Class GUIExtensibleObject

    • Constructor Detail

      • GUIExtensibleObject

        public GUIExtensibleObject()
    • Method Detail

      • getTemplate

        public String getTemplate()
      • setTemplate

        public void setTemplate​(String template)
      • getTemplateId

        public Long getTemplateId()
      • setTemplateId

        public void setTemplateId​(Long templateId)
      • getAttributeNames

        public String[] getAttributeNames()
      • setAttributes

        public void setAttributes​(GUIAttribute[] attributes)
      • getValue

        public Object getValue​(String attributeName)
      • getValues

        public List<GUIAttribute> getValues​(String name)
        Retrieves the values of a multiple attribute
        name - name of the attribute
        the list of values
      • addAttributeValue

        public GUIAttribute addAttributeValue​(String name)
        Appends a new value for a given multiple attribute. Returns the new attribute that represent the value
        name - name of the attribute
        the attribute
      • addAttribute

        public void addAttribute​(GUIAttribute att)
      • sortAttributes

        public void sortAttributes()
      • removeAttribute

        public void removeAttribute​(String name)
      • shiftValue

        public void shiftValue​(String name,
                               boolean up)
        Shifts a value in the list of different values of a multi-value attribute
        name - of the attribute
        up - it the position must be moved up