Class AbstractDocument

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    Document, Version

    public abstract class AbstractDocument
    extends ExtensibleObject
    implements TransactionalObject
    The Document is the central entity of LogicalDOC. A Document is a persistent business object and represents metadata over a single file stored into the DMS.

    Each document has one or more Versions. The most recent version is the one used as default when we refer to a Document, but all previous versions are accessible from the history even if the are not indexed.

    Each Version carries out two main informations, the version code itself that is called simply 'version', and the file version, called 'fileVersion'. The first identified the Version itself while the second refers to the file content. In general not all updates to a document involves the upload of a new file. A Document is written in a single language, this language defines the full-text index in which the document's content will be stored.

    Marco Meschieri - LogicalDOC
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractDocument

        public AbstractDocument()
    • Method Detail

      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(int status)
      • getVersion

        public String getVersion()
        The working version (the most recent version)
        the version
      • setVersion

        public void setVersion​(String version)
        Iterates over the versions searching for the specified id
        version - The version id
      • getDate

        public Date getDate()
        The document's last publication date. This date is altered by checkin operations.
        the publication date
      • setDate

        public void setDate​(Date date)
      • getPublisherId

        public long getPublisherId()
        The user id of the user that published this document
        identifier of the user that published the file
      • setPublisherId

        public void setPublisherId​(long publisherId)
      • isModified

        public boolean isModified()
      • setModified

        public void setModified​(boolean modified)
      • getDeleteUserId

        public Long getDeleteUserId()
      • setDeleteUserId

        public void setDeleteUserId​(Long deleteUserId)
      • getPublisher

        public String getPublisher()
        The username that published this document
        the username that published the document
      • setPublisher

        public void setPublisher​(String publisher)
      • getType

        public String getType()
        The document type, that is the file extension
        the right part of the file name
      • setType

        public void setType​(String type)
      • getLockUserId

        public Long getLockUserId()
        The id of the user that locked this document and that currently locks it
        identifier of the user that owns the lock
      • setLockUserId

        public void setLockUserId​(Long lockUserId)
      • getLanguage

        public String getLanguage()
        The document's language. This attribute is very important because of it is used to select the right full-text index.
        the language
      • getTags

        public Set<Tag> getTags()
        The set of tags for this document.
        the set of tags
      • setTags

        public void setTags​(Set<Tag> tags)
      • setTagsFromWords

        public void setTagsFromWords​(Set<String> tgs)
      • getTagsAsWords

        public Set<String> getTagsAsWords()
      • getIndexed

        public int getIndexed()
      • setIndexed

        public void setIndexed​(int indexed)
      • getTagsString

        public String getTagsString()
      • getTitle

        public String getTitle()
        Computes the title that is the file name without the extension
        the left part of the file name
      • getFileName

        public String getFileName()
        The original file name
        the file name
      • setFileName

        public void setFileName​(String fileName)
      • getIcon

        public String getIcon()
        The icon for this document, it may be kept from file name extension
        name of the icon file
      • getFileSize

        public long getFileSize()
        The document's file size expressed in bytes
        the file size in bytes
      • setFileSize

        public void setFileSize​(long fileSize)
      • getFolder

        public Folder getFolder()
        Retrieve the folder owning this document
        the parent folder
      • setFolder

        public void setFolder​(Folder folder)
      • addTag

        public void addTag​(String word)
      • clearTags

        public void clearTags()
      • getFileExtension

        public String getFileExtension()
      • getTemplate

        public Template getTemplate()
      • setTemplate

        public void setTemplate​(Template template)
      • getCreation

        public Date getCreation()
        The document's creation date
        the creation date
      • setCreation

        public void setCreation​(Date creation)
      • getCustomId

        public String getCustomId()
        Each document can be identified with a custom identifier
        the unique custom identifier
      • setCustomId

        public void setCustomId​(String customId)
      • getImmutable

        public int getImmutable()
        Defines if the document is immutable
        1 = immutable, 0 = regular
      • setImmutable

        public void setImmutable​(int immutable)
      • getDigest

        public String getDigest()
        The document's digest
        the digest
      • setDigest

        public void setDigest​(String digest)
      • getSigned

        public int getSigned()
        Return 1 if the document was signed
        1 = signed, 0 = not signed
      • setSigned

        public void setSigned​(int signed)
      • getFileVersion

        public String getFileVersion()
        The working file version. Sometimes the version of the document may differ from the file versions. In fact if a new version differs from metadata only, we it have to reference the old file.
        the file version
      • setFileVersion

        public void setFileVersion​(String fileVersion)
      • getCreatorId

        public long getCreatorId()
      • setCreatorId

        public void setCreatorId​(long creatorId)
      • getCreator

        public String getCreator()
      • setCreator

        public void setCreator​(String creator)
      • getLocale

        public Locale getLocale()
      • setLocale

        public void setLocale​(Locale locale)
      • getExportStatus

        public int getExportStatus()
        The document export status
        the export satus
        See Also:
      • setExportStatus

        public void setExportStatus​(int exportStatus)
      • getExportVersion

        public String getExportVersion()
        The last exported version
        the last exported version
      • setExportVersion

        public void setExportVersion​(String exportVersion)
      • getExportName

        public String getExportName()
        The last archive name in which the document was exported
        name of the export archive
      • setExportName

        public void setExportName​(String exportName)
      • getExportId

        public Long getExportId()
        The last archive in which the document was exported
        identifier of the export archive
      • setExportId

        public void setExportId​(Long exportId)
      • getDocRef

        public Long getDocRef()
        If the document is an alias, it is the id of the referenced document
        identifier of the referenced document
      • setDocRef

        public void setDocRef​(Long docRef)
      • isToIndex

        public boolean isToIndex()
      • getBarcoded

        public int getBarcoded()
      • setBarcoded

        public void setBarcoded​(int barcoded)
      • getRating

        public Integer getRating()
      • setRating

        public void setRating​(Integer rating)
      • getComment

        public String getComment()
      • setComment

        public void setComment​(String comment)
      • getWorkflowStatus

        public String getWorkflowStatus()
      • setWorkflowStatus

        public void setWorkflowStatus​(String workflowStatus)
      • getWorkflowStatusDisplay

        public String getWorkflowStatusDisplay()
      • setWorkflowStatusDisplay

        public void setWorkflowStatusDisplay​(String workflowStatusDisplay)
      • getPublished

        public int getPublished()
      • setPublished

        public void setPublished​(int published)
      • getStartPublishing

        public Date getStartPublishing()
      • setStartPublishing

        public void setStartPublishing​(Date startPublishing)
      • getStopPublishing

        public Date getStopPublishing()
      • setStopPublishing

        public void setStopPublishing​(Date stopPublishing)
      • isPublishing

        public boolean isPublishing()
      • getTgs

        public String getTgs()
      • setTgs

        public void setTgs​(String tgs)
      • getExtResId

        public String getExtResId()
      • setExtResId

        public void setExtResId​(String extResId)
      • getTemplateName

        public String getTemplateName()
      • setTemplateName

        public void setTemplateName​(String templateName)
      • getDocRefType

        public String getDocRefType()
      • setDocRefType

        public void setDocRefType​(String docRefType)
      • getPages

        public int getPages()
      • setPages

        public void setPages​(int pages)
      • getStamped

        public int getStamped()
      • setStamped

        public void setStamped​(int stamped)
      • getFormId

        public Long getFormId()
      • setFormId

        public void setFormId​(Long formId)
      • getNature

        public int getNature()
      • setNature

        public void setNature​(int nature)
      • getLockUser

        public String getLockUser()
      • setLockUser

        public void setLockUser​(String lockUser)
      • getPassword

        public String getPassword()
      • setPassword

        public void setPassword​(String password)
      • setDecodedPassword

        public void setDecodedPassword​(String pwd)
        Sets the password and encode it
        pwd - The password in readable format
      • getDecodedPassword

        public String getDecodedPassword()
      • getDeleteUser

        public String getDeleteUser()
      • setDeleteUser

        public void setDeleteUser​(String deleteUser)
      • isGranted

        public boolean isGranted​(String myPassword)
        Checks if the document is accessible with the given password
        myPassword - the password to check
        true id the password is correct
      • isPasswordProtected

        public boolean isPasswordProtected()
      • getLinks

        public int getLinks()
      • setLinks

        public void setLinks​(int links)
      • getOcrTemplateId

        public Long getOcrTemplateId()
      • setOcrTemplateId

        public void setOcrTemplateId​(Long ocrTemplateId)
      • getOcrd

        public int getOcrd()
      • setOcrd

        public void setOcrd​(int ocrd)
      • getBarcodeTemplateId

        public Long getBarcodeTemplateId()
      • setBarcodeTemplateId

        public void setBarcodeTemplateId​(Long barcodeTemplateId)
      • getPreviewPages

        public int getPreviewPages()
      • setPreviewPages

        public void setPreviewPages​(int previewPages)
      • getColor

        public String getColor()
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(String color)
      • copyAttributes

        public void copyAttributes​(AbstractDocument docVO)
        Copies in the current instance the attributes of the passed values object, but NOT the ID
        docVO - the document to get the attributes from