TaskDetailsDialog |
This popup window is used to display the details of a selected task in a
specific workflow instance.
TriggerDialog |
This is the form used for editing a workflow trigger
WorkflowDashboard |
Workflow dashboard that displays several portlets like a portal page.
WorkflowDashlet |
Dashlet specialized in listing user workflow task records.
WorkflowHistoriesPanel |
Panel that shows the histories of a specific workflow instance
WorkflowHistoryDialog |
This popup window is used to visualize the workflows histories.
WorkflowNoteEditor |
This is the form used to edit a note in a workflow
WorkflowPreview |
Show the completion diagram
WorkflowTaskNameListGridField |
A field to display the name of a workflow task with corresponding color
WorkflowTriggersPanel |
Displays the list of all workflow triggers on a folder.