Class QuotaUtil

  • public class QuotaUtil
    extends Object
    Utility methods for quota handling
    Marco Meschieri - LogicalDOC
    • Field Detail

      • MB_TO_BYTE

        public static long MB_TO_BYTE
    • Constructor Detail

      • QuotaUtil

        public QuotaUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • notifyQuotaAlert

        public static void notifyQuotaAlert​( tenant,
                                            com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder workspace,
                                            Long totalDocs,
                                            Long totalSize,
                                            Integer totalUsers,
                                            Integer totalGuests)
        Notifies a list of users about the quota threshold overcoming. The notification is both sent as a system message and email(in a different thread).
        tenant - optional if workspace is not null
        workspace - optional if tenant is not null
        totalDocs - actual number of documents(optional)
        totalSize - actual size in bytes (optional)
        totalUsers - actual number of users(optional)
        totalGuests - actual number of guests(optional)
      • registerWorkspaceThresholdOvercame

        public static void registerWorkspaceThresholdOvercame​(com.logicaldoc.core.folder.Folder workspace,
                                                              Long totalSize,
                                                              Long totalDocs)
        Takes care of saving an event that registers the overcome of a quota
        workspace - the workspace's folder
        totalSize - the total documents size
        totalDocs - total number of documents
      • retrieveTenant

        public static retrieveTenant​(long tenantId)