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The restore procedure physically destroys your current LogicalDOC installation first, and only after that it tries to restore the data from your backup.

Because of this delicate matter, we strongly suggest you to carefully plan such an action and in case of doubts please contact the support service.

To restore data from a previous backup, open a console in the installation folder of the backup tool and type the following command:



Linux and OSX:

Restore up to a certain date

Instead of restoring all from the beginning until the last backup, you can restore the system up to a given date just by specifying it using the ISO format yyyy-MM-dd(eg. 2020-09-27):


restore.bat 2020-09-27

Linux and OSX: 2020-09-27

Execute as Administrator user

On Windows the restore procedure must be launched from a command window as Administrator because it has to interact with system services. In particular, the recovery procedure stops the LogicalDOC process in order to properly restore the data. At the end of the restore procedure the LogicalDOC service will be automatically restarted.