Class Session

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Session
    extends Object
    implements DocumentObserver
    Represents a client work session
    Marco Meschieri - LogicalDOC
    • Constructor Detail

      • Session

        public Session()
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public static Session get()
      • isDemo

        public boolean isDemo()
      • isDevel

        public boolean isDevel()
      • getSid

        public String getSid()
      • getIncomingMessage

        public String getIncomingMessage()
      • isFolderPagination

        public boolean isFolderPagination()
      • close

        public void close()
      • getUser

        public GUIUser getUser()
      • setUser

        public void setUser​(GUIUser user)
      • onInvalidSession

        public void onInvalidSession()
      • removeObserver

        public void removeObserver​(SessionObserver observer)
      • getCurrentFolder

        public GUIFolder getCurrentFolder()
      • setCurrentFolder

        public void setCurrentFolder​(GUIFolder folder)
      • setCurrentDocument

        public void setCurrentDocument​(GUIDocument document)
      • getInfo

        public GUIInfo getInfo()
      • setInfo

        public void setInfo​(GUIInfo info)
      • setSession

        public void setSession​(GUISession session)
      • getCurrentDocument

        public GUIDocument getCurrentDocument()
      • getTenantName

        public String getTenantName()
      • getTenantId

        public long getTenantId()
      • isDefaultTenant

        public boolean isDefaultTenant()
      • getTenantConfig

        public String getTenantConfig​(String name)
      • getConfigAsInt

        public int getConfigAsInt​(String name)
      • getConfigAsLong

        public long getConfigAsLong​(String name)
      • getConfigAsBoolean

        public boolean getConfigAsBoolean​(String name)
      • getTenantConfigAsBoolean

        public boolean getTenantConfigAsBoolean​(String name)
      • setConfig

        public void setConfig​(String name,
                              String value)
      • isServerPushEnabled

        public boolean isServerPushEnabled()
      • isShowThumbnail

        public boolean isShowThumbnail()
      • setShowThumbnail

        public void setShowThumbnail​(boolean showThumbnail)
      • logout

        public void logout()
      • onDocumentModified

        public void onDocumentModified​(GUIDocument document)
        Description copied from interface: DocumentObserver
        Invoked after the document's properties has been changed
        Specified by:
        onDocumentModified in interface DocumentObserver
        document - the document that has been modified
      • onDocumentsDeleted

        public void onDocumentsDeleted​(GUIDocument[] documents)
        Description copied from interface: DocumentObserver
        Invoked after the document has been deleted
        Specified by:
        onDocumentsDeleted in interface DocumentObserver
        documents - the documents that have been deleted
      • getHiliteDocId

        public Long getHiliteDocId()
      • setHiliteDocId

        public void setHiliteDocId​(Long hiliteDocId)