Uses of Class
Packages that use DocumentHistory Package Description com.logicaldoc.core.automation Automation subsystem that allows you to program your own logic inside the platform.
The automation engine can be accessed through the classAutomation
Please note the special annotationAutomationDictionary
that is used to automatically put in the Dictionary whatever bean you Machinery for converting documents to different com.logicaldoc.core.document.dao com.logicaldoc.core.ticket com.logicaldoc.core.transfer -
Uses of DocumentHistory in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.automation that return types with arguments of type DocumentHistory Modifier and Type Method Description List<DocumentHistory>
DocTool. getHistories(long docId, String event)
Retrieve the list of events of a documentMethods in com.logicaldoc.core.automation with parameters of type DocumentHistory Modifier and Type Method Description String
DocTool. displayUrl(DocumentHistory history)
Builds the display url of a document(display permalink)String
DocTool. downloadUrl(DocumentHistory history)
Builds the download url of a document(download permalink) -
Uses of DocumentHistory in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.conversion with parameters of type DocumentHistory Modifier and Type Method Description Document
FormatConverterManager. convert(Document document, String fileVersion, String format, DocumentHistory transaction)
Converts a document into another format and saves the resulting file in the same foldervoid
FormatConverterManager. convertToFile(Document document, String fileVersion, File out, DocumentHistory transaction)
Converts a document and writes the content of the conversion into a file. -
Uses of DocumentHistory in com.logicaldoc.core.document
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.document that return DocumentHistory Modifier and Type Method Description DocumentHistory
DocumentHistory. clone()
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.document with parameters of type DocumentHistory Modifier and Type Method Description void
DocumentListener. afterCheckin(Document document, DocumentHistory transaction, Map<String,Object> dictionary)
Called after a document is checked invoid
DocumentListener. afterStore(Document document, DocumentHistory transaction, Map<String,Object> dictionary)
Called after a document is stored in the databasevoid
DocumentManager. archiveDocuments(long[] docIds, DocumentHistory transaction)
Archives all the documents in a folder's treevoid
DocumentManagerImpl. archiveDocuments(long[] docIds, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManager. archiveFolder(long folderId, DocumentHistory transaction)
Archives all the documents in a folder's treelong
DocumentManagerImpl. archiveFolder(long folderId, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentListener. beforeCheckin(Document document, DocumentHistory transaction, Map<String,Object> dictionary)
Called before a document is checked invoid
DocumentListener. beforeStore(Document document, DocumentHistory transaction, Map<String,Object> dictionary)
Called before a document is stored in the databasevoid
DocumentManager. checkin(long docId, File file, String filename, boolean release, AbstractDocument docVO, DocumentHistory transaction)
Checks in the given documentvoid
DocumentManager. checkin(long docId, InputStream fileInputStream, String filename, boolean release, AbstractDocument docVO, DocumentHistory transaction)
Checks in the given documentvoid
DocumentManagerImpl. checkin(long docId, File file, String filename, boolean release, AbstractDocument docVO, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManagerImpl. checkin(long docId, InputStream content, String filename, boolean release, AbstractDocument docVO, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManager. checkout(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
Checks out the given documentvoid
DocumentManagerImpl. checkout(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManager. copyToFolder(Document doc, Folder folder, DocumentHistory transaction)
Copy a document to the specified folder.Document
DocumentManagerImpl. copyToFolder(Document doc, Folder folder, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManager. create(File file, Document docVO, DocumentHistory transaction)
Creates a new Document.Document
DocumentManager. create(InputStream content, Document docVO, DocumentHistory transaction)
Creates a new Document.Document
DocumentManagerImpl. create(File file, Document docVO, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManagerImpl. create(InputStream content, Document docVO, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManager. createAlias(Document doc, Folder folder, String type, DocumentHistory transaction)
Create an alias(shortcut) associated to the given doc to the specified folder.Document
DocumentManagerImpl. createAlias(Document doc, Folder folder, String aliasType, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManager. createDownloadTicket(long docId, String suffix, Integer expireHours, Date expireDate, Integer maxDownloads, String urlPrefix, DocumentHistory transaction)
Creates a new download ticket.Ticket
DocumentManagerImpl. createDownloadTicket(long docId, String suffix, Integer expireHours, Date expireDate, Integer maxDownloads, String urlPrefix, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManager. deleteVersion(long versionId, DocumentHistory transaction)
Deletes a specific version.Version
DocumentManagerImpl. deleteVersion(long versionId, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManager. enforceFilesIntoFolderStorage(long rootFolderId, DocumentHistory transaction)
Moves all the files of the documents in the given tree from it's original location to the storage defined in the owning folderint
DocumentManagerImpl. enforceFilesIntoFolderStorage(long rootFolderId, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManager. lock(long docId, int status, DocumentHistory transaction)
Locks the given documentvoid
DocumentManagerImpl. lock(long docId, int status, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManager. makeImmutable(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
Marks the document, with the given docId, as immutable and save the given document historyvoid
DocumentManagerImpl. makeImmutable(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManager. merge(Collection<Document> documents, long targetFolderId, String fileName, DocumentHistory transaction)
Merges a set of documents into a single PDF file 0Document
DocumentManagerImpl. merge(Collection<Document> documents, long targetFolderId, String fileName, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManager. moveToFolder(Document doc, Folder folder, DocumentHistory transaction)
Moves a document to the specified folder.void
DocumentManagerImpl. moveToFolder(Document doc, Folder folder, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManager. promoteVersion(long docId, String version, DocumentHistory transaction)
Promotes an old version to the current default one.void
DocumentManagerImpl. promoteVersion(long docId, String version, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManager. reindex(long docId, String content, DocumentHistory transaction)
Re-indexes an existing document in the full-text index.long
DocumentManagerImpl. reindex(long docId, String content, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManager. rename(long docId, String newName, DocumentHistory transaction)
Rename an existing document filename.void
DocumentManagerImpl. rename(long docId, String newName, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManager. replaceAlias(long aliasId, DocumentHistory transaction)
Replaces an alias with a copy of the original fileDocument
DocumentManagerImpl. replaceAlias(long aliasId, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManager. replaceFile(long docId, String fileVersion, File newFile, DocumentHistory transaction)
Replaces the file of a given versionvoid
DocumentManager. replaceFile(long docId, String fileVersion, InputStream newFile, DocumentHistory transaction)
Replaces the file of a given versionvoid
DocumentManagerImpl. replaceFile(long docId, String fileVersion, File newFile, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManagerImpl. replaceFile(long docId, String fileVersion, InputStream content, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManager. unlock(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
UNChecks out the given documentvoid
DocumentManagerImpl. unlock(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentManager. update(Document doc, Document docVO, DocumentHistory transaction)
Updates an existing document and marks it to be re-indexedvoid
DocumentManagerImpl. update(Document doc, Document docVO, DocumentHistory transaction)
Uses of DocumentHistory in com.logicaldoc.core.document.dao
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.document.dao that return types with arguments of type DocumentHistory Modifier and Type Method Description List<DocumentHistory>
DocumentHistoryDAO. findByDocId(long docId)
This method selects all histories of a given document.List<DocumentHistory>
HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO. findByDocId(long docId)
DocumentHistoryDAO. findByDocIdAndEvent(long docId, String event)
This method selects all histories of a given document.List<DocumentHistory>
HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO. findByDocIdAndEvent(long docId, String event)
DocumentHistoryDAO. findByFolderId(long folderId)
This method selects all histories of a given folder.List<DocumentHistory>
HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO. findByFolderId(long folderId)
DocumentHistoryDAO. findByPath(String pathExpression, Date oldestDate, Collection<String> events, Integer max)
This method finds all histories about a path (you can use expression)List<DocumentHistory>
HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO. findByPath(String pathExpression, Date olderDate, Collection<String> events, Integer max)
DocumentHistoryDAO. findByUserId(long userId)
This method selects all histories of a given user.List<DocumentHistory>
HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO. findByUserId(long userId)
DocumentHistoryDAO. findByUserIdAndEvent(long userId, String event, String sessionId)
This method selects all histories of a given user and related to the given event.List<DocumentHistory>
HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO. findByUserIdAndEvent(long userId, String event, String sessionId)
DocumentHistoryDAO. findNotNotified(Integer max)
This method selects all histories not notified yet.List<DocumentHistory>
HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO. findNotNotified(Integer max)
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.document.dao with parameters of type DocumentHistory Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
DocumentDAO. archive(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
Archives a documentboolean
HibernateDocumentDAO. archive(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentDAO. delete(long docId, int delCode, DocumentHistory transaction)
This method deletes the document object and insert a new document history entry.boolean
DocumentDAO. delete(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
Shortcut for delete(docId, 1, transaction)boolean
HibernateDocumentDAO. delete(long docId, int delCode, DocumentHistory transaction)
HibernateDocumentDAO. delete(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentDAO. deleteAll(Collection<Document> documents, int delCode, DocumentHistory transaction)
Deletes all documents form the database and modifies the custom ids of all documentsvoid
DocumentDAO. deleteAll(Collection<Document> documents, DocumentHistory transaction)
Shortcut for deleteAll(documents, 1, transaction)void
HibernateDocumentDAO. deleteAll(Collection<Document> documents, int delCode, DocumentHistory transaction)
HibernateDocumentDAO. deleteAll(Collection<Document> documents, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentDAO. makeImmutable(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
Marks the document, with the given docId, as immutable.void
HibernateDocumentDAO. makeImmutable(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentDAO. restore(long docId, long folderId, DocumentHistory transaction)
Restores a previously deleted documentvoid
HibernateDocumentDAO. restore(long docId, long folderId, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentDAO. saveDocumentHistory(Document doc, DocumentHistory transaction)
Saves a document's historyvoid
HibernateDocumentDAO. saveDocumentHistory(Document doc, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentDAO. setPassword(long docId, String password, DocumentHistory transaction)
Protects the document with a password.void
HibernateDocumentDAO. setPassword(long docId, String password, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentDAO. store(Document doc, DocumentHistory transaction)
This method persists the document object and insert a new document history entryboolean
DocumentNoteDAO. store(DocumentNote note, DocumentHistory transaction)
HibernateDocumentDAO. store(Document doc, DocumentHistory transaction)
HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO. store(DocumentHistory history)
HibernateDocumentNoteDAO. store(DocumentNote note, DocumentHistory transaction)
HibernateRatingDAO. store(Rating rating, DocumentHistory transaction)
RatingDAO. store(Rating rating, DocumentHistory transaction)
Stores a rating and saves the document's historyvoid
DocumentDAO. unarchive(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
Restores a previously archived documentvoid
HibernateDocumentDAO. unarchive(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentDAO. unsetPassword(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
Removes the password protection from the document.void
HibernateDocumentDAO. unsetPassword(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
Uses of DocumentHistory in com.logicaldoc.core.ticket
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.ticket with parameters of type DocumentHistory Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
HibernateTicketDAO. store(Ticket entity, DocumentHistory transaction)
TicketDAO. store(Ticket ticket, DocumentHistory transaction)
This method persists the download ticket object and insert a new document history entry -
Uses of DocumentHistory in com.logicaldoc.core.transfer
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.transfer with parameters of type DocumentHistory Modifier and Type Method Description ByteArrayOutputStream
ZipExport. process(Long[] docIds, boolean pdfConversion, DocumentHistory transaction)
Exports a selection of documentsvoid
ZipExport. process(Long[] docIds, OutputStream out, boolean pdfConversion, DocumentHistory transaction)
Exports a selection of documents