AutomationEventListener |
Listener used to launch automation triggers when events occur.
AutomationJob |
A job to handle the time-driven automation triggers
AutomationRoutine |
A reusable automation routine
AutomationRoutinesDataServlet |
Creates the list of routines in the current tenant.
AutomationServiceImpl |
Implementation of the service for handling automations.
AutomationTool |
Utility methods to launch automation routines from inside an automation
AutomationTrigger |
Conditions to trigger an AutomationRoutine
AutomationTriggersDataServlet |
Creates the list of triggers in the current tenant.
EnterpriseAutomationPlugin |
Plugin representation for the Automation
HibernateAutomationRoutineDAO |
Implements the DAO for automation routines
HibernateAutomationTriggerDAO |
Implements the DAO for automation triggers