ArchiveViewer |
Application used to validate an archive created by LogicalDOC.
BrowsePanel |
Panel used to browse an archive.
Database |
Singleton for in-memory database access.
DatabaseHandler |
This class extends the IndexHandler class to insert the rows values into the
version database table from the index file values.
DocInfoPanel |
This panel visualises the informations of an archive's document.
DocumentTableModel |
Table Model for the archive's documents table in the browse page of the
Item |
This class represents the object inside a list of selectable fields.
QueryMessagePanel |
This panel is used to nofity the user that more documents can be visualised
on the browse panel.
SearchLine |
This panel represents a single line of the SearchPanel.
SearchPanel |
Panel used to search documents in an archive.
Util |
Class with some useful methods.