Class Task

    • Constructor Detail

      • Task

        public Task​(String name)
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
      • run

        public void run()
        Specified by:
        run in interface Runnable
      • interrupt

        public void interrupt()
      • isInterrupted

        public boolean isInterrupted()
      • getSize

        public long getSize()
        The the total size of the processing(number of units of work)
        total number of steps
      • setSize

        public void setSize​(long size)
      • getProgress

        public long getProgress()
        The current processing step
        the current step
      • getCompletionPercentage

        public int getCompletionPercentage()
        The percentage of completion(1-100)
        a percentage(1-100)
      • isRunning

        public boolean isRunning()
        Check if the task is currently running
        true if the task is running(STATUS_RUNNING)
      • saveWork

        public void saveWork()
        Concrete implementations must insert here the code needed to save the elaboration state in a persistent storage
      • getScheduling

        public TaskScheduling getScheduling()
        Scheduling policies
        the scheduling policies
      • addTaskListener

        public void addTaskListener​(TaskListener listener)
      • removeTaskListener

        public void removeTaskListener​(TaskListener listener)
      • notifyReport

        public void notifyReport()
      • isIndeterminate

        public abstract boolean isIndeterminate()
        Concrete implementations must override this method declaring if the task is indeterminate. An indeterminate task is not able to compute it's time length
        true if the task is indeterminate
      • isConcurrent

        public abstract boolean isConcurrent()
        Concrete implementations must override this method declaring if the task supports multiple instances running concurrently.
        true if the task is concurrent
      • getReportRecipients

        public String getReportRecipients()
      • setSender

        public void setSender​(EMailSender sender)
      • setUserDao

        public void setUserDao​(UserDAO userDao)
      • isSendActivityReport

        public boolean isSendActivityReport()
      • setSendActivityReport

        public void setSendActivityReport​(boolean sendActivityReport)
      • setReportRecipients

        public void setReportRecipients​(String reportRecipients)
      • setLockManager

        public void setLockManager​(LockManager lockManager)
      • setSystemLoadMonitor

        public void setSystemLoadMonitor​(SystemLoadMonitor systemLoadMonitor)
      • isInterruptRequested

        public boolean isInterruptRequested()