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License Activation

After the purchase of your commercial edition, you will receive a User Number this is your identification ID you must provide everytime you need support. This user number is also your activation code you must use to activate the license.

In order to complete the installation and unlock all the features, you need to activate you license with the provided activation code.

To do this, access the license page at the following URL: http://your_server_ip:your_server_port/license where your_server_ip is the address of the machine where LogicalDOC is installed in and the your_server_port is the working port as defined during the installation(by default it is the 8080).

License Page

License page protection

In order to protect your privacy the license page is protected by security checks. To be able to enter this page you will be required to put credentials, so use admin as username and for the password use the same password of the admin user as you configured in the LogicalDOC's security.

Here you can control your registration data by pressing on the button Show registration data. It is important that you put here your specific informations since they will be associated to your license.

Once you are sure the registration form is ok, press Apply an start the activation procedure by clicking on Activate the License. In the activation dialog box just put your activation code and press Activate.

If the activation code was correctly recognized, a message will tell you that the license is valid so you can return back to the login page an begin to work with your registered copy of LogicalDOC.

If LogicalDOC cannot contact the remote license manager, you will be invited to proceed with the Manual Activation.

Always activate your copy of the product

Anytime you ask for a license, a specific User Number / Activation Code will be issued for you and you can use it for activating your installation

The User Number / Activation Code must be carefully saved and provided when asking for support

You have a limited number of possible activations so don't abuse of the activation procedure