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Install third-party Software on Windows

To have additional features like the full preview, you need to install some external components.

Antivirus ClamAV

LogicalDOC's distribution embeds a ClamAV antivirus to check if a submitted document is infected, but you might want to configure a scheuled task to periodically update the virus database in this way:

  • Navigate to: Start->All Programs->Accessories->System Tools->Scheduled Tasks
  • Add Scheduled Task
  • Next->Browse to C:\LogicalDOC\clamav\freshclam.exe
  • Select to Perform this task daily
  • Next
  • Select a good time to update
  • Next
  • Enter the user credentials to run as
  • Next
  • Select open Advance options
  • Next
  • Alter Run to be: C:\LogicalDOC\clamav\freshclam.exe -c C:\LogicalDOC\clamav\freshclam.conf
  • Select the Settings Tab
  • Change the Stop Task to 30 minutes
  • Apply
  • Ok

Right click and run the freshclam task to make sure you do not have any errors.