Class SoapEnterpriseDocumentClient

    • Method Detail

      • uploadChunks

        public void uploadChunks​(String sid,
                                 File file,
                                 long chunkSize)
                          throws Exception
        Uploads big file in chunks
        sid - identifier of the session
        file - The original file
        chunkSize - Max size of a chunk in bytes
        Exception - error uploading the chunk
      • create

        public com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument create​(String sid,
                                                                 com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument document)
                                                          throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: EnterpriseDocumentService
        Creates a new document using the uploaded chunks. The user can completely customize the document through a value object containing the document's metadata
        Specified by:
        create in interface EnterpriseDocumentService
        sid - identifier of the session
        document - Web service value object containing the document's metadata
        The value object containing the document's metadata
        Exception - error in the server or in the database
      • checkin

        public void checkin​(String sid,
                            long docId,
                            String comment,
                            String filename,
                            boolean release,
                            com.logicaldoc.webservice.model.WSDocument docVO)
                     throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: EnterpriseDocumentService
        Checks in an existing document with the given identifier to create a new version, it uses the uploaded chunks
        Specified by:
        checkin in interface EnterpriseDocumentService
        sid - Session identifier
        docId - The document id
        comment - The check in operation comment
        filename - The document file name
        release - True if this is a new release(e.g.: 2.0) rather than a subversion(e.g.: 1.1)
        docVO - new metadata for the document
        Exception - error in the server or in the database