Uses of Class
Packages that use Document
Core plug-in that contains the most important domain objects
Automation subsystem that allows you to program your own logic inside the
The automation engine can be accessed through the class
Please note the special annotation
The automation engine can be accessed through the class
Please note the special annotation
that is used to
automatically put in the Dictionary whatever bean you need.Machinery for converting documents to different formats.
Machinery for building thumbnails of the first page of the documents.
Machinery for parsing different file formats.
The core of the search engine.
The store sub-system responsible for persisting the binaries of the
GWT services implementations.
Uses of Document in com.logicaldoc.core
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core that return DocumentMethods in com.logicaldoc.core with parameters of type Document -
Uses of Document in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.automation that return DocumentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionConvert a document in another format and saves the result in another file in the same folderDocTool.copy
(Document doc, String targetPath, boolean links, boolean notes, boolean security, String username) Copies a document into a target folderCopies a document into a target folderDocTool.copyResource
(Document doc, String fileVersion, String suffix, String newFileName, String username) Copies a resource in a file in the same folder of the original documentDocTool.createAlias
(Document originalDoc, Folder targetFolder, String type, String username) Creates an alias to a documentDocTool.createAlias
(Document originalDoc, String targetPath, String type, String username) Creates an alias to a documentDocTool.findById
(long docId) Retrieves a document by it's identifierDocTool.findByPath
(String path) Retrieves a document by it's pathDocTool.findByPath
(String path, Long tenantId) Retrieves a document by it's pathDocTool.merge
(Collection<Document> documents, long targetFolderId, String fileName, String username) Merges a set of documents into a single PDF fileMethods in com.logicaldoc.core.automation that return types with arguments of type DocumentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMailTool.extractAttachments
(Document doc, String filterFileName, String username) Extracts attachments of email files (.eml, .msg) in the current folderMethods in com.logicaldoc.core.automation with parameters of type DocumentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Creates a new note for the whole documentConvert a document in another format and saves the result in another file in the same foldervoid
(Document doc) Converts a document in PDF format and saves it as ancillary resource of the document with suffixFormatConverterManager.PDF_CONVERSION_SUFFIX
(Document doc, String targetPath, boolean links, boolean notes, boolean security, String username) Copies a document into a target folderCopies a document into a target folderDocTool.copyResource
(Document doc, String fileVersion, String suffix, String newFileName, String username) Copies a resource in a file in the same folder of the original documentint
(Document document) Counts the number of pages of a documentDocTool.createAlias
(Document originalDoc, Folder targetFolder, String type, String username) Creates an alias to a documentDocTool.createAlias
(Document originalDoc, String targetPath, String type, String username) Creates an alias to a documentDocTool.createPath
(Document doc, String targetPath, String username) Creates a path, all existing nodes in the specified path will be reusedDocTool.displayUrl
(Document doc) Builds the display url of a document(display permalink)MailTool.documentToEMail
(Document document, boolean extractAttachments) Creates anEMail
object given the document that stores an email message.DocTool.downloadUrl
(Document doc) Builds the download url of a document(download permalink)MailTool.extractAttachments
(Document doc, String filterFileName, String username) Extracts attachments of email files (.eml, .msg) in the current folderCalculates the full path of a documentvoid
(Document doc) Initializes lazy loaded collectionsLinks two documentsvoid
Moves a document into a target folderExtracts the texts from a document, using the same analyzer used for the full-text processing.void
Sends a document by email to a recipientvoid
(Document document, String from, Collection<String> to, String subject, String message) Sends a document by email to a selection of recipientsvoid
Saves / updates a document into the databasevoid
(Document doc, DocumentHistory transaction) Saves / updates a document into the databasevoid
Saves / updates a document into the databaseMethod parameters in com.logicaldoc.core.automation with type arguments of type DocumentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDocTool.getIds
(Collection<Document> docs) Converts a collection of documents in a collection of identifiersDocTool.merge
(Collection<Document> documents, long targetFolderId, String fileName, String username) Merges a set of documents into a single PDF filevoid
(Collection<Document> documents, String from, String to, String subject, String message) Sends some documents to a recipientvoid
(Collection<Document> documents, String from, Collection<String> to, String subject, String message) Sends some documents to a selection of recipients -
Uses of Document in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion that return DocumentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFormatConverterManager.convert
(Document document, String fileVersion, String format, DocumentHistory transaction) Converts a document into another format and saves the resulting file in the same folderMethods in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion with parameters of type DocumentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal void
If the converter is enabled it invokes theAbstractFormatConverter.internalConvert(String, Document, File, File)
Performs the conversionFormatConverterManager.convert
(Document document, String fileVersion, String format, DocumentHistory transaction) Converts a document into another format and saves the resulting file in the same foldervoid
(Document document, String fileVersion, File out, DocumentHistory transaction) Converts a document and writes the content of the conversion into a file.void
(Document document, String sid) Shortcut for convertToPdf(document, null, transaction)void
(Document document, String fileVersion, String sid) Creates the pdf for the specified document and file version (suffix PDF_CONVERSION_SUFFIX).byte[]
(Document document, String fileVersion, String sid) Retrieves the content of the Pdf conversion.void
(String sid, Document document, File src, File dest) void
(String sid, Document document, File src, File dest) void
(String sid, Document document, File src, File dest) void
(String sid, Document document, File src, File dest) void
(String sid, Document document, File src, File dest) void
(String sid, Document document, File src, File dest) void
(String sid, Document document, File src, File dest) void
(String sid, Document document, File src, File dest) void
(String sid, Document document, File src, File dest) void
(Document document, String fileVersion, File out, String sid) Write the content of the Pdf conversion into a file. -
Uses of Document in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.document that return DocumentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDocumentManager.copyToFolder
(Document doc, Folder folder, DocumentHistory transaction, boolean links, boolean notes, boolean security) Copy a document to the specified folder.DocumentManagerImpl.copyToFolder
(Document doc, Folder folder, DocumentHistory transaction, boolean links, boolean notes, boolean security) DocumentManager.create
(File file, Document docVO, DocumentHistory transaction) Creates a new Document.DocumentManager.create
(InputStream content, Document docVO, DocumentHistory transaction) Creates a new Document.DocumentManagerImpl.create
(File file, Document docVO, DocumentHistory transaction) DocumentManagerImpl.create
(InputStream content, Document docVO, DocumentHistory transaction) DocumentManager.createAlias
(Document doc, Folder folder, String type, DocumentHistory transaction) Create an alias(shortcut) associated to the given doc to the specified folder.DocumentManagerImpl.createAlias
(Document doc, Folder folder, String aliasType, DocumentHistory transaction) DocumentDAO.findByCustomId
(String customId, long tenantId) This method finds a document by the custom ID.HibernateDocumentDAO.findByCustomId
(String customId, long tenantId) DocumentDAO.findByPath
(String path, long tenantId) Finds a document by it's full pathHibernateDocumentDAO.findByPath
(String path, long tenantId) DocumentDAO.findDocument
(long docId) This method finds a document by the ID and if it is an alias the referenced document is returned instead.HibernateDocumentDAO.findDocument
(long docId) DocumentLink.getDocument1()
(Collection<Document> documents, long targetFolderId, String fileName, DocumentHistory transaction) Merges a set of documents into a single PDF fileDocumentManagerImpl.merge
(Collection<Document> documents, long targetFolderId, String fileName, DocumentHistory transaction) DocumentManager.replaceAlias
(long aliasId, DocumentHistory transaction) Replaces an alias with a copy of the original fileDocumentManagerImpl.replaceAlias
(long aliasId, DocumentHistory transaction) Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.document that return types with arguments of type DocumentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDocumentDAO.findArchivedByFolder
(long folderId) Finds archived documents in a folder (direct childeren only)HibernateDocumentDAO.findArchivedByFolder
(long folderId) DocumentDAO.findByFileNameAndParentFolderId
(Long folderId, String fileName, Long excludeId, Long tenantId, Integer max) Finds that document that lies under a specific folder (given by the id) an with a given fileName(like operator is used)HibernateDocumentDAO.findByFileNameAndParentFolderId
(Long folderId, String fileName, Long excludeId, Long tenantId, Integer max) DocumentDAO.findByFolder
(long folderId, Integer max) Finds all documents direct children of the given folder.HibernateDocumentDAO.findByFolder
(long folderId, Integer max) Finds all documents whose id is included in the given pool of idsDocumentDAO.findByIndexed
(int indexed) Finds all documents by the indexed state.HibernateDocumentDAO.findByIndexed
(int indexed) DocumentDAO.findByLockUserAndStatus
(Long userId, Integer status) Finds all document of0 the specified status and locked by the specified userHibernateDocumentDAO.findByLockUserAndStatus
(Long userId, Integer status) DocumentDAO.findByUserIdAndTag
(long userId, String tag, Integer max) Finds authorized documents for a user having a specified tag.HibernateDocumentDAO.findByUserIdAndTag
(long userId, String tag, Integer max) DocumentDAO.findDeleted
(long userId, Integer max) Finds all deleted docs of a specific user.HibernateDocumentDAO.findDeleted
(long userId, Integer maxHits) DocumentDAO.findDeletedDocs()
Finds the list of deleted documents.HibernateDocumentDAO.findDeletedDocs()
(long userId, int max) Finds the last downloaded documents by the given userHibernateDocumentDAO.findLastDownloadsByUserId
(long userId, int maxResults) DocumentDAO.findLastModifiedByUserId
(long userId, int max) Finds a max number of documents last modified by an user.HibernateDocumentDAO.findLastModifiedByUserId
(long userId, int maxElements) DocumentDAO.findLinkedDocuments
(long docId, String linkType, Integer direction) This method enlists documents linked to the given document.HibernateDocumentDAO.findLinkedDocuments
(long docId, String linkType, Integer direction) Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.document with parameters of type DocumentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Document document, DocumentHistory transaction, Map<String, Object> dictionary) void
(Document document, DocumentHistory transaction, Map<String, Object> dictionary) Called after a document is checked invoid
(Document document, DocumentHistory transaction, Map<String, Object> dictionary) void
(Document document, DocumentHistory event, Map<String, Object> dictionary) void
(Document document, DocumentHistory event, Map<String, Object> dictionary) Called after an event has been storedvoid
(Document document, DocumentHistory event, Map<String, Object> dictionary) void
(Document document, DocumentHistory transaction, Map<String, Object> dictionary) void
(Document document, DocumentHistory transaction, Map<String, Object> dictionary) Called after a document is stored in the databasevoid
(Document document, DocumentHistory transaction, Map<String, Object> dictionary) void
(Document document, DocumentHistory transaction, Map<String, Object> dictionary) void
(Document document, DocumentHistory transaction, Map<String, Object> dictionary) Called before a document is checked invoid
(Document document, DocumentHistory transaction, Map<String, Object> dictionary) void
(Document document, DocumentHistory transaction, Map<String, Object> dictionary) void
(Document document, DocumentHistory transaction, Map<String, Object> dictionary) Called before a document is stored in the databasevoid
(Document document, DocumentHistory transaction, Map<String, Object> dictionary) void
(Document doc, int status) Utility method used to declare that: the document must be taken into consideration by the indexer (status =AbstractDocument.INDEX_TO_INDEX
. the document must be taken into consideration by the indexer for the metadata only(status =AbstractDocument.INDEX_TO_INDEX_METADATA
. the document must not be taken into consideration by the indexer (status =AbstractDocument.INDEX_SKIP
(Document doc, int status) DocumentManager.copyToFolder
(Document doc, Folder folder, DocumentHistory transaction, boolean links, boolean notes, boolean security) Copy a document to the specified folder.DocumentManagerImpl.copyToFolder
(Document doc, Folder folder, DocumentHistory transaction, boolean links, boolean notes, boolean security) int
(Document doc) Counts the number of pages of a documentint
(Document doc) DocumentManager.create
(File file, Document docVO, DocumentHistory transaction) Creates a new Document.DocumentManager.create
(InputStream content, Document docVO, DocumentHistory transaction) Creates a new Document.DocumentManagerImpl.create
(File file, Document docVO, DocumentHistory transaction) DocumentManagerImpl.create
(InputStream content, Document docVO, DocumentHistory transaction) static Version
Factory method that creates a Version and replicate all given document's properties.
The new version and fileVersion will be set in both Document and Version
Important: The created Version is not persistentDocumentManager.createAlias
(Document doc, Folder folder, String type, DocumentHistory transaction) Create an alias(shortcut) associated to the given doc to the specified folder.DocumentManagerImpl.createAlias
(Document doc, Folder folder, String aliasType, DocumentHistory transaction) void
(Document doc) Utility method for document removal from index and database update(flag indexed)void
(Document doc) Utility method for document removal from indexvoid
(Document doc) Initializes lazy loaded collectionsvoid
(Document doc) void
(Document doc, Folder folder, DocumentHistory transaction) Moves a document to the specified folder.void
(Document doc, Folder folder, DocumentHistory transaction) DocumentManager.parseDocument
(Document doc, String fileVersion) Retrieves the document's content as a stringDocumentManagerImpl.parseDocument
(Document doc, String fileVersion) void
(Document doc, DocumentHistory transaction) Saves a document's historyvoid
(Document doc, DocumentHistory transaction) void
(Document document1) void
(Document document2) void
(Document doc, DocumentHistory transaction) This method persists the document object and insert a new document history entryvoid
(Document doc, DocumentHistory transaction) void
(Document doc, Document docVO, DocumentHistory transaction) Updates an existing document and marks it to be re-indexedvoid
(Document document, Document docVO, DocumentHistory transaction) void
(Document doc) Updates the document's digest (SHA-1)void
(Document doc) Method parameters in com.logicaldoc.core.document with type arguments of type DocumentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Collection<Document> documents, int delCode, DocumentHistory transaction) Deletes all documents form the database and modifies the custom ids of all documentsvoid
(Collection<Document> documents, DocumentHistory transaction) Shortcut for deleteAll(documents, 1, transaction)void
(Collection<Document> documents, int delCode, DocumentHistory transaction) void
(Collection<Document> documents, DocumentHistory transaction) DocumentManager.merge
(Collection<Document> documents, long targetFolderId, String fileName, DocumentHistory transaction) Merges a set of documents into a single PDF fileDocumentManagerImpl.merge
(Collection<Document> documents, long targetFolderId, String fileName, DocumentHistory transaction) Constructors in com.logicaldoc.core.document with parameters of type Document -
Uses of Document in com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.document.thumbnail with parameters of type DocumentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(String sid, Document document, String fileVersion, File src, File dest, int size, int compression) void
(String sid, Document document, String fileVersion, File src, File dest, int size, int quality) void
(String sid, Document document, String fileVersion, File src, File dest, int size, int quality) void
(String sid, Document document, String fileVersion, File src, File dest, int size, int compression) void
(String sid, Document document, String fileVersion, File src, File dest, int size, int quality) Produce the thumbnailvoid
(String sid, Document document, String fileVersion, File src, File dest, int size, int quality) void
(Document document, String fileVersion, String sid) Creates the mobile image for the specified document and file version.void
(Document document, String fileVersion, String sid) Creates the tile for the specified document and file version.void
(Document document, String sid) Creates the thumbnail for the specified documentvoid
(Document document, String fileVersion, int size, Integer quality, String sid) Creates the thumbnail for the specified document and file version using given size and quality.void
(Document document, String fileVersion, String sid) Creates the thumbnail for the specified document and file version. -
Uses of Document in com.logicaldoc.core.parser
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.parser that return DocumentMethods in com.logicaldoc.core.parser with parameters of type DocumentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAbstractParser.parse
(File file, String filename, String encoding, Locale locale, String tenant, Document document, String fileVersion) Parser.parse
(File file, String filename, String encoding, Locale locale, String tenant, Document document, String fileVersion) Same asParser.parse(InputStream, ParseParameters)
, but use this when you have a file rather than a stream.static String
(InputStream input, String filename, String encoding, Locale locale, long tenantId, Document document, String fileVersion) Gets the proper parser and parse the given contentTXTParser.parse
(File file, String filename, String encoding, Locale locale, String tenant, Document document, String fileVersion) ZABWParser.parse
(File file, String filename, String encoding, Locale locale, String tenant, Document document, String fileVersion) void
(Document document) Constructors in com.logicaldoc.core.parser with parameters of type Document -
Uses of Document in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine
Subclasses of Document in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengineMethods in com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine with parameters of type DocumentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Document document, InputStream content) Adds a new hit to the indexvoid
Adds a new Hit into the indexvoid
(Document document, InputStream content) void
Uses of Document in
Methods in with parameters of type DocumentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAbstractStorer.getResourceName
(Document doc, String fileVersion, String suffix) Storer.getResourceName
(Document doc, String fileVersion, String suffix) Computes the resource name inside the container -
Uses of Document in com.logicaldoc.core.transfer
Constructors in com.logicaldoc.core.transfer with parameters of type Document -
Uses of Document in com.logicaldoc.core.util
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.util with parameters of type DocumentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic String
(Document document, String fileVersion) static String
(Document document) -
Uses of Document in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Methods in com.logicaldoc.web.service that return DocumentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Document
(GUIDocument guiDocument) Produces a plain new Document from a GUIDocumentMethods in com.logicaldoc.web.service with parameters of type DocumentModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDocumentServiceImpl.fromDocument
(Document doc, GUIFolder folder, User sessionUser) -
Uses of Document in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model
Methods in com.logicaldoc.webservice.model that return Document