Class HibernateWorkflowTemplateDAO

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      WorkflowTemplate createFromFile​(File file)
      De-serialize a template from a file
      boolean delete​(long id, int code)  
      WorkflowTemplate deploy​(WorkflowTemplate wfTemplate)
      This method deploys the given persistence workflow template that is it copies the draft scheme in the currently used scheme and produces a new version.
      List<WorkflowTemplate> findAll​(long tenantId)  
      List<WorkflowTemplate> findAllByName​(long tenantId, String name)
      This method finds all the workflow templates by name
      List<WorkflowTemplate> findAllDeployed​(Long tenantId)
      This method loads all the workflow already deployed
      WorkflowTemplate findById​(long id)  
      WorkflowTemplate findByName​(long tenantId, String name)
      This method finds a workflow template by name (the latest version is returned)
      WorkflowTemplate findByNameAndVersion​(long tenantId, String name, int version)
      This method finds a workflow template by name (the latest version is returned)
      WorkflowTemplate findLastDeployed​(long tenantId, String name)
      This method finds a deployed workflow template by name (the latest deployed version is returned)
      WorkflowTemplate storeNewVersion​(WorkflowTemplate wfTemplate)
      Saves the passed workflow as a new version
      • Methods inherited from class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO

        bulkUpdate, delete, deleteAll, deleteAll, findAll, findAllIds, findAllIds, findById, findByObjectQuery, findByQuery, findByWhere, findByWhere, findIdsByWhere, findIdsByWhere, getDbms, getSessionFactory, initialize, isOracle, jdbcUpdate, jdbcUpdate, query, queryForInt, queryForList, queryForList, queryForLong, queryForObject, queryForRowSet, queryForString, setSessionFactory, store
      • Methods inherited from interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO

        bulkUpdate, delete, deleteAll, deleteAll, findAll, findAllIds, findAllIds, findById, findByObjectQuery, findByQuery, findByWhere, findByWhere, findIdsByWhere, findIdsByWhere, getDbms, initialize, isOracle, jdbcUpdate, jdbcUpdate, query, queryForInt, queryForList, queryForList, queryForLong, queryForObject, queryForRowSet, queryForString, store
    • Method Detail

      • findById

        public WorkflowTemplate findById​(long id)
        Specified by:
        findById in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO<WorkflowTemplate>
        findById in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO<WorkflowTemplate>
      • deploy

        public WorkflowTemplate deploy​(WorkflowTemplate wfTemplate)
                                throws com.logicaldoc.core.PersistenceException
        Description copied from interface: WorkflowTemplateDAO
        This method deploys the given persistence workflow template that is it copies the draft scheme in the currently used scheme and produces a new version.
        Specified by:
        deploy in interface WorkflowTemplateDAO
        wfTemplate - The persistence workflow template
        the next version of the template
        com.logicaldoc.core.PersistenceException - error in the database
      • storeNewVersion

        public WorkflowTemplate storeNewVersion​(WorkflowTemplate wfTemplate)
                                         throws com.logicaldoc.core.PersistenceException
        Description copied from interface: WorkflowTemplateDAO
        Saves the passed workflow as a new version
        Specified by:
        storeNewVersion in interface WorkflowTemplateDAO
        wfTemplate - The persistence workflow template
        the next version of the template
        com.logicaldoc.core.PersistenceException - error in the database
      • findAllByName

        public List<WorkflowTemplate> findAllByName​(long tenantId,
                                                    String name)
        Description copied from interface: WorkflowTemplateDAO
        This method finds all the workflow templates by name
        Specified by:
        findAllByName in interface WorkflowTemplateDAO
        tenantId - identifier of the tenant
        name - name of the workflow template
        list of templates with same name ordered by descending version
      • findByNameAndVersion

        public WorkflowTemplate findByNameAndVersion​(long tenantId,
                                                     String name,
                                                     int version)
        Description copied from interface: WorkflowTemplateDAO
        This method finds a workflow template by name (the latest version is returned)
        Specified by:
        findByNameAndVersion in interface WorkflowTemplateDAO
        tenantId - identifier of the tenant
        name - name of the workflow template
        version - what version to pick
        WorkflowTemplate with given name, latest version
      • findAll

        public List<WorkflowTemplate> findAll​(long tenantId)
        Specified by:
        findAll in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO<WorkflowTemplate>
        findAll in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO<WorkflowTemplate>
      • delete

        public boolean delete​(long id,
                              int code)
                       throws com.logicaldoc.core.PersistenceException
        Specified by:
        delete in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO<WorkflowTemplate>
        delete in class com.logicaldoc.core.HibernatePersistentObjectDAO<WorkflowTemplate>