void |
DocumentService.addBookmarks(long[] targetIds,
int type) |
Adds new bookmarks
GUIDocument[] |
DocumentService.addDocuments(boolean importZip,
String charset,
boolean immediateIndexing,
GUIDocument metadata) |
GUIDocument[] |
DocumentService.addDocuments(String language,
long folderId,
boolean importZip,
String charset,
boolean immediateIndexing,
Long templateId) |
Adds new documents previously uploaded
void |
ImpexService.addDocuments(long archiveId,
long[] documentIds) |
Adds a set of documents(their current versions) to the given archive
void |
ImpexService.addFolder(long archiveId,
long folderId) |
Adds a a folder(the current version of the contained documents at any
long |
DocumentService.addNote(long docId,
String note) |
Adds a new document note on the given document
long |
WorkflowService.addNote(String taskId,
String note) |
Adds a new note on the workflow instance
void |
TagService.addTag(String tag) |
Adds a new tag in the list of available tags
void |
StampService.addUsers(long[] userIds,
long stampId) |
Assigns users to stamp
void |
WorkflowService.appendDocuments(String taskId,
Long[] docIds) |
Appends to the workflow of the given taskId the documents with the given
doc ids
void |
FolderService.applyGridLayout(long folderId) |
Replicates the folder's grid layout to all the subtree
void |
FolderService.applyMetadata(long parentId) |
Applies all extended attributes to a sub-tree
void |
FolderService.applyOCR(long parentId) |
Applies all OCR settings to a sub-tree
void |
FolderService.applyRights(GUIFolder folder,
boolean subfolders) |
Applies all security settings to folder
void |
StampService.applyStamp(long[] docIds,
GUIStamp stamp) |
Applies a stamp to the given document
void |
FolderService.applyStorage(long parentId) |
Applies the storage setting to a sub-tree
void |
FolderService.applyTags(long parentId) |
Applies all tags to a sub-tree
void |
FolderService.applyTemplate(long folderId,
long templateId,
boolean inheritSecurity) |
Applies a template to a folder
void |
AutomationService.applyTriggersToTree(long rootId) |
Applies the triggers on a root folder to all the subtree
void |
WorkflowService.applyTriggersToTree(long folderId) |
Applies the triggers on a root folder to all the subtree
void |
DocumentService.archiveDocuments(long[] docIds,
String comment) |
Archives a set of documents
long |
DocumentService.archiveFolder(long folderId,
String comment) |
Archives the documents in a folder
String |
DocuSignService.authorize(GUIDocuSignSettings settings) |
Saves the settings into the database and returns the authorization URL
the user must be redirected to.
String |
ShareFileService.authorize(String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Saves the settings into the database and returns the authorization URL
the user must be redirected to.
void |
DocumentService.bulkUpdate(long[] ids,
GUIDocument vo,
boolean ignoreEmptyFields) |
Applies to a selection of documents all the given data
void |
TenantService.changeAdminPassword(String password,
String tenantName) |
Changes the password of the administrator of the given tenant
GUITenant |
TenantService.changeSessionTenant(long tenantId) |
Change session tenant
void |
EmailAccountService.changeStatus(long id,
boolean enabled) |
Changes an account enabled/disabled status
void |
ImportFolderService.changeStatus(long id,
boolean enabled) |
Changes a importFolder enabled/disabled status
void |
ReportService.changeStatus(long id,
boolean enabled) |
Changes a report enabled/disabled status
void |
RetentionPoliciesService.changeStatus(long id,
boolean enabled) |
Changes a policy enabled/disabled status
void |
StampService.changeStatus(long stampId,
boolean enabled) |
Changes a stamp enabled/disabled status
void |
SyndicationService.changeStatus(long id,
boolean enabled) |
Changes a syndication enabled/disabled status
void |
TwoFactorsAuthenticationService.changeTwoFactorsAuthentication(long userId,
String secondFactor,
String key,
String account,
boolean notify) |
Changed the two factors authentication for a user
String |
SearchEngineService.check() |
Checks the indexer
GUIDocument |
DocumentService.checkin(GUIDocument document,
boolean major) |
Checks-in a new document version
GUIDocument |
GDriveService.checkin(long docId,
String comment,
boolean major) |
Performs the check-in of a Google Drives's document into the LogicalDOC
GUIDocument |
ZohoService.checkin(long docId,
String comment,
boolean major) |
Performs the check-in of a Zoho's document into the LogicalDOC
GUIDocument |
DocumentService.checkinContent(long docId,
String content) |
Checks-in a new document's text content
void |
DocumentService.checkout(long[] docIds) |
Checks out the document
GUIWorkflow |
WorkflowService.claimTask(String taskId,
String userId) |
The given user take the ownership of the task.
void |
DocumentService.cleanUploadedFileFolder() |
Cleans the uploaded files folder
int[] |
FolderService.computeStats(long folderId) |
Counts the docs and subfolders of a given parent
String |
UpdateService.confirmPatch(String patchFileName) |
Confirms a patch
void |
SystemService.confirmUpdate() |
Confirms the last update
String |
UpdateService.confirmUpdate(String updateFileName) |
Confirms an update package
GUIDocument |
DocumentService.convert(long docId,
String fileVersion,
String format) |
Converts a document in a given format
void |
FolderService.copyFolders(long[] folderIds,
long targetId,
boolean foldersOnly,
boolean inheritSecurity) |
Copies a folder under a target folder
int |
WorkflowService.countAssignedTasks(String username) |
Counts all the tasks assigned to the given user
long |
DocumentService.countDocuments(long[] folderIds,
int status) |
Counts the documents in a given status contained the specified folder's
long |
TemplateService.countDocuments(long templateId) |
Counts the documents of a given template
long |
SearchEngineService.countEntries() |
Counts the total number of entries
int |
CalendarService.countUserEvents(String username,
Date end) |
Counts the number of events that start from now until a given date
GUIFolder |
FolderService.create(GUIFolder newFolder,
boolean inheritSecurity) |
Creates a new folder
GUIDocument |
FormService.create(GUIDocument form) |
Creates a new form
String |
GDriveService.create(String fileName) |
Creates a new Google Document
GUIReport |
ReportService.create(GUIReport report) |
Creates a new report
GUIFolder |
FolderService.createAlias(long parentId,
long foldRef) |
Creates a new folder alias
GUIDocument |
DocumentService.createDocument(GUIDocument document,
String content) |
Creates a new document with the given text content
String |
DocumentService.createDownloadTicket(long docId,
String suffix,
Integer expireHours,
Date expireDate,
Integer maxDownloads) |
GUIDocument |
DocumentService.createWithContent(GUIDocument vo,
String content) |
Creates a new empty document
void |
DocumentService.deDuplicate(Long folderId,
boolean retainNewest) |
Convert duplicates with aliases, just one of the documents is maintained
void |
AttributeSetService.delete(long setId) |
Deletes a given set
void |
BarcodeService.delete(long templateId) |
Deletes a given template
void |
ContactService.delete(long[] ids) |
Deletes a selection of contacts
void |
DashletService.delete(long dashletId) |
void |
DocumentService.delete(long[] ids) |
Deletes a selection of documents
void |
EmailAccountService.delete(long id) |
Deletes a given account
void |
FolderService.delete(long[] folderIds) |
Deletes the folders and the subtrees
void |
FormService.delete(long formId) |
Deletes a form
void |
GDriveService.delete(String resourceId) |
Deletes a document in Google Drive
void |
ImpexService.delete(long archiveId) |
Deletes a specific archive by its identifier
void |
ImportFolderService.delete(long id) |
Deletes a given import folder
void |
LDAPService.delete(long serverId) |
Deletes the specified server
void |
MessageService.delete(long[] ids) |
Deletes a list of Messages
void |
ReportService.delete(long id) |
Deletes a given report
void |
RetentionPoliciesService.delete(long id) |
Deletes a given policy
void |
SchemeService.delete(long templateId,
String type) |
Deletes a template
void |
SearchService.delete(String[] names) |
Deletes a previously saved search
void |
StampService.delete(long id) |
Deletes a given stamp
void |
SyndicationService.delete(long id) |
Deletes a given syndication
void |
TagService.delete(String tag) |
Deletes an existing tag
void |
TemplateService.delete(long templateId) |
Deletes a given template
void |
TenantService.delete(long tenantId) |
Deletes a specific tenant by its ID
void |
WorkflowService.delete(String workflowName) |
Deletes a given workflow
void |
ZohoService.delete(String resourceId) |
Deletes a document in Zoho
void |
ZonalOCRService.delete(long templateId) |
Deletes a given template
void |
DocumentService.deleteBookmarks(long[] bookmarkIds) |
Deletes a set of bookmarks
void |
SignService.deleteCertificate() |
Delete the certificate of the current user
void |
CalendarService.deleteEvent(long eventId) |
Deletes an event.
void |
ImpexService.deleteFolder(String folderName) |
Deletes a folder in impex/in folder
void |
DocumentService.deleteFromTrash(Long[] ids) |
Deletes a selection of documents from trash
void |
FolderService.deleteFromTrash(Long[] ids) |
Deletes a selection of folders from trash
void |
ImpexService.deleteIncremental(long id) |
Deletes a given incremental configuration
void |
WorkflowService.deleteInstance(String id) |
Deletes a given workflow instance
void |
SignService.deleteKeystore(long tenantId) |
Deletes the actual key store
void |
DocumentService.deleteLinks(long[] ids) |
Deletes a selection of links
void |
WorkflowService.deleteNote(long noteId) |
Deletes a note
void |
DocumentService.deleteNotes(long[] ids) |
Deletes a selection of document notes
void |
AttributeSetService.deleteOptions(long setId,
String attribute,
String[] values) |
Delete a selection of options
Integer |
DocumentService.deleteRating(long id) |
Deletes a vote
void |
AutomationService.deleteRoutines(long[] ids) |
void |
SchemeService.deleteSequence(long sequenceId) |
Deletes the given sequence
void |
AuditService.deleteSubscriptions(long[] ids) |
Deletes a list of Subscriptions
void |
MessageService.deleteTemplates(long[] ids) |
Deletes a selection of templates
void |
MessageService.deleteTemplates(String name) |
Deletes the templates with the given name
void |
DocumentService.deleteTicket(long ticketId) |
void |
WorkflowService.deleteTrigger(long id) |
Deletes a workflow trigger
void |
AutomationService.deleteTriggers(long[] ids) |
GUIDocument |
DocumentService.deleteVersions(long[] ids) |
Deletes a selection of versions
GUIArchive |
ImpexService.deleteVersions(long archiveId,
Long[] versionIds) |
Deletes a set of versions from the given archive
GUIWorkflow |
WorkflowService.deploy(GUIWorkflow workflow) |
Deploys a given workflow
boolean |
SystemService.disableTask(String taskName) |
Disables the task
void |
DocumentService.disableTicket(long ticketId) |
void |
DocumentService.emptyTrash() |
Clear the user's trash
boolean |
SystemService.enableTask(String taskName) |
Enables the task
void |
DocumentService.enableTicket(long ticketId) |
String |
TenantService.encodeBrandingImage() |
Encodes the uploaded branding image
void |
WorkflowService.endTask(String taskId,
String transitionName) |
Ends a task invoking the transition
void |
DocumentService.enforceFilesIntoFolderStorage(long folderId) |
Enforces that all the files in the given tree are stored in the storage
configured in the owning folder.
void |
AutomationService.execute(GUIAutomationRoutine routine,
Long[] docIds,
Long folderId) |
Executes a routine or a given script
void |
ReportService.execute(long id,
GUIAttribute[] parameters) |
Processes a report
boolean |
DropboxService.exportDocuments(String targetPath,
long[] folderIds,
long[] docIds) |
Exports documents and folders into Dropbox
String[] |
GDriveService.exportDocuments(long[] ids) |
Exports a selection of documents from LogicalDOC into GoogleDocs
boolean |
ShareFileService.exportDocuments(String targetFolder,
long[] folderIds,
long[] docIds) |
Exports documents and folders into ShareFille
boolean |
ZohoService.exportDocuments(String targetFolderId,
long[] folderIds,
long[] docIds) |
Exports documents and folders into Zoho
GUIEmail |
DocumentService.extractEmail(long docId,
String fileVersion) |
Extracts the email representation from a .eml or .msg file
GUICalendarEvent[] |
CalendarService.find(Date startDate,
Date endDate,
Date expireFrom,
Date expireTo,
Integer frequency,
String title,
String type,
String subtype,
Integer status,
Integer maxRecords) |
Searches for events
String |
DropboxService.finishAuthorization(String authorizationCode) |
Ends the authorization code and saves the access token in the database
String[] |
TwoFactorsAuthenticationService.generateGoogleAuthorizationCredentials(String account) |
Creates new credentials of the given account name.
void |
SignService.generateNewCertificate() |
void |
SignService.generateNewKeystore(GUIKeystore keystore) |
Discards the actual key store and generates a new one
String |
TwoFactorsAuthenticationService.generateYubiKeyCredentials(String key) |
Saves the YubiKey credentials in the given user.
GUIDashlet |
DashletService.get(long dashletId) |
Gets a dashlet
GUIDashlet |
DashletService.get(String name) |
Gets a dashlet
GUIEmailAccount |
EmailAccountService.get(long id) |
Loads a given account from the database
LDAPService.get(long serverId) |
Loads external authentication settings
GUIScheme |
SchemeService.get(long templateId,
String type) |
Loads a given configuration from the database
GUIVIASettings |
VIAService.get() |
Retrieves the settings
GUIWorkflow |
WorkflowService.get(String workflowName,
Integer version) |
Loads a given workflow from the database
GUIAttribute[] |
DocumentService.getAttributes(long templateId) |
Retrieves all attributes of the specified template
GUIAttributeSet |
AttributeSetService.getAttributeSet(long setId) |
Loads a given set from the database
GUIDocument |
DocumentService.getById(long docId) |
Retrieves a specific document by its ID
GUIWorkflow |
WorkflowService.getCompletionDiagram(String workflowName,
Integer version,
String processInstanceId) |
Loads a given workflow to display a completion diagram
String |
DocumentService.getContentAsString(long docId) |
Retrieves the document's content as a string
GUICalendarEvent |
CalendarService.getEvent(long eventId) |
Gets an event
GUIFolder |
FolderService.getFolder(long folderId,
boolean computePath,
boolean computeDocs,
boolean computeSubfolders) |
Gets the Folder initializing the permissions.
GUIImportFolder |
ImportFolderService.getImportFolder(long id) |
Loads a given import folder from the database
GUISearchEngine |
SearchEngineService.getInfo() |
Loads a search engine that contains all search engine details.
GUIMessage |
MessageService.getMessage(long messageId,
boolean markAsRead) |
Gets the Message
GUIDocumentNote[] |
DocumentService.getNotes(long docId,
String fileVersion,
Collection<String> types) |
Retrieves the notes of a document
String[] |
UpdateService.getPatchNotes(String patchFileName) |
Retrieves more informations from the patch
GUIValue[] |
SystemService.getPlugins() |
Retrieves all plug-ins
GUIRetentionPolicy |
RetentionPoliciesService.getPolicy(long id) |
Loads a given policy from the database
GUIRating |
DocumentService.getRating(long docId) |
Retrieves the rating of the given document
GUIReport |
ReportService.getReport(long id,
boolean withLog) |
Loads a given report from the database
GUIAttribute[] |
ReportService.getReportParameters(long id) |
Loads the attributes defined in the given report
GUIReport[] |
ReportService.getReports() |
Loads all the reports
GUIAutomationRoutine |
AutomationService.getRoutine(long id) |
Loads a given routine from the database
GUIParameter[] |
TagService.getSettings() |
Gets the tag settings
Collection<String> |
DocuSignService.getSigners(String envelopeId) |
Retrieves the list of signers of a given envelope
GUIStamp |
StampService.getStamp(long stampId) |
Loads a given stamp from the database
GUIParameter[][] |
SystemService.getStatistics(String locale) |
Retrieves all the statistics parameters.
GUISyndication |
SyndicationService.getSyndication(long id) |
Loads a given syndication from the database
GUITag[] |
TagService.getTagCloud() |
Loads the tag cloud from the server
GUITask |
SystemService.getTaskByName(String taskName,
String locale) |
Retrieves a specific task by its name
GUIBarcodeTemplate |
BarcodeService.getTemplate(long templateId) |
Loads a given template from the database
GUIMessageTemplate |
MessageService.getTemplate(long templateId) |
Gets the template
GUITemplate |
TemplateService.getTemplate(long templateId) |
Loads a given template from the database
GUIOCRTemplate |
ZonalOCRService.getTemplate(long templateId) |
Loads a given template from the database
GUIAutomationTrigger |
AutomationService.getTrigger(long id) |
Loads a given trigger from the database
String[] |
UpdateService.getUpdateNotes(String updateFileName) |
Retrieves more informations from the update
GUIRating |
DocumentService.getUserRating(long docId) |
Retrieves the vote of the current user on the specified document
GUIVersion[] |
DocumentService.getVersionsById(long id1,
long id2) |
Retrieves two specific versions by its ID
GUIWorkflow |
WorkflowService.getWorkflowDetailsByTask(String taskId) |
Retrieves all the info of the workflow of the given task
void |
SignService.imporKeystore(GUIKeystore keystore) |
GUIBranding |
TenantService.importBrandingPackage() |
Imports the uploaded branding package
int |
DropboxService.importDocuments(long targetFolder,
String[] paths) |
void |
GDriveService.importDocuments(String[] resourceIds,
long targetFolderId,
String format) |
Imports some Google documents into LogicalDOC
int |
ShareFileService.importDocuments(long targetFolder,
String[] itemIds) |
int |
ZohoService.importDocuments(long targetFolder,
String[] folderCompositeIds,
String[] documentIds) |
Exports documents and folders from Zoho into LogicalDOC
GUIWorkflow |
WorkflowService.importSchema() |
Imports a new workflow schema already uploaded
GUIValue[] |
LDAPService.importUsers(String[] usernames,
long serverId) |
Imports a selection of users
void |
DocumentService.indexDocuments(Long[] docIds) |
Indexes the given set of documents
GUIFolder |
FolderService.inheritRights(long folderId,
long rightsFolderId) |
Inherits the rights of another folder
void |
ChatService.invite(String[] users,
String invitation) |
Invites the users to join the chat
boolean |
DocuSignService.isAuthorized() |
Checks if the current user is authorized to interact with DocuSign
boolean |
ShareFileService.isAuthorized() |
Checks if the current user is authorized to interact with ShreFile
boolean |
DropboxService.isConnected() |
Checks if the user has connected the LogicalDOC application to his
Dropbox account
boolean |
SignService.isVisualSignatureEnabled() |
void |
DocumentService.linkDocuments(long[] inDocIds,
long[] outDocIds) |
Links a set of documents
GUIWorkflow[] |
WorkflowService.list() |
Lists all the workflows on the database
GUIUser[] |
LDAPService.listUsers(String login,
long serverId) |
Search for users in the LDAP repository
GUIContact |
ContactService.load(long id) |
Loads a contact from the database
GUIArchive |
ImpexService.load(long archiveId) |
Loads a given archive
GUIScheme[] |
SchemeService.load() |
Load all Custom Identifiers rules
GUISearchOptions |
SearchService.load(String name) |
Loads a saved search
GUITenant |
TenantService.load(long tenantId) |
Loads a given tenant
String |
ZohoService.loadAuthToken() |
GUIParameter[] |
SettingService.loadClientSettings() |
Loads web services, webDav and other client-related settings
GUIParameter[] |
SettingService.loadConverterParameters(String converter) |
Loads the parameters of a specified converter
GUIDashlet[] |
DashletService.loadDashlets() |
Loads all the dashlet definitions
GUIEmailSettings |
SettingService.loadEmailSettings() |
Loads email settings (SMTP connection)
GUIParameter[] |
SettingService.loadGUISettings() |
Load the GUI settings
GUIIncrementalArchive |
ImpexService.loadIncremental(long id) |
Loads an incremental configuration
GUIKeystore |
SignService.loadKeystore(long tenantId) |
Gets the keystore's metadata of the given tenant
GUISequence[] |
SchemeService.loadSequences() |
Loads the list of sequences
GUIDocuSignSettings |
DocuSignService.loadSettings() |
Retrieves the DocuSign settings from the server.
String[] |
GDriveService.loadSettings() |
Save the settings used by the Google Drive module
GUIParameter[] |
OCRService.loadSettings() |
Loads the OCR settings
GUIParameter[] |
SettingService.loadSettings() |
Loads the complete settings set
String[] |
ShareFileService.loadSettings() |
Retrieve the settings saved for connecting to FileShare
GUIParameter[] |
SettingService.loadSettingsByNames(String[] names) |
Loads a set of settings values
GUITask[] |
SystemService.loadTasks(String locale) |
Retrieves all tasks.
GUIValue[] |
FolderService.loadTemplates() |
Loads the folders templates
GUIMessageTemplate[] |
MessageService.loadTemplates(String language,
String type) |
Loads the templates configured for a given language and type
void |
DocumentService.lock(long[] docIds,
String comment) |
Locks a set of documents
void |
ClusterService.makeGlobal(String[] parameters) |
Shares a list of configuration parameters
void |
DocumentService.makeImmutable(long[] docIds,
String comment) |
Makes immutable a set of documents
void |
ClusterService.makeLocal(String[] parameters) |
Unshares a list of configuration parameters
void |
DocumentService.markHistoryAsRead(String event) |
Marks as read the histories related to the current user and the given
void |
DocumentService.markIndexable(long[] docIds,
int policy) |
Marks a set of documents as indexable
void |
DocumentService.markUnindexable(long[] docIds) |
Marks a set of documents as unindexable
void |
BarcodeService.markUnprocessable(long[] ids) |
Marks a set of documents as not processable
void |
ZonalOCRService.markUnprocessable(long[] ids) |
Marks a set of documents as not processable
GUIDocument |
DocumentService.merge(long[] docIds,
long targetFolderId,
String fileName) |
Merges a set of documents into a single PDF
void |
FolderService.move(long[] folderIds,
long targetId) |
Moves some folders under a target folder
GUIContact[] |
ContactService.parseContacts(boolean preview,
String separator,
String delimiter,
boolean skipFirstRow,
int firstName,
int lastName,
int email,
int company,
int phone,
int mobile,
int address) |
Reads the contacts that are about to be imported from CSV file
String[] |
AttributeSetService.parseOptions(long setId,
String attribute) |
Reads the contacts that are about to be imported from CSV
void |
FolderService.paste(long[] docIds,
long folderId,
String action) |
Pastes documents into the target folder
void |
FolderService.pasteAsAlias(long[] docIds,
long folderId,
String type) |
void |
ChatService.post(String message) |
Posts a message to the chat
GUIDocument |
BarcodeService.process(long docId) |
Processes the given document
GUIDocument |
ZonalOCRService.process(long docId) |
Processes the given document
GUIDocument |
DocumentService.promoteVersion(long docId,
String version) |
If you promote a prior version, what it does is make it the default
version again.
GUIWorkflow |
WorkflowService.reassignTask(String taskId,
String userId) |
The task is assigned to another user
void |
WorkflowService.removeDocument(String taskId,
long docId) |
Detaches a document from a workflow
void |
TagService.removeTag(String tag) |
Removes an available from the list of available tags
void |
StampService.removeUsers(long[] userIds,
long stampId) |
Remove users from stamp
void |
FolderService.rename(long folderId,
String name) |
Renames the given folder
void |
TagService.rename(String tag,
String newTag) |
Rename an existing tag to another label
void |
LDAPService.reorder(Long[] serverIds) |
void |
RetentionPoliciesService.reorder(long[] ids) |
Reorder the policies
void |
SearchEngineService.reorderTokenFilters(String[] filters) |
Reorders the token filters.
GUIDocument |
DocumentService.replaceAlias(long aliasId) |
Replaces an alias with a copy of the original file
void |
DocumentService.replaceFile(long docId,
String fileVersion,
String comment) |
Replaces the file associated to a given version
void |
BarcodeService.rescheduleAll() |
Reschedule all documents for processing
void |
SearchEngineService.rescheduleAll(boolean dropIndex) |
Reschedule all entries for indexing
void |
ZonalOCRService.rescheduleAll() |
Reschedule all documents for processing
void |
EmailAccountService.resetCache(long id) |
Cleans the cache
void |
ImportFolderService.resetCache(long id) |
Cleans the cache
void |
SyndicationService.resetCache(long id) |
Cleans the cache
void |
SchemeService.resetSequence(long sequenceId,
long value) |
Reset the numbering of a given sequence
void |
SystemService.restart() |
Restarts the application
void |
DocumentService.restore(Long[] docIds,
long folderId) |
Restores a given document
void |
FolderService.restore(Long[] folderIds,
long targetId) |
Restores a given folder
GUIAttributeSet |
AttributeSetService.save(GUIAttributeSet set) |
Creates or updates a set
GUIBarcodeTemplate |
BarcodeService.save(GUIBarcodeTemplate template) |
Creates or updates a template
void |
ContactService.save(GUIContact contact) |
Saves a contact in the database
void |
DashletService.save(GUIDashlet dashlet) |
Saves a dashlet
GUIEmailAccount |
EmailAccountService.save(GUIEmailAccount account) |
Creates or updates an account
GUIFolder |
FolderService.save(GUIFolder folder) |
Saves the folder in the DB
GUIArchive |
ImpexService.save(GUIArchive archive) |
Saves/Updates a given archive
GUIImportFolder |
ImportFolderService.save(GUIImportFolder importFolder) |
Creates or updates an import folder
LDAPService.save(GUILDAPServer ldapServer) |
Saves external authentication settings
void |
MessageService.save(GUIMessage message,
long[] recipientIds) |
GUIReport |
ReportService.save(GUIReport report) |
Updates a report
GUIRetentionPolicy |
RetentionPoliciesService.save(GUIRetentionPolicy policy) |
Creates or updates a retention policy
void |
SchemeService.save(GUIScheme scheme) |
Creates or updates a configuration
void |
SearchEngineService.save(GUISearchEngine searchEngine) |
Saves search engine settings
boolean |
SearchService.save(GUISearchOptions options) |
Saves the search options in the user's working dir
GUIStamp |
StampService.save(GUIStamp stamp) |
Creates or updates a stamp
GUISyndication |
SyndicationService.save(GUISyndication syndication) |
Creates or updates a syndication
GUITemplate |
TemplateService.save(GUITemplate template) |
Creates or updates a template
GUITenant |
TenantService.save(GUITenant tenant) |
Saves/Updates a given tenant
GUIVIASettings |
VIAService.save(GUIVIASettings settings) |
Saves the settings
GUIWorkflow |
WorkflowService.save(GUIWorkflow workflow) |
Creates or updates a workflow
GUIOCRTemplate |
ZonalOCRService.save(GUIOCRTemplate template) |
Creates or updates a template
void |
ZohoService.saveAuthToken(String authToken) |
void |
DashletService.saveDashlets(GUIDashlet[] dashlets) |
Saves the dashlet definitions
GUIDocument |
DocumentService.saveEmailAttachment(long docId,
String fileVersion,
String attachmentFileName) |
Extracts an email attachment and saves it in the same folder of the
void |
SettingService.saveEmailSettings(GUIEmailSettings settings) |
Saves email settings (SMTP connection)
void |
CalendarService.saveEvent(GUICalendarEvent event) |
Saves an event into the calendar
void |
SettingService.saveExtensionAliases(String extension,
String aliases) |
Persists new aliases for the given extension
void |
StampService.saveImage(long stampId) |
Saves the stamp's image already uploaded
GUIIncrementalArchive |
ImpexService.saveIncremental(GUIIncrementalArchive incremental) |
Saves the passed incremental configuration
void |
SignService.saveKeystore(GUIKeystore keystore) |
void |
DocumentService.saveNotes(long docId,
GUIDocumentNote[] notes,
Collection<String> types) |
Saves a set of notes
void |
AttributeSetService.saveOptions(long setId,
String attribute,
String[] values) |
Saves the list of all possible options
int |
DocumentService.saveRating(GUIRating rating) |
Save a rating vote on a document
void |
SettingService.saveRegistration(String name,
String email,
String organization,
String website) |
Saves the registration settings
GUIAutomationRoutine |
AutomationService.saveRoutine(GUIAutomationRoutine routine) |
Creates or updates a routine
String |
GDriveService.saveSettings(String clientId,
String clientSecret) |
Save the settings used by the Google Drive module
void |
SettingService.saveSettings(GUIParameter[] settings) |
Saves settings
void |
SettingService.saveStorageSettings(GUIParameter[] settings) |
Saves settings related to the storage
GUITask |
SystemService.saveTask(GUITask task,
String locale) |
Saves the task
void |
FolderService.saveTemplates(GUIValue[] templates) |
Saves the passed folder templates
void |
MessageService.saveTemplates(GUIMessageTemplate[] templates) |
Saves the given templates
void |
SearchEngineService.saveTokenFilterSettings(String filter,
GUIParameter[] settings) |
Saves the settings of the specified token filter
GUIAutomationTrigger |
AutomationService.saveTrigger(GUIAutomationTrigger trigger) |
Creates or updates a trigger
void |
WorkflowService.saveTrigger(String folderId,
String workflowId,
String templateId,
String events) |
Save a new workflow trigger on the given folder with the given workflowId
and templateId
void |
DashletService.saveUserDashlets(GUIDashlet[] dashlets) |
Saves the user's dashlet configuration
GUIDocument[] |
GDriveService.search(String expression) |
Search in documents into Google Drive
GUIResult |
SearchService.search(GUISearchOptions options) |
Performs a search against the database
GUIHistory[] |
SystemService.search(String userName,
Date from,
Date till,
int maxResult,
String historySid,
String[] event,
Long rootFolderId) |
String |
DocumentService.sendAsEmail(GUIEmail email,
String locale) |
Sends a document as email(attachment or download ticket)
String |
DocuSignService.sendEnvelope(GUIDocuSignSettings envelope) |
Creates the envelope and sends it to DocuSign
void |
SearchEngineService.setAliases(String extension,
String aliases) |
Sets the parser aliases for the given extension.
void |
FolderService.setFolderPagination(long folderId,
Integer startRecord,
Integer pageSize) |
Sets the pagination informations for the visualization of the folders
void |
SystemService.setGUILanguageStatus(String language,
boolean active) |
Changes the activation status of a language
void |
SearchEngineService.setLanguageStatus(String language,
boolean active) |
Changes the activation status of a language
void |
DocumentService.setPassword(long docId,
String password) |
Puts a password protection to the document
void |
ImpexService.setStatus(long archiveId,
int status) |
Change the status of the given Archive
void |
SearchEngineService.setTokenFilterStatus(String language,
boolean active) |
Changes the activation status of a token filter
void |
SignService.signDocuments(long[] docIds,
String reason,
int page,
String signX,
String signY,
String signWidth) |
void |
SplitService.split(long docId,
int policy,
int separator,
String expression) |
Splits a document using different options, the splitted segments are
saved in the same folder as the original PDF with -N prefix.
String |
DropboxService.startAuthorization() |
Starts the authorization process and returns the Dropbox authorization
page URL to be shown to the user
void |
ImpexService.startImport(String folderName) |
Create a new import archive for the specified bundle folder
void |
WorkflowService.startWorkflow(String workflowName,
String workflowDescription,
String tag,
long[] docIds) |
Start a workflow with the given name and associated to the documents with
the given doc ids
void |
ReportService.storeUploadedDesign(long id) |
Store the uploaded design file in the given report
void |
AuditService.subscribeDocuments(long[] docIds,
String[] events,
Long userId,
Long groupId) |
Subscribes a selection of documents
void |
AuditService.subscribeFolder(long folderId,
boolean currentOnly,
String[] events,
Long userId,
Long groupId) |
Subscribes a folder
boolean |
EmailAccountService.test(long id) |
Test the connection to the given account
boolean |
ImportFolderService.test(long id) |
Tests the connection to the given import folder
boolean |
SyndicationService.test(long id) |
Test the connection to the given syndication
boolean |
LDAPService.testConnection(GUILDAPServer ldapServer) |
Tests the connection
boolean |
SettingService.testEmail(String email) |
Tests the SMTP connection
boolean |
SettingService.testStorage(int id) |
Tests a storage (read/write access)
void |
WorkflowService.turnBackTaskToPool(String taskId) |
The task is reassigned to the pooled users
void |
DocumentService.unarchiveDocuments(long[] docIds) |
Restores a given set of archived documents
void |
WorkflowService.undeploy(String workflowName) |
Undeploys a given workflow
void |
DocumentService.unlock(long[] docIds) |
Unlocks a set of documents
void |
SearchEngineService.unlock() |
Unlocks the indexer
boolean |
DocumentService.unprotect(long docId,
String password) |
Checks if the document can be accessed with the given password
void |
DocumentService.unsetPassword(long docId,
String password) |
Removes the password protection from the document
void |
AuditService.update(long[] ids,
boolean currentOnly,
String[] events) |
Changes a set of subscriptions
void |
DocumentService.updateBookmark(GUIBookmark bookmark) |
Updates a single bookmark's data
void |
DocumentService.updateLink(long id,
String type) |
Updates the links type
void |
DocumentService.updateNote(long docId,
long noteId,
String note) |
Updates a document note on the given document
GUIBarcodeSpec |
BarcodeService.updateZone(GUIBarcodeSpec zone) |
Updates a single zone, if the zone does not exist it will be created
GUIZone |
ZonalOCRService.updateZone(GUIZone zone) |
Updates a single zone, if the zone does not exist it will be created
String |
GDriveService.upload(long docId) |
Uploads a document to Google Drive
String |
ZohoService.upload(long docId) |
Uploads a document to Zoho.
Collection<GUIDocument> |
DocuSignService.validateEnvelope(Collection<Long> docIds) |
Checks if a collection of document can be put into an envelope, that is
if all of them define the docusign tabs annotations.