Class MailTool


public class MailTool extends Object
Utility functions to handle emails and send messages from within the Automation
Marco Meschieri - LogicalDOC
  • Constructor Details

    • MailTool

      public MailTool()
  • Method Details

    • sendDocuments

      public void sendDocuments(Collection<Document> documents, String from, String to, String subject, String message) throws IOException, javax.mail.MessagingException
      Sends some documents to a recipient
      documents - collection of documents to send
      from - the email address to be used as From
      to - the email address of the recipient
      subject - subject of the email
      message - message printed in the body of the email
      javax.mail.MessagingException - Cannot send the email
      IOException - I/O error
    • sendDocuments

      public void sendDocuments(Collection<Document> documents, String from, Collection<String> to, String subject, String message) throws IOException, javax.mail.MessagingException
      Sends some documents to a selection of recipients
      documents - collection of documents to send
      from - the email address to be used as From
      to - collection of email addresses to send the email to
      subject - subject of the email
      message - message printed in the body of the email
      IOException - I/O error
      javax.mail.MessagingException - Cannot send the email
    • sendDocument

      public void sendDocument(Document document, String from, String to, String subject, String message) throws IOException, javax.mail.MessagingException
      Sends a document by email to a recipient
      document - the document to send
      from - the email address to be used as From
      to - email addresses of the recipient
      subject - subject of the email
      message - message printed in the body of the email
      IOException - I/O error
      javax.mail.MessagingException - Cannot send the email
    • sendDocument

      public void sendDocument(Document document, String from, Collection<String> to, String subject, String message) throws IOException, javax.mail.MessagingException
      Sends a document by email to a selection of recipients
      document - the document to send
      from - the email address to be used as From
      to - collection of email addresses to send the email to
      subject - subject of the email
      message - message printed in the body of the email
      IOException - I/O error
      javax.mail.MessagingException - Cannot send the email
    • sendMessage

      public void sendMessage(long tenantId, String from, Collection<String> to, String subject, String message) throws javax.mail.MessagingException
      Sends a simple email to a selection of recipients
      tenantId - identifier of the tenant
      from - the email address to be used as From
      to - collection of email addresses to send the email to
      subject - subject of the email
      message - message printed in the body of the email
      javax.mail.MessagingException - Cannot send the message
    • sendMessage

      public void sendMessage(long tenantId, String from, String to, String subject, String message) throws javax.mail.MessagingException
      Sends a simple email to a recipient
      tenantId - identifier of the tenant
      from - the email address to be used as From
      to - email address of the recipient
      subject - subject of the email
      message - message printed in the body of the email
      javax.mail.MessagingException - Cannot send the email
    • documentToEMail

      public EMail documentToEMail(Document document, boolean extractAttachments) throws javax.mail.MessagingException, IOException
      Creates an EMail object given the document that stores an email message.
      document - the document that contains the email(must be a .eml or a .msg)
      extractAttachments - if the attachments binaries have to be extracted
      The object representation of the email
      IOException - I/O error getting the document's contents
      javax.mail.MessagingException - Cannot read the source message
    • sendSystemMessage

      public void sendSystemMessage(String recipient, String message, String subject, int scope, int priority) throws PersistenceException
      Sends a system message to a user
      recipient - username of the recipient
      message - body of the message
      subject - subject of the message
      scope - number of days the message will stay active before expiring
      priority - a priority: 0 = low, 1 = medium, 2 = high
      PersistenceException - Error in the persistence layer
    • extractAttachments

      public List<Document> extractAttachments(Document doc, String filterFileName, String username)
      Extracts attachments of email files (.eml, .msg) in the current folder
      doc - the document
      filterFileName - a filter on the extensions of the attachment to be extracted (comma separated)
      username - the user that will be impersonated to write the attachments
      a list with the new documents created