Class History

    • Field Detail

      • ASPECT

        public static String ASPECT
    • Constructor Detail

      • History

        public History()
    • Method Detail

      • getVersion

        public String getVersion()
      • setVersion

        public void setVersion​(String version)
      • getPath

        public String getPath()
      • setPath

        public void setPath​(String path)
      • getDate

        public Date getDate()
        Returns the date.
      • setDate

        public void setDate​(Date date)
        date - The date to set.
      • getDocId

        public Long getDocId()
        Returns the docId.
      • setDocId

        public void setDocId​(Long docId)
        docId - The docId to set.
      • getEvent

        public String getEvent()
        Returns the event.
      • setEvent

        public void setEvent​(String event)
        event - The event to set.
      • getUsername

        public String getUsername()
        Returns the username.
      • setUsername

        public void setUsername​(String username)
        username - The username to set.
      • getComment

        public String getComment()
      • setComment

        public void setComment​(String comment)
      • getNotified

        public int getNotified()
      • setNotified

        public void setNotified​(int notified)
      • getSessionId

        public String getSessionId()
      • setSessionId

        public void setSessionId​(String sessionId)
      • getUser

        public User getUser()
      • setSession

        public void setSession​(Session session)
        This setter sets the sessionId, userId, username and other informations that can be captured by the given session
        session - the session to read informations from
      • setUser

        public void setUser​(User user)
        This setter sets the userId and username and other informations that can be captured by the given user
        user - the user to read informations from
      • setDocument

        public void setDocument​(Document document)
      • setClient

        public void setClient​(Client client)
        This setter sets the ip, device and other informations that can be captured by the given client
        client - the client to read informations from
      • getIsNew

        public int getIsNew()
      • setIsNew

        public void setIsNew​(int _new)
      • getFilename

        public String getFilename()
      • setFilename

        public void setFilename​(String filename)
      • getFilenameOld

        public String getFilenameOld()
      • setFilenameOld

        public void setFilenameOld​(String filenameOld)
      • getPathOld

        public String getPathOld()
      • setPathOld

        public void setPathOld​(String pathOld)
      • getFile

        public String getFile()
      • setFile

        public void setFile​(String file)
      • getTenant

        public String getTenant()
      • setTenant

        public void setTenant​(String tenant)
      • getUserLogin

        public String getUserLogin()
      • setUserLogin

        public void setUserLogin​(String login)
      • getDocument

        public Document getDocument()
      • getFolder

        public Folder getFolder()
      • setFolder

        public void setFolder​(Folder folder)
      • isNotifyEvent

        public boolean isNotifyEvent()
      • setNotifyEvent

        public void setNotifyEvent​(boolean notifyEvent)
      • getIp

        public String getIp()
      • setIp

        public void setIp​(String ip)
      • getReason

        public String getReason()
      • setReason

        public void setReason​(String reason)
      • getFolderId

        public Long getFolderId()
      • getUserId

        public Long getUserId()
      • setFolderId

        public void setFolderId​(Long folderId)
      • setUserId

        public void setUserId​(Long userId)
      • getGeolocation

        public String getGeolocation()
      • setGeolocation

        public void setGeolocation​(String geolocation)
      • getDevice

        public String getDevice()
      • setDevice

        public void setDevice​(String device)
      • getFileSize

        public Long getFileSize()
      • setFileSize

        public void setFileSize​(Long fileSize)