
To restore data from a previous backup, open a console in the installation folder of the backup tool and type the following command:



Linux and OSX:

Restore up to a certain date

Instead of restoring all from the beginning until the last backup, you can restore the system up to a given date just by specifying it using the ISO format yyyy-MM-dd(eg. 2020-09-27):


restore.bat 2020-09-27

Linux and OSX: 2020-09-27

Execute as Administrator user

On Windows the restore procedure must be launched from a command window as Administrator because it has to interact with system services. In particular, the recovery procedure stops the LogicalDOC process in order to properly restore the data. At the end of the restore procedure the LogicalDOC service will be automatically restarted.


To start the backup open a command console, navigate to the installation folder of LogicalDOC Backup and type the following command:



Linux and Mac:

Product of backup

The backup tool produces a number of sub-folders. So we will have a tree of subfolders in which each node represents the product of the backup of a specific resource. Depending on the type of resource the tool runs a specific and suitable backup in particular:

configuration incremental backup on single .zip file
plugins incremental backup on single .zip file
user preferences incremental backup on single .zip file
index single image .zip file
database incremental backup on single .zip file
storage incremental backup multi-file compressed with transactions

Storage space for backups

To back up LogicalDOC you must have a disk with at least 80% of the disk space occupied by the documents in LogicalDOC.

Backup Installation

The LogicalDOC Backup needs to be installed in the same server that is running your LogicalDOC.

Download and launch the installation package for your system from the download website.

During the setup you will be prompted to provide the folder where your LogicalDOC is installed in and the target folder that will receive the backup packages.


The installer configures the backup tool with common settings, but you can change them at any time by editing the configuration file located at <Backup_Home>/conf/

Parameter Description
logicaldoc.home Full path of LogicalDOC installation directory 
backup.targetdir Full path of the directory that will receive the backup files 
db.username The username to connect to the database
db.password The password to connect to the database Hostname or IP address of the database. Default value: localhost
db.port Database port. Default value: 3306 for MySQL, 5342 for PostgreSQL Database name. Default value: logicaldoc
backup.db.command Full path of the database dump command. Default value: mysqldump for MySQL, pg_dump for PostgreSQL

Arguments to pass to the dump command.

Default value for MySQL: -h ${} -P ${db.port] -u ${db.username} -p${db.password} ${}

Default value for PostgreSQL: -h ${} -p ${db.port} -U ${db.username} -d ${}

restore.db.command Full path of the database restore command. Default value: mysql for MySQL, psql for PostgreSQL

Arguments to pass to the restore command.

Default value for MySQL: -h ${} -P ${db.port] -u ${db.username} -p${db.password} ${}

Default value for PostgreSQL: -h ${} -p ${db.port} -U ${db.username} -d ${}


Log of the application

The backup tool sends its output to the console. It also creates execution log files in the logs folder. Inside this folder, the system will write the log of the backup activities. New log file will be generated each time the backup command is executed.

Receive backup reports by Email

The LogicalDOC Backup can send to a list of recipients a report with the result of each elaboration. This keeps you updated on the status of the backup of your system without the need to periodically inspect the logs.

To allow the tool to send you the email reports, just connect it to an SMTP server in <Backup_Home>/conf/

Parameter Description
smtp.enabled Put true if you want to receive the report by email Hostname or IP address of the SMTP server
smtp.port Port to connect to the SMTP server
smtp.username The username to connect to the SMTP server
smtp.password The password to connect to the SMTP server
smtp.sender Email address used as the sender of the reports
smtp.recipient Comma-separated list of email addresses that will receive the reports


LogicalDOC Backup

LogicalDOC Backup is an optional component that can be installed if you need a dedicated backup solution for your documents repository.

The main features of the LogicalDOC Backup module are:

  • Archive compression and encryption
  • Suitable for large documents repositories
  • Storage on local hard drive, network drive, USB key, FTP or SFTP server
  • Incremental, differential and full backup support
  • Support for delta backup
  • All processes are transactional (this guarantees your backups' integrity)
  • Command-line interface
  • Email activity report
  • Multi-Platform support: Windows, Unix, Linux, Mac OSX