All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractDocumentComparator |
Abstract comparator.
AbstractSecondFactorAuthenticator |
A base for implementing other authenticators
AcmeCadConverter |
Converts an AutoCAD drawing into PDF document using the AcmeCAD converter
ActivitiEnd |
ActivitiFork |
ActivitiJoin |
ActivitiTask |
This model renders a Task in BPMN format suitable for Activiti.
AdminAuthenticationProvider |
This Authentication provider extends the community
AdminAuthenticationProvider but in addition it performs anti
brute force attack checks
Advanced |
Specific implementation that uses the OmniPage OCR.
AndroidPlugin |
Entry-point for the Android Mobile plug-in
AntivirusScanner |
Listener that checks if a new document is infected
Archive |
This class represents archives.
ArchiveBuilder |
This component builds the closed archives.
ArchiveCache |
Implements a cache of imported documents, basically an archive cache is a Map
(index_document_id - document_id).
ArchiveCacheManager |
Manager for archive cache handling
ArchiveCleaner |
This implementation cleans all deleted archives.
ArchiveDAO |
DAO for Archives handling.
ArchivedDocsDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for archived documents data retrieval
ArchiveImporter |
This component imports all the documents that are into archives ready to be
ArchiveManager |
Manager for archive operations handling
ArchivesDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for documents data.
ArchiveService |
ArchiveVerifier |
Abstract class to verify an archive.
ArchiveViewer |
Application used to validate an archive created by LogicalDOC.
Assignee |
Audit |
The component creates the system messages that will be sent to a user that is
subscribed to a folder or a document.
AuditCleaner |
This implementation cleans all subscription objects.
AuditPlugin |
Entry-point for the Audit plug-in
AuditService |
Web Service definition interface for Notifications and Messages
AuditServiceImpl |
Implementation of the AuditService.
AuditUser |
AuthenticationChain |
This authentication component implements a chain of possible authentication
sources that will be invoked sequentially.
AutomationEventListener |
Listener used to launch automation triggers when events occur.
AutomationExecutor |
The task executes the automation routine called AutomationTask defined
in the Default tenant
AutomationRoutine |
A reusable automation routine
AutomationRoutineDAO |
DAO to handle automation routines.
AutomationRoutinesDataServlet |
Creates the list of routines in the current tenant.
AutomationServiceImpl |
Implementation of the service for handling automations.
AutomationTool |
Utility methods to launch automation routines from inside an automation
AutomationTrigger |
Conditions to trigger an AutomationRoutine
AutomationTriggerDAO |
DAO to handle automation routines.
AutomationTriggersDataServlet |
Creates the list of triggers in the current tenant.
AzureStorer |
A storer that operates on a remote Microsoft Azure Storage (Blob)
Barcode |
An extracted barcode.
BarcodeCleaner |
This implementation cleans all barcode template objects.
BarcodeGenerator |
This servlet generates a barcode on demand.
BarcodeManager |
Utility methods for barcodes
BarcodeParser |
This is the parser that using a pattern is able to extract documents metadata
from the given barcode.
BarcodePlugin |
Web module plugin class.
BarcodeProcessor |
This component processes all valid documents to find barcodes.
BarcodeServiceImpl |
Implementation of the BarcodeService.
BarcodeSpec |
A barcode specification.
BarcodeTemplate |
A barcode template that explains how to process the barcodes
BarcodeTemplateDAO |
This class is a DAO-service for the Barcode templates.
BarcodeTemplatesDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for barcode templates data.
BarcodeTool |
Class to extract barcode contents from inside the Automation
BarcodeWriter |
Utility class used to produce barcode images.
BaseListener |
Base class for task listeners
BaseWorkflowModel |
BasicComparator |
A comparator that simply compare texts without taking care of the formatting
Branding |
Represents branding informations for a tenant
BrandingDAO |
DAO for handling branding informations
BrowsePanel |
Panel used to browse an archive.
BulkCheckoutApplication |
Represents the application entry-point to be launched by Java Webstart
BulkCheckoutPanel |
This panel takes care about the guided checkout/checkin.
CalendarCleaner |
This implementation cleans all calendar-related objects.
CalendarEventsDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for retrieving calendar events
CalendarPlugin |
Entry-point for the Calendar plug-in
CalendarProcessor |
The component processes the calendar events.
CalendarServiceImpl |
CasAuthenticationEntryPoint |
Our customization that redirects to login.jsp if the CAS is disabled
CasAuthenticationFilter |
Filter responsible of handling CAS handshaking.
CasUserDetails |
A wrapper around the cas User.
CasUserDetailsLoader |
Responsible of retrieving the details of a user that is authenticated through CAS.
CasUserDetailsService |
Retrieves the user details using the LogicalDOC database.
ChannelFactory |
Factory class to manage all the cluster's communication channels.
ChannelProtocolConfiguration |
Here we introduced a variables lookup in the LogicalDOC configuration file
ChannelsDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for folder templates data.
ChannelXmlConfigurator |
Standard XML Configurators that makes use of our ChannelProtocolConfigurator
to lookup variables from our LogicalDOC configuration file.
ChatCleaner |
This implementation cleans all subscription objects.
ChatMessage |
Represents a message in the chat
ChatMessageDAO |
DAO for ChatMessage handling.
ChatMessagesDataServlet |
This servlet retrieves the chat messages
ChatPlugin |
Entry-point for the Chat plug-in
ChatServiceImpl |
Implementation of ChatService
Cleaner |
A cleaner is a specialized class that perform a particular cleanup.
CleanerManager |
This class is responsible for cleaners invocation.
CleanerTask |
This is the task that performs all cleaning operations
ClientNotAllowedException |
Raised when the remote client is in the black list
Cluster |
Object representation of a Cluster of LogicalDOC instances
ClusterEhCacheRegionFactory |
An extension of EhCacheRegionFactory that changes the default
config file to /ehcache-cluster.xml when the clustering is active.
ClusterSearchEngine |
A cluster-aware search engine.
ClusterServiceImpl |
Implementation of the ClusterService
ComparatorsDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for comparators.
ComparisonPlugin |
Comparison plugin class
ComparisonServlet |
This servlet is responsible for comparing different versions.
Constants |
Simple interface that contains all the constants used in the Search Panel
ConversionPlugin |
Conversion plugin class-
ConversionService |
ConversionService |
Conversion Web Service definition interface
Convert |
This servlet converts a document's file in a different format
This servlet requires the following parameters:
ConvertioConverter |
A converter that uses the remote service Convertio.
ConvertJpg |
This servlet produces a set of JPGs from a document as a list of jpg files
inside io.tmpdir/jpgprev/sid.
ConvertLegacy |
Reads the old barcode patterns in ld_generic and convert them in
ld_barcodetemplate (used in upgrading 8.4.1 to 8.4.2)
The legacy storage uses generics:
Type: barcode-pattern
Subtype: templateId-position(1,2,3..)
Integer1: position(1,2,3..)
String1: comma separated list of patterns
String2: inclusion expressions
String3: exclusion expressions
String4: admitted barcode formats
ConvertPdf |
This servlet produces a Pdf from a document and stores it as a document's
CoolUtilsConverter |
A converter that uses the programs of CoolUtils.
CoreCleaner |
This implementation cleans all core objects.
CrawlerHelper |
Abstract class for helpers used to retrieve data from various sources.
CreateSignature |
Signs a PDF with pdf box.
CreateSignatureBase |
Common base for signature creators
CreateVisibleSignature |
Visually signs a PDF with pdf box.
Criterion |
CSVServlet |
This servlet is used to download a CSV file created in the client side.
Database |
Singleton for in-memory database access.
DatabaseHandler |
This class extends the IndexHandler class to insert the rows values into the
version database table from the index file values.
DAVFile |
A WebDAV file that wraps a LogicalDOC's document
DAVFolder |
DAVRoot |
Represents the root of the repository
DefaultDepthServletRequest |
Wraps a request to return the default depth(parameter webdav.depth) for the
Depth header value
DefaultVerifier |
Class to verify an 'Default' archive
DiffMatch |
Class containing the diff, match and patch methods.
DiffMatch.Diff |
Class representing one diff operation.
DiffMatch.Operation |
The data structure representing a diff is a Linked list of Diff objects:
{Diff(Operation.DELETE, "Hello"), Diff(Operation.INSERT, "Goodbye"),
Diff(Operation.EQUAL, " world.")} which means: delete "Hello", add
"Goodbye" and keep " world."
DiffMatch.Patch |
Class representing one patch operation.
DocInfoPanel |
This panel visualises the informations of an archive's document.
DocToAnyConverter |
A converter that uses the local command doc2any.exe
DocumentComparator |
Implementations of this interface are specialized classes that perform
comparison between documents
DocumentComparatorManager |
Manager class used to handle the comparators.
DocumentCounter |
Listener that takes care about increasing/decreasing the documents counters
DocumentDetailsPanel |
This panel collects all documents details
DocumentsListGrid |
Grid used to show a documents list during navigation or searches.
DocumentsUploader |
This popup window is used to upload documents to the server(both creation and
DocumentTableModel |
Table Model for the archive's documents table in the browse page of the
DocuSign |
Facade over the DocuSign eSignature online platform.
DocuSignCallback |
This servlet is answers to callback requests from DocuSign remote service.
DocuSignEnvelopesDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for retrieving all the DocuSign envelopes.
DocuSignPlugin |
Entry-point for the DocuSign plug-in
DocuSignPoller |
Polls DocuSign searching for completed envelopes in order to update the
documents repository
DocuSignServiceImpl |
Implementation of DocuSignService
DocuSignUtil |
A set of utility methods for DocuSign
DoumentScheme |
This listener handles schemes for the document being modified.
DownloadDoc |
DuplicatesDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for duplicates documents data.
DXFParser |
This parser reads Autocad DXF files (supported versions are from r12 to
EbookParser |
Extracts the texts from ebooks in the format azw, azw3 and mobi
EditInOffice |
EmailAccount |
E-Mail account
EmailAccountDAO |
DAO for EmailAccount handling.
EmailAccountsDataServlet |
Concrete implementation of the Email Accounts Data servlet
EmailAccountServiceImpl |
Concrete implementation of the EmailAccountService
EmailCache |
Implements a cache of imported email, basically a email cache is represented
as an mailID.
EmailCacheManager |
Handles the cache used to download the email messages downloaded from the SMTP server.
EmailCleaner |
EmailCrawler |
This component downloads new e-mails from one or more e-mail accounts
EmailPlugin |
Web module plugin class.
EmailRule |
A rule for routing an emails to the proper folder
EmailThumbnailBuilder |
This builder generates the thumbnail for an Email.
EMLParser |
Parses Mozilla .eml files
EncryptionAbstractStorer |
A base for the enterprise storers that support the encryption
EncryptionKeyReplicator |
Replicates the storage encryption key into the database for backup purposes
EndState |
EndTaskDelegate |
Handles the entering in a final task.
EnterpriseAbstractFormatConverter |
A base for enterprise converters
EnterpriseAutomationPlugin |
Plugin representation for the Automation
EnterpriseDocumentService |
Enterprise Document Web Service definition interface
EnterpriseFolderService |
Implementation of the FolderService
EnterpriseFSStorer |
A storer that operates on the Filesystem and also has compression
EnterpriseInfoService |
The enterprise version of the InfoService
EnterpriseListener |
Simple listener to dispose enterprise resources when the application is
EnterprisePlugin |
Web module plugin class.
EnterpriseSearchService |
Implementation of the SearchService for enterprise searches.
EnterpriseSearchService |
Enterprise Search Web Service definition interface
EnterpriseSecurityService |
The enterprise version of the SecurityService
EnterpriseStatsCollector |
Extension of the standard stats collector that also updates the quota counts
EnterpriseStorerPlugin |
Provides some initializations needed by parsers
EnterpriseSystemInfo |
EnterpriseSystemLoadMonitor |
This class monitors the system load and notifies the listeners accordingly
EnterpriseTagService |
Implementation of the TagService
EnterpriseThumbnailBuilder |
This builder generates the thumbnail for an Office document.
Entry |
An entry for checkin operations
EscalationDelegate |
Handles the entering in a final task.
Event |
This class represents an event in a calendar.
EventDAO |
DAO for events handling.
ExportBranding |
This servlet downloads the branding package
ExportKeystore |
This servlet is responsible for downloading the whole key store or just the
organization certificate
FileManager |
Facade on LogicalDOC for file browsing from HTML editor.
FlowInfo |
FlowInfo.FlowChunkNumber |
FlowInfoStorage |
The temporary collector of upload flows.
FolderNavigator |
The panel that shows the workspaces/folders navigation tree
FoldersDS |
Datasource to handle folders and sub-folders structures.
FolderTemplatesDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for folder templates data.
Fork |
FormFiller |
This listener applies the form template to the current document
FormManager |
Manager for Forms, a form is a document of FORM nature.
FormPlugin |
Form module plugin class.
FormsDataServlet |
Creates the list of forms in the current tenant.
FormService |
Form Web Service definition interface
FormServiceImpl |
Implementation of the service for handling forms
FSCleanerTask |
This is the task that performs the cleaning of the file system
FSConveter |
Deprecated. |
FSHelper |
Helper for local file system import folders
FtpFile |
Represents a file in the FTP or FTPS protocol
FtpFileSystemFactory |
A factory for our custom file system.
FtpFileSystemView |
A logical representation of the LogicalDOC file system
FTPHelper |
Helper for FTP and FTPS folders
FtpOutputStream |
Special implementation of a Stream used to create new files.
FtpPlugin |
Entry-point for the FTP plug-in
FtpServer |
Represents the FTP server
FtpUser |
Facade over our user
FtpUserManager |
Our own implementation to integrate the LogicalDOC's authentication
FulltextForm |
Shows a full-text search form
GDriveAuthCallbackServlet |
Authorization callback servlet for OAuth 2.0 required by Google
GDriveClient |
Facade for Google Drive.
GDrivePlugin |
Entry-point for the GoogleDrive plug-in
GDriveServiceImpl |
Implementation of GDriveService
GoogleAuthenticator |
Implements the second factor using the Google Authenticator service
GoogleAuthHelper |
A helper class for Google's OAuth2 authentication API.
GroupAttributeMapper |
Maps LDAP attributes into Group attributes
GuiPlugin |
Provides some initializations
HibernateArchiveDAO |
Hibernate implementation of the ArchiveDAO.
HibernateAutomationRoutineDAO |
Implements the DAO for automation routines
HibernateAutomationTriggerDAO |
Implements the DAO for automation triggers
HibernateBarcodeTemplateDAO |
HibernateBrandingDAO |
Hibernate implementation of BrandingDAO
HibernateChatMessageDAO |
Hibernate implementation of ChatMessageyDAO
HibernateEmailAccountDAO |
Hibernate implementation of EmailAccount
HibernateEventDAO |
Hibernate implementation of the EventDAO.
HibernateImportFolderDAO |
Hibernate implementation of ImportFolderDAO
HibernateKeystoreDAO |
Hibernate implementation of KeystoreDAO
HibernateLDAPServerDAO |
Hibernate implementation of LDAPServerrDAO
HibernateOCRTemplateDAO |
HibernateReportDAO |
Hibernate implementation of ReportDAO
HibernateRetentionPolicyDAO |
HibernateStampDAO |
Hibernate implementation of StampDAO
HibernateSubscriptionDAO |
Hibernate implementation of the SubscriptionDAO.
HibernateSyndicationDAO |
Hibernate implementation of SyndicationDAO
HibernateTenantDAO |
HibernateWorkflowHistoryDAO |
HibernateWorkflowTemplateDAO |
HibernateWorkflowTriggerDAO |
HitsListPanel |
This panel shows the result of a search
HomePanel |
The main menu to access to the different areas of the mobile GUI.
HTMLConverter |
Converts an HTML document into PDF document
HttpClientStreamFactory |
Am HttpStreamFactory that uses HTTPClient
IAMRoleCredentialSupplierBuilder |
Build SessionCredentials for JClouds Compute Service API with IAM Role
IllustratorConverter |
Converts an Illustrator drawing into PDF document.
ImageParser |
This parser reads images (supported formats are: jpg, jfif, bmp, jpeg, wbmp, png,
gif) and extracts text using OCR.
ImageReplacer |
Processes an HTML looking for images that reference files inside LogicalDOC
and converts them in the Base64 representation.
ImpexFoldersDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for listing documents in the impex/in folder
ImpexPlugin |
Provides some initializations
ImpexService |
Handles impex archives
ImpexServiceImpl |
Concrete implementation of the ImpexService
ImportFolder |
A local or remote importFolder such as a samba directory
ImportFolderCache |
Implements a cache of imported documents, basically a importFolder cache is a
Map file_path-(file_path,last_import_date,document_id).
ImportFolderCache.CacheEntry |
A single entry in the cache
ImportFolderCacheManager |
Manager for cache handling
ImportFolderCrawler |
This component crawls all remote import folders importing found files in the
ImportFolderDAO |
DAO for ImportFolder handling.
ImportFolderIndexHandler |
This class is used to unmarshall the index file that is inside a local or
remote folder to import the files inside it.
ImportFolderPlugin |
ImportFolder module plugin class.
ImportFoldersDataServlet |
ImportFolderService |
WebService administration of import folders
ImportFolderServiceImpl |
Implementation of the ImportFolderService
IncrementalArchiveCreator |
This tasks searches for incremental archives to be created/closed.
IncrementalArchivesDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for documents data.
Index |
This bean is used to write the archive's index file and to read all
informations regarding all documents into the archive.
IndexCSV |
An import index file that uses the CSV format instead of the XML
IndexCSV |
An import index file that uses the CSV format instead of the XML
IndexHandler |
This class is used to unmarshall the archive's index file and set the
archive's entries.
IndexHeaderHandler |
This class is used to unmarshall only the archive's index header file and set
the archive's matadata.
IndexImportHandler |
This class is used to unmarshall the archive's index file and allows to get
the archive's documents list
IndexRequestFilter |
This filter looks at the incoming URL maps them to handlers defined in
IndexVersion |
Useful class that extends Version class with the path (diskPath) field.
InternalCasUserDetailsLoader |
Search for the user in the internal database
InvalidLicenseException |
Raised when the license is not valid
Item |
This class represents the object inside a list of selectable fields.
Join |
Keystore |
Container for security keys.
KeystoreDAO |
DAO for handling the keystores
KeystoreUtil |
Helper class to handle java keystore and certificates
LDAPAuthenticator |
Abstract component used as a basis for LDAP implementations
LDAPCasUserDetailsLoader |
Search for the user in the configured LDAP servers
LDAPContextSource |
Extend class responsible to store authentication informations.
LDAPGroup |
Mapping-Class of an LDAP-Group.
LDAPPlugin |
Plugin class for LDAP integration
LDAPServer |
Represents a remote LDAP authentication server
DAO for LDAPServer handling.
LDAPServersDataServlet |
LDAPServiceImpl |
LDAPSynchroniser |
This class is responsible for the synchronisation of users and groups in the
LogicalDOC store from the counterparts in the LDAP directory.
LDAPUser |
Mapping Class for an user.
LibreOfficeConverter |
A converter that uses OpenOffice/LibreOffice to convert different formats.
LicenseClient |
Client part for connecting with the LM.
LogicalFtpFile |
Our own implementation of a FTP File
MaxGuestsException |
Raised when the max guests was reached
MaxSessionsException |
Raised when the max number of sessions was reached
MaxTenantsException |
Raised when the max number of users was reached
MaxUsersException |
Raised when the max number of users was reached
Md4Authenticator |
Authenticates the user against the MD4 representation of the password.
Md4Crypt |
Md4Generator |
Generates a hashed MD4 password in the passwordmd4 property of the user
Mobile |
The Mobile entry point
MobileBodyPanel |
Define a panel to be used as body
MobileItemFactory |
MobileMainPanel |
This is the main panel that collects all other GUI panels
MsgParser |
Text extractor for Microsoft Outlook messages.
MultiStorer |
This is a specialization of the Storer able to span the repository among
multiple storages.
NameEntity |
Represents an entity found in the text.
NavigationBar |
The main navigation bar of the Mobile interface
Navigator |
This panel allows the user to browse the folders and select the documents
basic operations of Natural Language Processing
Node |
Informations about a single node of the cluster
NotAvailableComparator |
A comparator that always convert into a static PDF that says 'not available'
Notifier |
The component send messages to the recipient users.
NotifierPlugin |
This OCR engine is capable of recognizing characters (letter and numbers)
OCRManager |
Manager class used to handle different OCR engines taken by the OCR
extension point.
OCRPlugin |
OCR module plugin class.
OCRServiceImpl |
Implementation of the SettingService
OCRTemplate |
A descriptor of how to process the Zonal OCR
OCRTemplateDAO |
This class is a DAO-service for the OCR templates.
OCRTemplateImageServlet |
This servlet is responsible for downloading the image of an OCR Template.
OCRTemplatesDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for OCR templates data.
OCRUtil |
Utility class for OCR interaction.
OCRWebService |
Specific implementation that uses the online OCR Web Services:
OpenXMLParser |
This parser is able to extract text from Office documents
P7MParser |
Parses the signed files .p7m
ParametricSearch |
Search specialization for the Parametric search.
ParametricSearchOptions |
Specialized options for parametric searches
ParserPlugin |
Provides some initializations needed by parsers
Payload |
Payload bean for cluster messages.
PayloadHandler |
Implementations of this interface will handle new incoming messages from
other notes of the cluster.
PDFImageExtractor |
This utility class allows the extraction of raster images from a PDF document
PDFImageExtractor |
This utility class allows the extraction of raster images from a PDF document
PDFParser |
Extension of standard PDF parser that also uses OCR to read embedded raster
PowerPDF |
Specific implementation that uses the Nuance Power PDF Advanced.
PropertiesDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for properties data.
QueryMessagePanel |
This panel is used to nofity the user that more documents can be visualised
on the browse panel.
QuotaException |
Raised when a quota limit is reached
QuotaUtil |
Utility methods for quota handling
Report |
Represent a report
ReportCleaner |
This implementation cleans all report objects.
ReportDAO |
DAO for Report handling.
ReportManager |
Manager of the reports
ReportPlugin |
Entry-point for the Report plug-in
ReportsDataServlet |
ReportService |
Handles reports
ReportServiceImpl |
Report Web Service Implementation
ReportsProcessor |
This task processes all the custom reports and execute the active ones.
RestConversionClient |
Conversion Web Service client.
RestConversionService |
RetentionCleaner |
This implementation cleans all retention policies.
RetentionPlugin |
Entry-point for the Retention plug-in
RetentionPoliciesDataServlet |
RetentionPoliciesProcessor |
The component processes the retention policies.
RetentionPoliciesServiceImpl |
Implementation of the service for handling retention policies
RetentionPolicy |
Represents a rule to process a class of document in order to take the proper
action on it depending on how old it is.
RetentionPolicyDAO |
Specialized DAO for working with retention policies
RptDesignParser |
Parser for the .rppdesign files
RptDesignParser.INIT_PARAM |
S3Storer |
A storer that operates on a remote S3 bucket using secretKey / accessKey
S3StorerIAMRole |
A storer that operates on a remote S3 bucket using an IAM Role
SavedSearchesDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible to load all the search options associated to all
the searches saved for the current user.
SchemePlugin |
SchemeProcessor |
Retrieves the custom identifier from the scheme provided by the user.
SchemeServiceImpl |
Standard Implementation of the SchemeService
SchemeToken |
Defines the set of supported tokens.
ScopedContextProperties |
Extension of the standard ContextProperties able to give a scope(local or
shared) to the config parameters.
Search |
Collector for all searches
SearchLine |
This panel represents a single line of the SearchPanel.
SearchPanel |
Panel used to search documents in an archive.
SecondFactorAuthenticator |
Defines an authenticator for the second factor in a Two Factor
Sessions |
The Sessions entry point used for initial installation
SessionsConsole |
SessionsDS |
Datasource to retrieve a list of sessions.
SessionsPanel |
Displays a list list of user sessions, allowing the kill operation.
SessionUtil |
Various methods related to the user session
SessionUtil |
Various methods related to the user session
SFile |
An element returned by ShareFile.
SFTPClient |
Wrapper over SFTP client
SFTPFile |
Represents a file in the SFTP protocol
SFTPHelper |
Helper for SFTP folders
ShareFile |
Facade over the ShareFile platform.
ShareFileCallback |
This servlet is answers to callback requests from ShareFile remote service.
ShareFileDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for retrieving FileShare entries.
ShareFilePlugin |
Entry-point for the Dropbox plug-in
ShareFileServiceImpl |
Implementation of the ShareFileService
Sign |
A front-end to OpenSSL and Java cryptography to handle certificates.
SignatureImage |
Represents the image of a digital signature
SignPlugin |
Web module plugin class.
SignService |
WebService to allow a user to sign documents
SignServiceImpl |
Implementation of the SignService
SignTool |
Digitally signs a document with the user's digital certificate, useful for
working from inside the Automation
SkinCssServlet |
SkinManager |
A manager for getting the installed skins.
SkinsDataServlet |
SMB3File |
Represents a file in the SMB2/3 protocol
SMB3Helper |
Helper for SMB2 and SMB3 shares(uses smbj).
SMB3InputStream |
A wrapper input stream that closes the relative DiskShare
SMB3Storer |
A storer that operates on a remote SMB3 and SMB3 share
SMBHelper |
Helper for SMB shares(it uses jCIFS and can work with SMB1 or SMB2).
SMBStorer |
A storer that operates on a remote Smb share using JCIFS(SMB1 and SMB2)
SoapArchiveClient |
Archive Web Service client.
SoapArchiveService |
Archive Web Service Implementation
SoapAuditClient |
Simple client for the Audit webservice
SoapAuditService |
Implementation of NotificationService
SoapConversionClient |
Conversion Web Service client.
SoapConversionService |
Conversion Web Service Implementation (SOAP)
SoapEnterpriseDocumentClient |
Enterprise Document Web Service client.
SoapEnterpriseDocumentService |
Enterprise Document Web Service Implementation (SOAP)
SoapEnterpriseSearchClient |
Enterprise Search Web Service client.
SoapEnterpriseSearchService |
Enterprise Search Web Service Implementation
SoapFormClient |
Java client to invoke the Form service
SoapFormService |
Implementation of the FormService
SoapImpexClient |
SoapImpexService |
Document Metadata Web Service Implementation
SoapImportFolderClient |
SoapImportFolderService |
ImportFolder Web Service Implementation
SoapReportClient |
Java client to invoke the Report service
SoapReportService |
Report Web Service Implementation
SoapSignClient |
SoapSignService |
Implementation of the Sign webservice
SoapSplitClient |
SoapSplitService |
Implementation of the Split webservice
SoapStampClient |
SoapStampService |
Implementation of the Stamp webservice
SoapTaskClient |
Task Web Service client.
SoapTaskService |
Task Web Service Implementation
SoapTenantClient |
Tenant Web Service client.
SoapTenantService |
Tenant Web Service Implementation
SoapVIAClient |
Simple client for the SOAP VIAService
SoapVIAService |
SOAP Implementation of the VIAService
SoapWorkflowClient |
Simple client for the Workflow webservice
SoapWorkflowService |
Implementation of the WorkflowService
SoapZonalOCRClient |
SoapZonalOCRService |
Implementation of the ZonalOCR webservice
SplitPlugin |
Split module plugin class.
SplitService |
WebService to allow a user to split documents
SplitServiceImpl |
Implementation of the SplitService
Splitter |
Splits a pdf file into smaller pdfs using different criteria.
SplitTool |
Allows the splitting of a PDF in segments using different policies from
inside the Automation
SpringProcessEngineConfiguration |
Our extension of the standard SpringProcessEngineConfiguration
SpringProcessEngineFactoryBean |
Stamp |
A Stamp to be applied on the document.
StampDAO |
DAO for Stamp handling.
StampImageServlet |
This servlet is responsible for downloading the stamps.
StampManager |
Manager for stamp images
StampPlugin |
Stamp module plugin class.
StampsDataServlet |
StampService |
WebService to allow a user to stamp documents
StampServiceImpl |
Implementation of the service for handling stamps
StampTool |
Class to apply stamps into documents from inside the Automation
StampUsersDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for users associated to a stamp.
StandardPropertiesPanel |
Shows document's standard properties and read-only data
StatusServlet |
Not really a piece of the cluster machinery but a servlet needed to support
load balancers.
StorerEncryption |
Utility methods useful for those Storers that supports the encryption
Subscription |
This class represents subscriptions.
SubscriptionDAO |
DAO for Subscriptions handling.
SubscriptionsDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for messages data.
Syndication |
A remote LogicalDOC system to syndicate to
SyndicationCache |
Implements a cache of syndicated documents, basically a cache is a Map
The storage is done in plain text files organized per folderId.
SyndicationCache.CacheEntry |
A single entry in the cache
SyndicationCacheManager |
Manager for cache handling
SyndicationCrawler |
This component crawls the syndications
SyndicationDAO |
DAO for Syndication handling
SyndicationPlugin |
Syndication module plugin class.
SyndicationsDataServlet |
SyndicationServiceImpl |
Implementation of the SyndicationService
SystemDiagnosis |
This is the task that performs various checks on the system
TableColumnAdjuster |
TaskAssignmentListener |
This Handler is invoked on task assignment.
TaskCompletionListener |
This Handler is invoked on task completion.
TaskCreationListener |
This Handler is invoked on task creation.
TaskService |
This webservice allows the administrators of the default tenant to interact
with the tasks.
TenantCounter |
Counter class optimized for database tenants counting.
TenantDisabledException |
Raised when the tenant is disabled or expired
TenantsDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for tenants data.
TenantService |
This web service allows the administrator to handle the tenants
TenantServiceImpl |
Standard Implementation of the TenantService
Tesseract |
Specific implementation that uses the Tesseract OCR.
Test |
ToBarcodeDataServlet |
This servlet is used to populate the barcode queue
ToOcrDataServlet |
This servlet is used to populate the zonal OCR queue
TransformContext |
TransformModel |
Transition |
TransitionListener |
Listener invoked when a transition is taken.
TwoFactorsAuthentication |
Manages the Two Factor Authentication
TwoFactorsAuthenticationProvider |
Extension of the standard LDAuthenticationProvider that adds 2FA
TwoFactorsAuthenticationServiceImpl |
Implements the GWT service TwoFactorsAuthenticationService
UpdateServiceImpl |
Implementation of the UploadService
UpdateUtil |
Utility class to check available updates
UploadServlet |
Upload Servlet for Drop Spot
UserAttributeMapper |
Maps LDAP attributes into User attributes
UserCounter |
Counter class optimized for database user counting.
UserGroupDAO |
A DAO for accessing LDAP informations regarding users and groups
Util |
Class with some useful methods.
Util |
Some utility methods to be invoked from jsp.
Util |
Utility methods for the Zonal OCR
VIAEmailCrawler |
Crawler that gets questions from email.
VIAPlugin |
Entry-point for the VIA plug-in
VIARequestProcessor |
An agent that interprets and answers to natural language questions
VIAService |
Web Service definition interface for Notifications and Messages
VIAServiceImpl |
WebContentPlugin |
Entry-point for the Web content plug-in
WebDAVConfig |
Our default configs
WebDAVController |
WebDAVMultiNamespaceCustomPropertySource |
WebDAVPlugin |
This class provides initializations needed by WebDAV-Plugin
WebDAVServlet |
Implementation of the WEBDAV servlet
WebserviceClient |
Facade for the connection with the remote LogicalDOC server
WebstartInjector |
Inject a file in the passed webstart application jar.
WorkflowCleaner |
WorkflowConstants |
Some constants used in the Workflow module
WorkflowControllerServlet |
This servlet allows interaction from emails.
WorkflowDefinition |
WorkflowEndListener |
WorkflowEngine |
The class "WorkflowEngine" is the bridge between LogicalDOC and the Activiti
WorkflowException |
WorkflowHistoriesDataServlet |
WorkflowHistory |
History entry due to an event on a workflow.
WorkflowHistoryDAO |
WorkflowListener |
This listener assigns a workflow to the document
WorkflowModelException |
WorkflowPlugin |
Entry-point for the Workflow plug-in
WorkflowsDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for workflows data.
WorkflowService |
Form Web Service definition interface
WorkflowServiceImpl |
Implementation of the WorkflowService
WorkflowTask |
WorkflowTasksDataServlet |
WorkflowTemplate |
WorkflowTemplateDAO |
DAO for Persistent WorkFlow Templates handling.
WorkflowTool |
Utility methods to handle workflows from Velocity
WorkflowTransformService |
Transform utility to convert Workflow models into processable documents and
vice versa.
WorkflowTrigger |
Represents a single trigger used to automatically start workflows on
WorkflowTriggerDAO |
DAO to operate on Workflow triggers.
WorkflowTriggersDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for workflow triggers data.
WorkflowUtil |
WorkShareComparator |
A comparator that uses WorkShare
WrongKeyException |
Raised when the user inputed a wrong secret key during the two factors
WSCriterion |
A WS representation of a criterion for the parametric searches
WSForm |
Represents a form definition
WSHistory |
Web Service History.
WSImportFolder |
ImportFolder representation suitable for webservices interoperability.
WSMessage |
Simple value object for getting system messages
WSReport |
A report bean to be used in web services
WSSubscription |
Simple value object for getting the subscription details
WSTask |
Web Service Document task.
WSTenant |
Web Service Tenant.
WSWorkflowHistory |
Web Service Workflow History.
WSWorkflowTask |
Web Service Workflow Task.
YubiKey |
Implements the second factor using the YubiKey hardware.
ZamZarConverter |
A converter that uses the remote service ZamZar
Zoho |
ZohoDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for retrieving Zoho entries.
ZohoException |
ZohoPlugin |
Entry-point for the Zoho plug-in
ZohoServiceImpl |
Standard implementation of the @see ZohoService
ZonalOCR |
The Zonal OCR engine
ZonalOCRCleaner |
This implementation cleans all OCR template objects.
ZonalOCRPlugin |
ZonalOCR plugin class.
ZonalOCRProcessor |
This task processes all the documents using the Zonal OCR.
ZonalOCRService |
WebService to allow a user to execute the Zonal OCR
ZonalOCRServiceImpl |
Implementation of the OCRTemplateService
ZonalOCRTool |
Class to use the ZonalOCR from within the Automatin
Zone |
Represents a zone to be processed