Package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid
package com.logicaldoc.gui.common.client.widgets.grid
ClassesClassDescriptionA field to display a text colored where the color is specified in another field(by default called 'display')A filed to display dates in cells that contains a dateList grid field to display the events related to a specific subscription or other events-related objectA field to display a file name with iconA field to display a file sizeA field to display a file name with iconA field to display a folder nameA filed to display the indexed field do the DocumentA filed to display long integers in cells that contains a user referenceA filed to display long integers in cells that contains a user referenceListGrid that makes it easy to refreshA field to display usernames and optionally their avatars in cells that contains a user referenceA field to display a file name with icon