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This panel shows the list of all groups currently existing into the system.

To add a new group, you have to click on Add Group button, and then it is sufficient to specify a name, a description and a parent group. The new group will inherit all the permissions already assigned to the parent group.

The administrators can delete a group by right-clicking the group item and then selecting the Delete context menu item.

By selecting a group item, you can see all the group's details under the list. Here you can edit the group's data.


The group is a structural element that is used to assign access privileges. Use groups for the purpose of facilitating the configuration of privileges and not to carry out simple groupings of users. Introduce new groups only when it is truly necessary.

Default groups

Each LogicalDOC installation comes with the following default groups:

  • admin: the users in this group have access to everything in LogicalDOC. You cannot delete this group.
  • poweruser: a sample group with limited access to administration. You can delete this group.
  • author: a sample group with R/W permissions in the Default workspace. You can delete this group.
  • publisher: the users in this group can see the documents marked as unpublished. You cannot delete this group.
  • guest: a group with just read-only permissions in the Default workspace. The read-only users will also automatically assigned to this group. You cannot delete this group.