Uses of Class
Packages that use PersistenceException Package Description com.logicaldoc.core Core plug-in that contains the most important domain objectscom.logicaldoc.core.communication com.logicaldoc.core.document.dao com.logicaldoc.core.folder Contains the definitions ofFolder
as well as other related objectscom.logicaldoc.core.generic Contains the definitions ofGeneric
that is a persistent object used as a general way to store informations in the databasecom.logicaldoc.core.metadata Package that collects the template and attribute sets definitions.
Many objects of the LogicalDOC platform are extensible and can store your custom metadata, they are all those that extends theExtensibleObject com.logicaldoc.core.sequence -
Uses of PersistenceException in com.logicaldoc.core
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core that throw PersistenceException Modifier and Type Method Description int
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. bulkUpdate(String expression, Object[] values)
PersistentObjectDAO. bulkUpdate(String expression, Object[] values)
Executes a bulk update as specified by the given expressionboolean
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. delete(long id)
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. delete(long id, int code)
PersistentObjectDAO. delete(long id)
This method deletes an entity.boolean
PersistentObjectDAO. delete(long id, int code)
This method deletes an entity and you can give a deletion codevoid
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. deleteAll(Collection<T> entities)
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. deleteAll(Collection<T> entities, int code)
PersistentObjectDAO. deleteAll(Collection<T> entities)
Deletes all entries form the databasevoid
PersistentObjectDAO. deleteAll(Collection<T> entities, int code)
Deletes all entries form the database giving a specific deletion codeList<T>
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. findByObjectQuery(String query, Object[] values, Integer max)
PersistentObjectDAO. findByObjectQuery(String query, Object[] values, Integer max)
Finds all entities by the given object query.List
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. findByQuery(String query, Object[] values, Integer max)
PersistentObjectDAO. findByQuery(String query, Object[] values, Integer max)
Find everything you want from the DB using the ORM query languageList<T>
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. findByWhere(String where, Object[] values, String order, Integer max)
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. findByWhere(String where, String order, Integer max)
PersistentObjectDAO. findByWhere(String where, Object[] values, String order, Integer max)
Finds all entities by the given expression.List<T>
PersistentObjectDAO. findByWhere(String where, String order, Integer max)
Finds all entities by the given expression.List<Long>
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. findIdsByWhere(String where, Object[] values, String order, Integer max)
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. findIdsByWhere(String where, String order, Integer max)
PersistentObjectDAO. findIdsByWhere(String where, Object[] values, String order, Integer max)
Finds all entities ids by the given expression.List<Long>
PersistentObjectDAO. findIdsByWhere(String where, String order, Integer max)
Finds all entities ids by the given
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. jdbcUpdate(String statement)
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. jdbcUpdate(String statement, Object... args)
PersistentObjectDAO. jdbcUpdate(String statement)
Executes the given SQL update statementint
PersistentObjectDAO. jdbcUpdate(String statement, Object... args)
Issue a single SQL update operation (such as an insert, update or delete statement) via a prepared statement, binding the given argumentsList
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. query(String sql, Object[] args, org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper rowMapper, Integer maxRows)
PersistentObjectDAO. query(String sql, Object[] args, org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper rowMapper, Integer maxRows)
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, mapping each row to a Java object via a
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. queryForInt(String sql)
PersistentObjectDAO. queryForInt(String sql)
Execute a query that results in an int value, given static SQL.List
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. queryForList(String sql, Class elementType)
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. queryForList(String sql, Object[] args, Class elementType, Integer maxRows)
PersistentObjectDAO. queryForList(String sql, Class elementType)
Execute a query for a result list, given static SQL.List
PersistentObjectDAO. queryForList(String sql, Object[] args, Class elementType, Integer maxRows)
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result list.long
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. queryForLong(String sql)
PersistentObjectDAO. queryForLong(String sql)
Execute a query that results in an long value, given static SQL.Object
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. queryForObject(String sql, Class type)
PersistentObjectDAO. queryForObject(String sql, Class type)
Execute a query that results in a Object value, given static
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. queryForRowSet(String sql, Object[] args, Integer maxRows)
PersistentObjectDAO. queryForRowSet(String sql, Object[] args, Integer maxRows)
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, returns a navigable RowSetString
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. queryForString(String sql)
PersistentObjectDAO. queryForString(String sql)
Execute a query that results in an string value, given static SQL.boolean
HibernatePersistentObjectDAO. store(T entity)
PersistentObjectDAO. store(T entity)
This method persists the entity object -
Uses of PersistenceException in com.logicaldoc.core.communication
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.communication that throw PersistenceException Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
HibernateSystemMessageDAO. store(SystemMessage message)
Uses of PersistenceException in com.logicaldoc.core.document.dao
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.document.dao that throw PersistenceException Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
DocumentDAO. archive(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
Archives a documentvoid
DocumentDAO. cleanExpiredTransactions()
Cleans all references to expired transactions.void
HibernateDocumentDAO. cleanExpiredTransactions()
DocumentNoteDAO. copyAnnotations(long docId, String oldFileVersion, String newFileVersion)
Copies all the notes not associated to a specific page from a given file version to anotherint
HibernateDocumentNoteDAO. copyAnnotations(long docId, String oldFileVersion, String newFileVersion)
DocumentDAO. delete(long docId, int delCode, DocumentHistory transaction)
This method deletes the document object and insert a new document history entry.boolean
DocumentDAO. delete(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
Shortcut for delete(docId, 1, transaction)boolean
HibernateDocumentNoteDAO. delete(long id, int code)
HibernateRatingDAO. delete(long id, int code)
DocumentDAO. deleteAll(Collection<Document> documents, int delCode, DocumentHistory transaction)
Deletes all documents form the database and modifies the custom ids of all documentsvoid
DocumentDAO. deleteAll(Collection<Document> documents, DocumentHistory transaction)
Shortcut for deleteAll(documents, 1, transaction)boolean
DocumentDAO. deleteOrphaned(long deleteUserId)
This method deletes the documents into deleted folders.void
DocumentDAO. makeImmutable(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
Marks the document, with the given docId, as immutable.void
DocumentDAO. restore(long docId, long folderId, DocumentHistory transaction)
Restores a previously deleted documentvoid
HibernateDocumentDAO. restore(long docId, long folderId, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentDAO. setPassword(long docId, String password, DocumentHistory transaction)
Protects the document with a password.void
HibernateDocumentDAO. setPassword(long docId, String password, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentDAO. store(Document doc, DocumentHistory transaction)
This method persists the document object and insert a new document history entryboolean
DocumentNoteDAO. store(DocumentNote note, DocumentHistory transaction)
HibernateDocumentDAO. store(Document doc)
HibernateDocumentDAO. store(Document doc, DocumentHistory transaction)
HibernateDocumentHistoryDAO. store(DocumentHistory history)
HibernateDocumentLinkDAO. store(DocumentLink entity)
HibernateDocumentNoteDAO. store(DocumentNote note, DocumentHistory transaction)
HibernateRatingDAO. store(Rating rating, DocumentHistory transaction)
RatingDAO. store(Rating rating, DocumentHistory transaction)
Stores a rating and saves the document's historyvoid
DocumentDAO. unarchive(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
Restores a previously archived documentvoid
DocumentDAO. unsetPassword(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
Removes the password protection from the document.void
HibernateDocumentDAO. unsetPassword(long docId, DocumentHistory transaction)
DocumentDAO. updateDigest(Document doc)
Updates the document's digest (SHA-1)void
HibernateDocumentDAO. updateDigest(Document doc)
Uses of PersistenceException in com.logicaldoc.core.folder
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.folder that throw PersistenceException Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
FolderDAO. applyMetadataToTree(long id, FolderHistory transaction)
Propagates the template metadata to the whole subreeboolean
FolderDAO. applyOCRToTree(long id, FolderHistory transaction)
Propagates the OCR settings to the whole subreeboolean
HibernateFolderDAO. applyOCRToTree(long id, FolderHistory transaction)
FolderDAO. applyStorageToTree(long id, FolderHistory transaction)
Propagates the storage setting to the whole subreeboolean
HibernateFolderDAO. applyStorageToTree(long id, FolderHistory transaction)
FolderDAO. applyTagsToTree(long id, FolderHistory transaction)
Propagates the tags to the whole subreeFolder
FolderDAO. copy(Folder source, Folder target, boolean foldersOnly, boolean inheritSecurity, FolderHistory transaction)
Copies a folder into another folderFolder
HibernateFolderDAO. copy(Folder source, Folder target, boolean foldersOnly, boolean inheritSecurity, FolderHistory transaction)
FolderDAO. create(Folder parent, Folder folderVO, boolean inheritSecurity, FolderHistory transaction)
Creates a new folder in the parent FolderFolder
HibernateFolderDAO. create(Folder parent, Folder folderVO, boolean inheritSecurity, FolderHistory transaction)
FolderDAO. createAlias(long parentId, long foldRef, FolderHistory transaction)
Creates a new folder folder aliasFolder
HibernateFolderDAO. createAlias(long parentId, long foldRef, FolderHistory transaction)
FolderDAO. createPath(Folder parent, String path, boolean inheritSecurity, FolderHistory transaction)
Creates the folder for the specified path.Folder
HibernateFolderDAO. createPath(Folder parent, String path, boolean inheritSecurity, FolderHistory transaction)
FolderDAO. delete(long id, int delCode, FolderHistory transaction)
This method deletes the folder object and insert a new folder history entryboolean
FolderDAO. delete(long id, FolderHistory transaction)
Shortcut for delete(id, 1, transaction)boolean
HibernateFolderDAO. delete(long folderId, int code)
HibernateFolderDAO. delete(long folderId, int delCode, FolderHistory transaction)
HibernateFolderDAO. delete(long folderId, FolderHistory transaction)
FolderDAO. deleteAll(Collection<Folder> folders, int delCode, FolderHistory transaction)
For each folder, save the folder delete history entry for each folder and delete the foldervoid
FolderDAO. deleteAll(Collection<Folder> folders, FolderHistory transaction)
Shortcut for deleteAll(folders, 1, transaction)void
HibernateFolderDAO. deleteAll(Collection<Folder> folders, int code, FolderHistory transaction)
HibernateFolderDAO. deleteAll(Collection<Folder> folders, FolderHistory transaction)
FolderDAO. deleteTree(Folder folder, int delCode, FolderHistory transaction)
Deletes a folder and all its sub-folders that a user can delete.List<Folder>
HibernateFolderDAO. deleteTree(Folder folder, int delCode, FolderHistory transaction)
FolderDAO. move(Folder source, Folder target, FolderHistory transaction)
Moves a folder into another foldervoid
HibernateFolderDAO. move(Folder source, Folder target, FolderHistory transaction)
FolderDAO. restore(long folderId, long parentId, FolderHistory transaction)
Restores a previously deleted foldervoid
HibernateFolderDAO. restore(long folderId, long parentId, FolderHistory transaction)
FolderDAO. store(Folder folder, FolderHistory transaction)
Same as store(Folder, boolean, FolderHistory)boolean
HibernateFolderDAO. store(Folder folder)
HibernateFolderDAO. store(Folder folder, FolderHistory transaction)
HibernateFolderHistoryDAO. store(FolderHistory history)
Uses of PersistenceException in com.logicaldoc.core.generic
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.generic that throw PersistenceException Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
HibernateGenericDAO. delete(long genericId, int code)
HibernateGenericDAO. store(Generic entity)
Uses of PersistenceException in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.metadata that throw PersistenceException Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
HibernateTemplateDAO. delete(long id, int code)
HibernateAttributeSetDAO. store(AttributeSet set)
Uses of PersistenceException in
Methods in that throw PersistenceException Modifier and Type Method Description Menu
HibernateMenuDAO. createPath(long parentId, long tenantId, int type, String path, boolean inheritSecurity)
MenuDAO. createPath(long parentId, long tenantId, int type, String path, boolean inheritSecurity)
Creates the menu for the specified path.boolean
HibernateMenuDAO. delete(long menuId, int code)
HibernateMenuDAO. deleteAll(Collection<Menu> menus)
HibernateMenuDAO. restore(long menuId, boolean parents)
MenuDAO. restore(long id, boolean parents)
Restores a previously deleted menuboolean
HibernateDeviceDAO. store(Device entity)
HibernateGroupDAO. store(Group group)
HibernateMenuDAO. store(Menu menu)
HibernateUserHistoryDAO. store(UserHistory history)
DeviceDAO. trustDevice(User user, Device device)
Trusts a device for a userDevice
HibernateDeviceDAO. trustDevice(User user, Device requestDevice)
Uses of PersistenceException in com.logicaldoc.core.sequence
Methods in com.logicaldoc.core.sequence that throw PersistenceException Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
HibernateSequenceDAO. delete(long id, int code)
HibernateSequenceDAO. delete(String name, long objectId, long tenantId)
SequenceDAO. delete(String name, long objectId, long tenantId)
Deletes the sequence