Class I18N

  • public class I18N
    extends Object
    Retrieves i18n resources
    Marco Meschieri - LogicalDOC
    • Constructor Detail

      • I18N

        public I18N()
    • Method Detail

      • messageWithDefault

        public static String messageWithDefault​(String key,
                                                String def)
      • getLocale

        public static String getLocale()
      • getDefaultLocaleForDoc

        public static String getDefaultLocaleForDoc()
        Computes the default suitable language for documents
        the default locale
      • groupingSepator

        public static char groupingSepator()
      • decimalSepator

        public static char decimalSepator()
      • setLocale

        public static void setLocale​(String locale)
      • getLanguages

        public GUIValue[] getLanguages()
      • setLanguages

        public static void setLanguages​(GUIValue[] languages)
      • init

        public static void init​(GUIInfo info)
      • getGuiLanguages

        public static GUIValue[] getGuiLanguages()
      • setGuiLanguages

        public static void setGuiLanguages​(GUIValue[] guiLanguages)
      • formatDateShort

        public static String formatDateShort​(Date date)
      • formatDate

        public static String formatDate​(Date date)
      • getDateFormatShort

        public static getDateFormatShort()
      • getDateFormat

        public static getDateFormat()
      • getDateDisplayFormat

        public static com.smartgwt.client.types.DateDisplayFormat getDateDisplayFormat​(boolean withTime)
      • getAttributeLabel

        public static String getAttributeLabel​(String name)