Class IAMRoleCredentialSupplierBuilder

  • public class IAMRoleCredentialSupplierBuilder
    extends Object
    Build SessionCredentials for JClouds Compute Service API with IAM Role
    • Constructor Detail

      • IAMRoleCredentialSupplierBuilder

        public IAMRoleCredentialSupplierBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • isNotNull

        public <E> E isNotNull​(E argument,
                               String argName)
        Tests if a string is not null
        Type Parameters:
        E - type of the argument
        argument - the string tested to see if it is not null
        argName - the string name (used in message if an error is thrown)
        the string argument that was tested
        IllegalArgumentException - if the string is null
      • getRoleName

        public String getRoleName()
      • getCredentials

        public getCredentials()