Class WindowUtils

  • public class WindowUtils
    extends Object
    Utilities for accessing the javascript Window object
    Marco Meschieri - LogicalDOC
    • Constructor Detail

      • WindowUtils

        public WindowUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • getRequestInfo

        public static RequestInfo getRequestInfo()
      • getAppName

        public static String getAppName()
      • reload

        public static void reload()
      • setTitle

        public static void setTitle​(String title)
      • setTitle

        public static void setTitle​(GUIInfo info,
                                    String prefix)
      • setFavicon

        public static void setFavicon​(GUIInfo info)
      • openUrl

        public static void openUrl​(String url)
      • openUrl

        public static void openUrl​(String url,
                                   String window)
      • focus

        public static void focus()
      • left

        public static String left()
      • top

        public static String top()
      • getUserAgent

        public static String getUserAgent()
      • openHtmlInWindow

        public static void openHtmlInWindow​(String title,
                                            String html)
        Opens a given HTML document in new popup windows
        title - window titlew
        html - the HTML code to display
      • isChrome

        public static boolean isChrome()
      • isWindows

        public static boolean isWindows()