Uses of Class
Packages that use Session Package Description com.logicaldoc.core Core plug-in that contains the most important domain objectscom.logicaldoc.core.automation Automation subsystem that allows you to program your own logic inside the platform.
The automation engine can be accessed through the classAutomation
Please note the special annotationAutomationDictionary
that is used to automatically put in the Dictionary whatever bean you com.logicaldoc.dropbox com.logicaldoc.web.service GWT services com.logicaldoc.web.websockets -
Uses of Session in com.logicaldoc.core
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core with parameters of type Session Modifier and Type Method Description void
History. setSession(Session session)
This setter sets the sessionId, userId, username and other informations that can be captured by the given session -
Uses of Session in com.logicaldoc.core.automation
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.automation that return Session Modifier and Type Method Description Session
SecurityTool. getSession(String sid)
Retrieves a session by it's identifier -
Uses of Session in com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.dashlet that return Session Modifier and Type Method Description static Session
DashletContent. validateSession(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Uses of Session in
Methods in that return Session Modifier and Type Method Description Session
SessionManager. createSession(User user, Client client)
Creates a new session by authenticated the given user and stores it in the pool of opened sessionsSession
SessionManager. get(Object sid)
SessionManager. getByClientId(String clientId)
Gets the session of the given clientSession
SessionManager. getSession(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Gets the Session with the identifier returned bySessionManager.getSessionId(HttpServletRequest)
SessionManager. newSession(String username, String password, Client client)
Creates a new session by authenticated the given user and stores it in the pool of opened sessionsSession
SessionManager. newSession(String username, String password, String key, Client client)
Creates a new session by authenticating the given user and stores it in the pool of opened sessionsSession
SessionManager. remove(Object sid)
Methods in that return types with arguments of type Session Modifier and Type Method Description List<Session>
SessionManager. getSessions()
Returns the list of sessions of the current node ordered by ascending status and creation date.Methods in with parameters of type Session Modifier and Type Method Description int
Session. compareTo(Session o)
SessionListener. onSessionCreated(Session session)
Uses of Session in
Methods in that return Session Modifier and Type Method Description Session
HibernateSessionDAO. findBySid(String sid)
SessionDAO. findBySid(String sid)
Retrieves the session of the given SIDMethods in that return types with arguments of type Session Modifier and Type Method Description List<Session>
HibernateSessionDAO. findByNode(String node)
SessionDAO. findByNode(String node)
Retrieves the session of the given nodeMethods in with parameters of type Session Modifier and Type Method Description void
HibernateSessionDAO. initialize(Session session)
Uses of Session in com.logicaldoc.dropbox
Methods in com.logicaldoc.dropbox that return Session Modifier and Type Method Description static Session
SessionUtil. validateSession(String sid)
Throws a runtime exception id the given session is invalidstatic Session
SessionUtil. validateSession(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Methods in com.logicaldoc.dropbox with parameters of type Session Modifier and Type Method Description static Locale
SessionUtil. currentLocale(Session session)
Uses of Session in com.logicaldoc.web.service
Methods in com.logicaldoc.web.service with parameters of type Session Modifier and Type Method Description static GUIDocument
DocumentServiceImpl. getDocument(Session session, long docId)
static GUIFolder
FolderServiceImpl. getFolder(Session session, long folderId)
static GUIFolder
FolderServiceImpl. getFolder(Session session, long folderId, boolean computePath)
SearchServiceImpl. getSearches(Session session)
Load all the search options associated to all the searches saved for the current userGUISession
SecurityServiceImpl. loadSession(Session sess, String locale)
Used internally by login procedures, instantiates a new GUISession by a given authenticated user -
Uses of Session in com.logicaldoc.web.util
Methods in com.logicaldoc.web.util that return Session Modifier and Type Method Description static Session
ServiceUtil. checkEvenOneMenu(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, long... menuIds)
Checks if a specific menu is accessible by the user in the current sessionstatic Session
ServletUtil. checkEvenOneMenu(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, long... menuIds)
Checks if at least one of the given menus is accessible by the user in the current sessionstatic Session
ServiceUtil. checkMenu(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, long menuId)
Check if a specific menu is accessible by the user in the current sessionstatic Session
ServletUtil. checkMenu(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, long menuId)
static Session
ServiceUtil. validateSession(String sid)
Throws a runtime exception id the given session is invalidstatic Session
ServiceUtil. validateSession(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
static Session
ServletUtil. validateSession(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Methods in com.logicaldoc.web.util with parameters of type Session Modifier and Type Method Description static Locale
ServiceUtil. currentLocale(Session session)
static boolean
ServiceUtil. executeLongRunningOperation(String name, Runnable runnable, Session session)
Executes a given operation and waits a given amount of time for it's completion, if it does not complete in time the thread is left running in background.static Object
ServiceUtil. throwServerException(Session session, org.slf4j.Logger logger, Throwable t)
Uses of Session in com.logicaldoc.web.websockets
Methods in com.logicaldoc.web.websockets with parameters of type Session Modifier and Type Method Description void
WebsocketTool. openUrl(Session session, String url, String target)
Send to the Interface the command to open an URLvoid
WebsocketTool. showMessage(Session session, String message, String level)
Send to the Interface the command to display a message