Class RestConversionService

    • Constructor Detail

      • RestConversionService

        public RestConversionService()
    • Method Detail

      • convertDocument

        public javax.activation.DataHandler convertDocument​(@QueryParam("docId")
                                                            long docId,
                                                            String fileVersion,
                                                            String format)
                                                     throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: ConversionService
        Converts an existing document and saves the generated conversion in LogicalDOC.
        Specified by:
        convertDocument in interface ConversionService
        docId - The document id
        fileVersion - The file version
        format - The output conversion format
        The conversion's binary
        Exception - error in the service
      • convertDocumentAndSave

        public long convertDocumentAndSave​(@QueryParam("docId")
                                           long docId,
                                           String fileVersion,
                                           String format)
                                    throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: ConversionService
        Converts an existing document and saves the generated conversion in LogicalDOC.
        Specified by:
        convertDocumentAndSave in interface ConversionService
        docId - The document id
        fileVersion - The file version
        format - The output conversion format
        the ID of the generated conversion file
        Exception - error in the service
      • convertDocumentToPdf

        public void convertDocumentToPdf​(@QueryParam("docId")
                                         long docId,
                                         String fileVersion)
                                  throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: ConversionService
        Creates the PDF conversion of the given document. If the conversion was already created, nothing will happen.
        Specified by:
        convertDocumentToPdf in interface ConversionService
        docId - The document id
        fileVersion - The specific file version(it can be empty)
        Exception - error in the service
      • convertFile

        public javax.activation.DataHandler convertFile​(List<org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.multipart.Attachment> attachments)
                                                 throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: ConversionService
        Converts a given file and returns the conversion. Expected attachments are:
        1. fileName - name of the original file
        2. format - The output format (ag: pdf, ods, doc)
        3. fileContent - The content of the original file
        Specified by:
        convertFile in interface ConversionService
        attachments - list of attachments
        the raw content of the converted file
        Exception - error in the service