Class FolderServiceImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:,, FolderService, Serializable, javax.servlet.Servlet, javax.servlet.ServletConfig

    public class FolderServiceImpl
    implements FolderService
    Implementation of the FolderService
    Matteo Caruso - LogicalDOC
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void applyGridLayout​(long folderId)
      Replicates the folder's grid layout to all the subtree
      void applyMetadata​(long parentId)
      Applies all extended attributes to a sub-tree
      void applyRights​(GUIFolder folder, boolean subtree)
      Applies all security settings to folder
      void applyTags​(long parentId)
      Applies all tags to a sub-tree
      void applyTemplate​(long folderId, long templateId, boolean inheritSecurity)
      Applies a template to a folder
      int[] computeStats​(long folderId)
      Counts the docs and subfolders of a given parent
      void copyFolders​(long[] folderIds, long targetId, boolean foldersOnly, boolean inheritSecurity)
      Copies a folder under a target folder
      GUIFolder create​(GUIFolder newFolder, boolean inheritSecurity)
      Creates a new folder
      GUIFolder createAlias​(long parentId, long foldRef)
      Creates a new folder alias
      void delete​(long[] folderIds)
      Deletes the folders and the subtrees
      void deleteFromTrash​(Long[] ids)
      Deletes a selection of folders from trash
      static GUIFolder fromFolder​(Folder folder, boolean computePath)  
      GUIFolder getFolder​(long folderId, boolean computePath, boolean computeDocs, boolean computeSubfolders)
      Gets the Folder initializing the permissions.
      static GUIFolder getFolder​(Session session, long folderId)  
      static GUIFolder getFolder​(Session session, long folderId, boolean computePath)  
      GUIFolder inheritRights​(long folderId, long rightsFolderId)
      Inherits the rights of another folder
      GUIValue[] loadTemplates()
      Loads the folders templates
      void move​(long[] folderIds, long targetId)
      Moves some folders under a target folder
      void paste​(long[] docIds, long folderId, String action)
      Pastes documents into the target folder
      void pasteAsAlias​(long[] docIds, long folderId, String type)  
      void rename​(long folderId, String name)
      Renames the given folder
      void restore​(Long[] folderIds, long parentId)
      Restores a given folder
      GUIFolder save​(GUIFolder folder)
      Saves the folder in the DB
      void saveTemplates​(GUIValue[] templates)
      Saves the passed folder templates
      void setFolderPagination​(long folderId, Integer startRecord, Integer pageSize)
      Sets the pagination informations for the visualization of the folders tree
      • Methods inherited from class

        getSerializationPolicy, init, processCall, processCall, processPost
      • Methods inherited from class

      • Methods inherited from class javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet

      • Methods inherited from class javax.servlet.GenericServlet

        destroy, getInitParameter, getInitParameterNames, getServletConfig, getServletContext, getServletInfo, getServletName, init, log, log
    • Constructor Detail

      • FolderServiceImpl

        public FolderServiceImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • inheritRights

        public GUIFolder inheritRights​(long folderId,
                                       long rightsFolderId)
                                throws ServerException
        Description copied from interface: FolderService
        Inherits the rights of another folder
        Specified by:
        inheritRights in interface FolderService
        folderId - The folder that has to be updated
        rightsFolderId - the folder that defines the rights
        The updated Folder
        ServerException - an error happened in the server application
      • applyRights

        public void applyRights​(GUIFolder folder,
                                boolean subtree)
                         throws ServerException
        Description copied from interface: FolderService
        Applies all security settings to folder
        Specified by:
        applyRights in interface FolderService
        folder - The folder that contains the new security settings
        subtree - If true, the current security settings will be applied to the sub-folders
        ServerException - an error happened in the server application
      • applyMetadata

        public void applyMetadata​(long parentId)
                           throws ServerException
        Description copied from interface: FolderService
        Applies all extended attributes to a sub-tree
        Specified by:
        applyMetadata in interface FolderService
        parentId - The parent folder containing the metadata
        ServerException - an error happened in the server application
      • delete

        public void delete​(long[] folderIds)
                    throws ServerException
        Description copied from interface: FolderService
        Deletes the folders and the subtrees
        Specified by:
        delete in interface FolderService
        folderIds - identifiers of the folders
        ServerException - an error happened in the server application
      • fromFolder

        public static GUIFolder fromFolder​(Folder folder,
                                           boolean computePath)
      • computeStats

        public int[] computeStats​(long folderId)
                           throws ServerException
        Description copied from interface: FolderService
        Counts the docs and subfolders of a given parent
        Specified by:
        computeStats in interface FolderService
        folderId - identifier of the folder
        the statistics
        ServerException - an error happened in the server application
      • getFolder

        public GUIFolder getFolder​(long folderId,
                                   boolean computePath,
                                   boolean computeDocs,
                                   boolean computeSubfolders)
                            throws ServerException
        Description copied from interface: FolderService
        Gets the Folder initializing the permissions.
        Specified by:
        getFolder in interface FolderService
        folderId - The folder identifier
        computePath - True if the complete path must be retrieved
        computeDocs - True if the number of contained documents must be computed
        computeSubfolders - True if the number of contained subfolders must be computed
        The Folder bean
        ServerException - an error happened in the server application
      • copyFolders

        public void copyFolders​(long[] folderIds,
                                long targetId,
                                boolean foldersOnly,
                                boolean inheritSecurity)
                         throws ServerException
        Description copied from interface: FolderService
        Copies a folder under a target folder
        Specified by:
        copyFolders in interface FolderService
        folderIds - identifiers of the folders
        targetId - identifier of the folder that will receive the copy
        foldersOnly - flag to copy just the folders and not the documents
        inheritSecurity - flag to inherit the security policies from targetId
        ServerException - an error happened in the server application
      • move

        public void move​(long[] folderIds,
                         long targetId)
                  throws ServerException
        Description copied from interface: FolderService
        Moves some folders under a target folder
        Specified by:
        move in interface FolderService
        folderIds - identifiers of the folders
        targetId - identifier of the folder that will receive the move
        ServerException - an error happened in the server application
      • rename

        public void rename​(long folderId,
                           String name)
                    throws ServerException
        Description copied from interface: FolderService
        Renames the given folder
        Specified by:
        rename in interface FolderService
        folderId - identifier of the folder
        name - the new folder's name
        ServerException - an error happened in the server application
      • create

        public GUIFolder create​(GUIFolder newFolder,
                                boolean inheritSecurity)
                         throws ServerException
        Description copied from interface: FolderService
        Creates a new folder
        Specified by:
        create in interface FolderService
        newFolder - The folder to be created
        inheritSecurity - True if the new folder has to inherit the security policies from the parent
        The saved folder
        ServerException - an error happened in the server application
      • createAlias

        public GUIFolder createAlias​(long parentId,
                                     long foldRef)
                              throws ServerException
        Description copied from interface: FolderService
        Creates a new folder alias
        Specified by:
        createAlias in interface FolderService
        parentId - The folder in which the alias must be created
        foldRef - The original folder
        The created alias
        ServerException - an error happened in the server application
      • applyTemplate

        public void applyTemplate​(long folderId,
                                  long templateId,
                                  boolean inheritSecurity)
                           throws ServerException
        Description copied from interface: FolderService
        Applies a template to a folder
        Specified by:
        applyTemplate in interface FolderService
        folderId - identifier of the folder to use as root
        templateId - identifier of the template to use
        inheritSecurity - if the new folders mus inherit the security from folderId
        ServerException - an error happened in the server application
      • restore

        public void restore​(Long[] folderIds,
                            long parentId)
                     throws ServerException
        Description copied from interface: FolderService
        Restores a given folder
        Specified by:
        restore in interface FolderService
        folderIds - identifiers of the folders
        parentId - identifier of the folder that will receive the restore
        ServerException - an error happened in the server application
      • applyTags

        public void applyTags​(long parentId)
                       throws ServerException
        Description copied from interface: FolderService
        Applies all tags to a sub-tree
        Specified by:
        applyTags in interface FolderService
        parentId - The parent folder containing the tags
        ServerException - an error happened in the server application
      • setFolderPagination

        public void setFolderPagination​(long folderId,
                                        Integer startRecord,
                                        Integer pageSize)
                                 throws ServerException
        Description copied from interface: FolderService
        Sets the pagination informations for the visualization of the folders tree
        Specified by:
        setFolderPagination in interface FolderService
        folderId - ID of the folder
        startRecord - Start record index
        pageSize - Current page size
        ServerException - an error happened in the server application
      • applyGridLayout

        public void applyGridLayout​(long folderId)
                             throws ServerException
        Description copied from interface: FolderService
        Replicates the folder's grid layout to all the subtree
        Specified by:
        applyGridLayout in interface FolderService
        folderId - identifier of the root folder whose setting will be replicated
        ServerException - error generated in the server application