Interface ChatMessageDAO

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ChatMessageDAO
    extends com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO<ChatMessage>
    DAO for ChatMessage handling.
    Marco Meschieri - LogicalDOC
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void cleanOldMessages​(int ttl)
      This method deletes all the chat entries oldest than the given days from now.
      List<ChatMessage> findLatest​(long tenantId, Integer max)
      This method selects all latest messages
      • Methods inherited from interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO

        bulkUpdate, delete, delete, deleteAll, deleteAll, findAll, findAll, findAllIds, findAllIds, findById, findById, findByObjectQuery, findByQuery, findByWhere, findByWhere, findIdsByWhere, findIdsByWhere, getDbms, initialize, isOracle, jdbcUpdate, jdbcUpdate, query, queryForInt, queryForList, queryForList, queryForLong, queryForObject, queryForRowSet, queryForString, store
    • Method Detail

      • findLatest

        List<ChatMessage> findLatest​(long tenantId,
                                     Integer max)
        This method selects all latest messages
        tenantId - identifier of the tenant
        max - optional maximum number of records
        list of messages ordered by descending date
      • cleanOldMessages

        void cleanOldMessages​(int ttl)
        This method deletes all the chat entries oldest than the given days from now. If ttl is 0 or -1, the cancellation is not made
        ttl - The maximum number of days over which the history is considered old