ParseParameters
- setTenant(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setTenantId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Tag
- setTenantId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
- setTenantId(long) - Method in class
- setTenantId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setTenantId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- setTenantId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- setTenantId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setTenantId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- setTenantId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.session.DavSessionImpl
- setTenantId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.AbstractJob
- setTenantId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- setTenantId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setTenantName(String) - Method in class
- setTestOnBorrow(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- setTestWhileIdle(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- setText(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setText(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITransition
- setText(Element, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
- setText1(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- setTextQualifier(char) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFile
Set the current text qualifier.
- setTgs(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setTgs(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
So not invoke this method directly, it is thought to be used by the ORM inside the DAO.
- setThreadRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.AbstractRemoteService
- setThreads(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchEngine
- setThreshold(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.ThresholdGZIPOutInterceptor
- setThreshold(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeTemplate
- setTicketId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- setTile(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setTile(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setTile(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setTime(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIResult
- setTime(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchResult
- setTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- setTimeout(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setTimeout(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- setTimestamp(String, Timestamp) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.NamedParameterStatement
Sets a parameter.
- setTimezone(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.Builder
- setTimeZone(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
- setTimeZone(String) - Method in class
- setTimeZone(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setTimeZone(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- SETTINGS - Static variable in class
- SETTINGS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- SettingService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Settings Service.
- SettingService.Instance - Class in
- SettingServiceAsync - Interface in
- SettingServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Implementation of the SettingService
- SettingServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SettingServiceImpl
- SettingsMenu - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings
This panel shows the administration system configurations menu
- SettingsMenu() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.SettingsMenu
- setTitle(GUIInfo, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.WindowUtils
- setTitle(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- setTitle(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
- setTitle(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setTitle(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- setTitle(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- setTitle(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setTitle(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.WindowUtils
- setTitle(String) - Method in class
- setTitle(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSBookmark
- setTokenFilterStatus(String, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes the activation status of a token filter
- setTokenFilterStatus(String, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchEngineServiceImpl
- setTokenFilterStatus(String, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- setTop(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setTop(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setTop(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- setTop(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setTop(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setTop(Double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageZone
- setTop(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setTopOperator(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- setTopOperator(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setTopOperator(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setTos(List<GUIContact>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- setTotal(int) - Method in class
- setTotalElements(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderPagination
- setTotalHits(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchResult
- setTotalRecords(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.Cursor
- setTotalRecords(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderCursor
- setTransaction(UserHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- setTransactionId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setTransactionId(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.TransactionalObject
Sets the transaction's identifier
- setTransitions(List<GUITransition>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setTransportGuarantee(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Sets the given policy in the <transport-guarantee> tags
- setTrials(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessage
- setTrigger(GUIAutomationTrigger) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggerDetailsPanel
- setTrusted(int) - Method in class
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AbstractAttributeSet
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- setType(int) - Method in class
- setType(int) - Method in class
- setType(int) - Method in class
- setType(int) - Method in class
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIGroup
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIIncrementalArchive
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMenu
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSBookmark
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- setType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setType(Class<?>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.JavaLanguageVariable
- setType(Class<?>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.Stub
- setType(Class<?>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.StubTypeTree
- setType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- setType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- setType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentLink
- setType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
- setType(String) - Method in class
- setType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- setType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEventSearchCriteria
- setType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- setType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessageTemplate
- setType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- setType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSLink
- setUnconfirmedReagings(List<GUIReadingRequest>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setUnique(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- setUnique(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- setUnit(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReminder
- setUnreadMessages(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setup(SetupInfo) - Method in interface
Performs a system setup.
- setup(SetupInfo) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SetupServiceImpl
- setup(SetupInfo, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- setUp() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.junit.AbstractTestCase
- Setup - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client
The Setup entry point used for initial installation
- Setup() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.Setup
- setUpcomingEvents(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setUpdatePolicy(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setUpdatePolicy(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- setUpdating(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- setupDensity(GUIInfo) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- SetupInfo - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client
A simple bean collecting all needed setup informations
- SetupInfo() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client.SetupInfo
- SetupService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Setup Service.
- SetupServiceAsync - Interface in
- SetupServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Implements the
- SetupServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SetupServiceImpl
- setUri(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceCall
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWebServiceSettings
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit.DBInit
- setUrl(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setURL(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpUpload
- setUseDummyFile(boolean) - Method in class
- setUser(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.EventSelectorOptions
- setUser(User) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
This setter sets the userId and username and other informations that can be captured by the given user
- setUser(GUIUser) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- setUser(GUIUser) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISession
- setUser(GUIUser) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- setUser(GUIUser) - Method in class
- setUser(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.TaskDetailsDialog
- setUser(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowHistoryDialog
- setUserAgent(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- setUserAsFrom(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- setUserClass(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setUserDAO(UserDAO) - Method in class
- setUserDAO(UserDAO) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- setUserExcludes(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setUserGroups(Set<UserGroup>) - Method in class
- setUserHistoryDAO(UserHistoryDAO) - Method in class
- setUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
- setUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Rating
- setUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- setUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
- setUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- setUserId(long) - Method in class
- setUserId(long) - Method in class
- setUserId(long) - Method in class
- setUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- setUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRating
- setUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- setUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- setUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSBookmark
- setUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setUserId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSRating
- setUserId(Long) - Method in class
- setUserId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setUserId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
- setUserId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- setUserIdentifierAttr(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setUserIds(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- setUserIncludes(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setUserListenerManager(UserListenerManager) - Method in class
- setUserLogin(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setUserLogin(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setUserLogin(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMailSender
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Rating
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setUsername(String) - Method in class
- setUsername(String) - Method in class
- setUsername(String) - Method in class
- setUsername(String) - Method in class
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailAccount
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmailSettings
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIImportFolder
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRating
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReadingRequest
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISyndication
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVersion
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- setUsername(String) - Method in class
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit.DBInit
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSCredentials
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSRating
- setUsername(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setUserno(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.stats.StatsCollector
- setUserNo(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setUserNodes(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setUsers(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- setUsers(Set<User>) - Method in class
- setUserType(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setUserType(int) - Method in class
- setVal1(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.MetadataDiff.DiffRecord
- setVal2(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.MetadataDiff.DiffRecord
- setValidateSession(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.AbstractService
- setValidation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- setValidation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Template
- setValidation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- setValidation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUILDAPServer
- setValidation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- setValidation(String) - Method in class
- setValidation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- setValidation(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTemplate
- setValidationQuery(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
- setValidity(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIKeystore
- setValidity(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIMessage
- setValue(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReminder
- setValue(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.Sequence
- setValue(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISequence
- setValue(WSAttribute, Object) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
Sets the attribute value.
- setValue(Serializable) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- setValue(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
Sets the attribute value.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
Sets the attribute value.
- setValue(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
- setValue(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParameter
- setValue(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIValue
- setValue(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeOption
- setValue(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSParameter
- setValue(String, Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- setValue(String, Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- setValue(V) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Pair
- setValue(V) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Value
- setValues(String, List<Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.ExtensibleObject
- setVariableName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.JavaLanguageVariable
- setVendor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setVendor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setVendor(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setVendorAddress(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setVendorAddress(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setVendorAddress(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setVendorCap(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setVendorCap(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setVendorCap(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setVendorCity(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setVendorCity(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setVendorCity(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setVendorCountry(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setVendorCountry(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- setVendorCountry(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setVersion(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setVersion(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Iterates over the versions searching for the specified id
- setVersion(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- setVersion(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setVersion(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIHistory
- setVersion(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setVersion(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.Entry
- setVersionDAO(VersionDAO) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- setVersionDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- setVersionDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIVersion
- setVersionDate(Date) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setVersionDate(Date) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setVersionLabel(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setVersionLabel(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setViews(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.automation.AutomationEditor
- setVisualizationMode(int) - Method in class
- setVote(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Rating
- setVote(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRating
- setVote(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSRating
- setWantAssertionsEncrypted(boolean) - Method in class
- setWantNameIdEncrypted(boolean) - Method in class
- setWebCss(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setWebEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setWebservice(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.EventSelectorOptions
- setWebServiceClass(Class<?>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebServiceStubSet
- setWelcomeMessage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISession
- setWelcomeScreen(Integer) - Method in class
- setWelcomeScreen(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setWfInstanceId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowHistoriesPanel
- setWflHistory(List<GUIWFState>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkflow
- setWfTemplateId(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowHistoriesPanel
- setWidth(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- setWidth(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocumentNote
- setWidth(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIZone
- setWidth(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- setWidth(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
- setWidth(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.StickyWindow.WindowStatus
- setWidth(Double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageZone
- setWidth(Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
- setWorkflow(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setWorkflow(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.EventSelectorOptions
- setWorkflow(int) - Method in class
- setWorkflow(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setWorkflowStatus(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setWorkflowStatus(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setWorkflowStatus(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setWorkflowStatusDisplay(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- setWorkflowStatusDisplay(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
- setWorkflowStatusDisplay(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- setWorkingTimes(List<GUIWorkingTime>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- setWorkingTimes(List<WSWorkingTime>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- setWorkingTimes(Set<WorkingTime>) - Method in class
- setWorkspace(boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setWorkspace(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setWrite(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- setWrite(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- setWrite(int) - Method in class
- setWrite(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- setWriteEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.Resource
- setWriteEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model.ResourceImpl
- setYear(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISequence
- setYear(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SystemInfo
- setYear(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIInfo
- setYear(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- setZip(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateDialog
- setZipCompression(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEmail
- setZonal(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeTemplate
- setZones(List<GUIZone>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
- SevenZipConverter - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
Converts a 7z file in it's listing
- SevenZipConverter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.SevenZipConverter
- SevenZipParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Class for parsing 7z files.
- SevenZipParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.SevenZipParser
- SevenZipUtil - Class in
This class is for handling with 7z files
- SevenZipUtil() - Constructor for class
- SHAPE_ARROW - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- SHAPE_CIRCLE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- SHAPE_COMMENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- SHAPE_LABEL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- SHAPE_LINE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- SHAPE_SQUARE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- SHAPE_THICKARROW - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- SHARE_SEARCH - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- shareContacts(List<Long>, List<Long>, List<Long>) - Method in interface
Shares contacts among a set of users and groups
- shareContacts(List<Long>, List<Long>, List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.ContactServiceImpl
- shareContacts(List<Long>, List<Long>, List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- SHAREFILE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- SHAREFILE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- ShareFileDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.sharefile
This is the form used to select an element in ShareFile
- ShareFileDialog(boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.sharefile.ShareFileDialog
- ShareFileDS - Class in
Datasource to handle folders and sub-folders in ShareFile.
- ShareFileDS(boolean) - Constructor for class
- ShareFileService - Interface in
The client side stub for the ShareFile Service.
- ShareFileService.Instance - Class in
- ShareFileServiceAsync - Interface in
- ShareFileSettings - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.sharefile
This popup window is used to handle ShareFile settings.
- ShareFileSettings() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.sharefile.ShareFileSettings
- ShareFileTree - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.sharefile
TreeGrid showing the folders and files
- ShareFileTree(boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.sharefile.ShareFileTree
- shareSearch(String, List<Long>, List<Long>) - Method in interface
Shares a search among a set of users and groups
- shareSearch(String, List<Long>, List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchServiceImpl
- shareSearch(String, List<Long>, List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- shiftValue(String, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
Shifts a value in the list of different values of a multi-value attribute
- SHORTCUT_DELETED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- SHORTCUT_MOVED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- SHORTCUT_STORED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- shouldDeserializeFields(Class<?>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.SimpleSerializationPolicy
- shouldDismissOnEscape() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.DocuSignNewTabDialog
- shouldSerializeFields(Class<?>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.SimpleSerializationPolicy
- show() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.ClipboardWindow
- SHOW_DISABLED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- SHOW_LICENSEE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- showDetails(GUIEmailAccount) - Method in class
- showDetails(Long, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ExportArchivesList
- showDisabled() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
Check if a disabled feature must be visible(ad disabled) or hidden
- showFilters(boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Shows or hide the filters
- showFilters(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- showFilters(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- showFolderDetails() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
Shows folders data in the details area.
- showFormDetails(GUIForm) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormsPanel
- showGrid(boolean) - Method in class
Change the background of the canvas by displaying or not a gray grid.
- showGroupDetails(GUIGroup) - Method in class
- showKnowbs(DrawItem) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.AbstractAnnotationsWindow
Shows the knobs to edit an item
- showLicensee() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
Check if the licensee must be shown
- showList() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update.PatchPanel
- showLostDialog(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.Login
- showLostDialog(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.LoginPanel
- showMain() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
- showMessage(Session, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.WebsocketTool
Send to the Interface the command to display a message
- showNotification(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ToastNotification
Shows toast notification and also writes in the status bar.
- showPolicyDetails(GUIRetentionPolicy) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.RetentionPoliciesPanel
- showReportDetails(GUIReport) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.CustomReportsPanel
- showRights(GUIMenu) - Method in class
- showRoutineDetails(GUIAutomationRoutine) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutinesPanel
- showServerDetails(GUILDAPServer) - Method in class
- showShareDetails(GUIImportFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFoldersPanel
- showStackedIcons(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.Cursor
- showStampDetails(GUIStamp) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampsPanel
- showSyndicationDetails(GUISyndication) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationsPanel
- showTenantDetails(GUITenant) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantsPanel
- showTitle(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.Cursor
- showTriggerDetails(GUIAutomationTrigger) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggersPanel
- showUserDetails(GUIUser) - Method in class
- showZones() - Method in class
- shuffleString(String) - Static method in class
- shutdown() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- shutdown() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.ThreadPools
Shuts down all the pools
- shutdown() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceInterceptor
- shutdown(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- SID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- SIGN - Enum constant in enum class
- SIGNATURE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- SignatureDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account
This is the form used to display and generate the user's signature stamp
- SignatureDialog() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.SignatureDialog
- SignaturePanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account
Displays the signature stamp of a user
- SignaturePanel(GUIStamp) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.SignaturePanel
- signDocuments(List<Long>, String, int, String, String, String) - Method in interface
- signDocuments(List<Long>, String, int, String, String, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- SIGNED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- SignService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Sign Service.
- SignService.Instance - Class in
- SignServiceAsync - Interface in
- SimpleClassNameDisplayUtils - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.simple
- SimpleJavaNameDisplayStrategy - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.simple
- SimpleJavaNameDisplayStrategy() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.simple.SimpleJavaNameDisplayStrategy
- SimpleSerializationPolicy - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.websockets
RPC generates a serialization policy file during GWT compilation.
- SimpleSerializationPolicy() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.SimpleSerializationPolicy
- SimpleTextValidator - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.validators
Tipical validator for codes, you can use only alfanumeric chars plus the -
- SimpleTextValidator() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.validators.SimpleTextValidator
- SINGLE_SIGNON - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- singleReport(File, Class<?>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.WebserviceDocGen
- size(long, String) - Method in class
- size(long, String) - Method in interface
Computed the size of a specific resource.
- SIZE - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- SKIN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- SkinsDS - Class in
Datasource retrieve the available Skins
- SkinsDS() - Constructor for class
- skip(long) - Method in class
- skip(long) - Method in class
- skip(long) - Method in class
- SkipException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.util.exception
An exception useful in cycles instead of using the continue keywords
- SkipException() - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.exception.SkipException
- SkipException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.exception.SkipException
- skipFully(InputStream, long) - Static method in class
bytes of data from the input stream. - SLAVE - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
- sleep(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Interrupts the current execution thread for a given time
- SMALL - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.FontSize
- SMALLER - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.FontSize
- SMB_STORE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- SMTP_SECURITY_NONE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- SMTP_SECURITY_SSL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- SMTP_SECURITY_TLS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- SMTP_SECURITY_TLS_IF_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- SnippetStripper - Class in com.logicaldoc.util
Useful class used to filter snippets from lucene, excluding those characters that invalidate HTML page
- SnowballFilterFactory - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.analyzer
Retrieves a token stream elaborated by Snowaball Filter
- SnowballFilterFactory(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.analyzer.SnowballFilterFactory
- SOAP - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceCall
- SoapAuthClient - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client
Auth Web Service client (SOAP).
- SoapAuthClient(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapAuthClient
- SoapAuthService - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint
Auth Web Service Implementation (SOAP)
- SoapAuthService() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapAuthService
- SoapBookmarkClient - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client
Bookmark Web Service client.
- SoapBookmarkClient(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapBookmarkClient
- SoapBookmarkClient(String, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapBookmarkClient
- SoapBookmarkService - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint
Bookmark Web Service Implementation
- SoapBookmarkService() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapBookmarkService
- SoapClient<T> - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client
Parent for all SOAP clients
- SoapDocumentClient - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client
Document Web Service client.
- SoapDocumentClient(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- SoapDocumentClient(String, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- SoapDocumentMetadataClient - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client
Document Metadata Web Service client.
- SoapDocumentMetadataClient(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- SoapDocumentMetadataClient(String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- SoapDocumentMetadataService - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint
Document Metadata Web Service Implementation
- SoapDocumentMetadataService() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
- SoapDocumentService - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint
Document Web Service Implementation (SOAP)
- SoapDocumentService() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- SoapFolderClient - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client
Folder Web Service client.
- SoapFolderClient(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- SoapFolderClient(String, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- SoapFolderService - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint
Folder Web Service Implementation
- SoapFolderService() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- SoapSearchClient - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client
Search Web Service client.
- SoapSearchClient(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSearchClient
- SoapSearchClient(String, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSearchClient
- SoapSearchService - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint
Search Web Service Implementation
- SoapSearchService() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSearchService
- SoapSecurityClient - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client
Security Web Service client.
- SoapSecurityClient(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSecurityClient
- SoapSecurityService - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint
Security Web Service Implementation
- SoapSecurityService() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSecurityService
- SoapSystemClient - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client
System Web Service client.
- SoapSystemClient(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSystemClient
- SoapSystemService - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint
System Web Service Implementation
- SoapSystemService() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSystemService
- SoapTagClient - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client
Tag Web Service client.
- SoapTagClient(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapTagClient
- SoapTagClient(String, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapTagClient
- SoapTagService - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint
Tag Web Service Implementation
- SoapTagService() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapTagService
- SoftwareVersion - Class in com.logicaldoc.util
Models a generic sofwtare version
- SoftwareVersion(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.SoftwareVersion
- sortAttributes() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
- SOURCE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- SOURCE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class
- SOURCE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- SOURCE_LDAP - Static variable in class
- SOURCE_LDAP - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- SOURCE_SAML - Static variable in class
- split(long, int, int, String) - Method in interface
Splits a document using different options, the splitted segments are saved in the same folder as the original PDF with -N prefix.
- split(long, int, int, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- split(File, long, File) - Static method in class
- split(String, char, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.StringUtil
Splits a string into tokens separated by a separator
- split(String, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.StringUtil
Splits a string into an array of tokens
- SPLIT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- SPLIT_SCHEME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
- SplitDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.split
Dialog to ask the user the splitting policy
- SplitDialog(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.split.SplitDialog
- SplitService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Split Service.
- SplitService.Instance - Class in
- SplitServiceAsync - Interface in
- spool(OutputContext) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
If this resource exists and the specified context is not
this implementation build a newExportContext
based on the specified context and forwards the export to itsIOManager
. - spool(OutputContext) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.RangeResourceImpl
- SqlRowSetWrapper - Class in com.logicaldoc.core
Wrapper for the default SqlRowSet able to hanle modern Jdbc drivers
- SqlRowSetWrapper(SqlRowSet) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- SqlUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.sql
This class contains methods about SQL handling
- SRC_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBranding
- STAMP - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- StampAclDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve the ACL of a stamp.
- StampAclDS(long) - Constructor for class
- StampDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp
This panel collects details about a stamp
- StampDetailsPanel(StampsPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampDetailsPanel
- StampDetailsTab - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp
Superclass for all tab panels in the stamp details
- StampDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.stamp
This popup window is used to apply a stamp
- StampDialog(List<GUIDocument>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.stamp.StampDialog
- STAMPED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- stampImageUrl(long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampProperties
- StampParameters - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp
Shows stamp's input parameters that are collected from a Template
- StampParameters(GUIStamp, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampParameters
- StampProperties - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp
Shows routine's standard properties
- StampProperties(GUIStamp, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampProperties
- STAMPS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- StampsDS - Class in
Data source to retrieve all stamps.
- StampsDS(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class
- StampSecurity - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp
Shows stamp's security settings
- StampSecurity(GUIStamp, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampSecurity
- StampService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Stamp Service.
- StampService.Instance - Class in
- StampServiceAsync - Interface in
- StampsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp
Panel showing the list of stamps
- StampsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampsPanel
- StampUploader - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp
This popup window is used to upload a new stamp
- StampUploader(long, StampProperties) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampUploader
- StandardSearchEngine - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
Standard implementation that implements a local search engine
- standby() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- start() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.system.SystemLoadMonitor
- start() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DefaultSchedulerFactory
- start() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- startAsync() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- startAsync(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- startAuthorization() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.DropboxServiceImpl
- startAuthorization() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxService
Starts the authorization process and returns the Dropbox authorization page URL to be shown to the user
- startAuthorization(AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox.DropboxServiceAsync
- startAuthorization(Locale) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.Dropbox
Generates the authorization URL where the user has to allow LogicalDOC and gets an authorization code to be used then with finishAuthorization.
- startDelayed(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- startEditing(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.onlyoffice.OnlyOfficeService
Starts the editing of a document with Only Office
- startEditing(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.onlyoffice.OnlyOfficeServiceAsync
- startFilling(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.onlyoffice.OnlyOfficeService
Starts the filling of a form with Only Office
- startFilling(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.onlyoffice.OnlyOfficeServiceAsync
- startImport(String) - Method in interface
Create a new import archive for the specified bundle folder
- startImport(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- startTask(String) - Method in interface
Starts the task execution.
- startTask(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- startTask(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- startThread(String, List<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
Starts a new thread with ChatGPT
- startThread(String, List<GUIDocument>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- startWorkflow(String, String, String, String, List<Long>) - Method in interface
Start a workflow with the given name and associated to the documents with the given doc ids
- startWorkflow(String, String, String, String, List<Long>, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- StartWorkflowDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This popup window is used to start a workflow on the selected documents.
- StartWorkflowDialog(List<Long>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.StartWorkflowDialog
- STAT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.stats.StatsCollector
- StatChartServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.stat
This servlet generates the pie charts displayed in the statistics.
- StatChartServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.stat.StatChartServlet
- StateWidget - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer
Base visual representation of a Workflow object (a state or a transition).
- StateWidget(WorkflowDrawingPanel, GUIWFState) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- StateWidget(Connection, DiagramController, GUITransition) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- StateWidget(Connection, DiagramController, String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
Constructor used by new transitions
- StatsCollector - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.stats
Collects statistical informations to the stats site
- StatsCollector() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.stats.StatsCollector
- StatsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.stats
General administration panel with statistics
- StatsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.stats.StatsPanel
- StatsPie - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.stats
Shows the charts pies.
- StatsPie(List<List<GUIParameter>>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.stats.StatsPie
- STATUS_CANCELED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- STATUS_CLOSED - Static variable in class
- STATUS_CLOSED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- STATUS_COMPLETED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- STATUS_DELIVERED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessage
- STATUS_ERROR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessage
- STATUS_ERROR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- STATUS_EXPIRED - Static variable in class
- STATUS_FINALIZED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- STATUS_IDLE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
- STATUS_IDLE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- STATUS_IDLE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- STATUS_NEW - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessage
- STATUS_NONE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- STATUS_OPEN - Static variable in class
- STATUS_OPEN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- STATUS_READY_TO_IMPORT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- STATUS_READYTOSIGN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- STATUS_RUNNING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
- STATUS_RUNNING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReport
- STATUS_RUNNING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- STATUS_STOPPING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
- STATUS_STOPPING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
- STATUS_WORKING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- StatusBar - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels
The program footer
- StatusBar(boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.StatusBar
- StatusBarIcons - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels
Container for a set of clickable icons representing the program state.
- statusChanged(int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskListener
Invoked when the status changes
- StatusIconsListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
A field to display the status icons of a document
- StatusIconsListGridField() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.StatusIconsListGridField
- StickyWindow - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
A Window that remembers its dimensions
- StickyWindow.WindowStatus - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
Represents a status of the window
- stop() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.system.SystemLoadMonitor
- stop() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskManager
Stops all tasks and waits for them
- StopException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.util.exception
An exception useful in cycles instead of using the break keywords
- StopException() - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.exception.StopException
- StopException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.exception.StopException
- stopTask(String) - Method in interface
Stops the task execution.
- stopTask(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- stopTask(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- StopWords - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.i18n
Class for retrieving the words from the stopwords files
- store(SystemMessage) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateSystemMessageDAO
- store(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Saves / updates a document into the database
- store(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- store(DocumentLink) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentLinkDAO
- store(DocumentNote) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentNoteDAO
- store(DocumentNote, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNoteDAO
Stores a note and saves the document's history
- store(DocumentNote, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentNoteDAO
- store(Document, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Saves / updates a document into the database
- store(Document, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
This method persists the document object and insert a new document history entry
- store(Document, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- store(Document, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Saves / updates a document into the database
- store(Rating, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateRatingDAO
- store(Rating, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.RatingDAO
Stores a rating and saves the document's history
- store(Version) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateVersionDAO
This method persists the given version.
- store(Folder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Saves / updates a folder into the database
- store(Folder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- store(Folder, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Same as store(Folder, boolean, FolderHistory)
- store(Folder, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- store(Folder, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Saves / updates a folder into the database
- store(Generic) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.HibernateGenericDAO
- store(AttributeSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeSetDAO
- store(Template) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateTemplateDAO
- store(SavedSearch) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.HibernateSearchDAO
- store(ApiKey) - Method in class
- store(Device) - Method in class
- store(Menu) - Method in class
- store(Tenant) - Method in class
- store(Group) - Method in class
- store(User) - Method in class
- store(User, UserHistory) - Method in class
- store(User, UserHistory) - Method in interface
This method persists the user object and insert a new user history entry.
- store(Ticket) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.HibernateTicketDAO
- store(Ticket, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.HibernateTicketDAO
- store(Ticket, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.TicketDAO
This method persists the download ticket object and insert a new document history entry
- store(File, long, String) - Method in class
- store(File, long, String) - Method in class
- store(File, long, String) - Method in class
- store(File, long, String) - Method in interface
Stores a file
- store(InputStream, long, String) - Method in class
- store(InputStream, long, String) - Method in class
- store(InputStream, long, String) - Method in interface
This method has to store a resource in the document's container.
- store(OutputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.OrderedProperties
Overrides the original store() method and sorts the output
- store(T) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
- store(T) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.HibernateHistoryDAO
- store(T) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
This method persists the entity object
- Store - Interface in
The Store manages the repository where document files are maintained and all general resources are stored.
- STORE - Enum constant in enum class
- storeAttributeSet(WSAttributeSet) - Method in class
- storeAttributeSet(WSAttributeSet) - Method in interface
Create/Update an attribute set.
- storeAttributeSet(WSAttributeSet) - Method in class
- storeAttributeSet(String, WSAttributeSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- storeAttributeSet(String, WSAttributeSet) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Create/Update an attribute set.
- storeAttributeSet(String, WSAttributeSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
- stored(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- STORED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- storeGroup(String, WSGroup) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSecurityClient
- storeGroup(String, WSGroup) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSecurityService
- storeGroup(String, WSGroup) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SecurityService
Creates/Updates a group.
- StoresDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for stores data.
- StoresDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- StoresDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all the stores.
- StoresDS(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
- StoresPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings
This class shows the storesGrid list and informations.
- StoresPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.StoresPanel
- storeTemplate(WSTemplate) - Method in class
- storeTemplate(WSTemplate) - Method in interface
Create/Update a template.
- storeTemplate(WSTemplate) - Method in class
- storeTemplate(String, WSTemplate) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
- storeTemplate(String, WSTemplate) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Create/Update a template.
- storeTemplate(String, WSTemplate) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
- StoreTypesDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all the types of store.
- StoreTypesDS() - Constructor for class
- storeUploadedDesign(long) - Method in interface
Store the uploaded design file in the given report
- storeUploadedDesign(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- storeUser(String, WSUser) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSecurityClient
- storeUser(String, WSUser) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSecurityService
- storeUser(String, WSUser) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SecurityService
Creates/Updates a user.
- StreamEater - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.exec
- StreamEater(String, InputStream) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.StreamEater
- StreamEater(String, InputStream, Writer) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.StreamEater
- StreamEater(String, InputStream, StringBuilder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.StreamEater
- StreamGobbler - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.exec
When Runtime.exec() won't.
- StreamGobbler(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.StreamGobbler
- StreamHttpClientResponseHandler - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.http
A HTTP response handler that writes the response into a given output stream
- StreamHttpClientResponseHandler(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.http.StreamHttpClientResponseHandler
- streamOut(Resource) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
Gets the stream for a resource
- streamOut(Resource) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- StringEncrypter - Class in
Utility class to encrypt/decrypt strings
- StringEncrypter(String) - Constructor for class
- StringEncrypter(String, String) - Constructor for class
- StringEncrypter.EncryptionException - Exception Class in
- StringHttpClientResponseHandler - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.http
A HTTP response handler that treats the response as a text content
- StringHttpClientResponseHandler() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.http.StringHttpClientResponseHandler
- StringOutputStream - Class in
An output stram that writes into a string
- StringOutputStream() - Constructor for class
- StringOutputStream(StringBuilder) - Constructor for class
- StringTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Utility methods to handle strings
- StringTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.StringTool
- StringUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.util
Some utility methods specialized in string manipulation
- strip(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- strip(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.SnippetStripper
Strips all characters from the input string that may invalidate XML.
- stripIframes(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.html.HTMLSanitizer
- Stub - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model
Imagine a stub = an @XMLElement.
- Stub() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.Stub
- StubTypeTree - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model
A tree-like structure indicating the inheritance of java classes involved in the stubs
Important: B.class is considered the child type of A.class, if and only if
a. - StubTypeTree() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.StubTypeTree
- StubTypeTreeRepository - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service
- StubTypeTreeRepository() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service.StubTypeTreeRepository
- SUBFOLDER_CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- SUBFOLDER_CREATED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- SUBFOLDER_DELETED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- SUBFOLDER_MOVED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- SUBFOLDER_PERMISSION - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- SUBFOLDER_RENAMED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- SUBFOLDER_RESTORED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- SUBSCRIBED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- SUBSCRIBED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- subscribeDocuments(List<Long>, List<String>, Long, Long) - Method in interface
Subscribes a selection of documents
- subscribeDocuments(List<Long>, List<String>, Long, Long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- subscribeFolder(long, boolean, List<String>, Long, Long) - Method in interface
Subscribes a folder
- subscribeFolder(long, boolean, List<String>, Long, Long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- SUBSCRIPTION - Enum constant in enum class
- SubscriptionDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.subscription
This is the form used for subscribe a user to the events.
- SubscriptionDialog(ListGrid) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.subscription.SubscriptionDialog
- SubscriptionDialog(Long, List<Long>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.subscription.SubscriptionDialog
Constructor used to subscribe a user to folders or documents
- SUBSCRIPTIONS - Static variable in class
- SUBSCRIPTIONS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- SUBSCRIPTIONS_REPORT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- SubscriptionsDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve the subscriptions of the current user.
- SubscriptionsDS(Long, Long) - Constructor for class
- SubscriptionsDS(Long, Long, String, String, int) - Constructor for class
- SubscriptionsReport - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports
This panel shows a list of subscriptions
- SubscriptionsReport() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.SubscriptionsReport
- suffix - Variable in class
- SUFFIX - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.web.DocumentResourceUpload
- SUFFIX_MOBILE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
- SUFFIX_PREVIEW - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
- SUFFIX_THUMB - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
- SUFFIX_TILE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
- supports(Class<?>) - Method in class
- supports(Class<?>) - Method in class
- supports(Class<?>) - Method in class
- supports(ConfigAttribute) - Method in class
- SYNC - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- syncDB(String) - Method in class
Downloads and installs the latest database
- syncGeolocationDB(String) - Method in interface
Downloads the most recent version of the Geolocation database
- syncGeolocationDB(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- syncGeolocationDB(String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- synchronize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar.UserCalendarPanel
- synchronizeCalendar() - Method in interface
Synchronizes the user's calendar with it's external one
- synchronizeCalendar(AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- synchronizedShapes() - Method in class
- SYNDICATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- SYNDICATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- SyndicationDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication
This panel collects details about a syndication
- SyndicationDetailsPanel(SyndicationsPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationDetailsPanel
- SyndicationDetailsTab - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication
Superclass for all tab panels in the import folders details area
- SyndicationsDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all syndications.
- SyndicationsDS() - Constructor for class
- SyndicationService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Syndication Service.
- SyndicationService.Instance - Class in
- SyndicationServiceAsync - Interface in
- SyndicationsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication
Panel showing the details of an import folder
- SyndicationsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationsPanel
- SyndicationStandardProperties - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication
Shows syndication's standard properties and read-only data
- SyndicationStandardProperties(GUISyndication, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationStandardProperties
- SYSTEM - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- SYSTEM_DESTORY - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.event.SystemEventStatus
- SYSTEM_DICTIONARY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
- SYSTEM_ID - Static variable in class
- SYSTEM_NAME - Static variable in class
- SystemEventListener - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.event
- SystemEventStatus - Enum Class in com.logicaldoc.util.event
- SystemInfo - Class in com.logicaldoc.core
General informations about the system
- SystemLoadListener - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.system
Concrete implementations have to react to changes in the system load.
- SystemLoadMonitor - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.system
This class monitors the system load and notifies the listeners accordingly
- SystemLoadMonitor() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.system.SystemLoadMonitor
- SystemMenu - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system
This panel shows the administration system menu
- SystemMenu() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.SystemMenu
- SystemMessage - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.communication
SystemMessages are messages which an user only can send to other system users.
- SystemMessage() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessage
- SystemMessage(SystemMessage) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessage
- SystemMessageDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.communication
This is a DAO service for SystemMessages.
- SystemMessageMapper() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateSystemMessageDAO.SystemMessageMapper
- SystemService - Interface in
The client side stub for the System Service.
- SystemService - Interface in
System Web Service definition interface for REST.
- SystemService - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap
System Web Service definition interface
- SystemService.Instance - Class in
- SystemServiceAsync - Interface in
- SystemServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Implementation of the SystemService
- SystemServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- SystemTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Utility functions for interacting with the Operative System from within the Automation
- SystemTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.SystemTool
- SystemUsageDS - Class in
Datasource to show the system usage
- SystemUsageDS(long) - Constructor for class
- SystemUsageGrid - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.usage
A grid to display current usage of the system usage
- SystemUsageGrid() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.usage.SystemUsageGrid
- SystemUsageGrid(boolean, long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.usage.SystemUsageGrid
- SystemUsageHistoryChart - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.usage
This dialog shows a usage history chart
- SystemUsageHistoryChart(String, String, long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.usage.SystemUsageHistoryChart
- SystemUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.util
Utility methods to get informations from the system
- Tag - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Represents a tag of a specific document
- Tag() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Tag
- Tag(long, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Tag
- TagCloud - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
This class is a TagCloud
- TagCloud - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag
This represent a tag cloud using a 3-D ball.
- TagCloud() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TagCloud
- TagCloud() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag.TagCloud
- TagCloud(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TagCloud
- TagCloud(String, long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TagCloud
- TagCloudDashlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet
Dashlet specialized in showing the tag cloud.
- TagCloudDashlet(GUIDashlet) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.TagCloudDashlet
- TAGS - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- TAGS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- TAGS_ADMIN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- TAGS_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- TagsDashboard - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag
User dashboard that displays several portlets like a portal page.
- TagsDashboard() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag.TagsDashboard
- TagsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for document tags data.
- TagsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- TagsDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all documents tags.
- TagsDS(String, boolean, Long, Long) - Constructor for class
- TagSearch - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
Search specialization for the Tag search.
- TagSearch.HitMapper - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
- TagSearchOptions - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
Search options specialization for the Tag text search.
- TagSearchOptions() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.TagSearchOptions
- TagService - Interface in
Tag handling service
- TagService - Interface in
Tag Web Service definition interface for REST.
- TagService - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap
Tag Web Service definition interface Marco Meschieri - LogicalDOC
- TagService.Instance - Class in
- TagServiceAsync - Interface in
- TagServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Implementation of the TagService
- TagServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.TagServiceImpl
- TagsForm - Class in
This panel shows the tags list with each tag count.
- TagsForm(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
- TagsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.tag
This panel collects the administration panels regarding the tags.
- TagsPanel(List<GUIParameter>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.tag.TagsPanel
- TagsPortlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag
Portlet specialized in allowing the user to search by tag.
- TagsPortlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag.TagsPortlet
- TagsPreset - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.tag
This panel shows the tags list with each tag count.
- TagsPreset(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.tag.TagsPreset
- TagsProcessor - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
This task generate all data needed by the tag cloud panel and the tags drop-down lists.
- TagsProcessor() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TagsProcessor
- TagsSettingsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.tag
This panel shows some general settings for the tags management.
- TagsSettingsPanel(List<GUIParameter>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.tag.TagsSettingsPanel
- TagUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.util
Utility class for tags handling
- TarConverter - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
Converts a Tar file in it's listing
- TarConverter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.TarConverter
- TarParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Class for parsing tar files.
- TarParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.TarParser
- TarUtil - Class in
This class is for reading tar files
- TarUtil() - Constructor for class
- Task - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.task
A task is a long running process that is fired regularly
- TASK_REPORT_NOTIFICATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- TaskDetailPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task
This panel collects all tasks details
- TaskDetailPanel(TasksPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TaskDetailPanel
- TaskDetailsDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow
This popup window is used to display the details of a selected task in a specific workflow instance.
- TaskDetailsDialog(WorkflowDashboard, GUIWorkflow, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.TaskDetailsDialog
- TaskEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer
This is the form used for the workflow task settings.
- TaskEditor(StateWidget) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.TaskEditor
- TaskException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.core.task
An error happened during task esexcution
- TaskException() - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskException
- TaskException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskException
- TaskException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskException
- TaskException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskException
- TaskListener - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.task
Implementations of this listener are notified when changes occurs in the Task state
- TaskManager - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.task
A manager that collects all operations about tasks.
- TaskManager() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskManager
- TaskNotificationPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task
This panel shows notification settings for a task
- TaskNotificationPanel(GUITask, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TaskNotificationPanel
- TASKS_ALL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashboard
- TASKS_ASSIGNED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashboard
- TASKS_I_CAN_OWN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashboard
- TASKS_INVOLVED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashboard
- TASKS_SUPERVISOR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashboard
- TASKS_SUSPENDED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashboard
- TaskScheduling - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.task
Scheduling configuration for a Task
- TaskScheduling(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- TaskSchedulingPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task
This panel shows the task scheduling settings.
- TaskSchedulingPanel(GUITask, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TaskSchedulingPanel
- TasksDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for tasks data.
- TasksDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- TasksDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve the bookmarks of the current user.
- TasksDS() - Constructor for class
- TasksPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task
Panel showing the list of scheduled tasks
- TasksPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TasksPanel
- TaskTrigger - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.task
This trigger wraps both a SimpleTrigger and a CronTrigger
- TaskTrigger() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskTrigger
- tearDown() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.junit.AbstractTestCase
- TECHNICAL_SUPPORT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- TempFolderCleaner - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
Utility class to clean the current Java temporary folder
- TempFolderCleaner() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.TempFolderCleaner
- Template - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
A template collects a set of attributesets ant is itself an extensible object.
- Template() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Template
- TEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- TEMPLATE_ID - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- TemplateDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
This class is a DAO-service for document templates.
- TemplateDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
This panel collects all template details
- TemplateDetailsPanel(TemplatesPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplateDetailsPanel
- TemplateNameTextValidator - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.validators
Tipical validator for tempalte names
- TemplateNameTextValidator() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.validators.TemplateNameTextValidator
- TemplatePropertiesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
This panel shows all template properties.
- TemplatePropertiesPanel(GUITemplate, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplatePropertiesPanel
- TemplatesAndAttributesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
Panel showing the panels for handling templates and attribute sets
- TemplatesAndAttributesPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplatesAndAttributesPanel
- TemplatesDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for templates data.
- TemplatesDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- TemplatesDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all templates.
- TemplatesDS(boolean, Long, Integer) - Constructor for class
- TemplateSecurityPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
This panel shows the security policies of a template
- TemplateSecurityPanel(GUITemplate, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplateSecurityPanel
- TemplateService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Template Service.
- TemplateService.Instance - Class in
- TemplateServiceAsync - Interface in
- TemplateServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Implementation of the TemplateService
- TemplateServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.TemplateServiceImpl
- TemplatesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
Panel showing the list of templates
- TemplatesPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplatesPanel
- TemplateValidationPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
This panel shows the validation script of the template.
- TemplateValidationPanel(GUITemplate, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplateValidationPanel
- Tenant - Class in
This class represents a Tenant, that is a branch of the organization or an organizational unit or whatever other class of organization.
- Tenant() - Constructor for class
- Tenant(Tenant) - Constructor for class
- TENANT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- TENANT_DEFAULTDISPLAYNAME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- TENANT_DEFAULTID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- TENANT_DEFAULTNAME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- TENANT_ID - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- TENANT_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
- TENANT_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.JobManager
- TenantBrandingPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant
Shows document's standard properties and read-only data
- TenantBrandingPanel(GUITenant, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantBrandingPanel
- TenantDAO - Interface in
- TenantDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant
This panel collects all tenant details
- TenantDetailsPanel(TenantsPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantDetailsPanel
- TenantKeystorePanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant
Shows the tenant's keystore informations.
- TenantKeystorePanel(long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantKeystorePanel
- TenantKeystorePanel(GUITenant) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantKeystorePanel
- TenantPropertiesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant
Shows document's standard properties and read-only data
- TenantPropertiesPanel(GUITenant, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantPropertiesPanel
- TenantQuotaPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant
Shows document's standard properties and read-only data
- TenantQuotaPanel(GUITenant, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantQuotaPanel
- TENANTS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- TenantsDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all tenants.
- TenantsDS() - Constructor for class
- TenantsDS(boolean) - Constructor for class
- TenantService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Tenant Service.
- TenantService.Instance - Class in
- TenantServiceAsync - Interface in
- TenantsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant
This panel shows the list of tenants and a details area.
- TenantsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantsPanel
- test() - Method in class
- test() - Method in interface
Tests if the store can read and write
- test(long) - Method in interface
Test the connection to the given account
- test(long) - Method in interface
Tests the connection to the given import folder
- test(long) - Method in interface
Test the connection to the given syndication
- test(long, AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
- test(long, AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
- test(long, AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
- testConnection() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit.DBInit
This method tests a connection to the database
- testConnection(GUILDAPServer) - Method in interface
Tests the connection
- testConnection(GUILDAPServer, AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
- testEmail(String) - Method in interface
Tests the SMTP connection
- testEmail(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SettingServiceImpl
- testEmail(String, AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
- testStore(int) - Method in interface
Tests a store (read/write access)
- testStore(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SettingServiceImpl
- testStore(int, AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
- TEXTCONTENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- TextContentCreate - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.textcontent
This popup window is used to create a new web content.
- TextContentCreate() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.textcontent.TextContentCreate
- TextContentEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.textcontent
This popup window is used to show the text document in a text area.
- TextContentEditor(GUIDocument, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.textcontent.TextContentEditor
- textToImage(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Creates an images with the given text printed inside
- textWithAvatar(Long, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- TfaService - Interface in
Utility method to handle the two factor authentications from the login page
- TfaService.Instance - Class in
- TfaServiceAsync - Interface in
- THREADPOOL_CALL_COUNTER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceInterceptor
- THREADPOOL_CALL_STORE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceInterceptor
- ThreadPoolNotAvailableException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.core.threading
An error happened accessing a thread pool
- ThreadPoolNotAvailableException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.ThreadPoolNotAvailableException
- ThreadPoolNotAvailableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.ThreadPoolNotAvailableException
- ThreadPools - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.threading
A factory for thread pools.
- ThreadPools() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.ThreadPools
- ThreadWindow - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.chatgpt
This popup window is used to interact with ChatGPT
- ThresholdGZIPOutInterceptor - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice
- ThresholdGZIPOutInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.ThresholdGZIPOutInterceptor
- THUMB - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
- ThumbnailBuilder - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail
Implementations of this interface are specialized classes that produce thumbnails for a specific type of document.
- thumbnailImgageHTML(long, String, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- ThumbnailManager - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail
Manager class used to handle document thumbnails
- ThumbnailManager() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
- ThumbnailServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
This servlet is responsible for document thumbnail.
- ThumbnailServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.ThumbnailServlet
Constructor of the object.
- thumbnailUrl(long, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- Ticket - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.ticket
Represents ticket, most of the time this is used to model download tickets.
- Ticket() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- TICKET_CREATED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- TicketDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.ticket
DAO for
handling. - TicketDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This popup window is used to get details for the download ticket creation
- TicketDialog(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.TicketDialog
- TicketDisplay - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
Displays a created download ticket details
- TicketDisplay(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.TicketDisplay
- TicketDownload - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
- TicketDownload() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.TicketDownload
Constructor of the object.
- TICKETS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- TicketsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for listing the tickets.
- TicketsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- TicketsDS - Class in
Datasource to handle ticket grid lists.
- TicketsDS(Integer) - Constructor for class
- TicketsReport - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports
This panel shows a list of tickets
- TicketsReport() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.TicketsReport
- tileImageHTML(long, String, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- TileImageLightbox - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview
- TileImageLightbox(long, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.preview.TileImageLightbox
- tileUrl(long, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- TIME_BUSINESS_DAY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- TIME_BUSINESS_HOUR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- TIME_BUSINESS_WEEK - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- TIME_DAY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- TIME_HOUR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- TIME_MINUTE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- TIME_UNIT_DAY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReminder
- TIME_UNIT_HOUR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReminder
- TIME_UNIT_MINUTE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReminder
- TIME_WEEK - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- TimeDiff - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.time
- TimeDiff.TimeField - Enum Class in com.logicaldoc.util.time
- TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum class
- TimeZonesDataServlet - Class in
This servlet prints all the available time zones
- TimeZonesDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- TimeZonesDS - Class in
Datasource retrieve the available Skins
- TimeZonesDS() - Constructor for class
- TITLE - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- toAccessControlEntry(WSAccessControlEntry) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUtil
- toArray(List<Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.CollectionTool
Converts an array into a list
- ToastNotification - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
This is the window that must be showed to the user during a long LogicalDOC computation.
- ToastNotification(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ToastNotification
- toAttributeSet(WSAttributeSet) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUtil
- toBookmark() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSBookmark
- toByteArray(File) - Static method in class
- toByteArray(File, long, long) - Static method in class
- toByteArray(RandomAccessFile, long, long) - Static method in class
- toCompactString() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.DateBean
This method returns the current date in the format yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.
- toCompactString(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.DateBean
This method formats a string with format into format yyyymmdd.
- toCompactString(Date) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.DateBean
This method formats a a date into format yyyymmdd.
- toDavException() - Method in exception class com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception.UncheckedDavException
- toDays(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Calculates how many days are contained in a given amount of milliseconds
- toDocument(GUIDocument) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
Produces a plain new Document from a GUIDocument
- toDocument(WSDocument) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUtil
- toDocument(Record) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentGridUtil
- toDocumentNote() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- toDocuments(Record[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentGridUtil
- toggleFilters() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsListPanel
- toggleFilters() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
- toggleMenu() - Method in class
- toGregorian(Date) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.time.JulianCalendarUtil
- toGroup() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- toHit(SolrDocument) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hits
- toHours(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Calculates how many hours are contained in a given amount of milliseconds
- toJulian(Date) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.time.JulianCalendarUtil
- TokenFiltersDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for token filters data
- TokenFiltersDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- TokenFiltersDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve the token filters.
- TokenFiltersDS(String) - Constructor for class
- TokenProvider - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.communication.oauth
For connecting to the mail store via IMAP or SMTP using OAuth 2.0 authentication, one shall first obtain an access token.
- toList(Object[]) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.CollectionTool
Converts an array into a list
- toLocale(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.LocaleUtil
Creates the locale from a string
- toMinutes(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Calculates how many minutes are contained in a given amount of milliseconds
- toMonths(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Calculates how many months are contained in a given amount of milliseconds
- TooManyDocumentsException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Exception raised when you try to add more documents than allowed in the same folder
- TooManyDocumentsException(Folder, long) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TooManyDocumentsException
- top() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.WindowUtils
- TopPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels
The banner panel
- TopPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.TopPanel
- toPrimitives(Long[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- toRating() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSRating
- toSearchOptions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- toSeconds(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Calculates how many seconds are contained in a given amount of milliseconds
- toSerializable(LogEvent) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout
Formats as a String.
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
- toString() - Method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Tag
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- toString() - Method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.Language
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationError
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
- toString() - Method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- toString() - Method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in exception class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in enum class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in enum class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskScheduling
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAccessControlEntry
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIParameter
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIPatch
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIValue
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.Dashlet
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Pair
representation of thisPair
. - toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Value
representation of thisValue
. - toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.JavaLanguageVariable
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.Stub
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSParameter
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceCall
- toString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.Entry
- toString(Object[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- toTagCloud() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTagCloud
- toTemplate(WSTemplate) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUtil
- toURL(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.UrlUtil
- toUser() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- toWeeks(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Calculates how many weeks are contained in a given amount of milliseconds
- toWSAccessControlEntry(AccessControlEntry) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUtil
- toWSAttributeSet(AttributeSet) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUtil
- toWSDocument(AbstractDocument) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUtil
- toWSTemplate(Template) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUtil
- toYears(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Calculates how many years are contained in a given amount of milliseconds
- TransactionalObject - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core
Implementations of this interface are objects that may participate into a transaction
- transferred(long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.util.http.FileBodyCounter.ProgressListener
- TransitionEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer
This is the form used for the workflow transition settings
- TransitionEditor(StateWidget) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.TransitionEditor
- TRASH - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- TRASH - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- TrashPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel shows the current user's garbage
- TrashPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.TrashPanel
- TriggerDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow
This is the form used for editing a workflow trigger
- TriggerDialog(WorkflowTriggersPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.TriggerDialog
- triggerJob(JobKey) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- triggerJob(JobKey, JobDataMap) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- triggerReload() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
Triggers the load of the last uploaded files
- truncate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache.WebdavCache
- truncateToDay(Date) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.time.DateUtil
- trustDevice(User, Device) - Method in interface
Trusts a device for a user
- trustDevice(User, Device) - Method in class
- trustDevice(String) - Method in interface
Permanently trusts the current device for the current user
- trustDevice(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- trustDevice(String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- TrustedDevices - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account
This panel shows the list of the user's trusted devices.
- TrustedDevices() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.TrustedDevices
- turnBackTaskToPool(String) - Method in interface
The task is reassigned to the pooled users
- turnBackTaskToPool(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- TWO_FACTORS_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- TWO_FACTORS_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- TWOFA_DUO - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- TWOFA_EMAIL_AUTHENTICATOR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- TWOFA_GOOGLE_AUTHENTICATOR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- TWOFA_YUBIKEY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- TWOFACHANGED - Enum constant in enum class
- TwoFactorsAuthenticationDialog - Class in
Shows the popup to change the 2fa of a user.
- TwoFactorsAuthenticationDialog(GUIUser, boolean) - Constructor for class
- TwoFactorsAuthenticationPanel - Class in
This panel shows the settings for the two factors authentication for a specific user
- TwoFactorsAuthenticationPanel(GUIUser, boolean) - Constructor for class
- TwoFactorsAuthenticationService - Interface in
Service to setup the Two Factors Authentication
- TwoFactorsAuthenticationService.Instance - Class in
- TwoFactorsAuthenticationServiceAsync - Interface in
- TwoFactorsAuthenticationSettings - Class in
This panel shows general settings about the 2FA.
- TwoFactorsAuthenticationSettings() - Constructor for class
- TwoFactorsAuthenticationSetup - Class in
Bas class for creating second factor authenticators setup panels
- TwoFactorsAuthenticationSetup() - Constructor for class
- TXTParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Class for parsing text (*.txt) files.
- TXTParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.TXTParser
- TYPE_ALIAS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- TYPE_ALIAS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- TYPE_BARCODE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- TYPE_BOOKMARK - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- TYPE_BOOKMARK - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- TYPE_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- TYPE_CONTENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- TYPE_CUSTOM_ACTION - Static variable in class
- TYPE_DATE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- TYPE_DATE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- TYPE_DATE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AbstractAttributeSet
The AttributeSet's default type: 0
- TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class
- TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class
- TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class
- TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
- TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIGroup
- TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
- TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- TYPE_DOCEVENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- TYPE_DOCEVENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- TYPE_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- TYPE_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
- TYPE_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- TYPE_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- TYPE_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- TYPE_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- TYPE_DOUBLE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- TYPE_DOUBLE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- TYPE_DOUBLE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- TYPE_EMAIL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- TYPE_END - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- TYPE_END - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDesigner
- TYPE_FOLDER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
- TYPE_FOLDER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- TYPE_FOLDER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- TYPE_FOLDER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- TYPE_FOLDER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- TYPE_FOLDERS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- TYPE_FOLDERS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- TYPE_FORK - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- TYPE_FORK - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDesigner
- TYPE_FULLTEXT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- TYPE_FULLTEXT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- TYPE_GUEST - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- TYPE_HTML - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- TYPE_IMAGE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- TYPE_INT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- TYPE_INT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- TYPE_INT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- TYPE_JOIN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- TYPE_JOIN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDesigner
- TYPE_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- TYPE_NOTE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
- TYPE_NOTE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDashlet
- TYPE_NOTIFICATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- TYPE_PARAMETRIC - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- TYPE_PARAMETRIC - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- TYPE_READONLY - Static variable in class
- TYPE_READONLY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- TYPE_SECTION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- TYPE_SECTION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- TYPE_STORE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
- TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- TYPE_STRING_PRESET - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- TYPE_STRING_TEXTAREA - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- TYPE_SYSTEM - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- TYPE_SYSTEM - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- TYPE_SYSTEM - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Recipient
- TYPE_SYSTEM - Static variable in class
- TYPE_SYSTEM - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- TYPE_TAG - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- TYPE_TAGS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
- TYPE_TASK - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- TYPE_TASK - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDesigner
- TYPE_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder.FolderCriterion
- TYPE_TEXT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
- TYPE_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWFState
- TYPE_USER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MessageTemplate
- TYPE_USER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
- TYPE_USER - Static variable in class
- TYPE_USER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
- TYPE_USER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIGroup
- TYPE_USER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- TYPE_USER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- TYPE_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
- TYPE_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
- TypeIconGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
A field to display a file type icon
- TypeIconGridField() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.TypeIconGridField
- TypeIconGridField.FileIconCellFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
- TypeManager - Class in com.logicaldoc.cmis
Type Manager.
- TypeManager() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
- unaccent(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.StringUtil
Converts the non latin chars in the nearest ASCII char
- unarchive(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Restores a previously archived document
- unarchive(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- unarchiveDocuments(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Restores a given set of archived documents
- unarchiveDocuments(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- unarchiveDocuments(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- unbookmarkDocument(long) - Method in interface
- unbookmarkDocument(long) - Method in class
- unbookmarkDocument(long) - Method in class
- unbookmarkDocument(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.BookmarkService
- unbookmarkDocument(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapBookmarkClient
- unbookmarkDocument(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapBookmarkService
- unbookmarkFolder(long) - Method in interface
- unbookmarkFolder(long) - Method in class
- unbookmarkFolder(long) - Method in class
- unbookmarkFolder(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.BookmarkService
- unbookmarkFolder(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapBookmarkClient
- unbookmarkFolder(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapBookmarkService
- UncheckedDavException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception
- UncheckedDavException(int, String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception.UncheckedDavException
- UncheckedDavException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception.UncheckedDavException
- uncheckout() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.VersionControlledResourceImpl
- uncheckout(Resource, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
Cancels a checkout
- uncheckout(Resource, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- undeploy(String) - Method in interface
Undeploys a given workflow
- undeploy(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- UnexistingResourceException - Exception Class in
Raised when access to an unexisting resource is required
- UnexistingResourceException() - Constructor for exception class
- UnexistingResourceException(String) - Constructor for exception class
- UnexistingResourceException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class
- UnexistingResourceException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
- UnexistingResourceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
- UnexistingResourceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
- unGZip(File, File) - Method in class
UnGunzips a given .gz file
- unGZip(InputStream, File) - Method in class
UnGunzips a given .gz stream
- unGZipUnTar(File, File) - Method in class
Gunzips and Untars a given .tar.gz file
- uninstallCloseWindowAlert() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Removes the javascript function used to ask confirmation on window close
- uninstallPlugin(String) - Method in interface
Uninstalls the given plugin
- uninstallPlugin(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- uninstallPlugin(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- unjar(String, String) - Method in class
This method extracts all entries of a jar-file.
- unjar(String, String, String) - Method in class
This method extracts one entry of a jar-file.
- unlock() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
This method can unlock a locked index.
- unlock() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- unlock() - Method in interface
Unlocks the indexer
- unlock() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchEngineServiceImpl
- unlock(long) - Method in interface
Unlocks an existing document with the given identifier.
- unlock(long) - Method in class
- unlock(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.WebserviceClient
- unlock(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
UNChecks out the given document
- unlock(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- unlock(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Unlocks a document
- unlock(AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- unlock(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
- unlock(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- unlock(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Unlocks an existing document with the given identifier.
- unlock(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- unlock(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Unlocks a set of documents
- unlock(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- unlock(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- unlocked(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
- UNLOCKED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- unprotect(long, String) - Method in interface
Checks if the document can be accessed with the given password
- unprotect(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- unprotect(long, String) - Method in interface
Unprotects a document that is password protected.
- unprotect(long, String) - Method in class
- unprotect(long, String, AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
- unprotect(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Tries to unprotect a document, If the password is correct, the document stays unprotected for all the duration of the session.
- unprotect(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- unprotect(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- unprotect(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Unprotects a document that is password protected.
- unprotect(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- UNREAD_MESSAGES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- unscheduleJob(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.JobManager
- unscheduleJob(TriggerKey) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- unscheduleJobs(List<GUIValue>) - Method in interface
Unschedules a selection of jobs
- unscheduleJobs(List<GUIValue>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
- unscheduleJobs(List<GUIValue>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- unscheduleJobs(List<TriggerKey>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
- unscheduleTrigger(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.job.JobManager
- unsetPassword(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Removes the password protection from the document.
- unsetPassword(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- unsetPassword(long, String) - Method in interface
Removes the password protection from the document
- unsetPassword(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- unsetPassword(long, String) - Method in interface
Removes the password protection from the document
- unsetPassword(long, String) - Method in class
- unsetPassword(long, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- unsetPassword(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- unsetPassword(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Removes the password protection from the document
- unsetPassword(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- unsynchronizedShapes() - Method in class
- unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.ConnectionPool
- unzip(File, File) - Method in class
This method extracts all entries of a zip-file.
- unzip(File, String, File) - Method in class
This method extracts a specific entry of a zip-file.
- unzip(InputStream, File) - Method in class
This method extracts all entries of a zip-file.
- unzip(InputStream, String, File) - Method in class
Extracts a specific entry inside a given zip stream
- update() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.CustomReportsPanel
- update() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.PrimitivesToolstrip
- update() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.StateWidget
- update() - Method in class
- update(Document, Document, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Updates an existing document and marks it to be re-indexed
- update(Document, Document, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
- update(GUIBranding) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantBrandingPanel
- update(GUIDocument, GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentToolbar
Updates the toolbar state on the basis of the passed document and/or folder
- update(GUIMenu) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.CustomActionsPanel
- update(WSDocument) - Method in class
- update(WSDocument) - Method in interface
Updates an existing document with the value object containing the document's metadata.
- update(WSDocument) - Method in class
- update(WSFolder) - Method in class
- update(WSFolder) - Method in class
- update(WSFolder) - Method in interface
Updates an existing folder.
- update(String, WSDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- update(String, WSDocument) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Updates an existing document with the value object containing the document's metadata
- update(String, WSDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- update(String, WSFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
- update(String, WSFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
- update(String, WSFolder) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Updates an existing folder.
- update(List<Long>, boolean, List<String>) - Method in interface
Changes a set of subscriptions
- update(List<Long>, boolean, List<String>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- update(UpdateInfo) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.VersionControlledResourceImpl
UPDATE feature is not (yet) supported.
- UpdateAndPatchPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update
Updates check panel
- UpdateAndPatchPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update.UpdateAndPatchPanel
- updateApiKey(long, String) - Method in interface
Updates an API Key
- updateApiKey(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- updateApiKey(long, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- updateAttributes(Folder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- updateBookmark(GUIBookmark) - Method in interface
Updates a single bookmark's data
- updateBookmark(GUIBookmark) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- updateBookmark(GUIBookmark, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- updateConfig(List<GUIParameter>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
- updateCountUniqueTags() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Updates the count of the unique tags
- updateCountUniqueTags() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- updateCustomAction(GUIMenu) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
- UPDATED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
- UPDATED - Enum constant in enum class
- updateData(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsListPanel
Refreshes the grid getting the documents from the given folder
- updateDeviceLabel(long, String) - Method in interface
Updates the label of a device
- updateDeviceLabel(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- updateDeviceLabel(long, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- UpdateDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update
This popup window is used to allow the users to input the data for a bulk update or other update operations
- UpdateDialog(List<Long>, GUIDocument, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateDialog
- UpdateDialog(List<Long>, GUIDocument, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateDialog
- updateDigest(Document) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Updates the document's digest (SHA-1)
- updateDigest(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
- updateDigest(Version) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateVersionDAO
- updateDigest(Version) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.VersionDAO
Updates the version's digest (SHA-1)
- updateDocument(GUIDocument) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Updates the visualization of the proper document element
- updateDocument(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
- updateDocument(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
- updateDocumentRating(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateRatingDAO
- updateDocumentRating(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.RatingDAO
Updates the document's rating with the votes average
- updateLink(long, String) - Method in interface
Updates the links type
- updateLink(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- updateLink(long, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- updateMessageTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- updateNote(long, long, String, String) - Method in interface
Updates a document note on the given document
- updateNote(long, long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- updateNote(long, long, String, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- UpdateNotificationPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update
Shows a list of users and a brief message to notify them about the document creation or checkin
- UpdateNotificationPanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateNotificationPanel
- updatePages(long) - Method in interface
Counts the pages of a document and updates the DB.
- updatePages(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- updatePages(long, AsyncCallback<Integer>) - Method in interface
- UpdatePanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update
This panel collects all documents details needed by a bulk update or other update operations.
- UpdatePanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update
Updates check panel
- UpdatePanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update.UpdatePanel
- UpdatePanel(GUIDocument, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdatePanel
- updateProperties(String, Holder<String>, Holder<String>, Properties, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
- updateProperties(CallContext, Holder<String>, Properties, ObjectInfoHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS updateProperties
- updateReadingsTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- updateRecord(GUIArchive) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportArchivesList
- updateRecord(GUIAttributeSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeSetsPanel
Updates the selected rec with new data
- updateRecord(GUIAutomationRoutine) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutinesPanel
Updates the selected rec with new data
- updateRecord(GUIAutomationTrigger) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderAutomationPanel
Updates the selected rec with new data
- updateRecord(GUIAutomationTrigger) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggersPanel
Updates the selected rec with new data
- updateRecord(GUIDocument, Record) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentGridUtil
- updateRecord(GUIEmailAccount) - Method in class
Updates the selected rec with new data
- updateRecord(GUIForm) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormsPanel
Updates the selected rec with new data
- updateRecord(GUIGroup) - Method in class
Updates the selected rec with new data
- updateRecord(GUIImportFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders.ImportFoldersPanel
Updates the selected rec with new data
- updateRecord(GUIIncrementalArchive) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalArchivesList
Updates the selected rec with new data
- updateRecord(GUILDAPServer) - Method in class
Updates the selected rec with new data
- updateRecord(GUIReport) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.CustomReportsPanel
Updates the selected rec with new data
- updateRecord(GUIRetentionPolicy) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.RetentionPoliciesPanel
Updates the selected rec with new data
- updateRecord(GUIStamp) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampsPanel
Updates the selected rec with new data
- updateRecord(GUISyndication) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication.SyndicationsPanel
Updates the selected rec with new data
- updateRecord(GUITemplate) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplatesPanel
Updates the selected rec with new data
- updateRecord(GUITenant) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantsPanel
Updates the selected rec with new data
- updateRecord(GUIUser) - Method in class
Updates the selected rec with new data
- updateRecord(GUIUser) - Method in class
Updates the selected rec with new data
- updateResource(Resource, ImportContext, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
Updating a resource on passing all new properties though a valid resource object.
- updateResource(Resource, ImportContext, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
- UPDATES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- UPDATES_AND_PATCHES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- updateSecurityRef(long, long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Changes the securityRef of the given folder, all the other folders that inherits from this one will be changed accordingly.
- updateSecurityRef(long, long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
- updateSelectedRecord(GUITask) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TasksPanel
Updates the selected rec with the new task data
- UpdateService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Document Service.
- UpdateService.Instance - Class in
- UpdateServiceAsync - Interface in
- UpdateStandardPropertiesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update
Shows document's standard properties available for bulk update.
- UpdateStandardPropertiesPanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateStandardPropertiesPanel
- updateTagsTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- UpdateUploader - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update
This popup window is used to upload a new update package to the server.
- UpdateUploader(UpdatePanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update.UpdateUploader
- updateUserTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- updateWorkflowTab() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- updateZone(GUIBarcodeZone) - Method in interface
Updates a single zone, if the zone does not exist it will be created
- updateZone(GUIBarcodeZone, AsyncCallback<GUIBarcodeZone>) - Method in interface
- updateZone(GUIZone) - Method in interface
Updates a single zone, if the zone does not exist it will be created
- updateZone(GUIZone, AsyncCallback<GUIZone>) - Method in interface
- updatingServer() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
- upgrade(Class<T>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
- upload() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpUpload
- upload(long) - Method in interface
Uploads a document to Google Drive
- upload(long) - Method in interface
Uploads a document to Zoho.
- upload(long, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- upload(long, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
- upload(String, Long, Long, boolean, String, String, DataHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- upload(String, Long, Long, boolean, String, String, DataHandler) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Creates a new document or updates an existing one.
- upload(String, Long, Long, boolean, String, String, DataHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- upload(String, String, String, String, String, Attachment) - Method in interface
Uploads a document Creates or updates an existing document, if used in update mode docId must be provided, when used in create mode folderId is required.
- upload(String, String, String, String, String, Attachment) - Method in class
- Upload - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
A widget to upload a single file to the platform
- Upload(SubmitItem) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.Upload
- Upload(IButton) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.Upload
- Upload(IButton, SubmitItem) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.Upload
- UploadDocumentMultipartRequest() - Constructor for class
- uploadDocumentResource(HttpServletRequest, long, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
Uploads a document's related resource.
- uploadFile(long, File, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.WebserviceClient
- uploadFile(File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.Dropbox
- UploadFormItemIcon - Class in
An icon to be used to trigger the SAML upload popup
- UploadFormItemIcon(String) - Constructor for class
The constructor.
- uploadResource(Integer, String, String, Attachment) - Method in interface
Uploads a new resource of the document Uploads a new resource attached to the given document.
- uploadResource(Integer, String, String, Attachment) - Method in class
- uploadResource(String, long, String, String, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- uploadResource(String, long, String, String, DataHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
- uploadResource(String, long, String, String, DataHandler) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Uploads a new resource attached to the given document.
- uploadResource(String, long, String, String, DataHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
- UploadResourceMultipartRequest() - Constructor for class
- UPLOADS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.web.UploadServlet
- UploadServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
This servlet is responsible for document resource upload.
- UploadServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.UploadServlet
Constructor of the object.
- UrlUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.http
Utility methods for handling URLs
- USAGE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- UsagePanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.usage
This panel shows the system usage grid
- UsagePanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.usage.UsagePanel
- User - Class in
This class represents a user.
- User() - Constructor for class
- USER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.web.DisplayServlet
- USER_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- USER_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.web.AvatarServlet
- USER_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceChartServlet
- USER_SESSION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- UserCalendarPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar
Calendar dashboard that displays the events in which the user is involved into.
- UserCalendarPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar.UserCalendarPanel
- UserCellFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters
Formats a cell containing a date of a user
- UserCellFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters.UserCellFormatter
- UserController - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers
Implements the Observer pattern to distribute events on the users
- UserDAO - Interface in
This class is a DAO-service for User-objects.
- UserDashboard - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard
User dashboard that displays several portlets like a portal page.
- UserDashboard() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.UserDashboard
- UserDateCellFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters
Formats a cell showing a date for the user
- UserDateCellFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters.UserDateCellFormatter
- UserDateCellFormatter(boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.formatters.UserDateCellFormatter
- UserDetailsPanel - Class in
This panel collects all user details
- UserDetailsPanel(UsersPanel) - Constructor for class
- UserEvent - Enum Class in
Possible events in the user's history
- UserGroup - Class in
Simple bean to map a relationship between a user and it's groups
- UserGroup() - Constructor for class
- UserGroup(long) - Constructor for class
- UserHistory - Class in
History entry due to an event on a user.
- UserHistory() - Constructor for class
- UserHistory(Session) - Constructor for class
- UserHistory(UserHistory) - Constructor for class
- UserHistoryDAO - Interface in
DAO for
handling. - UserHistoryDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for user history data.
- UserHistoryDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- UserHistoryDS - Class in
Datasource to handle user history grid lists.
- UserHistoryDS(long) - Constructor for class
- UserHistoryDS(long, Integer) - Constructor for class
- UserHistoryDS(long, String, Integer) - Constructor for class
- UserHistoryDS(Long, Long, String, String, Integer) - Constructor for class
- UserHistoryPanel - Class in
This panel shows the history of a user
- UserHistoryPanel(long) - Constructor for class
- USERID_ADMIN - Static variable in class
- USERID_ADMIN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- USERID_SYSTEM - Static variable in class
- UserInterfacePanel - Class in
Panel to edit the User Interface related settings of a user
- UserInterfacePanel(GUIUser, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class
- UserListener - Interface in
This interface defines hooks called before and after a particular event occurs on the specified user.
- UserListenerManager - Class in
A manager for user listeners.
- UserListenerManager() - Constructor for class
- UserListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
A field to display usernames and optionally their avatars in cells that contains a user reference
- UserListGridField() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.UserListGridField
- UserListGridField(boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.UserListGridField
- UserListGridField(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.UserListGridField
- UserListGridField(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.UserListGridField
- UserListGridField(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.UserListGridField
- UserListGridField(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.UserListGridField
- UserListGridField.AvatarCellFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
- UsernameBlockedException - Exception Class in
Raised when the remote client is in the black list
- UsernameBlockedException() - Constructor for exception class
- UserObserver - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers
Definition of a generic observer on user's attributes.
- UserPickListProperties - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
Template for creating users pick lists.
- UserPickListProperties() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.UserPickListProperties
- UserPropertiesPanel - Class in
Shows users's standard properties and read-only data
- UserPropertiesPanel(GUIUser, ChangedHandler, UsersPanel) - Constructor for class
- UserQuotaPanel - Class in
Shows user's quota settings and values.
- UserQuotaPanel(GUIUser, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class
- UsersDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for users data.
- UsersDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- UsersDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all users.
- UsersDS(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
- UserSearchDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
This is a form used for quick user selection
- UserSearchDialog(UserSelector) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.UserSearchDialog
- UserSecurityPanel - Class in
Shows user's security settings
- UserSecurityPanel(GUIUser, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class
- UserSelector - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
This widget allows for the selection of a user with the possibility to search in groups
- UserSelector(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.UserSelector
- UserSelector(String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.UserSelector
- UserSelector(String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, List<FormItemIcon>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.UserSelector
- UserSelectorCombo - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
This widget allows for the selection of a set of users
- UserSelectorCombo(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.UserSelectorCombo
- UsersPanel - Class in
This panel shows the list of users and a detail area.
- UsersPanel() - Constructor for class
- UserTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Utility methods to handle some user related operations from within the Automation
- UserTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.UserTool
- UserUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.util
Various utilities about users.
- Util - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
General utilities container for the GUI
- valid(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.AuthService
Checks if a SID is valid
- valid(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapAuthClient
- valid(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapAuthService
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ExtendedPropertiesPanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentCapturePanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentExtendedPropertiesPanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentSecurityPanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentStandardPropertiesPanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.PublishingPanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateNotificationPanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdatePanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateStandardPropertiesPanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy.FolderCopyDetailsPanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy.FolderCopyExtendedPropertiesPanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy.FolderCopyStandardPropertiesPanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderCapturePanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderExtendedPropertiesPanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderInterfacePanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderQuotaPanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderStandardPropertiesPanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ImportSettingsPanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.IncrementalSettingsPanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampParameters
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp.StampProperties
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.DetailTab
- validate() - Method in class
- validate() - Method in class
- validate() - Method in class
- validate() - Method in class
- validate() - Method in class
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineDetailsTab
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineParametersPanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineProperties
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineSecurity
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantBrandingPanel
- validate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.TenantQuotaPanel
- validate(ExtensibleObject, Template, History) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.Validator
Validates an object instance taking the validation logic from a given template
- validate(GUIDocument) - Method in interface
Validates the metadata
- validate(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
- validate(GUIDocument, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
- validate(String) - Method in class
Validates a password
- validateDeserialize(Class<?>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.SimpleSerializationPolicy
- validateEnvelope(Collection<Long>) - Method in interface
Checks if a collection of document can be put into an envelope, that is if all of them define the docusign tabs annotations.
- validateEnvelope(Collection<Long>, AsyncCallback<Collection<GUIDocument>>) - Method in interface
- validatePassword(String, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface
Validates a password
- validatePassword(String, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
- validatePassword(String, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, AsyncCallback<List<String>>) - Method in interface
- validateSerialize(Class<?>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.SimpleSerializationPolicy
- validateSession(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
Throws a runtime exception id the given session is invalid
- validateSession(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceServletUtil
Throws a runtime exception id the given session is invalid
- validateSession(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.DashletContent
- validateSession(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.DropboxServiceImpl
- validateSession(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
- validateSession(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceServletUtil
- validateUser(User) - Method in class
Perform some security validations on the user but does not check the password.
- ValidationError - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation
A simple bean to carry an error descrition
- ValidationError() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationError
- ValidationError(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationError
- ValidationError(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationError
- ValidationException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation
Raised when the content being stored are not logically valid.
- ValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationException
- ValidationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationException
- ValidationException(Collection<ValidationError>) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationException
Creates a new session with the map of errors
- ValidationException(Collection<ValidationError>, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationException
Creates a new session with the map of errors
- Validator - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation
A Validator performs the checks on a generic
- Validator() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.Validator
- Value<V> - Class in com.logicaldoc.util
A simple value holder.
- Value() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.Value
Creates a new Value
- Value(V) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.Value
Creates a new Value
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator.INIT_PARAM
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.event.SystemEventStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.FontSize
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.time.TimeDiff.TimeField
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator.INIT_PARAM
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.event.SystemEventStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.FontSize
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.time.TimeDiff.TimeField
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- valuesAsString() - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- ValuesCallback - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
A value callback to handle multiple values
- Variable2Stub - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service
Convert java language variables to stubs
- verify(String, SSLSession) - Method in class
- Version - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
This class represents versions.
- Version() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- Version(Version) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
- VERSION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
- VERSION_DELETED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- VERSION_DOC - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.web.DocumentResourceUpload
- VERSION_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.web.DocumentResourceUpload
- VERSION_REPLACED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- VersionControlledResourceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource
- VersionControlledResourceImpl(DavResourceLocator, DavResourceFactory, WebdavSession, ResourceConfig) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.VersionControlledResourceImpl
Create a new
. - VersionControlledResourceImpl(DavResourceLocator, DavResourceFactory, WebdavSession, ResourceConfig, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.VersionControlledResourceImpl
Create a new
. - VersionControlledResourceImpl(DavResourceLocator, DavResourceFactory, WebdavSession, ResourceConfig, Resource) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.VersionControlledResourceImpl
- VersionDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.document
This class is a DAO-service for versions.
- VersionHistoryResourceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.version
For more informations, please visit
- VersionHistoryResourceImpl(DavResourceLocator, DavResourceFactory, WebdavSession, ResourceConfig, Resource) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionHistoryResourceImpl
- VersionListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid
A field to display a file name with icon
- VersionListGridField() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.VersionListGridField
- VersionListGridField(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.VersionListGridField
- VersionListGridField(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.grid.VersionListGridField
- VersionNotesWindow - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note
This window shows the notes of a version
- VersionNotesWindow(GUIDocument, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.VersionNotesWindow
- VersionResourceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.version
For more informations, please visit
- VersionResourceImpl(DavResourceLocator, DavResourceFactory, WebdavSession, ResourceConfig, Resource) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionResourceImpl
- VERSIONS - Static variable in class
- VERSIONS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- VersionsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for document versions data.
- VersionsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
- VersionsDS - Class in
Datasource to handle versions grid lists.
- VersionsDS(Long, Long, int) - Constructor for class
- VersionsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel shows a list of versions of a document in a tabular way.
- VersionsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives
This panel shows a list of versions of an archive in a tabular way.
- VersionsPanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.VersionsPanel
- VersionsPanel(ExportArchivesList, Long, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.VersionsPanel
- VIA - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- VIAService - Interface in
The client side stub for the VIA Service.
- VIAService.Instance - Class in
- VIAServiceAsync - Interface in
- VIASettingsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings
Handles the VIA settings.
- VIASettingsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.VIASettingsPanel
- videoHTML(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Generates HTML code for reproducing video files
- VideoThumbnailBuilder - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail
Takes care of generating thumbnails for videos
- VideoThumbnailBuilder() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.VideoThumbnailBuilder
- VIEW - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
- VIEW_TICKET - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- VIEWED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- viewTicket(long, boolean, Integer, Date, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Creates a new view ticket for a document
- VirtualHostHelper - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.util
- visible(int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- VisualPositioningDigitalSignatureDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature
This popup window is used to apply a digital signature in a visually defined position
- VisualPositioningDigitalSignatureDialog(List<Long>, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature.VisualPositioningDigitalSignatureDialog
- VisualPositioningStampDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.stamp
This popup window is used to apply a stamp in a visually defined position
- VisualPositioningStampDialog(List<GUIDocument>, GUIStamp) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.stamp.VisualPositioningStampDialog
- waitForUpAndRunning(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- walk(ResultSet) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.ResultSetWalker
Implement in this method your iteration logic
- warn(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.LogTool
Writes in the system log with WARN priority
- warn(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.EventPanel
- warn(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.GuiLog
- WARNING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEvent
- wasNull() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
- wasReadBy(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.Message
- WEB_FORM - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- WebConfigurator - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.config
Configurator for the web.xml file
- WebConfigurator(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
- WebConfigurator.INIT_PARAM - Enum Class in com.logicaldoc.util.config
- WEBCONTENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- WEBCONTENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- WebcontentCreate - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.webcontent
This popup window is used to create a new web content.
- WebcontentCreate() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.webcontent.WebcontentCreate
- WebcontentEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.webcontent
This popup window is used to show the HTML document in a WYSIWYG.
- WebcontentEditor(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.webcontent.WebcontentEditor
- WebContextConfigurator - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.config
Configurator class for the META-INF/context.xml
- WebContextConfigurator(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebContextConfigurator
- WEBDAV - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- WEBDAV_BASIC - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- WebDavAuthorisationException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception
If a valid authentication header fails or being corrupted by something else.
- WebDavAuthorisationException(Exception) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception.WebDavAuthorisationException
- WebDavAuthorisationException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception.WebDavAuthorisationException
- WebdavCache - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache
A cache for the WebDAV module
- WebdavCache() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache.WebdavCache
- WebdavCacheFolder - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache
An entry in the webdav cache
- WebdavCacheFolder() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache.WebdavCacheFolder
- WebdavCacheFolder(long, String, long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.cache.WebdavCacheFolder
- WebDAVPlugin - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav
This class provides initialisations needed by WebDAV-Plugin
- WebDAVPlugin() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.WebDAVPlugin
- WebdavServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.web
For more informations, please visit
- WebdavServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.WebdavServlet
- WebdavSession - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webdav.session
For more informations, please visit
- WebDavStorageException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception
Import as well as Export mechanism against logicaldoc and the client could cause some issues, we do not expecting here.
- WebDavStorageException(Exception) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception.WebDavStorageException
- WebDavStorageException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception.WebDavStorageException
- webEditorUrl(int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- webEditorUrl(long, String, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- WebFormInvitationDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form
This is the form used to send form invitations
- WebFormInvitationDialog(long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.WebFormInvitationDialog
- WebFormPrefilledEmail - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form
Collects the pre-filled fields to use to invite some responders
- WebFormPrefilledEmail(GUIEmail, long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.WebFormPrefilledEmail
- WebFormPrefilledLink - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form
Helps to create pre-filled web form link
- WebFormPrefilledLink(long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.WebFormPrefilledLink
- webformURL(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.FormsPanel
- WebMethodDisplayEngine - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc
Display stubs of a web method as readable String
- WebMethodStubSet - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model
it correspond to a method in a web service
- WebMethodStubSet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebMethodStubSet
- WebMethodStubSetFactory - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service
- WEBSERVICE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- WebserviceCall - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice
Represents a call to the webservice
- WebserviceCall() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceCall
- WebserviceCall(WebserviceCall) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceCall
- WebserviceCallDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webservice
DAO for
handling. - WebserviceChartServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice
This servlet provides the chart of the calls to the API
- WebserviceChartServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceChartServlet
Constructor of the object.
- WebserviceClient - Class in com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient
Facade for the connection with the remote LogicalDOC server.
- WebserviceClient() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.WebserviceClient
- WebServiceDisplayEngine - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc
Display stubs of a web method as readable String
- WebserviceDocGen - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc
- WebserviceDocGen() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.WebserviceDocGen
- WebserviceDocPlugin - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc
This class provides initializations needed by this plug-in
- WebserviceDocPlugin() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc.WebserviceDocPlugin
- WebserviceException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice
A generic exception raised by webservice methods
- WebserviceException() - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceException
- WebserviceException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceException
- WebserviceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceException
- WebserviceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceException
- WebserviceFaultInterceptor - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice
Logs the errors into the LogicalDOC main log
- WebserviceFaultInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceFaultInterceptor
- WebserviceInterceptor - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice
invoked when a webservice message has been received - WebserviceInterceptor() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceInterceptor
- WebservicePlugin - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice
This class provides initializations needed by this plug-in
- WebservicePlugin() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebservicePlugin
- WebserviceServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice
Extension of the standard CXF servlet that checks the enabled flag
- WebserviceServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceServlet
- WebserviceServletUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice
Some methods useful in webservice servlets
- WebservicesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols
The panel showing the webservices settings and the API stats
- WebservicesPanel(List<GUIParameter>, ValuesManager) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols.WebservicesPanel
- WebServiceStubSet - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model
it correspond to a web service class
- WebServiceStubSet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebServiceStubSet
- WebServiceStubSetFactory - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service
- WebSocketListener - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets
Listens to events coming from websockets
- WebSocketListener() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebSocketListener
- WebsocketMessage - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets
A websocket message that carries an event or a command to be processed by the User Interface
- WebsocketMessage() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- WebsocketMessage(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebsocketMessage
- WebsocketsMessageService - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets
Dummy service interface only used to simplify serialization/deserialization of MessageEvent object using GWT serialization framework.
- WebsocketsMessageServiceAsync - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets
- WebsocketTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.websockets
Utility functions to interact with the user interface from within the Automation
- WebsocketTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.WebsocketTool
- websocketUrl() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- webstartURL(String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
- WindowStatus(int, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.StickyWindow.WindowStatus
- WindowUtils - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
Utilities for accessing the javascript Window object
- withCharset(Charset) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.Builder
- withContentType(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.Builder
- withFontName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.Builder
- withFontSize(LDHtmlLayout.FontSize) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.Builder
- withLocationInfo(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.Builder
- withTitle(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.Builder
- Worker - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.exec
A simple thread that waits for completion of a given Process.
- Worker(Process) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.exec.Worker
- WORKFLOW - Enum constant in enum class
- WORKFLOW - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- WORKFLOW - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- WORKFLOW - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.messages.DashboardPanel
- WorkflowAclDS - Class in
Datasource to get the ACL of a workflow.
- WorkflowAclDS(long) - Constructor for class
- WORKFLOWAPPENDED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- WorkflowDashboard - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow
Workflow dashboard that displays several portlets like a portal page.
- WorkflowDashboard() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashboard
- WorkflowDashlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow
Dashlet specialized in listing user workflow task records.
- WorkflowDashlet(WorkflowDashboard, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowDashlet
- WorkflowDesigner - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer
Where the workflow diagram is drawn
- WorkflowDesigner(GUIWorkflow) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDesigner
- WorkflowDrawingPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer
In this panel the graphical design of the workflow takes place.
- WorkflowDrawingPanel(GUIWorkflow) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDrawingPanel
- WorkflowDrawingPanel(WorkflowDesigner) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowDrawingPanel
- WorkflowHistoriesDS - Class in
- WorkflowHistoriesDS(Long, Long, String, String, Integer) - Constructor for class
- WorkflowHistoriesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow
Panel that shows the histories of a specific workflow instance
- WorkflowHistoriesPanel(Long, Long, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowHistoriesPanel
- WorkflowHistoryDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow
This popup window is used to visualize the workflows histories.
- WorkflowHistoryDialog() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowHistoryDialog
- WorkflowNoteEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow
This is the form used to add a note in a workflow
- WorkflowNoteEditor(TaskDetailsDialog) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowNoteEditor
- WorkflowPreview - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow
Show the completion diagram
- WorkflowPreview(GUIWorkflow) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowPreview
- WorkflowPreview(String, GUIWorkflow) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowPreview
- WorkflowsDS - Class in
- WorkflowsDS(boolean, boolean, Long) - Constructor for class
- WorkflowsDS(Long) - Constructor for class
- WorkflowsDS(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, Long) - Constructor for class
- WorkflowSecurity - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer
This window shows the security policies of the Workflow.
- WorkflowSecurity(GUIWorkflow) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowSecurity
- WorkflowService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Workflow Service.
- WorkflowService.Instance - Class in
- WorkflowServiceAsync - Interface in
- WorkflowSettings - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer
This window contains a form with the main settings of the workflow.
- WorkflowSettings(GUIWorkflow) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowSettings
- WORKFLOWSTATUS - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- WorkflowTaskNameListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow
A field to display the name of a workflow task with corresponding color
- WorkflowTaskNameListGridField() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowTaskNameListGridField
- WorkflowTaskNameListGridField(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowTaskNameListGridField
- WorkflowTaskNameListGridField(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowTaskNameListGridField
- WorkflowTaskNameListGridField(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowTaskNameListGridField
- WorkflowTaskNameListGridField(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowTaskNameListGridField
- WorkflowTasksDS - Class in
- WorkflowTasksDS(Integer, String, Integer) - Constructor for class
- WorkflowToolStrip - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer
Workflow Tools
- WorkflowToolStrip(WorkflowDesigner, PrimitivesToolstrip) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowToolStrip
- WorkflowTriggersDS - Class in
Datasource to handle workflow trigger lists.
- WorkflowTriggersDS(String) - Constructor for class
- WorkflowTriggersPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow
Displays the list of all workflow triggers on a folder.
- WorkflowTriggersPanel(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.WorkflowTriggersPanel
- WorkflowUploader - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer
This popup window is used to upload a new workflow schema to the server.
- WorkflowUploader(WorkflowDesigner) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowUploader
- WorkingTime - Class in
Represents a time interval in the working time of the user
- WorkingTime() - Constructor for class
- WorkingTime(int, int, int) - Constructor for class
- WorkingTime(WorkingTime) - Constructor for class
- WorkingTimePanel - Class in
Allows the configuration of the user's working time
- WorkingTimePanel(GUIUser, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class
- WORKSPACE_DEFAULTNAME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
- WORKSPACE_TYPE_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
- write() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.CacheConfigurator
- write() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextConfigurator
- write() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
This method saves the properties-file connected by ContextProperties.
NOTE: only call this on an ContextProperties _NOT_ created from an InputStream! - write() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
- write(byte) - Method in class
- write(byte[]) - Method in class
- write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
- write(int) - Method in class
- write(File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
- write(InputStream, File) - Static method in class
- write(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class
- WRITE - Enum constant in enum class
- writeEntry(ZipOutputStream, String, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.LogDownload
- writeFields(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileWriter
Join the fields and write them as a new line to the CSV file.
- writeFile(byte[], String) - Static method in class
- writeFile(InputStream, String) - Static method in class
Writes a stream to a file and then closes the same stream.
- writeFile(String, String) - Static method in class
- writePdfToFile(Document, String, File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
Write the content of the Pdf conversion into a file.
- writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.FileBodyCounter
- writeToClipboard(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Writes a text into the client's clipboard
- writeToFile(long, String, File) - Method in class
- writeToFile(long, String, File) - Method in class
- writeToFile(long, String, File) - Method in interface
Writes the specified resource in a file
- writeToFile(long, String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Writes a resource in a file in the local file system
- writeToStream(long, String, OutputStream) - Method in class
- writeToStream(long, String, OutputStream) - Method in interface
Writes the specified resource in an output stream
- writeToStream(long, String, OutputStream, long, long) - Method in class
- writeToStream(long, String, OutputStream, long, long) - Method in interface
Writes the specified resource in an output stream
- writeToString(InputStream, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.StringUtil
- writeToString(Reader) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.StringUtil
Writes to UFT-8 encoding.
- writeToString(Reader, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.StringUtil
Writes the content from the reader in a string encoded as specified.
- writeUTF8(String, File, boolean) - Static method in class
- writeXMLDoc() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
This method saves the xml-file connected by XMLBean.
- WrongPasswordException - Exception Class in
Raised when given password is not correct
- WrongPasswordException() - Constructor for exception class
- WrongPasswordException(Authenticator) - Constructor for exception class
- WSAccessControlEntry - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
Useful class to associate a user or a group to a permission representation.
- WSAccessControlEntry() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAccessControlEntry
- WSAttribute - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
Extended attribute of a document
- WSAttribute() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttribute
- WSAttributeOption - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
An option for a preset attribute
- WSAttributeOption() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeOption
- WSAttributeOption(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeOption
- WSAttributeOption(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeOption
- WSAttributeSet - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
A WS Attribute Set
- WSAttributeSet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeSet
- WSBookmark - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
Web Service Bookmark.
- WSBookmark() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSBookmark
- WSCALL_HYPHEN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceInterceptor
- WSCredentials - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
- WSCredentials() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSCredentials
- WSDoc - Annotation Interface in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc
An annotation to document the web services.
- WSDocument - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
Web Service Document.
- WSDocument() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
- WSFolder - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
Web Service Folder.
- WSFolder() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
- WSGroup - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
Web Service Group.
- WSGroup() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSGroup
- WSLink - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
Web Service Document Link.
- WSLink() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSLink
- WSNote - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
Web Service Note.
- WSNote() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSNote
- WSParameter - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
Useful class that contains a correspondence between a name and a value.
- WSParameter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSParameter
- WSRating - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
Web Service Rating.
- WSRating() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSRating
- WSSearchOptions - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
Search options through Web Services.
- WSSearchOptions() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
- WSSearchResult - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
Represents a web service search result
- WSSearchResult() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchResult
- WSSystemInfo - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
- WSSystemInfo() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSystemInfo
- WSTagCloud - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
This class is a TagCloud for WebServices API
- WSTagCloud() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTagCloud
- WSTagCloud(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTagCloud
- WSTagCloud(String, long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTagCloud
- WSTemplate - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
A WS Template
- WSTemplate() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTemplate
- WSUser - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
Web Service User.
- WSUser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUser
- WSUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
- WSWorkingTime - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
Represents a time interval in the working time of the user
- WSWorkingTime() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSWorkingTime
- WSWorkingTime(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSWorkingTime
- XLARGE - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.FontSize
- XLSParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Parser for Office 2003 worksheets
- XLSParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.XLSParser
- XMLBean - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.config
Class for using xml-files.
- XMLBean(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
Creates new XMLBean from an input stream; XMLBean is read-only!!!
- XMLBean(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
Creates new XMLBean.
- XMLBean(URL) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.XMLBean
Creates new XMLBean.
- XMLConverter - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
Converter to convert XML files
- XMLConverter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.XMLConverter
- XMLParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Text extractor for XML documents.
- XMLParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.XMLParser
- XSMALL - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.FontSize
- XssFilter - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.filter.xss
Anti XSS vulnerability, that is the presence of <script> element and other javascript code inside the request URL.
- XssFilter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.filter.xss.XssFilter
- XssRequestWrapper - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.filter.xss
This wrapper implements the checks for avoiding the Cross Site Scripting (XSS).
- XssRequestWrapper(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.filter.xss.XssRequestWrapper
- XXLARGE - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.FontSize
- XXSMALL - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.FontSize
- YubiKeySetup - Class in
Panel for setting up the YubiKey second factor.
- YubiKeySetup(GUIUser) - Constructor for class
- ZABWParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Text extractor for AbiWord compressed documents.
- ZABWParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ZABWParser
- ZipConverter - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
Converts a Zip file in it's listing
- ZipConverter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.ZipConverter
- ZipExport - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.transfer
Exports a folder hierarchy and all documents in it as a zip file.
- ZipExport() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.transfer.ZipExport
- zipFile(File, File) - Method in class
Compress a single file
- zipFolder(File, File) - Method in class
Zips a folder into a .zip archive
- ZipImport - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.transfer
This is an import utilities that imports documents stored in a zip archive.
- ZipImport(Document, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.transfer.ZipImport
- ZipInputStream - Class in
Wrapper around a standard AutoDeleteZipInputStream that avoids the CRC checks on stream closure.
- ZipInputStream(ZipInputStream) - Constructor for class
- ZipParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Class for parsing zip files.
- ZipParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ZipParser
- ZipUtil - Class in
This class is for handling with zip-files.
- ZipUtil() - Constructor for class
- ZipUtil(String) - Constructor for class
- ZOHO - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- ZOHO - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- ZohoAuthorization - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho
This popup window is used to handle Zoho settings.
- ZohoAuthorization() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho.ZohoAuthorization
- ZohoCheckin - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho
This popup window is used to perform the checkin of a Zoho document into LogicalDOC.
- ZohoCheckin(GUIDocument, ZohoEditor) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho.ZohoCheckin
- ZohoDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho
This is the form used to select an element in Zoho
- ZohoDialog(boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho.ZohoDialog
- ZohoDS - Class in
Datasource to handle folders and sub-folders in Zoho.
- ZohoDS(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
- ZohoEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho
This popup window is used to show the document in Zoho.
- ZohoEditor(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho.ZohoEditor
- ZohoMenuItem - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho
- ZohoMenuItem(GUIFolder, GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho.ZohoMenuItem
- ZohoService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Zoho Service.
- ZohoService.Instance - Class in
- ZohoServiceAsync - Interface in
- ZohoTree - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho
TreeGrid showing the folders and files
- ZohoTree(boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho.ZohoTree
- ZONAL_BARCODE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- ZONAL_OCR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
- ZONAL_OCR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
- ZONALOCRD - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
- ZonalOCRPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr
Panel showing the Zonal OCR administration panel.
- ZonalOCRPanel(GUITemplate, GUIOCRTemplate) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRPanel
- ZonalOCRQueuePanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr
Shows the queue of documents to be processed by the Zonal OCR task.
- ZonalOCRQueuePanel(int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRQueuePanel
- ZonalOCRService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Zonal OCR.
- ZonalOCRService.Instance - Class in
- ZonalOCRServiceAsync - Interface in
- ZonalOCRTemplateSettings - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr
This popup window is used to upload / edit an OCR template
- ZonalOCRTemplateSettings(ZonalOCRTemplatesPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRTemplateSettings
- ZonalOCRTemplatesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr
Panel showing the OCR templates
- ZonalOCRTemplatesPanel(GUITemplate, GUIOCRTemplate) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRTemplatesPanel
- ZonalOCRZoneCanvas - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr
A canvas that contains a zone to be displayed in a ZonalOCR sample
- ZonalOCRZoneCanvas(GUIZone, ZonalOCRTemplatesPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZonalOCRZoneCanvas
- ZoneCanvas - Class in
A generic panel displaying a zone inside an image.
- ZoneEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode
This popup window is used to show/edit the Zone settings
- ZoneEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr
This popup window is used to show/edit the Zone settings
- ZoneEditor(GUIBarcodeZone) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.ZoneEditor
- ZoneEditor(GUIZone) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr.ZoneEditor
- ZoneTemplatePanel - Class in
A generic panel that displays zones
- zoom(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageDrawingPane
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