Interface ArchiveDAO

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ArchiveDAO
    extends com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO<Archive>
    DAO for Archives handling.
    Matteo Caruso - LogicalDOC
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      List<Long> findArchivedIds​(long archiveId)
      Retrieves the identifiers of all versions archived into an archive
      List<Archive> findByMode​(int mode, Long tenantId)
      Retrieves all the archive with the given mode
      List<Archive> findByModeAndName​(int mode, String name, Long tenantId)
      Retrieves all the archive with the given mode and the given name
      List<Archive> findByModeAndStatus​(int mode, int status, Long tenantId)
      Retrieves all the archive with the given mode and the given status
      List<Archive> findByModeAndStatusAndType​(int mode, int status, int type, Long tenantId)
      Retrieves all the archive with the given mode and the given type
      List<Archive> findByModeAndType​(int mode, int type, Long tenantId)
      Retrieves all the archive with the given mode and the given type
      Archive findByName​(String name, long tenantId)
      Retrieves the archive by the given name
      List<Archive> findByStatus​(int status, Long tenantId)
      Retrieves all the archive with the given status
      void initialize​(Archive archive)
      Initializes lazy loaded collections
      boolean removeVersions​(long archiveId, Long[] versionIds)
      Performs a bulk update removing all versions from the given archive.
      boolean store​(Archive entity, boolean updateSize)
      This method persists the entity object and updates the whole size
      • Methods inherited from interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO

        bulkUpdate, delete, delete, deleteAll, deleteAll, findAll, findAll, findAllIds, findAllIds, findById, findById, findByObjectQuery, findByQuery, findByWhere, findByWhere, findIdsByWhere, findIdsByWhere, getDbms, isOracle, jdbcUpdate, jdbcUpdate, query, queryForInt, queryForList, queryForList, queryForLong, queryForObject, queryForRowSet, queryForString, store
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        void initialize​(Archive archive)
        Initializes lazy loaded collections
        Specified by:
        initialize in interface com.logicaldoc.core.PersistentObjectDAO<Archive>
        archive - The archive to be initialized
      • findByName

        Archive findByName​(String name,
                           long tenantId)
        Retrieves the archive by the given name
        name - The archive name
        tenantId - The tenant of the archive
        The archive with the given name
      • findByStatus

        List<Archive> findByStatus​(int status,
                                   Long tenantId)
        Retrieves all the archive with the given status
        status - The archive status
        tenantId - The archive tenant
        A list of archives with the given status
      • store

        boolean store​(Archive entity,
                      boolean updateSize)
               throws com.logicaldoc.core.PersistenceException
        This method persists the entity object and updates the whole size
        entity - entity to be stored.
        updateSize - true if you want to update archive total size
        True if successfully stored in a database.
        com.logicaldoc.core.PersistenceException - error in the database
      • findArchivedIds

        List<Long> findArchivedIds​(long archiveId)
        Retrieves the identifiers of all versions archived into an archive
        archiveId - the archive ID
        list of identifiers
      • findByMode

        List<Archive> findByMode​(int mode,
                                 Long tenantId)
        Retrieves all the archive with the given mode
        mode - The archive mode
        tenantId - The archive tenant
        A list of archives with the given mode
      • findByModeAndStatus

        List<Archive> findByModeAndStatus​(int mode,
                                          int status,
                                          Long tenantId)
        Retrieves all the archive with the given mode and the given status
        mode - The archive mode
        status - The archive status
        tenantId - The archive tenant
        A list of archives with the given mode and the given status ordered by creation date descending
      • findByModeAndName

        List<Archive> findByModeAndName​(int mode,
                                        String name,
                                        Long tenantId)
        Retrieves all the archive with the given mode and the given name
        mode - The archive mode
        name - The archive name
        tenantId - The archive tenant
        A list of archives with the given mode and the given name
      • removeVersions

        boolean removeVersions​(long archiveId,
                               Long[] versionIds)
        Performs a bulk update removing all versions from the given archive. The export status of the involved documents is set to UNLOCKED.
        archiveId - The archive identifier
        versionIds - The array of version ids to be removed
        if the versions were correctly removed
      • findByModeAndType

        List<Archive> findByModeAndType​(int mode,
                                        int type,
                                        Long tenantId)
        Retrieves all the archive with the given mode and the given type
        mode - The archive mode
        type - The archive type
        tenantId - The archive tenant
        A list of archives with the given mode and the given type ordered by creation date descending
      • findByModeAndStatusAndType

        List<Archive> findByModeAndStatusAndType​(int mode,
                                                 int status,
                                                 int type,
                                                 Long tenantId)
        Retrieves all the archive with the given mode and the given type
        mode - The archive mode
        status - The archive status
        type - The archive type
        tenantId - The archive tenant
        A list of archives with the given mode, the given status and the given type ordered by creation date descending