Barcode |
An extracted barcode.
BarcodeCleaner |
This implementation cleans all barcode template objects.
BarcodeGenerator |
This servlet generates a barcode on demand.
BarcodeManager |
Utility methods for barcodes
BarcodeParser |
This is the parser that using a pattern is able to extract documents metadata
from the given barcode.
BarcodePlugin |
Web module plugin class.
BarcodeProcessor |
This component processes all valid documents to find barcodes.
BarcodeServiceImpl |
Implementation of the BarcodeService.
BarcodeSpec |
A barcode specification.
BarcodeTemplate |
A barcode template that explains how to process the barcodes
BarcodeTemplateImageServlet |
This servlet is responsible for downloading the image of a Barcode Template.
BarcodeTemplatesDataServlet |
This servlet is responsible for barcode templates data.
BarcodeWriter |
Utility class used to produce barcode images.
ConvertLegacy |
Reads the old barcode patterns in ld_generic and convert them in
ld_barcodetemplate (used in upgrading 8.4.1 to 8.4.2)
The legacy storage uses generics:
Type: barcode-pattern
Subtype: templateId-position(1,2,3..)
Integer1: position(1,2,3..)
String1: comma separated list of patterns
String2: inclusion expressions
String3: exclusion expressions
String4: admitted barcode formats
HibernateBarcodeTemplateDAO |
PDFImageExtractor |
This utility class allows the extraction of raster images from a PDF document
ToBarcodeDataServlet |
This servlet is used to populate the barcode queue