Class ThumbnailManager

  • public class ThumbnailManager
    extends Object
    Manager class used to handle document thumbnails
    Marco Meschieri - LogicalDOC
    • Constructor Detail

      • ThumbnailManager

        public ThumbnailManager()
    • Method Detail

      • createTumbnail

        public void createTumbnail​(Document document,
                                   String fileVersion,
                                   String sid)
                            throws IOException
        Creates the thumbnail for the specified document and file version. The thumbnail is an image rendering of the first page only.
        document - The document to be treated
        fileVersion - The file version(optional)
        sid - The session identifier(optional)
        IOException - in case an error happens during image creation
      • createTumbnail

        public void createTumbnail​(Document document,
                                   String sid)
                            throws IOException
        Creates the thumbnail for the specified document
        document - The document to be treated
        sid - The session identifier (optional)
        IOException - raised in case the thumbnail file cannot be created
      • createTumbnail

        public void createTumbnail​(Document document,
                                   String fileVersion,
                                   int size,
                                   Integer quality,
                                   String sid)
                            throws IOException
        Creates the thumbnail for the specified document and file version using given size and quality. The thumbnail is an image rendering of the first page only.
        document - The document to be treated
        fileVersion - The file version(optional)
        size - The thumbnail size
        quality - Compression quality(0..100, 100 is maximum quality). If not specified the standard thumbnail quality will be used.
        sid - The session identifier(optional)
        IOException - in case an error happens during image creation
      • createTile

        public void createTile​(Document document,
                               String fileVersion,
                               String sid)
                        throws IOException
        Creates the tile for the specified document and file version. The tile is an image rendering of the first page only.
        document - The document to be treated
        fileVersion - The file version(optional)
        sid - The session identifier(optional)
        IOException - in case an error happens during image creation
      • createMobile

        public void createMobile​(Document document,
                                 String fileVersion,
                                 String sid)
                          throws IOException
        Creates the mobile image for the specified document and file version. The mobile is an image rendering of the first page only.
        document - The document to be treated
        fileVersion - The file version(optional)
        sid - The session identifier(optional)
        IOException - in case an error happens during image creation
      • getBuilder

        public ThumbnailBuilder getBuilder​(String filename)
        Loads the proper builder for the passed file name
        filename - the filename to be rendered
        the right thumbnail builder for the given file name
      • setStorer

        public void setStorer​(Storer storer)