Interface DocumentService

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      WSNote addNote​(long docId, String note)
      Adds a new note for the given document
      void checkin​(String docId, String comment, String release, String filename, org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.multipart.Attachment filedataDetail)
      Check-in an existing document Performs a check-in (commit) operation of new content over an existing document.
      void checkout​(long docId)
      Executed the checkout
      WSDocument copy​(long docId, long folderId)
      Copies a document into another folder
      WSDocument create​(WSDocument document, org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.multipart.Attachment contentDetail)
      Creates a new document
      WSDocument createAlias​(long docId, long folderId, String type)
      Creates a new document alias for the given document inside a specified folder
      String createDownloadTicket​(long docId, String suffix, Integer expireHours, String expireDate, Integer maxDownloads)
      Creates a new download ticket
      void createPdf​(long docId, String fileVersion)
      Creates the PDF conversion of the given document; if the PDF conversion was already created, nothing will happen
      void createThumbnail​(long docId, String fileVersion, String type)
      Creates the thumbail of the given document; if the thumbnail was already created, nothing will happen
      void delete​(long docId)
      Deletes a document
      void deleteLink​(long id)
      Removes an existing link
      void deleteNote​(long noteId)
      Deletes a new note by note identifier
      String deleteVersion​(long docId, String version)
      Deletes a version by document identifier and version ID.
      WSDocument[] getAliases​(long docId)
      Gets the aliases of the given document
      javax.activation.DataHandler getContent​(long docId)
      Retrieves the file content of a document.
      WSDocument getDocument​(long docId)
      Retrieves a document from the database
      WSDocument getDocumentByCustomId​(String customId)
      Gets document metadata of an existing document with the given custom identifier
      WSDocument[] getDocuments​(Long[] docIds)
      Gets document metadata of a collection of existing documents with the given identifiers
      String getExtractedText​(long docId)
      Gets the document's text stored in the full-text index
      WSLink[] getLinks​(long docId)
      Gets all the links of a specific document
      WSNote[] getNotes​(long docId)
      Gets the notes for the given document
      WSRating[] getRatings​(long docId)
      Gets all the ratings of the given document
      WSDocument[] getRecentDocuments​(Integer maxHits)
      Lists of last modified documents of the current session
      javax.activation.DataHandler getResource​(long docId, String fileVersion, String suffix)
      Gets the content of a resource associated to the given document.
      javax.activation.DataHandler getThumbnail​(String type, String docPath, List<> docPathList)
      Retrieves the thumbnail image
      javax.activation.DataHandler getVersionContent​(long docId, String version)
      Retrieves the file content of a version.
      WSDocument[] getVersions​(long docId)
      Gets the version history of an existing document with the given identifier
      boolean isReadable​(long docId)
      Tests if a document is readable
      WSLink link​(long doc1, long doc2, String type)
      Creates a new link between two documents.
      WSDocument[] list​(long folderId)
      Lists the documents in a folder
      WSDocument[] listDocuments​(long folderId, String fileName)
      Lists the documents in a folder
      void lock​(long docId)
      Locks an existing document with the given identifier.
      void move​(long docId, long folderId)
      Moves an existing document with the given identifier
      void promoteVersion​(long docId, String version)
      Promotes an old version to the current default one.
      WSRating rateDocument​(long docId, int vote)
      Puts a new rating on the given document
      void reindex​(long docId, String content)
      Re-indexes(or indexes from scratch) a document
      void rename​(long docId, String name)
      Renames the title of an existing document with the given identifier.
      void replaceFile​(Integer docId, String fileVersion, String comment, org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.multipart.Attachment filedataDetail)
      Replace the file of a version.
      void restore​(long docId, long folderId)
      Restores a deleted document
      WSNote saveNote​(long docId, WSNote note)
      Adds a new note for the given document
      void sendEmail​(Long[] docIds, String recipients, String subject, String message)
      Sends a set of documents as mail attachments
      void setPassword​(long docId, String password)
      Puts a password protection to the document
      void unlock​(long docId)
      Unlocks an existing document with the given identifier.
      boolean unprotect​(long docId, String password)
      Unprotects a document that is password protected.
      void unsetPassword​(long docId, String currentPassword)
      Removes the password protection from the document
      void update​(WSDocument document)
      Updates an existing document with the value object containing the document's metadata.
      Long upload​(String docId, String folderId, String release, String filename, String language, org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.multipart.Attachment filedataDetail)
      Uploads a document Creates or updates an existing document, if used in update mode docId must be provided, when used in create mode folderId is required.
      void uploadResource​(Integer docId, String fileVersion, String suffix, org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.multipart.Attachment contentDetail)
      Uploads a new resource of the document Uploads a new resource attached to the given document.