Uses of Package
Packages that use com.logicaldoc.core.metadata Package Description com.logicaldoc.cmis com.logicaldoc.core.automation Automation subsystem that allows you to program your own logic inside the platform.
The automation engine can be accessed through the classAutomation
Please note the special annotationAutomationDictionary
that is used to automatically put in the Dictionary whatever bean you com.logicaldoc.core.folder Contains the definitions ofFolder
as well as other related objectscom.logicaldoc.core.generic Contains the definitions ofGeneric
that is a persistent object used as a general way to store informations in the databasecom.logicaldoc.core.metadata Package that collects the template and attribute sets definitions.
Many objects of the LogicalDOC platform are extensible and can store your custom metadata, they are all those that extends theExtensibleObject
.com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine The core of the search com.logicaldoc.webservice.model -
Classes in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata used by com.logicaldoc.cmis Class Description TemplateDAO This class is a DAO-service for document templates. -
Classes in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata used by com.logicaldoc.core.automation Class Description Template A template collects a set of attributesets ant is itself an extensible object. -
Classes in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata used by com.logicaldoc.core.document Class Description ExtensibleObject An extensible object is able to store an undeterminate number of attributes.Template A template collects a set of attributesets ant is itself an extensible object.TemplateDAO This class is a DAO-service for document templates. -
Classes in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata used by com.logicaldoc.core.folder Class Description ExtensibleObject An extensible object is able to store an undeterminate number of attributes.Template A template collects a set of attributesets ant is itself an extensible object. -
Classes in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata used by com.logicaldoc.core.generic Class Description ExtensibleObject An extensible object is able to store an undeterminate number of attributes. -
Classes in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata used by com.logicaldoc.core.metadata Class Description Attribute This class defines the value of an attribute associated to an extensible object.AttributeOption Represents an option for a multi-choice attributeAttributeOptionDAO DAO forAttributeOption
handling.AttributeSet Represents a set of attributesAttributeSetDAO This class is a DAO-service for attribute sets.ExtensibleObject An extensible object is able to store an undeterminate number of attributes.Template A template collects a set of attributesets ant is itself an extensible object.TemplateDAO This class is a DAO-service for document templates. -
Classes in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata used by com.logicaldoc.core.searchengine Class Description ExtensibleObject An extensible object is able to store an undeterminate number of attributes. -
Classes in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata used by Class Description AttributeSetDAO This class is a DAO-service for attribute sets.TemplateDAO This class is a DAO-service for document templates. -
Classes in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata used by com.logicaldoc.webservice.model Class Description AttributeSet Represents a set of attributesTemplate A template collects a set of attributesets ant is itself an extensible object.