
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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AbiWordParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Text extractor for AbiWord documents.
AbiWordParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.AbiWordParser
AboutDialog - Class in
This is the about dialog.
AboutDialog() - Constructor for class
Public constructor
absolute(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
AbstractAnnotationsWindow - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note
A superclass for those windows that display annotations
AbstractAttributeSet - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
A base class for attribute sets and templates
AbstractAttributeSet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AbstractAttributeSet
AbstractAuthenticator - Class in
A place to put common methods of the authenticators
AbstractAuthenticator() - Constructor for class
AbstractConnection - Class in
A connection line between two nodes
AbstractDataServlet - Class in
An abstract implementation for data servlets.
AbstractDocument - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
The Document is the central entity of LogicalDOC.
AbstractDocumentProcessor - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.task
A base implementation for those tasks that process documents
AbstractEmailDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.dialogs
A generic dialog box for sending emails
AbstractExportContext - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.context
For more informations, please visit AbstractExportContext
AbstractFormatConverter - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
Abstract format converter.
AbstractJob - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.job
This represents a unit of work to be scheduled in Quartz
AbstractParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Abstract implementation of a Parser
AbstractParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.AbstractParser
AbstractRemoteService - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Main class for the GWT remote service implementations
AbstractRestClient<T> - Class in
Parent for all RESTful clients
AbstractService - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice
Basepoint for creating webservices implementations
AbstractService() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webservice.AbstractService
AbstractShape - Class in
AbstractStore - Class in
Common methods for all the Store implementations.
AbstractTestCase - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.junit
Abstract test case that of database and context initialization.
AbstractTestCase() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.junit.AbstractTestCase
AbstractThumbnailBuilder - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail
Main starting point for all thumbnail builders
AbstractWebdavServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.web
A base for building a WebDAV servlet
AbstractWebdavServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.AbstractWebdavServlet
AccessControlEntry - Class in
Represents all the permissions granted to a group against a business object
AccessControlEntry() - Constructor for class
AccessControlEntry(long) - Constructor for class
AccessControlEntry(AccessControlEntry) - Constructor for class
AccessControlListDS - Class in
Data source to handle rights on an object.
AccessControlListDS(long, String) - Constructor for class
AccessControlUtil - Class in
Some utility methods for the access control
AccessDeniedException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
Thrown in case of invalid session
AccessDeniedException() - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.AccessDeniedException
AccessDeniedException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.AccessDeniedException
ACCOUNT - Static variable in class
ACCOUNT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
ACCOUNT_SIGNATURE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
AccountDisabledException - Exception Class in
Raised when the account exists but it is disabled
AccountDisabledException() - Constructor for exception class
AccountDisabledException(Authenticator) - Constructor for exception class
AccountExpiredException - Exception Class in
Raised when the account is expired
AccountExpiredException(Date) - Constructor for exception class
AccountInactiveException - Exception Class in
Raised when the account is interpreted as inactive because it was not interacting since a lot of days
AccountInactiveException() - Constructor for exception class
AccountInactiveException(int) - Constructor for exception class
AccountInactiveException(Authenticator) - Constructor for exception class
AccountMenu - Class in
Collects various actions for the user's account
AccountMenu() - Constructor for class
AccountNotFoundException - Exception Class in
Raised when the specified user was not found
AccountNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception class
AccountNotFoundException(Authenticator) - Constructor for exception class
AccountNotFoundException(Authenticator, String) - Constructor for exception class
AccountTypeNotAllowedException - Exception Class in
Raised when truing to enter with an account of a unknown type
AccountTypeNotAllowedException() - Constructor for exception class
AccountTypeNotAllowedException(Authenticator) - Constructor for exception class
AclDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible retrieving the Access Control List for documents, folders, menus and templates
AclDataServlet() - Constructor for class
ACTION_ARCHIVE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
ACTION_DELETE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
ACTION_UNPUBLISH - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
ACTIVABLE_FEATURES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
add(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.Clipboard
add(E) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LimitedQueue
ADD - Enum constant in enum class
addAccessControlEntry(AccessControlEntry) - Method in interface
Adds a new entry, replacing a previous one with the same groupId.
addAccessControlEntry(AccessControlEntry) - Method in class
addAccessControlEntry(AccessControlEntry) - Method in class
addAce(GUIAccessControlEntry) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAutomationRoutine
addAce(GUIAccessControlEntry) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIStamp
addAce(GUIAccessControlEntry) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
addAttachment(int, EMailAttachment) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
addAttachment(EMailAttachment) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
addAttendee(GUIGroup) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
addAttendee(GUIUser) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
addAttribute(GUIAttribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
addAttribute(WSAttribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSAttributeSet
addAttribute(WSAttribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
addAttribute(WSAttribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
addAttribute(WSAttribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSTemplate
addAttributeOption(long, String, WSAttributeOption) - Method in interface
Add a new option for the given attribute
addAttributeOption(long, String, WSAttributeOption) - Method in class
addAttributeOption(String, long, String, WSAttributeOption) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
addAttributeOption(String, long, String, WSAttributeOption) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Add a new option for the given attribute
addAttributeOption(String, long, String, WSAttributeOption) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
AddAttributeOptionDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
This popup window is used to define a new attribute's option.
AddAttributeOptionDialog(long, String, ListGrid) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AddAttributeOptionDialog
addAttributes(ListGridRecord[]) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.TemplatePropertiesPanel
addAttributeValue(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIExtensibleObject
Appends a new value for a given multiple attribute.
addBatch() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.NamedParameterStatement
Adds the current set of parameters as a batch entry.
addBookmark(Resource, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
addBookmark(Resource, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
addBookmarks(List<Long>, int) - Method in interface
Adds new bookmarks
addBookmarks(List<Long>, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
addBookmarks(List<Long>, int, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
addCache(String, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.CacheConfigurator
addCalendar(String, Calendar, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
addCanvas(Canvas) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
Adds a new canvas
addCanvases(Collection<Canvas>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
Adds a collection of canvases
addCellClickHandler(CellClickHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser.FolderBrowser
addChangeOnDiagramHandler(ChangeOnDiagramHandler) - Method in class
addChild(Stub) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.Stub
addChild(StubTypeTree) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.StubTypeTree
addComment(String, String, CommentVO) - Method in class
addCommentForm(String, String, String) - Method in class
addCondition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSearchForm
addCondition() - Method in class
addConnection(Connection) - Method in class
addContextParam(String, String, String, WebConfigurator.INIT_PARAM) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adding a contextparam to the web.xml
addCookie(Cookie) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
addDashlet(GUIDashlet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
addDateHeader(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
addDays(Date, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Adds a given amount of days to a date(you can add negative values to go back in time)
addDecoration(Widget, Connection) - Method in class
Add a widget as a decoration on a connection
addDeleteClickHandler(ClickHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.AnnotationContextMenu
addDocument(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
addDocumentChangeListener(DocumentChangeListener) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.DocumentSelector
addDocuments(boolean, String, boolean, GUIDocument) - Method in interface
addDocuments(boolean, String, boolean, GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
addDocuments(boolean, String, boolean, GUIDocument, AsyncCallback<List<GUIDocument>>) - Method in interface
addDocuments(long, List<Long>) - Method in interface
Adds a set of documents(their current versions) to the given archive
addDocuments(long, List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
addDocuments(String, long, boolean, String, boolean, Long) - Method in interface
Adds new documents previously uploaded
addDocuments(String, long, boolean, String, boolean, Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
addDocuments(String, long, boolean, String, boolean, Long, AsyncCallback<List<GUIDocument>>) - Method in interface
addDocumentTags(long, List<String>) - Method in class
addDocumentTags(long, List<String>) - Method in class
addDocumentTags(long, List<String>) - Method in interface
Adds tags to a document
addDocumentTags(String, long, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapTagClient
addDocumentTags(String, long, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapTagService
addDocumentTags(String, long, List<String>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.TagService
Adds tags to a document
AddDocumentUsingForm - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.form
This popup window is used to create a new document based on a selected form.
AddDocumentUsingForm() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.form.AddDocumentUsingForm
ADDED_TO_CALEVENT - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
addEntry(File, String, InputStream) - Static method in class
addEntry(String, String, String) - Method in class
addError(ValidationError) - Method in exception class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation.ValidationException
addEvent(GUIEvent) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.MessagesWindow
addField(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.FulltextSearchOptions
addField(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUISearchOptions
addFilter(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a new filter to the deployment descriptor.
addFilterInitParam(String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
addFilterInitParam(String, String, String, String, WebConfigurator.INIT_PARAM) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a init parameter to the filter
addFilterMapping(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a new filter mapping to the deployment descriptor.
addFolder(long, long) - Method in interface
Adds a a folder(the current version of the contained documents at any level)
addFolder(long, long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
addFolderChangeListener(FolderChangeListener) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.FolderSelector
addFolderTags(long, List<String>) - Method in class
addFolderTags(long, List<String>) - Method in class
addFolderTags(long, List<String>) - Method in interface
Adds tags to a folder
addFolderTags(String, long, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapTagClient
addFolderTags(String, long, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapTagService
addFolderTags(String, long, List<String>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.TagService
Adds tags to a folder
addGroup(Group) - Method in class
addGroup(GUIGroup) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
addHit(Document, InputStream) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Adds a new hit to the index
addHit(Document, InputStream) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
addHit(Document, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Adds a new Hit into the index
addHit(Document, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
addHtmlAppender(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
addInitParam(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a init parameter to the servlet
addInitParam(String, String, String, String, WebConfigurator.INIT_PARAM) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a init parameter to the servlet
addIntHeader(String, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
addIOHandler(IOHandler) - Method in interface
addIOHandler(IOHandler) - Method in class
ADDITIONAL_FORMATS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
addJob(JobDetail, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
addJob(JobDetail, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
addLanguage(Locale, Language) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.LanguageManager
addListener(EventListener) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EventCollector
addListener(SessionListener) - Method in class
addListener(SystemLoadListener) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.system.SystemLoadMonitor
addListener(NotifyingThread.ThreadCompleteListener) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.NotifyingThread
addListener(SystemEventListener) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
Adds an Listener to a particular Event given from
addListener(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a new listener to the deployment descriptor.
addListenerInitParam(String, String, String, WebConfigurator.INIT_PARAM) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a init parameter to the listener
addLockManager(LockManager) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
addLockToken(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.session.DavSessionImpl
addLogger(String, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
addMember(DavResource, InputContext) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
Adds a new member to this resource.
addMember(DavResource, InputContext) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionHistoryResourceImpl
addMember(DavResource, InputContext) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionResourceImpl
addMethodStub(WebMethodStubSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebServiceStubSet
addMilliseconds(Date, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Adds a given amount of milliseconds to a date(you can add negative values to go back in time)
addMinutes(Date, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Adds a given amount of minutes to a date(you can add negative values to go back in time)
addMonths(Date, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Adds a given amount of months to a date(you can add negative values to go back in time)
addMovablePoint(Point) - Method in class
addNameCondition() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSearchForm
Add the old-style condition on the folder's name
addNewFunctionHandler(NewFunctionHandler) - Method in class
addNote(long, String) - Method in interface
Adds a new document note on the given document
addNote(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
addNote(long, String) - Method in class
addNote(long, String) - Method in interface
Adds a new note for the given document
addNote(long, String) - Method in class
addNote(long, String, AsyncCallback<Long>) - Method in interface
addNote(Document, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Creates a new note for the whole document
addNote(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
addNote(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Adds a new note for the given document
addNote(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
addNote(String, String, String) - Method in interface
Adds a new note on the workflow instance
addNote(String, String, String, AsyncCallback<Long>) - Method in interface
addObserver(DocumentObserver) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
addObserver(FolderObserver) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderController
addObserver(ReadingRequestObserver) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.ReadingRequestController
addObserver(UserObserver) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.UserController
addObserver(SessionObserver) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
addObserver(ClipboardObserver) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.Clipboard
addObserver(ChatObserver) - Method in class
addObserver(SearchObserver) - Method in class
addPointOnConnection(Connection, int, int) - Method in class
Add an segment on a path by adding a point on the connection
addPropertyBeanRefList(String, String, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextConfigurator
addQuotaAlertRecipient(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
addQuotaAlertRecipient(String) - Method in class
addQuotaAlertRecipient(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
addQuotaAlertRecipient(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITenant
addRecipient(Recipient) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.EMail
addReference(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.session.DavSessionImpl
addReminder(GUIReminder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUICalendarEvent
addReportRecipient(GUIUser) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITask
addRequetStub(Stub) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model.WebMethodStubSet
addSeconds(Date, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Adds a given amount of seconds to a date(you can add negative values to go back in time)
addServlet(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a new servlet mapping to the deployment descriptor.
addServlet(String, String, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a new servlet to the deployment descriptor.
addServletMapping(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.WebConfigurator
Adds a new servlet mapping to the deployment descriptor.
addTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
addTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
addTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
addTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
addTag(String) - Method in interface
Adds a new tag in the list of available tags
addTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.TagServiceImpl
addTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
addTag(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
addTag(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
addTaskListener(TaskListener) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.Task
AddTemplateAttributeDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
AddTemplateAttributeDialog(TemplatePropertiesPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AddTemplateAttributeDialog
addTextAppender(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.LogConfigurator
addTieLinkHandler(TieLinkHandler) - Method in class
addTrigger(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextConfigurator
Enlists a new trigger in the scheduler
addType(TypeDefinition) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
Adds a type to collection with inheriting base type properties
addUnconfirmedReadings(List<GUIReadingRequest>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.ReadingRequestController
addUntieLinkHandler(UntieLinkHandler) - Method in class
addUser(String, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
Adds a user to the repository
addUserToGroup(long, long) - Method in interface
Adds a user to a group
addUserToGroup(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
addUserToGroup(long, long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
addVersionControl() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.VersionControlledResourceImpl
Adds version control to this resource.
addWidget(Widget, int, int) - Method in class
Add a widget on the diagram
addWidgetAtMousePoint(Widget) - Method in class
addWorkspace(DavResource) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DeltaVResourceImpl
addYears(Date, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Adds a given amount of years to a date(you can add negative values to go back in time)
ADMIN_SESSIONS - Static variable in class
ADMIN_SESSIONS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
AdminAuthenticationProvider - Class in
This Authentication provider extends the standard LDAuthenticationProvider but in addition it is able to checks if the provided password matches the context property 'adminpswd' in cases when the database is not available or the max concurrent sessions number is reached.
AdminAuthenticationProvider() - Constructor for class
ADMINISTRATION - Static variable in class
ADMINISTRATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
AdminMenu - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration
The left menu in the administration area
AdminPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration
Represents a panel to be shown in the right part of the administration screen.
AdminScreen - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration
Represents the Administration Screen
afterCheckin(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentInitializer
afterCheckin(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentListener
Called after a document is checked in
afterCheckin(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentValidator
afterLast() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DefaultSchedulerFactory
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.TaskTrigger
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class
afterSave() - Method in class
Invoked after the data was saved on the server.
afterSaveHistory(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentInitializer
afterSaveHistory(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentListener
Called after an event has been stored
afterSaveHistory(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentValidator
afterStore(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentInitializer
afterStore(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentListener
Called after a document is stored in the database
afterStore(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentValidator
afterStore(Folder, FolderHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderInitializer
afterStore(Folder, FolderHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderListener
Called after a folder is stored in the database
afterStore(Folder, FolderHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderValidator
afterStore(User, UserHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface
Called after a user is stored in the database
ALIAS_CREATED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
ALIASES - Static variable in class
ALIASES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
AliasesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel shows the aliases of a folder
AliasesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This panel shows the aliases of a folder
AliasesPanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.AliasesPanel
AliasesPanel(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.AliasesPanel
all() - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
all() - Static method in enum class
ALL_MESSAGES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
ALL_SUBSCRIPTIONS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
ALL_TASKS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
allowSynchronized() - Method in class
allowSynchronized() - Method in class
alterProperties(List) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionHistoryResourceImpl
alterProperties(List) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionResourceImpl
alterProperties(List<? extends PropEntry>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
alterProperties(DavPropertySet, DavPropertyNameSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
alterProperties(DavPropertySet, DavPropertyNameSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionHistoryResourceImpl
alterProperties(DavPropertySet, DavPropertyNameSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.version.VersionResourceImpl
AndroidPlugin - Class in
Entry-point for the Android Mobile plug-in
AndroidPlugin() - Constructor for class
AnnotationContextMenu - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note
The context menu used to edit an annotation
AnnotationContextMenu(DrawItem, GUIDocumentNote) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.AnnotationContextMenu
ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
AnnotationsWindow - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note
A Window to display annotations in a document
AnnotationsWindow(GUIDocument, String, NoteChangeListener, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note.AnnotationsWindow
ANONYMOUS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
AnonymousLoginFilter - Class in
AnonymousLoginFilter() - Constructor for class
ANTIVIRUS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
AntivirusPanel - Class in
This panel shows the Antivirus settings
AntivirusPanel() - Constructor for class
ApiCallsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols
Displays the API Calls with search form
ApiCallsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols.ApiCallsPanel
ApiCallsReport - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports
This panel is used to show the API calls.
ApiCallsReport() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.ApiCallsReport
ApiKey - Class in
A secret key to use when connecting to the Webservices API
ApiKey() - Constructor for class
ApiKey(long, String) - Constructor for class
ApiKeyAuthenticator - Class in
This authenticator uses the API Key
ApiKeyAuthenticator() - Constructor for class
ApiKeyBlockedException - Exception Class in
Raised when the remote client is in the black list
ApiKeyBlockedException() - Constructor for exception class
ApiKeyDAO - Interface in
DAO for ApiKey handling.
ApiKeys - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account
This panel shows the list of the user's API Keys.
ApiKeys() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.ApiKeys
APIKEYS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
ApiKeysDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for templates data.
ApiKeysDataServlet() - Constructor for class
ApiKeysDS - Class in
Data Source to handle API Keys grid lists.
ApiKeysDS() - Constructor for class
ApiOriginFilter - Class in demo.jaxrs.openapi.server
This is a simple optional CORS filter used for this demo to make the resources accessible from other origins.
ApiOriginFilter() - Constructor for class demo.jaxrs.openapi.server.ApiOriginFilter
appendAttribute(GUIAttribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttributeSet
appendAttribute(GUIAttribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUITemplate
appendBarcodeZone(GUIBarcodeZone) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIBarcodeTemplate
appendContent(CallContext, String, ContentStream, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
Appends content into existing file
appendContentStream(String, Holder<String>, Holder<String>, ContentStream, boolean, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
appendDocuments(String, List<Long>) - Method in interface
Appends to the workflow of the given taskId the documents with the given doc ids
appendDocuments(String, List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
appendFile(String, String) - Static method in class
appendMessage(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.chatgpt.ThreadWindow
appendZone(GUIZone) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIOCRTemplate
ApplicationListener - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.listener
Listener that initializes relevant system stuffs during application startup and session life cycle.
ApplicationListener() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.listener.ApplicationListener
ApplicationRestarting - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
This is the window that must be showed to the user during the restart
applyAllToTemplates(long, String) - Method in interface
Forces all the settings of an attribute to all those templates that use it
applyAllToTemplates(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.AttributeSetServiceImpl
applyAllToTemplates(long, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
applyGridLayout(long) - Method in interface
Replicates the folder's grid layout to all the subtree
applyGridLayout(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
applyGridLayout(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
applyGridToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Propagates the grid layout of a node to the whole sub-tree
applyGridToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
applyInitializationToTemplates(long, String) - Method in interface
Forces the initialization of an attribute to all those templates that use it
applyInitializationToTemplates(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.AttributeSetServiceImpl
applyInitializationToTemplates(long, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
applyMetadata(long) - Method in interface
Applies all extended attributes to a sub-tree
applyMetadata(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
applyMetadata(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
applyMetadataToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Propagates the template metadata to the whole subree
applyMetadataToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
applyOCR(long) - Method in interface
Applies all OCR settings to a sub-tree
applyOCR(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
applyOCR(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
applyOCRToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Propagates the OCR settings to the whole subree
applyOCRToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
applyParentFolderSecurity(long) - Method in interface
Applies all security settings from the folder to the document
applyParentFolderSecurity(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
applyParentFolderSecurity(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
applyParentFolderSecurity(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Replaces the document's security policies with those from the parent folder
applyParentFolderSecurity(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
applySecurityToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Propagates the security policies of a node to the whole sub-tree
applySecurityToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
applyStamp(List<Long>, GUIStamp) - Method in interface
Applies a stamp to the given document
applyStamp(List<Long>, GUIStamp, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
applyStore(long) - Method in interface
Applies the store setting to a sub-tree
applyStore(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
applyStore(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
applyStoreToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Propagates the store setting to the whole subree
applyStoreToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
applyTags(long) - Method in interface
Applies all tags to a sub-tree
applyTags(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
applyTags(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
applyTagsToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Propagates the tags to the whole subree
applyTagsToTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
applyTemplate(long, long, boolean) - Method in interface
Applies a template to a folder
applyTemplate(long, long, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
applyTemplate(long, long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
applyTemplate(long, String, boolean, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Applies a folder template
ApplyTemplateDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This is the form used to apply a folder template
ApplyTemplateDialog() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.ApplyTemplateDialog
applyTriggersToTree(long) - Method in interface
Applies the triggers on a root folder to all the subtree
applyTriggersToTree(long) - Method in interface
Applies the triggers on a root folder to all the subtree
applyTriggersToTree(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
applyTriggersToTree(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
applyValidationToTemplates(long, String) - Method in interface
Forces the validation of an attribute to all those templates that use it
applyValidationToTemplates(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.AttributeSetServiceImpl
applyValidationToTemplates(long, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
archive(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Archives a document
archive(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
ARCHIVE - Enum constant in enum class
ARCHIVED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
ARCHIVED_DOCS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
ArchivedDocsDS - Class in
Datasource to handle achived documents grid lists.
ArchivedDocsDS(Long, Integer) - Constructor for class
ArchivedDocsReport - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports
This panel shows a list of archived documents
ArchivedDocsReport() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.ArchivedDocsReport
ArchiveDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives
This panel collects all archives details
ArchiveDetailsPanel(ExportArchivesList, long, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ArchiveDetailsPanel
ArchiveDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives
This is the form used to create a new Archive
ArchiveDialog(ExportArchivesList) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.ArchiveDialog
archiveDocuments(List<Long>, String) - Method in interface
Archives a set of documents
archiveDocuments(List<Long>, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
archiveDocuments(List<Long>, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
archiveDocuments(Set<Long>, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Archives all the documents in a folder's tree
archiveDocuments(Set<Long>, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
archiveFolder(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Archives all the documents in a folder's tree
archiveFolder(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
archiveFolder(long, String) - Method in interface
Archives the documents in a folder
archiveFolder(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
archiveFolder(long, String, AsyncCallback<Long>) - Method in interface
ArchivesDS - Class in
Datasource to handle impex archives grid lists.
ArchivesDS(int, Integer, Integer, Long) - Constructor for class
ARCHIVING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
arrayToString(Object[], String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.StringUtil
ask(String) - Method in interface
Sends a question to ChatGPT in the current thread
ask(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
ask(String, String, BooleanCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
ask(String, String, Integer, BooleanCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
Show a dialog to confirm a operation
askForDocumentPassword(String, String, Integer, ValueCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
askForPassword(Long, DocumentProtectionManager.DocumentProtectionHandler) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocumentProtectionManager
Controls the document and asks the user for a password(if needed).
askForString(String, String, String, ValueCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
askForStringMandatory(String, String, String, ValueCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
askForValue(String, String, String, ValueCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
askForValue(String, String, String, FormItem, ValueCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
askForValue(String, String, String, FormItem, Integer, ValueCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
Shows a dialog asking for a value to complete an operation.
askForValue(String, String, String, FormItem, Integer, ValueCallback, ClickHandler) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
Shows a dialog asking for a value to complete an operation.
askForValue(String, String, String, Integer, ValueCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
Show a dialog asking for a value to complete a operation
askForValues(String, String, List<FormItem>, Integer, ValueCallback) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
Show a dialog asking for a set of values to complete an operation.
askForValues(String, String, List<FormItem>, Integer, ValueCallback, ClickHandler) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
Show a dialog asking for a set of values to complete an operation.
askReadingConfirmation(List<Long>, List<Long>, List<Long>, boolean, String) - Method in interface
Asks some users to confirm the reading of a set of documents
askReadingConfirmation(List<Long>, List<Long>, List<Long>, boolean, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
ASPECT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
ASPECT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceCall
aspectEnabled(String) - Method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
AspectsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for aspects data.
AspectsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
AspectsDS - Class in
Datasource to show the aspects and their status in the different runlevels.
AspectsDS() - Constructor for class
asWidget() - Method in class
attribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
attribute(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSFolder
Attribute - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
This class defines the value of an attribute associated to an extensible object.
Attribute() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
Attribute(Attribute) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
AttributeInitializerComposer - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
A visual editor for initialization routines
AttributeInitializerComposer(FormItem, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeInitializerComposer
AttributeOption - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
Represents an option for a multi-choice attribute
AttributeOption() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
AttributeOption(long, String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
AttributeOption(long, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
AttributeOptionDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
DAO for AttributeOption handling.
AttributeOptionsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet retrieves the options for extended attributes
AttributeOptionsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
AttributeOptionsDS - Class in
Data source to handle the options for the extended attributes.
AttributeOptionsDS(long, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
AttributesDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for attribute sets data.
AttributesDataServlet() - Constructor for class
AttributesDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all the attributes available for the documents declared in the attribute sets
AttributesDS(boolean) - Constructor for class
AttributesDS(Long) - Constructor for class
AttributesDS(Long, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
AttributesDS(String) - Constructor for class
AttributesDS(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
AttributeSet - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
Represents a set of attributes
AttributeSet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeSet
AttributeSetDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
This class is a DAO-service for attribute sets.
AttributeSetDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
This panel collects all attribute set details
AttributeSetDetailsPanel(AttributeSetsPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeSetDetailsPanel
AttributeSetPropertiesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
This panel shows the properties of an attribute set.
AttributeSetPropertiesPanel(GUIAttributeSet, ChangedHandler, AttributeSetDetailsPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeSetPropertiesPanel
AttributeSetsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for attribute sets data.
AttributeSetsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
AttributeSetsDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all templates.
AttributeSetsDS(boolean, Integer) - Constructor for class
AttributeSetService - Interface in
The client side stub for the AttributeSet Service.
AttributeSetService.Instance - Class in
AttributeSetServiceAsync - Interface in
AttributeSetServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Implementation of the AttributeSetService
AttributeSetServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.AttributeSetServiceImpl
AttributeSetsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
Panel showing the list of attribute sets
AttributeSetsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeSetsPanel
AttributeTypeFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
A formatter used to format a grid cell that contains an attribute's type @see GUIAttribute
AttributeTypeFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeTypeFormatter
AttributeValidatorComposer - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
A visual editor for validation routines
AttributeValidatorComposer(FormItem, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template.AttributeValidatorComposer
audioHTML(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Generates HTML code for reproducing audio files
AUDIT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
AUDITING - Static variable in class
AUDITING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
AuditingPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings
Shows the quota details.
AuditingPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.AuditingPanel
AuditService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Audit Service.
AuditService.Instance - Class in
AuditServiceAsync - Interface in
AUTH_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
AUTH_USERID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
AUTH_USERNAME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
authenticate(String, String) - Method in class
authenticate(String, String) - Method in class
authenticate(String, String) - Method in interface
Authenticates the user using the given credentials, if successful, the corresponding user is returned.
authenticate(String, String) - Method in class
authenticate(String, String, String) - Method in class
authenticate(String, String, String) - Method in interface
Authenticates the user using the given credentials, if successful, the corresponding user is returned.
authenticate(String, String, String, Client) - Method in class
authenticate(String, String, String, Client) - Method in class
authenticate(String, String, String, Client) - Method in class
authenticate(String, String, String, Client) - Method in interface
Authenticates the user using the given credentials, if successful, the corresponding user is returned.
authenticate(String, String, String, Client) - Method in class
authenticate(HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
authenticate(Authentication) - Method in class
authenticate(Authentication) - Method in class
AuthenticationChain - Class in
This authentication component implements a chain of possible authentication sources that will be invoked sequentially.
AuthenticationChain() - Constructor for class
AuthenticationException - Exception Class in
A generic exception during the authentication process
AuthenticationException() - Constructor for exception class
AuthenticationException(Authenticator) - Constructor for exception class
AuthenticationException(Authenticator, String) - Constructor for exception class
AuthenticationException(Authenticator, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
AuthenticationException(String) - Constructor for exception class
AuthenticationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Authenticator - Interface in
Implementations of this interface must provide authentication of a user against a defined source.
AuthorizationException - Exception Class in
A generic exception for handling unauthorized accesses
AuthorizationException() - Constructor for exception class
AuthorizationException(String) - Constructor for exception class
AuthorizationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
AuthorizationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
authorize(GUIDocuSignSettings) - Method in interface
Saves the settings into the database and returns the authorization URL the user must be redirected to.
authorize(GUIDocuSignSettings, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
authorize(String, String) - Method in interface
Saves the settings into the database and returns the authorization URL the user must be redirected to.
authorize(String, String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
AuthService - Interface in
Auth Web Service definition interface for Rest Services
AuthService - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap
Auth Web Service definition interface
AUTO_FOLDING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
AUTO_NAMING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
AutoDeleteInputStream - Class in
Wrapper around a standard InputStream that deletes the file after closing.
AutoDeleteInputStream(File) - Constructor for class
AutoDeleteInputStream(InputStream, File) - Constructor for class
AutoDeleteZipInputStream - Class in
Same as ZipInputStream but deletes the file after closing.
AutoDeleteZipInputStream(ZipInputStream, File) - Constructor for class
AUTOFOLDING_SCHEME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
Automation - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Represents the automation scripting engine
Automation() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
Automation(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
Automation(String, Locale, long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
AUTOMATION - Enum constant in enum class
AUTOMATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
AUTOMATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
AutomationCompletionProvider - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.automation
Provides autocompletion hints for the automation script
AutomationCompletionProvider() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.automation.AutomationCompletionProvider
AutomationDateTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Utility class to handle dates from inside the Automation
AutomationDateTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
AutomationDateTool(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
AutomationDateTool(Locale) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
AutomationDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This is the form used to execute an automation routine.
AutomationDialog(List<Long>, List<Long>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.AutomationDialog
AutomationDictionary - Annotation Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Marks a class to be added to the automation dictionary
AutomationEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.automation
Editor for automation scripts
AutomationEditor(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.automation.AutomationEditor
AutomationEditor(String, String, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.automation.AutomationEditor
AutomationException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Error happening during automation execution
AutomationException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationException
AutomationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationException
AutomationItemEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.automation
This dialog is used to edit a form item that contains an automation script
AutomationItemEditor(FormItem, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.automation.AutomationItemEditor
AutomationNumberTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Extension of the standard NumberTool that allows the locale specification as string.
AutomationNumberTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationNumberTool
AutomationRoutineAclDS - Class in
Datasource to handle the ACL of an automation routine.
AutomationRoutineAclDS(long) - Constructor for class
AutomationRoutineDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
This panel collects details about an automation routine
AutomationRoutineDetailsPanel(AutomationRoutinesPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineDetailsPanel
AutomationRoutineDetailsTab - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
Superclass for all tab panels in the automation routine details area
AutomationRoutineParametersPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
Shows routine's input parameters that are collected from a Template
AutomationRoutineParametersPanel(GUIAutomationRoutine, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineParametersPanel
AutomationRoutineProperties - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
Shows routine's standard properties
AutomationRoutineProperties(GUIAutomationRoutine, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineProperties
AutomationRoutinesDS - Class in
Data source to retrieve all forms.
AutomationRoutinesDS(boolean) - Constructor for class
AutomationRoutineSecurity - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
This window shows the security policies of the automation routine.
AutomationRoutineSecurity(GUIAutomationRoutine, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutineSecurity
AutomationRoutinesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
Panel showing the details of an import folder
AutomationRoutinesPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationRoutinesPanel
AutomationService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Automation Service.
AutomationService.Instance - Class in
AutomationServiceAsync - Interface in
AutomationSettingsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
This panel shows the Automation settings.
AutomationSettingsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationSettingsPanel
AutomationTriggerDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
This panel collects details about an automation trigger
AutomationTriggerDetailsPanel(AutomationTriggersPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggerDetailsPanel
AutomationTriggerDetailsTab - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
Superclass for all tab panels in the import folders details area
AutomationTriggerDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This is the form used for editing an Automation Trigger.
AutomationTriggerDialog(GUIAutomationTrigger, FolderAutomationPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.AutomationTriggerDialog
AutomationTriggerProperties - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
Shows trigger's standard properties
AutomationTriggerProperties(GUIAutomationTrigger, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggerProperties
AutomationTriggersDS - Class in
Datasource to handle automation triggers.
AutomationTriggersDS(Long, String) - Constructor for class
AutomationTriggersPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
Panel showing the details of an import folder
AutomationTriggersPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation.AutomationTriggersPanel
AUTONAMING_SCHEME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
available() - Method in class
available() - Method in class
available() - Method in class
Avatar - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
Displays an Avatar
Avatar(long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.Avatar
Avatar(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.Avatar
AvatarCellFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid.UserListGridField.AvatarCellFormatter
AvatarCellFormatter(int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid.UserListGridField.AvatarCellFormatter
avatarImg(Long, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
avatarImg(String, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
AvatarServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
This servlet provides the user's avatar image, if it is not already available a default one will be generated and saved in the user's profile
AvatarServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.AvatarServlet
Constructor of the object.
avatarUrl(long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
avatarUrl(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
avatarUrl(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
avatarWithText(Long, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
avatarWithText(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
AwesomeFactory - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
Factory of objects that make use of font awesome


BACKUP - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
BARCODED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
BarcodeQueuePanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode
Shows the queue of documents to be processed by the Barcode task.
BarcodeQueuePanel(int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeQueuePanel
BARCODES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
BARCODES - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
BarcodeService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Barcode Engine Service.
BarcodeService.Instance - Class in
BarcodeServiceAsync - Interface in
BarcodesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode
Panel showing the barcode processing infos.
BarcodesPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodesPanel
BarcodeTemplatesDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve all barcode templates.
BarcodeTemplatesDS(boolean, Long) - Constructor for class
The constructor
BarcodeTemplateSettings - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode
This popup window is used to upload / edit a barcode template
BarcodeTemplateSettings(BarcodeTemplatesPanel, GUIBarcodeTemplate) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeTemplateSettings
BarcodeTemplatesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode
Shows the barcodes patterns configuration.
BarcodeTemplatesPanel(GUITemplate) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeTemplatesPanel
BarcodeZoneCanvas - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode
A canvas that contains a note to be displayed in a page of a document
BarcodeZoneCanvas(GUIZone, BarcodeTemplatesPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode.BarcodeZoneCanvas
Base64Coder - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
A base64 encoder
Base64Coder - Class in com.logicaldoc.util
A Base64 encoder/decoder.
BaseHttpClientResponseHandler<T> - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.http
An extension of the standard HttpClientReponseHandler with utility methods
BaseHttpClientResponseHandler() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.http.BaseHttpClientResponseHandler
BaseURL - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.util
BasicAuthenticationFilter - Class in
Processes a HTTP request's BASIC authorization headers, putting the result into the SecurityContextHolder.
BasicAuthenticationFilter(AuthenticationManager) - Constructor for class
Creates an instance which will authenticate against the supplied AuthenticationManager and which will ignore failed authentication attempts, allowing the request to proceed down the filter chain.
BasicAuthenticationFilter(AuthenticationManager, AuthenticationEntryPoint) - Constructor for class
Creates an instance which will authenticate against the supplied AuthenticationManager and use the supplied AuthenticationEntryPoint to handle authentication failures.
BEANS_AVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.event.SystemEventStatus
beforeCheckin(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentInitializer
beforeCheckin(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentListener
Called before a document is checked in
beforeCheckin(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentValidator
beforeFirst() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.SqlRowSetWrapper
beforeStore(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentInitializer
beforeStore(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentListener
Called before a document is stored in the database
beforeStore(Document, DocumentHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentValidator
beforeStore(Folder, FolderHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderInitializer
beforeStore(Folder, FolderHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderListener
Called before a folder is stored in the database
beforeStore(Folder, FolderHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderValidator
beforeStore(User, UserHistory, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface
Called before a user is stored in the database
beginEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
beginEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderController
bindServletSession(String, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
bindServletSession(String, HttpSession) - Static method in class
BLANK_PLACEHOLDER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
Bookmark - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
A bookmark over a document
Bookmark() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Bookmark
BookmarkDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.document
DAO service for bookmarks
BookmarkDashlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet
Portlet specialized in showing the bookmarks
BookmarkDashlet(GUIDashlet) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.BookmarkDashlet
BookmarkDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
BookmarkDialog(GUIBookmark) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.BookmarkDialog
bookmarkDocument(long) - Method in interface
bookmarkDocument(long) - Method in class
bookmarkDocument(long) - Method in class
bookmarkDocument(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.BookmarkService
bookmarkDocument(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapBookmarkClient
bookmarkDocument(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapBookmarkService
bookmarkFolder(long) - Method in interface
bookmarkFolder(long) - Method in class
bookmarkFolder(long) - Method in class
bookmarkFolder(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.BookmarkService
bookmarkFolder(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapBookmarkClient
bookmarkFolder(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapBookmarkService
BOOKMARKS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
BookmarksDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for document bookmarks data.
BookmarksDataServlet() - Constructor for class
BookmarksDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve the bookmarks of the current user.
BookmarksDS() - Constructor for class
BookmarkService - Interface in
Bookmark Web Service definition interface for REST Marco Meschieri - LogicalDOC
BookmarkService - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap
Bookmark Web Service definition interface Marco Meschieri - LogicalDOC
BookmarksPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel shows the current user's bookmarks
BookmarksPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.BookmarksPanel
BRANDING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
BRANDING_FULL - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
BRANDING_LOGO - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
BRANDING_STANDARD - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
BrandingPackageUploader - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant
This popup window is used to upload a new branding package
BrandingPackageUploader(TenantBrandingPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant.BrandingPackageUploader
BrandingPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system
Shows the branding details.
BrandingPanel(long) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.BrandingPanel
BRUTEFORCE_ATTACK_PREVENTION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
BRUTEFORCE_ATTACK_PREVENTION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
BruteForcePanel - Class in
This panel shows the settings for the brute force attack countermeasures.
BruteForcePanel() - Constructor for class
build() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout.Builder
buildClient(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Create a client identified using a concatenation of Basic authentication credentials and remote IP.
buildDetails(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
buildThumbnail(String, Document, String, File, File, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.EpubThumbnailBuilder
buildThumbnail(String, Document, String, File, File, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ImageThumbnailBuilder
buildThumbnail(String, Document, String, File, File, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.Mp3ThumbnailBuilder
buildThumbnail(String, Document, String, File, File, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.PdfThumbnailBuilder
buildThumbnail(String, Document, String, File, File, int, int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailBuilder
Produce the thumbnail
buildThumbnail(String, Document, String, File, File, int, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.VideoThumbnailBuilder
buildToolsMenu(GUIFolder, GUIDocument) - Method in class
BULK_CHECKOUT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
BULK_UPDATE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
BULKLOAD - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
bulkUpdate(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
bulkUpdate(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Executes a bulk update as specified by the given HQL expression
bulkUpdate(List<Long>, GUIDocument, boolean) - Method in interface
Applies to a selection of documents all the given data
bulkUpdate(List<Long>, GUIDocument, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
bulkUpdate(List<Long>, GUIDocument, boolean, AsyncCallback<List<GUIDocument>>) - Method in interface
BULKUPDATE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateDialog
BytesServletInputStream - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.servlet
BytesServletInputStream(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.BytesServletInputStream


Cache<K,V> - Interface in com.logicaldoc.util.cache
A generic cache
CacheConfigurator - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.cache
Configurator for the cache.xml file
CacheConfigurator() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.CacheConfigurator
CacheConfigurator(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.CacheConfigurator
CacheControlFilter - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.filter
A filter that depending on the request compiles the Cache-Control header.
CacheControlFilter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.filter.CacheControlFilter
CacheException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.util.cache
An error happened in the cache
CacheException() - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.CacheException
CacheException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.CacheException
CacheException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.CacheException
CacheException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.CacheException
calculateNewVersion(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
Calculate the new version name in the format X.Y.
calculateNextVersion(String, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Calculates what will be the next version specification.
CALENDAR - Enum constant in enum class
CALENDAR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
CALENDAR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.DashboardPanel
CALENDAR_REPORT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
CalendarEventDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar
This is the form used for editing a calendar event.
CalendarEventDialog(GUICalendarEvent, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar.CalendarEventDialog
CalendarEventsDS - Class in
Data source to retrieve calendar events.
CalendarEventsDS(Long) - Constructor for class
CalendarReport - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports
This panel is used to show a report of a selection of events.
CalendarReport() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.CalendarReport
CalendarService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Calendar Service.
CalendarService.Instance - Class in
CalendarServiceAsync - Interface in
canAuthenticateUser(String) - Method in class
canAuthenticateUser(String) - Method in class
canAuthenticateUser(String) - Method in interface
Checks if this authenticator can authenticate a user
cancelCheckOut(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
cancelCheckOut(String, String, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
cancelEditing(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
cancelEditing(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderController
canExport(ExportContext, boolean) - Method in class
canExport(ExportContext, boolean) - Method in interface
canExport(ExportContext, DavResource) - Method in class
canExport(ExportContext, DavResource) - Method in interface
canExport(PropertyExportContext, boolean) - Method in class
canImport(ImportContext, boolean) - Method in class
canImport(ImportContext, boolean) - Method in interface
canImport(ImportContext, DavResource) - Method in class
canImport(ImportContext, DavResource) - Method in interface
CAPTURE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
CatchAllParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Parser that tries to convert the document into PDF and then tries to parse it
CatchAllParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.CatchAllParser
CertificateDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate
This is the form used to display and generate the user's certificate
CertificateDialog() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate.CertificateDialog
CertificateUploader - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate
This popup window is used to upload user's certificate resources to the server.
CertificateUploader(String, FormItem) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate.CertificateUploader
CertificateUploadFormItemIcon - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate
An icon to be used to trigger the certificate upload popup
CertificateUploadFormItemIcon(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate.CertificateUploadFormItemIcon
The constructor.
changeAdminPassword(String, String) - Method in interface
Changes the password of the administrator of the given tenant
changeAdminPassword(String, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
changed(GUIUser) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.UserController
CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
changeIndexingStatus(Document, int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Utility method used to declare that: the document must be taken into consideration by the indexer (status = AbstractDocument.INDEX_TO_INDEX. the document must be taken into consideration by the indexer for the metadata only(status = AbstractDocument.INDEX_TO_INDEX_METADATA. the document must not be taken into consideration by the indexer (status = AbstractDocument.INDEX_SKIP).
changeIndexingStatus(Document, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
changePageSize() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
changePassword(long, String, String) - Method in interface
Changes the password of a user
changePassword(long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.LoginServiceImpl
changePassword(long, String, String, AsyncCallback<GUIValue>) - Method in interface
changePassword(Long, long, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes the password of a user
changePassword(Long, long, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
changePassword(Long, long, String, String, boolean, AsyncCallback<GUIValue>) - Method in interface
changePassword(String, long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSecurityClient
changePassword(String, long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSecurityService
changePassword(String, long, String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SecurityService
changes the password of a user.
0 if all is ok, 1 if the password is incorrect, 2 if the new password cannot be notified, otherwise a positive number grater than 2
ChangePassword - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account
This is the form used to change the password of the current user, for example when the password expired.
ChangePassword - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client
This is the form used to change the password of the current user, for example when the password expired.
ChangePassword() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.ChangePassword
ChangePassword(GUIUser, LoginPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.ChangePassword
changeSessionId() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletRequest
changeSessionTenant(long) - Method in interface
Change session tenant
changeSessionTenant(long, AsyncCallback<GUITenant>) - Method in interface
changeStatus(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes the status of a user
changeStatus(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes an account enabled/disabled status
changeStatus(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes a importFolder enabled/disabled status
changeStatus(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes a report enabled/disabled status
changeStatus(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes a policy enabled/disabled status
changeStatus(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes a stamp enabled/disabled status
changeStatus(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Changes a syndication enabled/disabled status
changeStatus(long, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
changeStatus(long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
changeStatus(long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
changeStatus(long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
changeStatus(long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
changeStatus(long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
changeStatus(long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
changeStatus(long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
changeTwoFactorsAuthentication(long, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Changed the two factors authentication for a user
changeTwoFactorsAuthentication(long, String, String, String, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
ChannelsDS - Class in
Datasource to show cluster channels.
ChannelsDS() - Constructor for class
ChannelsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system
Displays a list of cluster channels.
ChannelsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.ChannelsPanel
CharsetsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for listings the available charsets.
CharsetsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
CharsetsDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve the installed languages.
CharsetsDS() - Constructor for class
CharsetUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.charset
Some utility methods related to charset
ChartDrawingSupplier - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.stat
This picks the body color for any section of a pie chart
ChartDrawingSupplier() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.stat.ChartDrawingSupplier
CHAT - Static variable in class
CHAT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
CHAT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
CHAT_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.DashboardPanel
ChatController - Class in
Implements the Observer pattern to distribute events on the chat
CHATGPT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
CHATGPT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
ChatGPTService - Interface in
The client side stub for the ChatGPT AI.
ChatGPTService.Instance - Class in
ChatGPTServiceAsync - Interface in
ChatGPTTray - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.chatgpt
A tray to interact with the ChatGPT AI
ChatGPTTray() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.chatgpt.ChatGPTTray
ChatMessagesDS - Class in
Datasource to handle user history grid lists.
ChatMessagesDS() - Constructor for class
ChatMessagesPanel - Class in
Displays the messages in the chat.
ChatMessagesPanel() - Constructor for class
ChatObserver - Interface in
Definition of a generic observer on chat's events.
ChatPanel - Class in
This panel shows the Chat.
ChatPanel() - Constructor for class
ChatService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Chat Service.
ChatService.Instance - Class in
ChatServiceAsync - Interface in
check() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Launch the check on the Index
check() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
check() - Method in interface
Checks the indexer
check() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchEngineServiceImpl
check(AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class
checkDownloadStatus() - Method in interface
Checks the status of the current download process
checkDownloadStatus(AsyncCallback<List<Integer>>) - Method in interface
CHECKED_OUT_DOCS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIUser
checkedIn(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
CHECKEDIN - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
CHECKEDIN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.Entry
checkedOut(GUIDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
CHECKEDOUT - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
checkEvenOneMenu(HttpServletRequest, long...) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
Checks if at least one of the given menus is accessible by the user in the current session
checkExists(JobKey) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
checkExists(TriggerKey) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
checkin() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.VersionControlledResourceImpl
Calls Node.checkin() on the underlying repository node.
checkin(long, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.WebserviceClient
checkin(long, File, String, boolean, AbstractDocument, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Checks in the given document
checkin(long, File, String, boolean, AbstractDocument, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
checkin(long, InputStream, String, boolean, AbstractDocument, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Checks in the given document
checkin(long, InputStream, String, boolean, AbstractDocument, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
checkin(long, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Performs the check-in of a Google Drives's document into the LogicalDOC repository
checkin(long, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Performs the check-in of a Zoho's document into the LogicalDOC repository
checkin(long, String, boolean, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
checkin(long, String, boolean, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
checkin(long, String, Boolean, File) - Method in class
checkin(GUIDocument, boolean) - Method in interface
Checks-in a new document version
checkin(GUIDocument, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
checkin(GUIDocument, boolean, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
checkin(String, long, String, String, boolean, WSDocument, InputStream) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
checkin(String, long, String, String, boolean, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
checkin(String, long, String, String, boolean, DataHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
checkin(String, long, String, String, boolean, DataHandler) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Checks in an existing document with the given identifier to create a new version.
checkin(String, long, String, String, boolean, DataHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
checkin(String, String, String, String, Attachment) - Method in interface
Check-in an existing document Performs a check-in (commit) operation of new content over an existing document.
checkin(String, String, String, String, Attachment) - Method in class
checkIn(String, Holder<String>, Boolean, Properties, ContentStream, String, List<String>, Acl, Acl, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
checkIn(Holder<String>, Boolean, ContentStream, Properties, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CHECKIN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateDialog
checkinContent(long, String) - Method in interface
Checks-in a new document's text content
checkinContent(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
checkinContent(long, String, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
checkinDocument(String, long, String, String, boolean, WSDocument, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
checkinDocument(String, long, String, String, boolean, WSDocument, InputStream) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
checkinDocument(String, long, String, String, boolean, WSDocument, DataHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
checkinDocument(String, long, String, String, boolean, WSDocument, DataHandler) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Checks in an existing document with the given identifier to create a new version.
checkinDocument(String, long, String, String, boolean, WSDocument, DataHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
CheckinDocumentMultipartRequest() - Constructor for class
checkLoginThrottle(String, String, String) - Static method in class
Performs anti brute force attack checks
checkMenu(HttpServletRequest, long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
checkout() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.VersionControlledResourceImpl
Calls Node.checkout() on the underlying repository node
checkout(long) - Method in class
checkout(long) - Method in interface
Executed the checkout
checkout(long) - Method in class
checkout(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient.WebserviceClient
checkout(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Checks out the given document
checkout(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
checkout(Resource, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
checkout(Resource, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
checkout(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
checkout(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Checks out an existing document with the given identifier.
checkout(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
checkout(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Checks out the document
checkout(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
checkout(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
checkOut(String, Holder<String>, ExtensionsData, Holder<Boolean>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
checkOut(Holder<String>, Holder<Boolean>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
checkPatch() - Method in interface
Check if the current installation has patches available
checkPatch(AsyncCallback<List<GUIPatch>>) - Method in interface
checkPermission(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
checkPermissionsAndRun(List<Long>, String[], Runnable) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.SecurityUtil
Checks if the user has all the specified permissions on the selected documents and runs the task
checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class
checkUpdate() - Method in interface
Check if the current installation has an update package available
checkUpdate(AsyncCallback<List<GUIParameter>>) - Method in interface
claimTask(String, long) - Method in interface
The given user take the ownership of the task.
claimTask(String, long, AsyncCallback<GUIWorkflow>) - Method in interface
ClasspathFreemarkerWebServiceDisplayEngine - Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.freemarker
ClassTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Utility functions for manipulating classes and resources and for other programming language aspects
ClassTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.ClassTool
clean() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.TempFolderCleaner
cleanExpiredTransactions() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Cleans all references to expired transactions.
cleanExpiredTransactions() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
cleanFileName(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.FileNameCleaner
cleanLabel() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.EventPanel
cleanOldCalls(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.HibernateWebserviceCallDAO
cleanOldCalls(int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceCallDAO
This method deletes all the chat entries oldest than the given days from now.
cleanOldDevices(int) - Method in interface
This method deletes all the devices lastly used before the given days since now.
cleanOldDevices(int) - Method in class
cleanOldHistories(int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentHistoryDAO
This method deletes all the document history entries older than the given days from now.
cleanOldHistories(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO
cleanOldHistories(int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderHistoryDAO
This method deletes all the user history entries oldest than the given days from now.
cleanOldHistories(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderHistoryDAO
cleanOldHistories(int) - Method in class
cleanOldHistories(int) - Method in interface
This method deletes all the user history entries oldest than the given days from now.
cleanOldHistories(long, int) - Method in class
cleanOldHistories(long, int) - Method in interface
This method deletes all the histories maintaining the most recent ones.
cleanOldSessions(int) - Method in class
cleanOldSessions(int) - Method in interface
This method deletes all the session entries oldest than the given days since now.
cleanPath(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.FileNameCleaner
cleanUnexistingUniqueTags() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Cleans the ld_uniquetag table removing no more used tags, this method is optimized and uses a couple of prepared statements, in case of error it switches to DocumentDAO.cleanUnexistingUniqueTagsOneByOne()
cleanUnexistingUniqueTags() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
cleanUnexistingUniqueTagsOneByOne() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Cleans the ld_uniquetag table removing no more used tags programmatically one by one.
cleanUnexistingUniqueTagsOneByOne() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
cleanUploadedFileFolder() - Method in interface
Cleans the uploaded files folder
cleanUploadedFileFolder() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
cleanUploadedFileFolder(AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
cleanUploads(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.UploadServlet
Removes all the uploaded files from session and file system.
cleanUploads(HttpSession) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.UploadServlet
Removes all the uploaded files from session and file system.
clear() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
clear() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.Clipboard
clear() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.util.cache.Cache
clear() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.EhCache
clear() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
clearCanvases() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
Removes all the canvases from visualization
clearDiagram() - Method in class
Clear the diagram (connections and widgets)
clearFailures(String, String) - Static method in class
Clears the failures for the given username and or password
clearPassword() - Method in class
clearPrompt() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
clearPropertyValue(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextConfigurator
clearQuotaAlertRecipients() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIFolder
clearTags() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
clearTags() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
clearTags() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
clearUsers() - Method in class
Client - Class in
A remote client connected to LogicalDOC
Client() - Constructor for class
Client(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Client(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class
CLIENTS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
Clipboard - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard
This represent a clipboard of documents the user is wotking on
ClipboardObserver - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard
Listener on clipboard events
ClipboardWindow - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard
Shows the clipboard content
ClipboardWindow() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.ClipboardWindow
clone(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateTemplateDAO
clone(long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.TemplateDAO
Creates a clone of an existing template
clone(long, String) - Method in interface
Makes a clone of an existing template
clone(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.TemplateServiceImpl
clone(long, String, AsyncCallback<GUITemplate>) - Method in interface
clone(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Instantiate a new document that is a clone of the given one.
cloneImage(BufferedImage) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Clones an image.
cloneWorkTimes(long, List<Long>, List<Long>) - Method in interface
Clones a work time to a set of other users
cloneWorkTimes(long, List<Long>, List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
cloneWorkTimes(long, List<Long>, List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
close() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.NamedParameterStatement
Closes the statement.
close() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Closes all indexing operations, shuts down the engine.
close() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
close() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.ConnectionPool
close() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.util.PDFImageExtractor
Closes the PDF and releases resources used
close() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Session
close() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.DropSpotPopup
Triggers the load of the last uploaded files
close() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
Closes this context
close() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileReader
Close the input CSV file.
close() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileWriter
Close the output CSV file.
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close(Closeable) - Static method in class
Close the given resource.
close(ClassicHttpResponse) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpUtil
CLOUD_STORE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
CLUSTERING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
CLUSTERING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
ClusteringPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system
The Clustering console.
ClusteringPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.ClusteringPanel
ClusterService - Interface in
The client side stub for the ClusterService Service.
ClusterService.Instance - Class in
ClusterServiceAsync - Interface in
CMIS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
CmisPlugin - Class in com.logicaldoc.cmis
This class provides initializations needed by Cmis-Plugin
CmisPlugin() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.cmis.CmisPlugin
CmisServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.cmis
Extension of a Cmis servlet compliant with AtomPub
CmisServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.cmis.CmisServlet
CODE - Static variable in exception class
CODE - Static variable in exception class
CODE - Static variable in exception class
CODE - Static variable in exception class
CODE - Static variable in exception class
CODE - Static variable in exception class
CollectionTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Utility methods to handle collections
CollectionTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.CollectionTool
collectionToString(Collection<?>, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.StringUtil
CollectionUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.util
Some utility methods to handle collections.
ColoredCellFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid.ColoredListGridField.ColoredCellFormatter
ColoredListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid
A field to display a text colored where the color is specified in another field(by default called 'display')
ColoredListGridField(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid.ColoredListGridField
ColoredListGridField(String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid.ColoredListGridField
ColoredListGridField(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid.ColoredListGridField
ColoredListGridField(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid.ColoredListGridField
ColoredListGridField(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid.ColoredListGridField
ColoredListGridField.ColoredCellFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid - package
com.logicaldoc.cmis - package com.logicaldoc.cmis
com.logicaldoc.core - package com.logicaldoc.core
Core plug-in that contains the most important domain objects
com.logicaldoc.core.automation - package com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Automation subsystem that allows you to program your own logic inside the platform.
The automation engine can be accessed through the class Automation

Please note the special annotation AutomationDictionary that is used to automatically put in the Dictionary whatever bean you need.
com.logicaldoc.core.automation.directives - package com.logicaldoc.core.automation.directives
com.logicaldoc.core.communication - package com.logicaldoc.core.communication
Classes that model emails and messages and the machinery to work with them.
com.logicaldoc.core.communication.oauth - package com.logicaldoc.core.communication.oauth - package
com.logicaldoc.core.conversion - package com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
Machinery for converting documents to different formats.
com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet - package com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet
com.logicaldoc.core.dbinit - package com.logicaldoc.core.dbinit
com.logicaldoc.core.document - package com.logicaldoc.core.document
Contains the definitions of Document and Version as well as other related objects
com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail - package com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail
Machinery for building thumbnails of the first page of the documents.
com.logicaldoc.core.folder - package com.logicaldoc.core.folder
Contains the definitions of Folder as well as other related objects
com.logicaldoc.core.generic - package com.logicaldoc.core.generic
Contains the definitions of Generic that is a persistent object used as a general way to store informations in the database
com.logicaldoc.core.history - package com.logicaldoc.core.history
com.logicaldoc.core.i18n - package com.logicaldoc.core.i18n
com.logicaldoc.core.imaging - package com.logicaldoc.core.imaging
Utility classes to manipulate images
com.logicaldoc.core.job - package com.logicaldoc.core.job
API to define jobs you can schedule to run at a given date or on a given cron expression
com.logicaldoc.core.lock - package com.logicaldoc.core.lock
com.logicaldoc.core.metadata - package com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
Package that collects the template and attribute sets definitions.
Many objects of the LogicalDOC platform are extensible and can store your custom metadata, they are all those that extends the ExtensibleObject.
com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.initialization - package com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.initialization
Package that contains classes used to initialize extensible objects metadata, ExtensibleObject.
com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation - package com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.validation
Package that contains classes used to validate extensible objects metadata, ExtensibleObject.
com.logicaldoc.core.parser - package com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Machinery for parsing different file formats.
com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine - package com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
The core of the search engine.
com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.analyzer - package com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.analyzer
com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder - package com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.folder
com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved - package com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved
Classes related to saved searches - package
Container of the security-related interfaces and classes - package
APIKey is another way to authenticate when using an API like Webservices - package
The pluggable authentication mechanism. - package - package
Package for the Menu, a menu represent a graphical element of the user interface - package - package
Definition of the User object and ancillary objects
com.logicaldoc.core.sequence - package com.logicaldoc.core.sequence
com.logicaldoc.core.stats - package com.logicaldoc.core.stats - package
The store sub-system responsible for persisting the binaries of the documents.
com.logicaldoc.core.system - package com.logicaldoc.core.system
com.logicaldoc.core.task - package com.logicaldoc.core.task
API to define the basics for the scheduled tasks that are long-running operations you can schedule in several ways
com.logicaldoc.core.threading - package com.logicaldoc.core.threading
Some utility objects for threads and executions
com.logicaldoc.core.ticket - package com.logicaldoc.core.ticket
com.logicaldoc.core.transfer - package com.logicaldoc.core.transfer
com.logicaldoc.core.util - package com.logicaldoc.core.util
com.logicaldoc.dropbox - package com.logicaldoc.dropbox
com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans
com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers - package
com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.dialogs - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.dialogs
com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.formatters - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.formatters
com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n
com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log - package
com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.validators - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.validators
com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets
com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.automation - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.automation
com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid
com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.preview - package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.preview
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.certificate
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.administration
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.calendar
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.chatgpt - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.chatgpt
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard - package
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.reading - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.reading
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.tag
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.form - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.form
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.note
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.reading - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.reading
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.split - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.split
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.stamp - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.stamp
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dropbox
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.browser
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.copy - package - package
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.converters - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.converters - package
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.folders
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.syndication - package - package
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.barcode
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.stamp
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.tag - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.tag
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.template
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.zonalocr
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.onlyoffice - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.onlyoffice
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels - package
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.automation
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.comparators - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.comparators
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.messages - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.messages
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.protocols
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.searchindex
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.sharefile - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.sharefile
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.subscription - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.subscription
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.plugin - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.plugin
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.stats - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.stats
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.update
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.usage - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.usage
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.tenant
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.textcontent - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.textcontent
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.webcontent - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.webcontent
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer
com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho - package com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.zoho
com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client - package com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client - package
com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client - package com.logicaldoc.gui.setup.client - package
com.logicaldoc.i18n - package com.logicaldoc.i18n
com.logicaldoc.ios - package com.logicaldoc.ios
com.logicaldoc.util - package com.logicaldoc.util
Library that contains classes used among the whole application for simple and recurrent tasks.
com.logicaldoc.util.cache - package com.logicaldoc.util.cache
com.logicaldoc.util.charset - package com.logicaldoc.util.charset
Utility classes to work with charsets
com.logicaldoc.util.config - package com.logicaldoc.util.config
Utility classes to handle configuration files (webapp descriptor, loggers, context properties ...)
com.logicaldoc.util.crypt - package com.logicaldoc.util.crypt
Utility classes to crypt/decrypt contents
com.logicaldoc.util.csv - package com.logicaldoc.util.csv
Utility classes to read and write CSV files
com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit - package com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit
Database initialization utility
com.logicaldoc.util.event - package com.logicaldoc.util.event
com.logicaldoc.util.exception - package com.logicaldoc.util.exception
com.logicaldoc.util.exec - package com.logicaldoc.util.exec
Utility classes to handle I/O operations and compression/uncompression tasks
com.logicaldoc.util.html - package com.logicaldoc.util.html
Utility classes to handle HTML contents
com.logicaldoc.util.http - package com.logicaldoc.util.http
Utility classes for HTML handling - package
Utility classes to execute external commands
com.logicaldoc.util.junit - package com.logicaldoc.util.junit
com.logicaldoc.util.log4j - package com.logicaldoc.util.log4j
com.logicaldoc.util.plugin - package com.logicaldoc.util.plugin
Base classes to build the LogicalDOC's plugin system - package
Utility classes to manage certificates and general security-related tasks
com.logicaldoc.util.servlet - package com.logicaldoc.util.servlet
com.logicaldoc.util.spring - package com.logicaldoc.util.spring
com.logicaldoc.util.sql - package com.logicaldoc.util.sql
Utility classes for SQL
com.logicaldoc.util.time - package com.logicaldoc.util.time
Utility classes time calculations
com.logicaldoc.web - package com.logicaldoc.web - package
com.logicaldoc.web.filter - package com.logicaldoc.web.filter
com.logicaldoc.web.filter.xss - package com.logicaldoc.web.filter.xss
Filter and other resources to avoid Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks.
com.logicaldoc.web.firewall - package com.logicaldoc.web.firewall
com.logicaldoc.web.listener - package com.logicaldoc.web.listener
com.logicaldoc.web.service - package com.logicaldoc.web.service
GWT services implementations.
com.logicaldoc.web.stat - package com.logicaldoc.web.stat
com.logicaldoc.web.util - package com.logicaldoc.web.util
com.logicaldoc.web.websockets - package com.logicaldoc.web.websockets
com.logicaldoc.webdav - package com.logicaldoc.webdav
com.logicaldoc.webdav.context - package com.logicaldoc.webdav.context
com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception - package com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception - package - package
com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource - package com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource
com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model - package com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.model
com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service - package com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service
com.logicaldoc.webdav.session - package com.logicaldoc.webdav.session
com.logicaldoc.webdav.version - package com.logicaldoc.webdav.version
com.logicaldoc.webdav.web - package com.logicaldoc.webdav.web
com.logicaldoc.webservice - package com.logicaldoc.webservice
com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc
com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.model
com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service
com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.util - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.util
com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.freemarker - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.freemarker
com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.simple - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.simple - package
com.logicaldoc.webservice.model - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.model - package - package - package
com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap
com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client
com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint - package com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint
com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient - package com.logicaldoc.webserviceclient
com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc - package com.logicaldoc.webservicedoc - package - package - package
comment - Variable in class
comment - Variable in class
COMMENT - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
CommentListVO - Class in
User: Niraj Singh Date: 06/05/14
CommentListVO() - Constructor for class
CommentService - Class in
Adds new comments on a document.
CommentService() - Constructor for class
CommentVO - Class in
CommentVO() - Constructor for class
Common - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
The Common entry point
Common() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Common
ComparatorAssociationsDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.comparators
This is the dialog used to quickly associate a comparator to formats
ComparatorAssociationsDialog(ListGrid) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.comparators.ComparatorAssociationsDialog
COMPARATORS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
ComparatorsDS - Class in
DataSource to retrieve all the comparators.
ComparatorsDS(String) - Constructor for class
ComparatorsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.comparators
This panel shows the comparators settings.
ComparatorsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.comparators.ComparatorsPanel
ComparatorsPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.comparators.ComparatorsPanel
COMPARED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
compareTo(Tag) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Tag
compareTo(TagCloud) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.TagCloud
compareTo(Version) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
compareTo(Folder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
compareTo(Generic) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.Generic
compareTo(History) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.history.History
compareTo(Language) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.Language
compareTo(Attribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.Attribute
compareTo(AttributeOption) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOption
compareTo(Hit) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.Hit
compareTo(SavedSearch) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.SavedSearch
compareTo(SearchOptions) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchOptions
compareTo(Menu) - Method in class
compareTo(Session) - Method in class
compareTo(PasswordHistory) - Method in class
compareTo(Store) - Method in class
compareTo(GUIAttribute) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIAttribute
compareTo(GUIEvent) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIEvent
compareTo(GUIReminder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIReminder
compareTo(GUIScheme) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
compareTo(GUIWorkingTime) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIWorkingTime
compareTo(MetadataDiff.DiffRecord) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.MetadataDiff.DiffRecord
compareTo(SoftwareVersion) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.SoftwareVersion
compareTo(WSSearchOptions) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSSearchOptions
COMPARISON - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
ComparisonWindow - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
Show differences between two versions at file content level
ComparisonWindow(GUIVersion, GUIVersion) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.ComparisonWindow
compile(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.RegexTool
Compiles a regular expression into a java Pattern object.
completed(NotifyingThread) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.threading.NotifyingThread.ThreadCompleteListener
completed(NotifyingThread) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.LongRunningOperationCompleteListener
CompressedArchiveConverter - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
A base class for those converters that operate on compressed archives
CompressedArchiveConverter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.CompressedArchiveConverter
computeDigest(File) - Static method in class
This method calculates the digest of a file using the algorithm SHA-1.
computeDigest(InputStream) - Static method in class
computeDigest(String) - Static method in class
This method calculates the digest of a string using the algorithm SHA-1.
computeHeightPixels(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
Converts a height dimension (0..1) into the actual image height in pixels
computeLeftPixel(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
Converts a left coordinate (0..1) into the actual image left pixel
computePath(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Dynamically computes the path for the specified folder.
computePath(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
computePath(Folder) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Dynamically computes the path for the specified folder.
computePath(Folder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
computePathExtended(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Dynamically computes the path extended for the specified folder.
computePathExtended(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
computePathExtended(long) - Method in class
computePathExtended(long) - Method in interface
Dynamically computes the path extended for the specified menu.
computePathExtended(Folder) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Dynamically computes the path extended for the specified folder.
computePathExtended(Folder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
computeStats(long) - Method in interface
Counts the docs and subfolders of a given parent
computeStats(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
computeStats(long, AsyncCallback<List<Long>>) - Method in interface
computeTopPixel(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
Converts a top coordinate (0..1) into the actual image top pixel
computeTotalSize(Long, Long, boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Obtains the total size of the repository, that is the sum of sizes of all documents and their versions
computeTotalSize(Long, Long, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
computeTreeSize(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Counts the number of documents inside a given folder's tree (direct and indirect children)
computeTreeSize(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
computeWidthPixels(double) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.ImageWithCanvases
Converts a width dimension (0..1) into the actual image width in pixels
ConditionalBasicAuthenticationFilter - Class in
An filter for the basic authentication that is enabled or not depending on a boolean configuration parameter.
ConditionalBasicAuthenticationFilter(AuthenticationManager) - Constructor for class
ConditionalBasicAuthenticationFilter(AuthenticationManager, AuthenticationEntryPoint) - Constructor for class
confirmPatch(String) - Method in interface
Confirms a patch
confirmPatch(String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
confirmReading(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.ReadingRequestController
confirmReadings(List<Long>, String) - Method in interface
Confirms the read completion of a given file version
confirmReadings(List<Long>, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
confirmUpdate() - Method in interface
Confirms the last update
confirmUpdate() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
confirmUpdate(AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
confirmUpdate(String) - Method in interface
Confirms an update package
confirmUpdate(String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
connectionColor - Static variable in class
ConnectionPool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.util
A configurable connection pool that wraps different technologies, you decide the implementation through the implementation setting: hikari or dbcp
ConnectionPool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.util.ConnectionPool
connectWebsockets() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
Install the receiver to get messages from the server (Server Push)
Constants - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
Contact - Class in
A generic contact represented by a set of personal informations.
Contact() - Constructor for class
Contact(Contact) - Constructor for class
ContactDAO - Interface in
Instances of this class is a DAO-service for Contact business entities.
ContactDetails - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts
This is the form used to edit contact's details.
ContactDetails(GUIContact, Contacts) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactDetails
contactingServer() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.LD
Contacts - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts
This panel shows the list of the user's contacts.
CONTACTS - Static variable in class
CONTACTS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
ContactsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for contacts data.
ContactsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
ContactsDS - Class in
Data Source to handle user's contacts grid lists.
ContactsDS() - Constructor for class
ContactService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Contact Service.
ContactService.Instance - Class in
ContactServiceAsync - Interface in
ContactServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Implementation of the ContactService
ContactServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.ContactServiceImpl
ContactsImportPreview - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts
This panel shows the list of the user's contacts.
ContactsImportPreview(ContactsImportSettings) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportPreview
ContactsImportSettings - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts
This popup window is used to upload a new contacts file to the server.
ContactsImportSettings() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsImportSettings
ContactsUploader - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts
This popup window is used to upload a new contacts file to the server.
ContactsUploader() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.account.contacts.ContactsUploader
contains(K) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.util.cache.Cache
contains(K) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.EhCache
containsBean(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Context
Says if a bean is or not available
containsCache(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.cache.CacheConfigurator
containsContext(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
containsHeader(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.servlet.MockServletResponse
content - Variable in class
content - Variable in class
CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
ContentDashlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet
Dashlet specialized in showing an HTML content.
ContentDashlet(GUIDashlet) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.ContentDashlet
Context - Class in com.logicaldoc.util
Utility class collecting static methods related to spring's context.
CONTEXT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
CONTEXT_UPLOAD - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.update.UpdateDialog
ContextConfigurator - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.config
Configurator class for spring's application context setup.
ContextConfigurator() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextConfigurator
ContextConfigurator(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextConfigurator
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.listener.ApplicationListener
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.listener.ContextListener
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.listener.ApplicationListener
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.listener.ContextListener
ContextListener - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.listener
Listener that initializes and destroys the Spring Context
ContextListener() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.listener.ContextListener
ContextMenu - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid
This context menu is used for grids containing document records.
ContextMenu - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This context menu is used for trees containing folders
ContextMenu(GUIFolder, DocumentsGrid, GUIAccessControlEntry) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.ContextMenu
ContextMenu(FolderNavigator, GUIAccessControlEntry) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.ContextMenu
contextPath() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
ContextProperties - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.config
A configuration utility used to retrieve and alter context properties
ContextProperties() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
ContextProperties(int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
ContextProperties(File) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
ContextProperties(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
Creates new XMLBean from an input stream; XMLBean is read-only!!!
ContextProperties(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
ContextProperties(URL) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.config.ContextProperties
ContextTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Utility methods to access the Application context from inside the Automation
ContextTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.ContextTool
ConversionDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This popup window is used to convert a document in different formats
ConversionDialog(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.ConversionDialog
ConversionFormatsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for conversion formats data.
ConversionFormatsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
ConversionFormatsDS - Class in
Datasource to retrieve the possible conversion formats for a specific file.
ConversionFormatsDS(String) - Constructor for class
convert(long, String, String) - Method in interface
Converts a document in a given format
convert(long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
convert(long, String, String, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
convert(Document, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Convert a document in another format and saves the result in another file in the same folder
convert(Document, String, String, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
Converts a document into another format and saves the resulting file in the same folder
convert(File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.AbstractFormatConverter
convert(File, File) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverter
Performs the conversion
convert(File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.NoConversionConverter
convert(File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.NotAvailableConverter
convert(String, Document, File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.AbstractFormatConverter
If the converter is enabled it invokes the AbstractFormatConverter.internalConvert(String, Document, File, File)
convert(String, Document, File, File) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverter
Performs the conversion
convert(String, Document, File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.NotAvailableConverter
convertDate(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.DateBean
Converts a string containing a date between the given formats.
convertDateToString(Date) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.AbstractService
convertDateToString(Date) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUtil
CONVERTED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
ConverterAssociationsDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.converters
This is the dialog used to quickly associate a converter to formats
ConverterAssociationsDialog(ListGrid) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.converters.ConverterAssociationsDialog
convertFile(File, String, File, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
Converts a file into a different format
convertImageToBinary(BufferedImage) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
A simple method to convert an image to binary or B/W image.
convertImageToGrayscale(BufferedImage) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
A simple method to convert an image to gray scale.
convertPDF(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Converts a document in PDF format and saves it as ancillary resource of the document with suffix FormatConverterManager.PDF_CONVERSION_SUFFIX.
ConvertPdf - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
This servlet simply download the document if it is a PDF.
ConvertPdf() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.ConvertPdf
Constructor of the object.
convertStringToDate(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.AbstractService
convertStringToDate(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSUtil
convertToFile(Document, String, File, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
Converts a document and writes the content of the conversion into a file.
convertToMap(List<GUIParameter>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
convertToPdf(Document, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
Shortcut for convertToPdf(document, null, transaction)
convertToPdf(Document, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.conversion.FormatConverterManager
Creates the pdf for the specified document and file version (suffix PDF_CONVERSION_SUFFIX).
convertToStub(JavaLanguageVariable, StubTypeTreeRepository) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service.Variable2Stub
COOKIE_DENSITY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
COOKIE_DEVICE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
COOKIE_DOCSLIST_MODE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
COOKIE_DOCSLIST_PREV_W - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
COOKIE_DOCSMENU_W - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
COOKIE_HITSLIST_MODE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
COOKIE_HITSLIST_PREV_W - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
COOKIE_JSESSIONID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
COOKIE_PASSWORD - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
COOKIE_READINGS_PREV_W - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
COOKIE_SAVELOGIN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
COOKIE_SID - Static variable in class
COOKIE_SID - Static variable in class
COOKIE_SID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
COOKIE_USER - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
COOKIE_VERSION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.CookiesManager
CookiesManager - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client
Here we handle the store of informations in the broeserk
copy(long, long, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface
Copies a document into another folder
copy(long, long, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
copy(long, long, int, String) - Method in class
copy(long, long, int, String) - Method in interface
Copies an existing folder with the given identifier.
copy(Document, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Copies a document into a target folder
copy(Document, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Copies a document into a target folder
copy(Folder, Folder, String, boolean, String, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Copies a folder into another folder
copy(Folder, Folder, String, boolean, String, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
copy(Folder, String, boolean, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Copies a folder into another folder
copy(Resource, Resource, String, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
Copying of a resource within logicalDOC.
copy(Resource, Resource, String, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
copy(File, File, long) - Static method in class
Copies the input file into the output at the given offset
copy(Object) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.ClassTool
Makes a copy(clone) of a given object instance.
copy(String, long, long, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
copy(String, long, long, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Copies a document into another folder.
copy(String, long, long, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
copy(String, long, long, int, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
copy(String, long, long, int, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
copy(String, long, long, int, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Copies an existing folder with the given identifier.
copy(DavResource, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
COPY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.Clipboard
copyAnnotations(long, String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNoteDAO
Copies all the notes not associated to a specific page from a given file version to another
copyAnnotations(long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentNoteDAO
copyAttributes(AbstractDocument) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Copies in the current instance the attributes of the passed values object, but NOT the ID
CopyCellClickHandler - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid
A click handler useful to give users the option to look and copy into the clipboard the content of a grid cell
CopyCellClickHandler() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid.CopyCellClickHandler
COPYED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class
Quickest way to copy a file in Java, makes use of NIO buffer.
copyFolders(List<Long>, long, boolean, String, GUIFolder) - Method in interface
Copies a folder under a target folder
copyFolders(List<Long>, long, boolean, String, GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
copyFolders(List<Long>, long, boolean, String, GUIFolder, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
copyResource(Document, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Copies a resource in a file in the same folder of the original document
copyResource(String, File) - Static method in class
Writes the specified classpath resource into a file
copyResource(String, File) - Static method in class
Copy a resource from the classpath into a file
copyText(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Copies a text into the client's clipboard
CopyTextFormItemIcon - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
An icon to be used to copy into the clipboard the value of a form item
CopyTextFormItemIcon() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.CopyTextFormItemIcon
The constructor, the current item's text will be copied into the clipboard.
CopyTextFormItemIcon(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.CopyTextFormItemIcon
The constructor.
CopyTextFormItemIcon(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.CopyTextFormItemIcon
The constructor.
copyToFolder(Document, Folder, DocumentHistory, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Copy a document to the specified folder.
copyToFolder(Document, Folder, DocumentHistory, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
CorePlugin - Class in com.logicaldoc.core
Plugin class for the Core plugin
CorePlugin() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.CorePlugin
count() - Method in class
count() - Method in interface
Counts the total number of tenants
count() - Method in interface
Counts the total number of groups
count() - Method in class
count(boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Counts the number of folders
count(boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
count(Long) - Method in class
count(Long) - Method in interface
Counts the total number of standard users
count(Long, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Counts the number of documents
count(Long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
countAssignedTasks(String) - Method in interface
Counts all the tasks assigned to the given user
countAssignedTasks(String, AsyncCallback<Integer>) - Method in interface
countByIndexed(int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Counts the number of documents in a given indexation status(@see AbstractDocument.getIndexed()
countByIndexed(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
countDocs(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateTemplateDAO
countDocs(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.TemplateDAO
Counts the total number of documents using this template
countDocsInTree(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Counts the number of documents inside a given folder's tree (direct and indirect children)
countDocsInTree(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
countDocuments(long) - Method in interface
Counts the documents of a given template
countDocuments(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.TemplateServiceImpl
countDocuments(long, AsyncCallback<Long>) - Method in interface
countDocuments(List<Long>, int) - Method in interface
Counts the documents in a given status contained the specified folder's trees
countDocuments(List<Long>, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
countDocuments(List<Long>, int, AsyncCallback<Long>) - Method in interface
countEmails() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.PSTWorker
Cont emails
countEmlAttachments(File) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
countEmlAttachments(InputStream) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
countEntries() - Method in interface
Counts the total number of entries
countEntries() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchEngineServiceImpl
countEntries(AsyncCallback<Long>) - Method in interface
countFolders(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateTemplateDAO
countGuests(Long) - Method in class
countGuests(Long) - Method in interface
Counts the total number of guest users
countLines(File) - Static method in class
countMsgAttachments(File) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
countMsgAttachments(InputStream) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.MailUtil
countOpened() - Method in class
Counts the total number of opened sessions
countOpened(long) - Method in class
Counts the total number of opened sessions per tenant
countPages(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Counts the number of pages of a document
countPages(Document) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Counts the number of pages of a document
countPages(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
countPages(File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.AbstractParser
countPages(File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.OpenOfficeParser
countPages(File, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.parser.Parser
Same as the other Parser.countPages(InputStream, String), but use this when you have a file rather than a stream.
countPages(File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.PDFParser
countPages(File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.RarParser
The number of pages is the number entries
countPages(File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.RTFParser
countPages(File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.SevenZipParser
The number of pages is the number entries
countPages(File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.TarParser
countPages(File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ZipParser
The number of pages is the number entries
countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.AbstractParser
countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.DOCParser
countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.EpubParser
countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.OpenOfficeParser
countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.parser.Parser
Counts the number of pages of the given binary document.
countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.PDFParser
countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.PPTParser
countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.RarParser
The number of pages is the number entries
countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.RTFParser
countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.SevenZipParser
The number of pages is the number entries
countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.TarParser
The number of pages is the number entries
countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.XLSParser
countPages(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.ZipParser
countQueueSize(Class<T>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.EventEndpoint
Returns the number of canched events of the given type
countSessions(Long, Integer) - Method in class
countSessions(Long, Integer) - Method in interface
Counts the number of sessions.
countUnconfirmedReadings() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.ReadingRequestController
countUserEvents(String, Date) - Method in interface
Counts the number of events that start from now until a given date
countUserEvents(String, Date, AsyncCallback<Integer>) - Method in interface
create(Document, User, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Version
Factory method that creates a Version and replicate all given document's properties.
The new version and fileVersion will be set in both Document and Version

Important: The created Version is not persistent
create(Document, File, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Created a new document into the database
create(Folder, Folder, boolean, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Creates a new folder in the parent Folder
create(Folder, Folder, boolean, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
create(GUIFolder, boolean) - Method in interface
Creates a new folder
create(GUIFolder, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
create(GUIFolder, boolean, AsyncCallback<GUIFolder>) - Method in interface
create(GUIReport) - Method in interface
Creates a new report
create(GUIReport, AsyncCallback<GUIReport>) - Method in interface
create(WSDocument, File) - Method in class
create(WSDocument, DataHandler) - Method in class
create(WSDocument, Attachment) - Method in interface
Creates a new document
create(WSDocument, Attachment) - Method in class
Creates a new document using the metadata document object provided as JSON/XML
create(WSFolder) - Method in class
create(WSFolder) - Method in class
create(WSFolder) - Method in interface
create(File, Document, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Creates a new Document.
create(File, Document, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
create(InputStream, Document, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Creates a new Document.
create(InputStream, Document, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
create(String) - Method in interface
Creates a new Google Document
create(String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
create(String, WSDocument, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
create(String, WSDocument, InputStream) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
create(String, WSDocument, DataHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
create(String, WSDocument, DataHandler) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Create a new document.
create(String, WSDocument, DataHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
create(String, WSFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
create(String, WSFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
create(String, WSFolder) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Creates a new folder.
create(String, Properties, String, ContentStream, VersioningState, List<String>, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
create(CallContext, Properties, String, ContentStream, ObjectInfoHandler) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
Create dispatch for AtomPub
create(TokenStream) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.analyzer.SnowballFilterFactory
createAlias(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.CreateAliasDialog
Creates an alias in the currently selected folder
createAlias(long, long) - Method in interface
Creates a new folder alias
createAlias(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
createAlias(long, long) - Method in class
createAlias(long, long) - Method in interface
Creates a new folder alias
createAlias(long, long, AsyncCallback<GUIFolder>) - Method in interface
createAlias(long, long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Creates a new folder folder alias
createAlias(long, long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
createAlias(long, long, String) - Method in interface
Creates a new document alias for the given document inside a specified folder
createAlias(long, long, String) - Method in class
createAlias(Document, Folder, String, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Create an alias(shortcut) associated to the given doc to the specified folder.
createAlias(Document, Folder, String, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
createAlias(Document, Folder, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Creates an alias to a document
createAlias(Document, String, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Creates an alias to a document
createAlias(String, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
createAlias(String, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
createAlias(String, long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Creates a new folder alias
createAlias(String, long, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
createAlias(String, long, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Creates a new document alias for the given document inside a specified folder
createAlias(String, long, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
CreateAliasDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This is the form used to copy a folder into another path
CreateAliasDialog() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.CreateAliasDialog
createApiKey(String) - Method in interface
Creates a new API Key for the current user
createApiKey(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
createApiKey(String, AsyncCallback<String>) - Method in interface
created(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderController
CREATED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
CREATED - Enum constant in enum class
createDefaultLayout() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout
Creates an HTML Layout using the default settings.
CreateDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder
This is the form used to create a new Folder
CreateDialog(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.CreateDialog
createDocument(GUIDocument, String) - Method in interface
Creates a new document with the given text content
createDocument(GUIDocument, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
createDocument(GUIDocument, String, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
createDocument(String, Properties, String, ContentStream, VersioningState, List<String>, Acl, Acl, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
createDocument(CallContext, Properties, String, ContentStream) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS createDocument
createDocumentFromSource(String, String, Properties, String, VersioningState, List<String>, Acl, Acl, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
createDocumentFromSource(CallContext, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CreateDocumentMultipartRequest() - Constructor for class
createDownloadTicket(long, int, String, Integer, Date, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface
Creates a download ticket
createDownloadTicket(long, int, String, Integer, Date, Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
createDownloadTicket(long, int, String, Integer, Date, Integer, Integer, AsyncCallback<List<String>>) - Method in interface
createDownloadTicket(long, String, Integer, String, Integer) - Method in interface
Creates a new download ticket
createDownloadTicket(long, String, Integer, String, Integer) - Method in class
createDownloadTicket(String, long, String, Integer, String, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
createDownloadTicket(String, long, String, Integer, String, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Creates a new download ticket
createDownloadTicket(String, long, String, Integer, String, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
createEncodedText(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpBasicAuthenticationHeader
createEngine(JavaNameDisplayStrategy, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.freemarker.ClasspathFreemarkerWebServiceDisplayEngine
createEngine(SimpleJavaNameDisplayStrategy) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.freemarker.ClasspathFreemarkerWebServiceDisplayEngine
createFolder(long, String) - Method in class
createFolder(long, String) - Method in class
createFolder(long, String) - Method in interface
createFolder(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
createFolder(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
createFolder(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Create a new folder.
createFolder(String, Properties, String, List<String>, Acl, Acl, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
createFolder(CallContext, Properties, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS moveObject
createMobile(Document, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
Creates the mobile image for the specified document and file version.
createPath(long, long, int, String, boolean) - Method in class
createPath(long, long, int, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Creates the menu for the specified path.
createPath(long, String) - Method in class
createPath(long, String) - Method in class
createPath(long, String) - Method in interface
createPath(Document, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Creates a path, all existing nodes in the specified path will be reused
createPath(Folder, String, boolean, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Creates the folder for the specified path.
createPath(Folder, String, boolean, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
createPath(Folder, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Creates a path, all existing nodes in the specified path will be reused
createPath(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
createPath(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
createPath(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Creates the folder for the specified path.
createPdf(long, String) - Method in class
createPdf(long, String) - Method in interface
Creates the PDF conversion of the given document; if the PDF conversion was already created, nothing will happen
createPdf(long, String) - Method in class
createPdf(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
createPdf(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Creates the PDF conversion of the given document.
createPdf(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
createRangeResource(DavResourceLocator, WebdavSession, Pair<String, String>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactory
createRangeResource(DavResourceLocator, WebdavSession, Pair<String, String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactoryImpl
createResource(Resource, String, boolean, ImportContext, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
Handle of resource creation by passed parent resource as well as the most import parameters needed for a resource creation.
createResource(Resource, String, boolean, ImportContext, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
createResource(DavResourceLocator, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactory
createResource(DavResourceLocator, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactoryImpl
createResource(DavResourceLocator, WebdavSession, Resource) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactoryImpl
createResource(DavResourceLocator, DavServletRequest) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactory
createResource(DavResourceLocator, DavServletRequest) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactoryImpl
createResource(DavResourceLocator, DavServletRequest, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactory
createResource(DavResourceLocator, DavServletRequest, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactoryImpl
createSimple(String) - Method in class
createSimple(String) - Method in interface
createSimpleForm(String) - Method in class
createSimpleForm(String) - Method in interface
createSimpleJSON(String) - Method in class
createSimpleJSON(String) - Method in interface
createSocket(String, int) - Method in class
createSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class
createSocket(InetAddress, int) - Method in class
createSocket(InetAddress, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class
createSocket(Socket, String, int, boolean) - Method in class
createTempDirectory(String) - Static method in class
Creates an empty folder in the default temporary-file directory, using the given prefix to generate its name.
createTempFile(String, String) - Static method in class
Creates an empty file in the default temporary-file directory, using the given prefix and suffix to generate its name.
createThumbnail(long, String, String) - Method in class
createThumbnail(long, String, String) - Method in interface
Creates the thumbail of the given document; if the thumbnail was already created, nothing will happen
createThumbnail(long, String, String) - Method in class
createThumbnail(String, long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
createThumbnail(String, long, String, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Creates the thumbnail of the given document.
createThumbnail(String, long, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
createTicket(Ticket, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Creates a new ticket.
createTicket(Ticket, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
createTile(Document, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
Creates the tile for the specified document and file version.
createTumbnail(Document, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
Creates the thumbnail for the specified document
createTumbnail(Document, String, int, Integer, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
Creates the thumbnail for the specified document and file version using given size and quality.
createTumbnail(Document, String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail.ThumbnailManager
Creates the thumbnail for the specified document and file version.
createUserHistory(User, String, String, String, Client) - Method in class
createUserHistory(User, String, String, String, Client) - Method in interface
Creates an user history entry
createVariableFromField(Field) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service.JavaLanguageVariableFactory
Creates a variable from a field which is @XmlElement annotated
createVariableFromMethodReturn(Method) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service.JavaLanguageVariableFactory
Creates a variable from a method's return which is @WebResult annotated
createVariablesFromMethodParamaters(Method) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service.JavaLanguageVariableFactory
Creates variables from parameters which are @WebParam annotated
createViewTicket(long, String, Integer, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface
Creates a new download ticket
createViewTicket(long, String, Integer, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class
createViewTicket(String, long, String, Integer, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
createViewTicket(String, long, String, Integer, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Creates a new view ticket
createViewTicket(String, long, String, Integer, String, Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
createWebMethodStubSet(Method) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service.WebMethodStubSetFactory
createWebServiceStubSet(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.service.WebServiceStubSetFactory
createWithContent(GUIDocument, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Creates a new empty document
createWithContent(GUIDocument, String, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
createWithContent(GUIDocument, String, boolean, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
CREATION - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
CronExpressionComposer - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
A visual editor for cron expressions
CronExpressionComposer(FormItem, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.CronExpressionComposer
cropCenterSquare(BufferedImage, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Crops a square at the center of the given image
cropImage(BufferedImage, ImageZone) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Crops an area from given image
cropImageToFile(String, ImageZone, File) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Crops an area and stores it in a given .jpg file
cropVisibleContent(File, File) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageUtil
Crops an image leaving the smallest square containing something visible
CryptUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.crypt
CryptUtil(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
CryptUtil(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
CryptUtil.EncryptionException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.util.crypt
CSVFile - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.csv
CSVFile is a class used to handle Comma-Separated Values files.
CSVFileReader - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.csv
CSVFileReader is a class derived from CSVFile used to parse an existing CSV file.
CSVFileReader(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileReader
CSVFileReader constructor just need the name of the existing CSV file that will be read.
CSVFileReader(String, char) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileReader
CSVFileReader constructor with a given field separator.
CSVFileReader(String, char, char) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileReader
CSVFileReader constructor with given field separator and text qualifier.
CSVFileWriter - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.csv
CSVFileWriter is a class derived from CSVFile used to format some fields into a new CSV file.
CSVFileWriter(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileWriter
CSVFileWriter constructor just need the name of the CSV file that will be written.
CSVFileWriter(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileWriter
CSVFileWriter constructor just need the name of the CSV file that will be written.
CSVFileWriter(String, char) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileWriter
CSVFileWriter constructor with a given field separator.
CSVFileWriter(String, char, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileWriter
CSVFileWriter constructor with a given field separator.
CSVFileWriter(String, char, char) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileWriter
CSVFileWriter constructor with given field separator and text qualifier.
CSVFileWriter(String, char, char, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.csv.CSVFileWriter
CSVFileWriter constructor with given field separator and text qualifier.
CTX_ATTR_RESOURCE_PATH_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.web.WebdavServlet
current() - Static method in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
CURRENT_DATE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
currentSkin() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
currentTime() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.AutomationDateTool
Gets the current time
Cursor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid
A cursor to browse among pages
Cursor() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.Cursor
Cursor(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.Cursor
ID of the message to be used to compose the email
CUSTOM_ACTIONS - Static variable in class
CUSTOM_ACTIONS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
CUSTOM_ACTIONS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
CUSTOM_ID - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
CUSTOM_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
CUSTOM_REPORTS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
CustomActionEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui
This dialog is used to edit a Custom Action
CustomActionEditor(GUIMenu, CustomActionsPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.CustomActionEditor
CustomActionsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui
Shows the custom actions
CustomActionsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.CustomActionsPanel
CUSTOMID - Enum constant in enum class
CUSTOMID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
CUSTOMID_IMPORT_AND_NEW_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
CUSTOMID_IMPORT_AND_NEW_RELEASE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
CUSTOMID_IMPORT_AND_NEW_SUBVERSION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
CUSTOMID_NOT_IMPORT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIArchive
CUSTOMID_SCHEME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIScheme
CustomIdPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata
Shows the set of filters associated to the current account
CustomIdPanel(List<GUIScheme>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.CustomIdPanel
CUSTOMREPORTS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
CustomReportsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom
Panel showing the list of all custom reports.
CustomReportsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.custom.CustomReportsPanel
CustomSerializationPolicyProvider - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.websockets
A custom serializer with simple policy
CustomSerializationPolicyProvider() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.CustomSerializationPolicyProvider
CUT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.clipboard.Clipboard


DASHBOARD - Static variable in class
DASHBOARD - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
DASHBOARD_CALENDAR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
DASHBOARD_READINGS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
DASHBOARD_WORKFLOW - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
DASHBOARD_WORKFLOW_ALLWORKFLOWS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
DASHBOARD_WORKFLOW_WORKFLOWSINVOLVEDIN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
DASHBOARD_WORKFLOW_WORKFLOWSYOUSUPERVISE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
DashboardPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard
This is the dashboard container
Dashlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet
Represents a sub-window of a dashboard
Dashlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet
A small window inside the dashboard.
Dashlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
Dashlet(Dashlet) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.Dashlet
DashletContent - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet
This servlet is responsible for rendering dashlet's contents.
DashletContent() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.DashletContent
DashletDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet
Instances of this class is a DAO-service for dashlet objects.
DashletEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui
This dialog is used to edit the content of a dashlet
DashletEditor(GUIDashlet, DashletsPanel) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.DashletEditor
DashletsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for dashlets data.
DashletsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
DashletsDS - Class in
Data Source to handle dashelts grid lists.
DashletsDS() - Constructor for class
DashletSelector - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet
This dialog allows the selection of a portlet
DashletSelector(PortalLayout) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.DashletSelector
DashletService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Dashlet Service.
DashletService.Instance - Class in
DashletServiceAsync - Interface in
DashletServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
The dashlet service for the operations on the dashlets done through the GUI.
DashletServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DashletServiceImpl
DashletsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui
Shows the dashlets.
DashletsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.settings.gui.DashletsPanel
DatabasePropertySource - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.spring
Reads the propeties from the database (ld_generic of type 'conf')
DatabasePropertySource() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.spring.DatabasePropertySource
DATE - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
DATE_OPT_ARCHIVED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
DATE_OPT_CREATION - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
DATE_OPT_PUBLISHED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
DATE_OPT_STOPPUBLISHING - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIRetentionPolicy
DateBean - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.i18n
This class converts a date into some formats.
DateBean() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.DateBean
DateCellFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid.DateListGridField.DateCellFormatter
DateCellFormatter(int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid.DateListGridField.DateCellFormatter
dateFromCompactString(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.core.i18n.DateBean
This method creates the Date object for a compact string in the format yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss or yyyyHHdd.
DateListGridField - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid
A filed to display dates in cells that contains a date
DateListGridField(String, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid.DateListGridField
DateListGridField(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid.DateListGridField
DateListGridField.DateCellFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid
Utility formatter for those cells that contains dates
DateUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.time
Utility methods to handle dates
DavResourceFactory - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource
For more informations, please visit DavResourceFactory
DavResourceFactoryImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource
For more informations, please visit ResourceFactoryImpl
DavResourceFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactoryImpl
DavResourceFactoryImpl(ResourceConfig) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceFactoryImpl
DavResourceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource
For more informations, please visit DavResourceImpl
DavResourceImpl(DavResourceLocator, DavResourceFactory, WebdavSession, ResourceConfig) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
Create a new DavResource.
DavResourceImpl(DavResourceLocator, DavResourceFactory, WebdavSession, ResourceConfig, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
Create a new DavResource
DavResourceImpl(DavResourceLocator, DavResourceFactory, WebdavSession, ResourceConfig, Resource) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DavResourceImpl
DavResourceIOException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception
Same as @link DavResourceNotFoundException but its more specifically against logicalDOC as will be checked whether this file physically exists
DavResourceIOException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception.DavResourceIOException
DavResourceNotFoundException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception
If a Resource could not be logically found, a @link DavResourceIOException will be thrown.
DavResourceNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webdav.exception.DavResourceNotFoundException
DavSessionImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.session
For more informations, please visit DavSessionImpl
DavSessionImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.session.DavSessionImpl
DAY - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.util.time.TimeDiff.TimeField
DaysCellFormatter - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.formatters
Utility formatter for those cells that contains a days number
DaysCellFormatter() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.formatters.DaysCellFormatter
DbcpConfig - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.util
Configuration bean for DBCP
DbcpConfig() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.util.DbcpConfig
DBInit - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit
Database initialisation utility
DBInit() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit.DBInit
DBInit(List<String>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.dbinit.DBInit
A list of sql files to execute
debug(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.LogTool
Writes in the system log with DEBUG priority
debug(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.log.GuiLog
decide(Authentication, Object, Collection<ConfigAttribute>) - Method in class
decimalSepator() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.i18n.I18N
declareCheckPermission(Frontend) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
Declares the javascript function used to check a permission in the current folder
declareClose(DropSpotPopup) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.DropSpotPopup
Declares the javascript function used to trigger the close of the current popup
declareDownload() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
Declares the javascript function used to download something
declareDownloadDocumentResource() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
Declares the javascript function used to download a document's resource
declareGetCurrentFolderId(Frontend) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
Declares the javascript function used to retrieve the current folder ID
declareOnReadingCompleted(PreviewPanel) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.preview.PreviewPanel
Declares the javascript function used to notify when the document has been completely read
declareReloadTrigger(Frontend) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
Declares the javascript function used to trigger the reload of the current folder
declareSearchTag(Frontend) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.Frontend
Declares the javascript function used to trigger the search for a specific tag
declareShowLostDialog(Login) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.login.client.Login
Declares the javascript function used to display the lost password popup
decode(char[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.
decode(char[]) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.
decode(char[], int, int) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.
decode(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.
decode(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.
decode(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.html.HTMLColor
Decode HTML-attribute style of color to Color
decode(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpBasicAuthenticationHeader
decodeFromAuthorization(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.http.HttpBasicAuthenticationHeader
decodeLines(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a byte array from Base64 format and ignores line separators, tabs and blanks.
decodeString(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a string from Base64 format.
decodeString(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.Base64Coder
Decodes a string from Base64 format.
decrypt(File, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
decrypt(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
decrypt(String) - Method in class
deDuplicate(Long, boolean) - Method in interface
Convert duplicates with aliases, just one of the documents is maintained
deDuplicate(Long, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
deDuplicate(Long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.util.log4j.LDHtmlLayout
Default font family: "arial,sans-serif".
DEFAULT_ID - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_MAX - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_MAX - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_MAX - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.metadata.form.ResponsesDS
DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_TYPE - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_WEBCSS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIForm
DefaultAuthenticator - Class in
This is the basic authentication mechanism, that searches for the user in the LogicalDOC database.
DefaultAuthenticator() - Constructor for class
defaultConnectionColor - Static variable in class
DefaultHandler - Class in
For more informations, please visit DefaultHandler
DefaultHandler() - Constructor for class
DefaultHandler(IOManager) - Constructor for class
DefaultHandler(IOManager, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
DefaultIOManager - Class in
For more informations, please visit DefaultIOManager
DefaultIOManager() - Constructor for class
DefaultPluginRegistry - Class in com.logicaldoc.util.plugin
Basic implementation of a PluginRegistry
DefaultPluginRegistry() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.util.plugin.DefaultPluginRegistry
DefaultSchedulerFactory - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.task
Scheduler factory to enable/disable the scheduler depending on the runlevel.
DefaultSchedulerFactory() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DefaultSchedulerFactory
defaultString(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.StringTool
Returns either the passed in String, or if the String is null, an empty String ("").
defaultString(String, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.StringTool
Returns either the passed in String, or if the String is null, the value of defaultStr.
defaultString(String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.StringUtil
Returns the default string in case the input is empty or null
DEFAULTWORKSPACEID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
DEFAULTWORKSPACENAME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder
delete() - Method in class
delete(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
delete(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
This method deletes an entity.
delete(long) - Method in class
delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes all resources of a document from the store.
delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given set
delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given template
delete(long) - Method in interface
delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given account
delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a form
delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a specific archive by its identifier
delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given import folder
delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes the specified server
delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a reading request.
delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given report
delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given policy
delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given stamp
delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given syndication
delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given template
delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a specific tenant by its ID
delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given template
delete(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.AttributeSetServiceImpl
delete(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DashletServiceImpl
delete(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.TemplateServiceImpl
delete(long) - Method in class
delete(long) - Method in class
delete(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a document
delete(long) - Method in class
delete(long) - Method in class
delete(long) - Method in interface
delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateMessageTemplateDAO
delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet.HibernateDashletDAO
delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentLinkDAO
delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentNoteDAO
delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateRatingDAO
delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateVersionDAO
delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.generic.HibernateGenericDAO
delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeOptionDAO
delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeSetDAO
delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateTemplateDAO
delete(long, int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
This method deletes an entity and you can give a deletion code
delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.saved.HibernateSearchDAO
delete(long, int) - Method in class
delete(long, int) - Method in class
delete(long, int) - Method in class
delete(long, int) - Method in class
delete(long, int) - Method in class
delete(long, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.HibernateSequenceDAO
delete(long, int, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
This method deletes the document object and insert a new document history entry.
delete(long, int, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
delete(long, int, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
This method deletes the folder object and insert a new folder history entry
delete(long, int, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Shortcut for delete(docId, 1, transaction)
delete(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
delete(long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Shortcut for delete(id, 1, transaction)
delete(long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
delete(long, UserHistory) - Method in class
delete(long, UserHistory) - Method in interface
This method deletes the user object and insert a new user history entry.
delete(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Delete a document
delete(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Delete a folder
delete(long, String) - Method in class
delete(long, String) - Method in interface
Deletes a specific resource of a document from the store.
delete(long, String) - Method in interface
Deletes a template
delete(long, String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(File) - Static method in class
Deletes a file doing the best effort
delete(String) - Method in interface
Deletes a document in Google Drive
delete(String) - Method in interface
Deletes an existing tag
delete(String) - Method in interface
Deletes a given workflow
delete(String) - Method in interface
Deletes a document in Zoho
delete(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.TagServiceImpl
delete(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
delete(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapFolderClient
delete(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Deletes an existing document with the given identifier.
delete(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
delete(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapFolderService
delete(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.FolderService
Deletes an existing folder.
delete(String, long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.HibernateSequenceDAO
delete(String, long, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.sequence.SequenceDAO
Deletes the sequence
delete(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a selection of contacts
delete(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a selection of documents
delete(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes the folders and the subtrees
delete(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a list of Messages
delete(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.ContactServiceImpl
delete(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
delete(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
delete(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.MessageServiceImpl
delete(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
delete(List<String>) - Method in interface
Deletes a previously saved search
delete(List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SearchServiceImpl
delete(List<String>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class
deleteAll(Collection<Document>, int, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Deletes all documents form the database and modifies the custom ids of all documents
deleteAll(Collection<Document>, int, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
deleteAll(Collection<Document>, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
Shortcut for deleteAll(documents, 1, transaction)
deleteAll(Collection<Document>, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
deleteAll(Collection<Folder>, int, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
For each folder, save the folder delete history entry for each folder and delete the folder
deleteAll(Collection<Folder>, int, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
deleteAll(Collection<Folder>, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Shortcut for deleteAll(folders, 1, transaction)
deleteAll(Collection<Folder>, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
deleteAll(Collection<Menu>) - Method in class
deleteAll(Collection<T>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
deleteAll(Collection<T>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Deletes all entries form the database
deleteAll(Collection<T>, int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO
deleteAll(Collection<T>, int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO
Deletes all entries form the database giving a specific deletion code
deleteApiKey(long) - Method in interface
Deletes an API Key
deleteApiKey(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
deleteApiKey(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteAttributeSet(long) - Method in class
deleteAttributeSet(long) - Method in interface
Deletes an existing attribute set with the given identifier.
deleteAttributeSet(long) - Method in class
deleteAttributeSet(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
deleteAttributeSet(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Deletes an existing attribute set with the given identifier.
deleteAttributeSet(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
deleteBookmark(long) - Method in interface
deleteBookmark(long) - Method in class
deleteBookmark(long) - Method in class
deleteBookmark(Resource, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
deleteBookmark(Resource, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
deleteBookmark(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.BookmarkService
deleteBookmark(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapBookmarkClient
deleteBookmark(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapBookmarkService
deleteBookmarks(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a set of bookmarks
deleteBookmarks(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
deleteBookmarks(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteByDocId(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.HibernateTicketDAO
deleteByDocId(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.TicketDAO
This method deletes all tickets of the specified document.
deleteBySetIdAndAttribute(long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOptionDAO
This method deletes options.
deleteBySetIdAndAttribute(long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeOptionDAO
deleteByTicketId(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.HibernateTicketDAO
deleteByTicketId(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.TicketDAO
This method deletes a download ticket.
deleteCalendar(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
deleteCertificate() - Method in interface
Delete the certificate of the current user
deleteCertificate(AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteConnection(Connection) - Method in class
deleteCurrentNodeSessions() - Method in class
deleteCurrentNodeSessions() - Method in interface
Removes all the sessions that refers to the current node
deleted(GUIFolder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.FolderController
deleted(List<GUIDocument>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers.DocumentController
DELETED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
DELETED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
DELETED - Enum constant in enum class
DELETED_CODE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
This is used to mark a deletion that must be shown in the trash bin
DELETED_CODE_STRONG - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObject
This is used to mark a deletion that must be physically removed
DELETED_DOCS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
DELETED_FOLDERS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
DeletedDocsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for deleted documents data retrieval
DeletedDocsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
DeletedDocsDS - Class in
Datasource to handle deleted documents grid lists.
DeletedDocsDS(Long, Long, Integer) - Constructor for class
DeletedDocsReport - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports
This panel shows a list of deleted documents
DeletedDocsReport() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.DeletedDocsReport
DeletedFoldersDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for deleted folders data retrieval
DeletedFoldersDataServlet() - Constructor for class
DeletedFoldersDS - Class in
Datasource to handle deleted folders grid lists.
DeletedFoldersDS(Long, Long, Integer) - Constructor for class
DeletedFoldersReport - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports
This panel shows a list of deleted folders
DeletedFoldersReport() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.reports.DeletedFoldersReport
deleteEvent(long, boolean) - Method in interface
Deletes an event.
deleteEvent(long, boolean, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteExpired() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.HibernateTicketDAO
deleteExpired() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.TicketDAO
Deletes all expired tickets
deleteExpiredMessages(int) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateSystemMessageDAO
deleteExpiredMessages(int) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessageDAO
Removes all expired messages for the specified type
deleteExpiredMessages(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.communication.HibernateSystemMessageDAO
deleteExpiredMessages(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.communication.SystemMessageDAO
Removes all system expired messages for the specified recipient
deleteFolder(String) - Method in interface
Deletes a folder in impex/in folder
deleteFolder(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteFromIndex(Document) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Utility method for document removal from index and database update(flag indexed)
deleteFromIndex(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
Utility method for document removal from index
deleteFromTrash(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a selection of documents from trash
deleteFromTrash(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a selection of folders from trash
deleteFromTrash(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
deleteFromTrash(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.FolderServiceImpl
deleteFromTrash(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteFromTrash(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteGroup(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given group
deleteGroup(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
deleteGroup(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteGroup(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSecurityClient
deleteGroup(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSecurityService
deleteGroup(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SecurityService
Deletes an existing group with the given identifier
deleteHit(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Deletes an hit in the index of the search engine.
deleteHit(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
deleteHits(Collection<Long>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.SearchEngine
Removed all passed hits from the index
deleteHits(Collection<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.StandardSearchEngine
deleteIncremental(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given incremental configuration
deleteIncremental(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteInstance(String) - Method in interface
Deletes a given workflow instance
deleteInstance(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteInstances(List<String>) - Method in interface
Deletes a given workflow instances
deleteInstances(List<String>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteJob(JobKey) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
deleteJobs(List<JobKey>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.task.DummyScheduler
deleteKeystore(long) - Method in interface
Deletes the actual key store
deleteKeystore(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteLink(long) - Method in interface
Removes an existing link
deleteLink(long) - Method in class
deleteLink(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
deleteLink(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Removes an existing link
deleteLink(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
deleteLinks(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a selection of links
deleteLinks(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
deleteLinks(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteMenu(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a menu but only if is not a legacy menu (type not 0)
deleteMenu(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
deleteMenu(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteNote(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a note
deleteNote(long) - Method in class
Adds a new note for the given document
deleteNote(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a new note by note identifier
deleteNote(long) - Method in class
deleteNote(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteNote(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
deleteNote(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Adds a new note for the given document
deleteNote(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
deleteNotes(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a selection of document notes
deleteNotes(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
deleteNotes(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteObject(CallContext, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS deleteObject
deleteObjectOrCancelCheckOut(String, String, Boolean, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
deleteObjectOrCancelCheckOut(CallContext, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
deleteOptions(long, String, List<String>) - Method in interface
Delete a selection of options
deleteOptions(long, String, List<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.AttributeSetServiceImpl
deleteOptions(long, String, List<String>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteOrphaned(long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentDAO
This method deletes the documents into deleted folders.
deleteOrphaned(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.HibernateDocumentDAO
deleteOrphaned(long, Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.AttributeOptionDAO
This method deletes the orphaned options of a given template
deleteOrphaned(long, Collection<String>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.metadata.HibernateAttributeOptionDAO
deletePatch(String) - Method in interface
Deletes a local patch
deletePatch(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteRating(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a vote
deleteRating(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
deleteRating(long, AsyncCallback<Integer>) - Method in interface
deleteResource(Resource, WebdavSession) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceService
Deletion of a resource within logicalDOC.
deleteResource(Resource, WebdavSession) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.service.ResourceServiceImpl
deleteRoutines(List<Long>) - Method in interface
deleteRoutines(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteSequence(long) - Method in interface
Deletes the given sequence
deleteSequence(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteSubscriptions(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a list of Subscriptions
deleteSubscriptions(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteTemplate(long) - Method in class
deleteTemplate(long) - Method in interface
Deletes an existing template with the given identifier
deleteTemplate(long) - Method in class
deleteTemplate(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentMetadataClient
deleteTemplate(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentMetadataService
Deletes an existing template with the given identifier
deleteTemplate(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentMetadataService
deleteTemplates(String) - Method in interface
Deletes the templates with the given name
deleteTemplates(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.MessageServiceImpl
deleteTemplates(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteTemplates(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a selection of templates
deleteTemplates(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.MessageServiceImpl
deleteTemplates(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteTicket(long) - Method in interface
deleteTicket(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
deleteTicket(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteTree(long, int, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Delete a folder and all its sub-folders that a user can delete.
deleteTree(long, int, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
deleteTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Shortcut for deleteTree(folderId, 1, transaction)
deleteTree(long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
deleteTree(Folder, int, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderDAO
Deletes a folder and all its sub-folders that a user can delete.
deleteTree(Folder, int, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.HibernateFolderDAO
deleteTree(String, String, Boolean, UnfileObject, Boolean, ExtensionsData) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDCmisService
deleteTree(CallContext, String, Boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.LDRepository
CMIS deleteTree
deleteTrigger(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a workflow trigger
deleteTrigger(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteTriggers(List<Long>) - Method in interface
deleteTriggers(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteTrustedDevices(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a set of trusted devices for the current user
deleteTrustedDevices(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
deleteTrustedDevices(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteUpdate(String) - Method in interface
Deletes a local update package
deleteUpdate(String, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteUser(long) - Method in interface
Deletes a given user
deleteUser(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SecurityServiceImpl
deleteUser(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
deleteUser(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapSecurityClient
deleteUser(String, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapSecurityService
deleteUser(String, long) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.SecurityService
Deletes an existing user with the given identifier
deleteVersion(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Deletes a specific version.
deleteVersion(long, DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
deleteVersion(long, String) - Method in class
Adds a new note for the given document
deleteVersion(long, String) - Method in interface
Deletes a version by document identifier and version ID.
deleteVersion(long, String) - Method in class
deleteVersion(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
deleteVersion(String, long, String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.DocumentService
Deletes a version of a document with the given identifiers.
deleteVersion(String, long, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.endpoint.SoapDocumentService
deleteVersions(long, List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a set of versions from the given archive
deleteVersions(long, List<Long>, AsyncCallback<GUIArchive>) - Method in interface
deleteVersions(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Deletes a selection of versions
deleteVersions(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
deleteVersions(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<GUIDocument>) - Method in interface
deleteWidget(Widget) - Method in class
DeltaVResourceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource
For more informations, please visit DeltaVResourceImpl
DeltaVResourceImpl(DavResourceLocator, DavResourceFactory, WebdavSession, ResourceConfig) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DeltaVResourceImpl
DeltaVResourceImpl(DavResourceLocator, DavResourceFactory, WebdavSession, ResourceConfig, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DeltaVResourceImpl
DeltaVResourceImpl(DavResourceLocator, DavResourceFactory, WebdavSession, ResourceConfig, Resource) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.webdav.resource.DeltaVResourceImpl
DEMO - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
demo.jaxrs.openapi.server - package demo.jaxrs.openapi.server
deploy(GUIWorkflow) - Method in interface
Deploys a given workflow
deploy(GUIWorkflow, AsyncCallback<GUIWorkflow>) - Method in interface
DES_ENCRYPTION_SCHEME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
DES_ENCRYPTION_SCHEME - Static variable in class
description() - Element in annotation interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.WSDoc
DESEDE_ENCRYPTION_SCHEME - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.util.crypt.CryptUtil
DESEDE_ENCRYPTION_SCHEME - Static variable in class
deselectAll() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
Clear the actual selection
deselectAll() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
deselectAll() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
deserialize(String) - Static method in class
Deserializes an XML serialization to obtain the object
deserializeMessage(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.websockets.WebSocketListener
deskew() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.imaging.ImageDeskew
Deskews the image
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.ServiceFactory
destroy() - Method in class
destroy() - Method in class
destroy() - Method in interface
Destroy method
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.automation.AutomationEditor
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.automation.AutomationItemEditor
destroy() - Method in class
destroy() - Method in class
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.MessagesPanel
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.AliasesPanel
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsListPanel
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPanel
destroy() - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsGrid
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.AliasesPanel
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderDetailsPanel
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderNavigator
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.folder.FolderSecurityPanel
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.impex.archives.VersionsPanel
destroy() - Method in class
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels.StatusBarIcons
destroy() - Method in class
destroy() - Method in class
destroy() - Method in class
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.system.task.TasksPanel
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.workflow.designer.WorkflowSecurity
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.filter.CacheControlFilter
destroy() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.filter.xss.XssFilter
DESTROY_DOCUMENTS - Static variable in class
DESTROY_DOCUMENTS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
destroyDocument(long, FolderHistory) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManager
Permanently deletes a document from the system, the document and all the dependent resources will not be recoverable in the future.
destroyDocument(long, FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
destroyDocuments(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Permanently deletes a selection of documents, no restore will be possible later
destroyDocuments(List<Long>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
destroyDocuments(List<Long>, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
DetailsPreviewPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel shows the full preview of a document
DetailsPreviewPanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DetailsPreviewPanel
DetailTab - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.panels
A generic panel to display details of an object
detectKey() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Detect KEY specification from the request
detectLocale() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Detect locale specification from the request
detectTenant() - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
Detect tenant specification from the request
DEVEL - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.RunLevel
Device - Class in
Represents a device with wich a user connects to the platform
Device() - Constructor for class
Device(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new Device inspecting the current request
DeviceDAO - Interface in
A DAO to handle the devices
DevicesDataServlet - Class in
This servlet retrieves the trusted devices
DevicesDataServlet() - Constructor for class
DevicesDS - Class in
Data Source to show the user's devices.
DevicesDS() - Constructor for class
DiagramController - Class in
Controller which manage all the diagram logic
DiagramController(int, int) - Constructor for class
Initialize the controller diagram.
DICTIONARY - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.Automation
DiffRecord(String, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.MetadataDiff.DiffRecord
DigestProcessor - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
This task takes care of calculating the documents digest
DigestProcessor() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DigestProcessor
DIGITAL_SIGNATURE - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_CLIENT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
DigitalSignatureDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature
This is the form used to gather informations to dgitally sign more documents
DigitalSignatureDialog(List<Long>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature.DigitalSignatureDialog
DigitalSignaturePanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature
This panel shows the digital signatures.
DigitalSignaturePanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.signature.DigitalSignaturePanel
DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class
disableSave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.EditingTabSet
disableTask(String) - Method in interface
Disables the task
disableTask(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.SystemServiceImpl
disableTask(String, AsyncCallback<Boolean>) - Method in interface
disableTicket(long) - Method in interface
disableTicket(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
disableTicket(long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
DiscussionsDS - Class in
Datasource to handle the discussions on a document.
DiscussionsDS(long) - Constructor for class
display(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.simple.SimpleClassNameDisplayUtils
displayClassName(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.JavaNameDisplayStrategy
"HelloOrder" -> "Hello Order", Mainly for Class Inheritance display
displayClassName(Class<?>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.simple.SimpleJavaNameDisplayStrategy
displayElementName(String) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.JavaNameDisplayStrategy
displayElementName(String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.simple.SimpleJavaNameDisplayStrategy
displayElementType(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.JavaNameDisplayStrategy
displayElementType(Class<?>) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.simple.SimpleJavaNameDisplayStrategy
displayFileSize(Long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Prints the size of a file in human readable form
displayLink() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
displaySave() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.EditingTabSet
DisplayServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
This servlet is used to serve those requests for displaying details of a document or a folder.
DisplayServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.DisplayServlet
displayString() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIContact
displayUrl(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Builds the display url of a document(display permalink)
displayUrl(long, long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Prints the URL to display the folder inside the User Interface
displayUrl(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Builds the display url of a document(display permalink)
displayUrl(DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Builds the display url of a document(display permalink)
displayUrl(Folder) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Prints the URL to display the folder inside the User Interface
displayUrl(FolderHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.FolderTool
Prints the URL to display the folder inside the User Interface
displayURL(Long, Long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
displayWebMethod(WebMethodStubSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.WebMethodDisplayEngine
displayWebService() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.freemarker.FreemarkerWebServiceDisplayer
displayWebService(WebServiceStubSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.view.freemarker.FreemarkerWebServiceDisplayEngine
displayWebService(WebServiceStubSet) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.WebServiceDisplayEngine
dispose() - Method in class
distributeMessage(WebsocketMessage) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.websockets.EventEndpoint
Distributes a message to all the connected clients
DOC_ARCHIVED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Document's status archived: 3
DOC_ARCHIVED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
DOC_CHECKED_OUT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Document's status checked out: 1
DOC_CHECKED_OUT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
DOC_CHECKED_OUT - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
DOC_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
DOC_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.web.DisplayServlet
DOC_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.web.DocumentResourceUpload
DOC_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.web.ThumbnailServlet
DOC_LOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Document's status locked: 2
DOC_LOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
DOC_LOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
DOC_LOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
DOC_REF - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine.HitField
DOC_UNLOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.document.AbstractDocument
Document's status unlocked: 0
DOC_UNLOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.beans.GUIDocument
DOC_UNLOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
DOC_UNLOCKED - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument
DocException - Exception Class in com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc
DocException() - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.DocException
DocException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.DocException
DocException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.DocException
DocException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.DocException
DocException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.DocException
docId - Variable in class
docId - Variable in class
docId - Variable in class
docId - Variable in class
DOCParser - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Parses a MS Word (*.doc, *.dot) file to extract the text contained in the file.
DOCParser() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.parser.DOCParser
DocTool - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Utility methods to handle documents from within Automation
DocTool() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
document - Variable in class
Document - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Basic concrete implementation of AbstractDocument
Document() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Document
Document(Document) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.Document
DOCUMENT_CALENDAR - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
DOCUMENT_DESTROYED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.folder.FolderEvent
DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.cmis.TypeManager
DocumentAliasesDataServlet - Class in
DocumentAliasesDataServlet() - Constructor for class
DocumentAliasesDS - Class in
Datasource retrieve the aliases of a document
DocumentAliasesDS(long) - Constructor for class
DocumentCalendarPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel shows the calendar events on a document
DocumentCalendarPanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentCalendarPanel
DocumentCapturePanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
Shows document's data capture options.
DocumentCapturePanel(GUIDocument, ChangedHandler, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentCapturePanel
DocumentChangeListener - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
Listener invoked on new document seletion.
DocumentCheckin - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This popup window is used to upload a checked-out document to the server.
DocumentCheckin(GUIDocument, String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentCheckin
DocumentComparator - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Comparators to sort documents with different options
DocumentController - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers
Implements the Observer pattern to distribute events on the documents
DocumentDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.document
This class is a DAO-service for documents.
DocumentDashlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet
Portlet specialized in listing documents
DocumentDashlet(GUIDashlet) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.DocumentDashlet
DocumentDetailsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel collects all documents details
DocumentDetailsPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentDetailsPanel
DocumentDetailTab - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
Superclass for all tab panels in the document details area
documented() - Element in annotation interface com.logicaldoc.webservice.doc.WSDoc
DocumentEvent - Enum Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Possible events in the document's history
DocumentExtendedPropertiesPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
Shows document's extended properties.
DocumentExtendedPropertiesPanel(GUIDocument, ChangedHandler, ChangedHandler) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentExtendedPropertiesPanel
DocumentFieldsDS - Class in
Fake Datasource to populate a filter builder for parametric searches.
DocumentFieldsDS(GUITemplate) - Constructor for class
DocumentGridUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid
Utility methods for documents grids
DocumentHistory - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Registers an event on folder or document
DocumentHistory() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentHistory
DocumentHistory(DocumentHistory) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentHistory
DocumentHistoryDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.document
DAO for DocumentHistory handling.
DocumentHistoryDashlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet
Dashlet specialized in listing document's history records
DocumentHistoryDashlet(GUIDashlet) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.dashboard.dashlet.DocumentHistoryDashlet
DocumentHistoryDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for documents history data.
DocumentHistoryDataServlet() - Constructor for class
DocumentHistoryDS - Class in
Datasource to handle versions grid lists.
DocumentHistoryDS(long, Integer) - Constructor for class
DocumentHistoryDS(Long, Long, String, Integer) - Constructor for class
DocumentHistoryDS(Long, String, Integer) - Constructor for class
DocumentHistoryDS(String) - Constructor for class
DocumentHistoryPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel shows the history of a document
DocumentHistoryPanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentHistoryPanel
DocumentInitializer - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
This listener takes care of initializing the metadata of a document.
DocumentInitializer() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentInitializer
DocumentLink - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Represents a document link.
DocumentLink() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentLink
DocumentLinkDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.document
DAO for DocumentLink handling.
DocumentListener - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.document
This interface defines hooks called before and after a particular event occurs on the specified document.
DocumentListenerManager - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
A manager for document listeners.
DocumentListenerManager() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentListenerManager
DocumentManager - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.document
A general manager for documents handling issues
DocumentManagerImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Basic Implementation of DocumentManager
DocumentManagerImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentManagerImpl
DocumentMetadataService - Interface in
Document Metadata Service definition interface for REST.
DocumentMetadataService - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap
DocumentNote - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
A note over a document
DocumentNote() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
DocumentNote(DocumentNote) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentNote
DocumentNoteDAO - Interface in com.logicaldoc.core.document
DAO for DocumentNote handling.
DocumentObserver - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.controllers
Listener on documents events
DocumentProtectionManager - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
Utility class for handling passwords on documents.
DocumentProtectionManager.DocumentProtectionHandler - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
DocumentResourceUpload - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
This servlet is responsible for document resource upload.
DocumentResourceUpload() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.DocumentResourceUpload
Constructor of the object.
DOCUMENTS - Static variable in class
DOCUMENTS - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
DOCUMENTS_FOLDERID - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Constants
DocumentsDataServlet - Class in
This servlet is responsible for documents data.
DocumentsDataServlet() - Constructor for class
DocumentsDS - Class in
Data Source to handle documents grid lists.
DocumentsDS(int, int) - Constructor for class
DocumentsDS(DocumentsDSParameters) - Constructor for class
DocumentsDS(String) - Constructor for class
DocumentsDS(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class
DocumentsDSParameters - Class in
A bean to carry those parameters for a document datasource
DocumentsDSParameters(Long, String, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class
DocumentSecurityPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel shows the security policies of a document.
DocumentSecurityPanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentSecurityPanel
DocumentSelector - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets
Allows the selection of a specific document
DocumentSelector(String, List<FormItemIcon>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.DocumentSelector
DocumentSelectorDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector
A dialog shoing a mini-browser to select documents
DocumentSelectorDocumentsListGrid - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector
DocumentSelectorDocumentsListGrid(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector.DocumentSelectorDocumentsListGrid
DocumentSelectorDocumentsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector
A documents panel for the selection dialog
DocumentSelectorDocumentsPanel(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector.DocumentSelectorDocumentsPanel
DocumentSelectorPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector
A panel with folder browser and document selection
DocumentSelectorPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.selector.DocumentSelectorPanel
DocumentService - Interface in
The client side stub for the Document Service.
DocumentService - Interface in
DocumentService - Interface in com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap
Document Web Service definition interface
DocumentService.Instance - Class in
DocumentServiceAsync - Interface in
DocumentServiceImpl - Class in com.logicaldoc.web.service
The document service for the operations on the documents done through the GUI.
DocumentServiceImpl() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.service.DocumentServiceImpl
DocumentsGrid - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid
Shows a view on a collecion of documents
DocumentsListGrid - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid
Grid used to show a documents list in different contexts.
DocumentsListGrid() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
DocumentsListGrid(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
DocumentsListGrid(List<String>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsListGrid
DocumentsListPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel shows a selection of documents.
DocumentsListPanel(GUIFolder, int) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsListPanel
DocumentsMenu - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
The left menu
DocumentsMenu() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsMenu
DocumentsMenu(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsMenu
DocumentsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel implements the browser on the documents archive
DocumentsPreviewPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
Shows a preview panels in the Documents workspace
DocumentsPreviewPanel() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPreviewPanel
DocumentsPreviewPanel(String) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsPreviewPanel
DocumentsTileGrid - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid
Grid used to show a documents gallery during navigation or searches.
DocumentsTileGrid(GUIFolder) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.grid.DocumentsTileGrid
DocumentSubscriptionsPanel - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This panel shows the subscriptions on a document.
DocumentSubscriptionsPanel(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentSubscriptionsPanel
DocumentsUploader - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
This popup window is used to upload documents to the server.
DocumentsUploader() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentsUploader
documentToEMail(Document, boolean) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.MailTool
Creates an EMail object given the document that stores an email message.
DocumentToolbar - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
The toolbar to handle some documents aspects
DocumentUtil - Interface in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document
DocumentValidator - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.document
This listener takes care of logically validate a document.
DocumentValidator() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentValidator
DOCUSIGN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Feature
DOCUSIGN - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.Menu
DocuSignEnvelopesDS - Class in
Data Source to handle user's contacts grid lists.
DocuSignEnvelopesDS(Integer) - Constructor for class
DocuSignNewTabDialog - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign
This is the dialog to create a new DocuSign tab
DocuSignNewTabDialog(AsyncCallback<GUIDocumentNote>) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.DocuSignNewTabDialog
DocuSignService - Interface in
The client side stub for the DocuSign Service.
DocuSignService.Instance - Class in
DocuSignServiceAsync - Interface in
DocuSignSettings - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign
This popup window is used to handle DocuSign settings.
DocuSignSettings() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.DocuSignSettings
DocuSignTabContextMenu - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign
The context menu used to edit an a DocuSign tab
DocuSignTabContextMenu(DrawItem, GUIDocumentNote) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.DocuSignTabContextMenu
DocuSignTabsEditor - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign
This popup window is used to define the placehoders of a document where the recipients have to sign
DocuSignTabsEditor(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.docusign.DocuSignTabsEditor
DocUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.core.util
Some utility methods for documents.
DocUtil - Class in com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util
Some utility methods for the documents
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.filter.CacheControlFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.filter.xss.XssFilter
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.AvatarServlet
The doGet method of the servlet.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.ConvertPdf
The doGet method of the servlet.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.DisplayServlet
Redirects the request to the proper frontend URL
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.DownloadAttachmentServlet
The doGet method of the servlet.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.DownloadServlet
The doGet method of the servlet.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.ExportZip
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.LogDownload
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.PswRecovery
The doGet method of the servlet.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.stat.StatChartServlet
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.ThumbnailServlet
The doGet method of the servlet.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.TicketDownload
The doGet method of the servlet.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceChartServlet
The doGet method of the servlet.
doPause(long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.time.Pause
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.ConvertPdf
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.ExportZip
The doPost method of the servlet.
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.LogDownload
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.PswRecovery
The doPost method of the servlet.
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.web.TicketDownload
The doPost method of the servlet.
doRun() - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.threading.NotifyingThread
Concrete implementations should override this method to implement their own processing.
doubleBackslashes(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.sql.SqlUtil
Double the backslashes in a string.
doubleQuotes(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.sql.SqlUtil
Double the quotes in a string.
doubleQuotesAndBackslashes(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.util.sql.SqlUtil
download(long, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocUtil
download(long, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocUtil
download(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
download(String, File, int, int) - Static method in class
Downloads an URL into a local file
DOWNLOAD - Enum constant in enum class
DOWNLOAD - Static variable in class com.logicaldoc.core.ticket.Ticket
DownloadAttachmentServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
This servlet is responsible for the download of email attachments
DownloadAttachmentServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.DownloadAttachmentServlet
downloadAttachmentURL(long, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
downloadContent(String, long, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
downloadDocument(long) - Static method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentUtil
downloadDocument(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String, long, String, String, User) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
Sends the specified document to the response object; the client will receive it as a download
downloadDocument(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String, long, String, String, String, User) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
Sends the specified document to the response object; the client will receive it as a download
downloadDocumentResource(String, String) - Static method in interface com.logicaldoc.gui.frontend.client.document.DocumentUtil
Checks the DOWNLOAD permission and forwards the download of the specified document-related resource.
downloadDocumentText(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, long, User) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
Sends the specified document's indexed text to the response object; the client will receive it as a download
DOWNLOADED - Enum constant in enum class com.logicaldoc.core.document.DocumentEvent
downloadFile(String, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.dropbox.Dropbox
downloadFile(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, File, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
Sends the specified file to the response object; the client will receive it as a download Sends the specified file to the response object; the client will receive it as a download
downloadFile(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, File, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.WebserviceServletUtil
Sends the specified file to the response object; the client will receive it as a download Sends the specified file to the response object; the client will receive it as a download
DownloadFormItemIcon - Class in
An icon to be used to download a resource of Saml
DownloadFormItemIcon(String) - Constructor for class
The constructor.
downloadPatch(String, String, long) - Method in interface
downloadPatch(String, String, long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
downloadPdfConversion(long, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.DocUtil
downloadPdfURL(long, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
downloadPluginResource(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.web.util.ServletUtil
Downloads a plugin resource
downloadResourceContent(String, long, String, String, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
DownloadServlet - Class in com.logicaldoc.web
This servlet is responsible for document downloads.
DownloadServlet() - Constructor for class com.logicaldoc.web.DownloadServlet
downloadTicket(long, boolean, Integer, Date, Integer, String) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Creates a new download ticket for a document
downloadTicket(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
downloadTicketURL(String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
downloadUpdate(String, String, long) - Method in interface
downloadUpdate(String, String, long, AsyncCallback<Void>) - Method in interface
downloadUrl(long) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Builds the download url of a document(download permalink)
downloadUrl(Document) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Builds the download url of a document(download permalink)
downloadUrl(DocumentHistory) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.core.automation.DocTool
Builds the download url of a document(download permalink)
downloadURL(long) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
downloadURL(long, String) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
downloadURL(long, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
downloadURL(long, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.util.Util
downloadVersionContent(String, long, String, File) - Method in class com.logicaldoc.webservice.soap.client.SoapDocumentClient
draw() - Method in class
draw() - Method in class
drawConnection(ConnectionFactory<C>, Shape, Shape) - Method in class
drawHighlight() - Method in class
drawHighlight() - Method in class
drawStraightArrowConnection(Widget, Widget, GUITransition) - Method in class
drawStraightArrowConnection(Widget, Widget, String) - Method in class
Draw a straight connection with an arrow between two GWT widgets.
drawStraightConnection(Widget, Widget) - Method in class
Draw a straight connection between two GWT widgets.
DriveCheckin - Class in
This popup window is used to perform the checkin of a Google Drive document into LogicalDOC.
DriveCheckin(GUIDocument, DriveEditor) - Constructor for class
DriveCreate - Class in
This popup window is used to create a new document in Google Drive.
DriveCreate() - Constructor for class
DriveEditor - Class in
This popup window is used to show the document in Google Drive.
DriveEditor(GUIDocument) - Constructor for class
DriveImport - Class in
This popup window is used to show documents in Google Drive that can be imported into LogicalDOC